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BY: Dana Kelly & Angelique Wanek





Instructor: Dr. Tait Chirenje


The quality of air is a factor that affects the health of the planet as well as the organisms 
that live on the planet. Air is something that is all encompassing; however, the quality of air is 
difficult to control. There are various pollutants that when emitted can cause the degradation of 
air quality, and in return threaten human health and the health of the environment. The 
Environmental Protection Agency regulates six main ​criteria pollutants through the United States
including;Nitrogen Oxides (N​O​x ),​ Carbon Monoxide (CO), Sulfur Dioxide (SO₂), Particulate
Matter (PM), Lead (Pb), and Tropospheric Ozone (​O​3 )​ (EPA, 2018). In order to better
understand the air quality of Stockton University, we chose to take air quality samples using two
types of Graywolf probes (TG501 and IQ610) of four test areas of which consisted of; Outdoors
(walkways and the smoking gazebo),The Indoors (Arts and Sciences Building and the United
Science Center), and five cars parked on Campus. We chose to use the data we collected in
collaboration with air quality data of the same locations by students of other semesters of
Environmental Issues, to create box and whisker plots for each test site. Of all the Outdoor
regions tested, the smoking gazebo seemed to display the highest level of Ozone (​O​3 ), ​ as .081
ppm appropriately. This region also had a relatively high concentration of Total Volatile Organic
Compounds (TVOCs). The Arts and Sciences Building also displayed a high concentration of
TVOCs; however, it is believed that this was due to the printing machine present in this
location. Overall, no single area had a highly concerning amount of any given pollutant for the
timeframe they were measured for. 

Table Of Contents
I. Abstract……………………………………………………………….…….Page 2
II. Introduction……………………………………………………………......Page 4
III. Methods………………………………………………………………….…Page 6
IV. Results & Discussion……………………………………………………....Page 7
V. Conclusion………………………………………………………………....Page 11
VI. References………………………………………………………………....Page 13 

Almost all living things need access to air to be able to survive. That being said, air and
the quality of air is a necessity for human wellbeing. Sadly, there are many pollutants that can
contaminate air quality and negatively affect human health. Many of these same pollutants can
negatively impact our planet as well. Many of the pollutants that decrease the quality of air
quality originate from a combination of natural and manmade sources; however, they are made
in a much larger quantity when processed by anthropogenic sources (travel, factories). It was due
to the large quantity of pollution emissions from anthropogenic sources that caused the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to step in. Due to the concern for public safety, the
EPA passed the Clean Air Act in 1940 in order to be able to regulate the creation and emission of
six extremely harmful pollutants (EPA, 2020).This act allowed for the EPA to monitor the
production of the six criteria pollutants for each state within the United States by placing
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for each pollutant (EPA, 2018).The six
criteria pollutants laid out by the EPA are;Nitrogen Oxides (N​O​x ), ​ Carbon Monoxide (CO),
Sulfur Dioxide (SO₂), Particulate Matter (PM), Lead (Pb), and Tropospheric Ozone (​O​3 )​ (EPA,
2018).These pollutants are of special interests to researchers because when found in a significant
concentration, they are very harmful to people and the environment.
To begin, it is important to know the health and impact of each criteria pollutant.
Nitrogen Dioxide (​NO​2​) is a criteria pollutant that comes in several toxic and volatile forms;
henceforth,why it is also referred to as Nitrogen Oxides (N​O​x )​ (EPA, 2019). Sources related to
travel (car,plane,boat) as well industrial production are the largest suppliers of ​ ​Nitrogen Dioxide
(​NO​2​) emissions EPA, 2019).​ ​Prolonged exposure to a low concentration of Nitrogen Dioxide
(​NO​2​) has been reported to cause a spectrum of respiratory issues for people such as; causing
asthma, coughing, wheezing,especially to those with a compromised immune system (EPA,
2019).In relation to the environment, Nitrogen Oxides (N​O​x )​ contribute volatile compounds to
the process of acid rain, which can negatively impact the quality of soil, groundwater, and cause
ocean acidification (EPA, 2019).There is also concern for atmospheric Nitrogen Dioxide(​NO​2​),
for sunlight tends to separate the compound into Nitric Oxide (NO) and an Oxygen (O) molecule
(EPA, 2019). The issue comes into play when harmful Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
that are also present in the atmosphere bind to the Oxygen (O) molecule (EPA,
2019).Accumulation of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere overtime causes
an dramatic expansion of the ozone hole or “bad ozone” (​O​3 )​ (EPA, 2019).
Next, Carbon Dioxide (​CO​2​) is both a colorless and odorless gas, that is also a major
contributor to climate change (EPA, “OGG”, 2020).​ ​Carbon dioxide (​CO​2​) emissions are
produced by natural sources (volcanic eruptions, forest fires), and anthropogenic sources
(factories, cars, boats)​ ​(EPA, “OGG”, 2020). An accumulation of Carbon Dioxide (​CO​2​) in the
atmosphere contributes to warming of the planet, as well as ocean acidification (EPA, “OGG”,
2020. Short term exposure to a high concentration of Carbon Dioxide (​CO​2​) has been recorded to
cause health effects such as; headaches or dizziness; whereas, a prolonged exposure to a low
concentration can cause issues to the processes of the metabolism (TaxTown, 2019).
Similarly, Carbon Monoxide (CO) is another criteria pollutant that is both colorless and
odorless (EPA, “CMPOA” 2019).Similar to Nitrogen Dioxide (​NO​2​), emissions of Carbon
Monoxide (CO) into the environment is mainly related to travel or industrial processes; however,
volcanoes, lightning and forest fire smoke are all natural sources of Carbon Monoxide (CO)

(EPA, “CMPOA” 2019).What most people do not realize is that they can be exposed to Carbon
Monoxide (CO) overtime due to the presence of gas stoves, furnaces and chimneys in their
homes. The sad truth is that most people do not realize this fact until they have been affected
healthwise for the long term, which is why this pollutant is often called a “silent killer” (EPA,
“CMPOA” 2019).Exposure to Carbon Monoxide (CO) may cause a variety of affects such as
“...dizziness, confusion or sudden death”, to persons of all ages (EPA, “CMPOA” 2019).Carbon
Monoxide (CO) is also a greenhouse gas, of which the accumulation of contributes to climate
change (EPA, “CMPOA” 2019).
Similarly to Carbon Monoxide (CO), Hydrogen Sulfide (​H₂S) i​ s a colorless gas; however
it has an odor than only a portion of the population can smell (EPA, 2016).Hydrogen Sulfide
(​H₂S)​ emissions have both natural (volcanic gases, crude petroleum,natural gas), and
anthropogenic sources (travel and factory production) (EPA, 2016).Researchers have reported
that long-term exposure to a low concentration of Hydrogen Sulfide (​H₂S)​ can cause “...eye
irritation, headaches and fatigue”; whereas exposure to a high concentration can cause sudden
death​ ​(EPA, 2016).When in the atmosphere or in the soil Hydrogen Sulfide (​H₂S) w ​ ill break
down into Sulfur Oxides (S​O​x )​ which are also volatile (EPA, 2016).
Next, Sulfur Dioxide(SO₂) is the most harmful form of Sulfur Oxides (S​Ox​ )​ (EPA,
“SDP” 2019).This criteria pollutant is mainly produced through anthropogenic processes;
however, similar to Carbon Monoxide (CO), volcanoes can also create an influx of Sulfur Oxides
(SOx) (EPA, “SDP” 2019).This worries researchers because during large volcanic eruptions, an
influx of Sulfur Oxides (S​Ox​ )​ can be released to the atmosphere and bond to other compounds
and form Particulate Matter (PM), as well as a component in acid rain (EPA, “SDP” 2019).
Particulate Matter (PM) is often described as “...combination of solid particles (dust, soot) and
liquid droplets, found in the air”, so Particulate Matter (PM) can come in any size/shape, and
tends to be naked to the eye (EPA, “PMP” 2020).This criteria pollutant is very harmful to
people because once it is inhaled, it can cause issues to one’s respiratory system and potentially
enter the bloodstream (EPA, “PMP” 2020).
Then, the Tropospheric Ozone layer is a “bad” form of ozone (​O​3 ​), and is a byproduct of
anthropogenic sources (travel, industrial) (EPA, “GLOP” 2020).This ozone layer is formed when
Oxygen (O) atoms combine with harmful elements such as Nitric Oxide(N​O​x )​ or Sulfur Oxide
(S​O​x )​ to form Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) (EPA, “GLOP” 2020).The Tropospheric
Ozone layer traps all of these greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and is a reflection of the
impact that constant man made emissions of pollutants that have been created (EPA, “GLOP”
2020). The Tropospheric Ozone layer (​O​3 ​) has a negative impact on human health and the
environment because this layer is able to disperse and cluster harmful VOCs over different
regions (EPA, “GLOP” 2020).Tropospheric Ozone (​O3​ )​ has been recorded to have caused
respiratory issues in people (especially immunocompromised individuals), and withering of
commercial crops (EPA, “GLOP” 2020).
Also, the criteria pollutant Lead (Pb) is perhaps the most concentrated and most
dangerous component of all pollutants previously mentioned (EPA, “LAP” 2019).The reasoning
for the high concentration of Lead (Pb) was that before it’s ban in 1996 was incorporated in
gasoline (EPA, “LAP” 2019). Lead (Pb) is known to cause serious health issues relating to “...
the nervous system, kidney function, immune system, as well as impacting the ability of blood
cells to carry oxygen to the rest of the body”(EPA, “LAP” 2019).Research has also shown that
Lead (Pb) can cause similar respiratory issues in animals as well. Lead (Pb) can also accumulate

in soil overtime, which not only kills plants and stunt their growth, but also runoff during storms
and accumulate in waterways, killing fish and other wildlife (EPA, “LAP” 2019).
We used Graywolf IQ and and TG probes to evaluate just how much air quality varies per
different locations including; inside of cars, around buildings, and inside of buildings on the
Campus of Stockton University. We chose to focus on Volatile Organic Compounds ( VOCs),
Carbon Dioxide (​CO​2​), and Hydrogen Sulfide (​H₂S) f​ or all sites of interests. This is done in a
similar matter of which A.P. Jones monitored air quality parameters inside several deteriorating
buildings to better define the term of a concept known as Sick Building Syndrome (SDS) of
which causes harmful health effects to residents of said buildings have​ ​(Jones, 1999).Through
continuous and long term monitoring this researcher was able to test for pollutants within these
buildings such as VOCs and Radon (Jones, 1999).We also evaluated the air quality of New
Jersey as a whole by evaluating accumulated yearly averages of Carbon Monoxide (CO), Ozone
(​O​3 ​), and Particulate Matter (PM).

To create this report, first air quality measurements were taken using a Gray Wolf
indoor/outdoor air quality sensor with TG501 and IQ610 probes. Readings were taken in
intervals that consisted of about five minutes at a time, in order for the sensor probes to collect
data for each parameter, for each location. The data collected from these probes was then
transferred from the probes directly into an Excel sheet for categories including; location name,
data and time intervals, air pollutants measured, and temperature conditions. The database used
for this laboratory procedure consisted of several years of air quality data for sites around
Stockton University, by several previous years of Environmental Issues students. By having this
database, it allowed for a comprehensive record of air quality parameters for several sites to be
compared and analyzed with each other. For this report, we have chosen to focus on the
following test areas:
Arts & Sciences Building (A&S):​ This area includes data from the hydrology lab, two
seperate lobby readings, and the printing lab.
Unified Science Center (USC):​ This area includes data from the hallway, two readings of
USC room 213, and a reading of USC room 232.
Cars:​ This area includes data from a 2008 Toyota Yaris, VW Jetta (running), 2002 Nissan
Xterra, 2015 Toyota Camry, and 2013 Hyundai Elantra.
Outdoors: ​This area includes data from a walk from A&S to USC, a general outdoor area,
and a smoking gazebo.

In order to further analyze the large amount of data collected; all air pollutant
concentrations logged during one time at each site were averaged to one value, and then even
further all air pollutant concentrations were averaged out for each area as a whole, despite the
previous time intervals.This data was then analyzed to best determine overall trends, important
considerations, and other notable aspects; bar and box and whisker charts were created in
Microsoft Excel to represent these factors accordingly.With considerations of the small data set
generated by readings of only a few minutes, air quality data for South Jersey was sourced from
Airnow. Using their Air Quality Index maps and reports, a timelapse of air quality was created
and used to better display these factors.


The average concentrations of air pollutants within the four test areas; Arts & Sciences
Building (A &S), Unified Science Center (USC), Cars, and Outdoors (walkways and the
smoking gazebo), can be summarized through ​Figure 1​. For all sites, we were mainly concerned
with the concentrations for the following air pollutants; Sulfur Dioxide (SO₂), Hydrogen Sulfide
(​H₂S)​, Nitrogen Dioxide (​NO​2​), Ozone (O3) and Ammonia (​ NH​3​)​.For instance, Sulfur dioxide
(SO₂) had a very low average concentration of zero parts per million (ppm), over all four sites.
Similarly, Nitrogen dioxide (​NO​2​), Ozone (O3) and Ammonia​(NH​3​)​ were consistent at a very low
concentration for all test areas as well. Please note that while Hydrogen Sulfide (​H₂S)​ is not
represented in​ Figure 1​, it too remained at a very low concentration for all test areas.

Figure 1. The concentration of all air pollutants of interests for each test site located on Stockton University

It should be noted that even though most of the air pollutants seem to be in a consistently
low concentration throughout all sites, does not mean that are harmless to human health or the
environment. For instance, Sulfur dioxide (SO2) may have been absent from all readings but if it
raised from 0ppm to only .5ppm, it would already be at a level that the ​National Ambient Air
Quality Standards​ (NAAQS) prohibit more than once a year. Following that same thought,
according to NAAQS, Ozone (​O​3 ​) measured for eight hours should reach 0.070ppm only as the
“annual fourth-highest daily maximum 8-hour concentration, averaged over 3 years (EPA).”

Table 1: Average Ozone​(​O​3 ​)​ Concentrations Throughout All Sample Areas

Looking over ​Table 1​, the areas that had the highest ozone
(​O​3 )​ levels were the Outdoors and the Cars. Within those
areas, the Smoking Gazebo within Outdoor region read an
average of .081 ppm, classifying as the highest recorded
average. Studies find connections between ozone (​O​3 ​) and
cigarette/general smoke, suggesting that that’s most likely

the cause for the high ppm. ​(Shephard, Urch, Silverman, & Corey, 1983)
As mentioned previously, Ozone (​O​3 )​ is formed by pollutants chemically reacting in the
presence of sunlight; these pollutants can be emitted from cars, power plants, industrial boilers,
refineries, chemical plants, and other sources. The way ozone (​O​3 )​ forms may be responsible for
these high readings. While .07 ppm of ozone (​O​3 )​ raises flags under the NAAQS, that’s only
with the applicable eight hour test and average three years(​SCDHEC).
The regions that constitute as ‘Outdoors’ were all located within Stockton University’s
campus, which maintains several parking lots that remain mostly full throughout the entire
school day. Out of the five cars chosen for this study, the running Volkswagen ended up having
the highest average Ozone (​O​3 )​ concentration (ppm). The fact that readings were taken during an
active school day, when many cars were present and producing pollutants, may have affected the
readings taken for the Outdoors.
As previously mentioned, Nitrogen Dioxide (​NO​2​),Ammonia (​ NH​3​)​, and Hydrogen
Sulfide (​H₂S)​ are pollutants that can be significantly damaging to the human health; however,
the levels at which that is true are significantly above that of the numbers picked up by the
readings at each test region of interest.
When it comes to the total volatile organic compound (TVOC) concentrations, two test
areas showed notable ranges: A&S and Outdoors. Looking at ​Figure 2​, the box and whisker
charts display the disparity of the highest TVOC concentrations from the average TVOC
concentrations for both test sites.

Figure 2. The average and standard deviation for Total Volatile Organic Compounds ( TVOC’s) for both the
Art and Sciences building (A &S) and the Outdoor regions

For reference, VOCs ​are emitted as gases from specific solids or liquids; such as paints,
varnishes, wax, and many cleaning, disinfecting, cosmetic, degreasing and hobby products.
They include a variety of chemicals, some of which may have short- and long-term adverse
health effects. According to the EPA, “Concentrations of many VOCs are consistently higher
indoors (up to ten times higher) than outdoors (WAVORC, 2019). ​Figure 2 ​does look at outdoor
areas, solely to be able to discuss the disparity. All readings for the Arts and Sciences building
(A&S) occurred indoors; however, it has an average TVOC concentration more than five times
higher than the Outdoors average. Of all the areas tested, Cars had the second highest average
TVOC concentration, and all five cars had a very similar concentration.This is most likely due to
the fact that cars release VOCs as they burn fuel and the car interior produces VOCs as well.
For outdoor areas, the smoking gazebo had the highest level of VOCs. The general
outdoor area and walk from A&S to USC both had concentrations of TVOCs of <10 ppb , while
the smoking area had a concentration of 35.53 ppb. Large amounts of VOCs are produced during
the burning of cigarettes; a ​significant portion of the increased risk of cancer and respiratory
disease from exposure to cigarette smoke is attributed to VOCs ​(Pazo, 2017).
This is the second example within this report that exhibits the smoking gazebo
maintaining low air quality despite it’s outdoor location. ​Both of these situations can be
explained through science done about smoking, as mentioned. However, the implications are
high. If cigarette smoking can affect an entire gazebo, larger factory-scale air pollution looks
much more daunting. The outdoor air quality, throughout the data, maintains lower numbers of
pollutants compared to indoors everywhere but at the smoking gazebo. It stands as an example of
how easily air quality can be affected by just a few actions and individuals.
In A&S, all TVOC concentrations aside from those from the printing room range from
8-48ppb. The printing room had a TVOC concentration average of 657.90. As mentioned above,
VOCs come from many chemicals and chemicals involved in printing are on that list.
Continuing with areas showing notable range, in regards to Carbon Dioxide (​CO​2​),we
chose to focus on two test sites: the USC and the five cars ​(Figure 3)​. Man-made sources of

Carbon Dioxide (​CO​2​) come partly from the burning of fossil fuels for transport use and power

​ Figure 3. Average concentration and standard deviation for Carbon Dioxide ​(​CO​2​)​ values for both the
United Science Center (USC) and the combined Cars.

Looking at cars specifically, there’s two numbers that stand out:

The 2015 Toyota Camry: average ​Carbon Dioxide (​CO​2​) ​concentration of 733.45ppm
The 2013 Hyundai Elantra: average ​Carbon Dioxide (​CO​2​)​ concentration of 484.4ppm
The other three cars have average ​Carbon Dioxide (​CO​2​) ​concentrations ​<​400ppm. CO2 is
notorious for its effects surrounding climate change; a warm climate is more sensitive to changes
in Carbon Dioxide ​(C ​ O​2​)​ (WCMSCCD, 2016).  
When looking at the temperatures in New Jersey the day the air quality readings were
taken, there’s a correlation between higher temperatures and higher ​Carbon Dioxide (​CO​2​)​ levels.
The two cars with the highest Carbon Dioxide ​(C ​ O​2​) levels had their air quality testings done on
days that were about 30F warmer than the days the air quality testings were done on the other
On warmer days, the temperature of the interior of a car typically rises above the
temperature outside. This is known as the greenhouse effect. Sunlight enters the car in the visible
part of the spectrum and is absorbed by the interior, which then heats up. The interior re-radiates
more sunlight, and water vapor and Carbon Dioxide ​(C ​ O​2​)​ absorb the re-radiated energy,
trapping the heat in the car (WCMSCCD, 2016).
The larger scale of the greenhouse effect is prominent throughout the entire planet. Like
in the interior of a hot car, the Carbon Dioxide ​(C ​ O​2​).​ in the atmosphere behaves similarly and
traps heat.
Out of all test areas, the United Science Center (USC) had the highest average
concentration of Carbon Dioxide ​(C ​ O​2​) ​raining in at 645.60 ppm. In comparison, all other test
areas had an average Carbon Dioxide ​(C ​ O​2​) ​concentration of <500ppm. ​Figure 3 ​shows this
derivation from the average concentration of Carbon Dioxide ​(C ​ O​2​)​.

One note to make about the USC test area is that it does include a reading of one room
over the span of two hours in one day, while most areas have different places on different dates.
However, in the span of an hour, the Carbon Dioxide ​(C ​ O​2​) ​had gone up by nearly 100ppm. This
is getting mentioned just to signify that short readings are not indicative of overall air health, and
can only suggest potential trends. That being said, all readings for all other test areas are solely a
snapshot of air quality for that region and may account for the difference in the results of data
In comparison to our report, typical air quality parameters are often taken in a region for
an extended time period in order to get accurate measurements for that region.The Air Quality
Index (AQI) shows pollution in the area and runs in daily or eight hour intervals, creating
averages that are used to assure standards and monitor if emissions are occuring outside these
standards. To display this, ​Figure 4 ​shows Daily AQI maps for South Jersey over a three day
span. Yellow highlights represent moderate air quality and green represents good air quality.
From August 3-4 2018 the average AQI remained green throughout, while on the 5th of August
2018 a majority of the area became moderate.
Figure 4:

4​ is an

example of a proper method used to determine air quality for a region; however, a three day
span of pollutant reading still doesn’t provide New Jersey’s full air quality.
According to NJDEP, “​New Jersey’s level has never exceeded an AQI of 200 – the purple color
on the chart* – and has rarely been over 150 – the red* color on the chart.”
* The red color is a level above the yellow, representing unhealthy air for sensitive
groups. Purple is a level more polluted than that.​ ​(Clean Air NJ).Most often the AQI rises
to that of the red portion of the scale over the summer in New Jersey due to an influx
population surrounding mainly the beaches and coastlines.

Air quality conditions affect the quality of life everyday for humans, whether they are
aware of that fact or not.The Clean Air Act, first established in 1940, allows for the EPA to
monitor the six criteria pollutants within each state. All of the criteria pollutants; Nitrogen
Oxides ​(N​O​x )​​ , Carbon Monoxide (CO), Sulfur Dioxide ​(SO₂)​, Particulate Matter (PM), Lead
(Pb), and Tropospheric Ozone ​(O ​ ​3 )​​ (EPA, 2018),​ have adverse health and environmental effects
at given levels.
By manipulating the data of air quality measurements initially taken from a Gray Wolf
indoor/outdoor air quality sensor with TG501 and IQ610 probes, we were able to determine the
quality of air between several different test sites. For the purpose of our research we focused on
Outdoor regions (smoking gazebo and walkways), five Car interiors, and Inside areas consisting
of the: Arts and Sciences building (A&S) and United Science Center (USC).Overall, no area had
a highly concerning amount of any given pollutant for the timeframe they were measured for.
All test areas generally had low levels of ​Sulfur Dioxide ​(SO₂)​, ​Hydrogen Sulfide (​H₂S)​,
Ammonia ​ (NH​3​)​, ​Nitrogen Oxides ​(N​O​x )​​ , and Ozone ​(O ​ ​3 )​​ .​Ozone (​O​3 )​ only has a .07ppm
concentration allowable by NAAQS as the “annual fourth-highest daily maximum 8-hour
concentration, averaged over 3 years.” (EPA) While the levels were low, some were above .07
Out of all outdoor regions, the smoking gazebo had the highest concentration of Ozone
(​O​3 ​), with a concentration of .081 ppm. This region also had a high concentration of TVOCs and;
therefore, was a major factor to the average overall outdoor area concentration of TVOCs being
so high. Both instances could be explained with cigarette smoke, as it’s known to contain VOCs,
affect ozone (​O​3 ), ​ and have often dangerous implications. TVOCs were found to be specifically
high in the Arts and Sciences building (A &S) as well which was attributed to the printing done
in a room.
Carbon Dioxide​(C ​ O​2​) ​was found at the lowest level outdoors, but displayed the
greenhouse effect in cars.​ ​The five cars contained two of which had higher concentrations of
Carbon Dioxide​(C ​ O​2​) ​; those two cars measurements were taken on days where it was found to
be over twenty degrees F hotter.
To accurately account for the fact that our measurements were based off of small
intervals, we also looked at air quality standards for South Jersey as a whole (​Figure 4)​. ​Figure
4 ​displays how even over a few days air quality can look different. However, the three days
shown in this figure did still suggest a trend, as they only had green and white markings
indicating good/moderate air quality. New Jersey rarely ever has air quality lower than moderate,

or higher than 100 points, but in those instances, New Jersey has never had an air quality of
above 150 points(CleanAirNJ).
Overall, indoor and outdoor air quality can never, in general, be worse or better. The data
displayed positives and negatives for both types; outdoor air quality can easily be affected by
heavy traffic, smoke from cigarettes or larger level establishments, and weather. Indoor air
quality can be affected by ventilation, behavior in the room, and the same things outdoor air
quality can be affected by. Cars, overall, have low Carbon Dioxide​(C ​ O​2​) ​concentrations unless
it’s hot out. VOCs indoors only increase significantly when using applicable
chemicals/materials; or outside with cigarette smoke or other applicable chemicals/materials.
From place to place, which is worse or better at the moment in reference to indoor or outdoor air
quality will always change.


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