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Teaira Smith Smith 1

Professor Whitener

English 102-2DA

11 February 2021

The World of Witchcraft and Christianity

We live in a world of all forms of religious, and spiritual practices. Witchcraft is

considered to be devil worship to the Christian and Catholic community. In my opinion the

Christian and Catholic community is just afraid of the unknown. The world of witchcraft is such

a broad subject, that there is a plethora of different forms of the craft and practices within

witchcraft. If one who is a part of the Christian or catholic community were to research and

really dig into what witchcraft is all about, they would not automatically label it as devil worship

or satanic believers.

The modern day witches and spiritualists are rapidly growing, and is becoming more and more

common and accepted. There are certain practices of wicca and Witchcraft that are used in the

churches and have always been used, they just call it a different thing. An example would be

praying. In the church one will pray to their God and ask for blessings, or forgiveness of their

sins, or simply to ask for guidance. In the practice of witchcraft, they do the same thing. Instead

of calling it praying, it is just manifesting, or they will talk to their spirit guides, or the God that

they believe in if they were to believe in one. Many believers of God will say that witchcraft is a

bad thing as I stated earlier, according to Catherine Sanders, “Many Wiccans say that Wicca is

harmless and nature-loving — that it has nothing to do with evil, Satanism and dark forces. But

that is exactly what Satan wants them to believe! Intent on deceit” (Catherine Sanders, The
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Hidden Traps of Wicca). Many people who practice witchcraft are only in for the sheer reason to

spread positivity and help others and Mother Earth. This specific magic is called white magic

corresponding with the white light of the world. Of course, there is a few who practice dark

magic, but it is not to hurt people and rule the world as one might think, it is to be closer and

more involved in the spirit realm and to work with deities to connect on another level. In my

opinion people who work with dark magic are chosen to work with dark magic. Unlike white or

green witches it is a choice because you do not exactly have to work with deities to get your

spells to work.

Christians and Catholics who are against this practice believe that we all should believe

in their God. I believe that there is one “God”, people from all walks of life just call it different

things and they go about it in a different way, and that is okay, it is very valid. I do not think it is

a good thing to force your religion on anyone, and Christians specifically are just about the only

ones who does that. In the article, The Hidden traps of Wicca they state that, “Wiccans are also

right to care for and appreciate nature. But they go too far when they start worshiping it. Jesus

tells His followers in the Gospel of Luke, “Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only”

(Luke 4:8). Creation is merely a reflection of His glory and is not to be worshiped”, (Catherine

Sanders). I personally find it highly offensive for a person to degrade you for not believing in the

religion that YOU follow.

Switching subjects briefly, Witchcraft is a strong symbol for woman empowerment.

When you look back into the history of witches all the way back to the Salem witch trials, men

were just afraid of women having more power than they did. Also, their methods of trying to find
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out if they were witches was extremely sloppy. An example, “put her in a box and throw her in

the river if she floats, she is a witch and we burn her at the stake, but if she sinks and drowns, she

is not a witch”. So, either way they were just killing women just because they could. Men feared

women and the power that we hold whether it is witchcraft or simply the way we can literally

create a life and put it out into the world.

To conclude this rhetoric, Christianity and Catholicism disagree with witchcraft and

spiritual people but honestly it is all the same thing if one does not think so two dimensional. It is

not devil worship nor does it have to deal with Satan at all in most forms. The forcefulness that

Christians push onto others that do not believe in there religion is very unacceptable and should

be stopped.
Works Cited

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