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Through this writing, it seeks to explain many of the diseases that man can obtain through
the environment in which he is located, be it work, family, education, among others. As you
can see, in many of these cases diseases are caused by different pictures, which can be
stress or tiredness.
In this writing we want to give example of these cases in which man presents these diseases
and what are the possible remedies to cure them. Below are 4 cases of everyday life where
this situation is reflected.
In the first case, we have Camila, a nurse who works in the city hospital, and who from
time to time has been suffering from severe muscle aches due to many of the activities she
performs in her work. Usually when she is attacked these pains she is massaged with
anarchic and sometimes takes chamomile with lemon to relax.
Jhonnier is a worked who every day must perform activities related to raising or
manipulating all kinds of weight, almost always comes home tired and with back pain, to
relieve his pain, his wife gives him to take a pill of metacarbamol and does a massage that
relaxes him and can help with his pain.
Mariana is a 9-year-old girl who on the weekend decided to go to her grandparents' house
to visit them, during her stay there were certain rains, which led Mariana to want to enjoy a
little and bathe with her cousins in the rain, the next day when she returned home she began
to feel bad and give her a cold Her mother, seeing her in those conditions, decided to give
her a hot drink, bought a myetherte, similarly gave her to have a spoonful of a home
remedy she prepared, which was shady, red onion and honey.
Andrea decided to go out with her friends to celebrate her birthday, so, they went to a fast
food stall to eat salchipapa, during the meal they enjoyed and had a pleasant time, when she
arrived home, she felt a severe stomachache, so, she decided to take some baking soda with
lemon, by spending an hour and continuing with the pain made a shot of chamomile with a
point of salt , although it improved a little still followed the pain, so she decides to call the
pharmacy and order some medicine to help her with the pain. In that case you were
recommended to take heterogermin.


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