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Samson, Babylyn O.


Assignment in Arnis

1. Who invented and founder of Arnis?
 The origin of arnis are difficult to trace, it was developed by the indigenous
populations of the Philippines, who used an assorted range of weaponry
for combat and self-defense. Until, Grandmaster Remy Amador Presas
who is known as the Filipino arnis master and founder of modern arnis.

2. What are the 3 aspect of Arnis?

 “espada y daga” (sword and dagger), which employs a long blade and
short dagger;
 “solo baston” (single stick);
 “sinawali” (to weave), which uses two sticks of equal length twirled in
“weaving” fashion for blocking and striking (term is derived from sawali,
the bamboo matting woven in the Philippines).

3. What are the types of Arnis?

Arnis generally takes one of two forms:
 The performance-based anyo model or the combative laban. Anyo
competitions are judged on the basis of the overall choreography of the
performances, including the gracefulness, strength and force employed.
Meanwhile, the laban form tests participants’ agility and reactions, as
competitions are judged based on the number of strikes inflicted. Although
most leban competitions exclude body contact, such as grappling, blocks
and disarming an opponent using the hands or feet, there are some
exceptions where full contact is permitted.

4. Why is called Arnis?

 The word “Arnis” which was derived a form of the term “Arnes” refers to
the attractive harnesses utilized by the actors of the moro-moro stage
displays. “De mano” just means “hands.” Arnis de Mano is, therefore, a
literal translation of the phrase ‘harness of hand.' Arnis, came about
because of this attempt to keep Filipino culture alive.
5. What is the highest level in Arnis?
 Black Belt 10th Degree is the highest possible rank in Arnis.

6. What is the most important equipment of Arnis?

 Arnis stick is the most important equipment, the game is played by using
prescribed padded stick in delivering artistic and legal blows, strikes,
thrusts, and disarming the opponent to gain scores.


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