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Love Systems Insider

Date: March 1, 2010

In this issue...

 Direct vs. Indirect

 Why it usually doesn't matter
 But when it does matter...
 Keep up to date
IMPORTANT: A better way to learn Magic Bullets

When do you use an "indirect" opener? When do you "go direct?"

Direct does not hide your interest in her. E.g., "Hi, you look interesting. My name is
XXX." (Nothing special about this opener; it's just a quick example)

Indirect is where you hide your interest in her at first. Instead, you start the
conversation with a pretext. E.g. "Hey, we need you to settle an argument. Do drunk "I
love you's" count?"

And the winner is...


Why it Doesn't Matter

The simple reason is that 10-20 minutes after meeting her, you should be in the same
place in the conversation whether you started Direct or Indirect.

(That "place," by the way, is one where you both should be feeling attracted/curious
about each other. The next step after that is to SOLIDIFY that attraction through
something we call Qualification. Women FEEL attracted all the time; a lot of what we do
in Qualification or Comfort is making her want to ACT on that attraction.)

The more detailed explanation is that an "Indirect" opener has both less risk and less
reward than a "direct" opener.
A direct opener puts it all on the line. It shows that you are at least a little bit interested
in her. If she doesn't reject you right away, then she is accepting the FRAME that this
conversation has a romantic/sexual interaction. If that frame is established, then of
course it's normal for you and her to talk and get to know each other.

An indirect opener has less risk and less reward. Most women will answer a question
like "drunk I Love You's" above. But unlike a direct opener, the mere fact that she stays
in the conversation does NOT establish the frame as romantic/sexual. In fact, it does
not establish a conversation at all. She would normally expect the conversation to be
over once she answers your question.

To put yourself in her shoes, imagine walking down the street and a random woman
(not one you are immediately attracted to) asks you for directions. You'd probably think
the conversation was over after you gave her directions, and it would be weird if she
followed up by asking your name and where you're from.

That's why Love Systems came up with the concept of Transitioning. A transition turns
a single-subject conversation into a normal conversation. There are a few different kinds
of transitions that I describe in my book, the Magic Bullets Handbook, but my favorite is
the Cold Read. This is where you "spontaneously" notice something about her, cutting
her off in mid-response, and changing the frame of the conversation. E.g.,

"You look like you're a schoolteacher"

"Are you a tourist?"
"You're an artist of some sort, aren't you?"

It doesn't matter whether you are "right" or not. The point is 1) to extend the
conversation to a new topic before the old one runs out, and 2) to change the nature of
the conversation for her, from "some guy asked my opinion on X" to "chatting with this

For more on how to use Cold Reads in Transitioning, Attraction, Qualification, and
Comfort (they're amazing to have when you can't think of something else to say to keep
the conversation going), Love Systems veteran The Don and I put something together
on this. Click the link below to start playing (no charge) - the full thing is $39.97:

Now, back to our original topic. As you can see, the transition puts you at the exact
same point as if you'd started with a direct opener. In other words:

Direct Opener ˜ Indirect Opener + Transition

So again, it doesn't really matter.

But what if it DOES matter?

All that being said, SOMETIMES it is better to be either direct or indirect. But the most
important factor is probably NOT what you're thinking. It's got nothing to do with her or
the situation. It has everything to do with you and what you find most comfortable.

For example, I tend to use indirect openers most of the time. When I was learning
game, I had a lot of approach anxiety, so I much preferred indirect openers. I relied on
them and got very good at using them.

For me, a direct opener is like "game on" from the first second. Whereas I prefer to be in
a bit more control, starting with indirect, and then picking the right moment in the first
couple minutes to turn the switch and make it a more obvious pickup. I like to use the
minute or so it takes to get through the opener to figure out where I'm going to move her
to, to watch her friends' body language, and a million other things that let me plan

I'm still pretty darn good at Direct Game of course, and will use it once in a while, but my
default is always indirect.

In contrast, some of the best guys in the world, like Braddock (voted the #2 PUA in the
world last year) or Future (#3) seem to use a lot more direct game. And of course their
results and successes speak for themselves. They'd be just as good using indirect
openers, but they have a preference and style that fits direct really well.

So...the next time a know-it-all tries to tell you that you have to go direct here or indirect
there, tell them to stuff it. They're not helping you. Either can work, and it doesn't really
That being said, if you're equally comfortable in both and you're the type that likes to
play the percentages, in some situations, it can be SLIGHTLY better to be indirect or
direct. None of these factors are as important as your comfort, but if you genuinely don't
care and want to maximize your chances, this checklist might help:

 She's alone: MORE DIRECT

 It's the daytime: MORE DIRECT

 You have approach anxiety: MORE INDIRECT

 You're approaching a group of women and you don't know which one you're
interested in yet: MORE INDIRECT

 It's really loud or distracting where you are: MORE DIRECT

 You want to give your wingmen the best chance with her friends: MORE

 Your body language and non-verbal communication is good (see Beyond Words
for examples): MORE DIRECT

 You have to go out of your way to approach her and she is going to notice this:

 She is in a mixed group (men and women): MORE INDIRECT

 Etc...

Again, none of those reasons are more important than your own comfort. So use what
you like.

Keep up to date!

If you haven't got twitter yet, this is a perfect reason to start. I usually tweet a couple of
bite-sized pieces of dating advice every day. Follow me at:
Plus, I'm on Facebook a lot more these days. I'm going to be posting some videos and
advice there that won't be anywhere else, and I'm also pretty good at answering short
dating advice questions there. So let's make friends...

Important - a better way to learn Magic Bullets

The Magic Bullets Handbook is an award-winning eBook and the "bible" of dating and
seduction for men today. It's been translated into more languages than I can count, and
it seems that not a week goes by that a major publisher doesn't want to put it in

(I've always refused. Magic Bullets has always been my baby and I don't want some
publisher dumbing it down for the mainstream.)

We first released Magic Bullets as an eBook because there was so much demand for it
and it was the quickest way to get it to out to people. And a lot of people like it as an
eBook - it's easy to print, view on your computer, transfer to a smartphone, whatever.

But if you're a bit old-fashioned like me, you like paper books. You like to be able to
make notes. You like to have something physical to carry around with you that doesn't
need software.

So I wanted to let you know about some other, paper, options for learning the
fundamentals of dating science.

Get the Magic Bullets Handbook as a paperback on our Love Systems eBay store:


Nick Savoy

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