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(Check boxes that apply, read the references, & decide what to do)
Potential Hazards
Job safety Analysis Process Flowchart
Hazardous Substances (SPM 7.2) W ork C rew W o rk R esp on sib le P erson P erso n in C harge
Hazardous Atmosphere (SPM 4.9) Overhead (SPM 4.10)
Confined Space (SOP-404) Working at Height (SPM 4.10)
Working in Noisy Area (SPM4.6) Diving Operations (SPM 9.8) Star t
Environmental Impact (SPM 17.0) Machinery/Moving Objects
(SPM 8.4 & SOP-403)
Arc/Flash (SPM 4.7)
Heat Stress (SPM 7.6)
Radiation Work (SPM 7.4)
Power/Hand Tools (SPM 8.4) Pr ep a r e JSA Pr e pa r e JSA No
Ignition Source (SPM 5.3) Is JS A
Fire/Explosion (SPM 5.0 & 9.0) R e qu ir ed
Pressure (use permit to work system)
Slips/Trips/Falls (SPM 8.1)
Lifting Plan Required (SOP-406 & -504) Y es
Pinch Points (SPM 8.2 & 8.4) R evie w JS A w it PIC
Manual Handling (SPM4 4.8, 8.2 & 8.4)
Hot Surfaces (SPM 8.4)
Additional Workers (SOP-401) P
Adequate Lighting (SID 12.4) D iscu ss w ith W R
Over-the-side work (SOP-506)
Excavations (SOP-405)
Bees/Snake Attack (SPM 7,6)
Hazard Controls Safety Equipment Required R evie w JSA

E ffe ct C ha ng e Effe ct C ha ng e
Goggles (SPM 4.7) Hand Protection (SPM 4.8) Chemical Gloves (read MSDS) Chemical Apron (read MSDS) Work Vest/Life Jacket (SPM 16) Fulls Body Harness (SPM 4.10) Life
s Line (SPMYes4.10) No

ade (SPM 8.1) Respirator (SPM 4.9, SOP 404) Fire Retardant Tarps (SOP-402) Hearing Protection (SPM 4.6) Spill Control (contact HES) C h an g es r eq uir e d
shers (SPM 6.2) Others (specify)
R e vie w fin al JS w ith W orA k cre w
R evie w JSA a t T o ol bo x talk

Accep t JSA

Sig n r e ve r se of GW P that Job taskarnd

e co nd itio n a
u n de r sto od
C om m e nce tas

SPM – Safe Practices Manual SID – Safety in Designs Manual

SOP – Standard Operating Procedure
GWP Number Work Location Completed By Discussed At Toolbox Talk on (date)
EGTL SITE , ESCRAVOS Ajith Singh.B By (name) initial

Describe work to be Performed

Installation of Crawler Crane

Task Hazard Controls Responsibilities

Detail the steps involved in doing What could go wrong and what would the How can the hazard be prevented Who is going to take action
the job effect be?
Inspection of worksite Slip, Trip and Fall. Remove all waste materials from the work Work Supervisor, Foreman
site. arrange the materials in good fashion
Manuel handling of materials Pinch Points, Waist pain Follow good mauel handling technique Work Supervisor, Foreman
Required PPE must be used during
material handling
Lifting of Boom with the crane Struck by mobile equipment Lifting area should be cordoned off to Work Supervisor, Foreman
Equipment tipping over due to unlevelled avoid unauthorized movement. Operator and Rigger
ground surface . Out rigger should be exteneded in firm
Struck by the lifting load and level ground.
Crushing by the counter weight Trained rigger should control the
suspended load by using tag line.
Trained and competent operator should
operate the crane.

Lifting and installation of crawler Heavy object, avoid line of fire Work Supervisor, Foreman
suspended load do not work under suspended load Operator and Rigger
line of fire ensure that tag lines are used to direct
damaged slings and lifting gears and position the crawler.
Struck by the Swinging boom ensure lifting plan is discussed and
Only qualified and certified riggers to be
used during lifting and positioning .
inspect all rigging equipment.
use signal man with reflector jacket.
adequate and smooth communication
between rigger, signal man and crane
operator mst be ensured throughout the
Tightening,grinding and fixing of Pinch Point, Heavy object, Airborn Use proper hand gloves, faceshield. clean Work Supervisor, Foreman
plates. particles, slip,trip and fall. Electrical the work area if there any oil spill or
shock grease to avoid slipping and tripping
Check all the hand and power tools
before use.
Working on Noisy and heat stress Heat stress, Noise Drink enough cold water, use hearing Work Supervisor, Foreman
area protection all the time while on noisy zone
Working on height to assemble the Fall from height, dropping object, Entangle Full body harness to be used while Work Supervisor, Foreman
booms. between the mechanical structure. working above 1.8 m from the groung and
100% tie off procedure to be followed.
Secure the area where the chance of
falling objects are high.
Always position your body in safe
distance to avoid entanglement between
the mechnical structure.

Arranging of materials Trip and fall All unnecessary materials should be Work Supervisor, Foreman
Do good housekeeping

Can all personnel in the group answer YES to all the following questions
Have all the significant hazards involved with the work been identified? Yes/No Has everyone on site been issued with appropriate PPE? Yes/No
Have control measures been identified for these hazards & implemented? Yes/No Are we aware of what everyone else is doing at the work-site? Yes/No
Has the method of communication been agreed and tested? Yes/No Does everyone know that any changes to the work plan have to be communicated to Yes/No
everyone involved in the work?

Is everyone aware of what is being done at the work-site? Yes/No Does everyone know that anyone new to the job should be given this JSA for review and Yes/No
any questions answered prior to joining in on the work

PIC Signature: WRP Signature:

Date: Date:
If the answer to any of these questions is NO, then the safety of people is at risk and additional action is required as to why the answer is NO

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