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Role of HMB in cancer cachexia

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Journal of Nutritional Oncology, February 15, 2019, Volume 4, Number 1 ·1 ·

Role of β-Hydroxy β-Methylbutyrate (HMB) in Cancer Cachexia/

Hana Ajouz1, Amaury Martinez Garcia2, Adrian Barbul3*
1Department of Surgery, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY 1001657; 2Department of Surgery, Bronx Lebanon
Hospital, Bronx, NY 10457; 3Department of Surgery, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and the Tennessee Valley Healthcare
System, Nashville, TN 37212-2637, USA

Abstract: Cancer cachexia is a complex multifactorial syndrome that has a substantial impact on the quality of life
of cancer patients. Although some treatment options exist to counteract cachexia, very few options counteract
sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass). HMB may be a viable component in multi-modal approaches targeting treatment of
cancer cachexia/sarcopenia. Evidence suggests that HMB promotes myogenic events, suppresses proteasome activity,
and activates protein synthesis. HMB also represses inflammation, reduces tumor growth, and increases lifespan.
Key words: Cachexia; Cancer; Sarcopenia; β-hydroxyl-β-methylbutyrate (HMB)

Introduction development, but none are currently approved for this

It is estimated that half of all patients with cancer specific use. In regards to nutritional agents, one
eventually develop cachexia[1], a complex multifactorial limiting factor is that most reverse body weight losses
syndrome associated that is also associated with other by increasing fat mass and/or water retention without
medical conditions [1]. The exact incidence of cachexia restoring muscle mass [7]. Thus few viable options exist
varies by tumor type, the highest incidence being for the cachexic cancer patient, who is often treated by a
observed in gastric and pancreatic cancer (more than health care system that is not well equipped to deal this
80%) [2]. Cachexia has a significant negative impact on condition.
the patient’s quality of life, being associated with poor Herein we examine critically the possible role of β-
responses to chemotherapy and decreased survival [3,4]. Hydroxy β-Methylbutyrate (HMB) as a nutritional agent
It is believed that cachexia is indirectly responsible for to counteract cancer cachexia. HMB promotes myogenic
the death of approximately 20% of cancer patients [4]. events, suppresses proteasome activity, and activates
Cachexia is characterized by systemic inflame- protein synthesis and skeletal muscle growth. We
mation, negative protein balance, and an involuntary provide an overview of the multiple mechanisms that are
loss of lean body mass (sarcopenia), with or without involved in the development of cancer cachexia and then
wasting of adipose tissue. Muscle mass loss (sarcopenia) discuss the ability of HMB to counteract several of these
occurs more rapidly and extensively in cancer patients pathophysiologic mechanisms and examine whether
[5]. Sarcopenia occurs in skeletal and cardiac muscle HMB can be an effective adjuvant in a multi-modal
masses, but the muscle content of other visceral organs therapeutic approach targeting cancer cachexia. We will
is preserved [6]. Like cachexia, sarcopenia has also been also examine the use HMB, prophylactically, before
noted to be a direct predicator of outcome in cancer cachexia occurs in high risk patients.
Although the ideal strategy to manage cancer Mechanisms of Cancer Cachexia
cachexia is to treat and/or reverse the underlying cancer, Several mechanisms have been implicated in the
this is all too often unachievable. Another alternative is development of cancer cachexia. We are presenting the
to identify therapies effective in counteracting or main pathways, although it should be noted that
preferably preventing cachexia/sarcopenia. Many significant cross-over exists among them. We will
nutritional and pharmacological interventions have been discuss also the possible therapeutic effects of HMB in
studied in this regard. Several promising each of these instances.
pharmacological agents are in various stages of
Inflammatory Mediators
Cancer cachexia is an inflammation-induced
Corresponding author: Adrian Barbul, MD, Division of physiological and metabolic response which transfers
General Surgery, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, amino acids from muscle catabolism into the amino acid
1161 21st Avenue South, D-5203 Medical Center North, pool required for acute phase reaction protein synthesis
Nashville, TN, USA; Tel: +01 372 322 577; +01 615 343 [8,9]. Increased pro-inflammatory cytokine activity, as
5613; Fax: +01 615 343 9485; Email: adrian.barbul@vander- part of systematic inflammation, is a hallmark of cancer
·2 · Journal of Nutritional Oncology, February 15, 2019, Volume 4, Number 1

cachexia [10]. Cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-α Additionally, a tumor-secreted proteolysis-inducing
(TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-1 (IL-1), and factor (PIF) induces generalized wasting [22]. PIF
interferon-gamma (IFN-ɣ) appear to mediate many provides the signal for protein degradation through
responses observed [7]. Pro-inflammatory and pro- subsequent activation of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-B)
cachectic cytokines, such as TNF-α or IL-1, exert their [23,24]. NF-kB appears to mediate protein degradation
activity through the nuclear factor-κB (NFκB) and the through the ubiquitin-proteasome system [23]. Thus,
p38 MAPK pathways. They promote structural muscle both NF-KB and FoxO can upregulate proteasome
protein breakdown and inhibit protein synthesis [10]. activity in skeletal muscle, highlighting the importance
They also facilitate the ubiquitynation of sarcomeric of these factors in driving cancer-induced muscle
thick filaments, as well as other components of thick atrophy.
filament [11]. Myostatin, a tumor-secreted protein belonging to
Repressing inflammation could perhaps counteract the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) family of
some of the manifestation of cancer cachexia. In this ligands, exerts inhibitory effects on muscle growth
regard, HMB possesses anti-inflammatory effect [6]. It through activity of the transcription factor Smad 2/3
reduces TNFα and IFN-ɣ production by human [25,26]. Recently, myostatin signaling has been
mononuclear cells in vitro [11] and also blocks some IL- implicated in the reduced protein synthesis observed
6- mediated pathways (Figure 1). Further, HMB during cancer cachexia through inhibition of the
modifies activity of immune cells in human [11] and Akt/mTOR pathway [26]. Significantly elevated muscle
nonhuman models [12]. Lymphocytes and macrophages, expression of myostatin mRNA and protein has been
in the presence of HMB in vitro, increase antibody noted in rodents with cachexia [27]. This implicates
production and phagocytosis, respectively [12]. myostatin as a promoter of muscle wasting by increasing
protein degradation and inhibiting protein synthesis, thus
Decreased Regeneration altering overall host protein turnover.
Cancer cachexia is accompanied by impaired Treatment with HMB attenuates protein
myogenic regeneration, thus contributing to muscle degradation and the expression of ubiquitin proteasome
wasting. Because skeletal muscle fibers are post-mitotic, subunits [28] (Figure 1). In vitro model of skeletal
the regenerative process falls under the domain of muscle provided some indications that HMB attenuates
satellite cells [11]. In response to regenerative stimuli, the depression of protein synthesis by PIF in myotubes
major signals including circulating or local factors (i.e. through multiple mechanisms [29]. HMB also stimulates
mitogens), the paired box transcription factors (e.g. protein synthesis. While PIF suppresses protein
Pax7), and the myogenic regulatory factors (e.g. MyoD, synthesis by 50%, HMB can attenuate this decrease to
myogenin) [13] direct satellite cells for regeneration [14]. ~90% of control values [29], thus favoring protein
In cachectic muscle, there is decreased regenerative synthesis and muscle growth.
signal, such as myogenin, a protein associated with a
decreased aptitude of satellite cell progeny to Therapy Induced Sarcopenia
differentiate [15]. Chemotherapy also contributes to cachexia, but its
HMB stimulates the proliferation, differentiation, effect on muscle wasting does not utilize the skeletal
and fusion of human myosatellite cells in vitro, thus muscle proteolytic system that is commonly implicated
potentially increasing the regenerative capacity of in conditions characterized by muscle atrophy [30].
skeletal muscle. HMB also increases the protein Instead, a combination of sarcoplasmic and mito-
expression of myogenic regulatory factors (e.g., myoD chondrial alterations seem to be the main mechanisms
and myogenin) and gene transcription factors driving muscle wasting secondary to the use of
(e.g., MEF2) [16-18]. Because the development and antineoplastic drugs [31,32]. It has been suggested that
progression of cancer cachexia is associated with chemotherapy administration to non-tumor bearing
impaired regenerative capacity, these HMB-dependent animals causes mitochondrial depletion, release of ROS,
effects may favor muscle mass preservation. activation of ERK1/2 and p38 MAPKs-dependent
pathways as well as decreased AKT-dependent
Protein Turnover anabolism [33-35]. Some of the same mechanisms are
IGF-I signaling promotes muscle growth and also observed in the setting of cancer-promoted cachexia
prevents atrophy [19] through a cascade involving the [36] . These findings suggest that the concomitant use of
activation of protein kinase B (Akt) and mammalian chemotherapy may exacerbate cancer-associated muscle
target of rapamycin (mTOR), among others [20]. During atrophy.
cancer cachexia, decreased circulating and muscle Evidence suggests that counteracting muscle
transcript levels of IGF-I have been noted, leading to wasting can improve quality of life, reduce chemo-
decreased rate of myofibrillar protein synthesis [21]. therapy toxicity, thus allowing administration of higher
Journal of Nutritional Oncology, February 15, 2019, Volume 4, Number 1 ·3 ·

and more effective doses of drug, and prolong survival [29,43,44].

in the presence of tumors [37,38]. Supplementation with
HMB is effective in preventing inflammation- and HMB Biochemistry
myostatin-associated muscle atrophy in tumor-bearing HMB is a five-carbon organic acid synthesized in
mice, thus suggesting that supplementation should be the human body through the metabolism of the essential
considered in association with chemotherapy [18] amino acid leucine (LEU) via its metabolite α-
(Figure 1). ketoisocaproate (α-KIC) [45]. In healthy individuals,
approximately 60% of dietary L-leucine is metabolized
Tumor Burden after several hours, with roughly 5% (2–10% range) of
Tumor growth occurs when cell proliferation dietary L-leucine being converted to HMB [45]. The first
exceeds cell death and this imbalance can lead to step in leucine metabolism is transamination to α-
neoplastic processes. Cell death (e.g., apoptosis) is ketoisocaproate (KIC) in muscle cells. KIC is excreted
controlled by several genes, especially those from the from muscle and transported to the liver. In the liver
Bcl-2 gene family. Bcl-2 is an anti-apoptotic gene, while mitochondria, the majority of KIC is oxidized to
other proteins of this family (e.g., Bax) can exert pro- isovaleryl coenzyme A and ultimately metabolized to
apoptotic effects [39]. The Bax/Bcl-2 ratio is a key acetoacetate and acetyl-CoA; approximately 5% of KIC
factor in the regulation of apoptosis, since a high Bax/ is metabolized to HMB by KIC-dioxygenase, a cytosolic
Bcl-2 ratio can lead to apoptosis, whereas low ratio can enzyme; HMB is then released into circulation. In a
render cells resistant to apoptotic stimuli [40]. Milani et multistep process, HMB is converted to β-hydroxy-β-
al. reported that Walker-256 tumor cells constitutively methylglutaryl-coenzyme A in the cytosol of muscle
overexpress Bcl-2 protein, which renders this cell line cells which is then further converted to cholesterol.
more resistant to programmed cell death [41]. Muscle produces its own cholesterol to maintain the
The Bax/Bcl-2 ratio in Walker-256 tumors of integrity of the cell membrane, as it cannot meet its
HMB-supplemented Wistar rats was 50% higher cholesterol needs via absorption from the circulation
compared to nonsupplemented rats [42]. In other animal [46]. Some of HMB’s reparative effects on damaged
models, HMB supplementation reduces tumor growth, tissues may be due to its metabolite HMG-CoA which
mitigates tumor-induced cachexia and increases lifespan represents a carbon source for cholesterol synthesis thus

Figure 1 Supplementation with HMB is effective in preventing inflammation- and myostatin-associated muscle atrophy in
tumor-bearing mice
·4 · Journal of Nutritional Oncology, February 15, 2019, Volume 4, Number 1

allowing for cell growth, function and regenerative to a reduction in resting metabolic rate (RMR). HMB/
capability of the cell membrane. The effects of HMB on ARG/GLN administration did not influence the decrease
muscle protein metabolism may also facilitate the in lean body mass, body mass index (BMI), fat free mass
stabilization of muscle cell structure [43]. (FFM) and resting metabolic rate (RMR) after
laparoscopic gastric bypass (LGB) [53,54]. Weight loss
HMB and Cachexia following bariatric surgery is characterized by
Although the effects of HMB on healthy subjects extensive upregulation of TNF expression [55] (Table
do not necessarily apply to cancer cachexia patients, 1).
they provide information that may be pertain. Supple- On the other hand, HMB supplementation in
mental HMB results in augmentation of muscle mass trauma patients results in significant improvement in
and strength in healthy trained subjects [47]. An increase nitrogen balance; the effect was not a result of lowered
is also observed in untrained individuals [48], but a muscle protein turnover [56]. Short-term supple-
greatest effect is noted when HMB supplementation is mentation with HMB has anti-inflammatory and anti-
combined with an exercise program [49]. Prior training catabolic effect and improves pulmonary function in
status (trained versus untrained) or gender does not COPD patients in an intensive care unit setting [57].
appear to influence the effects of HMB on body AIDS patients with cachexia also improved with HMB,
composition, strength and/or muscle damage [49]. demonstrating increased muscle mass acquisition and
The efficacy of HMB has been studied in several body weight [58]. HMB/ARG/GLN supplementation
conditions associated with cachexia, including trauma, also improved immune status, measured by increasing
COPD, AIDS, cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis. The CD3 and CD8 cells and decreasing the HIV viral load
results have been mixed. This discrepancy in response [58]. It should be pointed out that AIDS-associated
calls for deeper analysis to understand possible variables wasting has many of the same metabolic characteristics
that may explain these differential responses. Different as cancer cachexia [59]. Both conditions are
pathophysiologic mechanisms underlie the cachexia/ characterized by increased mobilization of fat and
sarcopenia of different disease states and this may muscle, increased or normal metabolic rates, increased
explain the differential response to HMB therapy. rates of protein breakdown, and increased or normal
For example, supplementation of rheumatoid glucose turnover rates (Table 1) .
arthritis (RA) patients with HMB/ARG/GLN did not A possible explanation for divergent effects of
reverse cachexia [50]. In RA patients, wasting is not HMB may reside in the degree of catabolism present.
apparent as energy intake is normal; the decrease in RA and bariatric patients gained less FFM than patients
skeletal muscle mass is masked by an increase in fat with more severe cachectic conditions such as advanced
mass consequent to reduced physical activity and malignancy, trauma or HIV infection. As mentioned
resultant low levels of total energy expenditure [51]. RA before, HMB has more pronounced effects when used in
is a systemic disease characterized by cytokine-driven conjunction with physical training, suggesting that HMB
alterations in protein and energy metabolism [52] works better with higher resting energy.
HMB and Cancer Cachexia
Table 1 Metabolic characteristics of cachexia in different Animal Models (Table 2)
medical conditions HMB counteracts cancer cachexia by attenuating
Post- Rheumatoid Cancer muscle and body weight loss in Wistar rats inoculated
bariatric Arthritis with AH-130 cells [60]. In this regard, HMB is more
Inflammatory Cytokines TNF ↑ TNF ↑ TNF ↑ potent than leucine, weight/weight [60,61]. In Walker
IL1B ↓ IL1B ↑ IL1B ↑ 256 tumor-bearing rats, HMB counteracts cachexia and
IL6 ↓ IL6 ↑ IL6 ↑ also reduces tumor weight and tumor cell proliferation,
Lipolysis/Adipogenesis ↑ - ↑ ex vivo [42,44]. In the same model, HMB supple-
Fat free mass ↓ ↓ ↓ mentation increases survival time and promotes
Systemic inflammation ↓ ↑ ↑
metabolic changes in a time dependent manner, i.e., the
benefits are greater when there is sufficient time for
Muscle wasting ↑ ↑ ↑
HMB to exert its effects [43].
Total Energy ↓ ↓ ↑
Expenditure (TEE) HMB and Human Tumors
Fat mass ↓ ↑ ↓ Several studies have been carried out in this area,
although definitive studies are lacking. In 32 cachectic
Post bariatric surgery there is loss of fat and lean patients with advanced solid tumors (stage IV) of
body mass (LBM). This loss in muscle mass contributes diverse origin (colon, ovarian, lund, pancreatic, etc)
Journal of Nutritional Oncology, February 15, 2019, Volume 4, Number 1 ·5 ·

administration of a combination of HMB, arginine and As a part of the multi-model therapeutic approach a
glutamine resulted in an average weight gain of 0.95 ± tailored exercise program can be added in addition to
0.66 kg in 4 weeks and a change in body composition HMB in cancer patients.
(FFM increase of 1.12 ± 0.68 kg). The FFM increase
was maintained over the 24 weeks and was accompanied Dosage and Safety
by an increase in lean body mass (LBM), improved Previous studies investigating the effect of HMB
mood, less weakness, and improved hematological administration have shown that supplementation using
parameters [62]. In another study, 472 patients with doses of 320 mg/kg of body weight per day increases the
advanced lung and other cancers were supplemented a lifespan in Walker 256 tumor-bearing rats [43].
mixture of HMB, glutamine, and arginine or an However, that dose is approximately 4 times what is
isonitrogenous, isocaloric control. The study showed a typically administered to humans. Later, it was
strong trend towards higher FFM and BM in demonstrated that 125 mg/kg/day (equivalent to 1.3
HMB/ARG/GLN-supplemented patients; the effect- g/day human dose of HMB) in MAC 16 tumor-bearing
iveness of HMB/ARG/GLN to reverse or prevent cancer mice was enough to achieve significant reduction of
cachexia could not be evaluated as most of patients did tumor growth and attenuation of cancer cachexia
not complete the study [63] (Table 3). symptoms [64].

Table 2 Effect of HMB in animal tumor models

Reference Model Intervention Dosage Significant Findings
[56] MAC16 cancer- HMB 125 mg/kg - attenuated the onset of weight loss, accompanied
induced weight loss by a small reduction in tumor growth rate.
[61] Walker 256 tumors in HMB 320 mg/kg - increased survival time and promoted metabolic
rats changes in cancer-bearing animals.
-effect is dependent on length of time of therapy.
[77] Walker 256 HMB 76 mg/kg - decreased tumor weight
tumors in rats - tumor cell proliferation ex vivo
[56] Walker 256 tumors HMB treatment 76 mg/kg -decreased tumor burden.
in Wistar rats pre-tumor inoculation
[57] AH-130 tumor cells in HMB treatment 4% HMB - positive effect on cancer-related wasting.
Wistar rats pre-tumor inoculation -enriched chow
[55] murine HMB vs Leucine 250mg/Kg HMB - more potent than leucine in counteracting cancer
adenocarcinoma 16 cachexia

Table 3 Summary of use of HMB in human diseases with cachexia

Reference Condition # Dosage Duration Changes in body
Subjects (in weeks) composition
[73] Cancer 32 3 g HMB/14 g ARG/14g GLN 24 + + =
[74] Cancer 446 3 g HMB/14 g ARG/14 g GLN 8 + + NA
[75] Trauma 72 3g HMB vs 3 g HMB/14 g ARG/14 g GLN 4 NA NA NA
[76] COPD 34 3g HMB 1 = NA NA
[69] RYGB 30 2.4 g HMB/14 g ARG/14 g GLN/ 2 g 8 = = =
sugar/15.6 g carbohydrates
[70] LGB 30 2.4 g HMB/14 g ARG/14 g GLN/ 4 g 8 = = =
sugar/15.6 g carbohydrates
[67] RA 40 3g HMB vs 3 g HMB/14 g ARG/14 g GLN 12 = = =
[66] AID 68 3g HMB vs 3 g HMB/14 g ARG/14 g GLN 8 + + =
[63] Healthy subjects/ 34 / 43 / 3g HMB vs 3 g HMB/14 g ARG/14 g GLN 4-24 NA NA NA
HIV/Cancer 32
HMB, β-Hydroxy β-Methylbutyrate; ARG, Arginine; GLN, Glutamine; COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; RYGB,
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass; LGB, Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass; AID, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; BM, Body
Mass; FFM, Fat-free body mass; RA, Rheumatoid arthritis
·6 · Journal of Nutritional Oncology, February 15, 2019, Volume 4, Number 1

The dose used in various HMB studies range from for HMB to exert its effects [43]. Add to that, a greater
38-76mg/kg/day in human beings, all of the studies that increase in muscle mass and strength was seen when
supplementary HMB to diseased subjects (Trauma, HMB supplementation was combined with an exercise
COPD, AIDs, Cancer, Rheumatoid arthritis) used a dose program [48] as compared to HMB supplementation
of 2.4-3g/day of HMB. Gallagher PM et al. showed that alone.
in healthy untrained subjects supplementation of 6g/day In addition to a tailored exercise program in high
of HMB produced a greater increase in peak isokinetic risk cancer patients, future trials should investigate the
torque than 3g of HMB without compromising liver effectiveness of initiating HMB supplementation (alone
function, renal function, immune system or lipid profile or in combination with other substrates) as a part of the
during resistance training [48]. Whether dosage higher multi-model prophylactic/therapeutic approach even
than 3g/day of HMB can attain superior results in cancer before cachexia ensues.
patients has to be yet investigated. In his study,
Gallagher PM et al have shown that an 8-week HMB Conflict of interest
supplementation at different dosages have no adverse The authors declare that they have no competing
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Received: January 15, 2019 Revised: January 25, 2019 Accepted: February 1, 2019

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