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Teaira Smith Smith 1

Professor Whitener

EH 102


The Future is Female

One of the biggest questions there has been for years and years, are we ready for a female

president? What woman in this country does not want one of their own in as a president? There

are plenty of questions and arguments to make on this specific topic. Looking at the state of the

world today I personally do not believe we are ready for a female president. Many people would

obviously disagree with me and they have the right to do so, but you have to look and think

deeper into the state of this country right now at this moment, a huge change and shift such as a

female president could really tear this place down.

The republican party is completely opposed to a woman being in the position as the

President of the United States. I am not completely opposed to it; I am just simply opposed to it

happening within the next two terms. Everyone in the country is extremely hypersensitive to

everything. Every little thing has to be put under a microscope and is inspected by everyone. For

many reasons this is a positive thing. I truly agree and believe that certain issues definitely need

to be discussed and argued over. At this time if a woman was elected president so many things

would just blow up. Republicans would be furious, and the liberals would be mad that the

republicans are mad. This would easily cause this huge uprising of chaos. This country is weak

and whiney, but I do believe one day we will be able to overcome all of the bullshit that some
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people complain about just because something does not benefit them, but instead benefits

someone who has less than them or is a minority in the country.

One word, sexism. It has not disappeared; it has not simmered down it is still very much

in the atmosphere and the only people who seem to notice this is women. There are also actual

psychological reasons why America is not ready for a female president. People who are sexist

believe that woman should look to a man for protection and for direction on where to go in life,

they expect us women to be dependent on them, so when a woman wants to make decisions on

her own the men get all butt hurt and instead of expressing their feelings they retaliate and cause

a scene, or worse they resort to violence. “Women are frequently subtyped into different

categories, such as housewives, career women, babes and feminists,” Corrington said. “Hostile

sexism is usually directed toward women who challenge men’s power and traditional gender

roles, whereas benevolent sexism is typically reserved for women who endorse male power and

traditional gender roles”, (Amy Mccaig). Until men and the far right can get their emotions under

control and understand that we are not living in the times of the civil war anymore, no we are not

prepared for a female president. Many money hungry; power stealing right sided men neglect to

remember what is right in front of them, and that women can do anything a man can do.

“Gender doesn’t halt ability in women as ignorance is the only thing that blinds people from

seeing that”, (Alyssa Lopez).

The mindset America holds in its hands in completely unstable. I have no doubt in mind

that whomever the first female president will be that they will succeed at their job; the big

problem at hand is the citizens of America. a large portion of them will not be able to handle

such change nor would it change anything about their outlook on womens’ rights. I personally
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believe it would get worse. There will be riots and fights all because a woman has risen to the top

with any help from a man. Just look at what happened on January 6th with President Joe Biden

and his election into office. Complete pandemonium is what happened, and I predict that it will

be 10 times worse if a woman is elected with the people who still have the mindset of the 1920’s.

until those generations of people vanish from the face of the earth no woman will be able to step

foot into the position of president without there being a huge threat upon her and quite literally

all women in America.

This country is childish and only the mature people within it can tell. We as a collective

society are not ready for a female president, although I personally would love to have one, it is

only wishful thinking at the moment. When it comes to sexism and small-minded men, no this

country is not prepared to have a woman in the position as president of the United States of

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