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Dominguez 1

Jacqueline Dominguez

Emily Litle

ENG 121001

16 February 2021

Unfinished Business

John Wooden once said, “A good coach can change a game. But a great coach can

change a life.” John Wooden being one of the most famous basketball coaches knew he and

other coaches out there cannot only impact a game not also impact the life of the players. Guy

Svec not only was able to change and improve a whole soccer team, but he changed my life and

helped me through many tough times. Teaching and being a coach isn't such an easy job and

being able to be great at both the jobs is pretty much a superpower. Guy Svec has that

superpower he was my former high-school history teacher and soccer coach. He is someone I

will always appreciate. He’s the person that you can count on no matter what. He lives in a

different state now but either way with the distance he is still wanting to help me out. Hes the

person that can cheer you up when you're upset but can also tell you what you are doing wrong

or correct you, he will be honest and straightforward. Svec is very tall has dark brown hair

sometimes might be wearing a hat and he is a skinny guy, and he will most likely be wearing

something with the Nebraska huskers on it. He believed in me when though no one did and

when I was doubting myself before or after games or even with a simple test, he knew I would

do good. We need to hold on to these kinds of people because they inspire to become the best

version of yourself even when ur I doubt.

Guy Svec wasn’t just my history teacher and coach he was kind of like a second father to

me. I would say like my school dad. His classroom would be where I was most my free time just
Dominguez 2

bothering him or just ranting about how my day was or other stuff that had happened around the

school. In practice he was more of my coach he always wanted to see the best of us and he

created a good team. My sophomore, which was my first high school year playing soccer. During

my first ever high school game it was also my first time playing my position which is being a

goalkeeper. I was nervous I was scared, and I had told my coach that I was, and he knew I was

going to be fine it was going to be against a really good team, but he knew if we won or lost, I

was going to do really good. The game started off really rough for our team at half time we were

losing 6 to 0. I of course was doubting myself I felt as if I was doing awful because the goals just

keep going but as I'm going to my team's bench coach goes up to me and he tells me “Jacky you

are one incredible player, if you weren't in goal it would be 20 to nothing right now.” Second

half starts, I go back in, and this half our team did a little bit better we only conceived 3 goals

and I had some really good saves. But my coach going up to me really kept me going and really

made me believe in myself and because of that I still do. Going up to a specific player and

knowing that they think they didn’t do their job right and didn’t play the game they could play is

difficult to see. And if someone sees that in you and they tell you that you are the reason why the

game isn't over yet that’s someone who can life your game up.

It was the year that we had the most wins in a season our school for over a decade. And

we were really closed to making it to state. That same year I was selected for the 1st team all-

conference and received the MVP awards at the all-conference game. While he was there

through it all helping me achieve and pushing me to be a better player even when I would be in

doubt. At the end of the season, he came up to me and told me that he believes in me the whole

time he never once doubted me. A person like that in someone's life is someone to keep close.
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It's sad that he moved to a different state he moved to Nebraska where he was born. He is

not living in his grandfather's house which is the house he grew up in. Even with him being

down there he has managed to help me with this whole college thing. Since none of my siblings

went to college, I could not get from them, but I would go to him. I visited a college near where

he now lives, and it was a genuinely nice college but it was a private college and so it was

awfully expensive. Nut he helped me out with that showed me around his hometown and even

visited the Lincon Nebraska stadium. Guy is definitely someone I'm going to keep in my life for

a long time. He really only wanted me to game a great future because he knew I could really do

it and he has definitely helped me out through it.

In conclusion, If there's someone in your life that helps you with anything and is there for

you. It doesn't always have to be a family member it can be a person that knows you and what

you are capable of doing, sometimes you might not even notice the things that they do, or they

might just do little things. But with believing in you and actually showing it and wanting you to

become better and help you become the best you can be. The best version of yourself is always

coming out but sometimes you might need some help and encouragements from other people

other than family. So, this is someone who comes around once in a lifetime and they will change

your life for the better. Keep them close don’t lose connection with them because when you

succeed, they will, and you will be able to say that they were there through the rough times. And

you’re there because of the huge impact they had in your life.

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