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Variation and Factors Affecting demand
Quantity of Water for Domestic and Industrial
Fire Demand

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o Water has a profound influence on human health &
o At a very basic level, a minimum amount of water is required
for consumption on a daily basis for survival.
o However, access may be restricted by low coverage, poor
reliability, insufficient quantity, poor quality and excessive
cost relative to the ability and willingness to pay
o Particularly the microbiological & chemical quality of water
are important in preventing ill-health

4/20/2021 3
o As reported by WHO, 18 June 2019:
 1 in 3 people globally do not have access to safe dirinking
 New report on inequalities in access to, sanitation and
hygiene also revels more than half of the word does not have
access to safe sanitation service.
 2.2 billion people around the world do not have access to
safe drinking water.
 4.2 do not have safely managed sanitation service , and 3
billion people lack basic sanitation.
 Only half of the people in Africa have access to safe water
who, 2006.
 98% of water related deaths occur in the developing world.
 84% of the water-related deaths are in children under ages of
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o Water supply is the process of provision of water of various
qualities to different users. e.g., to a home, factory, or

o Water Supply Engineering includes: Planning, design,

construction, operation and maintenance of water supply

o Water has to be adequately supplied to everyone but the

amount and availability of water varies both temporally and
spatially along with the demand.
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Water is
o Scarce
o Variable
 Temporal
 Spatial
 Quantity
 Qualit

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Water Demand and Use:

o Most important world water users:
Municipal and industrial
Recreational and environmental

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Water stress index
• Water sufficiency >=1,700 m3/c/yr
• Water stress < 1,700 m3/c/yr; Water scarcity < 1,000 m3/c/yr

o Water stress occurs when the demand for water exceeds the

available amount during a certain period or when poor quality

restricts its use.

o Water scarcity is the lack of sufficient available water

resources to meet the demands of water usage within a

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o Use of water supply scheme:

 Satisfy physical needs,
Preserve bodily cleanliness,
Ensure cleanliness of all personal and
municipal environment,
Furnish a means of fire protection
 Meets the needs of water for commercial,
public centers, industries, etc.
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Water quantity

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Water quantity
o While designing water supply scheme it is necessary to determine
the total quantity of water required for various purposes ;

o determine this quantity of water, and then finding out the suitable
water sources from where the demand can be supplied.

o Actually the determination of the quantity of water is dependent

upon the size of the community and the purpose for which it is
needed satisfied.

Importance of demand data:

o To effectively manage existing scheme,

o To plan new works to meet future demand,

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Three items need to be determined for
calculating the total quantity of water required
for a town or city, these are: -
Design population
Rate of demand (water consumption for various
Design period
Per capital demand
Per capita demand: - the average daily water
requirement of a person.
Per capita demand = yearly water requirement
of the city /(365xDesign population)
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Factors affecting per Capita Demand:
 Size of the city,
 Climate conditions,
 Living standard of people,
 Industrial and commercial activities,
 Quality of water supplies
 Pressure in the distribution system,
 Development of sewage facilities
 System of supply,
 Cost of water,
 Policy of metering and method of charging.

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Water Consumption for Various purposes
The demand of water for various purposes is
divided under the following categories.
Commercial water demand
Industrial water demand
Domestic water demand
Institutional water demand
Firefighting water demand
 Unaccounted for water

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Water quantity
Domestic Water Demand
It includes the quantity of water required in the houses for
sanitary, culinary, drinking, bathing, washing hands and
face, flushing toilets, washing clothes, floors, utensils, etc.

It varies according to the living conditions of consumers,

the range usually being considered as 75 to 380 liters per
capita per day.
 In developed countries the domestic water demand may
be as high as 350 l/cap/day. These figures include:
• Air conditioning of residences
• Irrigation or sprinkling of privately owned gardens and
4/20/2021 15
Institutional (Public) Water Demand
• Commercial and Institutional demand

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Water quantity
Industrial Water Demand

 This includes the quantity of water required to be supplied

to offices, factories, different industries, hotels, hospitals,

 This quantity will vary considerably with number and type

of industries, and number and type of commercial

 City with small industries = Average 50lit/person/day

 Industrial cities = Average 450lit/person/day

 Less commercialized cities = Ave. 20 lit/person/day

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 Highly commercialized cities = up to 50lit /person/day
Water quantity
Public Demand:
o This is the quantity of water required for public
utility purposes such as
 watering of municipal or public parks,
 washing and sprinkling on roads,
 use on public fountains,
 waste water conveyance, etc.
o Usually the demand may range from 2-5% of
the total demand (on the average
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Water quantity
Fire Demand:
o The quantity of water required for extinguishing fire.
o This demand should be easily available and always kept
stored in storage reservoirs.
o Generally, in a moderate fire break out, three jet streams are
simultaneously thrown from each hydrant:
 One on the burning property
 One each on adjacent property on either side of the burning
o Discharge from a fire hydrant are usually about 1100 lit/min.
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Water quantity
The empirical formulae commonly used for calculating demand as follows;

a) John R.Freeman ‘s formula:

Q = 1136.50 ( )
Where Q = Quantity of water required in 1/min.
P = population in thousands
It also states that
F =2.8
Where F= period of occurrence of fire in years.
a) Knuckling ‘s formula
Q = 3182
C) National Boarded of Fire Underwriter’s formula (widely used in USA)

Q = 4637 (1-0.01 )

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Water quantity
Example 1
Workout fire demands for a population of 100,000; use
formulae of Freeman, Knuckling National Board of Fire
Name of Formula Formula Fire Demand in l/min.
p 34095
Q = 1136.50 (  10)
5 F = 2.8 100  28 year

Kuichling Q = 3182 p 31820

National Board of Fire 43990

Q = 4637 p(1  0.01 p)

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Water quantity
Losses and Wastes:
o These include:
 the water lost in leakage due to bad plumbing or
damaged meters,
 stolen water due to unauthorized water
connection and others.
o These losses should be taken into account while
estimating the total requirements.
o Losses can be reduced by proper plumbing and
careful maintenance
o Even in the best managed water works, losses
may go as high as 15% of the total consumption.
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Water quantity
Factors affecting losses and wastes:
o Loosen joints: due to bad plumbing. Usually joints are leaky.
• Pressure in the distribution system: Higher pressure in the
distribution system leads to higher leakage losses.
• System of supply: In intermittent system of supplies, the
leakage loss is reduced, as it does not occur for the whole
• Metering: In metered supply, wastage is considerably reduced
because people become more careful in using water as they
pay for it.

• Illegal connections: People connect their personal pipes

illegally to the system.
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Water quantity
For a town having population of 60,000 estimate average daily
demand of water. Assume industrial use 10%, institutional &
commercial use 15%, public use 5% and live stock 10% of
domestic demand. Take per capita consumption of 50 l/day and
leakage to be 5% Solution:
• P = 60,000
• Domestic = 50x60,000 = 3,000,000l/day
• Industrial = 0.1x3000m3/day = 300m3/day
• Inst&com. = 0.15x3000m3/day = 450m3/day
• Public = 0.05x3000m3/day =150m3/day
• Live stock = 0.1 x 3000m3/day = 300m3/day
• Leakage = 0.05 x 3000 m3/day = 150m3/day
• Total Average Daily Demand = 4350m3/day
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o Time variation of water demand:
• Seasonal variation: such variation occurs due to
larger use of water in dry season, lesser use in
rainy season.
• Daily variation: Day to day variations reflect
household and industrial activity.
• Hourly variation: Hourly consumption usually
attains peak value between about 7 A.M. to 11
A.M. and then again from 7 P.M. to 9 P.M.
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Time variation of water demand:

4/20/2021 26
o Variation in Water Demand:

• Annual average day demand (Qday-avg): the average daily demand over a
period of a year. For economical calculations and fire fighting.

• Maximum day demand (Qday-max): the amount of water required during the
day of maximum consumption in a year. Important for water treatment plants
and water storages.

• Peak hour demand (Qhr-max): the amount of water required during the
maximum hour in a given day. Important for design of distribution systems.

• Coincident draft (Qcd): the sum of maximum daily demand (Qday-max) and
fire demand (Qf)

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• Typical Pic Factors o Peak Hour adjustment

• Maximum daily demand adjustment

o Climate adjustment factor:

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• Socio-Economic adjustment factor

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Design period
o Design period is the number of years from the date of
implementation to the estimated date when the maximum
conditions of the design will be reached.

o Design period is guided by:

 The length of useful life of the units and structures,
 Initial cost of components,
 Ease and difficulty that is likely to be faced in expansions,
 Amount and availability of additional investments likely to be
incurred for additional periods, and
 The rate of interest on the borrowings and the additional
money invested.
 Rate of population growth

o However, the design period should neither be too long nor

should it be too short.
4/20/2021 30
o Demand Forecasting:

o Water resources planning and management is highly dependent on

projections of future water needs.

o Design of water supply scheme need to consider functionality of the

various components now and in the future.

o Therefore, the future water demand is a function of:

• Population at the end of design period

• Development plan of the city

o Variations in the demand or draft should also be generally assessed and

known in order to design supply pipes, service reservoirs, distribution
pipes, etc.

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Population Forecasting:
o Population data is important for predicting the
population of the city at the end of design period.
o Methods of prediction:
1. Arithmetic increase method: Assumes a constant
rate of increase of a population. i.e. =𝐾
Pn = Po + nk
o Pn =population after n decades;
o Po = population at present;
o n = no. of decades;
o K = average rate of increase of population per
4/20/2021 32
2. Geometric increase (Uniform Percentage)
method: constant percentage of growth rate is
assumed for equal periods of time, i.e.
𝑟 𝑛
𝑃𝑛 = 𝑃𝑜 (1 + )
 Pn =population after n decades;
 Po = population at present;
 n = no. of decades;
 r = growth rate in percent. r can be computed
from the past known population data as:
 r = average [(increase in population/original
population)x100 of each decade]
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3. Incremental Increase method
o The average increase in population is determined by the
arithmetical increase method and to this as added the average
of the net incremental increase once for each future decade.
o The population at the end on ‘n’ decades is given by:
P= P+ Ni + 𝑟

Where P= present population

I= average increase per decade/year
r= average incremental increase
n= number of decade/year

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4. Decreasing rate of growth method
o In this method, the average decrease in the
percentage increase is worked out , and is then
subtracted from the least percentage increase
for each successive decades.

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5. Curvilinear Method: involves the graphical
projection of the past population growth curve,
continuing whatever trends the historical data
6. Method used by Ethiopians statistic Authority
(CSA method)
pn  poe kn
Pn =population at n decades or year
n= Decade or year
K= growth rate
4/20/2021 36
From the given data, calculate the population
at the end of the next three decades by a)
arithmetic; b) geometric; c) curvilinear; and d)
declining growth methods.
1970 ---------- 80,000
1980 ---------- 120,000
1990 ---------- 170,000
2000 ---------- 230,000

4/20/2021 37
a) Arithmetic
K = [(120000 -80000) + (170000-120000) +(230000-170000)]/3
 Therefore, 2010 ------Pn = Po + nK = 230000+1*50,000
= 280000
2020 ------Pn = Po + nK = 230000+2*50,000
= 330000
2030 ------Pn = Po + nK = 230000+3*50,000
= 380000

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b) Geometric growth method

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• d) Declining growth method

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4/20/2021 41
Population Density:

o It is information regarding the physical

distribution of the population.

o It is important to know in order to estimate the

flows and to design the distribution network.

o Population density varies widely within a city,

depending on the land use.

o May be estimated from zoning master plan.

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