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METAL Uranium


MOMENT OF THE PROCESS IT SYMBOLISES Time of opening, creativity, innovation

The ruling planets of Aquarius are:

Uranus and Saturn

Uranus is the contemporary ruler.

When we analyse Aquarius it is important to bear in mind the old ruler: Saturn.

Aquarius is a masculine sign and it is an extroverted energy.

The Sun is in this sign between 21st January and 19th February approximately.

It is sign number 11 = 1+1=2. If we add together the digits it gives us 2. There is something odd about
this: doubling activeness and creativity (1) gives receptivity (2). It is a number that brings receptivity
but it is made up of activeness. This is the paradox by which a sign is very receptive and committed,
easy-going, tactful and at the same time completely creative, independent, unexpected and unique.

It is a fixed sign. As a fixed air sign it represents the concentration of the mind and the attempt to fix
mental vibrations into place by translating them into creativity. In Aquarius there is a lot of creative
power, it is a sign of the accumulation of energy. This is the paradox of "11 that is equal to 2": it
accumulates energy by distributing it.

The symbol of Aquarius: it does not represent "ocean waves" but rather energy waves. It is the
vision of reality as "energy", of the individual as "energy".

Purpose of energy: the aim will be to envision the Being of the future symbolised by the next zodiac
cycle that is coming (once Pisces ends). To perceive future possibilities. To circulate creative energy
in the network.

The profound perception in Aquarius is that reality is energy, it is an energy network, it is another
level of reality that is expressed with thousands of differences in form. However, forms are not just

expression of energy. Energy runs through form and is expressed in different ways that correspond
to the whole even though they seem separate.

In Leo, energy gains identity for the first time, self-awareness as a human form, as a unique star. In
Aquarius there is still self-awareness, but it is the moment when the zodiac becomes aware of itself
as such, it is the " consciousness of constellation". It is the perception that we are together, united,
but independent, from our uniqueness. Thus, creativity is a network, it is the circulation of energy, it
is not the fixed part that is creative, but rather it is the circulation.

In Aquarius the idea of community appears for a second time in the zodiac. The first time is in
Cancer, but Cancer is a community that excludes. In Aquarius, on the other hand, the coming
together occurs as a result of difference. Here the recognition is not due to shared history, which
was typical of Cancer, nor due to belonging. In Aquarius everyone is different and there is a
profound encounter due to creative affinity. Aquarian energy involves breaking away from known
reference points, it is the essential quality and what makes it essentially creative, but at the same
time it is what prevents it from being immediately accepted and recognised. Aquarius is a
intermittent energy that has no processes. It is flashes, momentary snapshots, of energy. That is why
Aquarius feels strange, crazy, different.

To create something together with several people and to not know to whom the creation belongs is
characteristic of Aquarius. In Aquarius things have no form and they exist on the creative plane.


Aquarian archetypes: In Greek Mythology Uranus is the god of the Sky, father of all other gods and
the husband of Gaia: Earth. Upon Gaia’s request, Uranus is castrated by his son, Saturn. Another
more modern archetype which is more familiar to the conscience is the figure of the “Mad Man”.

Psychological characteristics

- Aquarius is transparent, innocent, direct, loves sincerity and coming together freely. They can’t
understand why others are so complicated. From the outside, they may appear cold, distant, and
unresponsive to "normal" affectionate contact.
- A prominent feature of Aquarius is their love of human nature. Aquarius loves what is "human"
That is why it is common to see them behind humanitarian and social causes.
- They have a feeling of not knowing who they are: from a psychological perspective Aquarius
prevents them from easily defining an identity since this is not continuous for them as it depends on
the relationship they are in at that moment. They are not like Leos who know perfectly well who
they are, rather Aquarius people "are in a process of being ”and are being defined in all their
relationships with complete freedom.
- It is difficult for Aquarius to combine both their yearning for meeting others and at the same time
their yearning for differentiation, characteristic of this energy. It is common to see Aquarians
become "very leonine", that is, marking out their difference or occupying a somewhat marginal
position. They find it difficult to find the meeting point between these two poles.
- It is not easy for Aquarians to live with the differences of others. In this they can become quite
rigid. Although they seem to love creativity, difference, etc., when someone really differs,
Aquarius finds it very difficult to accept this difference.
- Anyone with a lot of Aquarius feels an inevitable conflict between the psychological need to
have a stable centre and this eccentric, intermittent, spontaneous and completely interactive
- Aquarius always embodies what is different, they feel like a "fish out of water" in groups and they
yearn to at some point find somewhere they belong, which will not happen because the energy here
precisely asks them to "be different".

- Aquarius oscillates between rigid attitudes and transgressive behaviours. This is a pattern that
amplifies the recurring feeling of always feeling out of place.
- It will be a great lesson for Aquarius to understand the "timings" necessary to carry out their
projects or the internal timings of the people with whom they relate. This will be the case in both
relationships and in their own psychological structure. The problem in Aquarius is that the head
comes from one side, the body from another and the emotions from another. These have very
different internal timings which makes it difficult for mutual understanding between them, since
decisions are usually made with the "fastest" parts, so that the "slowest" parts suffer the
consequences. That is why understanding the slowness of the body and the "stickiness" of emotions
is something very complex for Aquarians. A typical symptom of Aquarians is that they are bored.

There are different types of Aquarians:

1. The ones who are involved with what humanity needs, with what has no borders, limitations.
They direct their energy towards humanity, but in an abstract way, very much towards the future.
Examples: an employee of UNESCO, a world organisation, amongst technology, aircrafts, in the most
modern activities and at an awesome speed. At the same time they are conventional, hard-working,
helpful people.
2. The rebellious Aquarians: they are much more marginal, constantly questioning authority,
institutions, forms. They want to change everything. They are Aquarians who cannot bear the
slowness of processes, they are the typical revolutionaries.
3. The Aquarians who understand that their task is grasp something that will not be able to be used
today exactly as it has been grasped. The function would then be to grasp it, present it and hand it
over so that time does what it needs to with it. Aquarius is always innovative, but their torture lies in
wanting to bring that innovation into practice.

Medium-tall height, broad and well developed rib cage, the gait is fast, the movement is agile, the
hair it is not very abundant (in men a certain predisposition to baldness can be seen), in women
wavy hair is very common. The face is generally elongated, egg-shaped. The expression of the eyes
is magnetic, charming.

They are not overly romantic or emotional, emotions are not Aquarius' preferred territory and the
basic tendency is to disconnect. It is an air sign, therefore they are interested in exchange and
meeting others, but do not tolerate fusion. There is a great need for freedom and they tend to
consider relationships in terms of the most unconventional and open kind.

Aquarius' way of thinking is quite unusual. It works through insight, in an intermittent manner,
through “lightbulb” moments. Mental processes are not historical, based on
memory, or systematic, but are "open and progressive". They are innovative by definition, which
gives a feeling of great freedom and creativity, but at the same time, Aquarius is not clear
where they stand, they cannot explain it to themselves, still less to others.


They are idealistic, lovers of freedom, with humanitarian feelings and originality in what they do,
with a strong desire to defend some cause. Often unconventional, revolutionary, or unorthodox,
their thoughts are often ahead of their time. They are unpredictable in their actions and usually have
artistic or scientific inclinations.
Aquarians are usually extroverted, with a great thirst for knowledge, are bold, prone to change, with
a completely futuristic vision. Very creative. Willing to sacrifice everything for their freedom. This
energy implies very original creative intelligence.
Creativity, spontaneity, innovation, freedom, genius, improvisation, anticipation, independence.
Awareness of network. Solidarity. Capacity to spread information. Inventiveness. Sudden revelation.
Connection to something greater. Ability to change.

Possible difficulties
Aquarian energy in shadow can give a tendency to loneliness and inability to interact with
There may be a certain psychological difficulty with form: accepting that reality is slow, has weight,
has limits, has contradictions, accepting that things can be delayed and take time, is something very
complicated for Aquarius.
Anxiety, discontinuity, rebellion, marginality, extravagance, madness, disconnection, isolation,
mental vertigo. Obstinacy in ideas. Eccentricity. Nonconformity. Mental pride. Chronic boredom.
Phobia. Provocation. Anxiety. Acceleration.

Archetypal Aquarian activities

A creative worker in an advertising company is Aquarius, an inventor, a science fiction writer,
someone who works with electricity. Astrologer. Astronomer. Scientist. Radiologist. Astronaut.
Activities connected with electronics, aviation, telepathy, networks, humanitarianism, cooperatives,

Correspondence with the human body

Body parts: ankles and calves.
Body functions: nervous and circulatory systems (distribution). Leo is the heart and Aquarius the
circulatory system. It is the circulation within the structure (bones, which is Capricorn).

Physiological relationships and illness

Illnesses of the circulatory system, varicose veins, hardening of the arteries. Fractures, contusions
and cramps in the lower limbs (ankles and calves). Feeling of heaviness and swelling in the
ankles. Panic attacks.

Situations and things associated with Aquarius

The French Revolution (freedom, equality and fraternity are three very Aquarian words). Abstract
painting is Aquarian (there are no shapes and there is no symmetry). Electricity. Areas where a
creative and innovative way of looking is necessary. Futuristic situations. Science fiction. Everything
related to aviation. Networks of people involved in community aid. Technological innovation.

Metals, stones
Uranium, Onyx

Animals associated with Aquarius


Famous people with this energy


Thomas A Edison (Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Sagittarius, Ascendant in Sagittarius). American

Inventor, scientist and entrepreneur. As a boy he showed extraordinary intelligence. At school he
was so bored that, soon enough, they took him out of school. His inventions revolutionised
everything: from the phonograph to the film camera and the long-lasting electric bulb. Throughout
his life he patented 1093 creations worldwide.

Jules Verne (Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Scorpio, Ascendant in Gemini). French writer, poet and
playwright, famous for his adventure novels and for his influence on the literary genre of science
fiction. He was born into a bourgeois family and, despite being interested in literature and science
from a very young age, he tried to follow his father’s footsteps as a lawyer, but he abandoned that
path to devote himself to literature.
In his stories he predicted with great precision inventions that would come much later such as
television, helicopters, submarines and even spacecrafts.
His novels have been and continue to be reprinted. Today Verne is one of the most translated
authors in history. Titles as famous as "From Earth to the Moon," "Journey to the Centre of the
Earth," "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea," make Verne a timeless author of classics. An
inventive genius who saw ahead of his time and turned it into an adventure.

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