Introduction To Planets

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The second matrix we are going to work with is PLANETS. Although technically, the Sun and Moon
are not planets, we are going to put them in this category. We are referring to celestial bodies that
make up the solar system. This matrix is more tangible than the zodiac signs. If we look at the sky,
we can see each one of the planets, they are there, they are a body. The perception of the signs is
more distant, more abstract.

Planets have a physical (solid), functional presence: they are seen and not seen, they appear and are
hidden (from our geocentric perspective). For this reason, in astrological interpretation they are
related to action, to “what we do”. They represent functions within a system. They are the active
forces which have the ability to move and act. So, they will be a lot easier to identify for our
psychological perception.


The planets are functions within the Solar System. Due to the principle of correspondence, these
functions in the macrocosm correspond to functions in the microcosm. The planets represent
psychological functions in human beings, for example: Mercury is how we think, Venus is how we
complement ourselves, etc. Also, on another level of reality they represent functions within the
human body (Mercury has to do with the lungs, Jupiter with the liver, etc.)

We can say the following with regards to the planets:

- They are related to “action”, “what you do”. For example: Moon: to protect, nourish.
- If the action is not carried out as such, it is condensed into the person who is able to carry out the
action, for example, Moon: the mother. In addition, they can be the objects necessary to carry out
the action, for example, food (Moon).
- They are mediators, intermediaries that transmit the energy of the signs. The very essence of the
planets will be coloured by the purpose of the sign. That is to say, a planet expresses with its
inherent function, the purposes and intentions of the sign it is in.
- Planets have to do with “actions”, and the sign is related to the cause of these actions. For
example: Mars in Taurus takes action to conserve, to make things concrete.


We will approach the study of the planets in a similar way to how we studied the signs. We will study
the different levels of the planet, from the most abstract, to the most concrete. We know that
energy manifests on different levels of reality, that is why it is good to look at each planetary
function by distinguishing between these levels so we can detect them when we observe reality.
Vibrational qualities
ABSTRACT LEVEL Energetic modality
Archetype: a multidimensional
example common to all humans
Personal psychological function

Verbs related to the planet

EXTERNAL LEVEL Living beings
The body
Anatomical, pathological and
therapeutic correspondence

Abstract level:
- Vibrational quality: this is the most subtle level of the energy. As with the signs, we start off with
this level and go down to see how the energy can take more concrete forms.
- Energetic modality: cosmic energy always expresses itself in agreement with two possible
modalities that are opposite and complementary: feminine-masculine; active-passive; centrifugal-
centripetal. We are going to use “centrifugal” or “centripetal” to describe the planets.
- Functions: the planet’s function within a system.

Psychological level:
- Archetype: a multidimensional example common to all humans.
- Personal psychological function: the function the planet carries out in the human psyche, in the
birth chart.
Verbs for each planet: actions associated with the planetary function.

External level:
- People: individuals who carry out the planetary action. Who acts out the verb?
- Objects: which objects in reality correspond to it.
- Living beings: those who correspond energetically to the planetary function.
- The body:
a. Anatomical and physiological correspondence: each planet is associated with structures in the
body and certain physiological functions according to the functions it has.
b. Pathological correspondence: when the planet is energetically unbalanced this can manifest
through a particular illness.
c. Therapeutic correspondence: here we mention the metal that corresponds to the planet. This
relationship between planets and metals was established by Paracelsus at first, and then confirmed
by Rudolph Steiner, the founder of anthroposophical medicine. According to this correspondence,
the appropriate metal was used homoeopathically to correct the imbalances related to the planet.

What are planetary dignitaries?

Dignity or essential dignity in astrology is the nature or significance that each planet has in relation
to a particular zodiac sign and its position with respect to it. The five traditional essential dignities
1. Domicile/Detriment
2.  Exaltation/Fall
3. Triplicity
4. Terms
5. Decan or Face

Each planet and sign has a vibration or behaves with a specific energy frequency. When a planet is in
a sign, their respective ways of vibrating are blended together. The analysis of this “blend” of
vibrations is what we see when we refer to “planetary dignities or debilities”.

Understanding this concept, given that it has to do with energy vibrations, is rather subtle and
musical. It cannot be described in linear terms. This concept of essential dignities is characteristic of
traditional astrology. There are many modern astrologers that no longer use this, but I consider it an
important topic to know about to be able to go into depth with chart analysis.

For now, we will look at the first two essential dignities and their corresponding debilities.

1) Domicile: this essential dignity occurs when a planet is found in the sign it rules. For example,
Mars in Aries or Venus in Taurus. It is said that the planet is in its domicile, or in its rulership. In this
position the planet is master, ruler, lord and sovereign. In this placement the planet displays the best
of its innate qualities. However, this ease does not necessarily mean that it will act with a lot of
strength, this will depend on other factors (aspects, the house the planet is in, etc.).

The opposite of domicile is the debility called:

2) Detriment: this occurs when the planet is in the sign opposite to the one it rules. For example:
Mars in Libra is in detriment or Venus in Scorpio. The influence of the sign makes it harder for the
innate qualities of the planet to be expressed. The rulers of the sign are always in “detriment” in the
opposite sign, they are outside their domicile. The very nature of the planet has to be more fully
developed to adapt to the vibration of the opposite sign.

(Clarification: detriment means that there is greater initial complexity in order for the planet to
express itself fluidly, but if the difficulty is overcome, the information or expression of the planet
placed there can be richer. It is as if an Argentinian who lives in Buenos Aires (this would be their
domicile) goes to live in Nigeria (detriment). To start with, it will be difficult to adapt to another
country, other customs, another language, etc. It will take time, but once it happens there is a very
interesting and rich creative potential: it will be someone who knows two cultures, who speaks two
languages, who can connect these two worlds creatively, etc. The same happens when a planet is in
detriment: there is a more complex potential that will be difficult to reach but what is achieved with
this work can be very interesting to see.)
The other essential dignity is called:

3) Exaltation: this is when a planet is found in a sign where it gains strength. In this sign the planet
gains in quantity or intensity of the energy, not so much in quality (as is the case when in domicile).
Even though in this case the planet is not the ruler of the sign (as when in domicile), it is as if it were
a guest of honour, however it does not make all the decisions, it is a guest. The planet acquires a
powerful resonance but in a different way than if it were the ruler of the sign. The difference
between domicile and exaltation is difficult to define with words, it is “musical”. You have to think
about it in musical terms. For example: Venus in Pisces is exalted.

The opposite of exaltation is the debility called:

4) Fall: the fall of a planet is always in the sign opposite to its exaltation. For example, the Moon in
Taurus is exalted, so in Scorpio it would be in fall. A planet in fall is debilitated with regards to its
quality and quantity.

Clarification on the topic of dignities and debilities: when we analyse this topic, we have to think in
musical terms. So, what does a planet ruling a sign mean in musical terms? That there is an
amplifying harmonious resonance between the vibration of the sign and the vibration of the planet.
In music there are harmonics: when two notes are played harmonically, they create a new sound
that comes together harmoniously. Who would this note be harmonious for? For the common ear.
More complex music puts together notes that are not harmonious, for example bossa nova has
many dissonant sounds or twelve-tone music. It may be difficult for us to listen to it because we do
not have a trained ear, we are not used to it, but it can be something very beautiful and complex at
the same time.

What do I mean by this? The relationships between planets and signs are going to be of greater
consonance or dissonance, but dissonance does not mean misfortune. It means that to reach the
point of harmony will require a much greater psychological effort, just as appreciating dissonant
notes in music requires one’s musical ear to be trained. A non-trained musical ear will not like
dissonance. Likewise, a well-trained psyche finds harmony and beauty or power in planets in
detriment or fall. For example, the strength of a Moon in Capricorn (in detriment) or of a Mars in
Cancer (in fall).


Peregrine planet: this is when a planet has neither dignity nor debility. It is said that it is “peregrine”.
For example, Venus in Leo. In this case, the planet depends on the cosmic state of the ruler of the
sign it is in, acquiring the same state as its ruler. Following the example, Venus will depend on the
cosmic state of the Sun in the chart being analysed.

As we go on studying each planet, we will analyse the essential dignity and debility of each one.

Cazimi planet: cazimi means “in the heart of the Sun”. It is when a planet is found within 17’ orb in
conjunction with the Sun. In ancient times it was said that it gave dignity or genius.

Combust planet: found between 17’ and 3° or 4° distance from the Sun. It was said that the planet is
“burned”, weakened. For a planet to be combust it must be in the same sign as the Sun. If a planet is
near the Sun but in a different sign, the other sign acts as a protective screen and so the debility is
not so serious.
Planets in mutual reception: when two planets are in each other’s sign of rulership, when they
regulate with each other, for example: Jupiter in Cancer and Moon in Sagittarius. It is said that this
adds dignity, positive energy, talent and special ability to both planets.

Planets at 29° (critical degree) or anaretic degree: in ancient times it indicated an area less
conducive to expansion of the vital energy of that planet, it was as if weakened, about to change
state (sign, modality, element). The planet was considered to be in an unstable position, it is as if it
was about to fall from a height. It gives the planet transitional qualities, with a certain Piscean

There are some astrologers who also consider 0° and 1° to be critical degrees, in this case they are
more Martian (Arian), there is clumsiness, restlessness. Something new has just been conceived and
the individual does not really know how to handle it.


To study the planets, we are going to follow the order of what is called the “Chaldean Pyramid”, a
seven-tiered pyramid. Each tier corresponds to a personal psychological function. The pyramid’s
order represents the development of the psyche. Here the functions that give structure to the
consciousness (from the Moon to Saturn) are found and outside it are the transpersonal functions
(Uranus, Neptune and Pluto), which break down the psyche, they are beyond what is personal and
aim to put us in contact with a
spiritual dimension.

Traditional astrology does not take the transpersonal planets or Chiron into account. Modern
astrologers include Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, as well as Chiron: an asteroid that represents a
portal from the personal to the transpersonal.

1) First tier: Moon

Why does the Chaldean Pyramid start with the Moon? Because it is the most instinctive, most basic,
most human. We said that from Cancer what is human is made known. The Moon is linked to what is
most instinctive, fertility, the womb. It has a 28-day cycle. It rules both the tides and the water, a
well as the menstrual cycle. It is a rhythm that is very present for humans, a rhythm that makes a lot
of sense to us. This first step is associated with the feminine, with something close and comfortable
for our psyches.

If we think in terms of a primitive settlement, the first thing done for protection against external
danger was to gather in a “cave” (later it would be a house). We seek protection. That is the Moon:
close-knit community, environment of security and protection.

2) Second tier: Mercury

In the primitive settlement, we see that, in the beginning everything was very lunar. You only went
out when necessary as it was dangerous. Little by little, the figure of the messenger appears, another
archetype necessary in the human population. The one who leaves their known environment, brings
and take information to others. They leave to find out things and then they come back. They leave to
nose about, look for what is new, and brings news, objects, etc. It makes sense for Mercury to
appear here. For the group to grow, this new archetype that begins to communicate what is inside
to the outside is necessary.

What takes me beyond the Moon? What comes and goes? This mercurial function that involves
finding out what is new. Curiosity takes us away from what is protective but not so much that we are
left on the other side. This is Mercury: a bridge to the unknown but one that does not fully move
away from what is known. It comes and goes.

These steps that we follow with the tiers of the pyramid are the same as a human’s biological
development. First the baby is in the mother’s arms, they need the mother’s care and protection.
Some time after that, they begin to crawl, to nose about, to discover the world around them.

3) Third tier: Venus

Who would Venus be inside the settlement? Once we have already exchanged information with
other settlements, we came and went. An exogamic need appears. Exogamy is seeking what is
different. Who embodies it? Who embodies Venus? A woman. However, this is another kind of
woman different to the Moon. She is “the sexual initiator”. Another vibration begins to appear.
Desire becomes more complex and now there is not only interest in exchanging information or
procreating (Moon). Another type of exchange appears, where desire is present. From this figure of
the “sexual initiator” will spring the goddesses of love, amongst them the Greek goddess Aphrodite.
On the personal psychological level, for us to really leave what is known, there has to be something
that really attracts us a lot, beyond curiosity, there has to be a difference that separates us from
what is known, but is also very attractive, if not we stay in the nest. In psychological terms,
something outside the family attracts you. Venus is difference that is charming, that makes you want
to join with what is different.

4) Fourth tier: Sun

At this stage, we have enough movement in this primitive settlement: there is exchange with other
groups, they have got to know desire, etc. Order where there is quite a lot of movement is needed.
The solar archetype appears: a manager, a leader, a centre that commands. This figure is symbolised
by the Sun, in the centre of the pyramid. It has three planets above it and three below it, the sun is
right in the middle. It is a masculine function that involves action, leadership, charisma, vitality.
On a personal psychological level, this function defines an identity which is different to the lunar
one. There is a psychological maturity that allows you to differentiate yourself from the close-knit
community. That is why the fourth tier is the Sun.
5) Fifth tier: Mars
We can observe that the Sun cannot govern alone, it needs warriors who can fulfil its orders. It
needs masculine strength around that can support it. A king without an army is not a king. The ruler
needs the strength of the warriors to impose authority. The warriors will also be the ones who
sometimes overthrow the king. That is to say that they also have influence.
On a personal psychological level, as you differentiate yourself and accept a unique identity, you can
take your own actions. Before this stage, you would have taken action connected to the Moon and
after the solar stage it can be independent action, free from conditioning and failure to differentiate.

6) Sixth tier: Jupiter

The settlement grows and an archetype linked to wisdom, to a guide, to a connection with the
transcendental appears. Jupiter is the teacher that knows, that guides. It helps the kingdom to
expand and its advice is followed because it is wise and has a connection to God. Jupiter summarises
the wisdom and shares it. A key figure for the expansion of the kingdom, for it to go beyond known

In the human psyche, as a differentiated action is defined, you can trust more and more, and this
confidence takes you to a place that is further way, to open horizons, expand yourself, to travel. It is
not a movement that comes and goes like Mercury, rather it is a journey that takes you very far
away from your origin, your home. This is Jupiter.

7) Seventh tier: Saturn

In this last tier, the figure of the hermit appears, the old wiseman who knows because he is old, who
knows from experience. He says what nobody wants to hear, he brings reality, limitation. The
kingdom cannot expand eternally. There is a border, a limit, a law that says “up to here”.

On a personal psychological level, if you are mature enough, you will know that each journey has an
end. Up until Jupiter, you can have the feeling that journeys are infinite but sooner or later you will
discover that everything has a limit. This is the seventh step. Limit is the presence of death, not
death itself. Saturn is not death, rather it is knowing about death, knowing about the end. It is a
deep wisdom that goes beyond Jupiter and involves very deep psychological maturity to be present
in reality.

This is the journey through the tiers of the pyramid. The initiated Chaldean is one who has journeyed
through the seven steps, they have unveiled all the psychological mysteries. Once this work has been
done, they will be ready to face more transpersonal energies, which break down the structure of the
psyche. These functions threaten our psyche and break us down to put us in touch with our spiritual
dimension. We cannot go to them without prior work. That is why Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are
not part of the Chaldean pyramid, they are outside of it and are only accessible to a mature psyche.

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