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Over-the-counter (OTC) medication

Most pharmaceutical products cannot be purchased

without a prescription from a doctor. That said, there
are quite a number of non-prescription or over-the-
counter (OTC) drugs available that do not need
clearance from a doctor in order to purchase and use.
Depending on the particular medication, some OTC
medicines can be found in supermarkets, convenience
stores and petrol stations or can be purchased online.
Buying medicines over the counter can be
advantageous in that it allows the consumer to self-
medicate minor health problems giving more of the
power and control of health conditions to the individual.

There are disadvantages involved with non-

prescription medications. As OTC drugs do not require
a doctor’s visit they have the potential to mask more serious medical issues.
OTC drugs can also be associated with misuse and dependence.

Dependence on OTC medication is prevalent in society. The majority of

consumers who do become dependent initially purchase OTC medication with
the intention of treating a minor health issue but without proper guidance find
it difficult to cease use of the drug. Only a small proportion of consumers
purchase OTC with the intention to misuse the medication.

Before purchasing any over the counter medication it is advised that you
speak to your pharmacist about the benefits, risks and appropriate use of the
medication. Therefore it is wise that you purchase the medication from a
community pharmacy rather than a supermarket.

e-pharmacies are online pharmacies where only non-prescription drugs can

be purchased and delivered. Although this may seem like an easy option, a
consumer cannot be sure they are receiving all the information they need in
order to make an informed decision about whether to take the drug or whether
further information is required. While some internet sites provide very accurate
and comprehensive information there are some that provide poor quality
information and do not identify possible drug interactions. Most OTC drugs are
safe to use when used properly however it is always best to speak to your
pharmacist or trained pharmacy assistant about dosing, drug interactions and
other options.

An important point to note is that medications need to be suited to the

individual, this is the area that pharmacists and doctors are trained to assess.
When in doubt always ask a trained healthcare professional.

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