Activity 5 1. Make The Appropriate Question For Every Answer

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Activity 5

1. Make the appropriate question for every answer.

1. Where has Ted lived?

Ted has lived on the streets of Cleveland.

2. Who was Ted filmed by?

Ted Williams was filmed by a local cameraman.

3. Has the video been successful on YouTube??

The video has had millions of hits on YouTube.

4. How has been his return to the working life??

He has received numerous job offers.

5. How has life been for Ted Williams as a homeless??

Williams has struggled with drug and alcohol addiction for years.

6. What has Ted done during his time on the streets??

Williams acted as a pimp during his years on the streets.

2. Write a brief interview based on the previous reading. One of you should be the interviewer
and the other one the interviewee (Ted Williams).

1. How long has you been living on the streets??

I have lived a couple of years on the street because of my problems.

2. Are you homeless because of the alcohol, drugs or money problems??

Yes, I have been homeless because of my problems the alcohol and drugs.

3. Have you seen the video where you have been filmed??

Of course, I have seen the video where I show up and it makes me very nostalgic.

4. After the video was revealed what broadcasting company offered you the best job offer??

The companies that offered me the best job offers were: ESPN, MTV, ABC, CBS and CNN and The
Cleveland Cavaliers. I felt so happy for this second chance that life gave me.

5. Do you think getting a new job opportunity would give you more responsibilities with your
Of course, it makes me have more responsibility to myself to take better care of my health.

6. Have you ever been touched before by God hand??

God more than touching my hand, he touched my heart, little by little he was making changes in
me and I am very grateful for that.

7. Are you still going to the meetings??

Yes, I still go to a couple of meetings.

8. Have you ever robbed somebody to buy drugs??

No, I can remember and I began to travel this world of drugs since I never stole to buy them.

9. What do you think about the gap between rich and poor people in America??

10. Do you have any family member with drugs or alcohol problems??

Yes, I have family with drug and alcohol problems. They are very close to me and I would like to
help them get out of that situation.

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