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Question 1

2 / 2 pts
A 39 y.o. male (65 kg) s/p MCA with multiple fx’s and abdominal injuries. A
surgical resection of 50% of his small bowel was done and a jejunostomy tube
was placed. Peptamen AF is infusing at 45mL/hr x 24 hrs. What is the provision of
kcals, protein and fluid?
Your Answer:
45ml/hr x24=  1,080 ml
calories= 1,296 
protein= 82 g
fluid= 875 ml
Question 2
2 / 2 pts
If your estimated needs for the patient in question 1 are 23-25 kcals/kg and 1.3-1.5
gms protein/kg, what would you do to meet these needs? In other words, give
your recommended prescription. Show your calculations.
Your Answer:
kcal= 1,495- 1,625
protein= 84.5g- 97.5g
53ml/ hrx 24= 1,272
calories= 1,526
protein= 96.6 g
Question 3
2 / 2 pts
You are now consulted on an 82 y.o. female (45 kgs) adm from a SNF to an acute
care floor with possible sepsis from an UTI and dehydration. She has a PEG tube
in place. What are your recommendations for enteral feeding? Include provision.
Estimated needs:
25-27 kcals/Kg =
0.8-1 gms protein/kg =
 25-30 mL/kg =
Your Answer:
calories=  1,125-1,215
protein= 36g- 45g
fluid= 1,125ml- 1,350ml
Fibersource HN
40ml/hr x 24= 960
calories= 1,152
fluid= 777 ml
additional 423ml should be added per hour
Question 4
2 / 2 pts
A pt on your floor presents with persistent hyperglycemia and 2-3 kg wt gain over
the last 2 weeks. Her formula is now Glytrol at 80mLs/hr x 24 hrs.You discover
that her previous facility was feeding her for 18 hrs at the same rate. She is 5’0”
and weighs 160#.Compare the current provision with the previous facility. Show
your calculations.
Your Answer:
glyterol at 24 hours
80ml/hr x 24= 1,920 ml
calories= 1,920
protein=86.4 grams
fluids = 1,612ml
Question 5
2 / 2 pts
Is the current provision in question 4 appropriate based on the estimated needs?
What would you do with the rate/formula/schedule? Show the new provision! 
Estimated needs:
18-22 kcals/Kg =
1.2-1.5 gms protein/kg =
25-30 mL/kg =
Your Answer:
IBW is 100lbs= 45.4kg
calories = 817-998
protein= 54.5-68.1
fluid= 1,135 -1,362 ml
50ml/hrx24= 1,200ml
calories= 1,200
protein= 54g
fluids= 1,008ml

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