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The Pretty Pig's Saturday Night

By Pamela Brown, November 24, 2004 in JFK Online Seminars 

The Pretty Pig's Saturday Night
(or what the LNT's won't tell you about their "SBT")


Pamela McElwain-Brown

I like pigs. Pigs are cute. Pigs are funny. Pigs are smart. Pigs have attitude. Pigs, however, have been
given a bad rap. They are cleaner and more interesting than most people give them credit for If I had
more room, I might even have a pet pig -- a rotund, hoofed creature with small eyes and a big nose -- a
snout. When it made a mess I would acknowledge that it was a pig making the mess, not a dog or a
goat. It would always be a pig. There's an old farm saying, perhaps originating from Minnesota where
I happen to live -- that you can put as much lipstick as you want on a pig, but come Saturday night, it's
still a pig.

With this orientation, let's take a look at the Holy Grail of the Lone Nut Theorists (LNTs), those who
really believe (or pretend they do) that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating President
Kennedy on November 22, 1963. In order to accommodate their thinking that Oswald (LHO) fired all
the shots as well as to resolve the issue of there having been no bullet fragments found in either the
neck wound of President Kennedy (JFK) or in the back or chest wounds of Governor Connally (JBC)
they suggest that the 'magic' bullet found on a stretcher at Parkland Hospital about 2 hours after the
assassination, (rather than being planted, as all indications show), created 7 wounds in JFK and JBC
and emerged in nearly pristine condition. This bullet, FBI's exhibit Q1, was the first piece of ballistic
evidence to reach the FBI Lab in DC on 11.22.63, having been flown in by SS Agent Richard Johnson
on Air Force One, then transferred to SS Chief Rowley, and then SA Elmer Todd (none of whom
marked it), and then given to SA Robert Frazier for examination and identification. Frazier quickly
ID'd the bullet as having come from a foreign-made rifle. The Mannlicher-Carcano found in the Sixth
Floor of the Texas School Book Depository was, of course, an Italian-made rifle.

When did the concept of a 'single-bullet' begin? Initially, perhaps, at the autopsy of President
Kennedy, which took place during the evening of 11.22.63 at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland.
The purpose of the autopsy was twofold -- to determine the cause of death, and to retrieve bullets from
the body. Unfortunately, this hasty pastiche of processes, directed by Dr. Humes, who had no
experience with autopsies, might just as well be called the assassination's "Little Shop of Horrors", as
its conclusions, re-written after LHO was murdered, have been questioned ever since. One question I
am certain that the doctors must have asked, is simply "where are the bullets"? Only two small
fragments were retrieved from JFK's skull, two others from the front of the Presidential Limousine,
plus one tiny sliver from the arm of JBC. Only the 'magic bullet' could clearly be connected to the
Mannlicher-Carcano (MC) supposedly owned by LHO.

When the Warren Commission (WC) began to meet they had no idea of the conflict that would soon
present itself -- for the FBI Summary Report, completed in early December, stated simply that two
shots had hit JFK and one had hit JBC.
So what is "the Single Bullet Theory" (SBT)? Is it really a valid theory? Or is it only a concept? Better
yet, is it a concept which the LNT world has attempted to turn into an alleged fact? Is it, in short, just a
pretty pig that the LNT's love to trot out every Saturday night to a gullible public to 'prove' their point
that LHO acted alone?

"THE Single Bullet Theory" has been a part of America's vocabulary since the Warren Commission
Report was first published in 1964. However, what if we were to separate the different scenarios of
'THE SBT' to see if they 'proved' the same thing in the same way from different points of view? In
other words, is there really such a thing as "an SBT" or is the pretty pig only wearing a different hue
of lipstick for each replay of an SB concept? A WC scenario? An HSCA scenario? A Posner scenario?

A Brief Historical Orientation of the Warren Commission (WC) SB scenario

Even the most ardent believer in the Warren Commission Report (WCR), no matter how young nor
naïve, can fail to acknowledge that this report did not exist in a vacuum. The climate in 1963 was a
significant factor in the tone of the report. The Cold War was at its height; the Cuban Missile Crisis
having occurred only the year before. Now we know that CIA deliberately kept information from the
Warren Commission regarding its attempts to eliminate Castro. And two Soviet defectors - Golitsyn
and Nosenko - may have been a part of the invisible supports on which the WCR was developed.

CIA and the FBI were not communicating with each other either. They had been unable to pinpoint
LHO as a possible threat on JFK's trip to Dallas - despite the fact that CIA had information LHO had
met with KGB during his trip to Mexico City. And they were unable to protect LHO from being killed
himself. Morale was at an all-time low - perhaps only recently equaled by the events of September 11,

In the midst of this maelstrom sat the Warren Commission members; armed with a directive to find
out what had happened. They instead decided to focus on just how Lee Harvey Oswald could have
assassinated JFK and wounded Gov. Connally without help. And into this mess stepped an
enthusiastic WC lawyer - Arlen Specter; who just happened to make sure that he was at all the right
places at all the right times. In addition, CIA had deliberately kept information from the Warren
Commission regarding its attempts to eliminate Castro.

Critics of the WC SB scenario, and indeed of the entire report, complain that its focus began and
ended with LHO. In terms of the WC SB scenario, this meant that the only location that would be
examined and evaluated in the re-enactment that took place in May, 1964, was to be the 6th floor
Sniper's Nest of the TSBD.

However, the premise that 'all the shots came from the rear' was never proven, was it? Instead, it was
'assumed'. Certainly we all know the definition of that word now!

The definition of circular reasoning (circulus in demonstrando) attempting to support a proposition

with an argument that presupposes the proposition, or the truth of the conclusion is assumed by the

This definition applies to the WC SB scenario in the following way -- only the 6th floor of the TSBD
and the M-C belonging to LHO found there were worthy of consideration. Thus, the WC had, before
setting out to 'prove' anything, already concluded that all the shots came from the rear. Starting from
this axiom, then, all that follows must be considered within the orientation of 'circular reasoning'.
Each scenario of "THE SBT" now, contains the following consistency -- One bullet, CE 399, fired by
LHO from the M-C from the 6th floor of the TSBD, caused JFK's back wound and neck wound, as
well as all of JBC's wounds to back, chest, wrist and thigh.

WC "SB" Scenario -- True Scarlet

The Warren Commission, to their credit, decided to do an official re-enactment of the assassination in
order to determine how LHO fired all the shots from the TSBD Sniper's Nest (SN). After weeks, if not
months, of preparation, they gathered toward the end of May, 1964, blocked off Dealey Plaza early in
the day, and filmed from the TSBD and from the pergola from which Zap ruder shot his film. It was,
by their standards, accurate down to the last detail. However, there was just one small problem -- the
limousine SS-100-X in which JFK had been shot was not available. It had been conveniently whisked
out of DC soon after the assassination and was gutted down to the frame to be rebuilt. The Warren
Commission apparently 'released' the car on December 20, 1963. What this seems to mean is that they
were told (or believed) that the car was of no further use to the investigation and was in a timeline to
be rebuilt as quickly as possible.

In any case, according to the WC members, they had been told (or believed) that all 7-passenger
limousines were alike. And there just happened to be another one available -- the follow-up SS car in
the Dallas motorcade -- Queen Mary II -- the 1956 Cadillac SS-679-X. This car had a higher profile
than 100X and its jump seats were higher as well.

The objective of the WC was not to determine IF LHO could have fired all the shots but to
demonstrate HOW he was able to do this. This is called reverse logic -- start with the conclusion and
move backward. To that end, FBI ballistics expert Robert Frazier was placed in the TSBD SN with the
rifle. Working with the Zapruder film, Frazier was asked to define the time span, or frames, during
which the shots could have been fired. Frazier provided them with a range -- from Z220 on. LHO
could not have fired earlier, the thinking was, since the live oak tree below was in the way.

Robert Frazier was the FBI ballistics expert who sat in the SN of the TSBD during the reenactment.
He used very precise language and said that it was "entirely possible" that JFK and JBC were hit with
one bullet between frames 207-225 (VH170). However the WC re-interpreting Frazier's statements in
the WCR by saying "it was LIKELY" and "PROBABLE" that this had occurred (WCR, 105). The
WCR gave no frame number, and did not specify that Frazier was referencing the concept of a range
of frames.

In the WC's enthusiasm for truth they had two drawings created of the two limousines -- the
Presidential Limousine SS-100-X and SS-679-X that was used in the reenactment. There are
numerous measurements shown on them. However, there is one dimension missing -- the height. Of
course, that is THE critical dimension for making a comparison between one car and the other.

In addition, there is no measurement shown for the clearance between the side door of 100X and the
side of the jump seat. This is a critical measurement in terms of determining the positions of JFK and
JBC. In addition, it should have been the catalyst for controversy in the later investigation done by the
HSCA. Yet, as we will see, there was no controversy. Yes, we have a little mystery on our hands --
one that would probably not have occurred if SS-100-X had been available for the reenactment. CE
872 shows NO measurement for the clearance between the jump seat and the passenger door. (Figure

During the WC testimony of SS Inspector Thomas Kelley, who was rushed to Dallas immediately
following the assassination and coordinated everything there for the SS, including the reenactment,
Arlen Specter and Kelley agreed that the clearance from the jump seat to the passenger door was 6
inches. (VH132) They also agreed the difference between the height of the two men was 1 1/2 inches.

In addition, the photographs of the reenactment such as show the entry wound in an unusually low
position. Why? The limo they used for the reenactment -- 679X -- the SS follow-up car in the Dallas
motorcade -- sat higher than 100X. 100X was not available -- conveniently -- because it had been
spirited out of DC in December, with the permission of the WC, to be rebuilt as a bulletproof car.

Thus, the WC attempted to accommodate the differences between the cars by changing the position of
the 'wounds'. All they really did was create a mess. In addition, they used incorrect measurements and
thus their SB scenario could never be proven. How do we know this? Because the HSCA exhibit II-19
does show the measurement for the clearance between the jump seat and the passenger door -- it was
not six inches, but 2 and 1/2 inches. Thus, the alignment of the two men in the WC reenactment was
shown to be incorrect by the redrawing of the exact same diagram! In addition, the height differential
used by the WC was a mere one and 1/2 inches. The HSCA later stated that this difference was 8 cm,
or app. 3.5 inches. Quite a difference, don't you think?

Therefore, the possibility of a SB scenario that the WC worked so hard to create was based on faulty
measurements. We can only agree that whatever conclusions the WC came to were incorrect, because
they were based on incorrect data. The WC SB scenario, then, remains, at best, hypothetical. In fact, it
is not a 'theory' at all, as it was never properly demonstrated, much less proven through repetition. It is
a simply a concept -- a pretty pig wearing bright lipstick.

The HSCA SB Scenario -- Muddled Mauve

Over ten years later the HSCA would address the same issue of a SB scenario. Did they start from
scratch? Did they do a reenactment? No. However, something they did do should have generated a
considerable amount of questioning if not controversy. It requested another diagram of the limousine
SS-100-X from Hess and Eisenhardt. And this one, exhibit II-19, contained a measurement
conveniently missing from CE -- the distance from the passenger door to the passenger jump seat. And
that distance was not 6 inches, as Kelley had told Specter -- it was 2 and one-half inches. The HSCA
decided to start by 'accepting' the WC SB scenario. For that reason, nobody went back into the WC
files to find the discrepancy. And so the HSCA, like a bunch of headless horsemen, 'forged' ahead,
instead, re-validating an unproven conclusion.

The HSCA used photographs of the motorcade as their basis. All of their calculations were done based
on distances from the Sniper's Nest of the TSBD. One member actually recommended that they do
calculations from other buildings in Dealey Plaza as well, but he was promptly stifled:

The HSCA did attempt to make a correction for the height differential between JFK and JBC. They
determined that the JFK was 8 cm higher than JBC. They also should have taken into account the fact
that the new Hess and Eisenhardt drawing of the limo showed the clearance between the passenger
door and passenger car seat to have been 2.5 inches (not 6 inches as the WC had believed). Nobody on
the HSCA staff took the time to compare the two drawings, much less to extract the measurements
used from the WC documents and note the discrepancy. In addition, there was a height differential
made by the HSCA over the 1.5" differences between JFK and JBC in the WC reenactment. (Figure 2)

The HSCA also did a trajectory analysis of the shots. However, when it came to their SB scenario,
they only concerned themselves with where the shot had hit JFK, and ignored the subsequent position
of JBC. The shots were followed back to a cone of possibility -- that, of course, being the TSBD.
When one member suggested that the cone be expanded to include other buildings they were promptly
quieted. The HSCA also posited an 'early' SB scenario -- around Z190. This frame, however, was
outside of the range approved by Robert Frazier for a possible SB scenario. The live oak tree was in
the way and LHO would have been unable to see the limo and passengers clearly. Nobody mentioned
this, of course, or discussed this in any way. Instead they blithely accepted that the WC had 'proven'
their SB scenario and modified it to suit their presupposed whims.

A term that came into use as a result of the HSCA SB scenario is that JBC was 'well inboard' of JFK.
Anyone who examines many of the motorcade photos realizes that a different perspective is shown on
many of them regarding the relationship of the positions of JFK and JBC. The HSCA was comfortable
with the logic of 'if it looks that way, it must be so'. And apparently nobody questioned it.

Thus, the two governmental inquiries came up with two completely different SB scenarios. The WC
did a reenactment, but used incorrect data, and thus, their theory could never be proven. The HSCA
used more accurate data, but did no reenactment. It just began with the axiom that the WC had proven
its scenario. The HSCA never bothered to compare the data they had with the WC data, and thus they
never found that the WC had used erroneous data. In addition, the HSCA focused on Z190, which
Frazier during the WC reenactment had already stated was outside of the range of possibility. So did
the HSCA actually come to any conclusions? Or did it just add another layer of color to the lipstick on
the pretty pig?

Posner Pink

What the elite of the LNT world knew, but didn't share with anyone, was that in addition to the fact
that the WC SB scenario was never even proven, it was only given as a range of possibility, from
Z207-220. This open-ended factor must surely have irked the LNT community, for after the success of
the movie JFK they decided to come out full throttle with the answer not only to JFK but also to all
the CT questions. CASE CLOSED was designed to finally put the cap on all suspicions of someone
other than LHO being involved in the assassination. With unheard of fanfare Posner's contribution was
foisted onto the public via media and print. At the heart of CASE CLOSED (CC) was a new SB
scenario -- this one relying on technology to finish the job the WC started. Armed with computer
enhanced Z frames and an exhaustive 3-d animation by Failure Analysis Associates (FAA) it was
possible to pinpoint at last exactly how 'the SBT' had occurred. In the process, it claimed to pinpoint
exactly when the shot had occurred -- Z223. This was noted because, with all the enhancement
gadgets and outstanding engineering -- Posner had come across something new -- a lapel 'flip' on
JBC's right lapel that could 'only' have come from the bullet exiting his chest! LNTs everywhere have
had a hard time containing their giddiness at this 'find'. It is because of this assertion, more than
anything else in the book, that Posner was comfortable with the title. He really believed that by at last
pinpointing 'the SBT' there was simply nothing more to say.

But was this even so? With all the technology that Posner by his own assertions had at his disposal
one would think that he might have examined and excluded every other possibility. Would someone
trying to put an end to over 30 years of questions simply choose to jump to a sinister conclusion
without having thoroughly vetted his idea? Instead of examining reasonable alternatives, such as the
multitude of shadows falling on all those in the limousine during the motorcade, and especially in the
Zapruder film, where Zapruder is shooting into the sun, with colossal arrogance, Posner used the 'lapel
flip' as the crowning glory of his book. Iit wasn't even true. The 'lapel flip' or 'flop' as I prefer to call it,
comes from a shadow refracted from the small side window on the Presidential limousine onto JBC's
chest. There are, in fact, many shadows on those in the limo, from the many reflective surfaces on and
in the car, including the side windows and the windshield, as well as the chrome molding of the center
partition. There is also a shadow on JBC's left chest. JBC is rotating forward during these frames. In
addition, the limo is turning left, into the sun, following the curve of Elm Street. And, as you can
clearly see in the full-framed version of the Z-film, this shadow bears the same shape as the perimeter
of the Stemmons Freeway sign which was between Zapruder and the limousine. Notice the orientation
of the sign and the shadow in the following gif.(Figure 3)

Forget the fact that the 'lapel flip' was nowhere near the bullet hole in JBC's jacket, forget the fact that
there was no 'bulge' in any prior or subsequent frames showing debris coming through the jacket,
forget the fact that there are countless shadows and even artifacts visible from the reflective surfaces
on the limo in the photos and footage taken that way -- an objective look at the Z-frames shows
something entirely different from what Posner would have us believe. Posner has led the LNT
community into nothing less than a dead-end with his spurious idea of a 'lapel flip'.

A Post-Posner Pastiche -- the McAdams "SBT" page

At John McAdams endless and highly-visible website on the JFK Assassination, newbies get to treat
themselves to page after page of LNT propaganda under the thinnest possible veil of scholarship. If
you want to know all the dirt about Mark Lane or Jim Garrison -- all you need to do is read with
naiveté the McAdams tracts. However, if you decide to read objectively and analyze what he is saying
you will begin to perceive what is really being presented, which is more like a monstrous mishmash of
irresponsible statements. With the orientation and tools given in this article, let's take a look at
McAdams version of "The Single Bullet Theory", which you can find at

McAdams jumps right in with a list of photos showing the relative positions of JBC and JFK in the
limo. This is, of course, the HSCA orientation. He repeats the use of the statement that Connally is
"well inboard" of JFK. Again, this is the HSCA terminology. He then focuses on the Canning
trajectory study for the HSCA; fair enough, still in the same orientation. But then he blithely segues in
the most interesting way, saying:

"Canning used the HSCA scenario that had Kennedy and Connally being stuck by the Single Bullet at
frame 190. More recent work has pinpointed the time of the hit to Zapruder frame 223".

Look at that statement -- the gall of it. It’s just a bait-and-switch statement! Which naive Kennedy
assassination newbie would have the sense to question what difference a few frames could make?
What McAdams has blithely done was to take the unproved HSCA SB scenario and plop on top of it
the "newer" Posner unproved scenario. A veritable blending of lipstick shades, if you will.

In fact, McAdams then gives the reader more choices -- you can view the FAA (Exponent) page, or
even Dale Myers' animation while completely disregarding the fact that the SB concept itself is still
unproven and that there are different alignments between JFK and JBC at different frames in the
Zapruder film!

Later on in the six-page tract McAdams blithely repeats his hodge-podge of misrepresentations:

"Supposedly, Connally is obviously unhurt in Zapruder frame 230, but John Kennedy is obviously
reacting to being hit at this point. Thus, it is claimed, the same bullet could not have hit both men. But
a careful study of the Zapruder film shows that Connally was hit at frame 223."
So this is the current concept of "The SBT" -- take what you need from any SB scenario and use it to
try to make your point. It makes no difference that the SB theory was never proven. It makes no
difference if the particular Z-frame changes, even if it is beyond the range of the original WC SB
scenario. It makes no difference that there is no such thing as a 'lapel flip' at Z223-4. All that matters
to the LNTs is that there 'is' 'an SBT'. They 'believe' in 'the SBT'. They do this as a matter of blind
faith, as is evidenced by the fact that they continue to spew forth ridiculous garbage only to deceive
the naive.

However, for any of those wishing to remain both intelligent and objective, we must simply ask them
what they mean by 'the SBT' and remind them that, come Saturday night, even a pretty pig with lots of
lipstick on is still just a pig.

Copyright 2004 In Broad Daylight Research

With thanks to my friends, fellow researchers, and editors Brad Back, and my husband Donner.

Edited December 13, 2004 by Pamela McElwain-Brown

 Quote

 Edit

Pamela Brown Biography


The JFK Presidential Limousine SS-100-X

Midnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight

SS100X Blog

Bob Dylan Blog -- Dylagence

Finding Judyth Blog

SPEED Channel documentary on the JFK Presidential Limousine and music videos at Youtube:

The Whitaker Hoax

Pamela Brown
 Super Member

 Members

 1,778 posts
 Gender:Female
 Location:Minneapolis, MN USA
 Interests:2013 JFKLancer NID, Dallas, TX, "MIdnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the
JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight 2008 Documentary Inside the Target Car, limo researcher
2004 documentary on the JFK Assassination Presidential Limousine SS-100-X "Behind the Headlights --
Presidential Limo" aired on the SPEED channel . Also aired 2005 2001 "SS-100-X" in CAR CRASH
CULTURE, Palgrave/McMillan.

 Report post

Posted November 24, 2004

Adding attachments:

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

 Quote

 Edit

Pamela Brown Biography


The JFK Presidential Limousine SS-100-X

Midnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight

SS100X Blog

Bob Dylan Blog -- Dylagence

Finding Judyth Blog

SPEED Channel documentary on the JFK Presidential Limousine and music videos at Youtube:

The Whitaker Hoax

Pamela Brown
 Super Member

 Members

 1,778 posts
 Gender:Female
 Location:Minneapolis, MN USA
 Interests:2013 JFKLancer NID, Dallas, TX, "MIdnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the
JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight 2008 Documentary Inside the Target Car, limo researcher
2004 documentary on the JFK Assassination Presidential Limousine SS-100-X "Behind the Headlights --
Presidential Limo" aired on the SPEED channel . Also aired 2005 2001 "SS-100-X" in CAR CRASH
CULTURE, Palgrave/McMillan.

 Report post

Posted December 1, 2004
Seems that in this forum I may be preaching to the choir about 'the SBT'. I notice that both my article
and Jim Fetzer's valuable article on this subject have not been subjected to any controversy.

However, on alt.assassination.jfk, where the LNTs think they rule supreme, it is a different story. I
posted a link there to my article and one poster decried my daring to call 'the SBT' a 'pretty pig'
without even having bothered to READ my article. Then he went on to make a number of illogical
statements based on an incorrect orientation and demand that I reply to them. When I did reply the
post was then 'moderated' into the aaj black hole and has not appeared.
Another poster, who happens to be a mod (censor) there did read the article but then scolded me for
having typos and 'minor errors' without specifying what they consisted of. In addition, he had
supposedly tried to chastise me in email but they came back. I gave him a new email address
yesterday, but still not a word. Oh, and NARY a word about the substance of the article.

So, the point I'm making is that the LNTs may be comfortable regurgitating their ideas of 'the SBT' on
their slanted field, they appear to be rather inept at carrying on a discussion of any substance. 


 Quote

 Edit

Pamela Brown Biography


The JFK Presidential Limousine SS-100-X

Midnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight

SS100X Blog

Bob Dylan Blog -- Dylagence

Finding Judyth Blog
SPEED Channel documentary on the JFK Presidential Limousine and music videos at Youtube:

The Whitaker Hoax

John Geraghty
 Super Member

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 1,160 posts
 Gender:Male
 Location:Dublin, Ireland

 Report post

Posted December 1, 2004

i can safely say that just because your article has not received any replies does not make it any less
potent than the other articles. I always like to see posners evidence being turned on its face. I enjoyed
the analogy too!

I think that people just take it for granted that the SBT is false evidence.I myself have somewhat
neglected the physical evidence and gone after the trail of possible conspirators more , this article was
very good in showing me once again why there is and should not be any faith in the SBT

many thanks

john geraghty

 Quote

Pamela Brown
 Super Member

 Members

 1,778 posts
 Gender:Female
 Location:Minneapolis, MN USA
 Interests:2013 JFKLancer NID, Dallas, TX, "MIdnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the
JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight 2008 Documentary Inside the Target Car, limo researcher
2004 documentary on the JFK Assassination Presidential Limousine SS-100-X "Behind the Headlights --
Presidential Limo" aired on the SPEED channel . Also aired 2005 2001 "SS-100-X" in CAR CRASH
CULTURE, Palgrave/McMillan.

 Report post

Posted December 1, 2004
If there was no SBT, where did the bullets go???

Asking where the bullets went is touching on valuable question to the JFK assassination that,
unfortunately, the Warren Commission managed to obfuscate by putting forth their "SBT". This
question is, however, tangential to the question of whether or not any of the SB scenarios were ever
proven (they weren't). In addition, it is necessary to separate CE 399 from consideration of an SB
scenario, for the simple reason that it may well have been planted.

If there were no bullets found in the body of JFK during autopsy or JBC during surgery, or in the
limo, where did they go?
Whether or not you agree with Lifton, it was into the void this question left that he dared to venture.
An alternate account is defined in Ritchie Linton's as-yet-unpublished and well worth reading
manuscript "The Palace Guard".

Do we have the courage to enter the void on our own and form our own conclusions?


 Quote

 Edit

Pamela Brown Biography


The JFK Presidential Limousine SS-100-X

Midnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight

SS100X Blog

Bob Dylan Blog -- Dylagence

Finding Judyth Blog

SPEED Channel documentary on the JFK Presidential Limousine and music videos at Youtube:
The Whitaker Hoax

Pamela Brown
 Super Member

 Members

 1,778 posts
 Gender:Female
 Location:Minneapolis, MN USA
 Interests:2013 JFKLancer NID, Dallas, TX, "MIdnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the
JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight 2008 Documentary Inside the Target Car, limo researcher
2004 documentary on the JFK Assassination Presidential Limousine SS-100-X "Behind the Headlights --
Presidential Limo" aired on the SPEED channel . Also aired 2005 2001 "SS-100-X" in CAR CRASH
CULTURE, Palgrave/McMillan.

 Report post

Posted December 1, 2004

i can safely say that just because your article has not received any replies does not make it any less
potent than the other articles. I always like to see posners evidence being turned on its face. I enjoyed
the analogy too!

I think that people just take it for granted that the SBT is false evidence.I myself have somewhat
neglected the physical evidence and gone after the trail of possible conspirators more , this article was
very good in showing me once again why there is and should not be any faith in the SBT

many thanks

john geraghty
Thank you John. I hope that all of us who are CTs can step up to the plate and once and for all quash
the misorientations of the LNTs regarding their 'SBT'. It would be great if everyone could find what
rings true to them in my essay and that of Jim Fetzer's and just run with it. I can think of no greater


 Quote

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Pamela Brown Biography


The JFK Presidential Limousine SS-100-X

Midnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight

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Pamela Brown
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 Interests:2013 JFKLancer NID, Dallas, TX, "MIdnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the
JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight 2008 Documentary Inside the Target Car, limo researcher
2004 documentary on the JFK Assassination Presidential Limousine SS-100-X "Behind the Headlights --
Presidential Limo" aired on the SPEED channel . Also aired 2005 2001 "SS-100-X" in CAR CRASH
CULTURE, Palgrave/McMillan.

 Report post

Posted December 8, 2004
Ironically, a very interesting discussion has been started on the arch LNT group alt.assassination.jfk
on my essay, by one of the mods there, Chad Zimmerman. I have invited him and those involved in
the thread to also post here, as it is valuable to see Chad's position and logic. My issue with his
statements currently is that he has misrepresented what I said in "The Pretty Pig's Saturday Night"
about the lapel 'flop' really being a shadow; the Stemmons Freeway sign being the most logical spot.

Here is the Google link to the thread for anyone interested in following the discussion on aaj.

I used a gif of Z-frames as an illustration of my point:
The parts of the equation that I am presenting are this:

1 -- Zapruder's orientation and

2 -- The small side window in the limo

contributed to the fact that the shadow,

3 -- Carrying the same perimeter shape as the top right corner of the

Stemmons Freeway sign

create the 'flop'.

In addition, if you look at the later frames Z225-6, you can see the same shadow (blocked to some
extent by the fact that his arms are up) on JFK!

Chad has removed the limo window and Zapruder orientation from my equation and presented his
own, which is that because the SFS shadow did not extend into the street in other photos from other
orientations, that the lapel 'flop' is really a 'flip'. :-0

Of course, that is a Strawman Argument.


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The JFK Presidential Limousine SS-100-X

Midnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight

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SPEED Channel documentary on the JFK Presidential Limousine and music videos at Youtube:

The Whitaker Hoax

Pamela Brown
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 Gender:Female
 Location:Minneapolis, MN USA
 Interests:2013 JFKLancer NID, Dallas, TX, "MIdnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the
JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight 2008 Documentary Inside the Target Car, limo researcher
2004 documentary on the JFK Assassination Presidential Limousine SS-100-X "Behind the Headlights --
Presidential Limo" aired on the SPEED channel . Also aired 2005 2001 "SS-100-X" in CAR CRASH
CULTURE, Palgrave/McMillan.

 Report post

Posted December 13, 2004

The aaj crew has still been unable to understand my position on the Posner lapel 'flop' which I had for
years considered to be a shadow, perhaps coming from the metal bar in front of JBC. I have discussed
this on Usenet more than once. Recently, however, after analyzing the full-frame Zapruder, I found a
synchronicity between the shape of the Stemmons Freeway Sign and the shadow on JBC's chest. Was
this merely a coincidence, I wondered, or could the angle of incidence from the limo side window to
the SFS and the angle of refraction from the limo side window to the shadow be an example of
Fermat's principle?

"Hence, Fermat's principle yields that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, a well
known result of geometrical optics. "

The limo is starting to turn into the sun.

The sun is just past high noon on the 33rd parallel.

There are numerous reflective surfaces on the limo, of glass and metal, including the side windows,
the windshield, the mirrors, and the chrome frame.

I used a gif of Z-frames as an illustration of my point:

The parts of the equation that I am presenting are this:

1 -- Zapruder's orientation and

2 -- The small side window in the limo

contributed to the fact that the shadow,

3 -- Carrying the same perimeter shape as the top right corner of the

Stemmons Freeway sign

create the 'flop'.

In addition, if you look at the later frames Z225-6, you can see the same shadow (blocked to some
extent by the fact that his arms are up) on JFK!

So, for anyone mystified by my statements to this effect in "The Pretty Pig's Saturday Night",
hopefully this additional information will be helpful.

Another factor in analyzing this equation is the fact that the quality of the Zapruder film is so poor that
it does not show much detail.

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The JFK Presidential Limousine SS-100-X

Midnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight

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SPEED Channel documentary on the JFK Presidential Limousine and music videos at Youtube:

The Whitaker Hoax

Pamela Brown
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 Gender:Female
 Location:Minneapolis, MN USA
 Interests:2013 JFKLancer NID, Dallas, TX, "MIdnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the
JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight 2008 Documentary Inside the Target Car, limo researcher
2004 documentary on the JFK Assassination Presidential Limousine SS-100-X "Behind the Headlights --
Presidential Limo" aired on the SPEED channel . Also aired 2005 2001 "SS-100-X" in CAR CRASH
CULTURE, Palgrave/McMillan.

 Report post

Posted December 14, 2004

Here is another example of an artifact of some sort created by the reflective surfaces on the limousine
during the assassination. The Altgens 1-6 photo shows a small reflection of Gov. Connally in the
windshield. This reflection is shown inside the rectangle. Please ignore the right side of the gif;
haven't figured out how to trim it yet.


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The JFK Presidential Limousine SS-100-X

Midnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight

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SPEED Channel documentary on the JFK Presidential Limousine and music videos at Youtube:

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Bill Miller
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Posted December 15, 2004 (edited)

  Pamela McElwain-Brown said:
Here is another example of an artifact of some sort created by the reflective surfaces on the limousine
during the assassination.  The Altgens 1-6 photo shows a small reflection of Gov. Connally in the
windshield.  This reflection is shown inside the rectangle.  Please ignore the right side of the gif;
haven't figured out how to trim it yet.



Maybe a better print will help. You have outlined JFK's lower jaw - mouth - and index finger.


Edited December 15, 2004 by Bill Miller

 Quote

I am Bill Miller, a long time researcher of the Kennedy assassination. My main interest are in the realm of
the photographic record and the witnesses statements and testimonies. I have studied the case for over 35
years and I have received the Mary Ferrell Award presented for the discovery of new evidence in the JFK
assassination murder case.
Pamela Brown
 Super Member

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 1,778 posts
 Gender:Female
 Location:Minneapolis, MN USA
 Interests:2013 JFKLancer NID, Dallas, TX, "MIdnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the
JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight 2008 Documentary Inside the Target Car, limo researcher
2004 documentary on the JFK Assassination Presidential Limousine SS-100-X "Behind the Headlights --
Presidential Limo" aired on the SPEED channel . Also aired 2005 2001 "SS-100-X" in CAR CRASH
CULTURE, Palgrave/McMillan.

 Report post

Posted December 15, 2004

Bill said:

Maybe a better print will help. You have outlined JFK's lower jaw - mouth - and index finger.


I have many copies of the photo and I disagree. I used this one because it was already at

In fact, what you may think you are seeing of JFK's upper face is actually reflection shown on the
back of the rear-view mirror.
Perhaps we are in agreement that there are issues left unresolved about the Altgens 1-6. It is at the
equivalent of Z255-- so over 20 frames past the lapel 'flop' shadow.


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The JFK Presidential Limousine SS-100-X

Midnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight

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Finding Judyth Blog

SPEED Channel documentary on the JFK Presidential Limousine and music videos at Youtube:

The Whitaker Hoax

Bill Miller
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 Report post

Posted December 16, 2004 (edited)


I have many copies of the photo and I disagree.  I used this one because it was already at 

In fact, what you may think you are seeing of JFK's upper face is actually reflection shown on the
back of the rear-view mirror.
I can only suggest that you use the best images possible so to try and limit in photographical
interpretation errors. Chosing anything less is asking for false conclusions to be reached.

 The back of the rear view mirror is hard plastic. It has some sun spots on it as the sun is

shining off of it through the windshield. Zapruder frame 255 shows JFK's face in direct
sunlight. I am at a lost as to where you are getting this mirror reflection stuff, especially when
the sun is in front of the car and can only shine directly onto the back of the mirror and not the
reflective side.

Edited December 16, 2004 by Bill Miller

 Quote

I am Bill Miller, a long time researcher of the Kennedy assassination. My main interest are in the realm of
the photographic record and the witnesses statements and testimonies. I have studied the case for over 35
years and I have received the Mary Ferrell Award presented for the discovery of new evidence in the JFK
assassination murder case.
Jim Root
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Posted December 16, 2004

Do you know if there has ever been any movement in the attempt to retrieve the bullet fragment from
Connelly's wrist and thigh?

06/18/1993 Connally Takes Bullet Pieces to Grave

By George Lardner Jr.

Washington Post Staff Writer

Former Texas governor John B. Connally was buried in an east Austin cemetery

yesterday after a frantic and unsuccessful effort to get family permission to

extract bullet fragments left in his body almost 30 years ago.

FBI officials in Dallas had recommended that an attempt be made to recover

the evidence and settle a long-standing controversy about whether Connally was

hit by the same bullet that wounded President John F. Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963,

just before Kennedy was killed by another bullet that tore into his skull.

Dallas FBI agent Oliver B. Revell said he feared that a barrage of lawsuits

would be discomfiting to the Connally family in the years ahead unless the

fragments were recovered. "We hate to intrude into the family's grief," Revell

said a few hours before the final graveside ceremonies, "but it's going to

happen sooner or later. I'm afraid the family is going to be harassed on this

until it's resolved."

The "single bullet" or "magic bullet" theory was crucial to the Warren

Commission's findings that Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, killed the

president and wounded Connally as the two men rode together in a motorcade

through downtown Dallas.

Connally's family and friends were upset and angry about the last-minute

hubbub over the bullet fragments, which began Wednesday with requests from

Kennedy assassination researchers urging the Justice Department to step in. A

spokesman at Justice said officials attempted to contact the family yesterday

morning after receiving the FBI recommendation but were unsuccessful.

"It's really offensive," said George Christian, a longtime Connally friend

and once his press secretary. "Nobody in the Connally family that I know of

ever heard of these fragments."

Revell said there was a fragment in one of Connally's thighs and perhaps

some traces in a wrist. The nonprofit Assassination Archives and Research

Center urged Attorney General Janet Reno on Wednesday to secure the fragments

and compare them, using neutron activation analysis and other sophisticated

tests, with the nearly intact bullet the Warren Commission said the pieces came

from. The bullet was found on a hospital stretcher and was believed to have

dropped out of Connally's thigh.

"If the family would agree and we can examine those under current

technology," Revell said, "we could do one of two things. We could say, 'Yes,

indeed, this was the bullet (that hit both men) and there is no basis for

saying there were additional shots. But if the mass and metallurgy don't match,

we've got a different ballgame."

Some bullet fragments were extracted from Connally's wrist at Parkland

Hospital in 1963. Tests in 1977 for the House assassinations committee matched

several bits with the "pristine bullet," but questions about the authenticity

of the pieces arose because they did not have the same weight as fragments

tested years earlier - and inconclusively - by the FBI. The FBI's fragments


Connally's body lay in state in the state capitol for two hours yesterday

morning and then was carried across the street to First United Methodist
Church, where he and his wife, Nellie, were married 52 years ago.

Among those at the funeral service were former president Richard M. Nixon,

Treasury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen, and Texas Gov. Ann Richards. Lady Bird Johnson

delivered a eulogy, remembering that "John was always the `can do' man, as

Lyndon would say." Twenty years ago, Connally delivered a eulogy for her

husband, former president Lyndon B. Johnson. Special correspondent Elizabeth

Hudson in Austin contributed to this report.

What is your take on neutron activation analysis to test the various bullets and fragments in this case?

Where do you think the Connelly thigh wounding bullet was fired from?

Thank you for your great paper!

Jim Root

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Pamela Brown
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 Location:Minneapolis, MN USA
 Interests:2013 JFKLancer NID, Dallas, TX, "MIdnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the
JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight 2008 Documentary Inside the Target Car, limo researcher
2004 documentary on the JFK Assassination Presidential Limousine SS-100-X "Behind the Headlights --
Presidential Limo" aired on the SPEED channel . Also aired 2005 2001 "SS-100-X" in CAR CRASH
CULTURE, Palgrave/McMillan.

 Report post

Posted December 16, 2004

Bill said:

I can only suggest that you use the best images possible so to try and limit in photographical
interpretation errors. Chosing anything less is asking for false conclusions to be reached.

With all due respect, I believe you are mistaken about the JBC reflection in the windshield of
the Altgens 1-6. Look at the position of JFK's hands at Z 255 and you will see that the area of
the tiny reflection could not be JFK's hands, as they were clenched and apart.


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Pamela Brown Biography


The JFK Presidential Limousine SS-100-X

Midnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight
SS100X Blog

Bob Dylan Blog -- Dylagence

Finding Judyth Blog

SPEED Channel documentary on the JFK Presidential Limousine and music videos at Youtube:

The Whitaker Hoax

Pamela Brown
 Super Member

 Members

 1,778 posts
 Gender:Female
 Location:Minneapolis, MN USA
 Interests:2013 JFKLancer NID, Dallas, TX, "MIdnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the
JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight 2008 Documentary Inside the Target Car, limo researcher
2004 documentary on the JFK Assassination Presidential Limousine SS-100-X "Behind the Headlights --
Presidential Limo" aired on the SPEED channel . Also aired 2005 2001 "SS-100-X" in CAR CRASH
CULTURE, Palgrave/McMillan.

 Report post

Posted December 16, 2004
Bill said:

I can only suggest that you use the best images possible so to try and limit in photographical
interpretation errors. Chosing anything less is asking for false conclusions to be reached.

With all due respect, I believe you are mistaken about the JBC reflection in the windshield of
the Altgens 1-6. Look at the position of JFK's hands at Z 255 and you will see that the area of
the tiny reflection could not be JFK's hands, as they were clenched and apart.


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The JFK Presidential Limousine SS-100-X

Midnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight

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Bob Dylan Blog -- Dylagence

Finding Judyth Blog
SPEED Channel documentary on the JFK Presidential Limousine and music videos at Youtube:

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