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Black and Hispanic Americans
have died in greater numbers than
any other ethnic group during the
pandemic thanks to race-driven
health inequality.
People of color are at an increased risk for serious
illness if they contract COVID-19 due to higher rates of
underlying health conditions
The African American community have suffered
an outsized share of deaths from coronavirus
compared to their share of the population.
The COVID-19 pandemic has
spotlighted racial and ethnic
disparities in access to health care
The coronavirus has added to the major health
disparities found in Southeast Dallas
Less health care infrastructure in Southern Dallas
means fewer places for Black and Latino residents to
turn to.
Despite Hispanic and Black populations
incurring higher rates of COVID-19 cases,
COVID-19 testing access suggests major
health disparities.
There is a vaccination gap among
communities of color in Dallas
Hispanic Texans are still struggling to
get vaccines.
Local and state government need to take a
bigger part in promoting fair access to
healthcare to everyone
Public health resources for COVID-19 should
be targeted to minority and underserved

■ Community, Work, and School. (2020, February 11). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
■ Community, Work, and School. (2020, February 11). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
■ Garnham, J. P. (2021, March 25). How Dallas is trying to address vaccine inequities in Texas. The Texas Tribune.
■ Hicks, T. (2020, September 8). For Dallas’ Black and Hispanic Communities, COVID-19 Is More Than a Health Crisis.
Dallas Observer.
■ How Coronavirus Added To Major Health Disparities Found In Southeast Dallas. (2020, May 27). KERA News.
■ Parkland Hospital. (2020, August). Fighting COVID-19 and eliminating health disparities. I Stand For Parkland.

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