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Book Analysis Second Quarter

A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, Theme, If anyone gets fixated on making money, they
will not have a happy life. Greed does not bring good things, it does not bring peace to your
heart and poisons your soul and generosity makes your heart happy and makes you a better
person. You can see where Mr. Scrooge shows that he is stingy, another example is when you
see the house very dark and he just illuminates the path with a candle just to not waste
energy, another example is when he refused to donate to the poor and said that is better that
they die and decrease the surplus population, one more example is when he will not even
allow his clerk Bob Cratchit to have a decent fire to warm him on Christmas Eve. An example of
generosity of other character whose name is Bob Cratchit is that even though Mr. Scrooge do
not pay him and treat him well he always defends and cares and he is grateful for what he
gives him, it may be not much, but he is grateful and you can see that when he proposed a
toast in his dinner for Mr. Scrooge given thanks to him for being the one who let that dinner
happen, he did not complain of what he had, he was giving thanks and that is what we all have
to do, give thanks to our God for everything because he is the reason everybody is alive and
sometimes everyone complains for what they have because they want more and more and it is
not like that, because all of us do not deserve anything but God loves us and he forgives us and
he bless us every day and we have to be thankful for that, even the Bible says that in Matthew
7:12, Treat others like you want to be treated.

Assignment B

A Christmas Carol is a short novel written by Charles Dickens and originally published by
Chapman & Hall on December 19, 1843. This novel talks about a greedy and selfish man
named Ebenezer Scrooge and his conversion after being visited by 3 ghosts on Christmas Eve.
Mr. Scrooge’s problem is that he is selfish, so he lives embittered with the people in town
because they are always happy and because they celebrate Christmas and he does not like
Christmas, but after the ghost’s visits he was a changed man. if you are stingy and embittered
you will not have a happy life. Ebenezer Scrooge was recognized for his generosity, greed, and
cruelness to the people of the town, his family, and the ones who worked with him.

A vice that Scrooge had is that he was a greedy man, an example is when he preferred money
instead of his wife, he replaced her by a golden idol, he told her that there is nothing more
terrifying to him than a life doomed to poverty, in there you can see that he is attached to
money. Another example when he showed that he was so stingy and avaricious is when Mr.
Scrooge. The only thing he cares about is money and you can see that when he refused to go
with his cousin to the Christmas party because he did not wanted to waste money and to
waste his time.
The arrogance you can see on Mr. Scrooge is when his nephew went to his place and
started talking about Christmas he responded by saying that Christmas is humbug, he
said that Christmastime is for paying bills without money, it is a time for finding
yourself a year older and not a penny richer. Another example when he shows arrogance
is when he refused to help the poor people he said that he will only support some
establishments and that he can not afford to make idle people merry and he does not
want to donate to the poor, he said that is better that they die to die in that way they
decrease the surplus population. The other example was when he said to his nephew that
he did not have to be merry of anything, because he was poor enough, so Mr. Scrooge
thinks that the people who are poor do not have any reason to celebrate, because he
thinks that they do not have anything to celebrate about and that is not true.

 A virtue that Ebenezer Scrooge has is that after the ghost visits, he was more generous,
kind, and compassionate, you can see that virtue when he donated to the poor, that was
an act of generosity that he gained, you also can see that he helped Cratchit and his
family when he gave a turkey to that little kid, that is also an example of generosity and
caring. Another example is when he surprises Bob Cratchit with a raise that is an
example that he appreciates all the work he has done for him, another example is when
he ensures and pays all the expenses for Tiny Tim to get his medical care that he needs
so that he doesn't die.

We need more conscious of the persons that surround us, we need to learn to share, we need
to know that life is one and we need to take advantage of enjoying our lives. Do not waste
your time, you need to put God and your family first. if you want to make more and more
money you will waste and ruin your lives. In conclusion if you want to have a happy life just be
grateful for what you have and always thank God for everything no matter what because he
knows what He is doing and He will always have a good reason.

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