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Objective of Scoping
The objective of scoping is to determine the terms and boundaries (spatial and temporal) of the
environmental impact assessment. It seeks to identify ab initio, those aspects of the proposed
activity which, based on past experience, literature searches or intuitive perception, could have
significant negative impacts on the environment. In particular, with respect to biological species,
the scoping addressed the public concern about human health and safety, losses of important
commercial species, places of major recreational or aesthetic value, rare and endangered
species as well as habitat losses. Past experience has shown that time and funds are two
limiting factors in the execution of EIAs, hence scoping has aided more meaningful data
collection, and led to more efficient use of fieldwork time and funds. Based on the ToR for the
project, Table 6.1 shows the identified phases of the project development and the activities
involved therein.

Table 6.1: Identified Phases of Project Development and their Activities

S/ Project Phases Project Sub- Phases Activities
1 Pre-Mobilization and Pre-Construction - Site Land take,Transportation of
Mobilization Investigation/Preparation, equipment and personnel,
RoW clearance, De-stumping,
Tree Felling, Sand filling,
Water traffic

Transportation of Modules, Towing of large Barges using

Personnel and Equipment Tugs, Personnel Carriers

2 Construction Dredging and Piling Widening of river/creek and

deepening/sweeping of
river/seabed, Capital dredging,
Spoil disposal.
Fabrication of Cutting, welding, painting of
equipment/modules and other equipment
ancillary equipment
Construction of Field Logistics Excavation/Sandfilling,
Base (FLB) Cement Slurry, Painting,
Domestic/Industrial Waste
Construction/installation of power Excavation, sandfilling, pilling,
supply system to project installation of the power
communities modules
Pipeline/Facilities Construction Trenching, Piling, Pipe
stringing and Welding, Coating
and Wrapping, Hydrostatic
Testing, River crossing,
Cathodic protection, back
filling and Spoil disposal, Non-
Destructive testing (NDT).
Fibre Optics Cable Laying Clearing the seabed of debris
using de-trencher grapnel,
High Pressure Water Jetting
Burial of Cable, back filling of
cable trenches
Gas Conditioning Facilities Piling, Welding, Blast cleaning,
Installation Lifting, Cutting, Cleaning,
Painting, Drainage and Water
Traffic, waste disposal.
3 Operation/Commissioning System Commissioning, Collection, Monitoring and
and maintenance Operation & Maintenance Disposal of Wastes & Effluent
discharges, Corrosion control,
Monitoring of emissions.
Equipment Testing, Start-ups
and Introduction of
Hydrocarbons, Sewage
4 Decommissioning and Decommissioning and Domestic and Industrial waste
Abandonment Abandonment management. Cutting, Lifting,
Welding, Draining, Cleaning,
Water Traffic.

Past experience shows that the activities requiring detailed study are Sweeping & Dredging, Laying of
pipes and Cable, Transportation, Construction, Installation and operation of the CPF and disposal of
wastes. Based on the identified activities likely to cause significant impacts, we analyse the various
environmental components shown in Table 6.2 with a view to estimating the level of data/information
collection required.

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