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國立臺灣師範大學 應用華語文學系

100 年度大學甄選入學語文能力測驗

一、 選擇題(請選出一個最適當的答案) 50%
1 李清照〈如夢令〉:「知否?知否?應是綠肥紅瘦。」使用那一種修辭法:
(A) 雙關 (B) 比喻 (C) 代稱 (D) 委婉

2 論語微子:「明日,子路行,以告。」使用的修辭手法是:
(A) 省略 (B) 倒置 (C) 委婉 (D) 代稱

3 下列何者屬於判斷句:
(A) 是非君子之言也。(禮記檀弓)
(B) 兔不可復得,而身為宋國笑。(韓非子五蠹)
(C) 每自比於管仲樂毅,時人莫之許也。(三國志蜀書諸葛亮傳)
(D) 灌夫為人剛直,使酒,不好面諛。(史記魏其武安侯例傳)

4 下列何者使用的語法與「夜以繼日」相同:
(A) 何以戰?(左傳莊公十年)
(B) 室於怒,市於色。(左傳昭公十九年)
(C) 竟謂誰也?(論衡刺孟)
(D) 狂屈中欲告我而不告我。(莊子知北遊)

(A) 即使 (B) 立即 (C) 就是 (D) 走近

(A) 一個 (B) 二個 (C) 三個 (D) 四個

7 下列那一句子中含有變義合成詞:
(A) 民為貴,社稷次之,君為輕
(B) 陟罰臧否,不宜異同
(C) 嗚呼!死生,晝夜事也。
(D) 上古之世,人民少而禽獸多

第 1 頁/共 8 頁
8 下列何者不是古今字:
(A) 昏、婚 (B) 弟、悌 (C) 辟、避 (D) 岳、嶽

(A) 連詞 (B) 介詞 (C) 動詞 (D) 名詞

10 以時語解釋文獻中難懂字詞的注解方式稱為:
(A) 傳 (B) 章句 (C) 箋 (D) 義疏

11 清代詞學發展鼎盛,其中常州詞派的代表人物是誰:
(A) 納蘭性德 (B) 陳維崧 (C) 朱彝尊 (D) 張惠言

12 甲、「莫見乎隱,莫顯乎微。」乙、 「微斯人,吾誰與歸!」丙、
因微服出遊。」丁、 「人心惟危,道心惟微。」以上四句中的「微」字,意義
(A) 甲、乙 (B) 乙、丙 (C) 丙、丁 (D)甲、丁

13 下列對於漢字形體演變過程的敍述何者有誤?
(A) 戰國文字指戰國時期在陶器、石器、銅器等材料上承載的漢字
(B) 小篆是秦代的主要字體,但未經過整理規範
(C) 甲骨文、金文、戰國文字形成於楷書之前
(D) 小篆、隸書、楷書皆形成於漢末之前

14 下列的字詞在演變過程中,何者的詞義縮小了?
(A)洗 (B)館 (C)金 (D)糧

15 下列有關量詞的使用,何者正確?
(A)一「輪」弦月 (B)一「幀」圖畫
(C)一「襲」寒氣 (D)一「股」和諧

16 成語或典故的形成往往和歷史人物有關,例如「遺恨失吞吳/諸葛亮」,下列
(A) 「四面楚歌/劉邦」 (B) 「老馬識途/管仲」
(C) 「小喬出嫁/孫權」 (D) 「臥薪嘗膽/闔閭」

第 2 頁/共 8 頁
17 古典詩歌、散文中,有關季節的描寫,下列何者是正確的?
(A) 歐陽修「野芳發而幽香」是寫夏天的景致
(B) 王昌齡「忽見陌頭楊柳色,悔教夫婿覓封侯」是寫春天的景致
(C) 李白「寒蟬聒梧桐,日夕長悲鳴」是寫冬天的景致
(D) 蘇東坡「荷盡已無擎雨蓋,菊殘猶有傲霜枝」是寫秋天的景致

18 下列詩句歌詠的名物,何者敘述有誤?

(B) 「解落三秋葉,催開二月花。過江三尺浪,入竹萬竿斜。」,歌詠「風」
(C) 「本以高難飽,徒勞恨費聲。五更疏欲斷,一樹碧無情。」,歌詠「蟬」
(D) 「拂拂生殘暉,層層如裂緋。天風剪成片,疑作仙人衣。」,歌詠「晚霞」

19 子曰:「士而懷居,不足以為士矣。」與下列那一選項文意相近?
(A) 德不孤,必有鄰
(B) 里仁為美。擇不處仁,焉得知
(C) 士志於道,而恥惡衣惡食者,未足與議也
(D) 君子之於天下也,無適也,無莫也,義之與比

20 下列字義,何者有誤?
(A) 棄甲曳兵而「走」:指跑
(B) 退避三「舍」:指房舍
(C) 肉袒牽羊以「逆」:指迎接
(D) 之子于「歸」:指出嫁

21 甲、「彤」雲。乙、「玄」端。丙、「縞」衣。丁、「緇」服。
(A)乙、丙 (B)乙、丁 (C)甲、丙 (D)丙、丁

22 清代張潮《幽夢影》云:「人莫樂於閒,非無所事事之謂也。閒則能讀書,

第 3 頁/共 8 頁
23 膾炙人口的崑曲曲目「遊園驚夢」,是取自中國文學名著:
(A) 牡丹亭 (B) 紅樓夢 (C) 金瓶梅 (D) 長生殿

24 陶家有四個小孩:小端已是及笄之年,小舒即將邁入束髮之年,小萱正值
(A)小端 (B)小舒 (C)小萱 (D)小花

25 下列語句與作者,何者配合正確?

第 4 頁/共 8 頁
二、 Reading Comprehension Test (30%):
Please read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question!

Part A. (15%)
Questions abound as the college-rakings race goes global
It is amazing that more than two decades after U.S. News & World Report first
published its special issue on "America's Best Colleges," and almost a decade since
Shanghai Jiao Tong University first published the Academic Ranking of World
Universities, rankings continue to dominate the attention of university leaders. Indeed,
the range of people watching them now includes politicians, students, parents,
businesses, and donors. Simply put, rankings have caught the imagination of the
public and have insinuated their way into public discourse and almost every level of
government. There are even iPhone applications to help individuals and colleges
calculate their ranks.
More than 50 country-specific rankings and 10 global rankings are available
today, including the European Union's new U-Multirank, due this year. What started
as small-scale, nationally focused guides for students and parents has become a global
business that heavily influences higher education and has repercussions well beyond

1. In the title of this article, what does the word “abound” mean?
(A) to bounce
(B) to rebound
(C) to reflect
(D)to overflow

2. According to the article, which entity first published academic rankings for
universities around the world?
(A) European Union
(B) U.S. News & World Report
(C) iPhone
(D) Shanghai Jiao Tong University

第 5 頁/共 8 頁
3. In the article, “donors” means
(A) People who give organs
(B) People who give money
(C) People who give time
(D) People who give support

4. “Simply put, rankings have caught the imagination of the public and have
insinuated their way into public discourse and almost every level of government.”
Here insinuated means
(A) to confer
(B) to initiate
(C) to maneuver
(D) to insulate

5. “What started as small-scale, nationally focused guides for students and parents has
become a global business that heavily influences higher education and has
repercussions well beyond academe.” Seems to suggest that…
(A) Everything local becomes global
(B) Everything is interconnected
(C) Everyone wants what is best for their children
(D) Everything, everywhere is important to everyone

Part B (9%)
Without a doubt, wine occupies an important place in the culture and life of the
Chinese people. Wine was intimately connected with most Chinese men of letters. It
was also an inseparable part of the life of ordinary Chinese people. The banquets of
ancient emperors and kings could not take place without it. Every sort of wine vessel
thus became an important kind of sacrificial object. Inscriptions on bones and tortoise
shells as well as bronze inscriptions preserve many records of Shang-era people
worshiping their ancestors with wine.
There were many famous Chinese poet or artist who crafted their masterpieces
after getting "drunk". The famous poet Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907) is
known as the "Immortal of Wine" because of his love of alcohol. Guo Moruo, a
modern scholar, compiled statistics about Li's poems and found 17 percent of them
were about drinking. Early writers liked drinking and thought it an elegant way to
pass the time. Apart from the taste of the drink, they also concentrated on the process
of drinking. They created many games to go with drinking sessions involving a
knowledge of history, literature, music and poetry.

第 6 頁/共 8 頁
6. What is the most appropriate title for this passage?
(A) Wine and Chinese People
(B) Drinking Wine: Li Bai Liked It, so Should You!
(C) Drunk and Loving It in Ancient China
(D) Wine, Writing, and Warfare in Ancient China

7. Chinese “men of letters” means

(A) Men who know their alphabets
(B) Letter-writing men
(C) Educated men
(D) Men who have M.A. or Ph.D. after their names

8. In ancient China, drinking was NOT a great way to…

(A) pass the time
(B) excel at the Jinshi examination
(C) play a game involving cultural knowledge
(D) get into the mood for writing

Part C. (6%)
The Comma
The comma is one of the punctuation marks that is often incorrectly used in sentences.
Using a comma in the wrong place can render a sentence unreadable. Some of the
symptoms of incorrect usage include comma splicing and fused sentences. Too many
commas can make sentences choppy. A choppy sentence becomes difficult to read,
because the reader can not distinguish between what is important information and
what is supporting information. A good writer needs to follow the basic rules and
adhere to the fundamentals during the writing process. The comma, and comma usage
is very important since it is the most commonly used punctuation mark in sentences.
Sentences may even become more confusing when they are used incorrectly and in
violation of the rules. A writer should correctly use commas in a sentence. By
following the rules that apply to the usage of commas, she can ensure that the reader
will understand and enjoy her essay.

9. What does the word “adhere” mean?

(A) to paste
(B) to add
(C) to observe
(D) to glue

第 7 頁/共 8 頁
10. Improperly used commas will NOT…?
(A) Cause comma splicing and fused sentences
(B) Enhance frequency and wavelength of clauses
(C) Reduce understanding and enjoyment of an essay
(D) Muddle important and supporting information together

三、 Essay (20%)
Please write a short essay to express your opinions about Chinese becoming a global
language. What do you feel are the advantages and disadvantages of Chinese
becoming a global language? Why should people around the world learn Chinese?
(Note: Your essay should be between 150 and 250 words. Too many or too few words
will result in point deduction)

第 8 頁/共 8 頁

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