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Table Of Contents

Part 1:
- Introduction
- Title Screen
- Game
- Records
- Settings
- Character Customization Screen

Part 2
- Game Controls
- Character Status
- Pause Menu

Part 3
- Areas In The Game

Part 4
- Description of Consumable Items
- Description of Decorative Items
- Description of Special Items

Part 5
- Description of Characters

Part 6
- Time System

Part 7
- Lone Samurai Endings (2)
- Police Samurai Endings (2)
- Gang Samurai Endings (2)
- Kasumi Endings (3)
- Sayo Endings (3)
- Alternate Lone Samurai Endings (2)

Part 8
- Amakaze Jobs
- Aoto Jobs
- Magistrate Jobs
- Special Money Makers
- Special Fights

Part 9
- Weapons Hunt
- Upgrading Weapons
- Working On My First Weapon
- Committing Mass Murder
- The 100-Man Battle
- The Sword Safe
- Codes and Curiosities
- Legalities

Part 10
- Titles for Attacks


Greetings to all readers! When I first created this guide, I was working with
the Japanese
version of the game, and I'm happy that people who used it found it very useful.
Now that
the English version has come, I thought that it was time to make the necessary
and additions to the guide. To those who are still playing with the Japanese
I hope this version will help you figure out what's happening in the game.

Basic Commands:
X button = Accept
Triangle button = Cancel

Title Screen
The title screen presents three choices:


When you choose "Game", you will be presented with 2 difficulty choices. You
initially start
with two, but as you progress, another two will be made available. Here they

Finishing Blow (1-Hit Kill Mode)

When you choose the any of the two, you'll get into some sort of character
screen, with more choices inside.

You will be able to view data about your saved character here. You can check:

Main Records - shows your Top Ranking, Points, Times Cleared, Total Kills, and
Instant Kills.

Titles - shows the titles you have earned.

Swords - shows you all the weapons you've collected.

Accessories - shows you the special accessories you have unlocked or bought.

This contains a number of choices to adjust in your game.

Camera - lets you have it on normal control or reverse.

Vibrate - lets you turn this on or off.
Subtitles - lets you turn this on or off.
Blood - lets you turn this on or off.
Sound (Press the "O" button to access more sound options.)
- Audio Output
- BGM Test
- Music Volume
- Test Sounds
- Sound Volume
- Back (You might as well just press the "X" button to go back.)
Screen Position
Color Base

Customization Screen:
The Character Customization Screen lets you choose the model of the character
that you will be
using, as well as assign his/her name, weapons and items to bring along. They
are presented in this way:



There are three characters available at the start, but there are eight boxes in
total. You will have to unlock the remaining characters. You can rotate the
character model by using the Right Analog Stick.

There are three attires available at the start, but there are thirteen boxes in
total. You will have to unlock the remaining attires.

You will be presented with three more choices in this manner:

Equip Weapons
Sword Safe

Equip Weapons
When you first see this screen, you will only have one sword, but as you go
along the game, you'll get more weapons. Pressing the "X" button on a weapon
will yield more choices:

Put In Safe - stores the weapon in the safe.

Equip - equips the weapon.
Drop - permanently deletes the weapon.
Check Moves - shows you the moves you have unlocked for the weapon.

Sword Safe:*
This shows you all of the weapons that you have collected so far in your
journeys as a samurai.
It also shows you the name of the weapons, as well as their attributes. You can
store as many as 100 weapons when you have maximized its storage capacity. You
also have boxes at the left side of the screen:

Page 1
Change Order

Page 1
You can press "Right" or "Left" on your directional pad or Left Analog Stick to
turn pages. You have 10 pages, with a listing of 10 weapons each. Pressing the
"X" button on a page will let you choose among the weapons. Choose a weapon by
pressing "X", and you'll get three choices:

Check Moves

This will take the selected weapon from the safe and you will start out carrying
it. You can only carry two weapons before you begin the game.

This permanently DELETES the current weapon highlighted. Be careful with this
one, or else, you may lose your hard-earned weapon!

Check Moves
This screen shows you a list of the available moves that you can do with your
weapons. Use the
Left Analog Stick to pan the screen to see the rest.

Change Order
Pressing the "X" button here will reveal 7 ways to sort out your weapons.


This screen shows you the current items you have in supply and the items that
you will bring along when you first start the game. In the middle part of the
screen, you are presented with three choices:

Item Box

Pressing "X" here will let you choose which among the items you are carrying
will be placed in the item box.

Item Box
Pressing "X" here will let you choose which among the items you currently have
in stock to bring.

After choosing this, you will be treated to an opening scene wherein your
character of choice loses consciousness because of stress and hunger...


Game Controls:*

Sheath/Unsheathe Weapon
While in the game, you will be responsible for what you do. People usually find
it offensive if you draw your weapon out in the open for no apparent reason.
Commoners will panic, the police will try to arrest you, and other samurai and
gang members will think of it as a challenge.

Button: L1

Blocking attacks will cause the gauge above your life bar to increase. Beware,
for once it gets full, one of its bars will break. If you lose all bars, your
weapon breaks and is rendered useless!

Button: R1

Parrying an attack is a VERY effective method if you're the type who wants to
counter attack.
Parrying is also useful for keeping your opponent off balance, and running away
to relieve stress on your "Break Meter", or you may counter him with a fatal
slash. Be careful, as parrying requires great timing.

Button: R1+(up, right, left, down) direction on the Left Analog Stick. Press
Square or Triangle button to follow up with a counter slash.

* In order to parry effectively, you may opt to just hold the R1 button to
block, and wait for your opponent to strike. At the moment of impact, react to
it by pressing the direction from where the attack came. Release them as soon as
both weapons clash. So far, I've noticed that horizontal attacks can be parried
by pressing Left or Right, while vertical attacks can be parried by pressing Up
or Down.

Running is an important part of encounters. You can run away from combination
attacks from enemies, since combination attacks can be tough to block, unless
you parry it at the first instant. Running can also allow your "Break Meter" to
go down so that you wouldn't have to worry much about your sword breaking apart.

Button: Hold R2 and then the direction you wish to run to. You can also attack
while running, just time your attack when you're near the opponent then strike.

Horizontal Slash
Horizontal slashes are effective against enemies who hold their weapons above
their head because there their weapon won't get in the way of your horizontal

Button: Square

Vertical Slash
Vertical slashes are effective against enemies who hold their guard mainly in
front of them since your attack may come from above or below.

Button: Triangle
Ground Attack
Whenever you get knocked down, you may come back with a surprise attack from the

Button: Square or Triangle while down.

Jumping may not have much of a role in the areas in the game because there
aren't any gaps to jump across, but jumping into the air opens another
possibility as to where your attack will come from.

Button X: You may attack from the air by pressing either the Square or Triangle

Pick Up
This is very important to do if you wish to grab swords stuck on the ground, as
well as items and money.

Button: Square (While your weapon is sheathed.) Press Square again to place the
object on the ground.

Throw Objects
You can pick up boxes, vases, and other objects to use them as offensive things
by throwing them at someone.

Button: Hold the R1 button and then press Square to throw the object.

You will have to communicate with people if you want to learn more about the
town of Amahara. Sometimes, people will give you hints to certain things of

Button: Press the Circle button when near a person.

Kicking is useful when you have to pick up an object while you're in a fight and
your sword is drawn. Kick the object and your samurai will somehow be able to
keep it. Do NOT kick BABIES on the ground because they will just die and you
won't be able to save them. You can also kick boxes open, or kick your opponents
to confuse them.

Button: Press the R1+Square button to kick.

Jump Kick
You can make your samurai jump into the air and perform a jump kick. This is
useful if you have to avoid attacks on the ground while you want to confuse them
and push them back.
Button Press the X button to jump first, and then press R1+Square while you're

Character Status:*
While walking around or fighting, you will notice that you have three bars on
the lower-left corner of the screen. These are:

Break Meter
Health Meter
Stamina Meter

Break Meter
This tells you how close your sword is to being broken. You'll notice that when
you block each strike from your enemy or you hit your enemy successfully, this
will cause the meter to get full. It will gradually go down, but the moment it
gets full from constant enemy contact, it will lose one of the bars. If you lose
all the bars of your Break Meter, your sword will be broken and it will be
useless. Better keep watch of this meter while playing offensively and

Health Meter
This shows you how much health is remaining. Don't let this run out, or you'll
die. You can replenish this by eating good food.

Stamina Meter
This tells you how stressed out your samurai is. You can replenish this by
resting. If you linger around too long in a particular place, you will see a
"thunder" icon flashing above your "Break Meter". When you leave the location,
the time of the day will change and you will lose one part of your Stamina. You
use "EP" here, or Energy Points.

Pause Menu:*
This is accessed by pressing the "Select" button on your control pad. You will
see five choices presented in this manner:

Sword Select - choose a weapon to equip.

Item Selection - pressing left or right will show you the consumable, special,
and decorative items. Consumables are those that you drink, eat, or use. Special
items are those that you usually collect while on a job. Decorative items are
the accessories that you unlock or buy.
Status Check - this shows you the current map of the area, as well as the date,
place, sword, and job that you have.


Areas In The Game:*
There are a total of 10 areas in the game. Let's see and check what they have.

"Edge of Town"
This place can also be referred to as the "Clinic", because it has a clinic
right in the middle of the place. You can find Doctor Genan and Chiyo here.
"Amahara Shrine"
This location may also be referred to as the "Festival Grounds". Early in the
game, it has a couple of foreigners hanging around. There is also a small guy
named Kotsubo at the center of the place who will fix matches for you. You can
earn money by beating his chosen opponent. The place also contains a restaurant,
a tea house, a general store, and a fancy goods store. Late at night or early
mornings, there is a girl known as the "Informant" who will sell you some
information about where you can find useful swords.

This location has a restaurant, a bath house, a green grocer, and a blacksmith
place. There is
also a girl near the houses who's sad because her dad wants a rice ball, but she
couldn't get

"Aoto Gang Headquarters"
This is the "Gang Headquarters". You can get hired here to be part of the gang
and take
missions. The place is littered with gang members. The Job Broker always stands
by the gate.

You will find a restaurant here, Kasumi's house, and more imoprtantly, a dojo.
In the dojo,
you can ask the students there to teach you some basic skills like blocking,
sheathing and
unsheathing your sword, and attacking. You can also ask the master of the dojo
to let all the
pupils fight you at the same time, or you can challenge the master himself.

This place can best be described as the "Business District" of the game. You
will find
some textile shops here, general stores, a pub, a jewelry store, a fancy goods
and of course, the large structure at the center called "Amakaze Inn" where you
will find
a Job Broker, Donpachi, and Maizake, the geisha.

The area has a large "Mansion" in it. It also has a restaurant, a pub, and a tea

"Magistrate's Office"
This can be referred to as the "Police Headquarters". Police officers stay here,
and there is
even a jail inside. You can get imprisoned if you do bad things and the police
catch you. You
can bail out, though. The Job Broker stands by the gate.
This area has the "Empty House". The "Empty House" is located inside, near the
center of the
place. It is near the well at the center of the area. You can rest there and let
time pass by
(very useful for events). The place also has a fancy goods store, a general
store, a green
grocer, and a pharmacy.

"Otemon Gate"
This is where people from different places pass through when they first arrive.
People of
different races are here. You may occasionally spot a foreigner in a yellow
attire here. We can
refer to this as the "Arrival Place". It also has a restaurant, an inn, and a
tea house.

"Outside Amahara"
This is actually the area where you can choose whether you want to exit the game
already or not.


Description of Consumable Items:*
Throughout the game you will be able to buy items from shops or even take them
from your fallen
opponent. At the start, there will only be a few items sold at shops, but
further into the game,
you will notice that there will be more items available for purchase, depending
on the people's
relationship with you.

Rice Ball - Freshly cooked rice wrapped in seaweed. Restores 200 HP.

Dried Fish - Fish dried using seawater and sake. Non-perishable. Restores 400

Radish - May not look appetizing, but is easily digested. Restores 600 HP.

Bean Candy - Bean candy shaped like a baby chick. Very Nutritious. Restores all
of your HP.

Buddhist Beads - Made from a string of 108 crystal beads, this helps rid the
user of
earthly desires. Max HP +100.

Talisman - A wooden talisman bearing a prayer to the spirits of nature. Max HP


Magic Bead - Made from an ancient stone with magical powers, this seems to
with energy. Max HP +500.

Ginseng - Used in Chinese medicine, this root will give you energy. Restores 1
Sake - A special brand of sake brewed in Amahara. Not very popular. Restores 2
EP, but...

Smelling Salts - Made from medicinal herbs, this tonic is terribly bitter.
Restores 2 EP.

Longevity Powder - A longevity powder made by a foreign physician. Max EP +1.

Scroll - Written by a master swordsman for his students. Allows you to learn a
new technique.

Special Scroll - Written long ago by a renowned master. Allows you to learn a

Secret Scroll - A secret scroll written by a famous master. Allows you to learn
a special

Sword Oil - Protects a sword's blade from rust. Increases the sword's attack
also temporarily.

Amagetsu Doll - Thought to be able to ward off evil spirits, this temporarily
increases the
user's defenses.

Devil Mushroom - Long used by samurais, this mushroom temporarily increases the
user's attack
and defenses.

Sword Powder - Removes oil from the sword's blade, increases the sword's attack
modifier by 5.

Charm - A special kind of good luck charm for swords. Increases sword's defense
modifier by 5.

Medicine - Powder made from 10 varieties of medicinal herbs. It's hard to say if
good for you.

Description of Decorative Items:*
Decorative items are accessories that your samurai can wear. These things are
really amusing
and even disturbing at times. Here's a complete list of the items that you'll be
able to
unlock by earning points.

Shoulderpads - The last remaining piece of a great general's armor, gradually

sold off to
raise money.

Umbrella - Made by Amahara's own umbrella maker Tokujiro. Makes you hope for
rainy days.

Demon Mask - The life's work of a master mask artist, this mask is said to have
modeled on his wife...

Flower - An artificial lily made by Amahara craftsmen. A must for the fashion-

Carnival Mask - A colorful mask adorned with feathers. Popular amidst some rich
Eyepatch - Supposedly used by an ancient samurai, this patch makes you look
mean, but depth
perception suffers.

Spectacles - A refined and intellectual-looking pair of spectacles. You feel

smarter just
wearing them.

Tengu Mask - A mask in the shape of a demon from the mountains. It gives the
wearer occult
powers... maybe...

Noh Mask - A mask used in Noh theater. There have been reports of a killer
samurai wearing
this mask.

Throwing Star - Designed to be the most powerful thrown star ever made, but as
yet no one
can really use it...

Afro - A certain foreign samurai left this behind after a harrowing battle...

Shades - The epitome of cool, these "sun spectacles" are all the rage with the
rich and

Gasmask - Protects the user from all forms of poison gas, but there may not be
chances to use it...

Disguise Set - Even your best friend won't recognize you in this disguise,
perfect for
covert operations...?

Monkey - Sabujiro the monkey is very intelligent and personable. Likes to mess
people's hair...

White Eagle - You feel more important just by having this eagle on your
shoulder. Exedes

Rabbit - It takes a true master to pull this off... You might want to avoid
stores with it on...

Biwa - A wododen stringed instrument in use since the Nara Period. Any true
can play a few tunes.

Fox Mask - One of the most basic decorative items, this mask is often seen at

Pirate Hat - This mysterious hat somehow ended up in Amahara. Gives +5 to

sailing skill.

Parrot - A look into this sensitive bird's eyes reveals that it is praying for
in Amahara.

Modern Weapons - Based on "electricity" this is the pinnacle of Edo technology.

A real
samurai would never use one.

Medicine Vial - A bottle hidden in Dr. Genan's house. Apparently some kind of

Hockey Mask - Homicidal rage fills you when you put on this mask. Save it for
when you
really need it.
Cat Ears - Lull your enemies into a false sense of security with these cute
kitty-cat ears.

Angel Wings - Become a samurai angel and help those in need! Unfortunately they
allow users to fly.

Headband - Copped with two lit candles, this headband is great fun at parties
and comes
in handy at night.

Burial Tablet - A burial tablet. "Those with weak hearts should consult a
before use."

Description of Special Items:*

Secret Papers - Some very important-looking papers. You'd like to look inside,
must resist...

Parcel - A parcel wrapped in a square of cloth. A wooden box of some kind seems
to be
- A parcel wrapped in a square of cloth. You can't tell what's inside.

100 Ryo Box - A box containing your reward for killing the Chief Magistrate.
Don't spend
it all in one place.
* You can get this from the thug standing beside the Aoto Job Broker on Day 27,
after you kill Kuroha at the festival.

Kitten - A cute little kitten, about three months old. Makes you feel relaxed
looking at it.

Baby - He's fast asleep and very cute. You'd better hurry up and return him to
his parents...

Small Bottle - A bottle of Soma you got back from Kasumi. OF course, you musn't
drink it.

Hair Ornament - A delicately crafted woman's hairpin made of ivory. Someone must
be looking
for this...


Description of Characters:*
You will find descriptions of characters here in detail so that you'll have no
recognizing them. You'll also find the proper names of their weapons, and where
they are
usually located.

Major Characters
1. Sayo - she is the first person you meet when you start the game. She offers
food at the start. She wears a blue and white attire that looks like a school
uniform. She wears
red shoes. She also has a bell that she wears around her. Whenever she walks,
you can hear the

Location: "Otemon Gate". After the first scene, you will usually see her
wandering around other
places as well.

2. Aoto Three - they are always together. They wear a pale yellowish attire.
They also wear
hats that make them look like mushrooms, and white make-up that has red
markings. They are
Ichikichi, Nihei, and Santa.

Location: "Otemon Gate" The Arrival Place. You will meet them here the first
time if Sayo
bumps into them. You will also find them in "Aoto Gang Headquarters".

Jumangoku - stick with a round stone on it.
Oganken - has gold linings on the handle and sheath.
Furaibo - the sword that looks like a scimitar.

3. Chiyo - she wears eyeglasses and a peach kimono. You meet her first after
saving the Sayo.
Is she really who she claims to be?

Location: "Otemon Gate" The Arrival Place. She can also be found in "Edge of
Town" the Clinic.

4. Donpachi - He wears a red bandana and red cloth wrapped around his lower
body. He
has a tattoo on his right shoulder. You meet him here first if you save the Sayo
from the Aoto Three.

Location: "Amakaze-cho" The Business District.

Kobirabasara - two swords used simultaneously.
Ippatsumaru - a single sword. He changes to this sometimes in Hard Mode.

5. Kyojiro - she has pale skin and wears a greyish blue ninja attire. Her hair
covers the
right part of her face. She also has a crazy look on her face. Her laugh is
crazy as well.

Location: "Aoto Gang Headquarters".

Biteikotsu - a sword that has "teeth" on it for slash-grinding purposes. It can
be used to stab
someone, and then use it to stir the victim's intestines!

6. Hanzaemon - he wears a sleeveless black and bluish attire with shoulderpads.

A picture of a
bird in front of the sun is printed at the back of his attire. His hair is tied
in a ponytail.
He has a tattoo on the left side of his forehead.

Location: "Aoto Gang Headquarters".

Zenkimaru - a very long sword.

7. Yasuno - He wears a black attire and is mostly bald, except for the hair he
still keeps in
the middle of head which looks like a mini mohawk. He also has a scarf and a
large white ball
around his neck. He also wears eyeglasses.

Location: "Shikano-cho" the place with the Dojo or "Kakinuma-cho" the Mansion.

Kobyoso - claws.

8. Kasumi - she wears a violet kimono with a flowery design. She also has short
hair. She's the daughter of the former boss of the Aoto Gang, when it was still

Location: "Shikano-cho" the place with the Dojo.

Kensei - a white sword.

9. Kusaburo - he wears a white attire with a purple headband. He also carries a

back pack
on his back. You first see him at "Magistrate's Office" Police Headquarters, but
he'll be
walking around occasionally.

Location: "Magistrate's Office" Police Headquarters.

10. Muto - he wears a black attire and a hat that looks like half of a UFO.

Location: "Magistrate's Office" Police Headquarters.

Oborozakiyo - a sword.

11. Nakamura - he is bald at the top but still has hair on the sides. He is
pale in color. His actions are very feminine, as well as the way he speaks. He
wears a black
attire with orange clothes underneath. He seems to be wearing two white balls in
front of him.
He looks like he applied "blush-on" to his face.

Location: "Magistrate's Office" Police Headquarters.

Onibacho - a white sword.
Samehamadaru - a black sword with with an edgy shape. He sometimes uses this on
Hard Mode.

12. Kuroha - his face is covered by black cloth as well as his body. He has a
gold sword. He will also change into a white attire sometimes.

Location: "Amahara Shrine" Festival Grounds.

Yoshimoto - a gold sword.

13. Nami - she has blonde hair and has a long spear-like weapon. She seems to be
the Yasuno's
girl. She wears a white attire and a white mini-skirt.

Location: "Aoto Gang Headquarters" or "Kakinuma-cho" Mansion.

Sorenka - a long spear.

14. Dr. Genan - he is the only doctor in Amahara. Everybody goes to him, but it
seems that
most of his patients are suffering from indigestion. He hates samurais because
he thinks all
they know to do all day is walk around with their swords, doing only what they
want. He's been
busy developing a new form of anesthesia from the Soma flowers, but it seems
that it has some
rather interesting side effects.

15. Mr. Beniya - he is a rich merchant who owns the Amakaze Inn. For some
reason, he seems
more aware of the politics in Amahara than anyone for a merchant. Does he have


Time System:*
There is a "Time System" within "Way of The Samurai 2". One day is divided into
five parts:

Early Morning
Late Night

While travelling for long periods of time, you will notice that a "thunder" icon
will flash
on top of your "Break Meter". This means that when you leave the current area
you are in, time
will change to the next part. For example, it is morning at the "Meeting Place"
and then the
"thunder" icon flashes, when you leave the "Meeting Place", you will notice that
the map will
show you the date of the day as well as what period you are in.

There is a way to skip time. In "Otsuka-cho", the one that has the "Empty
House", go inside the
Empty house and you will be presented with six choices:

Take a Nap - Skip Current Period

Lie Down - Skip Two Periods
Sleep a Bit - Skip Three Periods
Sleep - Skip Four Periods.
Deep Sleep - Skip 5 Periods. Also skips to next day, same period
Leave House

1. Current Period is Early Morning. Target Period is Afternoon. Choose "Lie
Reason: Choosing "Lie Down" will skip the current period (Early Morning) and the
next period (Morning). You end up with Afternoon.


Although there are multiple ways on how to achieve a certain ending, this guide
will give you asure way to reach the ending that you want to see.
Lone Samurai Endings:*

How To Get Ending 1:

Day: 21 - Morning
Sayo is offering you food. There will be THREE choices:

A. Best rice-ball I've ever tasted!

B. What're you looking at? Disappear!
C. Thanks, you saved my life!

Choose B.

The girl will leave you alone. The Aoto Three will stop you, and you will have
THREE choices:

A. You're blocking traffic. Now move.

B. I'm searching for the meaning of life.
C. Violence doesn't solve anything.

Choose the B and they will leave you. From now on, you are free to do whatever
you want.
This is a good time to get accustomed to every place. Review the "Areas In The
Game" section.
You can just let the days pass by until it is already Day 26.

Day: 26 - Late Night

In a cutscene, you will be shown wandering into the festival, while a group led
by Kyojiro will
enter the scene and attack Muto from the police group. You will be caught in the
middle of the big fight, and if you get into their line of sight, they will
attack you.

Festival Grounds Battle Tip:
Since you are not part of any group, both teams will attack you. You might as
well run away if
you can and let them kill each other. Usually in the end, only the IMPORTANT
characters will
remain since they are more powerful. You have three main opponents here:
Kyojiro, Muto, and

Kyojiro Battle Tip:

You must avoid her combination attacks because they are devastating, especially
if you are low
on health. Her combination attacks also build up your "Break Meter" fast. It
would be best not
to block her attacks all the time, unless you are good at parrying then counter
Otherwise, just hit her and then run away from her.

Muto Battle Tip:

His attacks are easier to parry than the Kyojiro's. His moves are easy to read
so it would be
alright to engage him with parries and counter attacks.

Kuroha Battle Tip:

His attacks can be read, but one of his attacks is very fast. You can counter
him quite easily,
just stay out of the way when he starts his motion for attacks.

Kill them all and the segment will end. Afterwards, it will turn to Day 27.
You will also have no other choice as to where to go, except for "Otsuka-cho",
the one with the
Empty House. Once you enter it, there will be another cutscene where the
Kusaburo will tell
you about something. You will then be brought the some guy's place and you will
have only one
choice to make. Accept it and you will see another cutscene.

You will surprise the Hanzaemon and you will both battle.

Hanzaemon Battle Tip:
His attacks come out very fast, and they are very damaging, both to your health
and to your sword. Since you are fighting inside an enclosed area, it is made
more difficult by this. Only good timing for parrying and a generous amount of
health will save you. Use your fastest attacks since if you only use powerful
and slow attacks, he will have slashed you three or four times already.

Kill him and another cutscene will play. There will be TWO choices:

A. Not interested.
B. Sounds interesting...

Choose A and watch Lone Samurai Ending 1.

How To Get Ending 2:

Follow the guide on how to get the first "Lone Samurai Ending" up to the battle
with the Gang
Leader. After killing Hanzaemon, you will be presented with TWO choices:

A. Not interested.
B. Sounds interesting...

Choose B and watch Lone Samurai Ending 2.

Police Samurai Endings:*

How To Get Ending 1:

A cutscene will show the Sayo offering you some food. You will be presented with
THREE choices:

A. Best rice-ball I've ever tasted!

B. What're you looking at? Disappear!
C. Thanks, you saved my life!

Choose B. You will then be presented with TWO more choices:

A. What's your name?

B. How can I repay my gratitude?

Choose A.

Sayo will run off but will bump into the Aoto Three, who will get irritated.
You will be presented with TWO choices:

A. I can't just leave you.

B. This is none of my buiness...

Choose A. You will step in to try and fix the situation. You will then be
presented with
THREE choices:
A. I owe her a debt of gratitude.
B. You like frightening children? You're pathetic!
C. No, never mind.

Choose A and you will get into a fight with them.

Aoto Three Battle Tip:
Concentrate only on one Stooge at a time. You must bring one of their health
meters down to at
least 50%.

After the Aoto Three runs away from you, there will be another cutscene where
Chiyo will come.
They will thank you and you will then be presented with the Map Screen.

Day: 21 - Afternoon
From the Map Screen, choose "Amakaze-cho" the Business District and enter it.
There will be
another cutscene showing Donpachi with the Sayo. The girl will recognize you and
there you will
have a conversation. You will be presented with TWO choices:

A. You've got it backwards.

B. That's right.

Choose A. You will be give TWO more choices:

A. You mean she's...

B. No, I wouldn't think so.

Choose A. Donpachi will then bring you to a place where you can stay, that is
"Otsuka-cho" the
Empty House. You will regain control of your samurai and you will find yourself
just outside
the Empty House.

From the Empty House, exit "Otsuka-cho" to bring up the Map Screen. Choose
"Magistrate's Office"
the Police Headquarters and enter it. Another cutscene will play. Kusaburo will
talk to you,
but Muto will show up and get mad at him. There will be another fight.

Muto Battle Tip:
The fight against Muto can be ended by bringing his health meter down to about
50%, or you can just run away from him and let him chase you around the Police
until the event ends after about a minute.

After the event with Muto, he will be asked to widthraw by Nakamura. You will
get into a
conversation with Nakamura , and then the cutscene will end. You will regain
control of the
samurai at the Police Headquarters. Leave "Magistrate's Office".

While in the Map Screen, choose "Edge of Town" the Clinic. A cutscene will show
a man in pain
while Doctor Genan is trying his best. Chiyo is in there as well. The doctor
will notice
you and you will be presented with THREE choices:

A. You don't like samurai?

B. Yeah, well I can't stand doctors!
C. Samurai have their purpose.

Choose A. A guy will run in and call the doctor. Chiyo will ask you something.
You are given
TWO choices:
A. Of course, hurry up and go.
B. I've got no time for that.

Choose A.

Sayo will come running inside the clinic, asking you to follow her. You will
TWO choices:

A. What happened?
B. This is none of my business...

Choose A. Outside, a man is lying on the ground. You are given TWO more

A. What's wrong?
B. Leave them alone.

Choose A. Sayo will write something on the ground. You are given THREE choices:

A. The pig licked the man's belly button.

B. Boiled tofu is great with soy sauce.
C. The full moon shines brightly.

Choose A. She will write something again, and this time, you
will be presented with FOUR choices:

A. The pig licked the man's belly button.

B. Boiled tofu is great with soy sauce.
C. The full moon shines brightly.
D. I don't have any idea.

Choose D. The doctor arrives and tries to check what's wrong with the man. The
man will let
out an explosive flatulence that will knock down Sayo.

Another cutscene will play with you in the Clinic. You will be presented with
TWO choices:

A. ...that's great.
B. That's just not right.

Choose A. The cutscene will end and you will be back at the Map Screen. The time
will have changed as well.

Day: 21 - Evening
Nothing else is to be done as of now. The next IMPORTANT EVENT is on Day 24. You
can now try to
find money by breaking boxes or taking jobs from the Job Broker at the
"Magistrate's Office".
It would be a nice time to familiarize yourself with the area if you haven't
done so, or
upgrade your weapon.

If you just want to proceed without wasting time, then choose "Otsuka-cho" the
Empty House from
the Map Screen and enter it. Enter the Empty House. You will then shown inside
the house, with
SIX choices. Choose SLEEP A BIT so that you'll end up the next day, morning

Return to "Otsuka-cho" the Empty House. Go inside your place and choose DEEP
SLEEP. Repeat the
process until it is Day 24 already. Go back to "Otsuka-cho" and get ready for
another event.

Day: 24 - Morning
A cutscene will play and you will see the Aoto Three harassing someone. Then
shows up to send the Aoto Three away. You will be presented with TWO choices:
A. Very impressiev.
B. You let this kind of thing go on?

Choose B. You will then be presented with THREE choices:

A. Where's my share?
B. And you call yourself a magistrate?
C. Give him back his money.

Choose B. You will then have a fight with Yasuno.

Yasuno Battle Tip:
Bring his health below 50% and the battle will stop. He also likes to hit low,
so instead of
just blocking, it is better to run away from him and then find a better position
to attack.
He also moves a lot.

Another cutscene will play and your Police comrades will arrive. After an
exchange of words,
Yasuno will leave the scene. You will be brought back to the Map Screen.

Day: 24 - Afternoon
Choose "Otsuka-cho" and enter your Empty House again. Choose DEEP SLEEP. Do this
until it is
the 26th day.

Day: 26 - Late Night

You will have no other choice but to enter "Amahara Shrine" the Festival
Grounds. A cutscene
will play with you and your Police comrades entering the Festival Grounds. After
some talk,
Kuroha will leave you with Muto. He will then talk to you, and you will be
presented with
TWO choices:

A. I'll do my best.
B. You're a fool.

Choose A. You will hear a scream and you will run off to check it out. There
will only be
ONE choice. Accept it and get ready to fight.

Kyojiro Battle Tip:
You will be fighting along with your comrades, so defeating Kyojiro should be a
easier. Kill all of the goons first and then help your comrades defeat Kyojiro.

After a while, a cutscene will play. After cleaning up the goons, Yasuno will
arrive. You will
then leave the scene.

Day: 27 - Morning
Go to "Magistrate's Office" Police Headquarters and a cutscene will play.

Day: 27 - Afternoon
Go to "Otsuka-cho" and enter your Empty House. Choose LIE DOWN.

Day: 27 - Late Night

Go to "Kakinuma-cho" the Mansion and a cutscene will play. The Aoto Three are
guarding the
mansion. Prepare to battle.

Aoto Three Battle Tip:
As always, just concentrate on one of them and bring their health down below 50%
and they will
run away.

Another cutscene will play showing Yasuno and Nami having a fun conversation.
You will
then appear behind them and Nami will scream in surprise. You have only TWO

A. Hand over the money then!

B. Who cares about the Shogunate?

Choose A. A cutscene will play and you will receive a bribe from Yasuno. Once
leave the mansion though, both Yasuno and Nami will attack you.

Yasuno Battle Tip:
Run away, since the area is quite narrow. Attack him if his guard is open. He
still moves
fast, but since there is not much space, he won't be able to avoid your attacks
like before.

Nami Battle Tip:

Her weapon has a long reach, so even if you try to get away from her, she might
get in a few
hits. Your best bet is to knock her off balance by kicking her or using any
other grapple
attack and then attacking her.

After killing both Yasuno and Nami, Muto will appear in a cutscene. Since
you took the bribe, he will then fight with you, as your last opponent.

Muto Battle Tip:
Just like before, parry his attacks and then counter attack. If you get the
chance, use your
fastest combination attacks because he isn't that fast.

After killing him, watch Police Samurai Ending 1.

How To Get Ending 2:
Follow the guide on how to get the first "Police Samurai Ending" until the time
when you are
being made to make a choice in front of the Yasuno and Nami in the mansion.

Choose B, "Who cares about the shogunate?".

Muto will then join you to battle the couple.

Stay away from him when he is doing a combination attack since he usually hits
low, and then
attack him after he finishes. There is some space in the room so you can move
around freely.

You can easily catch her off guard with the space you have, so use this to your
advantage. Let
her attack and then after she finishes, rush to her then unleash a combination

After killing the two, you will talk with Muto and it will be a new day.

Day: 28 - Early Morning

Go to "Otsuka-cho" and enter your Empty House. Choose TAKE A NAP.

Day: 28 - Morning
Go to "Edge of Town" the Clinic. A cutscene will play. Muto is looking for
Dr. Genan. You then follow him outside to the Soma fields. Meanwhile, the doctor
comes back to
the clinic, only to find it in flames. He runs out and finds the fields in
flames as well. The
doctor confronts Muto, but he gets killed, ending the scene. Go to "Otsuka-cho"
enter your Empty House. Choose SLEEP.

Day: 29 - Morning
Go to "Magistrate's Office" Police Headquarters. A cutscene will show you and
your comrades
preparing for a battle. They are being briefed by a head master. The force is
now heading
towards the Gang Headquarters. After a while, the Aoto Three greets the force
outside the
Gang Headquarters and they begin to battle.

Aoto Three Battle Tip:
Take out all the goons first, then concentrate on one Stooge at a time. Just
unleash your best
combination attack. They won't be able to escape this time.

After killing all of the forces outside the mansion, the battle continues inside
the Gang
Headquarters. Kyojiro now confronts you personally for the last time.

Kyojiro Battle Tip:
She has a couple of goons with her, but they shouldn't really be that much of a
bother. Slash
her when you have the chance and move away if she starts attacking. The area is
spacious so you
shouldn't have a tough time avoiding her attacks.

After killing her, Hanzaemon will get mad and attack you.

Hanzaemon Battle Tip:
His long sword has incredible reach, and it strikes fast. It also does critical
damage most of
the time, so be ready to parry him, as he can block most of your attacks. If he
is putting the
pressure on you, try to run away and then let him attack. Unleash your
combination attacks once
he is off guard.

After you defeat him, enjoy Police Samurai Ending 2.

Gang Samurai Endings:*

How To Get Ending 1:

Day: 21 - Morning
Sayo is offering you some riceballs. There will be THREE choices:

A. Best rice-ball I've ever tasted!

B. What're you looking at? Disappear!
C. Thanks, you saved my life!

Choose A. There will be TWO more choices to be made:

A. What is your name?

B. How can I repay my gratitude?

Choose A. The girl will run off but the Aoto Three will harass her after bumping
into her.
There will be TWO options here:

A. I can't just leave you.

B. This is none of my business.

Choose A. There will be THREE choices:

A. I owe her a debt of gratitude.

B. You like frightening children? You're pathetic!
C. No, never mind.

Choose C. One of the mean Stooges will kick the poor girl. There will be THREE
more choices to
be made:

A. You're blocking traffic.

B. I'm searching for the meaning of life.
C. Violence doesn't solve anything.

Choose A. Prepare to fight.

Aoto Three Battle Tip:
Concentrate on one of the Stooges and bring down his health below 50%. That
should end the fight. If they start putting pressure on you, run away for a
while and then hit them back.

After beating them, a cutscene will show them kneeling down before you. There
will be TWO more choices:

A. Very well.
B. Once drawn, my blade must taste blood.

Choose A and they will scurry off back to the Gang Headquarters. You will then
be presented with the Map Screen. Go to "Aoto Gang Headquarters" the Gang

A cutscene will show you the Aoto Three talking, only to shiver in fear when you
arrive. They let you inside, where the Kyojiro confronts you. She lets you meet
the Hanzaemon anyway.
You are brought to where the Hanzaemon is and you are given TWO choices:

A. And what would you do if I had?

B. That sounds interesting...

Choose A.
You are given TWO more options:

A. Ok, I'll do it.

B. No thanks.
Choose A and you are already a member of the gang.

Day: 21 - Afternoon
You are brought back to the Map Screen. Choose "Shikano-cho" where there is a
Dojo and a scene will play. The Aoto Three are harassing Kasumi. There will be
TWO choices:

A. No, nothing.
B. Get your dirty hands off the girl!

Choose B. Prepare to fight the Aoto Three once again.

Aoto Three Battle Tip:
You start out in a very tight area, and the Aoto Three are right in front of
you. Run away first and find yourself some space, then concentrate on slashing
one Stooge at a time. They will run away again after receiving enough

After scaring them off, Kasumi will come to you and present you with TWO more

A. I know them.
B. I know your name.

Choose A. After the cutscene, leave "Shikano-cho" so that the Map Screen will
be shown.

Return to "Aoto Gang Headquarters" Gang Headquarters and watch another cutscene
of the Kasumi talking with Hanzaemon. You also get a slap from her. You will be
brought back to the Map
Screen afterwards.

Day: 21 - Evening
Go to "Otsuka-cho" where there is an Empty House. Find your Empty House choose
DEEP SLEEP. Do this one more time.

Day: 23 - Evening
Go to "Aoto Gang Headquarters" and a cutscene will play. The goon will give you
an assignment.
There are TWO choices:

A. Piece of cake, I'll do it!

B. Find someone else.

Pick A. You will also receive a 200 cash reward. Once you regain control of your
samurai, exit the Gang Headquarters. Go to "Otsuka-cho" and enter your house.

Day: 23 - Late Night

Next, go to "Shikano-cho" where the Dojo is and a cutscene will play. A man will
be startled and you will have TWO choices:

A. Then you die.

B. It's better for your health if you pay.

Pick A. Prepare to fight another samurai.

Samurai Battle Tip:
He loves to sidestep and he also loves confusing you by kicking you or grabbing
you. His attacks are swift, although he cannot do many combination attacks. The
best method here is to parry his attacks and then counter him with combination
attacks or strong slashes.

After you kill the samurai, Kyojiro will appear and talk to you a bit, and then
she'll leave you alone.
Day: 24 - Early Morning
Go to "Otsuka-cho" and enter your Empty House. Choose TAKE A NAP.

Day: 24 - Morning
Go to "Aoto Gang Headquarters" and you'll have TWO choices:

A. Ok, I'll do it.

B. Find somebody else.

Choose A. Head to "Shikano-cho" and you'll fight a samurai.

Samurai Battle Tip:
This guy can use Two Swords, so be careful because they can mean quick damage to
your sword and your health. Parry him if you are confident enough, and finish
him quickly by using quick combination attacks. After hurting him, the battle
will be stopped by Yasuno.

The samurai flees upon seeing the Yasuno. You are then given THREE choices:

A. Who the hell are you?

B. It's my job to collect money.
C. I'll remember that.

Choose A.

Day: 24 - Afternoon
Quickly head to "Otsuka-cho" where your Empty House is. A cutscene will show the
Aoto Three harassing a commoner. You will be given TWO choices:

A. Shall I help?
B. That's enough.

Pick A. The Aoto Three will take away the man, and the Kasumi will appear behind
you, looking disappointed. Once the cutscene is over, head back to "Otsuka-cho"
and enter your Empty House.

Day: 25 - Afternoon
Go to "Otsuka-cho" and enter your Empty House. Choose DEEP SLEEP.

Day: 26 - Late Night

You will have no choice but to go to "Aoto Gang Headquarters" Gang Headquarters.
The gang is preparing for an attack to the Festival Grounds. Yasuno also
appears, and you are given THREE choices:

A. I'll do it.
B. That's not enough money.
C. No thanks.

Choose A. You will then be transported to the Festival Grounds.

As soon as you arrive, Kyojiro starts wreaking havoc and charges towards the
Kuroha. She manages to just scratch him, and the other Police force arrives. You
only have one choice. Accept it and prepare to do battle with the Police force.

Festival Grounds Battle Tip:
The only real help you can count on is from Kyojiro. Your goons might get killed
right away. Better take care of the other common police before engaging any of
the officials. The environment is quite large, so use it to gain space if you
are being pressured.

Keep on parrying his attacks since it is easy to read, and then counter attack
with either strong slashes or combination attacks.

He is quite fast, so be careful. Off balance him by kicking him, and then strike
him withcombination attacks. If he blocks them, try to stop and then wait for
him to attack. Parry and then counter attack.

After killing Kuroha, a cutscene will play and then Hanzaemon will arrive.
Kasumi is hiding behind one of the stalls, and tries to assassinate Hanzaemon.
You are then given TWO choices:

A. Let me help!
B. Leave it to me...

Pick the FIRST one. You will then see the entire gang celebrating, along with
Yasuno and Nami. You leave them behind afterwards. Outside, Kyojiro starts
playing her psychotic games with you. She will leave you alone then.

Day: 27 - Morning
Go to "Aoto Gang Headquarters" Gang Headquarters and you will see a cutscene
with Hanzaemon.
The two of you will talk and then you will regain control of your samurai
outside the Gang
Headquarters. Exit the area and head to "Shikano-cho" where the Dojo is. Another
cutscene will play.

Yasuno stages a surprise attack on you, leading a group of police. Prepare for

Yasuno Battle Tips:
He loves moving around, and he is very fast. His attacks also hit low, and they
can knock you down most of the time. He also has some men to help him out. Just
move around and finish off his men, and then concentrate on him. His attacks are
quite hard to parry, so you should be playing offensively against him. Use
combination attacks if he is open.

After punishing Yasuno, you have TWO options:

A. You think I'll fall for that?

B. That could be interesting...

Choose A and you will fight Yasuno once more. Kill him this time. After Yasuno
dies, you will be inside your Empty House resting, when Kyojiro appears and
challenges you to a fight to the finish.

Kyojiro Battle Tips:
You start out in a very narrow alley. Run away first and find some space. Beware
of her combination attacks as these can really take a huge chunk out of your
health meter. Parry her if you can, and then use combination attacks on her.
Midway through the battle, she will talk again, and you will continue to fight
until one is dead.

After you defeat her, she will still utter stuff even as she's dying.

Day: 27 - Late Night

Return to "Otsuka-cho" and enter your Empty House. Choose LIE DOWN.

Day: 28 - Morning
Go to "Aoto Gang Headquarters" Gang Headquarters and prepare for the final
battle against

Hanzaemon Battle Tips:
The fight starts out with all the goons charging at you, kill all of them first,
then a scene will show Hanzaemon ready for battle after kicking his own useless
goons' buttocks.

There will be some more goons inside, but they aren't that active anymore.
Hanzaemon is very fast and strong. If you have a stab attack, use it because
getting close to him is really dangerous. Otherwise, just run away and wait
until he is off guard, then attack him.

After you beat him, enjoy Gang Samurai Ending 1.

How To Get Ending 2:

Follow the guide on how to get the first "Gang Samurai Ending" until Day 27 -
Morning. You will fight Yasuno here.

Yasuno Battle Tips:
He loves moving around, and he is very fast. His attacks also hit low, and they
can knock you down most of the time. He also has some men to help him out. Just
move around and finish off his men, and then concentrate on him. His attacks are
quite hard to parry, so you should be playing offensively against him. Use
combination attacks if he is open.

After dealing him enough damage, the two of you will stop fighting and you will
have TWO choices:

A. You think I'll fall for that?

B. That could be interesting

Choose B and Yasuno will be on your side. After that, you will be at home and
Kyojiro appears. She challenges you to a fight.

Kyojiro Battle Tips:
You start out in a very narrow alley. Run away first and find some space. Beware
of her combination attacks as these can really take a huge chunk out of your
health meter. Parry her if you can, and then use combination attacks on her.

In the middle of the battle, Yasuno will stop your fight with Kyojiro. You then
plan on how to take over the gang.

Day: 27 - Late Night

Return to "Otsuka-cho" and enter your Empty House. Choose LIE DOWN.

Day: 28 - Morning
Go to "Aoto Gang Headquarters" Gang Headquarters and there will be a cutscene
where Yasuno and the Kyojiro changes sides. You then enter, and everybody
watches as you battle Hanzaemon.

Hanzaemon Battle Tips:
Everybody will just be watching your battle against him, but be careful.
Hanzaemon is very fast and strong. If you have a stab attack, use it because
getting close to him is really dangerous. Otherwise, just run away and wait
until he is off guard, then attack him.

After the battle, enjoy Gang Samurai Ending 2.

Kasumi Endings:*

How To Get Ending 1:

Day: 21 - Morning
You start out with Sayo offering you food. There will be THREE choices:

A. Best rice-ball I've ever tasted!

B. What are you looking at? Disappear!
C. Thanks! You saved my life!

Choose A. Then TWO more will come up:

A. What is your name?

B. How can I repay my gratitude?

Choose A. When the girl bumps into the Stooges, TWO options appear:

A. I can't just leave you.

B. This is none of my business...

Choose A. There will be THREE more:

A. I owe her a debt of gratitude.

B. You like frightening children? You're pathetic!
C. No, never mind.

Choose C. After one Stooge kicks the girl, THREE more choices appear:

A. You're blocking traffic. Now move.

B. I'm searching for the meaning of life.
C. Violence doesn't solve anything.

Choose A and then you fight with the Aoto Three.

Aoto Three Battle Tips:
Concentrate only on one Stooge. When you've dealt enough damage, they will kneel
before you.

After making them submit, there will be TWO options

A. Very well.
B. Once drawn, my sword must taste blood.

Choose B. They will try to run away but the Kyojiro appears. There will be TWO

A. I don't know what you mean.

B. You think you are a match for me?

Choose A. They will leave you alone.

Head to "Aoto Gang Headquarters" and you will be confronted by Kyojiro again,
but she will let you talk to the Hanzaemon. There will be TWO choices:

A. And what would you do if I had?

B. That sounds interesting...

Take B. Then TWO more appear:

A. Ok I'll do it.
B. No thanks.

Choose A.

Day: 21 - Afternoon
Head to "Shikano-cho" where the Dojo is. A cutscene will play where the Aoto
Three are harassing Kasumi. There will be TWO choices:

A. No, nothing.
B. Get your dirty hands off the girl!

Pick B and fight the Stooges.

Aoto Three Battle Tips:
Find some space first and then concentrate on one Stooge.

After enough damage has been dealt, they will run away. Kasumi will talk to you.
will be TWO more choices:

A. I know them.
B. I know your name.

Pick B. She will leave you behind. After regaining control of your samurai, exit
the area and
return to "Aoto Gang Headquarters". You will be watching another
cutscene where Kasumi is talking to Hanzaemon. Afterwards, it will already be

Day: 21 - Evening
Go to "Otsuka-cho" where the Empty House is. Go inside the Empty House and
choose DEEP SLEEP.
Return to your house and then choose TAKE A NAP.

Day: 22 - Late Night

Go to "Aoto Gang Headquarters" and you will receive an assignment from the
goon. You will have TWO choices:

A. Piece of cake. I'll do it.

B. Sorry

Choose A. You also get 200 in cash for this, just like in every mission.
Once you regain control of your samurai, exit the area, and head to "Shikano-
cho" where
the Dojo is.

The old man will be startled and you will have TWO options:

A. Then you die.

B. It's better for your health if you pay.

Choose B. You will have to fight the samurai.

Samurai Battle Tips:
He is quite fast, but parry him and then counter attack with combination slashes
or strong moves.

After killing him, Kyojiro will appear and then talk to you. Afterwards, you're
back at
the Map Screen.

Day: 23 - Early Morning

Choose "Otsuka-cho" and go inside your Empty House. Choose DEEP SLEEP.

Day: 24 - Early Morning

Choose "Otsuka-cho" again and go inside your Empty House. Choose TAKE A NAP.

Day: 24 - Morning
Go to "Aoto Gang Headquarters" and you will receive a new assignment.
You have TWO options:

A. Ok, I'll do it.

B. Find somebody else.

Choose A. After regaining control, exit the area and head to "Shikano-cho" where
the Dojo

You will be in a cutscene where you will stop a samurai and the two of you will
Samurai Battle Tips:
Just parry his attacks and counter with a combination move or a strong one.
After bringing his
health down, a cutscene will play.

Yasuno appears and you have THREE choices:

A. Who the hell are you?

B. It's my job to collect money.
C. I'll remember that.

Pick C and he will just leave you alone.

Quickly head to "Otsuka-cho" where your Empty House is and another cutscene will

The Aoto Three are harassing a commoner, you have TWO choices:

A. Shall I help?
B. That's enough.

Pick B. After saying something, you are given TWO more options:

A. That's true...
B. Attacking the defenseless is honorable?

Choose B and then prepare to do battle with them.

Aoto Three Battle Tips:
As before, concentrate on one Stooge and they will quit in mid-battle.

A cutscene plays and the man thanks you for saving him. The Kasumi was watching
all along
and is impressed by you.

Day: 24 - Afternoon
Head back to "Otsuka-cho" and enter your Empty House. Choose SLEEP A BIT.

Day: 25 - Morning
Head to "Aoto Gang Headquarters" to pick up your assignment. You have
TWO choices:

A. Ok, I understand.
B. Find someboday else.

Pick A. After regaining control, exit the area and head to "Numata-cho" where
the Blacksmith's
Place is. A cutscene will show Kasumi shouting at someone. You will then have

A. You want power?

B. You're very strong.

Take A.

After the cutscene, head back to "Otsuka-cho" and enter your Empty House. Choose

Day: 26 - Evening
You will have no other choice but to enter "Aoto Gang Headquarters".
The cutscene will show you and the gang preparing to leave for the Festival. You
will have
THREE options:
A. I'll do it.
B. That's not enough money.
C. No thanks.

Choose B. Then TWO more appear:

A. I'm not happy about it, but I'll do it.

B. Find somebody else.

Choose A.

You will then be at the Festival Grounds where you will meet Kasumi. She's in a
and she calls you to give you a meal. You will have THREE choices:

A. It's edible...
B. Delicious! A culinary masterpiece!
C. Blech! This is terrible!

Choose B. After talking some more, Kyojiro and a couple of goons arrive. They
quickly get into
plan and charge at Kuroha. Both sides are now at the center of the Festival
Kasumi sees you and is surprised, and you only have one choice. Accept it and
prepare to do battle.

Festival Grounds Battle Tip:
Take care of the common police force first. You can count on Kyojiro to be able
to take
on any of the two main enemies. Once there are no more common police, help
Kyojiro kill
off the two remaining enemies.

Parry his attacks and counter attack. His moves are quite easy to read.

He is very quick and can deal some damage. Stay away from him and once he is off
guard, attack
him with a combination move.

After Kuroha has been killed, another cutscene will play. Hanzaemon appears and
talks to the
rest of the crew. Kasumi tries to assassinate him but she misses. She tries
again but fails.
You are presented with TWO choices:

A. Leave the girl alone!

B. Let me help!

Pick A.

Another cutscene will appear and they will just leave you two alone.

Day: 27 - Morning
Go to "Shikano-cho" where the Dojo is and a cutscene will play. You will find
Kasumi in
her house, crying. After talking a bit, you will have TWO choices:

A. No, you're strong enough.

B. I'll be your blade.

Choose A. There is another cutscene where Kasumi is having a tattoo printed on

her back.

Day: 27 - Late Night

Head back to "Otsuka-cho" and another cutscene occurs. Kasumi takes off her
clothes and
shows you her tattoo. She lets you take her "inner woman".

Day: 28 - Early Morning

Go to "Aoto Gang Headquarters" and prepare to fight the whole gang to take
over it. You and Kasumi will be fighting alongside.

Gang Headquarters Battle Tip:
There are lots of goons here and three major enemies. Fortunately, there is
enough space to be
able to run around. Take care of all the nuisance goons and then kill the three
main enemies.

He scurries around, but he can be defeated easily with stab attacks. If you
don't have those,
move away until he loses his guard, and then attack.

She has long reach, but you can out maneuver her. Combination attacks are
effective against her.

After killing these two, Hanzaemon prepares for battle. Let Kasumi take care
of the goons while you go for Hanzaemon.

If you have stab attacks, then use them. Otherwise, prepare to parry his very
swift attacks.

After finally killing Hanzaemon, a cutscene will play and Kasumi will take
position as the new leader of Aoto Gang.

Day: 28 - Morning
After the cutscene, return to "Otsuka-cho" and enter your Empty
House. Choose DEEP SLEEP.

Day: 29 - Morning
Head back to "Aoto Gang Headquarters" and a cutscene will show Kasumi
speaking to the newly reformed goons who seem to be more under control. You are
then given
TWO choices:

A. I'm going to go after Kyojiro.

B. I'm thinking of leaving this town.

Pick B.

Enjoy Kasumi Ending 1.

How To Get Ending 2:

Follow the guide on how to get the first "Kasumi" ending up to Day 29 - Morning.
You will
be presented with TWO choices:

A. I'm going to go after Kyojiro.

B. I'm thinking of leaving this town.

Pick A. After gaining control of your samurai, exit the Gang Headquarters, then
return to
"Aoto Gang Headquarters" immediately.

A cutscene will play and Kyojiro will appear for a final confrontation with you.
You will
have TWO choices:

A. I've got one more thing to do for Kasumi.

B. I'm glad I went looking for you.

Pick A. Prepare to do battle with her.

Kyojiro Battle Tips:
As usual, avoid her combination attacks. When she starts putting pressure on
you, run away and
then attack her after she finishes doing a combo move.

After killing her, enjoy Kasumi Ending 2.

How To Get Ending 3:

Follow the guide on how to get the first "Kasumi" ending up to Day 29 - Morning.
You will
be presented with TWO choices:

A. I'm going to go after Kyojiro.

B. I'm thinking of leaving this town.

Pick A. After gaining control of your samurai, exit the Gang Headquarters, then
return to
"Otsuka-cho" and enter your house and choose LIE DOWN.

Day: 29 - Evening
Return to "Aoto Gang Headquarters" and fight Kyojiro one last time.

Kyojiro Battle Tips:
As usual, avoid her combination attacks. When she starts putting pressure on
you, run away and
then attack her after she finishes doing a combo move.

Enjoy Kasumi Ending 3.

Sayo Endings:*

How To Get Ending 1:

You start out after Sayo offers you her food and you replenish your energy. You
THREE choices:

A. Best rice-ball I've ever tasted!

B. What're you looking at? Disappear!
C. Thanks, you saved my life!

Choose A.

TWO choices appear:

A. What's your name?

B. How can I repay my gratitude?

Choose B.

Sayo runs off only to have an unfortunate meeting with the Aoto Three. TWO
choices appear:
A. I can't just leave you.
B. This is none of my business...

Choose A. THREE choices appear:

A. I owe her a debt of gratitude.

B. You like frightening children? You're pathetic!
C. No, never mind.

Choose A. Prepare to fight the Aoto Three.

Aoto Three Battle Tip:
Concentrate only on one Stooge at a time. You must bring one of their health
meters down to at
least 50%.

After saving Sayo from the Aoto Three, Chiyo appears, worried about the child.
She informs you
that Sayo works at Amakaze.

Day: 21 - Afternoon
Go to "Amakaze-cho" and a cutscene will play. You have TWO choices:

A. You've got it backwards.

B. That's right.

Choose A. TWO more options appear:

A. You mean she's...

B. No, I wouldn't think so.

Choose A.

Because you saved Sayo, Donpachi decides to prepare a room for you to stay in.
He brings you
to "Otsuka-cho" where the Empty House is. After the cutscene, exit and go to
"Edge of Town"
to meet Sayo.

Day: 21 - Afternoon
After entering the "Edge of Town", you will see that Doctor Genan is treating a
patient. He
seems to dislike samurais. THREE choices appear:

A. You don't like samurai?

B. Yeah, well I can't stand doctors!
C. Samurai have their purpose.

Choose C.

A man rushes in and asks Dr. Genan for help. Chiyo asks you to watch the clinic.
You have
TWO choices:

A. Of course, hurry up and go.

B. I've got no time for that.

Choose A.

While looking around, Sayo enters the clinic and signals you to come with her.
You have TWO

A. What happened?
B. This is none of my business...

Choose A.
Outside, Sayo tends to a man on the ground who seems to be suffering from
something within.
TWO choices appear:

A. What's wrong?
B. Leave them alone.

Choose A.

Sayo will try to tell you by drawing on the ground. THREE choices appear:

A. The pig licked the man's belly button.

B. Boiled tofu is great with soy sauce.
C. The full moon shines brightly.

Choose C.

Sayo disagrees and you now have FOUR choices:

A. The pig licked the man's belly button.

B. Boiled tofu is great with soy sauce.
C. The full moon shines brightly.
D. I don't have any idea.

Choose D.

Doctor Genan returns to help the poor man. He massages him a bit and then...
explosive fart knocks Sayo down! The doctor reprimands his patient. Inside the
the doctor lightens up. You have TWO choices:

A. ...that's great.
B. That's just not right.

Choose B.

The doctor continues to talk, and you have TWO more choices:

A. No, it's not my problem.

B. I'll teach her how to read and write.

Choose B.

The doctor is shocked, but somewhat happy for Sayo. He tells the samurai to talk
Donpachi, since he manages Sayo.

Day: 21 - Evening
Go to "Amakaze-cho" and you will be thanked with 500 mon. You have TWO choices:

A. I have no idea.
B. I've decided to teach her how to read.

Choose B.

He tells you to talk with Maikaze about the plan. Inside the Amakaze Inn,
Maikaze talks to
you about the matter. You have THREE choices:

A. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have interfered.

B. But I promised her.
C. Her situation is tragic.

Choose C.

Maikaze scoffs at your attempt, but tells you that you have to bring her 1000
mon to buy
Sayo's time. You now have to find yourself a job! Talk to the Job Broker
standing near the
entrance of Amakaze Inn. He's the guy with the bandana and is standing in front
of a
big lantern with Japanese characters on it. Talk to him and accept the job that
he offers.
You can also go to "Amahara Shrine" and talk to Kotsubo to fix you a fight. If
you win,
he will give you more money.

Finish jobs for the Amakaze Job Broker and win fights arranged by Kotsubo to
collect 1000 mon. You do not have to worry about the days, as long as you are
able to
collect money before the 25th day.

Return to "Amakaze-cho" in the EVENING any day, and you will have TWO choices:

A. No, nothing.
B. Let me talk to Maikaze.

Choose B.

Maikaze will notice you and you will have THREE options:

A. Nothing in particular.
B. I want to purchase your services.
C. I want to buy some of the child's time.

Choose C.

After teaching Sayo how to read and write, she somehow picks it up quickly and
manages to
write her name. You have TWO choices:

A. "Sayo?" Sayonara? Goodbye?

B. "Sayo?" Is that your name?

Choose B.

Sayo happily hugs the samurai for the successful tutoring. Maikaze watches in
delight. After
this event, you can just go back to "Otsuka-cho", enter your house, choose DEEP
everyday until you reach the 25th day.

Day: 25 - ???
Sayo wants to go to the festival the next day at the "Amahara Shrine". You have
TWO choices:

A. Ok, let's go to the festival together.

B. Festival? Not interested.

Choose A.

Go back inside your house and choose DEEP SLEEP.

Day: 26 - Late Night

You have no other choice but to enter "Amahara Shrine". The place is happy. Sayo
spots you
as you arrive and waves at you to call your attention. While walking around,
Sayo stops
by a food stall. You have THREE choices.

A. You bastard! Are you trying to blackmail me?

B. I'm a little hungry.
C. If you want it, I'll buy it for you.

Choose C.

Sayo nods it off and runs to another food stall. Unfortunately, the stall is
owned by
the Aoto Three! They try to trick Sayo into paying them 2 ryo, which is
overpriced. Sayo
is harrassed and hides behind the samurai. The Aoto Three tries to extort the
two. THREE
choices appear:

A. We'll pay you what you ask.

B. We won't pay you anything!
C. Sayo, does it really say that?

Choose C.

The Aoto Three are caught off guard as Sayo confirms that it's not what is
written. The
samurai prepares to punish the extortionists. Prepare to do battle again!

Aoto Three Battle Tip:
Concentrate only on one Stooge at a time. You must bring one of their health
meters down to at
least 50%.

After they run off, Kyojiro and gang enters the scene to cause more trouble. The
also enter, and the two face off. The samurai and Sayo are caught in the middle
of a fight.
Only the goons will attack you. Let any of the Aoto Gang members slash Sayo once
to end the
scene. Sayo will die...

Enjoy Sayo Ending 1.

How To Get Ending 2:

Follow the guide to the first Sayo ending until you reach Day 26. Defeat the
Aoto Three, and
Kyojiro and a couple of goons will show up. The samurai's priority here is to
protect Sayo.

Protecting Sayo Tips:
The fight starts out with a goon to your left. Quickly face him and parry his
attack to
kill him right away. If you don't, he might hit Sayo and kill her! As much as
possible, try
to stay away from the fight, since Sayo follows you around. If a goon follows
you, parry
his attack quickly and dispose of him. Be careful when Kyojiro decides to go
after you. Her
attacks are wild, and are most likely to hit Sayo! Another problem is, you
cannot kill
Kyojiro no matter how strong your attacks are. You will just have to survive
this scene. You
can also try to kill the first goon to your left, then proceed to the right
where Muto is.
Go behind the stalls and hide there until the event ends.

Afterwards, the magistrates will thank you for your help. You have TWO choices:

A. I wasn't trying to protect you.

B. I was just trying to protect the girl.

Choose B.

The night ends as Sayo holds your hand lovingly.

Day: 27 - Morning
You have no other choice but to enter "Otsuka-cho". People are in panic because
the clinic
is burning. You also join them to see what's happening at the "Edge of Town".
Sayo tries to
look for Dr. Genan, but she finds him just as Muto finishes him off. Muto
threatens the
samurai that if he interferes, he'll kill him. The doctor asks about what
happened to the
clinic. He learns that it's burned down. He gladly accepts death as he takes the
of Soma with him.

Day: 27 - Afternoon
Go back to "Otsuka-cho", enter your house and choose DEEP SLEEP.

Day: 28 - Afternoon
Go to "Amakaze-cho" and Donpachi invites you inside the inn. There is an
announcement to be
made regarding Sayo. Sayo's going to be adopted by Mr. Beniya, the owner of the
inn! Sayo
grabs the samurai's hand and she doesn't want to leave him. Outside, the Aoto
Three starts
another commotion. They want to take Sayo with them! You have THREE choices:

A. What do you want with the girl?!

B. Why don't you take me instead?
C. Forget it!

Choose A.

After accidentally spilling information, they decide to just kill everybody.

Aoto Three Battle Tip:
Concentrate only on one Stooge at a time. You must bring one of their health
meters down to at
least 50%.

Day: 28 - Late Night

Go to "Aoto Gang Headquarters" to find out what they really want with Sayo.
Prepare to
battle the Aoto Three one last time!

Aoto Three Battle Tips:
Kill the goons first before trying to face off with the Aoto Three. After that,
lure one of the
stooges away from the others and then attack him. Use the space to your
advantage. Make them
attack you as you run away. Position yourself and unleash the best combo you
have! This time,
there is no escape for them.

After taking care of them, the samurai finds Hanzaemon and Nami in a room. You
have TWO

A. I've come to bring you to justice.

B. What do you want with Sayo?

Choose B.

The couple tries to invite you to join them and they also bribe you with money
to leave them
alone and let them handle Sayo. You have TWO choices:
A. Very well. I accept.
B. Forget it!

Choose A.

Enjoy Sayo Ending 2.

How To Get Ending 3:

Follow the guide on how to get Sayo ending 2 until Day 28. Kill the Aoto Three
to get to
Hanzaemon's room. You have TWO choices:

A. I've come to bring you to justice.

B. What do you want with Sayo?

Choose B.

They will try to bribe you. You have TWO choices:

A. Very well. I accept.

B. Forget it!

Choose B.

Prepare to kill them all!

Hanzaemon Battle Tips:
You start off surrounded by four goons. Prepare to parry any attack, and quickly
dispose of
them. Hanzaemon is very efficient with his sword. Try to utilize the space and
don't allow
him to corner you. Try to let him attack first and parry him if you can.
Otherwise, let him
slash air, and then counter-attack right after he hits nothing. Unleash your
best combo.

Day: 29 - Early Morning

Head back to "Otsuka-cho" and enter your house. Choose TAKE A NAP.

Day: 29 - Morning
Go to "Amakaze-cho" and you'll learn that Sayo has been taken by the
magistrates! You decide
to save Sayo. You have THREE choices:

A. Today is a good day to die.

B. I am the wind. And the wind... you can't kill.
C. The way of the samurai is death.

Choose B.

Day: 29 - Morning
Head straight to the "Magistrate's Office" for the final confrontation!

Magistrate Battle Tip:
You start at the front gate. You are vastly outnumbered, but you can just parry
all of their
attacks and kill them in one blow. Repeat this until they are all dead.

After killing them all, you now face Muto, the final obstacle in saving Sayo!
Muto Battle Tips:
Be careful because Muto is fast and aggressive! The best way to deal with him is
to use his
aggressiveness against him. Parry him all the time, then give him your beast
combo! He should
be dead in no time.

As Muto is dying, you have to tell him something. You have THREE choices:

A. I don't know myself.

B. It's my duty to protect the innocent.
C. She gave me a rice-ball.

Choose B.

The samurai finally reunites with Sayo and they both walk off. Kuroha stops them
and talks
to the samurai. You have TWO choices:

A. I just want to protect the girl.

B. Duty means nothing to me.

Choose A.

Enjoy Sayo Ending 3.

Alternate Lone Samurai Endings:*

How To Get Ending 1:

Follow the guide to Sayo ending 3 until Day 29, Early Morning.

Day: 29 - Early Morning

Go to "Otsuka-cho" and enter your house. Choose DEEP SLEEP.

Day: 30 - Early Morning

You have no choice but to go back to "Otsuka-cho". Mr. Beniya hires you to kill

Kuroha Battle Tips:
Be careful of his dash attacks! As much as possible, try to keep as close as
possible to him.
Parry his attacks. The are usually vertical ones, so keep parrying him then kill
him right
away with your best combo.

After you kill him, Mr. Beniya tries to convince you to join him. You have TWO

A. Not interested.
B. That sounds interesting.

Choose A.

Enjoy Alternate Lone Samurai Ending 1.

Hot To Get Alternate Lone Samurai Ending 2:
Follow the guide on how to get Alternate Lone Samurai Ending 1 until you kill
Kuroha. You
have TWO choices:

A. Not interested.
B. That sounds interesting.

Choose B.

Enjoy Alternate Lone Samurai Ending 2.


Amakaze Jobs:*

Find The Baby:
A phrase is left as the clue for the baby's whereabouts. Once you are in the
just search for the baby on the ground and in hard to see places, like corners,
areas, and alleys. You might also meet a person called Man. He is the kidnapper.
can make him tell you where the baby is by hurting him severely.

A Small Garden - Edge of Town

Beside The Steadfast Real Caliber - Aoto Gang Heaquarters
After You're Twenty-One - Otsuka-cho
Cool if Fanned - Kakinuma-cho
Freedom Stolen - Magistrate's Office
Heaven's Judgement - Magistrate's Office
If You Can't Stand The Stench - Otsuka-cho
Invited In - Numata-cho
Live A Long Frugal Life - Otemon Gate
Man-Made Nature - Shikano-cho
Protected By Justice - Magistrate's Office
Scared of The Doctor - Edge of Town
Sound of Windchimes - Shikano-cho
Surrounded By Fruit - Otsuka-cho
Surrounded By Rice - Numata-cho
The Traveller Removes His Shoes - Kakinuma-cho
Welcome To Amahara! - Otemon Gate
When You're Sick - Edge of Town
Where Heroes Congregate - Shikano-cho
Where Lips Are Smacked - Kakinuma-cho
With A Sign On One's Back - Aoto Gang Headquarters

Find Missing Person:
Just go where the Job Broker tells you and convince the person to come back.

1. Son of Tokujiro, Umbrella Maker

Location: Magistrate's Office
That's Right.
What's Wrong With It.
What do you want to be.
Please Come Back.

2. Sabuji
Location: Otsuka-cho
I've come to find you.
You need rest too.
Enough talk, go back.
Do as you like.

3. Daughter of Mikawaya The Merchant

Location: Numata-cho
That's Right.
I think you're mistaken.
I'm sure he cares for you.
Please go home.

Control Thugs:
Just go where the Job Broker tells you and kill everyone within the period. The
best way
to deal with this job is to parry everyone and kill them in one blow.

Retrieve Stolen Items:
Find the person who stole the item, then kill the criminal to retrieve the item.

1. Otama, Most Beautiful Girl in Otsuka-cho

Location: Numata-cho
Kill the man whose name has a purple background. Kill "Shady Man". Grab the
That IS Otama.

2. Merchant Imawaya's Treasure

Location: Edge of Town
Kill the girl who is usually known as the "Kidnapper". Grab the baby, who
is really the treasure of Imawaya.

3. Young Woman Okiyo's Hair Ornament

Location: Aoto Gang Headquarters
Kill the "Collector". He might be using a unique sword called Oni-suzumo. Take
the hair ornament.

Special Job:
Just finish a number of jobs for the Job Broker in Amakaze and he'll give this
to you soon.

A Yakuza Did It - kill the Thug in Aoto Gang Headquarters.

A Wild Samurai Did It - kill the samurai in Kakinuma-cho.

Aoto Jobs:*

Just go to the place where the Job Broker tells you, then scare the person a

1. Abukichi, The Most Good-For-Nothing Man in Numata-cho.

I'm Collecting Money.
You're The Scum Deadbeat!
I Kill Bigmouths Like You.
It'll Be 500 Mon.
2. Shida, One Of The Most Corrupt Magistrates In The Magistrate's Office.
I'm Here Collecting Money.
I'll Leave If You Pay.
I Understand, But Pay Me.
It'll Be 500 Mon.

3. A Broken-down Roadside Stand in Kakinuma-cho By A Man Named Mohei.

I'm Here To Collect Money
Forget That. The Money!
Is That The Best You Can Do?
It'll Be 500 Mon.

There is no specific place to find the target. If the Job Broker says it's a
man, find someone
whose name is "MAN". If he says it's a foreigner, find the "FOREIGNER", find a
if he tells you so. Bump into the target from the front until you get the secret
parcel. Be
careful, if he attacks you, exit the area and return again to try. You can also
try to talk
to him so that he'll face you, then bump him.

Find the target and then kill the person.

1. Secret Documents of A Young Lady Who Will Be In Amakaze-cho.

2. A Parcel Carried By A Man Near Otemon Gate.

Kil the target at the specified location.
1. A Certain Thug Will Appear At The Edge of Town.

Special Job:
Successfully complete jobs for the Aoto Gang until you earn their respect.
Kill The Magistrate Job Broker "The White Badger" Yoriki, the user of Kanesada.

Yoriki Battle Tips:
Yoriki uses an extremely long sword! There is no point in trying to run away
from him because
he will still be able to reach you with his sword. Fortunately, he is very easy
to parry. He
usually uses vertical attacks. Slash him then do a quick combo. Be careful, he
also knows how
to parry! He also have a dash attack that can kill you instantly if you're not
careful. Stick
close to him so he won't be able to do it that much. Do not blindly attack him.
Another problem
for you is that he won't die easily. Use your strongest sword against him to
make the ordeal

Magistrate Jobs:*

Finding Lost Objects:

Just go where the Magistrate Job Broker tells you and find the parcel on the

Secret Delivery:
Deliver the item to the person where the Job Broker tells you. Look in not
visible places and corners, as well as open houses. Don't bump into gangsters
they will steal the item from you. If they do, run after them and kill them.

Secret Dealings:
Go to the place where the Job Broker tells you and find the person to make the
deal with.
Make sure you bring the person to an area where he/she can't easily escape if
they decide
to run away and not give you the item in return. If they decide to run, kill
them. Take
the item. If a gangster steals the item from you, kill them.

Special Job:
Successfully complete jobs for the Magistrate Job Broker until you earn respect.
He will
give you an assignment. Kill The Aoto Gang's Job Broker "The Deer" Thug.

"The Deer" Thug Battle Tips:
This guy uses the legendary Murasame! The best method here is to parry him and
stick close to
him as much as possible. If you are in mid-range, he will do a guard breaking
move which will
render you in a very dangerous situation. If he manages to parry you, he can use
a strong
downward slash that could instantly kill you. Play defensive. Always parry him
and string
combos, but make sure they hit.

Special Money Makers:*

Foreigner's Lost Wife:
When you first arrive in Amahara, there's a foreigner who's occassionally
walking around
"Otemon Gate" and other places. When you talk to him, he will ask you to find
his wife for
him and tell her something. Go find his wife, tell her the message, and return
to the
foreigner for a reward.

Prize Fighting:
Go to "Amahara Shrine" during day time and you will find a short man named
Kotsubo in the
middle. Talk to him and you can have a fight arranged. He will call out the
person you will
fight. After the person surrenders, get your hard earned cash from Kotsubo.

Special Fights:*

I. The Deer:
Day: 27 - Late Night
Storyline: Gang Samurai Ending 1
After killing Kyojiro when she attacks you in your home, head to "Shikano-cho"
and you'll
see a ninja and a samurai. Kill the ninja right away, then talk to the Samurai
called "Killer".
He'll ask you if it's you:

A. That's right.
B. Never heard of 'em.

Choose A to fight him.

After killing him, he'll tell you in his dying words that it's the Job Broker
Aoto Gang that sent him.

After that, head to the "Aoto Gang Headquarters" and talk to the Job Broker. You
have TWO

A. Nice try, time to die!

B. Let bygones be bygones?

Choose A to kill him and get his Murasama.

"The Deer" Thug Battle Tips:
This guy uses the legendary Murasame! The best method here is to parry him and
stick close to
him as much as possible. If you are in mid-range, he will do a guard breaking
move which will
render you in a very dangerous situation. If he manages to parry you, he can use
a strong
downward slash that could instantly kill you. Play defensive. Always parry him
and string
combos, but make sure they hit.

Choose B to get 2000 mon.

II. Yoriki:
Day: 24 - Early Morning
Storyline: Police Samurai Ending 1
Accept work from the Magistrate Job Broker. As much as possible, always be
successful. When you
reach Day 24, Early Morning, head to "Amahara Shrine". There would be a samurai
walking around
named Rasui. He'll ask you if you're the one he's looking for:

A. That's right.
B. Never heard of 'em.

Choose A to fight him.

After killing him, he'll tell you in his dying words that it's the Job Broker
from the
Magistrate's Office that sent him.

After that, head to the "Magistrate's Office" Police Headquarters and talk to
the Job Broker.
A. I'll kill you!
B. Let's forget about it.

Choose A to fight him and get his Kanesada.

Yoriki Battle Tips:
Yoriki uses an extremely long sword! There is no point in trying to run away
from him because
he will still be able to reach you with his sword. Fortunately, he is very easy
to parry. He
usually uses vertical attacks. Slash him then do a quick combo. Be careful, he
also knows how
to parry! He also have a dash attack that can kill you instantly if you're not
careful. Stick
close to him so he won't be able to do it that much. Do not blindly attack him.
Another problem
for you is that he won't die easily. Use your strongest sword against him to
make the ordeal

Choose B to get 2000 mon.

III. Foreigner:
Day: 27 - Late Night
Storyline: Sayo Ending 3
Accept work from the Amakaze Job Broker and successfully complete all jobs up to
where you
have to avenge the death of a civilian. After that, visit the Informant at
"Amahara Shrine"
during Late Nights and Early Mornings. On the 27th, Late Night, when you talk to
her, she'll
tell you that a wild dog has come to Amahara. Go to "Otemon Gate". Find the
Foreigner, owner
of the Excalibur, and you will have THREE choices:

A. Wait. Give me time.

B. I'll fight you.
C. This sword isn't for you.

Choose B to fight him.

Foreigner Battle Tips:
He probably is one of the toughest opponents to kill. His attacks are usually
vertical, so
just parry him and then unleash a combo. If you are being pressured, try to run
away since
his sword doesn't have that much of a great reach. Be careful though, because he
has a dash
attack that can quickly reach you, so you still have to be on guard while
running away. Repeat
the process until he dies.

IV. Kenzaburo:
Day: ANY
Storyline: ANY
Go to "Numata-cho" and in the back of the houses you will find a girl standing.
Talk to her
and she will tell you that her father is sick and that a certain item will make
him feel
better. Bring the item to her and she will thank you. Exit "Numata-cho" and re-
enter it
right away. She will tell you that her father is sick again and he needs a
certain item. Give
it to her. Repeat the process a total of 10 times and she tells you that her
father will be
able to walk outside again.

The fastest way to do this is by playing a game where your main priority is to
stock up on
goods. To do this, play the Sayo Ending 3 storyline and finish jobs for the
Amakaze Job Broker.
This should let the stores around have new merchandise available. But at least
three of each
item. This may take a while though. Once you have all the goods, go back to the
girl and
proceed to give her what her father needs.

Visit "Amahara Shrine" and you will find a civilian with a sword. Talk to he
will tell you
how good it is to be able to walk outside once more. Talk to him again and he
will tell you
that his daughter told him that a samurai helped them out and he wanted to meet
him. Draw your
sword and attack him.

Kenzaburo Battle Tips:
He is a tough opponent to get rid off. He also strings combos quite fast, but
you can run away
and let him hit air before counter-attacking. You might also want to try and
parry, although
his guard breaking attack might come out fast. Just unleash your best combo and
be consistent.
He is only tough, but his moves can be predicted.

You'll also notice that his sword changes from time to time. A rare sword is the
Rinne. If that
is his sword, then take it, otherwise, just reload the game and fight him again
until you
get the sword you want. He also uses "Fencing" type swords.

V. Kasumi:
Day: 27 - Late Night
Storyline: Gang Samurai Ending 1
After killing Kyojiro, instead of heading to "Otsuka-cho", head for "Aoto Gang
Talk to the Job Broker and he will tell you that Kasumi has escaped. Go to
"Shikano-cho" and
head for the dojo. On the way, you might meet the female ninja Oboro, who will
instantly attack
you once she sees you.

Oboro Battle Tips:
The female ninja is really fast. Fortunately, her attacks don't do that much
damage. You can
try to stay away for her to make her attack the air. Once you see an opening,
attack her with
a combo. Don't get close to her because she has an attack where she will go
behind you and
cut your throat. Parrying her can be tough since she's fast and her attacks are
a mixture
of vertical and horizontals.

After dealing with Oboro, head to the dojo where you will find Kasumi hiding
behind the door.
Once she sees you, she will draw her sword and fight you.

Kasumi Battle Tips:
She is quite easier to deal with that Oboro. Her attacks come in slow, so use
this to your
advantage and parry her as much as you can, then unleash your combo. She should
die soon while
she yells "Daddy!".

VI. Nakamura:
Day: ANY
Storyline: ANY
During any day, head straight to the "Magistrate's Office" Police Headquarters.
Go inside the
compound and you will see Nakamura standing outside the jail. Attack him to
start a fight
with him.

Nakamura Battle Tips:
He can string combinations really well. The best way to deal with him is by
parrying his
attacks. Wait for his horizontal attacks, then parry him. Try to stay close to
him as much as
possible because this will prevent him from trying his dash attack.

VII. Dojima:
Day: ANY, Late Nights or Early Mornings
Storyline: ANY
Go to "Numata-cho" at any day, late night or early morning to find Dojima the
blacksmith taking
a refreshing walk. Approach him and draw your weapon. He will be surprised and
the battle will

Dojima Battle Tips:
Since Dojima has short reach, it is best to let him attack air, then counter-
attack with your
own combo. Don't get close to him because he will just grab you and throw you
away. Just
stay away from him and hit him when he starts attacking the air.
VIII. Dojo Master:
Day: ANY, Daytime
Storyline: ANY
Go to "Shikano-cho" and enter the dojo. Talk to him and choose "I want to
challenge you!"
Prepare for battle.

Dojo Master Battle Tips:
Although tough, you can parry him easily. Beware of his vertical-horizontal
combo mix since
it might confuse you on how to parry. Unleash your combo on him once he is
caught off guard.
You can also try to run away if he's putting the pressure on you. He rarely does
his dash
attack, but you might as well just keep close to him to make sure. Also, be
careful inside
the dojo. The camera tends to get wild near the corners.

IX. The Aoto Three:
Day: Before The Festival, Daytime
Storyline: ANY
The Aoto Three will be walking around Amahara before the festival. They are
usually in
"Numata-cho", "Aoto Gang Headquarters", "Otemon Gate", "Shikano-cho", and
As usual, they are always near each other. If you beat them enough, they might
try to
run away from you, but it is possible to KILL them.

The Aoto Three Battle Tips:
As usual, concentrate on one stooge at a time. They are pretty easy to deal with
since they
are not usually aggressive. You can play offensively here, although it is also
very easy to
just parry them and give them a devastating counter-blow.

X. Muto:
Day: Before The Festival, Daytime
Storyline: ANY
Muto will be standing inside the "Magistrate's Office" Police Headquarters. You
can talk to
him and tease him a bit, or just attack him to initiate combat.

Muto Battle Tips:
He will still fight like before. He usually starts with the spinning kick combo.
Prepare to
parry his vertical attacks, then unleash your combo. He will run away once you
bring down
his health.

Weapons Hunt:*
One of the many joys of playing this game, besides being able to do what you
want, is the
number of swords you can collect. Here, you will find the methods in finding the
weapons. These weapons usually come from IMPORTANT characters.

1. Kyojiro's Weapon - the best way to get Biteikotsu is to play the "Lone
Samurai" game. When
you reach Day 26 - Evening, you will have no choice but to go to the Festival
Grounds. Kill her
as quick as possible while others are still fighting. This will give you more
than enough time
to collect her sword from the ground.

2. Muto's Weapon - play a "Lone Samurai" game, and on Day 26 - Evening, you will
fighting him at the Festival Grounds. Kill him as fast as possible while others
are busy. This
will give you more than enough time to collect the Oborozakiyo.

3. Donpachi's Weapons - early in the game, head to the Business District during
day, and you will find him in front of the large establishment. Kill him to
collect the

4. Yasuno's Weapons - to get Yasuno's weapons, play a "Kasumi" game. Play up to

Day 28 - Early Morning. You will have to fight a three main enemies, but
concentrate on Yasuno.
After you kill him, just take his Kobyozo.

5. Nami's Weapons - just like the method to take Yasuno's weapons, play a
"Kasumi" game, kill Nami and take her Sorenka.

6. Kuroha's Weapon - use the method in collecting Muto's Weapon, but kill Kuroha
first and then take his Yoshimoto.

7. Dojima's Weapons - the only time the blacksmith is walking outside are late
nights and early mornings. Go to "Numata-cho" and you will find him walking
around. Just kill him and take his

8. Dojo Master's Sword - the only way that seems to work is by using a very
strong upgraded weapon. When you fight him with a weak weapon, when you beat
him, he will just sheath his sword and go back to his place. If you have a very
strong sword that can do combination attacks, then bring him down to just about
one bit of health, and then do a combination attack on him.
Instead of sheathing his sword, he will go through a death animation. The sword
will be yours for the taking. You can always fight the Dojo Master in the
"Shikano-cho" Dojo once during the morning, and once during the afternoon, even
after you "kill" him.

9. Nakamura 's Sword - you can find him usually during nighttime in
"Magistrate's Office"
Police Headquarters. Kill him and his Onibacho is yours.

10. Hanzaemon's Sword - Hanzaemon's Zennkimaru is the tough to collect, because

whenever he dies, a cutscene usually follows, not allowing you to take it. The
only way to get his sword
is by planning his death. Bring his health to just one bit, and then kill him
with only ONE
strike. Sheath your sword quickly and then move over to the sword to pick it up.
You only have
around 3 to 5 seconds to do this before the cutscene starts.

11. Aoto Three's Weapons - the three weapons can be quite a chore. Play a
"Police Samurai" game
and play up to Day 29 - Morning and go to "Kakinuma-cho" Mansion. You will fight
them there.
Just concentrate on one Stooge at a time, and then collect his weapon when he
dies. Do it fast
because your other comrades are killing them. You might have to do this two to
times in order to collect the three weapons.

12. Ninja's Sword - play a "Police Samurai" game and play up to Day 27 -
Evening. Go to
"Otsuka-cho" and you might find a ninja. Kill him to get his sword.

13. Female Ninja's Weapons - just like the with the Ninja's sword, you will
usually see them at
night, during or after Day 27.

14. Kenzaburo's Sword - beat Kenzaburo after you make him well by helping his
daughter. Be
aware that the sword he holds seems to be random. Just keep returning to
"Amahara Shrine" where
he usually is, and you'll notice the change in sword.

15. "Foreigner's" Sword - his sword is the Excalibur. Beat him at the "Otemon
Gate" after
the Informant tells you that there is a "Wild Dog" around.

Informant's Sword Hunt:*
Go to the "Amahara Shrine" at late nights or early mornings. You will find the
informant at the middle. Talk to her and you will learn that you can purchase
information from her.
The more expensive information you buy, the better the sword. You will have to
kill the original owner to get the sword.

Upgrading Weapons:*
Before anything else, we should know what each attribute of the attributes of
our weapons mean.

ATT (Attack) - this indicates how strong your weapon's attacks are. The higher
the number, the more damage you will cause to your enemies.

DEF (Defense) - this indicates how much pain your SAMURAI can endure. The higher
the number, the more damage the samurai can take.

QUAL (Quality) - this tells you how many times you can upgrade your weapon. The
left number, which we will dub "Current Quality" (CQ), tells you how many times
you have upgraded your weapon, while the right number, "Maximum Quality" (MQ),
tells you the total number of times you can upgrade your weapon. The maximum
number isn't always correct, as you can upgrade your weapon around five more
times before you reach its true potential.

Kills - this tells you how many people the weapon has killed.

DUR (Durability) - this tells you how much stress in an instant your sword can
handle before
a part of it breaks. The maximum is five. In battle, you will notice your "Break
get filled with a red color. If it fills up the entire meter, a segment of it
will break.
If you lose all of the segments, your weapon cannot be used anymore!

Once you're familiar with the terms, go to "Numata-cho" the Blacksmith's Place.
He will
present you three options:

Weapon Improvement
Title Appraisal
Never Mind

Weapon Improvement:
If you choose weapon improvement, Dojima will ask you which weapon you want him
to work with.
After choosing the weapon, you will have THREE choices:

Improve Quality
Improve Durability
Never Mind

Improve Quality:
If you choose this, you will be asked if you want to improve your weapon's
or WHATEVER Dojima thinks he should improve.

Improve Durability:
If you choose this, Dojima will work on your weapon and add back one segment to
"Break Meter". You can have a maximum of five on durability. Repeat as

Title Appraisal:
If you choose this, Dojima will ask you which weapon you want him to work on.
You will then
be presented with THREE choices:

Appraise Quality
Appraise History
Never Mind

Appraise Quality:
Choosing this, Dojima will ask you which attribute to base the appraisal. You
get to choose
from ATTACK, DEFENSE, and QUALITY. The higher the certain attribute your weapon
has, the
better chance Dojima will give that aspect better improvements. Remember, the
higher your
attributes are, the better results Dojima will give. If your weapon is still
new, Dojima might
not want to work on it yet. Use your weapon in battles and Dojima will work on

Appraise History:
Choosing this, Dojima will ask you if you want to base the appraisal on the
your weapon has, EXPERIENCE, and NAME. It still works the same, the more kills
or experience
your weapon has, the better results it will get from Dojima. If your number of
kills is
more than 1000, Dojima will give you an additional 150 points to your attack!

Working On My First Weapon:*
Here, we will work on a weapon and try to upgrade it in a normal way. For best
results, we
have to get some Sword Powders first, and a weapon. A weapon worthy of being
upgraded is
one that:

a. Has a maximum quality of 10 or more.

b. Has a current quality of not more than 3.
c. Has high enough starting attack value.
d. Has high enough starting defense value.

The reason why we're checking the weapon first is, upgrading takes some time if
you really
want to have an efficient weapon. The more times we can upgrade it (MQ), the
better results
we will get. The lower the current quality is (CQ), the more times we can
upgrade it before
reaching the Maximum Quality's true potential, which is around more than five
from what is
officially stated. The higher the attack and defense values are, the more
effective the
weapon will turn out to be. Always aim for the best results!

Also, remember that when you can only appraise the title of your weapon ONCE.

Once you have the required items, proceed to the first method...

Normal Upgrading:
1. Check the quality of your weapon.
2. If the CQ is less than or equal to 4, use the sword powders on your weapon
until the CQ is 5. Dojima seems to give out better results when your CQ is
already 5 or more.
Remember, a sword powder will add 5 points to your attack without negatively
affecting other
3. Save the game on the map.
4. Proceed inside Dojima's workplace and choose "Weapon Improvement".
5. Choose "Improve Quality".
6. Choose "Attack". Dojima will now work on your weapon and try to raise its
attack. If you
are happy with the result, proceed to step 7. If not, reload the game and go
back to step 4.
7. Exit Dojima's place and save at the map.
8. Return to Dojima's place and keep on improving "Attack" and saving when
you're happy with
the results and your CQ is equal to your MQ.
9. Try to improve "Attack" again. You can do this up to five more times. You
should also notice
that when your CQ is greater than your MQ, the results are higher!
10. Once you have upgraded your weapon an additional five times to your MQ, you
can stop.

You have now successfully upgraded your weapon! With this, you breeze through
Easy Mode and
Normal Mode and collect more weapons. If you want a stronger weapon, proceed to
the second

Super Upgrading:
1. Follow the steps for Normal Upgrading.
2. Once you've reached the true potential of your weapon, tell Dojima to work on
"Title Appraisal".
3. Choose "Appraise Quality".
4. Choose "Attack".

Your weapon will suddenly have a boost on attack points! You can use this weapon
Hard Mode and it will help you finish your enemies off much quicker. If you
still want
a more POWERFUL weapon, a weapon that treats the Hard Mode enemies as if they
on Easy Mode, then proceed to the next method...

Extreme Upgrading:
1. Follow the steps for Normal Upgrading.
2. Kill 1000 or more people. You can find out how to do this quickly by reading
"Committing Mass Murder" section after this.
3. Go back to Dojima's place after the massacre. You might want to do this in a
new game
so that Dojima won't disagree on serving a mass murderer.
4. Choose "Title Appraisal".
5. Choose "Appraise History".
6. Finally, choose "Number of Kills".

You now have an extremely powerful weapon! Remember, you can use the methods
above for improving other aspects of your weapon aside from attack.

Committing Mass Murder:*
When you really need to kill a lot of people in a short while, the method here
will work best for you. This is extremely useful if you want to build up on the
number of kills your weapon has.

First, kill some magistrates so that they'll be mad at you and react to you
violently all the time. After becoming notorious, go to the "Magistrate's
Office" Police Headquarters and talk to the Job Broker. He will be mad at you,
but he will give you a chance to redeem yourself by killing as many gangsters as
you can! Accept the job offer.

Go to "Otsuka-cho".

You will notice that there will be around 10 gangsters present. Kill them off
quickly by parrying them and then counter-attacking. Kill the 2 civilians as
well for additional killing points. Leave the area, and enter "Otsuka-cho" once
again. You will notice that there are more gangsters around! Repeat the method.
You can kill up to 50 gangsters (and 10 civilians) before the period expires.

Leave "Otsuka-cho" and go to the "Aoto Gang Headquarters".

Talk to the Job Broker and he will tell you that every gang member wants to kill
you. He will give you a chance to redeem yourself by killing a bunch of
magistrates! Accept the job offer and head to "Otsuka-cho" to kill the
magistrates. You can kill a maximum of 50 magistrates (and 10 civilians) by
repeating the same process we used before.

You will be able to rack up 1000 kills in no time!

Let's summarize the steps:

1. Harrass the magistrates.
2. Talk to the Magistrate Job Broker.
3. Accept his job to "redeem" yourself.
4. Go to "Otsuka-cho" to kill some gangsters and civilians.
5. Repeat it a total of 5 times for 50 dead gangsters (and 10 dead civilians).
6. Talk to the Aoto Job Broker.
7. Accept his job to "redeem" yourself.
8. Go to "Otsuka-cho" to kill some magistrates and civilians.
9. Repeat it a total of 5 times for 50 dead magistrates (and 10 dead civilians).
10. Repeat steps 2-9 until you reach your desired number of kills.

Enjoy the bloodshed!

The 100-Man Battle:*
The 100-Man Battle is used to make the two accessories (Headband and Burial
Tablet) available
in the "Amahara Shrine" and "Otsuka-cho" fancy goods stores. To engage in this

1. Harrass some civilians.

2. Talk to the Amakaze Job Broker.
3. Accept the job to "redeem" yourself.
4. Go to "Amahara Shrine" and defeat the guards.

The Sword Safe:*
The Sword Safe is where you store your weapons. At first it can only hold a
small amount of weapons, but you can go to "Numata-cho" at late night, and
you'll find a lady near the Blacksmith's place. You can pay her to increase the
capacity of your safe. You will probably spend around 20,000 mon to have the
maximum capacity of 100 weapons in your safe.

Codes and Curiosities:*

Japanese Version Codes:
Here are codes that will help you in your tough samurai life. Thanks to The
Patrick, Spenze for the Characters, Money, Health, and Stamina codes.

* Pause the game and enter these:

More Character Models:

While on the Character Customization Screen, highlight the option for the
"name", and then enter: L1, R1, R2, L2, L1, R1, R2, L2, Square very quickly.
Press right or left to change models.

Add 500 To Your Money:

Hold L1 and L2, then press left, left, up, down, down, up, square

Regain Health:
Hold L1 and R1, then press down, up, right, left, down, up, square

Regain Stamina:
Hold L2 and R2, then press right, left, right, left, down, down, square

PAL/US Version Codes:
More Character Models:
While on the Character Customization Screen, highlight the option for the
"name", and then enter: L1 R2 R1 L2 L1 R2 R1 L2 Square very quickly.
Press right or left to change models.

All Versions:
Unlock Attires:
Finish the game on any difficulty repeatedly and you'll notice that more attires
have been unlocked.

Unlock Five More Characters:

Finish the game in any mode repeatedly and you'll notice that more characters
are added to the character customization screen.

Unlock Hard Difficulty:

Attain more than 5000 points.

Unlock Finishing Blow Mode:

Attain more than 7500 points.

Unlock More Accessories:

Attain at least 7500 and you will notice that you will have more accessories
available to wear. Beat the 100-Man Battle to make the Headband and Burial
Tablet available at the fancy good stores in "Amahara Shrine" and "Otsuka-cho".

Cat Curiosity:
Go the "Numata-cho" Blacksmith's Place. From where you begin, go forward until
you see a place where you can turn left. Go straight and then turn left again.
Go straight until you reach the end. Turn left and you will find a statue of a
cat. You can pick it up and when you put it down, it will say "MEOW"

Part 10
Titles for Attack

Razor, +10 attack if your attack is between 30-44 attacks.

Sharp, +30 attack if your attack is between 45-59 attacks.
Flame, +50 attack if your attack is between 60-79 attacks.
Frost, +70 attack if your attack is between 80-99 attacks.
Ogre, +100 attack if your attack is above 100 attack.

Part 3.7 Titles for Defense


Guard, +10 defense if your defense is between 30-44 defenses.

Pure, +30 defense if your defense is between 45-59 defenses.
Holy, +50 defense if your defense is between 60-79 defenses.
Sacred, +70 defense if your defense is between 80-99 defenses.
Divine, +100 defense if your defense is above 100 defenses.

Part 3.8 Titles for Kills


You lose health when you use a weapon titled here. -2 for Cutter, then an
additional -2 for each rank after that for a grand total of -10 for Demon.

Cutter, +30 attack -10 defense if your kills are between 50 and 99.
Killer, +60 attack -20 defense if your kills are between 100 and 249.
Slayer, +90 attack -30 defense if your kills are between 250 and 499.
Maniac, +120 attack -40 defense if your kills are between 500 and 999.
Demon, +150 attack -50 defense if you have over 1000 kills.

Part 3.9 Titles for Experience


Adept, +5 attack and defense.

Expert, +10 attack and defense.
Master, +15 attack and defense.
Wizard, +20 attack and defense.
God, +30 attack and defense. This also reduces Heat by HALF. Kanesada and
Zannkimaru are easily usable without worry when they have this title.

You have got to use the sword, simple as that. This does take time though.

Part 3.10 Titles for Quality


Bronze, +1 Quality. Within 3 quality of your maximum quality.

Silver, +2 Quality. When equal to you maximum quality.
Gold , +3 Quality. When 2 over your maximum quality.
Platina, +3 quality. When 3 or more over your maximum quality.

Part 11
Store Phase 3: Do 4 more Jobs or 8 Jobs and the shops should upgrade to the
final phase.

Sometimes it may take an extra job to raise a level depending on how you treat
the people around town.. like bumping into people or harassing.

a. Otsuka-Cho:
Fancy Goods: (When you enter it's the one to the right of your Character)
Phase 3
Sword Oil: 300 mon
Ami. Doll: 300 mon
S.Powder: 350 mon
Charm: 350 mon
Scroll: 800 mon
Spectacles: 1000 mon
Umbrella: 1000 mon
Monkey: 1500 mon

Green Grocer: (Further down beside Fancy Goods)
Phase 3
Rice Ball: 50 mon
Dried Fish: 100 mon
Radish: 100 mon
Bean Candy: 1000 mon
Ginseng: 200 mon
Sake: 400 mon
L.Powder: 500 mon
D.Mushroom: 500 mon

Pharmacy: (Across the street from Fancy and Green)
Phase 3
Ginseng: 200 mon
S.Salts: 400 mon
Sake: 200 mon
B.Beads: 100 mon
Talisman: 400 mon
L.Powder: 300 mon
Charm: 350 mon
D.Mushroom: 1000 mon

Liquor: (Down the Street near the exit on the same side as the Pharmacy)
Phase 3
Sake: 250 mon
D.Fish: 50 mon
Radish: 150 mon
Bean Candy: 1000 mon
Ginseng: 200 mon
S.Salts: 400 mon
L.Powder: 1000 mon
D.Mushroom: 1000 mon

General: Store (Across from where the Liquor Store is)
Phase 3
D.Fish: 100 mon
Radish: 150 mon
Bean Candy: 500 mon
Ginseng: 200 mon
S.Salts: 400 mon
Scroll: 400 mon
Spec.Scroll: 1000 mon
Magic Beads: 600 mon

b. Numata-Cho:
Green Grocer: (Walk towards blacksmith it has watermelon the in front)
Phase 3
Rice Ball: 50 mon
Dried Fish: 100 mon
Radish: 100 mon
Bean Candy: 1000 mon
Ginseng: 200 mon
Sake: 400 mon
L.Powder: 500 mon
D.Mushroom: 500 mon

c. Amakaze-Cho:
Textiles: (On the right 5 Textiles shops down and around the corner)
Phase 3
B.Beads: 100 mon
Tailisman: 200 mon
Magic Beads: 300 mon
Shoulderpads: 1000 mon
Umbrella: 1000 mon
Demon Mask: 1000 mon
Biwa: 1500 mon
Rabbit: 1500 mon

General: (On the left 3 General Stores that go down and around the corner)
Phase 3
D.Fish: 100 mon
Radish: 150 mon
Bean Candy: 500 mon
Ginseng: 200 mon
S.Salts: 400 mon
Scroll: 400 mon
Spec.Scroll: 1000 mon
Magic Beads: 600 mon

Jewelry: (Follow the General stores until you see a 2 Pink Cloth banners)
Phase 3
B.Beads: 100 mon
Tailisman: 200 mon
Magic Beads: 300 mon
Flower: 1000 mon
Car.Mask: 1000 mon
Eyepatch: 1000 mon
Fox Mask: 1500 mon
Pirate Hat: 1500 mon

Fancy Goods: (Right beside the Jewelrey Store, 2 Orange Cloth Banners)
Phase 3
Sword Oil: 300 mon
Ama.Doll: 300 mon
S.Powder: 350 mon
Charm: 350 mon
Spectacles: 1000 mon
Tengu Mask: 1000 mon
Parrot: 1500 mon

d. Amahara Shrine:
Fancy Goods and General Store:
As soon as your character shows up on screen walk forward past the little man
then take a left just as your about to walk towards the road going up the
shrine. You should see the two stores. Fancy is the one with the blue cloth
draping over the door, and the red is for the general store.

Fancy Goods:
Phase 3
Sword Oil: 300 mon
Ama. Doll: 300 mon
S.Powder: 350 mon
Charm: 350 mon
Scroll: 800 mon
Noh Mask: 1000 mon
Ninja Star: 1000 mon
White Eagel: 1500 mon

General Store:
Phase 3
D.Fish: 100 mon
Radish: 150 mon
Bean Candy: 500 mon
Ginseng: 200 mon
S.Salts: 400 mon
Scroll: 400 mon
Spec.Scroll: 1000 mon
Secr.Scroll: 2000 mon

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