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Date: April 14th, 2021

To: South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Conservation Department

From: Briley Lawrimore
Subject: Saving the Wetlands
Reference: The dwindling waterfowl habitat
Action Required: Respond if interested in participating in solutions
Distribution: Conservation Department

Good Afternoon. I am writing this memo to address the ongoing wetland and waterfowl habitat
loss that is occurring in our state and around the nation and what we are going to do to combat it.
Even though duck populations are on the rise the loss of their homes is also escalating.
Continuing development, pollution, and wetland drainage have attributed to the decline of
suitable areas for ducks to live, feed, and breed. If action is not taken immediately, we could see
duck populations start to trend in the downward direction and possibly become endangered as
they once were in the early 1900s. Without ducks there is also no duck hunting, a pastime that
brings thousands of dollars of revenue to our state and that many families have enjoyed for over
a century. This is why we will be making specific efforts in our department to see to it that this
tradition is preserved.


Wetlands are vital for the survival and wellbeing of all waterfowl species. Ducks feed on small
aquatic invertebrates as well as aquatic vegetation such as millet and milfoil and wetlands are
full of those. The grass, trees, and reeds that grow on the out skirts of these swamps and marshes
also act as the perfect place for ducks to breed and nest. Through the solutions that are explained
below we can stop the loss of wetlands and waterfowl numbers will flourish again. To save the
wetlands we must increase our efforts to gain support, push for protective legislature, and
increase spending for refuges.

Figure 1: A drained wetland ready to be developed.

Solutions for Wetland Loss

Gaining Support

In order to get the ball rolling on the following solutions, and to be successful in general, we
must first garner an adequate amount of support. First, we will create both articles and
advertisements that will raise awareness to pressing issue. These articles will be published in
magazines such as South Carolina Wildlife, South Carolina Game and Fish, and our own
Carolina Sportsman. As for the advertisements, short public service announcements will be
filmed and aired on all local broadcasting stations. Radio ads will also be produced and aired.

Protective Legislature

Once we have enough support from our ads, we will then turn our attention to slowing the loss of
wetlands. To do that our legal team will push and lobby for the passing of legislature that makes
it harder to develop wetlands, preserve existing wetlands, and generate revenue for conservation
efforts. By convincing legislature to pass laws that require special permitting and restrictions,
developers will be unable to proceed in their plans as quickly as they previously could, and it
will also require them to have a legitimate reason to destroy a wetland. Also, more legislation,
such as the duck stamp act, will be implemented to produce revenue that will be spent on further
conservation efforts.

Increase Spending

Once these legislations are implemented, we will then focus on spending the revenue generated
from them. We will use these dollars to purchase land that we will then transform into refuges so
that these birds always have a place to thrive in. Also, this money will be used to clean up
polluted wetlands and restore wetlands that have been drained or destroyed by natural disasters.
This money will also be used to finance waterfowl research so that we can continue to learn how
to protect these amazing birds.

Figure 2: A group of mallards widgeon and gadwall feeding in a thriving wetland.


As you can now tell protecting wetlands is a much larger task than it seems to be. It will require
a great deal of effort and willingness to act. However, these things must be done if we are to
protect the tradition of hunting and preserve the lifestyle that surrounds it. I appreciate your
attention to this matter and strongly urge you to preform to the best of your ability so we can
succeed in this important undertaking. Thank you for your time and I believe that together we
save the ducks!


I know everyone feels just as strongly as I do about this matter and will stop at nothing to see it
through. I expect to see everyone at the meetings every last Friday of each month to discuss our
progress. Also, if any groundbreaking progress is made between meetings I would like to be
notified immediately. Finally, do not be afraid to offer any recommendations or ideas that you
might have. If we are going to succeed, we have to do this together. I look forward to working
with you all.


Rijke, Victoria De. Duck. Reaktion Books, 2008.

Yaich, Scott. How Duck Hunters Can Change History. Ducks Unlimited,

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