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Tutorial Letter 101/3/2021

Engineering Materials Technology II


Year Module

Department of Mechanical and Industrial


Please register on myUnisa, activate your myLife e-mail addres and
make sure that you have regular access to the myUnisa module
website, EMT3701-2021-YEAR, as well as your group website.

Note: This is a fully online module and therefore it is only available on myUnisa.



1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Getting started …............................................................................................................................ 3
2 OVERVIEW OF EMT3701 .............................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Outcomes ....................................................................................................................................... 3
3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS.................................................................................... 4
3.1 Lecturer(s) ...................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Department ..................................................................................................................................... 4
3.3 University ........................................................................................................................................ 4
4 RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................. 5
4.1 Joining myUnisa ............................................................................................................................. 5
4.2 Library services and resource information ...................................................................................... 5
5 HOW TO STUDY ONLINE ............................................................................................................. 6
5.1 What does it mean to study fully online? ........................................................................................ 6
5.2 The myUnisa tools you will use ...................................................................................................... 6
6 CONTINOUS ASSESSMENT AND GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES .................................................. 6
6.1 Assessment plan ............................................................................................................................ 6
6.2 Weighting of different continuous assessment options .................................................................. 7
6.3 Graduate attributes allocated to the continuous assessment ......................................................... 7
6.3.1 Graduate attributes ......................................................................................................................... 7
6.4. Assessment criteria ............................................................................................................................. 8
6.5 Assessment Guidelines ........................................................................................................................ 8
6.6 Submission of assignments .............................................................................................................. 8
7 CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................ 9


Dear Student
Welcome to Engineering Material Technology II.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you, hope we are going to have a good journey
together and all the best for 2021.
Because this is a fully online module, you will need to use myUnisa to study and complete the
learning activities for this module. Visit the website for EMT3701 on myUnisa frequently. The
website for your module is EMT3701-21-YEAR
1.1 Getting started …
Owing to the nature of this module, you can read about the module and find your study material
online. Go to the website at and log in using your student number and
password. You will see EMT3701-21-S1/S2 in the row of modules displayed in the orange
blocks at the top of the webpage. Select the More tab if you cannot find the module you require
in the orange blocks. Then click on the module you want to open.
We wish you much success in your studies!

2.1 Purpose
The main purpose of the module is to develop the necessary knowledge and understanding of
the importance of composite materials in the modern design and manufacturing processes.
At the completion of the module, the student will be able to:
- Practically apply material science technology principles to broadly defined engineering
problems in all mechanisms, machine parts and manufacturing fields;
- Design and conduct experiments as well as to analyse and interpret data related to structure,
properties, processing, and performance of materials;
- Apply theoretical knowledge to design components, systems and processes to meet the needs
of the composites industry within a set of realistic constraints including economic,
environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturing and sustainability.

2.2 Outcomes
For this module, you will have to master several outcomes:

• Specific outcome 1: Apply engineering materials science and technology principles

to where composite materials are used.

• Specific outcome 2: Produce design solutions using composite materials


• Specific outcome 3: Conduct a minimum of three laboratory experiments relevant to

the composite materials technologies. This outcome is linked to Graduate Attribute 4.

Without this the student will not be allowed to complete the subject. Read through Annexure
A for more information.


3.1 Lecturer(s)
The primary lecturer for this module is Ms. M Msibi

Department: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Telephone: 011 670-9545
The secondary lecturer of this module is Mr. I Mahomed
Department: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Telephone: 011 670-9538
The alternative secondary lecturer of this module is Mr.RD Murwamadala
Department: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Telephone: 011 471-3188
3.2 Department
You may contact the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering by post, e-mail,
telephone, or online through MyUnisa. Please refer to the booklet: my Studies @ Unisa that you
received with your study material.

Departmental Address:
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Unisa (Florida Campus)
Private Bag X6
Phone: 011 471 2963
Use the general E-mail address: or
Find our department on the Internet at the online address:

Always state your STUDENT NUMBER, your Module Code EMT3701 in all correspondence
and enquiries to ensure prompt and efficient response from us. Whenever you contact the
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, ensure that the first thing you mention
after greeting is your subject code!

3.3 University
To contact the University, follow the instructions in the brochure Study @ Unisa. Remember to
have your student number available whenever you contact the University.
Whenever you contact a lecturer, please include your student number to enable the lecturer to
help you more effectively.


4.1 Joining myUnisa
The myUnisa learning management system is the University's online campus that will help you
communicate with your lecturers, with other students and with the administrative departments at
To go to the myUnisa website directly, go to Click on the Claim UNISA
Login on the top of the screen on the myUnisa website. You will then be prompted to give your
student number in order to claim your initial myUnisa details as well as your myLife e-mail login
For more information on myUnisa, consult the brochure Study @ Unisa, which you received
with your study material.
Prescribed book(s)
To access the reading materials please follow the following steps:
Go to:

• Click on subjects

• Click on Engineering

• Click on Knovel
1. Daniel, IM & Ishai, O. 2006. Engineering mechanics of composite materials. New
York: Oxford University Press.
2. Peters, ST. 1998. Handbook of composites. 2nd edition. London: Chapman & Hall.
Electronic reserves (e-reserves)
E-reserves can be downloaded from the Library catalogue. More information is available at:
4.2 Library services and resource information
For brief information, go to
For detailed information, go to the Unisa website at and click on
For research support and services of personal librarians, go to

The Library has compiled numerous library guides:

• finding recommended reading in the print collection and e-reserves –
• requesting material –
• postgraduate information services –
• finding, obtaining and using library resources and tools to assist in research –

• contacting the Library/finding us on social media/frequently asked questions –


5.1 What does it mean to study fully online?
Studying fully online modules differs completely from studying some of your other modules at

• All your study material and learning activities for online modules are designed to be
delivered online on myUnisa.
• All of your assignments must be submitted online. This means that you do all your
activities and submit all your assignments on myUnisa. In other words, you may NOT post
your assignments to Unisa using the South African Post Office.
• All of the communication between you and the University happens online. Lecturers
will communicate to you by e-mail, sms and using the Announcements, the Discussion
Forums and the Questions and Answers tools. You can also use all of these ways to ask
questions and contact your lecturers.
5.2 The myUnisa tools you will use
The main tool that we will use is the Lessons tool. The content and assessments of your
module will be provided in this tool. At times you will be directed to join discussions with fellow
students and complete activities and assessments before you can continue with the content of
the module.
It is very important that you log in to myUnisa regularly. We recommend that you log in at least
once a week to do the following:

• Check for new announcements. You can also set your myLife e-mail account to receive
the announcement e-mails on your cell phone.
• Do the Discussion Forum activities. When you do the activities for each learning unit, we
want you to share your answers with the other students in your group. You can read the
instructions and even prepare your answers offline, but you will need to go online to post
your messages. We have also provided the Social Cafe where you can socialise with the
other students in the module.
• Do other online activities. For some of the learning unit activities you might need to post
something on the Blog tool, take a quiz or complete a survey under the Self-Assessment
tool. Do not skip these activities because they will help you complete the assignments and
the activities for the module.
We hope that by giving you extra ways to study the material and practise all of the activities, this
system will help you succeed in the online module. To get the most out of the online module you
MUST go online regularly to complete the activities and assignments on time.


6.1 Assessment plan
We have given you a breakdown of the formal assessment activities, both formative and
summative test as they become due during the year:


EMT3701 - Assessment Plan 2021

Assessment Date Unique number Weight
Assignment 1 05/05/2021 728607 2,00%
Assignment 2 02/06/2021 690444 3,00%
Assignment 3 28/07/2021 641233 2,00%
Assignment 4 01/09/2021 579491 3,00%
Online Minor Test 1 19/05/2021 681637 15%
Major Online Test 2 28/06/2021 627027 20%
Online Minor Test 3 18/08/2021 646898 15%
Major Online Test 4 29/09/2021 562875 25%
Re-Test 1 (15%) 15/06/2021 716624
Re-Test 4 (25%) 13/10/2021 767199
Practical (Lab) 14/07/2021 646518 15,00%
Re-Submission (Lab) TBC
TOTAL 100,00%

*Because this is a continuous assessment (CA) and online module, the assignments are
provided in this tutorial letter and on myUNISA. Very important the Experimental report is
linked to Graduate Attribute 4 and without this, you will not pass the module. You will be
given two attempts including your first attempt to submit if the first is less than 50% or
not up to scratch.
6.2 Weighting of different continuous assessment options
In continuous assessment the principles of a year mark and examination mark is not used. With
CA the compilation of the module mark represents the allocation of various weightings to
several assessments during the module bringing the total to 100%. All assessments, which
include the assessment that replace the examination paper, adds to the continuous
assessment. A weighting is determined for each assignment / assessment which will determine
the module mark. Your continuous assessment mark allocation for this module is as follows:
(i) weighting of the course: combined formative and summative assessment
(Lecturer to decide on tests, assignments and quizzes)
6.3 Graduate attributes allocated to the continuous assessment
6.3.1 Graduate attributes
To maintain our programme/qualification accreditation, each programme must provide evidence
that our students are attaining key “attributes” as defined by the ENGINEERING COUNCIL of
SOUTH AFRICA (ECSA). Moreover, our programs need to also be performing “continuous
improvement” – i.e. finding evidence-driven actions and processes to improve curriculum and
student learning. As such it is important as a student that you are familiar with the ECSA
assessment criteria (graduate attributes). Please see link:
This module will cover two graduate attributes, which are graduate attribute [insert graduate
attribute] and graduate attribute [insert graduate attribute].

Graduate Attribute [insert graduate attribute: for example, 1]: Problem solving: Apply
engineering principles to systematically diagnose and solve well-defined engineering problems.

Graduate Attribute [insert graduate attribute: for example, 4]: Investigations, experiments
and data analysis: Conduct investigations of well-defined problems through locating and
searching relevant codes and catalogues, conducting standard tests, experiments and
measurements. Range Statement: The balance of investigation should be appropriate to the
discipline. An investigation should be typical of those in which the graduate would participate in
an employment situation shortly after graduation. Note: An investigation differs from a design in
that the objective is to produce knowledge and understanding of a phenomenon.

Graduate attributes allocated to this course during your continuous assessment is as follows:

6.4. Assessment criteria

Assignments are seen as part of the learning material for this module. As you do the
assignments, study the reading texts, consult other resources, discuss the work with fellow
students or e-tutors or do research, you are actively engaged in learning. Looking at the
assessment criteria given for each assignment will help you to understand what is required of
you more clearly.
6.5 Assessment Guidelines
Unisa is following a continuous assessment system. So, you will be able to accumulate marks
throughout the semester/Year. Your promotion mark comprises of assignments and online

6.6 Submission of assignments

All assignments and online tests have to be attempted!

Please double check your submissions to ensure that there are no pages missing before
you submit.

It is very important to consider the following points:

• No Late Assignment Submissions Will Be Accepted.

• Keep A Clear Copy Of The Assignment For Your Own Reference.

This Is Important, As Assignments Do Get Lost.
• Submissions Of Assignments Must Be In Accordance With “My Studies @ Unisa”.
• Instructions for taking the Online tests will be announced on myUnisa.
• There is no final examination for this module.


Do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail if you are experiencing problems with the content of this
tutorial letter or with any academic aspect of the module.
We wish you a fascinating and satisfying journey through the learning material and trust that
you will complete the module successfully.
Enjoy the journey!
Ms. M Msibi – lecturer for EMT3701

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