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Bernal 1

Kimberly Bernal

Mrs. Litle

ENG 121-001

30 April 2021

MLA Citation Worksheet

Part 1:

1. An article you read in a printed version of The Atlantic. It is titled “Living and

Dying While Black in America” and was written by Ta-Nahesi Coates in the July issue of

2015. “

● Cortes, Ta-Nahesi. “Living and Dying While Back in America.” The Atlantic, no.

July, 2015.

2. An article in a scholarly journal you read called “What’s Wrong With School?”.

The journal is called Education Issues in Society and this particular article was published

in issue five of the seventh volume in 2015. It is located on page 350-375 of the journal.

● “What’s wrong With School?”. Education Issues in Society, voL7, pp.350-375

3. An article you found on the Academic Search Premier database titled “Are GMOs

really bad for you” written by Robert Gordon. It was originally published in the Science

and Health Journal: volume 7, issue 3 on pages 135-142 in 2015.

● Gordon, Robert. “Are GMOs really bad for you”. Science and Health Journal: vol

7, no.3, pp.125-142,2015 4

4. An article you read in the March 2015 issue of Times magazine called “31

Healthiest Food of All Time” by Alexandra Sifferlin on pages 46-51.

● Sifferlin, Alexandra. “31 Healthiest Food of All Time”. March, 2015

Bernal 2

5. An online article in Times magazine titled “Little by Little, Violent Video Games

Make Us More Aggressive” by Alice Park on March 24, 2014 and accessed on today’s

date. It has no page numbers.

● Park, Alice. “Little by Little, Violent Video Games Make Us More Aggressive.”

March 24, 2014. Accessed March 11, 2021.

Part 2:

Go online and find an online magazine article related to gun violence. It needs to have

been published within the last year and be of appropriate length from a credible source.

Once you have found an article, read it, and find 5 quotes that seem memorable or

important to you. Practice five different ways to introduce and cite those quotes as if you

were using them in an essay. You need different signal phrases for each quote. If you

need help coming up with signal phrases, consult The “Making References in MLA: A

Quick Guide” link posted on D2L in the “MLA Documentation” tab. Provide the

bibliographic citation of your article.

Shootings And Gun Deaths Continue To Rise At Alarming Rate In Large U.S. Cities

1. A Former Staff, Tommy Beer states, “President Donald Trump has blamed increased

violence in many U.S. cities on Democratic lawmakers.”

2. A Former Staff, Tommy Beer states,“Many large U.S. cities, including New York,

Philadelphia and Chicago, have been plagued by a recent surge in shootings and

subsequent fatalities, escalating the debate over gun violence, which has

disproportionately impacted communities crippled by the coronavirus pandemic and

ensuing recession. “
Bernal 3

3. A Former Staff, Tommy Beer states, “More than 240 people have been killed, and more

than 1,000 shootings have been recorded thus far this year in Philadelphia.”

4. A Former Staff, Tommy Beer states,“There have been a total of 777 recorded shootings

in New York City from Jan. 1 through the end of July, which is more than NYC had in

the calendar year of 2019.”

5. A Former Staff, Tommy Beer states, "It only gets worse from here," said Joseph

Giacalone, a retired NYPD sergeant and an adjunct professor at John Jay College of

Criminal Justice. "As the shootings continue, so will retaliation.”


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