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Brendan Kirts

Professor Gregory
March 20, 2021

Covid-19 Vaccine. Why or

why not?
By: Brendan Kirts
Is it safe? Is it reliable? Is it worth it? So many questions to be answered in troubling times

that none of us have the answer to. Starting early March 2020 our world was struck down by a

global pandemic known as Coronavirus, more formally known as Covid-19, an immune system

disease with a low but dangerous mortality rate, and within this year we have developed a

counter-attack to help get our world back on track with the first development of an mRNA

vaccine. Most people are ready for this whole thing to be over and to get started on the next part

of life without covid, while others aren’t so sure as to how safe or how well the fast paced

vaccine would work. In this essay information as to why people do or don’t receive vaccines, but

there are questions to be asked and answered as to whether or not you should take this or any

particular vaccine, and why others will.

First and foremost, I would like to access why people do or do not take vaccines. One of

the largest percentages of people who don’t take vaccines is because of their religion. Most

people who don’t take vaccines are because a religious factor is in play in wither the scripture of


that religion or a practice forbids usage or injection of vaccines and other foreign medicinal

products. Another factor in other religions that don’t necessarily state upfront that you can’t take

or receive a vaccine is due to the belief that good health and proper hygiene are the reasons as to

why diseases aren’t contracted, Others also believe that the risks of taking a vaccine outweigh

the chances of it protecting you from any disease that is recommended for vaccine protection.

Since so many vaccines have been made because number of many different diseases, a lot of

people feel the need to take them due to the track record, while others oppose them because of

new health discoveries made and new medicines with less risk than a vaccine.

On the other side with the extensive medical record of companies like Johnson & Johnson,

and Pfizer, a lot of people are more lenient to take any vaccine produced by said companies that

are assumed to protect you from the covid-19 disease just as much as the flu or other viral

diseases. The CDC also provides lots of information and positives on the vaccine including that

it contains zero products that are harmful to people with specific food or liquid allergies. It

provides the procedure and any information needed to the people seeking the vaccine,

information on it, its contents, and what age, weight, and sex groups should be dosed for a

certain injection for immunization.

A separate part of the CDC’s covid-19 has also confirmed that there can be severe allergic

reactions after taking the first or second dose of the vaccine due to its components, or previous

contraction of the Covid disease, these allergic reactions are due to medical technology created

and used to counter the disease, but doesn’t contain any food or digestible liquid allergen


qualities such as egg, nuts, fruit juices etc. It is classified as an mRNA vaccine that’s coated with

protected origins so it doesn’t alter or break down other strands of RNA or DNA. It never enters

the Nucleic cells of the body that could cause an alteration in brain or bodily functions. It takes

the cell's process of protein production to enhance and accelerate those protective cells. It is a

different type of vaccine because it doesn’t use a weaker pathogen to strengthen the immune

system rather different components of natural recourses and medical products to help create a

better safer way to protect the body from Covid-19.


According to Pew Research the likeliness for people to receive the covid-19 vaccine has

skyrocketed 60% from the initial release of the vaccine. Since the research is in regards as too

wether or not people would or wouldn’t get the vaccine it would only be right to show some

specific numbers in regards to who would be likely and who wouldn’t .

As shown in the image above it shows in the green who would either certainly not, or

possibly get the vaccine, while the blues shows the percentages of who would probably or

definitely take the vaccine in both doses. In accordance to a more recent survey, since the

skyrocket from 61% back in late November, 21% of adults are still not intending to be the first to

receive the primary rendition of the vaccine.


This is the older pie chart that showed the comparison between who would and would not

be comfortable. But a lot of Americans have a variety of different reasons for this, one being that

a majority of the people don’t believe that this virus has reached its peak yet. From the same

research document 71% of Americans think that the outbreaks worst is still to come. A lot of that

percentage believes that the Hospitals and medical centers are struggling to get patients in as the

virus continues to expand, as well as keep the focus on other factors such as car crashes and

other types of medical injuries others may receive. This survey came with a graph as well as

some questions that were answered with a positive ratio as to personal concerns or practices. The

first being that those concerned with getting hospitalization from the covid 19 vaccine are more

likely to receive the vaccine due to personal protection and a higher safety rate from the vaccine.

The second being trust in the development process and confidence in results from public tests

that have been seen by the recipient of the survey have also conveyed more likeliness of taking

the vaccine. The third being a different question as to personal practice, those who received the

previous years flu shot have a higher chance of trusting and receiving a vaccine made by the

same company due to the belief that the flu shot with similar qualities have a less chance of

harming your body and your cells. The rest of the survey article conducts more specific survey

results tying into race, gender, age, education, political party, and family income have also been

shown but with less reliable information tying into why those specific divisions of people would

or would not receive the vaccine. As well as personal qualities it also shows information on those

who might change their mind and those who are or aren’t comfortable with the first sector and

development of the vaccine.


Although everything may seem appealing with the immunization being the promise of the

vaccine in late April devastating news would steer most of those away from the covid vaccine.

As previously stated most people don’t trust vaccines, here’s just one reason why. On the 12th

six women started feeling pain of a blood clot which was later found as a response to the Johnson

and Johnson vaccine sending people into a panic as too wether or not they should receive the

vaccine. The woman aging 18-48 started a revolt against the vaccine in the minds of people who

either wished to get the vaccine or not. This response led to many people deciding not to get the

vaccine, scheduled too, others who had no desire have grown stronger. A public television news

channel by the name of CNN had strongly motivated many to receive the vaccine and continue to

get it along with reporting that people who don’t want the vaccine continue to grow in numbers

while the people that do are dropping massively week by week. The Johnson and Johnson

vaccine was paused temporarily but later approved by the Federal Drug Administration council,

as they saw the small amount of blood clot appearances not important as the 6.8 million smooth

vaccinations. Now upon vaccination there is a label with the risk of blood clots to form, although

rare, the small chance is still there. Another research development had also popped up saying this

blood clots are also a response and symptom of the coronavirus. A lot of the more intensive cases

that needed ICU treatment and care also showed signs of forming and completed blood clots.

Now with all that said it gives a very big outlook to people who are on either side of the

argument of wether or not to receive vaccines. With the side pushing for the vaccine, there is

local news broadcasts that try to push it onto people that its all totally safe, disregard the bad


side, don’t provide enough information, and make you feel guilt for not getting it, “You are

putting other people at risk” is the biggest quote I have found from numerous news stations and

articles. I feel that it is almost the same with the anti vaccine side. Apart from people who don’t

receive because of religious beliefs many seek to convince and persuade you not to receive the

vaccines through government conspiracy, health and safety precautions, again numerous articles

biased against vaccinations, and a crazy amount of medical facts/opinions that show how bad the

vaccinations are for you. With the addition of a catalyst with as little as 6 bad cases, a rebellion

against the vaccine can occur. This gives the antivax side of the argument much more leverage

over the pro-vax side. Many of the pro vaccination sides words can be twisted such as “6 cases

isn’t enough to cancel or pause a whole vaccine,” which can be turned into “The 6 out of 6.8

million can be made 7,” this inclines that even though there was only 6 bad cases there’s still a

chance you or a loved one can be number 7. It all just follows the more either side says after a

downfall the more the other has to use against it.

Now that everything is in place as to each side of the argument its your time to decide. On

one side there is plenty of Medicinal and health facts that can prove to you how healthy and safe

a vaccine created in a lab is for you. The CDC and the FDA provides facts on all types of

vaccines and the effects of them to help our communities understand and realize what is going

into their bodies. Over the years from birth to death we are always offered a annual flu vaccine

shot, this has been proven safe over the years time and time again with facts and proven

symptoms and immunities from the flu every year. This all can be powerful motive to receive



On the other hand you see that there are those that hate the idea and the effects of

vaccination. These people are either against the idea or have heard and are convinced that a

needle “granting immunity” from the viruses. These people have some proven facts to steer

people away from vaccination, but also rely heavily on the faults of the vaccines to rely on their

information. The worst part is it that the information isn’t always reliable and sometimes doesn’t

even make sense. Anti-Vaccination enthusiast also rely on alternative lifestyles that aren’t

medically proven to work but have been somewhat effective, such as the use of essential oils and

keeping the skin clean on a very frequent basis. Scientifically speaking this way of thinking and

living isn’t healthy but can keep you safe from “harm-full” components in vaccines.

Vaccines are among the most secure and compelling general wellbeing intercessions to

forestall genuine sickness and passing. In view of the accomplishment of antibodies, most

Americans today have no firsthand involvement in such annihilating ailments as polio or

diphtheria. Medical care suppliers who inoculate small kids follow a timetable arranged by the

U.S. Warning Committee on Immunization Practices. Under the current timetable, kids more

youthful than six may get upwards of 24 inoculations by their subsequent birthday. New

immunizations go through thorough testing preceding accepting FDA endorsement; in any case,

similar to all medications and clinical intercessions, antibodies convey some danger. Mostly

proven to be safe there is never a guarantee, so should you get the vaccine?


Works Cited

Mullin, E. (2015, November 29). The four main reasons people don't vaccinate. Retrieved March
16, 2021, from

Understanding and explaining mrna covid-19 vaccines. (2020, November 24). Retrieved March
16, 2021, from

Weatherspoon, D., Mrs. (2017, September 15). Understanding Opposition to Vaccines. Retrieved
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Funk, C., & Tyson, A. (2021, March 17). Intent to get A Covid-19 Vaccine rises to 60% as
con dence in research and development process increases. Retrieved March 20, 2021,
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Katella, Kathy. “The Johnson & Johnson Vaccine and Blood Clots: What You Need to Know.”
Yale Medicine, Yale Medicine, 23 Apr. 2021,




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