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Lo how kl

New neighbours
O Look and match.

l'm Lois. l'm eight. l'm Ash. l'm rtine. l'm Lottie. l'm nine.
/'m British. l'm Australian. l'm British.

O Draw and describe yourself.

1 What's your name?

2 How old are you?

3 Where are you from?

E) Look and write the countries.

1China 2 t e U 3 A __ g ____ t _n_

4 A_ s_r_L_a 5 T__ k_y 6 th U

O � Look at Activity 3. Read and write the nationalities. •

Turkish Argentinian American Australian British �

1 My flag is red and yellow. I'm Chinese

2 There are lots of small, white stars on my flag. I'm -
3 There's a big red cross on my flag. I'm ----·-----·--··-

4 My flag is blue with o smoll red and white cross. I'm

5 My flag is white and red. I'm
6 My flag is blue ond white with a small yellow sun. I'm

0 Write about your flag and your nationality.

My flag is
I'm --------- --·--·--

:hree O
O Complete the crossword.
basketball canoemg reading table tennis
footbaLL tennis � swimming

p' !I
p t�LJ_j_l__�-r-T-

1 1


ss, Listen and match.

,. ,�,

( Sasha)


e Look at Activity 2 and complete the sentences:Then write about yourself.

1 Joe likes .�P�al .J..c..
te__n--'in -"-s __. He doesn't like
2 Maria Likes --------. She doesn't ------- ---
3 Theo --- .He __
4 Sasha ----
5 I -----·-·---- ------- ··- - ----------..·-·-· --··-······-· -..--..·---·----------- -
• four
o Match the numbers.
( thirty-
) ( six
@ [ sixty-
) ( two

[ twenty- )
( )

( five

® [ ninety· ) ( seven )

( eighty- ) eight

f9 � Write the missing numbers in words. Then write your own sequence.


1 thirty forty
- ...1
fifty sixty
- ·· - -·
- ········-····--·---

� ,· -··--•o.-·- ..
2 twenty-two twenty-four
( twenty-eight

· -�J ¡� 1
--··--·-·· ---.· .....
3 ten -..--.... ----------
... -··- ·-·--··-··-
twenty twenty-five

4 eighty-eight eig hty-seven eighty-six
[ forty-seven fifty

e Write the numbers in words.

fortv-five 4
·-------H-- 5
G - --
fi> ....___H______
Follow and solve the riddles. Write the numbers in words.



New school

O � Look at Pupil's Book page 8 and complete the sentences.

1 There are children playing -----------·- and ___ ·----
2 Two girls are ----··-- on swings and one boy is on a
yellow __________
3 There's a teocher with children in the next to
the Maths classroom.

f) Complete the crossword. ·-

2 H

( English)
N Ej Natural

1 1 1
4 A ! !
i 1

I lII 1 1
5 D
1 T
7 E 1 cTJ
{ Spanish)
CT si A
9 e
101 JP H w
.r '

[ Maths) 11 E ,ili-
. Science
( Music) science
12 dinner

E) @J Look at Pupil's Book page 8 and write the words. _ I'm learnin ........._
1 I con sing and play the piano. ____M_i.J.SjC___ Write your crossword
2 I can play football. definitions to learn
new words. Then
3 I Learn about my town.
make a crossword
4 I Learn about numbers. with your words.
5 I can use a computer. I can sing a song.
6 I learn about plants and animals.
Look, read and complete. ��m5"01:
First day at
Bo teacher ICT .Astí a new schoolf

l l rr

[1 r:r
1 Lottie shows _ Ash
2 The ______ introduces Ash
the school. to the class.

3 There's a loud noise in 4 The children meet -·--------

the ·----- classroom.

J:; Read the story again. Tick (I') the rooms which Lottie shows to Ash.
science lob l�] Music room

canteen [J school office O

�nglish clossroom [_J ICT classroom ( 1
headteacher's office �,
L_J Art classroom ..__J

Complete the sentences. Can you remember the flag? Where is Ash from?
Ash is from --·------- . He's ---

O i®i'lit Read and tick (1). How do you help new friends?
1 Don't worry! I can show you around. �_¿)
2 Sorry, I can't help you. I'm reading a book. L..( _·1J
3 Who are you? This is not your class.
4 Come and meet my friends Sandy and Ben.
l _)
seven •
O@ 14
· Listen and tick(.!'). >>
What's her favourite What time is her
Whot's her fovourite doy?
subject? favourite subject?

____, �

í- r'

1__., I--...J l� J [
- J

O � Look. Is it Pauline's or Emma's timetable?

_ _ _ _ _
l 9 00 Maths Spanish Maths Englísh Maths
[to._o_o -----�-----....,.----,,-B RE_AK_
Social 5cience Natural Science
English �¡- ·- --
Social ----....-----
Natural Science


0 ___..___ Art ___.____
�=E_n--=gl...;..i·s_- h===:�__P_E_____..____ICT PE _


� --=A�r_-=
t -�--'_cr
___�_- Spanish _1c_r __�-- _1c_r ___,

It's ti meta ble.

e Look at the timetable in Activity 2. Answer the questions.

1 When does she hove Spanish? She has Spanish on Tues� at
and on at
2 What time does she hove Art on Thursday? On Thursday, she has Art at

3 What time does she hove Lunch every doy? She has lunch

4 When does she hove Natural Science? She has

5 When does she hove PE? She --

Vocatiulary ani:I Grammarr

O Find and write the words.


sometimes 111111

e Read and match.

1 three times a week a on Saturday and Sunday
2 at the weekend b from Monday to Sunday
3 every doy e on Wednesday
4 once a week d on Thursday and Fridoy
5 twice a week e on Monday, Tuesday and Friday

e Look at the diary and complete the sentences with the words from the box.

always once a week sometimes twice a week at the--weet<eno

. .. .. iT urrdoy
lund, lunch Mum and Suzy and I lunch Suzy ª"d I Svzy
,chool ,c.hool Dad play video s-chool tNatch lV watches-
canteen canteen play teMÍS' 9ameS' cantee" play video 9ameS' lV
li,ten to lis-ten to lis-ten to lis-te" to lis-te" to li,ten to mus-ic li,ten to
music music muS'ÍC mVS'ÍC mu,ic mus-ic

1 My sister Suzy watches TV ______ at the wee._k_en_d

2 I listen to music.
3 Mum and Dad play tennis __
4 I --- hove lunch in the school canteen.
5 Suzy and I play video games

O Write about yourself.

1 I ------- - (always)
2 (often)
3 (at the weekend)
4 - -··--- ------ - (never)
5 (twice a week)

ntne O
O Read and complete the puzzles with the words from the box.
boarding building doy Forest primary uniform

1 Your school now. / The clothes 2 You sleep at this school. I It

you wear at school. starts at 9 o'clock ond finishes at
3 o'clock from Monday to Fridoy.

3 An outdoor lesson. / The place

with rooms, doors and windows
where you study every doy.

���� · · · Match the sentence halves.

1 The school doy starts at a taking books home.
2 School uniform is often � b an outdoor lesson.
3 The school doy finishes at e 9 o'clock.
4 At a boarding school, d a jumper, a shirt and a skirt or trousers.
5 A book bag is far e 3 o'clock.
6 Forest School is f children go home at weekends.

E) (' Complete. Then compare in pairs.

My favourite doy at school is

• ten
o Complete the table about Grace's first day at school.

a quarter to nine Mr Peers sandwiches Art 8

1 � Mrs Little pencil case walk Rose

5 7

Grace Vou

What to wear to school 1 uniform

School object to take to school 2

How to get to school 3

School starts at ... 4

Lunch 5 ---------
Friend 6

Teocher 7

Art teacher ------- -- - -

Favourite subject 9

o Circle the correct answer.

1 Grace starts her new school in September /�.
2 Grace is scared /sad on her first doy at school.
3 The school has got a small I great Art room.
4 Grace likes drawing /singing and Art.
5 Grace's picture is on the table /wall of the Art room.

e Think about your first day at school and complete the table in Activity 1
for you.
O Read and underline 13 mistakes. Then write the correct words.
my brother nick Laves school. he studies spanish, english and social science.
his favourite subjects are art and natural science. he doesn't like maths.

_My_ ---·- - ··-·- ----------------------

e �Tick(/') the words which start with a

Make sure you use a
capital letter. Is it the same in your language?
capital letter at the
na mes (� days of the week r-1
[.....___, subjects start of each sentence.

Use a capital letter for
colours numbers months '---�
the subject names, too!

e Write about your favourite lesson or after-school activity.

Read and answer. Make notes.

What's your favourite lesson/after-school activity? -------------­
Why do you like it? -----·--·-----
What other lesson/activity do you like? _ -------------���
Why do you like it? ____

Use your notes and write.

My favourite ________
By ________

My fovourite ____ is �-------------

I like it because

I also like ------- . 1 like it because ------------

3 Check OUl" WOl"k

Read your text again and tick(/').

A capital letter at the
start of each sentence?
, __J
Correct spelling? L.
r-1 Clear handwriting? 1=1
thirteen •
O Read about Ali's school day. Circle school subjects in red,
school places in blue and school jobs in green.

My name} Ali. I'm 1 yearr old and I'm in Year 5 at [Irteki Primary School.)

Mr Akyol ir the headteacher and Mr, f<.eceli ir my teacher. Thir ir my rchool

timetahle. School rtartr at Cf o �/ock and tir,í,he, at, o1clock.

I have Mathr and Ef)9/i,h every day. My favourite ruhject ir Natural Scief)ce hecau,e
I /ike af)Ímalr. I have Natural Science t1¡-.1ice a !Neek. We ,ometime, 90 to the rcíef)ce
/ah on Wedne,dayr. I love it/ I alway, have a break at 11 o1clock. Lunch ir at 1 o'clock
in the canteen. We never 90 home for lunch.

e Write obout your school timetable. Then make a presentation for your fomily.
� My name's . I'm ·------ and I'm in Year
� at ------····-···-·--···------- ----- School.
� is the headteacher and ___________
� my teacher. This is my school timetable. School starts .....
� and finishes ______ . My favourite su bject -·--
beca use ·-----------------
! hove
I always hove a break ____________ . Lunch is _________

Self-evaluation ______________
My work in Unit 1 is OK/good /excellent.
My favourite lesson is the one about ________
Now I can
I need to work more on ----------

O Find and circle eight school subjects. Then write them in alphabetical arder.

N A T u R As e I E N e
u X o PJM e y s V B T u L
G e M o (A R T) u N DIL N V G
N E u N!T I e s L o I clr L
y F s F H E H I L F p B X I
w N I R s p A N I 5 H s y 5
s o e I A L s e I E N1C E H
F E e o E z o e e B w y R G

1 ---Art 2 3 4 ·------·----
5 ______ 6 ______ 7 8

f) Who works at your school? What do they do?

1 ------------
Mrs García is -------------�----
the Maths teacher
2 ---·---------- is ------------
3 ---·--·---- is ------------------
4 is --------·----

Q Look and write sentences.

has � twice a week

1 Carmen ----------- 2 Mo ------

Sundoys W Saturdays

3 Renoto --------- 4 Eduardo

flfteen •
'1ocatiulary anti Grammar reference ._______.:___

O Translate the words into your language. Add more words to the List.
School subjects Places at school
Art science Lab
Music Frequency adverb�
Natu ro L Science always
PE often
Social Science -----·--- sometimes
Spanish never

every doy
Pe�p� at school at the weekend
dinner Lady once a week
headteacher twice a week
three times a week

f) Read and complete.
often ..9fí' every at has twice weekend

P.resent simpte'with..da.tes·and:times
_•;.¡...;. - ·•-,;._
�--- -<�· • - - L .�
- - .�
. ·:·

I/You hove Maths 1-º!L__ Mondays.

He/She/It 2 lunch 3
1 o'clock.

We/You/They don't hove Art at the 4_________ at half post ten.

of frequency 1 Adverbs of frequency 2

I/You always fly a kite. I/You fly a kite 6 doy.
He/She/It 5 plays the
--··· plays the guitar. once a week.
1-------1 sometime s 1---------1 He/She/It
guitar 7
---· a we ek.
We/You/They never play tennis.
We/You/They play tennis three times o we ek.

• sixteen
A1 Movers Reading and Writing Part 4

O @: Read the text. Choose the right words and write them
on the Unes.

My first day at school


My name's Hana. Today is my flrst day at school. l get up at 8 o'clock (1) every_ day__.
Then I have breakfast and I go to school.
The school day (2) at 9 o'clock and finishes (3) ______ _
:3 o'clock.
My favourite subject is Natural Science. We have it (4) ·------- a week:
on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
(5) Fridays we sometimes go to the science lab. 1 like it 17ecause we
learn about plants and anima Is. 1 aleo like PE very much. 1 (6) play
tennis at the weekend: on Saturdays with my parents and on Sundays with my friends.

1 always / every doy I morning 4 twice I three times I three

2 starts I start I starting 5 At / In / On
3 in / ot / on 6 never / every doy / always
Communication activities.___________________

What did Tommy do last week? Ask and answer to find out.

play football watch TV use clay to make a jug need to buy sorne new shoes

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

He arrived He went to He visited e
late at school. his cousins' museum.
He started house.
piano Lessons.

When did Tommy play Jootball?

He played Jootball on Wednesday.

You and your friend had a busy week last week! Ask and answer. Did you do the
same thing on the same day?

run to school go to o funfoir see o film go to a porty

hove dinner ot o restaurant go to o wedding

2Qth May 21 st May 22"d May 23rd May 24th May 25th May


.• ,f1{


When did you run to school?

I ran to school on 24rh May!

•. one hundred and twenty-s1x

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