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Covid-19 Pandemic : Impact and Influence on Social Life Pandemi

Covid-19 : Dampak dan Pengaruh terhadap Kehidupan Sosial

Ani Safitri, Renny Sintawati, Sekar Marliah

Faculty of Economics and Business

Universitas Budi Luhur, Jakarta, 12260

Phone : (021) 5853753

Email : , ,


At the moment it's happening pandemic covid19. There's a lot of collateral damage. The
pandemic affects changes in the social-economic sector of the entire affected region. Early in its
occurrence, it elicits a variety of responses from the Indonesian public. Self-isolation that is done as a
preventive measure on the covid-19 infection is also a psychological incentive factor that some of us
end up doing hoarding.

The purpose of this study partly began to be careful and implement a healthy lifestyle, but
more who do not care and seem to underestimate even make this virus a joke. COVID-19 also
encourages some people to act wrongly to survive. The panic buying phenomenon is one example.
Panic buying and hoarding of daily necessities is a form of the inability of some of us to tolerate stress
arising from uncertainty arising from the Coronavirus.

The method that is done in this research is a qualitative research method. this method is a
research procedure that produces descriptive data n in the form of written or written or oral words
from people and observed behavior.

Thus, the results showed that the impact of Covid-19 on the surrounding environment caused
the number of positive increases in covid to increase in the area due to faster transmission and higher
unemployment rate.

keywords: Covid, economy, and pandemic

Pada saat ini sedang terjadi pandemic covid19. Banyak dampak yang terjadi akibat pandemic
ini. Pandemi ini mempengaruhi berbagai perubahan di sektor sosial ekonomi seluruh wilayah yang
terjangkit. Di awal kemunculannya, virus ini mendapat beragam respons yang muncul dari masyarakat
Indonesia. Isolasi diri yang dilakukan sebagai tindakan preventif terhadap infeksi COVID-19 juga
merupakan faktor pendorong psikologis sebagian dari kita akhirnya melakukan penimbunan.

Dalam tujuan penelitian ini sebagian mulai berhati-hati dan menerapkan pola hidup sehat,
tetapi lebih banyak yang tidak peduli dan terkesan meremehkan bahkan menjadikan virus ini sebagai
bahan candaan. COVID-19 juga mendorong sebagian orang untuk bertindak secara salah dalam
rangka bertahan hidup. Fenomena panic buying merupakan salah satu contohnya. Tindakan panic
buying dan menimbun barang-barang kebutuhan sehari-hari merupakan bentuk ketidakmampuan
sebagian dari kita untuk mentoleransi stress yang timbul karena ketidakpastian yang muncul akibat
adanya virus Corona.

Metode yang di lakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitaif . metode ini
sebagai prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif n berupa kata-kata tertulisan atau
tulisan atau lisan dari orang orang dan perilaku yang diamati .

Dengan demikian hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dampak dari Covid-19 terhadap
lingkungan sekitar menyebabkan jumlah peningkatan positif covid bertambah di daerah tersebut
karena penularannya lebih cepat dan tingkat pengangguran lebih tinggi.

keywords : Covid ,ekonomi , dan pandemi

1. Introduction

Coronavirus (CoV) is a large family of viruses that cause diseases ranging from the common
cold to more severe diseases such as Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious
disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus.
The new virus and disease were discovered after it spread in Wuhan, China, in December

This pandemic affects various changes in the socio-economic sector of all affected
regions and not just China. Based on data reported from the COVID-19 Task Force, dated
April 21, 2020, it has been confirmed that COVID-19 has been infected.
At the beginning of its appearance, the virus received a variety of responses that
emerged from the People of Indonesia. Some begin to be cautious and implement healthy
lifestyles, but more do not care and seem to underestimate; even make this virus a joke. Not
only ordinary people, but officials also underestimated the existence of this virus and did not
make preparations or anticipation of the emergence of this outbreak in Indonesia. Even as
COVID-19 began to spread rapidly to various regions and some countries have closed access
in and out, the government and citizens of Indonesia still seem relaxed and do less to prevent
this virus.

People who are ignorant of the emergence of the coronavirus are fewer than people
who care about the prevention of this virus. However, it is their indifference that then
accelerates the spread of the virus. People in this group are usually people who feel immune
and people who consider that science is not entirely true (Ghaemi, 2020).

Uncertainty, confusion, and emergencies caused by the Coronavirus can be a stressor

for many people. Uncertainty in knowing when the outbreak will end makes many groups of
people, especially the lower middle class confused about their fate. A life that goes on as
usual without a livelihood makes it difficult for them to make ends meet. The presence of the
Coronavirus that threatens everyone is likely to become a stressor for most people, and the
impact can be just as severe as the impact if infected with the coronavirus itself (Taylor,

Fear of death is a basic psychological conflict in humans (Knoll, 2020) and by the
Terror Management Theory, the fear of uncertain death makes a man do various things to
sustain his life (Greenberg, Pyszczynski, Solomon, 1986). The presence of COVID-19
certainly makes the terror felt more intense. Of course, there are some positives and negatives
that people do to survive.

To reduce anxiety in the community, we should do various things to increase public

optimism in this pandemic. People who are still able to provide for their lives are increasing
their care by contributing to help the poor by doing fundraising, making donations. Other
groups help sew PPE for health workers as well as produce large quantities of masks to
distribute to people who still have to work outside. Because of the Coronavirus, people also
become more concerned and live a healthy lifestyle. These are a small part of the
community's self-defense efforts to avoid COVID-19 infection.

COVID-19 also encourages some people to act wrongly to survive. The panic buying
phenomenon is one example. Panic buying and hoarding of daily necessities is a form of the
inability of some of us to tolerate stress arising from the uncertainty arising from the
Coronavirus. Self-isolation as a preventive measure against COVID-19 infection is also a
psychological driving factor some of us end up hoarding

As is well known, the reason they do hoarding is just in case, but they are instead
encouraged to buy unnecessary items. Such actions will harm other communities that cannot
afford to shop on a large scale so they will find it difficult to meet their needs. Panic buying
phenomenon is also then utilized by some who only seek profit by raising prices to irrational
numbers and also committing fraud that is usually done through online stores.

To control such behavior, we must strive to remain rational even if it is difficult to do

so at a time like this. In situations like this, we can use the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
(CBT) method to avoid decision-making based on momentary emotions and hasty actions
(Norberg & Rucker, 2020). This method can help us to improve the ability to regulate
emotions, help us not to get caught up in wrong thinking, and develop our ability to solve a
problem (Beck, 2011 & Benjamin, et al. 2011). CBT method can help us to reduce anxiety
and fear arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Examples of applications of this method can be applied to avoid panic buying by

making a list of items that we do need to survive for the next 2-3 weeks. Also, we can use this
method to analyze the news we receive related to COVID-19 so that we are not easily eaten
by hoaxes that will increase our anxiety.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed various aspects of our daily lives. The anxiety
and insecurity experienced by most of us must be rationally addressed for us to survive and
also help others survive. Implementing a healthy lifestyle and following government
recommendations must also be done to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
therefore, researchers are interested in conducting a study with the title :

Covid-19 Pandemic : Impact and Influence on Social Life

2. Formulation of the Problem atau Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the problem above, it can be pulled the formulation of the

1.When does the coronavirus spread to Indonesia ?

2.Why Many People Don't Believe in Covid-19 ?

3.What are the characteristics of people infected by covid-19?

3. Aims of the Study atau Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this research is to :

1.Knowing the extent of efforts to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 that must be
done by each of us facing the transmission of Covid-19
2. to find out how Covid-19 impacts social conditions find out the current situation and the prevention suggested by the government

4. Research methods

The method that is done in this research is a qualitative research method. This method
is a research procedure that produces descriptive data and in the form of written or written or
oral words from people and observed behavior. All data and facts in this study were obtained
from online article search sources obtained from several databases including Cumulative
Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), ScienceDirect, ProQuest, and
PubMed between 2015 to 2020. Keywords used are a combination and combination of
several words, including "COVID-19", "Social distancing". This research focuses on the
impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia.
The discussion of the Covid-19 Pandemic is an effort to contain the spread of the
coronavirus. This research shows that germs, viruses, and bacteria spread easily through the
air. The results of this study coronavirus can spread germs through coughing and sneezing,
touching the surface of objects, and talking to others up close. Even on private tables, germs
can also be spread by droplets that settle on the surface of objects and cause contamination.

5. A review of the Literature

The method that is done in this research is a qualitative research method, then the data that
has been collected from interviews, observations, and evidence of documentation can be
described in verbal language that is then concluded.

According to Arikunoto (1998:245), qualitative descriptive data analysis is analyzing

with qualitative descriptive is to give predicate to variables that are examined according to
the conditions that actually. the given predicate in the form of a rating proportional to or
based on the desired condition. for the predicate to be given appropriately than before the
predicate is given the condition is measured by a new percentage and then transferred to the
Irwan ( 2004:78-79 in sujas, 2008) stated that data analysis in qualitative research is inductive
("grounded") researchers build their research conclusions by "abstracting" empirical data
collected from the field and looking for pattern patterns contained in the data.

6. Discussion

The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia is part of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic

around the world. The disease is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
(SARS-CoV-2). A positive case of Covid-19 in Indonesia was first detected on March 2,
2020, when two people were confirmed to have contracted it from a Japanese citizen. On
April 9, 2020, the pandemic has spread to 34 provinces with DKI Jakarta, West Java, and
Central Java as the provinces most exposed to coronavirus in Indonesia. The covid-19 disease
is most easily contagious when the person suffering from it has symptoms, although the
spread may occur before symptoms appear. The period between exposure to the virus and the
appearance of symptoms is usually about five days but can range from two to fourteen days.

Many people do not believe in this coronavirus. Because people believe more in
diseases whose impacts and symptoms can be seen by the senses of vision. Social observers
from the University of Indonesia say that the number of hoaxes circulating in the community
is one of the reasons that people do not believe in Covid-19. Coupled with conspiracy
theories circulating in the community. According to him, hoaxs and other forms of
misinformation are very dangerous because it can attack anyone. Even to educated people.
The results showed that those who had old age, had signs of sepsis, and had blood clotting problems,
were the most at risk of death. Various movements for a healthy living continue to be echoed. Such as
the invitation to diligently wash your hands, stay away from being in public places, wear a mask for
those who feel unwell, until the urge to work from home continues to be encouraged. Generally, the
most common symptoms found in most cases of Covid-19 are fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
But some additional symptoms may occur, such as those very similar to the flu.
The data above is data exposed to coronavirus in Indonesia.The number of positive cases of

Corona or Covid-19 on Friday (5/2/2021) continues to grow. There are 11,749 additions today. A total

of 1,210,854 people in Indonesia were confirmed positive for Covid-19.

The number of recovering also increased by 9,674 people today. Thus, a total of 1,020,980

people managed to recover from Covid-19. Data for patients died today as many as 201 people. In

total accumulative, there are currently 32,936 people who died due to corona in Indonesia.

DKI Jakarta is again the province with the most additions in Indonesia. Based on data from

the Ministry of Health, the capital reported 3,340 positive cases of Covid-19. So that the total

confirmed cases of Covid-19 amounted to 287,233 people.

7. Conclusion

In the pandemic phase that requires the implementation of social distancing for the
community, vulnerable groups consisting of children, pregnant women, and the elderly
become one of the groups that experience the worst impacts. Health workers must prioritize
the assessment of vulnerable groups can be coupled with preparations in terms of
understanding related to COVID-19, how prevention efforts, obstacles that may occur in
carrying out prevention efforts, as well as modifications to what vulnerable groups can do to
support social distancing efforts. The need for the welfare of vulnerable groups to be
observed due to the low access to social and health services that can be reached by this group.

Important things that are of concern to health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
include: Continuing the main prevention through routine screening and isolation to reduce the
spread of diseases, using internet-based Counseling, Information, and Education (KIE)
techniques for the community to reduce public dependence on primary and secondary health
services, creating programs to protect vulnerable groups from infections that occur, and
ensuring fast service response and supporting tools in hospitals, especially services for
vulnerable groups.

8. Bibliogrphy

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