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Number Systems


1=1 13=169 25=625

2=4 14=196 26=676

3=9 15=225 27=729

4=16 16=256 28=784

5=25 17=289 29=841

6=36 18=324 30=900

7=49 19=361 31=961

8=64 20=400 32=1024

9=81 21=441 33=1089

10=100 22=484 34=1156

11=121 23=529 35=1225

12=144 24=576


1=1 6=216 11=1331

2=8 7=343 12=1728

3=27 8=512 13=2197

4=64 9=729 14=2744

5=125 10=1000 15=3375

Power of 2

2^1 = 2 2^6 = 64 2^11 = 2048

2^2 = 4 2^7 = 128 2^12 = 4096

2^3 = 8 2^8 = 256 2^13 = 8192

2^4 = 16 2^9 = 512 2^14 = 16384

2^5 =32 2^10 = 1024 2^15 = 32768

Power of 3

3^1 = 3 3^5 = 243 3^9 = 19683

3^2 = 9 3^6 = 729 3^10 = 59049

3^3 = 27 3^7 = 2187

3^4 = 81 3^8 = 6561

Power of 5

5^1 = 5 5^3 = 125 5^5 = 3125

5^2 = 25 5^4 = 625 5^6 = 15625

Prime Numbers upto 100

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97 = 25

Prime numbers between 100 and 200

101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199 =


Sum of numbers = 1+2+3+…..+n = n*(n+1)/2

Sum of odd numbers = 1+3+5+7+…….+n = (number of odd numbers)^2 = ((n+1)/2)^2

Sum of squares = 1+4+9+16……+n^2 = n*(n+1)*(2n+1)/6

Sum of cubes = 1+8+27+125…..+n^3 = (n*(n+1)/2)^2


Divisibility Rules =

Divisibility by 2 => even number

Divisibility by 3/9 = Sum of the digits should be divisible by 3/9

Divisibility by 4 = Last two digits must be divisible by 4


To check whether a number is a prime number => Take the square root of that number and check for all
the prime numbers leading upto the square root.

For a composite number N = (x^a) (y^b) (z^c), Total number of divisors = (a+1)*(b+1)*(c+1)

Let N be a composite number such that N = (2^a)*(y^b)*(z^c) where y and z are prime factors.
Then total number of divisors = (a+1)*(b+1)*(c+1)
Total number of even divisors = (a)*(b+1)*(c+1)
Total number of odd divisors = (b+1)*(c+1)

Let N be a composite Number N = (x^a) (y^b) (z^c), where x, y and z are prime factors
x a +1−1 b+1
∗y −1
x −1
Then the sum of the divisors for ∗z c+1−1
Let N be a composite Number N = (x^a) (y^b) (z^c), where x, y and z are prime factors
( a+1 )∗( b+1 )∗(c+1 )
Then the product of the divisors for N=( x a y b z c ) 2

Let N be a composite Number N = (x^a) (y^b) (z^c), where x, y and z are prime factors
If N is not a perfect square then the number of ways N can be written as a product of two factors
=(a+1)*(b+1)*(c+1)/2 = Number of divisors/2
If N is a perfect square then the number of ways N can be written as a product of two factors
=((a+1)*(b+1)*(c+1)+1)/2 = (Number of divisors+1)/2
If N is a perfect square then the number of ways N can be written as a product of two different factors
=((a+1)*(b+1)*(c+1)-1)/2 = (Number of divisors - 1)/2

Let N be a composite Number N = (x^a) (y^b) (z^c), where x, y and z are prime factors
Then N*(1-1/x)*(1-1/y)*(1-1/z) numbers have no factor in common with N.

The number of ways a composite number can be resolved into two factors which are prime to each
other = 2^(n-1), where n is the number of different prime factors of the number.


Even number = 2n; Odd number = 2n+1

Three consecutive numbers can be n-1, n, n+1
Four consecutive odd numbers could be 2n-3, 2n-1, 2n+1, 2n+3

All numbers can be represented as multiples of 3 in the form of 3n, 3n+1, 3n+2
All numbers can be represented as multiples of 3 in the form of 4n, 4n+1, 4n+2, 4n+3

Number of single digit natural numbers = 9

Number of two digit natural numbers = 90
Number of three digit natural numbers = 900

Square of every natural number can be written in the form of 3n or 3n+1

Square of every natural number can be written in the form of 4n or 4n+1

All Prime numbers greater than 3 can be written in the form of 6n+1 or 6n-1. But every number of this
form might not be a prime number

Odd + Odd = Even Even * Odd = Even

Even + Even = Even Even * Odd = Even
Odd + Even = Odd Odd * Odd = Odd
(Odd)^Odd = Odd (Odd)^Even * (Even) ^ Odd = Even
(Odd)^Even = Odd (Odd)^Even + (Even) ^ Odd = Odd
(Even)^Odd = Even


If a and b are any two odd prime numbers then a^2-b^2 = composite and a^2+b^2 is also composite
The remainder for the division of the square of any prime number with 12 is 1.

If a is divisible by b then ac is also divisible by b

If a is divisible by b and b is divisible by c then a is divisible by c
If a and b are natural numbers such that a is divisible by b and b is divisible by a then a = b
If n is divisible by d and m is divisible by d then (m+n) and (m-n) are both divisible by d.
If a is divisible by c and b is divisible by d then ab is divisible by cd
The highest power of a prime number p which divides n! exactly is given by [n/p]+[n/p^2]+[n/p^3]+……
Where [] denotes GIF (Greatest Integer Function)


Number of zeroes in an expression = minimum of (number of 5s, number of 2s) in its prime factors
Of n consecutive whole numbers a, a+1, a+2, …….. a+n-2 + a+n-1, one and only one number is divisible
by n.
The difference between xy and yx will always be divisible by 9. ((xy)-(yx))/9
The square of an odd number when divided by 8 will always leave the remainder 1
The product of three consecutive numbers will always be divisible by 6.
The product of three consecutive numbers first of which is even will always be divisible by 24.
If m and n are two integers then (m+n)! is always divisible by m!*n!
(a)^n/(a+1) leaves a remainder of a if n is odd and 1 if even n is even

Remainder Theorem
Base System


Ratios and Proportions


Profit, Loss and Discount

Compound Interest and Simple Interest

Time and Work

Time, Speed and Distance




Theories of Equation

General Equation of nth degree =>

f(x) = a0xn + a1xn-1 + a2xn-2 + …… + an

where a0, a1 , a2 , …. , an are rational numbers & n> 0

Then the values for which the equations is equal to zero is called the roots of the equation and is given
by f’(x).

The highest whole number power of x is called the degree of the equation
Properties of roots

Descartes’ Rule of signs

Linear Equations – One variable

Linear Equations – Two variable

Special Cases

Quadratic Equations

Nature of roots of Quadratic Equations

Maximum and Minimum Value






Method of Partial Fractions

Absolute value as a distance from a point

Absolute value as Algebraic Function


Inequalities based on Maxima and Minima

Functions – Domains and Range

Piecewise Functions

Composite Functions

Even and Odd Functions

Periodic Functions

Inverse of a function

Function as a series

Set Theory

Functions and Graphs

Series and Progressions

Permutations and Combinations


Coordinate Geometry

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