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Pada pertemuan kali ini, kita akan membahasa tentang salah satu bentuk teks, yaitu

A report text is used to give facts clearly about a topic without unnecessary information or opinion.
Report text adalah teks laporan yang digunakan untuk memberikan fakta secara jelas tentang suatu
topik tanpa informasi atau opini yang tidak perlu.
Generic Structure Of Report Text
A report text usually consists of three main sturctures.
☞ Title (Judul)
The title usually tells the readers about the topic of the report.
Judul berfungsi memberi tahu pembaca tentang report apa yang sedang diinformasikan.

☞ General Classification (Klasifikasi Umum)

This part gives information or the definition about the subject of the report. A report begins with a
general statement. It tells the readers what the report is going to be about.
Bagian yang memberikan informasi atau definisi tentang subjek dari report reks. Sebuah report
teks diawali dengan pernyataan umum yang menginformasikan pembaca tentang apa yang
sedang disajikan dalam teks.

☞ Description (Deskripsi)
This part gives important facts or features (parts, qualities, habits/behaviours) about the subject.
Bagian ini memberikan fakta atau ciri-ciri tentang subjek report.

 A report may have subheadings which tell the readers what each paragraph or group of
paragraphs is about. Dalam sebuah report teks terakadang ada subjudul yang
memberitahukan para pembaca tentang apa setiap paragrafnya atau setiap
 Photographs and diagrams can make the report understandable and interesting.  Gambar
dan diagram bisa membuat sebuah report teks (teks laporan) lebih dimengerti dan menarik.
 Captions help readers to relate photographs and diagrams to the text. Caption (judul yang
berada dibawah gambar) membantu pembaca untuk menghubungkan gambar dan diagram
ke dalam teks

Contoh Generic Structure Of Report Text


General Classification A train is made up of railroad cars, hooked together and pulled by a
locomotive. Locomotives are sometimes called engines. The types of
locomotive engines most used today are diesel-electric. Engines that
burn diesel fuel drive generators that make electricity. Powerful electric
motors turn the wheels of a diesel-electric locomotive. There are two
types of train, freight and passenger trains.

Description A freight train can have as many as 200 cars hooked together. There are
special railroad cars for different kinds of freight. The boxcar has four
sides, a floor and a roof. It carries radios, television sets and boxes of
cereal. Refrigerator cars work like your home refrigerator. They are
boxcars that are cool inside. Refrigerator cars carry meat, fruit, frozen
dinners and other food that must be kept cold. The hopper car is open
on the top. Hopper cars carry coal, sand, gravel, and ore (rocks that
contain metals). A flatcar has no top or sides. It has a floor on wheels.

Flat cars carry lumber, steel beams, huge pieces of machinery, and other
big items. Lifting machines called cranes load cargo onto flat cars.
Special flatcars carry cars, boats, and trucks.

Passenger trains have seats in rows along each side. They are made for
long trips. They have seats that can be made into beds at night. Trains
that carry passengers over long distances have special baggage cars to
carry suitcases. They have dining cars where people can sit down and

Language Feature of Report Text

 Menggunakan pola kalimat Simple Present Tense
 Menggunakan kata benda umum (general nouns)
 Menggunakan kata kerja yang saling berhubungan (relating verbs)
 Terdiri dari sebuah objek ditambah objek tentang alam lainnya

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