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Ahsan Mirza 03455847386

Test Series 2020

(Test No. 14)
Time: 60 min Marks: 50
The aftermath of the High Court Judgement on Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto 1978
When the High Court judgement was announced over the radio, people in Pakistan were stunned.
Two villagers in Lahore even offered their sons to be hanged in place of Mr Bhutto. There were
peaceful protests, demonstrations, strikes and even riots. Hundreds were arrested and some died in
the clashes. The country was brought to a virtual stand-still as men and women, young and old sought
to bring home to the authorities the strong opposition to the High Court verdict.
From The Trial and Execution of Bhutto, 1978

A photograph of Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, President of Pakistan 1978–1988

Ahsan Mirza 03455847386

Question No. 1 is compulsory
Question No. 1
(a) According to Source A, what were the effects of the High Court judgement regarding Zulfiqar
Ali Bhutto on the people of Pakistan? [3]
(b) How does Source B help us to understand the way Zia-ul-Haq governed Pakistan? [5]
(c) Why did Zia-ul-Haq introduce his Islamisation reforms? [7]
(d) How successful was Zia-ul-Haq’s foreign policy between 1978 and 1988? Explain your
answer. [10]
Question No. 2
(a) Describe PNA? [4]
(b) Why did Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto come to power in 1971? [7]
(c) Constitutional reforms were the most important of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s domestic policies
between 1971 and 1977.’ Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer. [14]

Question No. 3
(a) What was 8th Amendment? [4]
(b) Why was Bhutto dismissed in 1977 and executed in 1979? [7]
(c) Was the promotion of Islamic values the most important achievement of General Ziaul-
Haq's domestic policies between 1977 and 1988? Explain your answer. [14]

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