Chapter 17 - Second Language Learning and Teaching - Learning Styles & Strategies - Second Language Acquisition

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4/26/2021 Chapter 17: Second Language Learning and Teaching: Learning Styles & Strategies | Second Language Acquisition

Second Language Acquisition

Chapter 17: Second Language Learning and Teaching:

Learning Styles & Strategies

> Chapter 17 Second Language Learning and Teaching: Learning Styles & Strategies


1 Introduction
1.1 Second Language Learning
1.2 L1 versus L2
2 Language Learning Strategies
2.1 Memory strategy
2.2 Cognitive strategy
2.3 Comprehension strategy
2.4 Metacognitive strategy
2.5 Social/Affective strategy
2.6 General Conclusions
2.7 Activity for Self-Analysis of Strategy
3 Learning Styles for Second Language
Learning (for learners)
3.1 Activity for Personality
Identi cation
3.2 Learning Styles
4  Second Language Teaching Methods
(for teachers)
4.1 Classroom environments
4.2  Class activities for strategies
4.3 Other tools for language teaching
4.4 Assessment methods
4.5 General conclusions
5 Conclusion
5.1 Limitations to the information
5.2 Future study directions
5.3 Summary
6 References 1/17
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Learning a new language? Or teaching a second language? Facing dif culties in learning or teaching a second
language? What are some of the strategies in language learning? Here, we will be exploring some tips and tricks
in language learning suited to different personality types. We will also look at ways teachers can apply the
learning strategies into their course planning to teach the second language more effectively!

While language learning styles are more general, it

should not be confused with language learning strategies
as the same thing.  “Language learning strategies are the
speci c behaviors…that students adopt to help them
learn (Oxford and Lavine (1992), pg. 1-2).” We will be
looking at how language learning strategies affect
language learning styles (related to the Myers-Briggs
personality types). It was argued that the learning style
impacts the learning strategies employed by an
individual (Ehrman & Oxford, 1990). It is within this context that Oxford developed the Strategy Inventory for
Language Learning, or SILL (Oxford, 1990), which we will be working with in the subsequent subchapters.

Second Language Learning

Second language learning is a conscious process where the learning of another language other than the First
Language (L1) takes place.  Often confused with bilingualism and multilingualism, the process has to take place
after the rst language(s) has already been acquired. Having said that, Second language learning could also refer
to the third, fourth, or fth (so on and so forth) language the learner is currently learning.

L1 versus L2

The First Language (L1) refers to the language you

learn since you were born (not literally, of course). It
is commonly known as the language(s) of your
parents or caregivers, basically, the person(s) you
spend time with the most from you were in your
mother’s womb till you are about 5 years old. It is
possible to have more than one L1. The Second
Language (L2), on the other hand, refers to the
language learned after the L1 has been acquired.
A language can only be referred to as your L2 if the
learning occurs after you have acquired your L1.

Language Learning Strategies

Strategies in language learning, or the steps that one take to learn a language, is very important in ultimate
language performance. It is de ned as “speci c actions, behaviors, steps, or techniques — such as seeking out 2/17
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conversation partners or giving oneself encouragement to tackle a dif cult language task — used by students to
enhance their own learning” (Scarcella & Oxford, 1992, p. 63). There are six strategies that learners use when
learning a language. The strategies include:


However, each individual has strategies that they use more than others. To check out the strategy patterns that
you use, follow the following instructions:

Grab a pen, paper, and calculator

Access this link, go through each part and answer each item. At the same time, write your response for each
item on your piece of paper (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5).
Add up the response scores for each Part.
Divide the SUM for each Part with the NUMBER OF QUESTIONS for each part. You will get the average scores
for each part.
Do so for every part. You will end up with 6 average scores.
For each Part, it correlates to the Strategies shown above. Part A correlates with Strategy A which is Memory
Strategy, so on, so forth.
To understand your average scores, refer to the following table:

High Always or almost always used 4.5 to 5.0

Usually used 3.5 to 4.4

Medium Sometimes used 2.5 to 3.4

Low Generally not used 1.5 to 2.4

Never or almost never used 1.0 to 1.4

Now that you have found out your pattern of strategy usage, we will now explore what each strategy mean.

Memory strategy

People who adopt the memory strategy depend on their memorizing ability. They nd ways to remember better
to aid in entering information into long-term memory, by creating a word-meaning map in their brain (mental 3/17
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linkages), and then being able to retrieve that

information. Adopting this strategy will allow the
learning and retrieval via sounds (e.g., rhyming), images
(e.g., a mental picture of the word itself or the meaning of
the word), a combination of sounds and images (e.g., the
keyword method), body movement (e.g., total physical
response), mechanical means (e.g., ashcards), or
location (e.g., on a page or blackboard).

Things they do:  Do a lot of exercises on English

grammar. Create a word bank from your reading materials
or TV shows and memorize the meaning of the words and
try to use them.

Cognitive strategy

People who adopt the cognitive strategy tend to analyse and reason. They form internal mental codes and revise
them to receive and produce the message in the target language. Adopting this strategy will enable you to
internalize the language in direct ways such as through reasoning, analysis, note-taking, summarizing,
synthesizing, outlining, practicing in naturalistic settings, and practicing structures and sounds formally.

Things they do:  Watch Korean dramas and try to replicate how the characters pronounce Korean words. Watch
Korean dramas and try to replicate how the characters use certain words in a sentence. Write emails or letters in
SL. Read SL reading materials such as magazines and newspapers.

Comprehension strategy

People who adopt the comprehension strategy nd themselves guessing unknown words when listening and
reading. They also try to replace words they do not know with longer phrases or other words that they know
when speaking and writing to overcome gaps in knowledge.

Things they do: Try to guess the meaning of words they don’t know. Try to understand the meaning through looking
at the word in context. Guess the meaning of some words by reading the whole passage.  Try to look for cues or
nonverbal signs when in conversation.

Metacognitive strategy

People who adopt the metacognitive strategy plan, arrange, focus, evaluate on their own learning process. They
identify and monitor their own learning style preferences and needs, such as gathering and organizing L2
 materials, arranging a study space and a schedule for L2 revision and learning, monitoring mistakes made in L2,
and evaluating task success, and evaluating the success of any type of learning strategy.

Things they do: Observe how the SL teacher speaks in the SL. Observe how they themselves speak in the SL. Practice
speaking in SL in front of the mirror.  Crosscheck with Google to nd out if their pronunciation is correct, and 4/17
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correct it. Doing crossword puzzles and play word games like scrabble. Take note of how other people communicate
in SL, especially natives.

Social/Affective strategy

People who adopt the social/affective strategy control their

feelings, motivations and attitudes when in social
situations such as asking questions, communicating with
others, facilitate conversation and interaction.

Things they do:  They encourage themselves to speak in SL

even when they are afraid of making a mistake. They reward
themselves for good performance.  They remind themselves
that it is okay to make mistakes. They tell themselves to be
con dent and not be afraid to make mistakes. They try to
speak in SL to others. They ask for clari cations of a confusing
point of the L2, or when communicating. They are people to correct their speech when communicating.

General Conclusions

In general, you may notice in your average scores that you have scores across all strategies. This suggests that
you use all strategies in language learning, no matter the frequency. This is known as strategy chain; a set of
strategies that interlock, complementing and mutually supportive with each other. It is also worth noting that
each individual uses every strategy, but some strategies are used more than others. Studies have shown that
there is no one strategy that is more effective than others.

In the later chapters, we will take a look at how teachers need to consider that different people have different
predominant strategies that they use. Knowing this will help teachers plan their lessons to bene t each and every
student in language learning. Teachers can also help their students develop an awareness of learning strategies
and enable them to use a wider range of strategies. “Stretching” students’ learning styles by making them try out
strategies outside their primary preference can also be bene cial.

Also, for learners, it is good to note that while you have some strategies that you use more than others, studies
have shown that effective learners use an array of strategies. In the future sub-chapters, we will take a look at
how one’s personality style affects their learning styles and henceforth the strategies they typically adopt.
Optimal learners nd ways to tailor their use of strategy to match their individual needs and develop
combinations of strategies that work for them (Oxford, 1990).

Activity for Self-Analysis of Strategy Adoption

Many studies also show that the frequency of use of strategies in language learning directly relates to quicker and
more effective language attainment (Nyikos & Oxford, 1993), regardless of assessment method. Now, take the
SUM OF ALL AVERAGE SCORES for every part and divide it by 50. That will give you the overall average of your
usage of strategies. Using the same template to read your average scores, 5/17
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High Always or almost always used 4.5 to 5.0

Usually used 3.5 to 4.4

Medium Sometimes used 2.5 to 3.4

Low Generally not used 1.5 to 2.4

Never or almost never used 1.0 to 1.4

if you fall between the range of LOW, you need to increase your frequency of adopting the strategies pronto! If
you fall in the MEDIUM range, you are generally using it, but more can be done to reap maximal attainment. If
you fall in the HIGH range, then well done. You are well on your way to language performance.

Learning Styles for Second Language Learning (for learners)

Learning styles refer to the variations in how an individual learn based on their preferences, strengths, and
weaknesses. The individual’s learning style has a signi cant in uence on the learning strategy choices. When left
to learn the language on their own, and if not encouraged by the teacher or forced by the lesson to use a certain
set of strategies, learners typically use learning strategies that re ect their basic learning styles (Ehrman &
Oxford, 1989; Oxford, 1996a, 1996b). The learning process is most effective when it is in line with our learning
style preferences. Therefore, it is useful to know which learning methods are likely to be most effective for us, to
help us acquire knowledge quickly and effectively.

Activity for Personality Identification

We will be looking at the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality types and learning styles.  The results
can aid your understanding in how you can be more successful in the classroom and beyond. This can be useful
in developing strategies for more effective study and developing our less-preferred ways of learning. Here’s how
you can start:

Go to
Complete the survey and nd out your personality type
Take note of your personality type to follow this chapter

Now that you know your personality type, check out what each letter in your personality type means. The
personality type and learning styles are not xed as they run on a continuum. When your personality type show
that you are extroverted for example, it does not mean that you are an extrovert but you actually gravitate
towards extraversion. Also, take note how each type describes the style in which they prefer to learn a language

Learning Styles 6/17
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Extraversion (E) and Introversion (I)

This style continuum relates to how people are stimulated and oriented.

Extraversion (E) Introversion (I)

If you prefer extraversion you could be described as If you prefer introversion, you are most likely
talkative or friendly once or twice in your life. Most of reserved and/or private. You appreciate a
the time, you like to be in a fast-paced environment. slower pace with more time to think and tend to
You love interacting with others and holding think things through in your head. You are more
discussions and being in the centre of attention. of an observer.

Learning style: Extroverts prefer to learn by Learning style: Introverts prefer to learn in
interacting with others, experiential learning and are solitary activities and lean towards internal
interested in external input such as from people and input, themselves, rather than external. They
events. Extroverts enjoy group work. They learn best by learn best through quiet, mental re ection. 7/17
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talking and physically engaging the environment Their attention will naturally ow inward to
because talking helps to form their thoughts. their own thoughts, ideas, and impressions.

2. Sensing (S) and, Intuition (N)

This style continuum relates to one’s view of the world and how they take in data.

Sensing (S) Intuition (N)

If you prefer Sensing, you most likely see the world If you gravitate towards Intuition, you prefer
in a practical and factual way, seeing the reality of possibilities, and meanings, and is known for being
how things are. You accept hard facts as they are. innovative and theoretical-minded. You see the big
You prefer ideas that are practical. When picture and how things connect. You are de nitely
describing something, you do it very speci cally not a planner. Instead, you see possibilities that
and literally. arise from a situation. You reason things abstractly,
in a gurative and poetic manner, and appreciate

Learning style: They question, “Is this practical and Learning style: Intuitive types focus on general
useful to me?” The more precisely they can learn concepts, clarifying theories before applying them.
how something can be put to use or how they can Pretty much a skeptic, they rely on observations and
operate it, the greater their interest in the topic see associations and meanings. They will always ask
and the greater their desire to apply what they “why” before anything else. Creative and innovative,
learn. They prefer independent work and concrete they enjoy new material. They are best with tasks
facts, organization, and structure. They are good at that appeal to their intellectual interests and call for
memorization and like to go step by step. They grasping general concepts, seeing relationships, and
excel at tasks that call for carefulness, observing using imagination. They can remember speci cs
speci cs, and have a practical interest. when they relate to a pattern.

3. Thinking (T) and Feeling (F)

This style continuum relates to the decisional-making and conclusion-derivation of a person.

Thinking (T) Feeling (F)

If you gravitate towards Thinking style, you are If you gravitate towards Feeling, you rely on the
objective-minded, often relying on logic reasoning and basis of personal or social values, interpersonal
cause-and-effect criterion when making decisions. relationships, and their own feelings or those of
While you enjoy nding aws in an argument or others, when making decisions. You value
proposals, you uphold fairness. You could be called harmony and forgiveness and like to please
reasonable, level-headed or logical by your colleagues others and point out the best in people. Once or
or friends once or twice in your life.   twice in your life, you could’ve been called
empathetic or the ‘mother of the group’. 8/17
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Learning style: Thinkers use logical analysis to Learning style: Feelers attempt to relate ideas
understand. They naturally critique things, making and concepts to their own personal experiences.
them good at problem-solving. They enjoy going in- They enjoy group work only when individual
depth. They strive to get a sense of mastery over the relationships develop or are positive. They learn
material being studied. They may have dif culty with well by helping others and responding to their
instructors who do not present material in a logical needs, and they study well with others. They feel
order. They like clear course and topic objectives that the need to develop a personal rapport with the
are precise and action-oriented. Accuracy is important instructor and receive feedback and
to them. encouragement.

4. Judging (J) and Perceiving (P)

This style continuum concerns the process in which the individual uses to interact with the outside world.

Judging (J) Perceiving (P)

If you gravitate towards Judging, you prefer to Perceivers enjoy spontaneity, having some exibility,
have closure before you can move on to another freedom, and autonomy, and are highly adaptive. This
task. You gravitate towards having some form of also applies to deadlines and rules. If you prefer to have
structure or organization and like to be in your options open, then you are gravitating towards
control. Having said so, you adhere to deadlines perceiving. You excel in improvising and you like to
and rules strictly. make things up as you go.

Learning style: Judgers learn best in formal Learning style: Perceivers love to start many tasks,
settings. They prefer step-by-step instruction want to know everything about each task, but end up
or manual and detailed explanations. They plan not complete them. They work in exibly, often by
their work schedule and stick to the plan, often impulse. They study best when surges of energy come
getting work done early. They meet deadlines to them. They are stimulated by the new and different.
and prefer to work on only one thing at a time. They are good at informal problem solving. Their
They avoid last-minute stresses and don’t work biggest problem is procrastination. However, they excel
well under last-minute pressure. They want to at last-minute pressures and often do their best work
know what they are accountable for and by under pressure. When completing a lengthy assignment
what standards they will be graded. They treat or project, they will work best if they divide the work
assignments seriously. into several sub-assignments.

Now that you know more about your personality types and your learning styles, it is good that you take note of
what you can do to improve your learning process. For example, if you are a perceiver, you should   divide the
work into several sub-assignments when completing a lengthy assignment since that is how you work best.
Optimal learners acknowledge their weaknesses and try to minimize them while emphasising on their strengths.
Research have also shown that successful learners are more open and receptive towards other learning styles to
as to optimise the learning and be able to take in and internalise materials or perform well in assessments,
regardless of their nature. Hence, the MBTI results serve as a guide for you to minimize your weaknesses and
build on your strengths towards second language learning and attainment. 9/17
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 Second Language Teaching Methods (for teachers)

Teachers can make use of the information on language

learning strategies and styles to create and design
their lesson or course plan. Since teachers play a big
role in their students’ language learning process, the
tools, teaching methods and classroom environment
adopted will ultimately affect their students’ progress.

Having talked about the language learning strategies

and styles in the previous sub-chapters, teachers can
now use that information and consider that different
people have different predominant strategies that
they use, and that different people learn in a different
way. Knowing this will help teachers plan their lessons to bene t each and every student in language learning. It
will be advantageous if teachers raise awareness and train the students to adopt the language learning strategies
so as to enable them to use a wider range of strategies. “Stretching” students’ learning styles by making them try
out strategies outside their primary preference can also be bene cial. Eventually, we will also talk about the
various assessment methods and introduce some tools suited for different language learning strategies and

Classroom environments

In this section, we will be looking at the classroom environments that each personality style continuum works
best in or prefer. Considering these, it is good that teachers mix the preferences so as to bene t all types of
learning styles of students.

Extraversion Introversion

Discussions in the second language Individual projects

Role-playing in the second language Independent reading in the second language
Conversations with other students in the Writing tasks in the second language
second language Listening tasks in the second language
Self-introductions in the second language Observational tasks such as to write a composition in
Presentations about the culture of the the second language
second language Space and time to think in assessments
Interactive learning Voluntary participation in class

Sensing Intuitive

Learning involving senses (hear, touch, see, smell, taste) Problem-based learning
Hands-on activities Autonomy in learning 10/17
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Audio-visual second language  materials Independent learning

Materials that are relevant and in-depth Group work
Real-life applications Individual work
Class expectations to be presented clearly
Theories presented clearly

Thinking Feeling

Logical second language teaching eg. Positive rapport with instructor

grammar rules Positive rapport with other students
Step-by-step guide eg. in applying grammar Positive feedback and corrections from instructors
rules and peers
Logical reasoning presented Rewards/Appreciation
Objective instructor feedback eg. in Relate class materials or topics to people or human
pronunciation values
Objective peer feedback
Constructive criticisms
Respectful class
Fair class

Judging Feeling

Clear, detailed instructions and guidelines eg. Likes variety of assignments and assessment
grammar rules methods
Course outline presented
Logical reasoning presented Reason the purpose of study, assignments or
Step-by-step guide assessments to them
Pop quizzes

 Class activities for strategies

In this section, we will propose what are some activities that fall under the strategies mentioned above.

Memory Get students to create a word bank from their own reading materials, synthesis exercise,
cloze exercise, grouping words into categories (eg. positive adjectives, neutral adjectives,
negative adjectives), songwriting, using ashcards, story-telling, spelling tests

Cognitive Watch videos or movies, discussions (online and of ine), reading, summary-writing,
synthesis exercises 11/17
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Comprehension Reading, comprehension exercise, listening comprehension exercise, dictation

Metacognitive Explicit teaching, word games (eg. scrabble), reading, discussions (online or of ine), oral

Affective Story-telling , show and tell, oral presentations, discussions (online and in-class), role-
playing, online skyping, peer evaluations

Other tools for language teaching


Learning the most frequently used words in a language is bene cial in the early stages. Corpora have been used
for the making of dictionaries and reference works such as the Collins Cobuild series, published by HarperCollins.
Corpora can be used to identify the frequent words used by the native speakers in a language. As in the case of
English, the words may be obtained from corpus studies of the British National Corpus (BNC) for British English
and Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) for American English. At present, the English language
(and its varieties) has a more established corpus, while this may not be the case yet for other languages.

Teachers can tap on the patterns from the corpora to teach L2 vocabulary. This can also be done in scaffolding,
where teachers introduce a certain number of words at the beginning stage (eg. English) and gradually introduce
more as learners advance. This may, for instance, be a relevant source for the learners who primarily adopt the
Memory strategy, where they are guided to memorise sets of vocabulary list and then be tested on them. Also,
other corpus can be used to study the common mistakes made by second language learners in their attempt to
achieve native-like writing and speech (Biber and Conrad, 2010). By studying the common mistakes, the teachers
can plan their lessons to minimise them.

Computer-assisted language learning (CALL)

The computer can be used as a tutor aid, tool, and/or for communication. Computer-assisted language learning
(CALL) is the computer applications in language teaching and learning. Teachers can use CALL for content
delivery (eg. Microsoft PowerPoint) or classroom activities (eg. WebQuests, grammar drills, etc.). Additionally,
CALL could also be used for task-based group work or activities and computer-mediated communication
between students in class such as synchronous online discussions.

One advantage of using computers is that it ef ciently allows for learning when the teacher is not present.
Delivery of content can still be done through an online medium. Certain computer tools allow for feedback to be
given when learners make a mistake, unlike the conventional paper-and-pen homework system in which
mistakes can only be corrected in the following class. Furthermore, this online content can be used by the
students to revise or get back to at home or for when the student cannot attend class. This is due to the
possibility of asynchronous learning, in which the learner can learn without the constraints of time and space. 12/17
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The founder of Vivaling (an online language academy for children learners), Bernard Goldstein, mentioned in a
guest lecture at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) that the computer, despite playing a signi cant role in
helping learners learn language, is still unable to replace the physical teacher entirely. Rather, the computer is a
medium that can enhance and aid the teaching process. Thus, we propose that CALL be used as a support for a
physical teacher, a means of revision between a lesson and another or, in fact, as a medium for communication,
where the hassle of traveling can be overcome as proven in the case of Vivaling.

Examples of CALL:

Asynchronous discussions (such as blogs, discussion forums/boards)

Synchronous learning (such as online chats, Skype)
YouTube videos
Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel
CD/DVDs for language learning
Web-based language learning software/programs (such as Vivaling)

Assessment methods

Oral Assessments Engage in dialogue


Projects Video-making

Written Tests Situational writing

Narrative writing
Grammar test
Vocabulary test
Spelling test
Comprehension/Listening comprehension test

There are many types of methods of assessing students in language learning. It is bene cial to adopt a variety due
to the varied nature of students. Varied learning styles and personalities will affect the performance levels on the
different method of assessing. For example, there is a higher chance of extroverts doing better in oral
examinations as compared to introverts. Above and beyond test performance, what we aim to achieve is the
pleasure of learning for various learner types and personalities. A rigid assessment method risks turning learners 13/17
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away from language learning as they may conclude that the process is too dif cult rather than opting to adopt
different learning strategies for their objective.

General conclusions

To conclude, language teachers ought to be aware of student personality as a factor, in order to optimise their
students’ learning. Teachers can use a variety of activities and assessment methods to suit the various learning
styles and strategies adopted by the students. Additionally, the use of computers (CALL) to aid their teaching is
also a move that is well encouraged and celebrated. A good amalgamation of these strategies and tools should be
on its way to achieving effective language learning and effective language teaching, a goal we all want.


Limitations to the information

1 Personalities

We are aware of the criticisms that are levelled at the discourse of personality vis-a-vis language learning. In fact,
we acknowledge that personality is something that can change over time and under circumstances. This,
however, does not take away the fact that our dominant (current) personality does play a role in the effectiveness
of language learning.

2 Strategies

There isn’t one strategy that ts everyone or one that is superior to another. Different strategies would suit
different personalities better. Studies have concluded that the most effective learners use a good mix of
strategies to maximise the learning (Ehrman, 1990; Ehrman & Oxford, 1995).

3 Teaching

In a class setting, it might be challenging for a tutor to use every single strategy to cater to every learner’s
preference, given time and resource constraints. However, a suggestion that we propose is that tutors adopt at
least several strategies that cut across opposing personalities (i.e. introverts VS extroverts), as each learner would
at least be (dominantly) one or the other.

4 Learning

As for learners, while it is a case of optimality to have lessons be catered to individual personalities, it is
important for learners to adapt to the different strategies too. In the event that the class does not cater to their
personality, they can choose their preferred strategy when revising or practising the language on their own or
with their peers. Flexibility is key to successful learning.

5 Difference in metalinguistic features 14/17
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One also has to consider the challenges in acquiring different L2s. Some L2s have a more complex grammar, for
instance, while other L2s may have a deeper orthography (where a phoneme, say /a/, can be pronounced
differently in different environments). All these metalinguistic features play a role in the L2 learning process. The
writing system may also affect the speed of learning how to write the L2, as those whose L1 comes in form of
Roman alphabets (a, b, c, d) may take more time learning an L2 writing system that uses logographic symbols (e.g.
Chinese, Japanese).

Future study directions

1 Other than English?

The studies we use mostly dealt with English as an L2. This means that the metalinguistic features learners in
the studies had to deal with were primarily that of English, whose results may extend to other languages with a
similar system. Thus, at present, we may not be able to account for other L2 languages which have different
linguistic nuances and thus pose different learning challenges.

2 Age of acquisition

There is strong ground to believe that the age at which the L2 is learnt plays a role in the learning process.
Studies have shown that learning a language within the critical period is requires less effort than learning after
that period (Ortega, 2014). On top of that, most of the studies using personality tests assess young adults or adult
learners, who would be relatively more conscious of their behaviour and personality. This may not be necessarily
the case for children, whose personality might be more uncertain or might be in the process of being shaped.
Thus, the L2 learning would also have to take into account age as a factor.


We have explored the various language learning strategies and have noted that the way to optimising the
strategies is to use an array of them. Remember, there is no de nite superior strategy. If your overall score is
within the medium or low ranges, increasing the frequency of strategy use will help in your learning. Kudos to
those with high-frequency average scores! Keep up the burning desire to learn a second language.

We have also noticed how learning types correlate to language learning and how then the patterns of strategy
use differ from one individual to another. Being more receptive towards the other learning styles other than your
primary styles could lead to more effective learning of language for you. Also, the various learning styles and
strategies resented could help teachers choose the most suitable language teaching methods for your class
activities. Acknowledging and considering your students’ learning types can help in choosing the right materials,
activities and assessment methods for your course. Strategy training can also bene t your students and let them
have more exposure to the different strategies that could make their language learning process much faster.

Lastly, of course, second language learning is a two-way affair. As much as the teachers are trying their best to
cater to their students’ learning styles and optimise the strategies, the learners have to also do their part in the
journey towards SLA. 15/17
4/26/2021 Chapter 17: Second Language Learning and Teaching: Learning Styles & Strategies | Second Language Acquisition

May your language learning journey be a fun and fruitful one! All the best.


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Boston: Heinle & Heinle.

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