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1Adventure - - - I

.- Before You Read

Destinations -.

' " Compl6lion. Look .at the s, and'cread about each pla~e.
Thm complete each description with a word from the box.
Top ~dienture
Travel Destinations
-, .-
camp cruise hike

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thmugh beautiful mount& villgges in the &xi&% . IT-.

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@. Scan. You are gdq:@ read about two friends' travel adventure.
Quickly scan the reading to answer the ,questians bdow. Then
read again taaheck your answers
1. Where did they start and end th@Mp@ W d i d they travel?
2 HOW many kilometer9 (or mile$ did they travefi.

I'ravel and Adventure

. .

Many people drear@Wgoing on a great travel adventure.

Most of us keep
. dreaming; others make it happen
. -
. ..
Gregg Bl&ey'@ dream wag to &el && Americas from tap
to bottom. He got the idea after he f35sh.d a 1,600 &meted ..
6 ;(1,000mile) bike ride. Gregg7ii Bmlr%men, was dso a, -
cyclist,l The two &ends talked and dow1'9; w.
a plan: t h e . . -
&dd ti"axl fim Alaska to Argentina-b~ bjh.
To pay for the q , Greg8 and' Braoks w&kd and saved a
rheir money for y m . Once t h q were on the read, they-
0 s i n camped ~utdaoraOT stayed in h o s g l ~In
. ~many plam,
local people opened their homes co the rwo friends &d gave
them food.
_.'I ,:
Duringtheiruip, &eggmdBrlo~ksqdedthaughdese&a,, . .-,i
jainftrrests, and mowtaing. They visited modern cities ad$.--.- -3' :. - 1'
: *.: '

15 d g a t r u i n s 3 such as Machu Picchu in Peru. And everywhere:i. - , 4

they went, they met other cydists from all over the world. t
' I

In May 2007-two yeus, twelve cg2mtries, and over

30,500 lm (19,000 mil&) later-Gregg mw- reached
Ushuaia, Argentina, the $~u&ernrnostcity in the world, (Near
2 G n a t l a , Brbaks had '%% E f l t;f ,the U,S., and Gregg
continued without himi, 9 - .-

The trip taught both men a lot about a a v d q i l

a p d d l y if you travel a h a d . What did the,y l e a d
Here is s k o f Gregg's &w
Travel light. The less
you'll worry a h t .
F ,yo u have, theless

Be polite. As on& travell& told *&lwq6.

rmmber that t:nhady vim= to B h t , cheat, ar

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