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Rutvik Sureshbhai Badkas

+44 7432692807 | | Portfolio:

California Institute of Arts 2020 – 2020 | US
Specialisation in UI / UX design
Imperial College London 2017 – 2021 | UK
Masters in. Aeronautical Engineering with Innovation Management / (Accredited by institution of mechanical engineers IMechE)
Cumulative Grade (2:1)
Premier Academy 2007 – 2017 | Kenya
A Levels: 4 A*’s in Maths, Further Mathematics, Physics, ICT
Awards: Full A-Level scholarship (£15,000) – Merit Based
Year 3: Group Design Project – UAV (Computer Vision) (Team of 23) – Solutions architect / Product Designer 2019-2020
• Worked in cross-functional teams, partnered with product managers and engineers, utilising a scrum agile framework with
multiple weeklong sprints to integrate and deliver UAV. Designed GCS user interface to package the final enterprise app.
• Presented UI to the assigned Scientific Board supervised by Dr. Mirko Kovac and came 1 st in Product Innovation.
Represented Imperial College at Cisco University Challenge Hackathon – Product Designer 2019-2020
• Performed market analysis and came up with ideas/features for an app with 2 API involving maps and food stock
• Build a basic Information architecture & design flows for mobile, utilising multiple UX concepts such as: strategic product
thinking, typography, colour theory, interaction design, visual design, usability testing, user experience and interface design
• Created a specification document & slides for easy communication, presenting to an exec board at Cisco headquarters UK
Year 2: Manufacturing Project - Manufactured a Wind Turbine (Team of 6) – Project manager/CAD specialist 2019-2020
• Used MATLAB (Statistical analysis) and aerospace records to brainstorm and decide product direction, before using 3D Solid
Modelling tool Creo (Computer Aided Design) to design and print a rapid prototype. Used Adobe Premier Pro / After effects
(motion design) and Photoshop (graphic design) to document the production process. Link:
High School Annual Magazine: (Team of 26) – Team Leader / Graphic Designer 2015-2016
• Passionately led 26 team members, performing end-to-end product design from conducting feedback surveys on large
international audiences (to build a product vision) to finally materialising the product using CorelDraw, selling 500 + copies
Haus Of Jaeger 2020 | United States
Technology and Marketing strategy consultant
• Used market intelligence to find clients and to aid in proposing high level strategic decisions particularly in consumer wearables
• Authored a trend research article on AI, Ecommerce, and AR/VR (Virtual Reality), targeting a 5% reduction in Web bounce rate 2019 | India
Co-founder / Product Designer
• Defined business goals and product vision and launched product to bridge the supply of services in India to demand in Africa
• Converted conceptual ideas into wireframes, and designed user interface within 75 % similarity to existing brand visual assets
• Managed a team of software engineers to scale product, acquire customer insight / feedback, and pitched it to C-level executives
Blowplast Ltd 2018 | Kenya
Product Management Intern
• Conducted employee/user research via interviews & surveys to obtain feedback to determine ways to improve efficiency
• Applied Kaizen methodology to leak testing, improving their efficiency by 10%, alleviating bottleneck in production pipeline
• Represented the company in a client opening ceremony, interacting with clients, and maintaining customer relationships
Most Innovative Project from Imperial College London in Third Year Group Design Project (5 teams) 2020
1st Prize from Imperial College London in First Year Applications Project (45 teams) 2018
1st Prize in Africa in A-Level Further Mathematics and 1st in Kenya in AS-level Info and Com Tech 2017
• Information and Communication Technology involved basic html and CSS using adobe Dreamweaver plus MS office suite
Gold Prize from Uhuru Kenyatta, the president of Kenya in Presidential Awards Expedition 2015
• Led a team of 10 in a 5-day trekking expedition over a 150 km terrain in Machakos county, Kenya, accomplished to reach out
to 4 rural schools and was awarded a gold certificate from his Excellency, Uhuru Kenyatta, the President of Kenya
• Design tools: Office, Creo, Sketchup, Invision, Sketch, Adobe Photoshop, Premier Pro, After Effects, InDesign
• Programming languages: Python, MATLAB, C++, ( Html and CSS - high school )
• Languages: English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, French (GCSE foreign language), Japanese (beginner)
• Online Portfolio:

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