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Kadek Jayanto FBS

Diterima oleh
Panitia PengumpulanLaporan Training
Hotel & Cruise International
Guna Memenuhi Syarat-Syarat Untuk Mendapatkan Sertifikat Kelulusan
Hotel & Cruise International

Hari : senin
Tanggal : 17 juni 2019

KetuaPanitia Sekretaris,

I Putu Mariana, M.Pd Luh Ade Lachynta Candra, M.Pd

Direktur Hotel & Cruise International

GedeJanardana, S.Pd


Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa laporan yang berjudul “On The Job
Training di NUSA DUA BEACH HOTEL” beserta seluruh isinya adalah benar-
benar karya sendiri, dan saya tidak melakukan penjiplakan dan mengutip dengan
cara-cara yang tidak sesuai dengan etika yang berlaku dalam masyaraka keilmuan.
Atas pernyataan ini, saya siap menanggung resiko/sanksi yang dijatuhkan kepada
saya apabila dikemudian hari ditemukan adanya pelanggaran atas etika keilmuan
dalam laporan saya ini atau ada klaim terhadap keaslian karya saya ini.

Singaraja, 17 Juni 2019

Yang Membuat Pernyataan, ini

( Kadek Jayanto )

Om Swastyastu,
The researcher expresses his highest gratitude to Ida Sang
HyangWidhiWasa for blessing, love, opportunity, health, and mercy to complete
this undergraduate thesis. This undergraduate thesis entitled “JOB TRAINING
REPORT NUSA DUA BEACH HOTEL” is submitted as the final requirement in
accomplishing undergraduate degree at “FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICE,
In arranging this thesis, a lot of people have provided motivation, advice,
and support for the researcher. In this valuable chance, the researcher intended to
express his gratitude and appreciation to all of them.
The researcher presents his sincere appreciation goes to:
1. Mr. GedeJanardana as Director of Hotel & Cruise International Singaraja.
2. All Lecturers / Instructors of Hotel and Cruise International Singaraja who
can not be authors name their names one by one, for guidance that has
been given as long as the author is educated in the college.
3. All Hotel and Cruise International Singaraja staff who have assisted in
training placement.
4. Mr. Jamal Hussin as a General Manager of Nusa Dua Beach Hotel.
5. Mr. NILL as a F & B Director of Nusa Dua Beach Hotel.
6. Mrs. Asih Wesika as a Human Resources Departement of Nusa Dua Beach
Hotel All Staff and Managers of Nusa Dua Beach Hotel who have been
willing to receive, provide explanation and guidance during Training
As the proverb says "No Ivory is Not Cracked" so is the case with this
report. Although the researcher has devoted all the capabilities to perfection of
this report, butThe researcher feel there are still many shortcomings. Therefore,
the authors expect constructive criticism and suggestions For the perfection of this
report and subsequent reports. And hopefully this report can provide benefits for
the needy.


LembarPenerimaanLaporan........................................................................... i
PernyataanKeaslianLaporan........................................................................... ii
Acknowledgement.......................................................................................... iii
Table of Content............................................................................................. iv
1.1 Background............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Objective and Benefits............................................................................ 2
2.1 History of Nusa Dua Beach Hotel............................................................ 3
2.2 History of Nusa Dua Beach Hotel............................................................ 7
2.3 The Aim of .............................................................................................. 8
2.4 Facilities of Grand Hyatt Bali.................................................................. 9
2.5 Structure Organization of Grand Hyatt Bali............................................. 18
2.6 Structure Organization Department of Grand Hyatt Bali......................... 19
2.7 Job Description......................................................................................... 20
3.1 Work Procedures of Training Program................................................... 21
3.2 Schedule Distribution During Training Program.................................... 25
3.3 The difference Between Theory with Real Work Practice...................... 26
3.4 Constrain and Success Found During Real Job Practice......................... 26
3.5 Solution for The Problem Faced........................................................... 26
4.1 Conclusion............................................................................................... 27
4.2 Suggestion............................................................................................... 28
REFERENCES............................................................................................. 29


1.1 Background
The tourism sector in Indonesia is one of the sectors that generate huge
foreign exchange for the State of Indonesia. Supported by geography, culture,
customs, adequate facilities and infrastructure Indonesia has become one of the
tourism destinations.
One of the tourism destinations in Indonesia is Bali Island. Most of the
international community has acknowledged that Bali is one of the most beautiful
islands. In addition Balinese people are also known to be very friendly and
cultural customs remain thick even though the modern era. This is evident from
the many tourists who come from all over the world. To support the convenience
of tourists during the Bali then the government and private sector trying to
improve the quality and quantity of objects and supporting facilities, one of which
is to establish accommodation facilities such as hotels. Like the hotel area that has
been developed in the area of Nusa Dua. Nusa Dua is located at the southern tip of
Bali island developed by Bali Tourism Development Corporation (BTDC) which
has many 5 star resorts built from north to south from the beach such as Club
Med, Nusa Dua Beach Hotel, The Westin, Laguna A Luxury Collection, Melia,
Grand Hyatt, Inna Putri, Ayodya, St. Regis, The Bale, and Amanusa. In addition
to realize a friendly and professional service, it takes a skilled manpower in the
field of hospitality in accordance with their respective expertise.

1.2 Objective and Benefits
Objective and Benefits of making a report, are:
1. As a proof that the researches has been doing Training Program.
2. Able doing a work experience into a scientific work that can be used as a
reference for learning.
3. As a container for The researches to describe a brief summary of the real world
of work when practicing Training Program.
4. The Trainee learners to be skilled in compiling, describing, and summarizing
work experience that can be in industry in the form of reports.
5. As a Provide written evidence to the campus and industry about all activities
undertaken during the industry.
6. To know comparison between field work practices and theories that got from
7. To know the real working procedure in training.
8. Solution to the problems encountered.


2.1.History of Nusa Dua Beach Hotel.

Hotel Nusa Dua Beach & Spa is one of the five star hotels in the Nusa Dua
tourism area.Hotel Nusa Dua Beach & Spa was built starting in 1982 with an
operational permit under the name of PT. Bukit Nusa Corporation. The hotel was
inaugurated on May 28, 1983 by former President Suharto. Nusa Dua Beach
Hotel & Spa was previously one of the hotels under PT. Aerowisata is the same as
Sanur Beach Hotels, Kartika Plaza Hotels, Senggigi Beach Hotels and Pusako
Hotels in Bukit Tinggi.

In 1992 Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa was sold by PT. Aerowisata and its
ownership and processing are taken by the Brunei Darussalam Investment
Agency called Brunai Investment Agency (BIA) and management of its
management named PT. Indoco Prosperity. Since taking ownership, this hotel
has been renovated from 1994 to 1996 with funds of 40 million US dollars and in
2001 a renovation was held to keep competing with other hotels in the Nusa Dua

In 1996 Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa was part of the Audley group with some of
the biggest and best hotels in the world such as: Le Meurice in Paris, The
Dorchester Hotel in London, The Beverly Hill Hotel in California - America and
The Empire Hotel in Brunei Darussalam.

Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa (as well as all Audley hotels) became a member of
the Leading Hotels of the World in 1996. The Leading Hotel of the World is a
marketing organization for selected luxury hotels. This organization functions as
a direct ordering center for 315 members in 68 countries.

Since its opening, employees have had the good fortune to serve several
prominent people including heads of state such as Ronald Reagan and Mrs
(President of the United States) Prince Norodom Sihanouk (President of

Cambodia) and several Heads of State, ministers, artists and other world

The hotel consists of 335 rooms and 45 suites, and 2 big suites, 3 swimming
pools, 6 restaurants including room service which provides a variety of varied
food choices, 4 bars and meeting facilities that can accommodate more than 400
people. The Nusa Dua Spa, adapted to the tropical nature, provides a lap pool,
private villas, tennis, squash courts, fitness gym and rock climbing walls.

2.2.About Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa

Nusa Dua Beach Hotel is an independence hotel, own by PT Sejahtera Indoco, an

Indonesian registered limited liability with status of foreign investment. Opened
almost three decades ago dated on 28 th May 1983, Nusa Dua Beach Hotel and
Spa is one of the first five stars diamond hotel in Nusa Dua. The 382 rooms hotel
provide employment for more than 600 staff both from local villages, other
villages in Bali and also other cities of Indonesia.

The Basic Concepts about Guests in general

 Our guest is the most important person in our business.
 Our guest is not an interruption of our work, he is the purpose of it.
 Our guest is not someone to argue or match wits with.
 Nobody ever won an argument with a guest.
 Guests come first.

About Us
 We are not CHAIN hotel, we are independence.
 We are here to provide the best service in Balinese way with eye
 Staff is coming here with greatest service attitude.
 Staff friendliness and courtesy make guests feel welcomed.
 Guests room privacy is well respected and is very important.
 Five SENSES service orientation:
- Sight (nice beach and gardens view)
- Touch (soft and smooth clean surface)
- Smell (natural fragrance from local flowers)
- Sound (natural sound from breeze)
- Taste (authentic food)
 Staff are sincerely friendly and have welcoming genuine smiles
 Guests do not need to remove their luggage from the car and our staff
will assist them with luggage handling.
 Proactive staff in all area and helpful towards guests.

 Great team work, staff helping each other.
 Our staff does not linger for a tip.
 Guests are being acknowledged within 10 seconds or in an acceptable
 Staff are polite and efficient
 Ensure good presence in front of guests with high level of grooming
and hygiene.


Nilai Yang Dianut Bersama di Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa

Authentic (Asli)
Hospitality (Ramah Tamah)
Traditional and Culture (Tradisi & Budaya)
Loyalty (Kesetiaan)
Natural (Alamiah)
Respect (Saling Menghargai)
Quality (Kualitas/Mutu)


“We embrace authentic Balinese experiences where heartfelt services are

combined with respectful relationship”
Kami merangkum pengalaman-pengalaman yang bernuansa khas asli Bali
gunamewujudkan pelayanan yang sepenuh hati dan hubungan yang saling

Pernyataan MISI
1. Provide ambience, products and services that are indigenous to Bali.
Menyediakan suasana, produk dan pelayanan yang berciri khas asli Bali.

2. Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa commits to set a professional and
vibrant working environment by maintaining knowledgeable,
passionate, motivated and satisfied staff to instill heartfelt services.
Nusa Dua Beach Hotel dan Spa memiliki komitmen untuk menciptakan
lingkungan kerja yang profesional dan penuh gairah dengan menjaga
semangat, pengetahuan/wawasan, motivasi serta kepuasan karyawan demi
terciptanya pelayanan yang sepenuh hati.

3. We base our relationship upon respect, trust, honesty and love. We

treat each day as an opportunity to reach our common goals
according to the Balinese philosophy of Tri Hita Karana.
Kami landasi hubungan kami dengan rasa saling menghargai dan
menghormati, saling percaya, dengan kejujuran dan cinta kasih. Kami
lewati hari demi hari sebagai sebuah kesempatan untuk mencapai tujuan
bersama sesuai dengan nilai filsafat Bali yaitu Tri Hita Karana.

Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa
Kawasan Pariwisata Nusa Dua

Lot North 4 Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia

Tel (0361) 771210 Fax (0361) 771229

Email : or Website :

General Manager : Jamal Hussain
Resident Manager : Vacant
Director of Finance : Eddy Mujiono
Director of Human Resources : Asih Wesika
Director of Engineering : Agra kumara
Director of Sales & Marketing : Iva Farida


Director of Room : I Gusti Ngurah Saronca
Palace Club Manager : Nyoman Sadnyana
Executive Housekeeper : I Gusti Ngurah Anom Putra Wijaya
Laundry Manager : I Ketut Wirata
Human Resources Manager : L.P. Kestina Ekawati
Training & Talent Dev. Manager : Ni Made Sukerti
Dir. of Sales : Vacant
Dir. Food & Beverage : Neil Keith Firman
Executive Chef : I Nengah Sumendra
Executive Sous Chef : Ida Bagus Putu Oka Yadnya
Pastry Chef : Vacant
Chef De Cuisine : Widi Arguno
Senior Sous Chef : I Ketut Mudana
Chief Steward : I Dewa Made Panca Yadnya
Spa Manager : Komang Kutanegara
Assistant Financial Controller : I Made Suanda Wisnaya
Credit Manager : I Wayan Gede Aryawan
Purchasing Manager : Ady Sutarjiono
Jr. Purchasing Manager : I Made Rudy Ardita
Cost Controller : Gede Sumantra
I T Manager : Oka Indra Irawan
Chief Security : I Nyoman Sugeng Riyanto
Marketing Communication Manager : Melinda Widya Setyowati
Asst. Marketing Communication Manager : Vacant
Senior Sales Manager : I Ketut Sudiantara
Mandarin Sales Manager : Vacant
E-Commerce Manager : Ni Luh Evi Widyanthi
Revenue & Reservation Manager : I Ketut Sudarsana
Reservation Manager : Vacant
Online Reservation Manager : Eric Sutana Hadi
Sales Manager-MICE : Ni Made Dwi Ariani
Sr. Assistant Chief Engineer : I Made Suartha
Duty Engineer : I Made Wirka Muliarta
Chief Gardener : Vacant

 Always Greet the Guest – use the Balinese Way
 (Senantiasa menyapa tamu dengan cara orang Bali)
 Guest Focus – guest comes first.
 (Fokus kepada tamu – Prioritas pada tamu)
 Courtesy – staff to staff, staff to guest
 (Keramahan – sesame staff, staff kepada tamu)
 Always be Efficient – quick and correct
 (Selalu menjadi efisien – cepat dan benar
 Give Explanations and Information – response guests in 10 seconds or
in appropriate time.
 Eye contact showing sincerity to help.
 Don’t forget to SMILE and enjoy your work.
 Be proactive in serving guests
 Ensure you have a full understanding on hotel rooms and facilities.
 Staff welcome guests in the lobby by saying “Welcome to Nusa Dua
Beach Hotel and Spa”.
 Prompt service at all time.


1. Palace Club Lounge (Puri Agung) for VIP guests enjoy a Welcome drink
and at the same time as a place for them to enjoy breakfast, afternoon tea
and evening cocktail.

2. Wedang Jahe Restaurant which provides international food for breakfast

and dinner.

3. Raja’s Table Restaurant which serves a variety of special foods from the
Bali region.

4. Sandro’s Restaurant is a special place for those who want to enjoy the
typical Italian cuisine in the form of Pizza.

5. Tamarind Restaurant serves a variety of seafood fish and some fast food
such as Sandwiches, Burgers and Hot Dogs.

6. Chess Bar is a place for guests to enjoy all kinds of their favorite drinks.

7. Pool Bar is for those who want to enjoy a drink while sitting bathing in
pool water.

8. The Lobby Bar is a place that is used for guests who have just arrived or
will leave the hotel for a tour or other places to visit. This place also
allows guests to enjoy a variety of drinks accompanied by the strains of
soft songs at night.

9. Room service that always provides 24-hour service for breakfast, lunch,
dinner or midnight meal.

10. Banquet facilities include Keraton Ball Room and 6 other meeting rooms
with various capacities ranging from the smallest to more than 400 people.

11. Group check in room is a special room for Check In for guests who come
in groups or groups where this is where they get an explanation of all
the facilities in the room and an explanation of how to use it

12. Santi Lounge, is a special room for guests who are early check in (late
arrival) or late check out (Depart late). In this place there are several
facilities such as shower, internet access, video games, foot massage,
reading books, children's toys and snacks such as coffee, tea, cookies,
sandwiches etc.

13. Nusa Dua Spa is a very appropriate place for those who want to pamper
themselves with good care from water treatments, facial care and body
care. This place is also available in a variety of tools for fitness and also
equipped with Spa Villas, Pavilium, Scrub rooms and special rooms for

14. The Sport Center is for those who like to do sports equipped with a place
for fitness, Lap Pool, 2 tennis courts, 2 squash courts with AC,

15. Gecko Kid’s Club This place is specifically designed for children between
3 - 12 years. There are several funny and exciting games equipped with
educational toys.

16. WaterSport is a means for those who want to enjoy sports at sea from
diving, snorkeling, parasailing and so on.

17. Taxi counter & Tour Service is one of the facilities for those who want to
use taxi services and schedule tours or tours.

18. Authorized Money Changer is a place that is intended for guests to

exchange money according to the wishes of guests.

19. Beauty Salon provides special services for manicure, pedicure and hair

20. BNI 1946 is a complementary facility that is not owned by other hotels in
the Nusa Dua area so that guests can freely withdraw or save money and
also be equipped with a Self-Teller Machine (ATM).

21. Internet and Business center, located in the Lobby which provides
personal computers for guests equipped with high speed internet at a price
of only Rp. 23,000, - for 15 minutes.

22. Souvenir and arcade shops are places where guests can get various kinds
of souvenirs for their relatives and family as souvenirs that are unique and
have Balinese characteristics.

23. Jerry’s Humpries Hair & Beauty salon, provides services for cutting and
arranging hair for men and women.

2.4 Duties and responsibilities of each department

1 FRONT OFFICE with several sections such as:

1.1 Guest Service Agent (Guest Relation)

Assigned to allocate rooms and handle all guest arrivals. They are
responsible for recording all hotel guests and providing information to
guests and receiving payments.

1.2 Bell Desk & airport Representative

The Bell Boy, including the Doorman, will assist guests in pick-up at the
airport itinerary, items and other general necessities. They also delivered
letters, facsimile, telex and gifts to the guests

1.3. Telephone Operator

The task is to handle all incoming and outgoing calls from guests and
handle all requests of guests in a polite and efficient manner. They also
receive messages and provide services to get up early.


Served to provide services to all guest rooms and other public areas
throughout the hotel. Housekeeping, especially Laundry, is also
responsible for the service of washing guest clothes and all linen and
clothing for employees.

Responsible for handling important guests staying at the Palace Room
starting from registration, arrival, delivering to rooms, handling payments,
serving food and drink and providing information needed by guests


Food & Beverage is responsible for coordinating and supervising all

sections in Food & Beverage except the kitchen including restaurant and
steward to ensure smooth operation. Including maintenance and repairs
rather than standards in this area.

4.1 Food & Beverage Service

Responsible for providing all kinds of services needed by guests relating to

ordering food and beverages both directly and indirectly.

4.2 Steward

Stewards are responsible for organizing, storing, monitoring and

distributing equipment made of silver or glass to the kitchen and all
restaurants that are clean and ready to use. Stewards are also responsible
for ensuring that all areas of the kitchen and restaurant are always in a
condition that does not endanger workers in accordance with established
health and safety regulations.

4.3 Banquet

Banquet is responsible for managing external events in accordance with

their requests and the specified budget and ensuring that all rooms are used
to the maximum extent possible by coordinating with the Sales

4.4 Room Service

Served to deliver food or drinks for breakfast, afternoon, evening and night
ordered by the guests according to their wishes based on the standard
portions, serving with existing services. Room Service is also responsible
for the preparation and set-up of meeting rooms for internal needs in
accordance with the request of the Management including services for
coffee breaks.

4.5 Food & Beverage Production (Cook)

The Executive Chef with kitchen staff is responsible for providing the best
quality food to all restaurants and banquets inside the hotel.




Tamarind 60 12.00 –22.30 Internasional In front of a beach

Sandro’s 58 12.00 – 23.00 Pizza & Pasta Pool area

Maguro 20 12.00 – 23.00 Sushi & Sashimi Pool area

Raja’s 80 18.00 – 24.00 Balinese food Pool area

Wedang Jahe 220 6.30 – 10.30 International Near the looby

19.00 – 10.30

Spa Café 19 09.00 – 18.00 Various fruit In Spa area

Room Service - 24 Houur International Beside wedang Jahe

Banquet 300 19.00 – 10.00 International Open stage




Chess Bar 24 10.00 – 24.00 Location near the pool

The Lobby Bar 68 10.00 – 01.00 Accompanied by music and dj at


Pool Bar 14 10.00 – 19.00 In the middle of the pool

Spa Cafe 12 10.00 – 21.00 Inside the Spa area



Theatre U- Royal Class Cocktail Dinner

Shape Squar
e room Receptio

Keraton Room 432 56 68 130 450 210

Keraton Ante 84 20 24 20 50 50

Keraton Ball 516 56 68 150 500 260


Garuda Room 60 34 40 34 80 60

Nusa Penida - - - - 40 12

Kertagosa Room 225 - - 120 220 180

Klungkung 25 12 14 12 20 16

Kamasan Room 50 24 28 24 40 32


5.1Executive Office

Responsible for the smooth operation of the hotel in general through

delegations and for assistance from all existing departments / sections.

5.2 Security

Responsible for the security and safety of hotel items, guest goods and

5.3 Accounting

Responsible in all financial aspects of the hotel operations including overseeing

all hotel assets and all efficiency of their use.

5.4 Purchasing

Assigned to identify and select approved suppliers including goods knowledge

and concern in ensuring that our hotel has goods that are in accordance
with standards with competitive prices and regular delivery of goods
according to user needs.

5.5 Receiving

Responsible for receiving all goods ordered and ensuring that all ordered items
are delivered to departments that order in the allotted time according to the
proof of order.

5.6 Store (Storage Section)

Assigned to ensure and store all items received in the hotel including food

5.7 Cost Control

Responsible for maintaining and monitoring all expenditures from all sections
in a good hotel per day, monthly and annually.

5.8 Human Resources

Under the Human Resources organization of employees. Its main tasks include
communication, acceptance, employment, enforcing laws, rules of
employment, employment relations and assessing employee performance.

5.9 Training & Development (Training & Development)

Its main task is to provide training and development for employees both for the
needs of the organization and individual employees in order to achieve
maximum work performance and ensure and maintain the satisfaction of

5.10 Sales & Marketing (Sales and marketing department)

Responsible for promoting and selling Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa to the
world with the aim of increasing revenue in all areas of the hotel.

5.11 Reservation

Responsible for receiving all orders for rooms / suites according to guest
requests based on room prices and also ensuring hotel rooms can be sold
with maximum occupancy.

5.12 Marketing & Communication (Marketing & Public Relations)

Served to promote the name and reputation of the hotel in a dominant manner
in the mass media both nationally and internationally but also internally
between management, employees and guests.

5.13 Engineering (Maintenance & Repair)

Responsible for ensuring efficient maintenance and repairs to all hotel items,
whether mechanical or electronic.


6.1 Nusa Dua Spa

Nusa Dua Spa offers guests the advantage of enjoying luxurious facilities with
impressive treatments. Besides that, this place also provides a variety of therapies
to hotel guests who get complimentary to use sauna, steam, fitness equipment,
body and facial treatments, Hairdressing by Jerry Humphries.

In detail about the services available at Nusa Dua Spa can be seen in the following
table:room for Massage & Treatment


Spa Villa 3 07.00 – 2 Equipped with Jaccuzi


Spa Vavilium 2 07.00 – 2 Completed equipmet


Body spa 3 07.00 – 1&2 Soak place


Massage 4 07.00 – 1&2 Not distrubed

Room 21.00

Facial Room 3 07.00 – 1 Not distrubed




The Ritual 2,5 hour To refresh the body

The Spa Villa Romance 2,5 hour Rejuvenate died skin

The Traditional 2,5 hour Make the body more relaxed

After Sun Massage 50 minute To smooth the skin

Balinese Massage 50 minute Reduce stiffness

Swedish Massage 50 minute Reduce body pain

Aroma Therapy Massage 50 minute Relieve tiredness

Jetlag Massage 25 minute Eliminate muscle tension

Javanese Lulur 1 hour 45 Overall body care


Coconut Scrub 1 hour 45 Overall body care


Balinese Boreh 1 hour 45 Overall body care


Balinese Facial 1 hour 15 Face treatment


Clarins Facial 1 hour 15 Face treatment




Tennis Court 1 hour For the guest hotel & Spa


Racket Rental As much as you For the guest hotel & Spa
like member

Field Booking 24 hours For the guest hotel & Spa


Shoes Rental 1 hour / person For the guest hotel & Spa

Permintaan Lawan main 1 hour / person For the guest hotel & Spa

Rental ball machine 1 hour For the guest hotel & Spa

Rent a bicycle 1 hour/ 1 day For the guest hotel & Spa

Fitness Center - For the guest hotel & Spa


Aerobic Studio - For the guest hotel & Spa


Spa Players - For the guest hotel & Spa


6.2. Guest activities (Guest program routine activities)

The department is responsible for all guest activities provided by the hotel which
are recreational or entertainment in nature

6.3 Lobby Shop & arcades

These shops sell a variety of guests' needs including very attractive souvenirs that
can be used as souvenirs.These shops are located in the lobby and rented by
several boutiques such as Kinnara, Sari Bali, Sari Dewi to display and sell
merchandise such as jewelry, souvenirs and clothing.

2.6.Job Description
a. F & B Director
Responsible for the activities of restaurant, bar, banquet, room service,
kitchen, and lead and direct all staff by giving exercises to remain polite and
carry out perfect service in accordance with the standard set.
b. Asst. F & B Director
Replaces the functionality of the F & B Manager if it is not on duty. It is also
obliged to assist the implementation of the task planned by the F & B Manager.
c. Restaurant Manajer
Duty and responsible for operational execution in some section (section
incharge). As a decision that can not be done by subordinates
d. Captain / Team Leader
Supervise and divide the tasks for the operation of equipment to the waiter /
waitress who served around him as well as lead the waiter / waitress of his
dissection to perform food and beverage serving tasks properly, correctly and
e. Waiter / Waitress
Responsible for setting up restaurant equipment, setting up tables, and carry
out guest dining in the dining room.
f. Apprentice
Assigned to assist seniors in running the existing operations in the restaurant. In
this case an apperintice has more responsibility than a trainee.
g. Trainee
As a task assignment that aims in terms of l.

3.1 Work Procedures of Training Program

1. Banquet/Watercourt Restaurant
Banquet / Watercourt restaurant is managed by the same manager.
Banquet is one of the outlets that serve the booking of events or group
meetings such as wedding party, meeting group, and others. While the
Watercourt restaurant is a restaurant that has a feel and Balinese style
which is opened specifically for breakfast from 6.30-10.30 AM and
sometimes open for lunch for guest's group. Duties and responsibilities:
a. Morning Shift
1. Prepare restaurant tools such as glassware, chinaware, which will
be used during breakfast.
2. Open all the cloth covering of the table in outdoor area.
3. Clean all the guest tables.
4. Set up all the guest tables.
5. Put the sofa.
6. Take a drink like milk, all kinds of juice to set up at the buffet
7. In charge in each section that has been given by the team leader.
8. Offer coffee / tea to all guests.
9. Service to guests.
10. Clearing up and set up again the dirty guest tables.
11. Prepare for closing restaurant.
12. Closes the outdoor tables with cloth.
13. Polished tools that will be used for breakfast.
14. Complete the buffet station such as glassware and chinaware for
ready use again.

b. Afternoon Shift (Banquet)

1. Replace uniform and direct to office to see job assignments.
2. Go to the place according to job assignments help colleagues
who have morning shift.

3. Prepare the tools used for group dinner in the ballroom.
4. Briefing with colleagues lead by managers to share each section.
5. Break for 1 hour.
6. Service to guests.
7. Clearing up to each section accompanied by offering water to
8. Clearing up the table and emptying ballroom used during the
dinner took place and return to the warehouse respectively.
9. Turn off lights all over the place used for dinner.

2. Salsa Verde Restaurant

Salsa Verde is located in front of the beach and near from the main
pool of Lagoon Pool. The restaurant serves Italian cuisine,by pasta, pizza,
seafood and various other favorite italian dishes , with a capacity of 98-
172 seats. Salsa Verde operates for breakfast (7: 00-10: 30 am) while
serving American Buffet Breakfast Buffet with Garden Cafe. for lunch
(11: 00-18: 00) and dinner (18: 00-23: 00). Duties and Responsibilities:
a. Morning Shift
1. Set up Buffet
2. Completing the equipment at said station
3. Served the butter and milk for guests
4. Taking order coffee and tea
5. Coffee maker / barista.
6. Clearing up plate / glass.
7. Clean the table.
8. Sat up again for the next guest.
9. Calculating napkin / face towel.
10. Sending to linen and in exchange back with a clean one.
11. Clear up the table and set up for lunch and dinner.
12. Break for 1 hour.
13. Polishing glass, cup, catelrers, plate in use at breakfast.
b. Afternoon Shift

1. Replace the morning shif.t
2. Count linen.
3. Bring napkin to linen for exchange.
4. Service the guest.
5. Provide face towel to every guest.
6. Prepare bread and butter.
7. Served the drink.
8. Served the food.
10. Clear up table.
11. Sate up table for the next guest.
12. Clear up all the tables
13. Set up back for breakfast.

3. Garden Café Restaurant

Is one of the restaurants in the Grand Hyatt Hotel Bali. This
restaurant is located right in the middle of the hotel, therefore the
restaurant is always crowded with guests. This restaurant sells various
types of Continental, Asian and Indonesian food. Garden Café includes the
Fine Dining Restaurant, with views of gardens and fish ponds. A
restaurant with 34 dining tables plus 8 private tables, so this restaurant can
accommodate as many as 220 people. The Garden Café serves a Breakfast,
Lunch, Dinner and Room Service 24 hours a day. Garden Café is open for
breakfast from 6:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m., while lunch is open from 11:00 a.m.
to 6:00 p.m., for dinner open from 06:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m., last order at
10.45 pm.

Duties and Responsibilities:

a. Morning Shift
1. Set up buffets
2. Complete equipment at said station

3. Served the butter and milk for guests
4. Taking coffee and tea orders
5. Coffee maker / barista.
6. Clearing up plate / glass.
7. Clean the table.
8. Sat up again for the next guest.
9. Calculating napkin / face towel.
10. Send to linen and exchange it back with clean ones.
11. Clear up the table and set up again for lunch and dinner.
12. Break for 1 hour.
13. Polishing glass, cups, catelrers, plates that are used at breakfast.
h. Affternon shift
1. Replace the morning shif.t
2. Calculating linen.
3. Bringing napkin to linen for exchange.
4. Service the guest.
5. Providing face towels to every guest.
6. Prepare bread and butter.
7. Served the drink.
8. Served the food.
9. Clear up table.
10. Satay up table for the next guest.
11. Clear up all tables.
12. Set up again for breakfast.

3.2 Schedule Distribution During Training Program

The author conducted On TheJob Training at Grand Hyatt Bali for 6 months.
Starting from 11 June 2018 to 10 December 2018.On the first day of 11 June
2018, after wearing the uniforms of training and dressed neatly as per hotel

standards, all F&B Service trainee gathered in the Badung Room, to be briefed
and placed in various outlets. There are 8 outlets that can receive trainee for F&B
Service, Room Service, Salsa Verde Restaurant, Garden Café Restaurant, Water
Court Restaurant, Nampu Restaurant, PasarSenggol Restaurant, Grand club
Restaurant, lobby lounge bar, salsa bar, Pool Bar.
During On The Job Training at Grand Hyatt Bali, the author can only visit 3
outlets only:
1. Banquet/Watercourt Restaurant
At this outlet the author can study opportunities for 2 months from:
11stof June 2018 – 16th of April2017. In this outlets the author get 2
shifts :
I. Morning shift from 6 AM - 3 PM.
II. Afternoon Shift from 2 PM – 10 AM.

2. Salsa Verde Restaurant

At this outlet the author can study opportunities for 2 months from:
11stof June 2018 – 16th of April2017. In this outlets the author get 2
shifts :
I. Morning shift from 7 AM - 4 PM.
II. Afternoon Shift from 2 PM – 11 PM.

3. Garden Café Restaurant

At this outlet the author can study opportunities for 2 months from:
11stof June 2018 – 16th of April2017. In this outlets the author get 2
shifts :
I. Morning shift from 7 AM - 4 PM.
II. Afternoon Shift from 2 PM – 11 PM.

3.3 The difference Between Theory with Implementation of Real Work Practice
There are several comparisons that the Author find in work practices on
campus with industry practice, as:
a) Set up different tables.

b) Unfolding napkin different.
c) Use of micros.
d) Use of coffee machine.

3.4 Constraints and Success Found During Real Job Practice

1. Constraints
1. Adjustment of work environment.
2. Weather is erratic, because the outlet is out the door.
3. The employee and The guest is not appropriate.
2. Success
1. Quickly adapt with new place and friends in the outlet.
2. Can to operate a micros.
3. Can to make some cocktails and mocktail.
4. Accustomed to using English with guest’s hotel.

3.5 Solutions for The Problems Faced

1. It need time to adjust to the work environment as well as new
2. Familiarize yourself with the hotel S.O.P.
3. Memorize and learn the menu and English.


4.1 Conclusion

Industrial Work Practice is one of the educational programs that must be
implemented by all students of Hotel & Cruise International Singaraja to be able
to carry out the whole education program. This program provides many benefits
to students, including to practice the various science that has been obtained in the
lecture bench and know the direct description of the workplace operations in the
industrial world in accordance with the departments taken and the students get the
science that has not been obtained in the college.
After implementing the Real Work Practice, the author gained a lot of work
experience that is very useful both in the form of new theory and practice
knowledge of the field of duties in accordance with the department. And this can
be used as a provision and grip in the profession who worked at work.
In addition, by implementing the Real Work Practice, then this indicates
that the author has implemented one of the requirements in completing the
campus program.
After conducting On the job training at Hotel Grand Hyatt Bali, from here
the author can draw some conclusion that the training activities in the industry is
very important for students who want to go directly to the world of tourism that
requires human beings of high quality and discipline.
In the world of hotel employee in the Food & Beverage Department is much
needed, therefore it is needed best team work to cooperation between the hotel
and the institution of education. Where the campus as an educational institution
play a role in the qualified young man so as to be able to plunge into the world of
industry.So the hotel is very instrumental in the distribution of young people who
want to work in the world of tourism and can provide jobs. Therefore, between the
hotel and the campus must be established a very good cooperation relationship, so
that both parties will complement each other to meet the needs of each. 5

4.2 Suggestion
Based on the results of On the job training in the industry for 6 months, the
authors provide some advice to the hotel or campus, including:
A. Suggestion for Hotel

1. The author expects that all equipment that is damaged and
become an obstacle when operational can be replaced
immediately. Because it is a constraint in working, especially
when the outlet crowded condition would be very disruptive to
work operations.
2. Cooperation between senior and trainees and with other staff
should be improved again.
3. To seniors should be always accompany when trainees do the
work so avoid the mistakes that may occur.
4. to provide more opportunities for trainees to learn, so that
opportunity can be used optimally
B. Suggestion to Collage
1. Visits some Hotel to On the Job Training.
2. The College should further enhance its cooperation with the
3. The need for the addition of restaurant tools in accordance with
the development of industry in order to further improve the
quality of the students.
4. That the lecturers can provide knowledge and insight into the
growing menus in the industry.
5. The campus should further enhance its cooperation with the
tourism industry both at country and abroad.
6. Improve the theories and practices that exist in the campus so as
to facilitate the students when plunged into the industry.


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