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W. D. GANN TREASURE DISCOVERED — SIMPLE TRADING PLANS FOR STOCKS. & COMMODITIES 7 7 m Bibi | es ae ROBERT KRAUSZ, snscne Cone see it tit BAL IM Anan MULTIPLE aime FRAME APPLICATIONS CHARTED BY THE FIBONACCI TRADER™ COMPUTER proanaw ue etic Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccesstu! people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius 1s almost a proverb. Education alone will nol; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. Calvin Coolidge The previous page is an exact copy of the front co W. D. Gann’s original trading course CHAPTER CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 5 CHAPTER 6 CHAPTER 7 + CHAPTER Table of Contents The Real Story Gann Swing Trading Basics Basic Swing Plan Real Time Rules, Results, Charts 1987 - 1996 Basic Swing Pian For Stocks & Shares Rules, Results, Charts vu Phu na 1 Moat, For U.S. T-Bonds Rules, Results, Charts. i991 - 1996 Basic Swing Plan End of Day U.S. T-Bonds Rules, Results, Charts. ‘Advanced Concepts Multiple Time Frame ‘Swing Charting ‘Swing Direction and Neutral Slope Page t Page 9 Page 27 Page 103, Page 257 Page 331 Page 363, Page 385 Tas book as dedicated 0 my sexfe Weanine “The best tuate Lees rane we Pleat Stony Who was the grestest markel researcher ofall ie? Botore you answer, consider this. Do yau know anyone wha has researched in depth the Following pice ar patos, astrnomy. multiple time fame tolaonships, swing chart trend dotentions. support and wesislance zones based on angles? Have you met any hagers Mat nave swestignted numerology, cen! and modern geometry, mathematical relator ships of numbers, squatng tee and price? Or Westem and Hindy astvology. ‘oytamd taclnology. ad the possible ties to the markets? Do yau know of tins degree of weseareh, and wahout a computer? Such a wader was WD Gann WO Gann was an emgima Much has been witten about Gann’s success. oF lack of Questions sil remain as to how great hs techeiques were, ot how poor Did he make fortunes or lose them? And more importantly, can any of his concepts stand up ia today's fast moving computer ven markets? ‘1d you ke that back nthe 1950's he charged some $5,000 for his courses? Al that lune, that as the price of an average thvee bedroom house in the USA, Today, the equivalent cost would be ove! $50,000, So, back then you had tobe prety serous about wading 1 pay that amount of money And yet, wouldnt thal price be worth i the techniques were genuine? ‘The answer fo this question les wiin each trader's perception of value. Some traders consider $38 95 1 high a a price lor a book describing a Wading technique, To othe, ‘val market Knowiodge is priceless Tue Roan AneKo "will show you what | consider to be valid market knowledge, based on WD. Gann’s ‘tginal work And what do I mean by valid market knowledge? The knowiedge isa set of fixed rules to rade by. You will soe that the rules are vals because they meet a number of quirements: constions that my twenty years of Wading have taught me are important. Beare | eiscuss his plan, though, | want to share with you the story of haw | came into Possession ofthis technical concept of sing trading W 0 Gann has published a number of books. unfortunately, the majonty of the te Gann ote in the manner ofthe ancient mystics; hiding he real meaning bebind the surface ‘planation, Having read his books many times ound his directions to be vague and convoluted, And not just me, others, both his lolowers as wel a his detractors have tned {o explain his concepts in an understandable and usable way Nevertheless, vey few authors have succeeded. And as I sad, is Gans own faut A smal example a he challenge is his overuse of the word “square” squaring hme and pice. the square of rine: the square of 24, and onthe square Fortunately, while his books wore obscure trading courses are mote dtect and staigh fo the post ‘Some tea years ag0, {put oul the word here and in Europe that | was interested purchasing original W.D. Gann matotal, especialy his courses You eannat bebeve the nuts ‘hat fell tothe ground, rom con-men to dreamers All tras les to nowhev wa lew ‘mantis ago when the unierse rewarded my persistence. ight an my doorstep ‘Some of you may know that Joe Rondinone was the last tader taught by Gann belore he passed away tothe “great aging oom i the sky” Yow etn magine my astonishment luhen Flondinone asked me Iwas interested in some o1iginal Gann courses thal he bought trom Gann back 1985 Ronginone expla thatthe courses were typed on WO Cann tetost t n He ‘usual punted founat Also they wore aera ato by Cnr he pain A ve courses were thew orsqnal berdng Aller mich Haag wn eetind nn thn ue of $4 00 yes, you read that eowractly one daar), Mr Rondinane’s motwes were clea. cating tm ya those mine trader and reseaicher wha appreciates Mew rea aun a4 ts the tats aba region Fravkly bas amazed at my good forme and Joe s onernety The pra Harare trove eowsted of five courses and two unieashed pages, dated Apa 8.1955 and helo. Tune Peniods on the Master 7 Day Pevod fr Soybeans” Obwewsly Ihean wow a work n prowess, as Gan passed away soon alter that date ‘One method though. caught my eye Mhwas the Mechanical Method ad Trend Insiator for Tiading Gras" and it shouted to be stucied ist Given my pessonal approact 10 nading tis motiod was gwen printy, and the results oat examsntion are wnt you wi find the folowing chapters Belore we continue the story, 1 aH you to undossta te Importance of having a havkng plan Traoine Puans Alter 20 yeaus of trading. nd wt almost mipossible fo Hae without 9 plan Hint dows not Ihave fred ules Why? Why not ust keep up to date sth al he news, and lade as you se ft? Because. you do not have a set of ixed tues you rn do a ack test Wihout Ack lest how do You kuow i your plan worked 9 He pat? Yost Anow int ast because the plan produces postive esults inthe past, this dos not guarantee success in the future Bul do guarantee that he plan does not produce postive mathematical expectations during the back test then i will never work inthe future Let me ask you Would you consider bulding @ house without an architectural plan? Of course nat! No plan would lead to chaos. The same thing applies to trading, So what constitutes a good Wading plan? A vai raging plan must have some minimum ‘components 19 eam the right 10 be called valid, At the simplest love, a plan must detine + Market drecton (the general direction of the market for example, the overall trend) ‘Tradable rend (Ihe ade direction, in other words; the ammediate swing ) + Support and resistance points (exact zones) ‘Action points (entry-ext pyramid rules ) ‘+Money management techniques, These should include al east: {A} Capialrequited for your plan. 8) Stop and Stop Reversal nies ) Prot protection rules 1) Percentage of eapital per tade (This varies according to the plan } ‘ii a facig plan tials this description, you may be ready to trade. Now, back to my tory of WO 5 mechanical method "Slowly. | worked my way through the well worn pages, making notes as! went along Can you magne my surprise wlven I came to his [pages 11 and 12 (reproduced here on pages § and 6) and saw that Gann had atered some ‘ot his original caleulatons and signed these allerations in his usual purple nk? ‘These alterations were tited in between the paragraphs. Although the original course is ated June 1933. the actual ateravons were handwitten in early 1955. So lean presume {hat Gann thought was important enough te insert and sign i before he sent the course to Mr Rondinone And wha did Gann write? Very simply “Use 2 day chacts and rules better ‘than 3 day, Signed W.D. Gann” Does Mr Gann changing a three day swing dentin toa twa day swing delinton make it Into a weasure? 1 could ony come to @ conclusion by doing a comparative back test on today’s hyper markets using both day charts and intva-day ime periods, and that is exactly wat I! Charing by hand, a back test of the T Bond futures markets proved to me that W. D. Gann's new Two Day Swing Concept provided two pieces of vital formation: Fist, the tuend direction and secand, the pomts af support and resisiance The manner was simp yeti Winy the T:Bond market lor the back test? The 30:yea! T-Bond contiact was chosen fo ths test because this s my main trading vehicle, and my understanding ofthis marke s tytn is such that i the Two Day Swng dd not work weil enough, I woul spl this ikl, and ‘not waste any ime on luther research of ths tol Besides my own working knowledge of ths market, the T'Bond futures contact waded on the CBOT is current he second largest tutes contact in tho would. Just yesterday, a8 \wnte this, the day volume was over 400,000 contacts andthe open inovest was over {500,000 contracts Not only s this a giant market, bu beteve the mos! sophisticated luadls are involved There are hedgers, Bank Haders,senipers, mtorest ae players, alk trading for their own teasons and quannies Therefore. a raging concept s gong 19 work, then ths is Hho place where ! want 10 test fist So, what were the resis? No only di find thn held up mice en the Daly Chat but the intia-day resuts weve also acceptable. Alter satstying myseil on the Daly bars, by hand charting, | knew tho aci es! would be m computen2ng the ene concept “real time,"on a Muiple Tine Frame basis Fortunately, akendy hada real tne computer program, the “Fibanacei Tradex. thal tunchoned wm Muitiple Tene Frame formal, Rea Time or End of Day "Much excellent programming was done inthe Fibonacci Trader lo bring the ene technique to the standard of catty and user tiendliness thal! requved tom a Waders point view. But the toughest pat was silo come. All ol W.D"'s Swing concepts had tobe pulled together and integrated wih my approach to formulate a mecharvcal wading plan that was tradable and potable Those o! you who hhave tried 10 do this wil know exnely what lam ting about The ys not Nhe the oF place for a detailed discussion, bul wee pois must he mentioned 1. Any vale plan of his mechanea! nature must have a ile ptulsophe at basis can be geometie, mathernavel, time ovenind ery combusatinn Hse 2. Curve ttig of over eptinuzing” othe Kiss of Dea tang aes tan 849 Untortunately there are piogiams oul ye Hat encrunage eyeton dase to do st that Robustness 6 the kay wort 2 Must be dynnive enough to change wah he may The concepts and techniques embiodind i hese personat tracing meoxporaing Muligle Tame Frames, Fasona:ceaid Gata Welnues, Always mechiancal alvays hned les, nays wih soon bar Yextng 6 In active fostonoving narbots ond the big profits ote you will bake OTe Majo trading in active perks ta. Jf you foto thesn ra SPACE CHARTS ULES FOR ACTIVE MARKETS AT HIGH LEVELS. ony tines im Matory Went nos to at 44.75 40 43.90 par boned: Thats Wit Love'tovto abr por mabe jar ety anf how to get oat seer tors end bottoms IELIEIaPncvos iti on no fast shat you connot walt for Trond Line Bottone [Sipraten in twney corey nd' comet weit tor dally bottoms. te be broken oF Sauly tape’ te bo! eressna, sspectotty where the tonge In tse per beaned © 20Y, mon a market fa having 9 rapid advance or 9 rapid dectine of thie kind IRould arcp 0 space chart ofS palnte. Ay thie T neon, that during the day, Then" Ureat avetinan ge per tushal from any top: then odvances 3@ per bushel 70m “NP ction, you anouid record tt, then the firat tine that West breaks ender Totton of &secnorey consider shot the trand Rae reversed Cenporeriiy. TAs Joy oni o1 for one day ot for one or two days, but {t le a warning to get out, you shout alse torp a chart of 4¢ novenents if you are watching the topes 1 ts Iaportant to toop the Hourly Algh end! low and also wore the open}ng of the hor ant the elesing of the Row ppply the sone ralot thet you do to your Oot my Moh and iow chart. The iren"Vinn that the porter treats e Trend Line betton on the Hourly chart 2 ore 9 sorter of hours with tops around the sone Levol, oF bottont {or sronrat hours, then whan the norict crotaon 4# ser In nortos raster at ine nortrt that fs moving 4 to se par doy, 16 ADD of thene rutea ae given wow 19 protect your capital ond protect your Been eth eget te atways veo step inns anders. Thea Uy Your omer ee i he Biba al ASS Wow To wane UP a-oay cxanr excerion 10 mut IWDIeATIOnS FoR CHANGE 1H TREND Fale a ~ coosstec mrs 08 sreuiisc sortoes OF s-04r 1OVES ‘ute 38 = sIRSE 3-DAY AEACTION O8 PALLY ‘wo REAL TIME" PLANS AND Two "END OF DAY" PLANS willbe shown ‘The Real Time Plans are: 'A) BASIC PLAN nth 10.year back tet for the 30-Year T-Bonds. '8) PROFESSIONAL PLAN wth a 6-yeat back test forthe 30-Year T-Bonds contact. The "End of Day” Plans are: 1) BASIC PLAN for ve major stocks ~ IBM, EU Lily, Philp Moms, Intel and JP. Morgan Enci with ts own 5-year back test 1B) BASIC PLAN for TBlonds, wath a 5 year back test This gives a total of 46 years of back testing Does ths mean that the plans only work on these commodities and stocks? No. Peshaps you should check into seme others Starting withthe basics we wilwotk up to advanced concepts and techniques. Whilst there ‘reno Advanced Plans included. there is more than enough to get your teeth into, Perhaps in my nex! book I wil cover "Advanced ot Intraday tans. Not only are the rules foreach plan clearly presented, bu the majonty ofthis Book is taken Lupinth the “veal meal, 1e the exact history of each and every back test, rade by trade, Chat by chart ule by rule. have Kept the fu 1 a minimum and for that reason this book ‘snot everyone's cup of tea ‘The sevous student who wil ake the time 1 check through the charts trade by trade wit realize what | am sharing, You can use as “stand alone” or blend it wth your own plan and your tools ‘Many thanks to al the people who made this back possible. Joe Rondinone, a friend, a teacher and a great trader. who provided the orginal Gann courses for this book. My fedior, Thom Harte, a true professional. Linda Long, who labored late into the night with Super humor Carlos Tescano de Almeida, our prog/ammer, whose patience deserves a medal. Thomas Long’ lechrieal Knowledge was of great help. Doug Shannon fr his excellent help back testing. There are many others to whom thanks are due for the kindness they have shown me. Tim Slater of Dow Jones and Co. Jack Schwager, who imerviewed me for New Market Wizards". Jon Lusi and Mike Tedesco of Standard 8 Poors Comstock Lary Jacobs of ‘Traders Worl To all my students on five continents {or their wust and confidence Best wishes and super trading, Robes Krausz, MM BCHE REAL TIME DATA The "Real Time” data throughout this book is provided courtesy of STANDARD & POORS COMSTOCK 1-800-431-5019 \d of Day" data throughout this book is provided y of PINNACLE DATA CORPORATION 460 Trailwood Ct., Webster, NY 14580 Telephone: (716)872-0845 Fax: (716)872-1597 GANN SWING TRADING BASICS Simplicity is often the voice of God. Albert Einstein NEW GANN SWING CHARTISTO ‘SWING TRADING BASICS AND TERMINOLOGY Clear detistions of the fens used for hs echnical approach is required before tho Concept enn be understood and tndng ies apps ‘You wal tt thoughout this book thal 1am fond of definitions: fudging can only cause problems and iosses m the end Every deliton is dusrated by 8 Char. 1. SWING DIRECTION 1) Wihat eausos the swing direction to change? 1b) Wiha causes a pause m the swing direction and the to carey an in the orginal swing dvecton? 2, TREND A} What causes the rend te change? 1) How dans the fend go into Neutral? 3. SUPPORT AND RESISTANCE 2) Detntion of SuppoM and Resistance, 1) How does Support hold or fai? €} How does Resistance hold or ta? 4. SLOPE 2) Whats the Slope? ) Whats the diference between Slope and Trend? All of these definitions ate slistrated in he chars tat flow The explanations nest tothe charts will enable you to be aware ol he concepts oase reshze that inthe beginning we are focusing on ane time period only. the Daily Bars. As we progiess, the ileresing warid of Mulipie Tame Frames will be covered and analyzed, 1. SWING DIRECTION vupswiNG cunt) vueswine cnantin FROM DOWN TO UP The Swing Direction can change to UP ONLY i you get TWO CONSECUTIVE HIGHER HIGHS 97 D Gann alee needed higher ws for ns swgs to change dct But in todays {ast computerized markets, do Hot use that quate L oownswinc. cHanT «2 Downswing cHaRT #2 FROM.UP TO. D0WN The Swing Omtction can change to DOWN ONLY you get TWO CONSECUTIVE Lowen Lows oth Swings ave applicable to any tme pevod A pause’ 1 the Saing is covered nthe Advanced Section (see page 387) 2, TREND, UPTREND CHART Ha Trend change tom DOWN io UP Prices must take out the nearest “Peak” and the Tend was previously Down (Uptiend is shown as a Soli Line) uPTRENO CHART #3 ———>/ CHANGE To UPTREND DOWNTREND CHART Fa “Trend change trom UP to DOWN Prices must take out the nearest Vatey and the Trend was piewonsly UP. Oawevend Is shown as a Dashed Line (The delim of Tre chan tse sae for ay Hone Ptiod being analyzed ) DOWNTREND CHART #4 ——.-|-»\| cHANGE To DOWNTREND 3, SUPPORT AND RESISTANCE ‘SUPPORT chant as Suppo the “Valoy” ofthe previous cently detned Sang Aslong as pices do net penetiate below the "Valey’ port then Suppers holding. Ths Valley” pots actualy the Low of he prewous Swng prices penetrate BELOW the “valay then Suppas may te tang ‘support CHART AS VALLEY RESISTANCE cHaRT #6 Resistance isthe Peak” of the previous clearly delned Swing. As long as prices do not rise above the “Peak” point then Resistance is holding. This “Peak” points actualy the High ofthe previous Swing, prices rise ABOVE the “Peak” point then Resistance may be fang RESISTANCE CHART 46 PEAK —m Resistance 4. SLOPE iif ii fi THE SLOPE Ig THE IMMEDIATE DIRECTION OF THE SWING = CHART #7 The Teend and the Siope can be inthe same or diferent directions - CHARTS #7 & 7A 3 i i : & Poe ‘11s crucial that you understand the ditferenge between TEND avid SLOPE 3 : & i : THE TREND IS DEFINED IN CHARTS. 38 4 TE SLOPE 1S THE WMEDIATE DINECTION OF THE SIG On ce is Obey 2 ie / i i: : \ I unstore . CHART 47 (Shows clearly Teend and Slope) 1) The Trend can be UP and the Slope is also UP. Please look at the Suing © to D [As you can soe, the Trond is UP. (The Trend turned up at point X ~~, that occurred during Swing'A to 8) 2) The Trend can be UP bul the Slope is DOWN. You can see ths on the Down Swing to\E), The marke is sillin an uptrend, but fom point X =~ X,at 790 changes to a Downend when the "Valey’ point Cis passed to the Downside 3) The Trend can be DOWN and the Slope is also DOWN. This occurs on the Downswing F'to:G!_ (The tend tured Down at point E as prices dipped below the “Valley” point (C°. a1 72000) 4) The Trend can be DOWN but the immediate drection ofthe swing. ‘2. the Slope, ean Lek GaRErULLY Ar he DiPrERENCE BETWEEN : 3 ul | be UP as per UPswing Eto F i 3 stirrer ig § z® The knpotance ol he Slope and tne Tend being in tanden :both ine sme decton if witfoevome obvious as we proces ie Remember te Sod Line represents Trend Up andthe Dashed Line represen Tend ie Le Down. Please go to Chart 7A which explores Trend and Swing relabonships futher 18 19 ‘SLOPE VS. TRENO CHART#7A, |As we saw in the prewous chart (#7) you can have nly four reanfnaions| 1 UPTREND AND UPSLOPE iH ® 2 Uptnenp eur boxmnscone 3 DOWNTREND ANY DOWNSLOPE + DOWNTREND BUT UPSLOPE CCombwahions. 1 and 3 ave usilly nce havdng eetas mn stout Hs the Aramco Concepts Seetwon 1 Tvs Ghat 7A shows allt phases bstod alow Plo flow camel 1) UPTREND AND UPSLOPE Clearly shown dung K 10 swing. The Trend si the Shape ane Hoth UP 2) UPTREND BUT DOWNSLOPE You can see ths w twa places Swng L - Ht ra pmtty clea Duwrtapn Now check oul Oto EI stated out as a4 Uptiend BUT a changed tn a Downend WHEN the “Valley pont © was taken out at 109 1 slnan X= KI YAS pr out Tend Change Rie Charis 28 4 which shows Teel change > From that point, automatcaly tuned nto a DOWHTREND AND DOWNSLOPE (You ean S508 the result theve was avery shart aly to Fan then the market colapsed } 3) DOWNTREND AND DOWNSLOPE Swing F 10 G 1s simple. both the Teend and the Slope ve DOW 4) DOWNTREND BUT UPSLOPE G to H isa clear iustrahon of 23 day upswng im a Downend So, here we had an Upslope even though the Tend was Dow Now check out A lo B careully It began as @ Downlrend BUT Upslope and stayed tke ‘hat unl the previous “Peak” at 108 00 was su’passed upwards at X= X. Alsat "moment our trend change tue Kicks i and the Trend CHANGES to UP. So, now we have Upland and Upsiopa Similar stuation accurred at Swing | 1o J The Wend ehanged to UP at X ~~» X 106.05 when the prevous peak a! H as 1aken out tome upside. From ‘nat moment 3 Downtiend BUT. Upsiope changed to an Uptiend AND Upslepe. (Piease note the rests) hy | LEARN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN, [Ago be aware that D and F are Peaks" O isthe High Peak and F drops. t and K ave rising “Vatoy” points alter G Both were pat of a tend change | 2 2 oi 7A (continues) Lelus lock more carefuty at hese two afeas_ is these seups o doppng Peaks and Fising Valleys at often end tend run and the new Wend may begat hese pos aK ean? vauey DROPPING PEAKS PISING VALLEYS Oiopping Peaks D and F Pease follow along D was he highest point ol the up move _Ihterminated there) AS pices took out the previous Valley at C downwards, the Tiend Detextion changed to Downivons Arn Valley point was macle at E as prices made a quack 2 ay vetracement The tmportant pout isto teal that the Wend was itl Down ad cult have ebsnged to Up. ONLY D was supacced upwaids. was instead. he 2 day reltacement stopped nt F and xe pices went tone Hos F famed a LOWER Peak and as prices took out E prawns Valley! they relly ann dn for 1H dayst0 G Pease realize, you can use the ‘mechanical’ Base Pla at: without uilrstaaig the deeper Swing Tradhng concepts that are described Hrnghiowd the book. Bul. know that you wan! fo corporate your own trading too, a knoaladge ol hese was wil mcrense your confidence. Moreover. tese two areas. Dropping Peaks and fusing Valoys may help You To antrpate potential ining pots nthe miavket ashen they occur atthe ed of a Dropping Peaks tke D and F gives you two peces ol uselut formation 1) Anattempted upwaids eoracementn a Downtrand fled. whieh kept the move a Downirend mode 2} As soon as Peak F formed, you can see twas LOWER than Oa NEW resistance point was defined by the market at F Note that D was the High ofthe entee previous up move ‘These two pleces of nlormation al the high ofa move tis us tha has the potential fo develop io a new trend i the opposite direction. Oomn, Inthe Advanced Concept Section we wil se8 how this can be used to “short (se the market wih a cleary defined stop pont that gves us a picture of what aur risk may be for ‘hat specie action 22 ising "Valleys" G1) k This set up tha! happened at the end ol a down move (Downslope ‘F)t0 @))s almost the mirror image of the tap'0° and'F Inits simplest tems, we were in a Downtrend when (G! occurred, A’3 day Upswing caused Peak" HM. The matket etieated to for 1 day only. Please realize tha allo this time. the market was ina Downtiend mode ‘The nest day aller 1°: two things happened that rang the wake-up bel, 1) "Valley" Iwas formed the moment "Peak" /H) was taken out. We knew that we had a Fising Valley set up and we are ready 2) The very next day the trend CHANGED to Uptrend at X ~~~ X and o an Upswing, We fare potential buyers. This exact area wil be examined in the Advanced Concepts Section in deta. 3) Aller J oumed, a 3 day down move provided us with "Valay"/R).. Please note the tow ol this "Valley" point"K checked out the failed "Peak" (Resistance) at (othe tick, by the way) ta make sure tha the failed resistance had become suppor. Which ithad. Note the nice move up, ie. Upttand and Upslope, cant 78 ae tao - | /a simian setup To cHartT A. |" * Srrantiettey | hd/ Meme ™ } ‘ Hn Pea : ne jr lls NTF $ Prices PASSED PEAK” “A Lae PoE, PE mrs eine ae tt ty? vatuer 2 “The rend changed a that poiot. |, LL mut ' = ~ Ss Bet eq BASIC GANN SWING CHARTING TECHNIQUE ‘This isthe frst analytical concep that we wil exame because the techies used ae relatively simple, and will lead uso the BASIC SWING PLAN” Furthotmat ity lay the foundation fo! a deeper understanding of the mavkels and swng Wading techneqrs paricular ‘We can use the detintions just covered, mths ease for 1 time peviod the Daly Bars By ‘vee ofthe fact thal the Tend as wel! as Support and Resistance 1s so cleaily dolined. you ‘Could dovetail your own avonte fools wih these concep The charts show you the techniques laste inn 10,000 words enn Nevertheless. # any of ‘he ports are not clear enough you ean wate to me al Whe adress shawn on the test page ofthis book oF al the ema akstese ven AAs we teler ta each detmtion in greater depth. we ca tu them wo the sample wus that follow for eur analysis By checking the terminology and matching tt the appropiate chart you eas come to some simple conclusion Such as ihe tends UP and the Slope ws 380 UP. then may be mote advisable to Took fo buy rater than to sel Plense note sar lock to buy. =! {be nol say "Buy" To do that we need an Action Pot (tagger) A= well 38 aSlop" or” Stop land Revetse” point We never enter the market without placing “Stop Lass’ m case the trade goes aghinst us This way we protect eur ental by krowing how much we ave risking betore we enter the market In the next fem pages you wil learn one othe simples! fools that | se. The “HiLe Activator, This functions not only a8 an Entry Acton point but also asa Trang Stop and {8a Slop Loss" point. Belore | deta the HiLo Activator. tis important discuss the concept of ‘Energy Termination because t's he termination of energy Thal sets up the Peaks an Valleys shown in Chans 7 and 7A_ And tvs those Peaks id Valls that delere the change m1 the ‘Trend as well as delining Suppor and Resisiance "tend to look atthe movement of prices and he changes Mereto a5 “vibrations The vibration of paces can be caled energy ‘Thevelore prices reactva High and then pinceed ‘downwards, which can caly happen whes the Buying Energy reached a Peak and tion d “Terminated We the buying ceased) Thus can be caled 9 lemvsaten of euegy Me ‘bration stopped. At iat glance tis may appear tiaoretcal and. Na practical valve, Bul {tis this concept that wal eventually get up the tending of Mutipe Tue Penods wit the Ccontines of Suppor’Resisiance af own and the Higher ime pends swings Quoting WB. Gann rom many years ag9 "Alter years ol palient study I ave prover fo my ene satistachea as weil ae demonctrated to others that vibration explains every possibie phase and comsnon of the market $0, wo find atthe extremes of moves (top or botlom) thal vibrations are at their maximum within the confines of the pice swings we are analyzing, especialy the "ime frame" we are trading. I's the extremes of the higher time periods that deine the op or botlom of the ‘ajor tend, This wil be discussed inthe "Advanced Cancepts” section. Lot us now look atthe Trigger we use for the Basie Swing Plan. HiLo ACTIVATOR, 4 Hr jae Hilo ACTIVATOR ‘hie spite too! wit act as ur Entey Tagger as woitas a Tian Stow You ran ne sm the Pues that fotow lo the Basie Sang Plan Ineniy. this is 2 simple moving average ofthe Hae aid hs Lowes bt pleted av unusual manner For this weator wo aid te ast tee pours Mats (or Lows and ‘dyide the sum by three The must nchide ie fatest bar The eos then pte an such fa vay that. or Real Tene action, we have a honronal Live he io aiige For End of Day 's plotted one potiod torward, go that you have a honzontat pre pon to ac wih tomorrow Please see illstiahns 09 previous page [As aside note, of course 1am aware hat win S minus of Ys book beng published, al fof the vultures out there wil copy ese ideas m9 thew peogram Especial the ‘gentlemen who have never tried ther ves. So. what ey Ho about thal? # quote Rldyand Kiphing. the Biiah poet rom the 2th entry ‘And thoy asked me how Ido ad ignve them the Scrpture tox! You keep your hgh so shnng 3 Wile rant 0 ene ‘They copied al they could oto, bur they could nt copy my mind Ard let ‘em sweating and steaing ‘8 year and a halt behind All ofthe rules ilystate forthe Basic Swing Plan and ihe charts that follow show clearly the eflect ofthe "HiLa Activator” Once a ‘Buy’ set up is activated, the HiLo Sell Slop follows the rising market plated below the ssing bars, anda “Solr setup i exncly the opposite ‘This step formations visualy easy to flow and once you get used tit then you know the rmatke! 8 up unt you get a "Close" below the HL Activator Sel Stop, the Buy Stop wil then appear Of course, you can do this by hand. ds easy a8 | dit for years The ‘simply of ray deceive you to believe that d may be ole valve. Check it out fst before you make thal judgement. At hs stage, we are taking only about the Daly HiLo [ctwator on the Dally bars This leads us ino the Basie Swng Plan Please remember, is based on WD Gann's Cconcepls, forthe 30 Year T-Bonds The 10 years results and tade by rade charts follow the ilustated (Wes, 26 NEW GANN SWING CHARTIST© BASIC SWING PLAN “REAL TIME" FOR US. T-BONDS 1987 - 1996 All roads lead to Rome, but some are shorter than others. COPYRIGHT ROBERT KRAUSZ. MHL ACHE INFORMATION FOR BASIC PLAN "REAL TIME: 1 Tihs plan tages cnty wit the ton The fO'yent back mst wth chats es and sess av the entre pend Ho deduchon has ben made for commssion Deut what sus yon All rules ate clearly dened Please read the Disclamer al the lon ofthe book Ta gel the mot! tem the plan for Fonds, shily the rls ane wok yous way Hough Ie tades carellly Check it out Can you change ese rules? Cian you dovelal your ov was? 1k yous ow the answer, But nol wathout ng yout awn ack ark 8 Eact year we start wal a capa! of $30 009 9 act New Trades 3 contracts 1. Theve iso pyar wth ths plan SUGGESTED MINI-CHECKLIST FOR BASIC PLAN Aer you have aorta any los ter ts pana wovkor your way Hough the resus day by eay tae by tense you min wad ty eneades “ota ua Oy Chock Example Direction of TEND up, a) pow | Postion ot Ho Actwator ABOVE = 4 RELOW Price Point of prewows VALLEY Phice Point of previous PEAK Pace Point of 28% Retracement ‘Ais, have a place forthe Dale and the Nurser ol Contacts. As tere are basicaly any thee rules and two quaiers. a personalized checklst shoud be easy to prepare The importance ofthis to establish your own frame of elerance and set up a diy tourine Your planning should be done belore and not when you enter he vade. I suggest ‘at you we down the actual trade and ead tha 0 your broker Less mistakes willbe ade if you allow this plan ROUTINE FOR CHECKING RESULTS AND BACKTEST The Backtest resus ate divided ito separate columns fiom Let to Right THADE #1. This shows the ade number that matches the eled ade number on the ‘actual chats. It you see PP. it means that a Prot Protection rule was Pit DATE: Date of the Trade US: Long or Short PRICE: The price at which he radewas extected CTA. The numberof contracts ULE: Thisis the Rule Number used to take action PROFIT. Shown in ticks (1 ok = $31 25) LOSS: Shown in icks (1 ek = $3125), AGU: Accumulated lass or pratt MQ_PROELT (LOSS) Monthy Prot Loss) AICEQUITY Total money the kading account 28 - RULES - EE LONG ENTRY (BUYING) ‘QUALIFIERS (SET UP) Gann Swing Chart must sow an Uptend (Sokd Lin). 2 avast close above H#L0 Achalor Buy Stop by 2 eke ENTRY RULES (ACTION POINTS) Use the neh tt, RULE 1 Puy whenbar closes above Lo Actor “Buy Slog" ine by 2 tks pregram deta). RULE? —thuy when Gann Sing Chat changos tom Downtend (Dashed Line) fo Uptond (Sold Lune) Must have Hite Actvator “Se Slop” below the ba ULE 3. uy abn nearest Peak’ passed upwards by 2 Woks. You mus also have HiLo Stop" belom the bor SHORT ENTRY (SELLING) ‘QUALIFIERS (SET UP) Gann Swing Chart mus show 2 Downie (Dashed Line) 2 Bar must ose below HiLoActvater- Sel! Stop by 2 teks ENTRY RULES |ACTION POINTS) Use the one tse ULE 1 Sellwhen bar closes below Hie Activator “Sel Stop" in by 2 teks (program dela) ULE 2. Sellwhen Gana Swing Chat changes om Uptend(Sald Line) 9 Downtend (Dashed Line), You must have the Hilo Activator ine Buy Stop" above the bat ULES. Sellwhen he nearest "Valley" is passed downwards by 2 teks. You must aso have the Lo Actuator “uy Slop ne above heb PROFIT PROTECTION RULES (lor Longs or Shots) 1 Take prot on al cont in pice closes aboverbelow Ho Activator 2 aa%sretracement ule. Take profs onal contracts on any 28% relracoment o the curent Gann Swing. Da nat wait forthe ‘close”. Must be past he HLo Activator before using this 3% cahace ne, SEE ILLUSTRATED RULES 29 ETRE ALES WITH HE TREN ENTRY RULES TA THE TREND Trend.Taing fle Lona En (un) vermeno surnuens vermeno tom Sop Barth ise bow the ‘een Wading le Shor Ey (DOWNTREND SELL RULE #1 DOWNTREND ie Ne 1 L Seton 8A roing The Gm Sug Cat shows 3 DOM REN (Dashed Line). The SELL Signal eceus an Bar A wlien pices ‘cose’ below the HiLo ‘Actator- Shor Stop N \ Z \ } fue Wirt Bar A Closes below the Hite Aetvaorin an up, wend 30 ENTRY RULES VIA TREND CHANGE ENTRY RULES VIA TREND CHANGE ‘TREND CHANGE BUY RULE #2 Long Entry (Buy) RULE? Buy on Bar A when prices surpass previous Peak? Providing =~ The Hito Activator Sell Slop is below the bars. (The Fibonacci Tiador® program changes om Dashed to Sold ine as the vend changes tom Down o Up ) It using Real Teme data the change occurs nstanty TRENO CHANGE SELL RULE #2 Sellen Bar A when prices drop below previous “Valley Prove The Heo Actwator Buy Stop is above he bars. (The Fibonaces Trader progiam shows this, change of end. i using Real Te Data, mstanly) vaLLey _J Short Entry (Sell) RULE? 22 3a ENTRY RULES IN DIRECTION OF TREND VIA PREVIOUS PEAK OR VALLEY ENTRY RULES IN DIRECTION OF TREND VIA PREVIOUS PEAK OR VALLEY UPTREND : VIA PREVIOUS PEAK. BUY RULE #3 ‘The Trends UP (Swing Line Solid) You ean buy. wlien pnces suipass the previous Peak™ Providing ----~ The Hio Achwator Sell Stop ss below the bars. Acton is taken Intraday Buy signat occurs on Bar B (use 2 tks for T Bonds) Long Entry (Buy) RULES HiLo Activator Sell Stop DOWNTREND = - -—_“VIAPREVIOUS VALLEY SELL RULE 13 \ lese\eN. The Trend is DOWN (Swing Lines Dashed) You enn sel when paces dhop betow \ {he previous “Valley” Providing. The HiLo Acta Buy Stops above the bats Action is taken tvaday Sell signal aceurs on Far B (use 2 wks tor T Bows) vaLvey 3 35 PROFIT PROTECTION RULES (PP) PROFIT PROTECTION IF LONG RULE NT N prices “close” below the Milo Acta Sel! Stop then cla out all Long postions Ths happens on Bat A PROFITLPROTECTION RULES PP) Profit Protection Rule #1 IF LONG. J tito activator J — seirstop contracts PROFIT PROTECTION WF SHORT RULE # i prices "close" Above the HiLe Activator Buy Stop then close out all Short postions ‘This happens on Bar A Protit Protection Rule #1 ie SHORT — Buy stop ae Meteor Take Profits on al contacts » PROFIT PROTECTION RULES. (rr) PROFIT PROTECTION RULES (PP) Profit Protection Rule #2 PROFIT PROTECTION (LONG RULE #2 Retracement Rule Hi pnens Rotrace 28% of Ung A» @ thew close ut all esising postions = C Pace must be past Hilo Actwator Sol Stop by 2Weks Ob Hot wat for the close SEE GENERAL NOTES BEFORE USING THIS RULE inane 2A) iFLowe ® 38° Retracement oa B. ‘Must be below} Hilo Activator Hito Activator Sen Stop Profit Protection Rule #2 PROFIT PROTECTION IF SHORT RULE #2 38% Retracement Rule Ni prices Retrace 38% of Downswing A ~'8 then clase out all shot positions = C Price must be past HiLo Actvator Buy Stop by 2 ticks. Do not wal forthe ‘close SEE GENERAL NOTES BEFORE USING THIS RULE Bar \ 13 \ ; 17 - Toes if N | — Retracement a 4 \ ‘Must be above| | ¢ / \ 1 38 Fy us Bonde 201 ] | oniemoeanas : leis lal | fs lel al fa fal (ol ll is Jal ll lel el fe Taste TuDNO PLAN | We vabavagcaesaene rea a 8 ae a 5) 8 3) 8 Bl a ag T TTT i BT |) i || | IR TiK aaag Ea ag Ta Ri] | | | \]] Retnetbene es | cea E | TTT] Iran. Trades oom HL iia + 1 BR REAR Eee Ree ewe : A yee [tnngeet Coneecative Srmrdown 6) 252% | Lanet Conoceutve Drtrdown (96241 25) | | Fone 7 Be THTTT F sous: i | | E E 7 inks ie na BF 0 “ : 1988 UST- Bonds Now Gann Swing Chartiste BASIC TRADING PLAN Begining Easy EDGES [roar wat Prom ross Prot (sr9.31250) Tota Wo, Tred 0% Ne. Winning Trades 11_| no. Losing Trade ct [argon Wnaing Tae ‘OREBTS Cagost Losing Teds PHOT Javerage Winning Trade $3,127.86 | Average Losing Trade (51,788.08) Ratio Average WinvLoxe 178 | Average Trade $508.08 Iuax. Consecutive Winners 3 | stax Consecutve Losses 3 Largest Consecutive Drawdown('s) 16.13% | Largest Consecutiv Drawdown (6.02500) [Return on Actount or [Proti/Orawdown Ratio 175 8 «9 ‘m5 | aoms [SA Tard owaYa FBG SHINO BUNS WED HON ‘ses 60 st wwnsow | (eso agoNa caval [ares wae, eee ae [aera REE, Caos) Seis ot cor Suave Td ONL FeV OILS SUING UND MEN ‘008-180 aT, sales | | fe lela eRe Tr oWIVaL o16va ERI Bulg WORD MOH ‘spv08-1 80, s7 1000 UST. Bonde Naw Gann Swing Chartat® "BASIC TRADING PLAN jonlna Eau SRI] Eraing Ey TOIT rot Net promt $20.15825 | Average Teka loross Prone 53637500 | Grove Lone 1921075] ota No, Trades 23 | Pecantage Protabie ‘soe Ne. Winning Trades 9 | no tosing Trades ie reat Wialng Wade ‘STTSIETE] Carpest Loni Wade Tea] vorage Wining Trade ‘4.04187 | Average Losing Trade (si.s3.48) la ‘340. | Average Tree $87698. War. Consecstve Winners 3) | Max, Consacsive Lesson 3 Largest Consecutive Drawdown s) 10.81% | Largest Consecutive Drawdown (87.75.00) (Rear on Aceoart oe [Protbeawdown Ratio 258 Notes: ‘tl account se: $30,000 {atines 59 Teserisaa on wry a sea | ws a Fear [ei OTE “a [eer [waerve-| — en zie | wa waa} Fwapeeer zee aE a a we [Harare wa} [Costes] ——— oa + Fea fee | Pega unos av | “(eso WioNaoN | whoo (@ pe pom BOTETS (s22,:250) me ea] 207138) $000.82 ee Drawdown $0843.75) TOE = ae Ta | Tar ee 7a aa ra “unos ay | Tesora ORT woo SST (ape pees 3 i i | 1 ast / ee 1992 UST. Bonds New Gann Suing Chatto ‘BASIC TRADING PLAN. atng Eau THAT rota et Peat, |oroas Prom $24,107 50 | Grose Loss (610,406 25] JTotat No, Trades a |p rotable om IN wing Traces. | Nestostng Trades cf (crgeer Winning ade ‘SORES Cangest Cong Teds [average Winning Trade '2,60750 | Average Louing Trade JRao Average WivLons 4194 | Average Trade vax, Consecutive Winners 3° | Max Consecutive Losses 4 [tgest Goneecutve Drawdown is) 19.06% | Lrget Consecutive Drawsown _($5.54275) arn on Recount Te [protvorawdown Ratio 089 NorES: ‘Tin Ac Sie = $30,000, [rear [oszareer cra eae —— or oo — ore 00 068 T “umes 9¥_| TesoTTuORs GR | mAgN ESET | TONE asa spe ome ust. onde [Beginning Eaany ro aon | Eng Egat a 007] erage Teka. it $23 30000 | a rose $51,650.25 (s23,15825) ota No. Trades 20 | Percentage Prottable os [es Winning Trades | notConing Trade a" [Gagest Winning Trade ETEEETES] Cargo tng Wade BIBT Javerage vinaing Trade $5868 | ataeLaig Tae {32,105 15) Ratio Average Wieone 209 $1425.00 Max: Consecutive Winners 2. | ttn Sonecctve Losses ‘ Largest coneecutive Drawdown) 2308 | Largest Consecutive Oremdown _ ($3,562 50) [Reta on Racoon =r lprotuDeawown 208 ao] [“areoroar 14 Ban | ‘iy, : pee Bk: 1, ' | ; [246 : : v a2 008 [NEW GANN SWAG CHARTIST © ‘DALY PLAN BOGS nag Ea 3031250 39750000 | oross Lore ola No Trades ‘3 | Percentage Profitable winning Trades 2t__| NoNCoang Faden TSITS | target Casing Tae ara ‘ustse3 | Averoge Losing Trade fare, ‘200, | Average Trade Suare3e 3. | han Consecatve Lenses « 00% | Largest Consecutive rewdown (5.18528) Nores: ‘Vota Av size» #30000 2} Pyramids ony fel poston lerorivorawdown Ratio 5238 313 i ESOTINOUT OR. mar a7 16

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