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berhan bank in Jinka branch)









JUNE 2021

The study is focus on the assessment of employee’s motivation practice in case of Berhan
Bank in Jinka branch. The relevant data for this study collected from primary and secondary
sources. The primary data would be collected through questionnaire and interview and
secondary data would be collected through reading different text books and written
material about the organization. The researchers used census method to collected data
because the numbers of employee are few (21). It would be Analyzed and presented by
using percentage and tabulation. The researchers would be collected primary data by
distributing both open and close ended question to the respondents. Finally researchers
‘recommend in order to adjusting the problem by better motivational practice

የሠሙነ ሕማማት የምህላ ጸሎት ስርዓት

ለከ ኃይል ክብር ወስብሐት ወእዘዝ እስከ ለዓለም

አማኑኤል አምላኪየ ለከ ኃይል ክብር ወስብሐት ወእዘዝ እስከ ለዓለም

ኦ እግዚእየ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ለከ ኃይል ክብር ወስብሐት ወእዘዝ እስከ ለዓለም

ኃይልየ ወፀወንየ እስመ ኮንከኒ ረዳእየ እብል በአኰቴት

አቡነ ዘበሰማያት.......

ለአምላክ ይደሉ ክብር ወስብሐት ወእዘዝ እስከ ለዓለም

ለሥሉስ ይደሉ ክብር ወስብሐት ወእዘዝ እስከ ለዓለም

ለማሕየዊ " " " " " "

ለመንግሥቱ " " " " " "

ለዕበዩ " " " " " "

ለእዘዙ " " " " " "

ለስልጣኑ " " " " " "

ለምኲናኑ " " " " " "

ለኢየሱስ " " " " " "

ለክርስቶስ " " " " " "

ለሕማሙ " " " " " "

(በዓርብ ) ለመስቀሉ " " " " " "

ለከ ይደሉ ኃይል ወለከ ይደሉ አኰቴት ኦ እግዚእየ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ለዓለም ዓለም።

ኪርያ ላይሶን ኪርያ ላይሶን ኪርያ ላይሶን ኪርያ ላይሶን ኪርያ ላይሶን 5 ጊዜ በቀኝ 5 ጊዜ በግራ ብለው

ኪርያ ላይሶን ኪርያ ላይሶን እብኖዲ ናይን ኪርያ ላይሶን።

ኪርያ ላይሶን ኪርያ ላይሶን

ታኦስ ናይን ኪርያ ላይሶን።

" " " "ማስያስ ናይን " "።

" " " " ኢየሱስ " " "

" " " " ክርስቶስ " " "

" " " " አማኑኤል " " "

" " " " ትስቡጣ " " "

ቀጥለው ግራና ቀኙን እያስተዛዘሉ ማለት

ቀኝ ኪርያ ላይሶን ኪርያ ላይሶን እብኖዲ ናይን ኪርያ ላይሶን

ግራ " " " " ታኦስ ናይን " "

ቀኝ " " " " ማስያስ " " "

ግራ " " " "ኢየሱስ " " "

ቀኝ " " " " ክርስቶስ " " "

ግራ " " " "አማኑኤል " " "

ቀኝ " " " " ትስቡጣ " " "

ከዚህ በኋላ በህብረት 41 ጊዜ ኪርያ ላይሶን።

BA: Bachelor of Art

MBA: Master of Business Administration

1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................1
1.1. Back ground of the study............................................................................................1
1.2 Back ground of the study.............................................................................................1
1.3 Statement of problem..................................................................................................2
1.4 Research Questions......................................................................................................3
1.5 objective of study.......................................................................................................3
1 .6 Significance of the study.............................................................................................3
1.7. Scope of the study.......................................................................................................4
1.8. Limitation of the study................................................................................................4
1.9. organization of the paper...........................................................................................4
2. RELATED LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................................................5
2.1. Definition of Motivation..............................................................................................5
2.2. Types of motivation.....................................................................................................5
2.3 How to motivate employees......................................................................................5
2.4 Challenges of motivation............................................................................................6
2.5 Importance of motivation..........................................................................................6
2.6 Source of motivation....................................................................................................6
2.7 Theories of motivation.................................................................................................7
2.8 Consequence of job dissatisfaction Job dissatisfaction..........................................10
2.9 Employees motivation techniques...........................................................................10
2.10. Empirical Evidence and conceptual framework......................................................11
3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY........................................................................................13
3.1 Study Area................................................................................................................13
3.2 Research design........................................................................................................13
3.3 Population of the study and sampling techniques...................................................13

3.4. Source and methods of data collection....................................................................13
3.5. Methods of data analysis..........................................................................................13
3.6. Ethical Consideration and validity.............................................................................13
4. BUDGET AND WORK PLAN............................................................................................14
4.1. Work Plan..................................................................................................................14
4.2. Budget Break Down...................................................................................................15



1.1. Back ground of the study

Berhan Bank S.C was formed in accordance with article 304 of the commercial
code of Ethiopia with the objective of operating in the banking industry. The
bank was registered and licensed by the national bank of Ethiopia on 27th
June, 2009 with an authorized capital of birr 300 million and subscribed capital
of 154.7 million. Berhan bank was inaugurated and launched its operation on
October 3, 2009, opening its first branch in bole Addis Ababa. Apart From
Operational achievement we initiated the establishment of Berhan Insurance
Company. Know a day Berhan Bank is one of the profitable and customer
oriented Bank in Ethiopia

1.2 Back ground of the study

The success of any business depends largely on the motivation of employees. Human
resources are essential to prosperity, productivity and performance of any company.
Motivation is the creating an environment where the optimal performance is possible.
Employee motivation defined as the psychological forces which are responsible for the
behavior of employees in an organization various factors which may be internal or external
stimulates the desire and enthusiasm in people and makes them committed and interested
in attain a particular goals. The managers’ main role is to balance the various activities of the
organization. Among these the most important activity is getting work done through others.
Every human being has skill and desires (Lufthansa, 2011). People play an important role in
the functioning of organization, but it will-known fact that they participate in the
organization when they are going to gain something out of them. Rewarding employees
properly play an important role by reducing turnover of worker, which has a negative

impact on organizational effectiveness or keeping it at manageable level (Philips, 2007). A
motivated employee has his/her goals aligned with those of the organization and directs
his/her efforts in that direction (Kalimullah, 2010).

1.3 Statement of problem

Motivation is crucial for organizations to function; without motivation employees will not
put up their best and the company’s performance would be less efficient (Halepota,
2005).Motivating employees requires a profound understanding of individual differences,
human nature and perceptions (Armstrong, 2010). Understanding exactly what motivation is
will help managers decide what actions to take to motivate their employees. Most
employers today would like to have their employees motivated, but do not understand
what truly motivates them. In order to overcome these challenges, companies should create
a strong and positive relationship with its employees and direct them towards task
fulfillment. If the employees are not satisfied with their jobs and not motivated to fulfill
their tasks and achieve their goals, the organization cannot attain success. The organization
report (2008) state that, there are problems that faces in the organization due to employee
motivational practice. Those stated problems are implementation of appropriate
motivational strategies and techniques are very much neglected. This lack of motivational
strategies and techniques may lead to a higher level of turnover rate, absenteeism, and job
dissatisfaction, which are all directly related to productivity of employees (employee
performance). And when employees are not productive and not using their full potential, it
will highly affect the profitability of the organization.

This the stated problem is in the nearest year and before that are the performances is
evaluated by the organization. So the importance is to see the problem and how to solve
the problem in order to achieve the organization objectives. Accordingly the need to know
the motivational practice is not only today`s major issue for Berhan Bank In Jinka branch,
but also the main concern agenda in any other organizations. Many researchers such as,
(John Jurgle (2005), Boamah Richard (2014), Lemessa Duffera(2012), Mahlet (2012) ,Abinet
(2015) and Tamene (2015), conducted their study on the assessment of employees
motivation by focusing on ethiotelecom, public health organization, municipal. Due to this

gap the researchers would be conduct their study on the assessment of employees
motivation practice in private bank, specifically on Berhan Bank share Company Jinka
branch, and also all the above researchers were used different types of sampling techniques
based on their available data but, the current researcher would be used census method.
There is also a time gap and technological change regarding to motivation practice. But the
problem is not solved still now, so to find the solution for the above problems, the
researcher interested to conduct the selected title to solve the problem related with the
practice of motivation in order to achieve the goal of the organization.

1.4 Research Questions

1 .Do the organization has motivational practice?

2. What methods do the organizations use to motivate its employee?

3. What is the attitude of employee towards the existing motivational techniques?

4. What is the problem related to motivation in the organization?

1.5 objective of study

1.5.1 General objective

The general objective of the study will be to assess the employee motivation practice in
Berhan Bank in Jinka Branch

1.5.2. Specifics objective

 To examine whether there is motivational practice for the employees.

 To identify the methods used to motivate employees in the organization.
 To evaluate the employees attitude towards the existing motivational practice.
 To identify the problem related to motivation in the organization.

1 .6 Significance of the study

The study will be expected to provide the following significance:-

 The study will be creating the organization to know their strength and weakness and then to
follow the way to motivate and increase their productivity in easy way.

 The study will be creating awareness to minimize the problem related to employee
motivation in the organization.
 The study will creating the organization get feedback from its employees.
 The study will be important for other researchers in the future in such area as a reference.
 It helps to gain the partial fulfillment of BA degree in management.
 The study can help the researcher to develop his experience or knowledge.

1.7. Scope of the study

 The scope of the study will be limited to geographically, conceptually and capacity of the
researcher knowledge. The study will be conceptually focused on the assessment of
employee’s motivation practice at Berhan Bank in Jinka Branch. The study not cover large
areas because of different constraint limiting it and the study will geographically limited in
jinka town. The study wil be conducted in 2013 E.C

1.8. Limitation of the study

This study has some limitations, Unwillingness of respondents to fill the questionnaire,
Shortage of different access which are necessary for the researcher like written document
and computer, Lack of financial and shortage of time.

1.9. Organization of the paper

The paper divided in to four chapters. The first chapter contained the introduction that
contained background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study,
significance of the study and scope and limitation of the study. The second chapter contains
related review of literature. The third chapter contains detail about the methodologies of
the study. The Fourth chapter contains budget and work plan of the study.



2.1. Definition of Motivation

Motivation is willingness to exert high level of effort toward organization goals, conditions
by the effort and ability to satisfy some individual needs. Motivation is exercise to achieve
goals of employees and the organization. Employees are interest in satisfaction and the
organization aim at achievement of the organization goals. Motivation for achieving
organization goals, tries to provide maximum satisfaction to employee by fulfill their desires,
needs, and wishes (Robin, 2001).

2.2. Types of motivation

They are two types of motivation intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Extrinsic motivation is tangible and visible to other. They are distributes by other people. In
the workplace, extrinsic motivators include pay, benefit, and promotion. Extrinsic
motivation is necessary to attract people in to the organization and to keep them on the job.
They are also often used to inspire workers to achieve at higher levels or to reach new goals,
as additional payoff is contingent on improved performance. Those do not however, explain
every motivate effort made by an individual employee.

Intrinsic motivation is internal generated. In other words, they are motivators that the
person associated with the task or job it. Intrinsic reward include feeling of responsibility,
achievement, accomplishment, that something will learned from an experience feeling of
being challenge or competitive, or that something will an engaging task or goal (Lutherans,

2.3 How to motivate employees
The successful managers have to know how to motivate their employee. Even though
everyone is motivate by different needs. Most people tell that two of important issues they
look for the company are mutual respect and personal involvement. Employees are be
aware of moral level of your organization, involve in decision making. Outline job
responsibilities (Rolleston, 2001).

2.4 Challenges of motivation

Motivation in practice and theory are difficult issues conducting on several disciplines. In
spite of research basic as well as applied, the subject of motivation not clearly understood
more often than not poorly practice. People in the organization come from different places
with respect to attitude toward job peers subordinate organizational rules and procedures.
As a result of these manger or organization encounters a big problem of having different
outlook and at same goals and objective achieve by integrate and coordinate people
(keener, 2009).

2.5 Importance of motivation

Motivation is important because of its determinant factors on performance and its
intangible character. The performance of individual’s is determined by motivation the desire
to do the job, ability the capability to do the job the work environment the goals, material
and information. Motivation begins with needs as deficiency .motivated employee are a
tower of the company and they will binges dramatically change in every activities of their
performances and they more productive to be effective manager needs to understand what
motivates employees within the context of they perform. Most managers understand that a
motivated workforce is critical for the performance of their departments. However, judging
by recent research very few companies currently have an employee population that feels
great about their jobs and driven to achieve results for their employees (Knick & Williams,

2.6 Source of motivation

Positive motivation involves proper recognition of employee effort and appreciation of
employee contribution towards organization goals achievement. Some of these are

delegation of authority and responsibility to subordinates participation in decision making.
Negative motivation is based up on use of forces, Power and treats. The fear of punishment
or unfavorable consequence affects the behavior change extrinsic motivation. Is induced by
external factors which are primarily financial in nature, intrinsic motivation its stems from
feeling achievement and accomplishment and is concerned with state of self-actualization in
which the satisfaction of accomplishment some things worthwhile motivate the employee.
It’s self-generated and independent of financial reward like recognition, responsibility
esteem needs. (www. Leadership-

2.7 Theories of motivation.

2.7.1 Maslow theory Maslow theory

Is a hierarchy need theory which is popular theories of motivation and its man is not always
satisfied with on hand. He is always in need of some things which he does not have. Human
needs are unlimited, that is if one need is satisfied the other needs will be activate and the
process continuous in definitely. The physiological needs, involves a need for basic things
like food, water, shelter, sex, and other bodily needs. Safety needs are activities. Safety
needs include protection from physical, economic disaster and emotional harm. Social need
is need for affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship. Esteem need include self-
respect, autonomy, and achievement. Self-actualization drives to become what we are
capable of becoming incoming growth achieving our potential and self-fulfillment (Judge,

2.7.3 McGregor’s X and Y Theories

McGregor’s (1960) Theory X and Y models categorize employees as belonging to one of two
groups based on two sets of assumptions. Theory X assumptions take a negative perspective
of people: people can have “an inherent dislike for work and avoid it if possible; because of
this, they must be coerced, controlled directed and threatened with punishment to make

them work .they prefer to be directed, avoid responsibility, have little ambition, and want
security”(said et al. 2012,p.138) .Theory of Y assumptions take the opposite view: the
mental and physical inputs expended at the workplace are equated and par with those rest
or pay. External factor or any threats from outside may not be the sole influence for
exerting effort. Workers or people can exercise caution and discipline to have objectives
achieved, but the hunger in their to commit to objectives is dependent on how big are the
rewards as assigned to that kind of achievement. Under normal circumstances, people can
adapt to seek responsibility and not only accept it (said et al, 2012, p.1357).

2.7.3 McClelland’s theory

McClelland has proposed a theory of motivation that is closely associated with learning
concepts. He believes that many needs are acquired from the culture. Three of these
learned needs are the need for achievement, the need for affiliation, and the need for
power. Achievement motivation is drive some people have to overcome challenges and
obstacle in the pursuit of goal. And individual with drive wish to develop and grow up the
leader of success

Characteristics of achievement oriented. Employees are work harder when they perceives
that they will receive personal credit for their efforts when there is only moderate risk of
failure and when they receive specific feedback about past performance. Affiliation
motivation is drive to related people on social basic. Affiliation oriented people work better
when they are complimented for their favorable attitudes and cooperation. They receive
inner satisfaction from being with friends and they want the job freedom to develop those
relation. Need for power are one of the power motivation is drive to influence people and
change situation. Power motivated people with to create an impact on their organization
and willing to taking risks to do so once this power is obtained it may be uses their
constructively or destructively( Buchanan and Huczynski, 2004).

2.7.4 Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory

in 1959 Herzberg, Mainer and Snyder man processed a research concerning motivation to
work. They chose similar companies situated in Pittsburgh Industry area. They interviewed
approximately 200 engineers and accountants working for those companies. The theory

developed from this research concerns hygiene factors, which are necessary for the
employee to experience but do not motivate them to work. The explanation for hygiene
factors could be a person’s relationship with the environment in which one operates.
Herzberg argues that intrinsic job factors are motivating, whereas extrinsic factors only
placate employees. In this theory, there are two group factors. The first one is motivating
factors or satisfaction and the second one is hygiene factors or dissatisfaction. According to
Herzberg, the workers get motivated when they are responsible for their work. People are
satisfied at their work by factors related to content of that work. Those factors are called
intrinsic motivators and contain achievement, recognition, interesting work, responsibility,
advancement and growth. Factors that make people unhappy with their work are called
dissatisfies, or hygiene factors. Herzberg found following dissatisfies, company policy,
supervision, working conditions, interpersonal relationships, salary, status, security. What
makes them different from motivators is the fact that they are not related to the content of
the work but to the context of the job (Herzberg, 1974). He also proposed that managers
can give their employees more authority to their job and offer them direct and individual
feedback in order to motivate and help employees to connect to their work (Wirralmet,
2007). Furthermore, Herzberg also recommended that the job should have sufficient
challenges to

Utilize the full ability of the employee. If the job is not sufficiently challenging enough and
not used for an employee’s full abilities, the company should replace the employee with the
one who has a lower level of skill to do the job (Shah and Shah, 2007). Figure 2.1 Herzberg’s
Motivator-Hygiene Theory

HH Factor Motivator Factor
Pay Job Dissatisfaction Job Satisfaction
Meaningful Work
Status Challenging Work
Security Recognition for Accomplishment
Working Condition Feeling of Achievement
Fringe Benefits Increased Responsibility
Policies and Admin Practice Opportunities for Growth
Interpersonal Relationships
2.7.6 Goal setting Theory

2.7.5 Goal setting Theory

In the late 1960s, Edwin Locke proposed that intention to work toward a goal is a major
source of motivation. That is goals tell an employee what needs to be done and how much
effort will need to be expended. The evidence strongly supports the value of goals. More to
the point we can say that specific goals increase performance, that difficult goals, when
accepted, result in higher performance than do easy goals, and that feedback leads to
higher performance than does no feedback. People do better when they get feedback on
how well they are progressing toward their goals, because feedback helps to identify
discrepancies between what they have done and what they want to do that is feedback acts
to guide behavior. But all feedback is not equally potent. Self-generated feedback with
which employees are able to monitor their own progress has been shown to be powerful
motivator than externally generated feedback. If employees can participate in setting of
own goals, will they try harder? The evidence is mixed. In some cases, participate set goals
yielded superior performance, in others, individuals performed best when assigned goals by
their boss. But a major advantage of participation may be that it increase acceptance of the
goals as a desirable one toward which to work. Goal setting theory assumes an individual is
committed to the goal and is determined not to lower or abandon it. In terms of behavior,
the individual believes he or she can achieve the goal and wants to achieve it. Goal
commitment is most likely to occur when goals are made public when the individual has an
internal locus of control, and when the goals are self-set rather than assigned. Goal setting
theory does not work equally well on all tasks. The evidence suggest goals seem to have a
more substantial effect on performance when tasks are simple rather than complex, well

learned rather than novel and independent rather than independent. Finally setting specific,
difficult, individual goals may have different effects in different cultures (Stephen, 2013).

2.8 Consequence of job dissatisfaction Job dissatisfaction

Produced low mental among workers and low mental at workers. Some of the indicators to
low moral are employee unrest the workers may not attend to his job properly, may be
involved in a day a reaming, be forgetful or just not care. If this unrest affect a sufficient
numbers of workers, they may take a collective action such as go slows, worker stoppage
sticks and other allied group actions. Absenteeism job satisfaction is highly related to
absenteeism. Studies have found that less satisfaction employees are more work likely to be
absent from work due to avoidable reason. Management must be concerned with excessive
absenteeism for it disrupts production and business operation. Employee turnover high
turnover distributes normal operation and continuously replacing the employee who leave
is costly and both technical and economically undesirable. Turnover may be voluntary which
initiated by the employee and may be due to job dissatisfaction or other personal reason
beyond management control. Early retirement these has been that who choose early
retirement tend to hold less positive attitudes, challenges and work opportunities are less
likely to seek requirement than employees with lower levels job ( Lufthansa, 2005) .

2.9 Employees motivation techniques

The employees motivation techniques are an essential knowledge to ensure that
organization there are job design and job rewards. Job design is basically concerned with the
individual job work motivation and developing proper behaviors in an organization. The
quality work life has taken a broader perspective recently, and is being widely applied to
management techniques. Those are:-

 Job enrichment: the key to job design employee motivation. This approach aims enhance the
actual job building up the employee through motivational factors. Job enrichment is
performance pattern designed to provide opportunities for achievement advancement,
recognition, power, responsibilities and growth potential. Job enrichment increase the variety
of work content and raises level of knowledge provides more autonomy and responsibilities
and expands opportunities for personal growth (Robin, 2000).
 Job rotation is the shifting of one employee from job to another. Employees feel bored when
there are made to do the same job constantly. Job rotation requires shifting employees from

their existing jobs to another job relation becomes essential to retain the interest of the
employee on the job rotation motivations people from time to time. It helps in development
of a wider range of skill more flexibility adaptable and filling of vacancies (Kreitner, 2009).
 Job enlargement: This technique was first used in the late 1940 in response to complaints
about tedious and overspecialized jobs. Job enlargement involves putting more variety into a
worker’s job by combining specialized tasks of comparable difficulty. Some call this
horizontally loading the job researchers recommend using job enlargement as part of a
broader approach that uses multiple motivational methods because it does not have a
significant and lasting positive effect on job performance by itself (Robin& judge)

2.10. Empirical Evidence and conceptual framework

There are numerous studies conducted on issues related to employee motivation and
employee performance in different part of the world and here in Ethiopia. This alone shows
nature of motivation is very complex and there are no simple answers to the question what
motivate employees more. Something that motivates one person may not motivate the

John Jurgle (2005) conducted a research titled reward and recognition programs, the secret
to maintaining a high morale and motivated work force in Pompano Beach fire department
(Florida). The purpose of the research was to evaluate the current employee recognition
and reward problem and develop a program that will be valued by employees. The results
of the project indicated members of the department didn’t believe that the current
employee recognition/reward program was effective and did not offer any value.

Boamah Richard (2014) from Ghana conducted a study on the effect of motivation on
employees’ performance in education directorate examined the effect of motivation on
employees to identify factors that motivate employees; to determine the employees’
performance and to assess the effect of motivation on the employees’ performance in
Asunafo North Municipal Education Directorate. The study has revealed that promotion and
opportunity for advancement are the major motivation factors and the study has also
revealed that motivation level is low in the area of wages and salaries. It was recommended
that Ghana Education Service should consider as a matter of urgency, the need to make
upward adjustment in wages and salaries which will go a long way to reduce the high
incidence of labor turnover.

Abinet (2015) conducted a study titled basement of motivational practice in the case of
Ethio-telecom. The main findings of this study indicated that there is motivational practice in
Ethio-Telecom even though it is not formal and appropriate. The results have shown that
respondents have felt unfair and injustice in the company’s motivational practices.

Tamene (2015) conducted a study with the title of “The Relationship between Reward
Practices and Motivation: (The Case of Co-Operative Bank of Oromia S.C). The study
examines the association between rewards and employee motivation in Cooperative Bank
of Oromia S.C. The results showed that promotion is much important factor for employee
motivation as compared to other variables factors like, working condition, work content and



3.1 Study Area

The study area was limited in Southern region of Ethiopia at Jinka town found in south of
Ethiopia located in Southern nation and nationality region, 700 KM far from Addis Ababa the
capital city of the country towards southern direction of a country and 90 km far from
Hawassa. The study would be conducted in Berhan Bank In Jinka branch to the assessment
of employee’s motivation practice in case of Berhan Bank In Jinka branch.

3.2 Research design

The researcher used descriptive survey of study design, because this method provides
opportunities for good information that easily to understand and to interpret the result of
the study.

3.3 Population of the study and sampling techniques

The researcher used census survey to collect data from the whole employees. The reason is
the small number of employee’s in the organization. The total numbers of employees are
21, so the study would be conducted concern all of them.

3.4. Source and methods of data collection

The researcher used both primary and secondary data. The primary data collected from
employees and managers, by open and close ended questionnaire. Secondary data also
collected from different document and sources about the organization.

3.5. Methods of data analysis

The researcher will be used descriptive data analysis method, because this type of data
analysis technique is preferable to describe the characteristics of a population or
phenomenon, based on some previous understanding of the nature of the problem. The
researcher use descriptive data analysis for the study this is tables and percentage. In
general the researcher chooses those methodologies to deeply examine and give an
appropriate conclusion, recommendations and relevant suggestions.

3.6. Ethical Consideration and validity

The researcher considers the respondents will be participate on the base of informed
consent. This principle involves researcher will provide sufficient information and assurance

about taking allow individual to understand the implication of participants and reach a full
information. The researcher will be avoided the use of offensive, discriminatory or other
unacceptable language in the formulation of questioner


4.1. Work Plan

Table 1.Work plan of the study

No Activities april may jun Julay agust Sept octo nov decm
1 Title selection X
2 Draft research X
3 Proposal first draft, X
writing and
4 Compiling review x
5 Proposal final writing x
and submission
6 Development of
questionnaire and
7 Data collection
8 Data analysis
9 Report writing the
research paper
10 Submitting research
11 Presentation

4.2. Budget Break Down

The total budget required to complete the research is as indicated in the following table.

Table 2.Budget List of the study

No Material Quantity Unit price Total price(Birr)

1 Pen 3 10. Birr 30
2 Paper 100 0.50 cents 50
3 Print for proposal 25 1. Birr 25
4 Print for Research 42 2. Birr 84
5 Flash 1 250 birr 250
6 Contingency If need 150 Birr 150
7 Transport 5 5Birr 25
8 Mobil card 5 10 Birr 50
9 Internet service 100
Total 806


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