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Students’ Council Government

Meeting Minutes
December 9th, 2020

1. Call to order

Faculty advisor Mr. Dexter Miller call to order the meeting of the students’ council at 1:15 pm in
the Penwood High School students’ government virtual conference room over the google
classroom platform- classroom code ccfie2b.

2. Roll call

Mr. O’shane Wint conducted a roll call. The following persons were present;

1. Mr. Dexter Miller-faculty advisor to the students’ council president

2. Miss Renee Chaffatte-faculty advisor to the head girl
3. Mr. O’shane Wint-faculty advisor to the head boy
4. Tiquicia Hanson
5. Otlee Clake
6. Adrian Grey
7. Devarie Ellis
8. Sherifa Sagar
9. Nelly Newman
10. Nathaniel Naughty
11. Odette Scott

3. Approval of the last minute

Tiquicia Hanson read the minutes of the last meeting. Mr. Dexter Miller then approved the
minutes as read.

4. Open issues

Tiquicia Hanson remarked on the outstanding job done by the previous student council president
Shadia Maxwell and her assistant Tajay Henry. She explained that the former president was a
shining example that each student of the Penwood High School should emulate. She pointed out
that she learned many things from the previous president and would be honored to be her
Students’ Council Government
successor. Tiquicia Hanson was appointed the new students’ council president by a panel of
teachers comprising of the faculty advisors. The following students were also appointed;

1. Students’ council vice-president-Orville Kerr

2. Students’ council vice-president-Kioshy Reeves
3. Head boy-Adrian Grey
4. Deputy head boy- Bradley Mcfarlane
5. Deputy head boy- Raddobe Smith
6. Deputy head boy-Devarie Ellis
7. Head girl- Abigail Reid
8. Deputy head girl-Otlee Clarke
9. Deputy head girl- Natalia Shirley
10. Deputy head girl- Ruthann Sullivan
11. Secretary-Brittany McFarlane
12. Public relation officer-Tamoy Graham

5. New business

Mr. Miller remarked that most of the events planned by the prefect body association this year
will be online due to the threat of the covid-19 pandemic and so student government members
should be ready and available to attend these events. He pointed out that some of these sessions
will be targeting coping strategies they could share with the rest of the student population online.

6. Adjournment

Miss Renee Chaffatte adjourn the meeting at 2:08 pm.

Minutes submitted by Mr. O’shane Wint

Minutes second by Adrian Grey

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