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NATURE AND FORM OF THE CONTRACT Distinction between a contract of sale and a
contract to sell with reserved title.
Article 1458. By the contract of sale (1) Transfer of title – In a contract of sale, title
one of the contracting parties obligates passes to the buyer upon delivery of the thing sold;
himself to transfer the ownership of and to while in a contract to sell (or of “exclusive right and
deliver a determinate thing, and the other to privilege to purchase”), where it is manipulated that
pay therefore a price certain in money or its ownership in the thing shall not pass to the
equivalent. purchaser until he has fully paid the price (Art.
A contract of sale may be absolute or 1478.), ownership is reserved in the seller and is not
conditional. to pass until the full payment of the purchase price.
(2) Payment of price - In the first case, non-
payment of the price is a negative resolutely
Concept of contract of sale:
condition (see Art. 1179.), in the second case, full
The contract of sale is an agreement
payment is a positive suspensive condition.
whereby one of the parties (called seller or vendor)
(3) Ownership of vendor – In the first case, the
obligates himself to deliver something to the other
vendor has lost and cannot recover the ownership of
(called the buyer or purchaser or vendee) who, on
the thing sold until and unless the contract of sale
his part, binds himself to pay therefore a sum of
itself is resolved and set aside. In the case, however,
money or its equivalent (known as the price).
the title remains in the vendor if the vendee does not
comply with the condition precedent of making
payment at the time specified in the contract. There
The contract of sale is: (CBOCNP)
is no actual sale until and unless full payment is
(1) Consensual because it is perfected by mere
consent without any further act;
(2) Bilateral because both contracting parties are
bound to fulfill correlative obligations towards each Other cases of contract to sell.
other the seller, to deliver and transfer ownership of Where the subject-matter is not determinate
the thing sold and the buyer, to pay the price; (Arts. 1458, 1460.) or the price is not certain
(3) Onerous because the thing sold is conveyed in (Art.1458.), the agreement is merely a contract to
consideration of the price and vice versa (see Gaite sell. For purposes of the perfection of a contract of
vs. Fonacier, L-11827, July 31, 1961); sale (see Art. 1475.), there is already a price certain
(4) Commutative because the thing sold is where the determination of the price is left to the
considered the equivalent of the price paid and vice judgment of a specified person or persons (see Art.
versa. (see Ibid.) However, the contract may be 1469, par.1), and notwithstanding that such
aleatory as in the case of the sale of a hope, e.g., determination has yet to be made.
sweepstakes ticket;
(5) Nominate because it is given a special name or A SALE OF FUTURE GOODS (see Art.
designation in the Civil Code namely “sale;” and 1462.) even though the contract is in the form of a
(6) Principal because it does not depend for its present sale operates as a contract to sell the
existence and validity upon another contract. goods.

Transfer of title to property for a price essence of Art. 1459. The thing must be licit and the
sale. vendor must have a right to transfer the
There can be no sale without a price. (see ownership thereof at the time it is delivered.
Art. 1474.) technically, the cause in sale is, as to the
seller, the buyer’s promise to pay the price, and as Requisites concerning object.
to the buyer, the seller’s promise to deliver the thing (1) Aside from being (a) determinate (Arts. 1458,
sold. 1460.), the law requires that the subject matter must
be (b) licit or lawful, that is, it should not be contrary
TWO KINDS OF CONTRACT OF SALE. to law, morals, good customs, public order, or public
As to the presence or absence of conditions, a sale policy (Arts. 1347, 1409, [1, 4].), and should (c)
may be: not impossible. (Art. 1348.)
(1) Absolute – where the sale is not subject to any
condition whatsoever and where title passes to the In other words, like any other object of a contract,
buyer upon delivery of the thing sold; or the thing must be within the commerce of men. If the
(2) Conditional – where the sale contemplate a subject matter of the sale is illicit, the contract is void
contingency (Arts. 1461, 1462, par. 2; Art. 1465.), and cannot, therefore, be ratified. (Art. 1409.) In
and in general, where the contract is subject to such case, the rights and obligations of the parties
certain conditions (see Art. 1503, par. 1), usually the are determined by applying the following articles of
fully payment of the purchase price. (Art. 1478.) the Civil Code: 1411, 1412

Art. 1461. Things having a potential
(2) All rights which are not intransmissible or existence may be the object of the contract of
personal may also be the object of sale (Art. 1347.), sale.
like the right to usufruct (Art. 572.), the right of
conventional redemption (Art. 1601.), credit (Art. The efficacy of the sale of a mere hope or
1624.), etc.. Examples of intransmissible rights are expectancy is deemed subject to the condition that
the right to vote; right to public office; marital and the thing will come into existence.
parental rights; etc. No contract may be entered The sale of a vain hope or expectancy is
upon future inheritance except in cases expressly void.
authorized by law. (Art. 1347, par. 2.)
Sale of things having potential existence valid.
KINDS OF ILLICIT THINGS. Even a future thing (Arts. 1461, par. 1.) not
The thing may be illicit per se (of its nature) existing at the time the contract is entered into may
or per accidens (because of some provisions of law be the object of sale provided it has a potential or
declaring it illegal). Article 1459 refers to both. possible existence, that is, it is reasonably certain to
Decayed food unfit for consumption is illicit per se, come into existence as the natural increment or
while lottery tickets (Art. 195, Revised Penal Code.) usual incident of something in existence already
are illicit per accidens. belonging to the seller, and the title will vest in the
buyer the moment the thing comes into existence.
(1) One can sell only what he owns. – It Sale of vain hope or expectancy void.
is essential in order for a sale to be valid that However, the efficacy of such sale is
the vendor must be able to transfer ownership deemed subject to the condition that the thing
(Art. 1458.) and, therefore, he must be the contemplated or expected will come into existence
owner or at least must be authorized by the (par. 2.) for the sale of a vain hope or expectancy is
owner of the thing sold. void. (par.3.)
(2) Right must exist at time of delivery. –
Article 1459, however, does not require that the Distinctions between sale of a thing expected
(emptio rei speratae) and sale of the hope itself
vendor must have the right to transfer
(emptio spei).
ownership of the property sold at the time of the Emptio rei speratae, is the sale of a thing
perfection of the contract. It is sufficient if he not yet in existence subject to the condition that the
has the “right to transfer the ownership thereof thing will exist and on failure of the condition, the
at the time it is delivered.” Thus, the seller is contact becomes ineffective hence, the buyer
deemed only to impliedly warrant that “he has a has no obligation to pay the price. On the other
right to sell the thing at the time when the hand, Emptio spei is the sale of the hope itself that
ownership is to pass.” (Art 1547[1].) An the thing will come into existence, where it is agreed
agreement providing for the sale of property yet that the buyer will pay the price even if the thing
to be adjudicated by a court is thus valid and does not eventually exist.
(1) In emptio rei speratae, the future thing is
certain as to itself but uncertain as to its quantity and
Art. 1460. A thing is determinate when quality. Such sale is subject to the condition that the
it is particularly designated or physically thing will come into existence (see Art. 1545, par. 2.)
segregated from all others of the same class. whatever its quantity or quality. In emptio spei (like
The requisite that a thing be the sale of sweepstake ticket), it is not certain that
determinate is satisfied if at the time the the thing itself (winning a price) will exist, much less
contract is entered into, the thing is capable of its quantity and quality.
being made determinate without the necessity (2) In emptio rei speratae, the contract deals
of a new or further agreement between the with a future thing, while in emptio spei, the contract
parties. relates to a thing which exists or is present the hope
or expectancy.
Subject matter must be determinate. (3) In emptio rei speratae, the sale is subject
A thing is determinate or specific (not to the condition that the thing should exist, so that if
generic) when it is particularly designated or it does not, there will be no contract by reason of the
physically segregated from all others of the same absence of an essential element. On the other hand,
class. emptio spei produces effect even though the thing
does not come into existence because the object of
the contract is the hope itself, unless it is a vain hope

or expectancy (like the sale of a falsified sweepstake weight or measure of the goods in the mass,
ticket which can never win). and though the number, weight or measure of
the goods in the mass is undetermined. By
Presumption in case of doubt. such a sale the buyer becomes owner in
In case of doubt, the presumption is in favor common of such a share of the mass as the
of emptio rei speratae which is more in keeping with number, weight or measure bought bears to
the commutative character of the contract. (see 10 the number, weight or measure of the mass. If
Manresa 29-30.) the mass contains less than the number,
weight or measure bought, the buyer becomes
Art. 1462. The goods which form the the owner of the whole mass and the seller is
subject of a contract of sale may be either bound to make good the deficiency from
existing goods, owned or possessed by the goods of the same kind and quality, unless a
seller, or goods to be manufactured, raised, or contrary intent appears. (n)
acquired by the seller after the perfection of
the contract of sale, in this Title called “future Sale of an undivided share of a specific mass
goods.” (1) Meaning of fungible goods. – It means
There may be a contract of sale of of which any unit is, from its nature or by mercantile
goods, whose acquisition by the seller usage, treated as the equivalent of any unit (Uniform
depends upon a contingency which may or Sales Act, Sec. 76.) such as grain, oil, wine,
may not happen. (n) gasoline, etc..
(2) Effect of sale. – The owner of a mass of
GOODS WHICH MAY BE THE OBJECT OF SALE. goods may sell only an undivided share thereof
Goods which form the subject of a contract provided the mass is specific or capable of being
of sale may be either: made determinate. (Art. 1460.) By such sale, the
(1) Existing goods or goods owned or buyer becomes a co-owner with the seller of the
possessed by the seller; or whole mass in the proportion in which the definite
(2) Future goods, that is, goods to be share bought bears to the mass. It must follow that
manufactured (like the sale of milk bottles to be the aliquot share of each owner can be determined
manufactured with the name of the buyer pressed in only by the measurement of the entire mass. If later
the glass), raised (like the sale of the future harvest on it be discovered that the mass of fungible goods
of palay from a ricefield), or acquired (like the sale of contains less than what was sold, the buyer
a definite parcel of land the seller expects to buy). becomes the owner of the whole mass and
(Art. 1460.) furthermore, the seller shall supply whatever is
lacking from goods of the same kind and quality,
Art. 1463. The sole owner of a thing subject to any stipulation to the contrary.
may sell an undivided interest therein. (3) Risk of loss. – If the buyer becomes a
co-owner, with the seller, or other owners of the
remainder of the mass, it follows that the whole
Sale of undivided interest in a thing.
mass is at the risk of all the parties interested in it, in
The sole owner of a thing may sell the entire
proportion to their various holdings.
thing; or only a specific portion thereof; or an
(4) Subject matter. – Take note that in the
undivided interest therein and such interest may be
sale of an undivided share, either of a thing (Art.
designated as an aliquot part of the whole.
1463.) or of that of mass of goods (Art. 1464.), the
The legal effect of the sale of an undivided
subject matter is an incorporeal right. (Art. 1501.)
interest in a thing is to make the buyer a co-owner in
Here, ownership passes to the buyer by the intention
the thing sold. As co-owner, the buyer acquires full
of the parties.
ownership of his part and he may, therefore, sell it.
Such sale is, of course, limited to the portion which
may be allotted to him in the division of the thing ART. 1465. Things subject to a resolutory
upon the termination of the co-ownership. Art. 493. condition may be the object of the contract of
This rule operates similarly with respect to sale.
ownership of fungible goods. (Art. 1464.)
Article 1463 covers only the sale by a sole Sale of thing subject to a resolutory condition.
owner of a thing of an undivided share or interest A resolutory condition is an uncertain
thereof. event upon the happening of which the obligation (or
right) subject to it is extinguished. Hence, the right
Art. 1464. In case of fungible goods, acquired in virtue of the obligation is also
there may be a sale of an undivided share of a extinguished.
specific mass, though the seller purports to One of the obligations of the vendor is to transfer the
sell and the buyer to buy a definite number, ownership of the thing object of the contract. If the
resolutory condition attaching to the object of the
contract, which object may include things as well as If the third person or persons acted
rights should happen, then the vendor cannot in bad faith or by mistake, the courts may
transfer the ownership of what he sold since there is fix the price.
no object.
Where such third person or
ART. 1466. In construing a contract persons are prevented from fixing the
containing provisions characteristic of both price or terms by fault of the seller or the
the contract of sale and of the contract of buyer, the party not in fault may have such
agency to sell, the essential clauses of the remedies against the party in fault as are
whole instrument shall be considered. allowed the seller or the buyer, as the case
may be.
Sale distinguished from agency to sell.
By the contract of agency, a person binds
When price considered certain.
himself to render some service or to do something in
The price in a contract of sale ought to be settled for
representation or on behalf of another, with the
there can be no sale without a price. It must be
consent or authority of the latter.
certain or capable of being ascertained in money or
its equivalent; and money is to be understood as
Sale may be distinguished from an agency to
currency, and its equivalent means promissory
sell, as follows:
notes, checks and other mercantile instruments
(1) In a sale, the buyer receives the goods as generally accepted as representing money.
owner; in an agency to sell, the agent receives the
goods as the goods of the principal who retains his UNDER THE ABOVE ARTICLE, THE PRICE IS
ownership over them and has the right to fix the CERTAIN IF:
price and the terms of the sale and receive the (1) The parties have fixed or agreed upon a
proceeds less the agent’s commission upon the definite amount;
sales made; (2) It be certain with reference to another thing
(2) In a sale, the buyer has to pay the price; in certain; or
an agency to sell, the agent has simply to account (3) The determination of the price is left to
for the proceeds of the sale he may make on the the judgment of a specified person or persons
principal’s behalf; and even before such determination.
(3) In a sale, the buyer, as a general rule,
cannot return the object sold; in an agency to sell, Effect where price fixed by
the agent can return the object in case he is unable third person designated.
to sell the same to a third person; As a general rule, the price fixed by a third
(4) In a sale, the seller warrants the thing sold; person designated by the parties is binding upon
in an agency to sell, the agent makes no warranty them. There are, however, exceptions such as:
for which he assumes personal liability as long as he (1) When the third person acts in bad faith or by
acts within his authority and in the name of the mistake as when the third person fixed the price
seller; and having in mind not the thing which is the object of
(5) In a sale, the buyer can deal with the sale, but another analogous or similar thing in
the thing sold as he pleases being the which case the court may fix the price. But mere
owner; in an agency to sell, the agent in error in judgment cannot serve as a basis for
dealing with the thing received, must act and impugning the price fixed; and
is bound according to the instructions of his (2) When the third person disregards specific
principal. instructions or the procedure marked out by the
parties or the data given him, thereby fixing an
ART. 1469. In order that the price arbitrary price.
may be considered certain, it shall be
sufficient that it be so with reference to ILLUSTRATIVE CASES:
another thing certain, or that the Facts: S executed a document whereby
determination thereof be left to the he agreed to transfer to B “ the whole of the
judgment of a specified person or persons. right, title, and interest” in a business. This
Should such person or persons be whole was 4/173 of the entire net value of the
unable or unwilling to fix it, the contract business. The parties agreed that the price
shall be inefficacious, unless the parties should be 4/173 of the total net value. The
subsequently agree upon the price. ascertainment of such net value was left

unreservedly to the judgment of the appraisers. that mere inadequacy of price is not a sufficient
Issue: Is the price certain? ground for the cancellation of a voluntary
Held: Yes, for the minds of the parties contract of sale, it has been held that where the
have met on the thing and the price. Nothing price is so low that “a man in his senses and not
was left unfinished and all questions relating under a delusion” would not accept it, the sale
thereto were settled. This is an example of may be set aside and declared an equitable
perfected sale. mortgage to secure a loan.
(3) Where seller given the right to
ART. 1470. Gross inadequacy of price repurchase. — The validity of the sale is not
does not affect a contract of sale, except as it necessarily affected where the law gives to the
may indicate a defect in the consent, or that owner the right to redeem, as when a sale is
the parties really intended a donation or some made at public auction, upon the theory that the
other act or contract. (n) lesser the price, the easier it is for the owner to
buy back the property.
ART. 1471. If the price is simulated, the
sale is void, but the act may be shown to have ART. 1472. The price of securities,
been in reality a donation, or some other act grain, liquids, and other things shall also
or contract. be considered certain, when the price fixed
is that which the thing sold would have on
Effect of gross inadequacy of price in a definite day, or in a particular exchange
voluntary sales. or market, or when an amount is fixed
(1) General rule. — While a contract of sale is above or below the price on such day, or in
commutative, mere inadequacy of the price or such exchange or market, provided said
alleged hardness of the bargain generally does amount be certain.
not affect its validity when both parties are in a
position to form an independent judgment Price on a given day at particular market.
concerning the transaction. A price is considered certain if it could be
(2) Where low price indicates a defect in the determined with reference to another thing certain.
consent. — The inadequacy of price, however, Note the last phrase of the above article: “provided
may indicate a defect in the consent such as said amount be certain.” When an amount is fixed
when fraud, mistake, or undue influence is above or below the price on a given day or in a
present (Art. 1355.) in which case the contract particular exchange or market, the said amount
may be annulled not because of the inadequacy must be certain; otherwise, the sale is inefficacious
of the price but because the consent is vitiated. because the price cannot be determined.
(3) Where price simulated. — If the price is This article is especially applicable to fungible
simulated or false such as when the vendor things like securities, grain, liquids, etc. the price of
really intended to transfer the thing gratuitously, which are subject to fluctuations of the market.
then the sale is void but the contract shall be
valid as a donation ART. 1473. The fixing of the price can
(4) Where parties do not intend to be bound never be left to the discretion of one of the
at all. — If the contract is not shown to be a contracting parties. However, if the price
donation or any other act or contract transferring fixed by one of the parties is accepted by
ownership because the parties do not intend to the other, the sale is perfected.
be bound at all, the ownership of the object is
not transferred. The contract is void and Fixing of price by one of the contracting
inexistent. parties, not allowed.
The reason for the rule is obvious.
Effect of gross inadequacy of price in (1) If consent is essential to a contract of
involuntary sales. sale, the determination of the price cannot be
(1) General rule. — A judicial or execution left to the discretion of one of the contracting
sale is one made by a court with respect to the parties; otherwise, it cannot be said that the
property of a debtor for the satisfaction of his other consented to a price he did not and could
indebtedness. not previously know.
(2) Where price so low as to be (2) Moreover, to be just, the price must be
“shocking to conscience”. — While it is true determined impartially by both parties (Art. 1458.) or

left to the judgment of a specified person or persons. announcement is made, any bidder
(Art. 1469.) may retract his bid; and the
auctioneer may withdraw the goods
ART. 1474. Where the price cannot be from the sale unless the auction
determined in accordance with the has been announced to be without
preceding articles, or in any other manner, reserve.
the contract is inefficacious. However, if (3) A right to bid may be
the thing or any part thereof has been reserved expressly by or on behalf
delivered to and appropriated by the buyer, of the seller, unless otherwise
he must pay a reasonable price therefor. provided by law or by stipulation.
What is a reasonable price is a question of (4) Where notice has not
fact dependent on the circumstances of been given that a sale by auction is
each particular case. subject to a right to bid on behalf of
the seller, it shall not be lawful for
Effect of failure to determine price. the seller to bid himself or to
(1) Where contract executory. — If the employ or induce any person to bid
price cannot be determined in accordance with at such sale on his behalf or for the
Articles 1469 and 1472, or in any other manner, auctioneer, to employ or induce any
and the bargain is still executory, the contract is person to bid at such sale on behalf
without effect. of the seller or knowingly to take
(2) Where delivery has been made. — any bid from the seller or any
If the thing or any part thereof has already been
person employed by him. Any sale
delivered and appropriated by the buyer, the
contravening this rule may be
latter must pay a reasonable price therefor.
treated as fraudulent by the buyer.

ART. 1475. The contract of sale is RULES GOVERNING AUCTION SALES.

perfected at the moment there is a meeting 1. Sales of separate lots by auction are
of minds upon the thing which is the separate sales. — Where separate lots are the
object of the contract and upon the price. subject of separate biddings and are separately
From that moment, the parties may knocked down, there is a separate contract in
reciprocally demand performance, subject regard to each lot. As soon as the hammer falls
to the provisions of the law governing the on the first lot, the purchaser of that lot has a
form of contracts. complete and separate bargain.
2. Sale perfected by the fall of the hammer.
Perfection of contract of sale. In putting up the goods for sale, the seller is merely
This article follows the general rule that making an invitation to those present to make offers
contracts are perfected by mere consent. (Art. which they do by making bids (Art. 1326.), one of
1315.) The contract of sale being consensual, it which is ultimately accepted. Each bid is an offer
is perfected at the moment of consent without and the contract is perfected only by the fall of the
the necessity of any other circumstances. From hammer or in other customary manner.
the moment there is a meeting of minds upon 3. Right of seller to bid in the auction. —
the thing which is the object of the contract and The seller or his agent may bid in an auction sale
upon the price (see Art. 1624.), the reciprocal provided: (a) such right was reserved; (b) notice was
given that the sale is subject to a right to bid on
obligations of the parties arise even when
behalf of the seller; and (c) the right to bid by the
neither has been delivered.
seller is not prohibited by law or by stipulation.

ART. 1476. In the case of a sale by auction: ART. 1477. The ownership of the thing
(1) Where goods are put up for sale by sold shall be transferred to the vendee upon
auction in lots, each lot is the subject of a the actual or constructive delivery thereof.
separate contract of sale.
(2) A sale by auction is ART. 1478. The parties may stipulate
perfected when the auctioneer that ownership in the thing shall not pass to
announces its perfection by the fall the purchaser until he has fully paid the
of the hammer, or in other price.
customary manner. Until such
Ownership of thing transferred by article sold and relies on the description given him
delivery. by the vendor, or has seen the goods but the want
The delivery of the thing sold is essential in a of identity is not apparent on inspection.
contract of sale. Without it, the purchaser may not (2) Sale by sample. — To constitute a sale by
enjoy the thing sold to him. It is only after the sample, it must appear that the parties contracted
delivery of the thing sold that the purchaser acquires solely with reference to the sample, with the
a real right or ownership over it. understanding that the bulk was like it. Whether a
sale is by sample is determined by the intent of
ART. 1479. A promise to buy and sell a
the parties as shown by the terms of the contract
determinate thing for a price certain is
and the circumstances surrounding the
reciprocally demandable.
An accepted unilateral promise to buy or
(3) Sale by description and sample. —
to sell a determinate thing for a price certain is
When a sale is made both by sample and by
binding upon the promissor if the promise is
description, the goods must satisfy all the
supported by a consideration distinct from the
warranties (see Art. 1565.) appropriate to either
kind of sale, and it is not sufficient that the bulk of
the goods correspond with the sample if they do
ART. 1480. Any injury to or benefit from
not also correspond with the description, and vice
the thing sold, after the contract has been
perfected, from the moment of the perfection versa.
of the contract to the time of delivery, shall be
governed by articles 1163 to 1165, and 1262. ART. 1482. Whenever earnest money is
This rule shall apply to the sale of fungible given in a contract of sale, it shall be
things, made independently and for a single considered as part of the price and as proof of
price, or without consideration of their weight, the perfection of the contract. (1454a)
number, or measure.
Should fungible things be sold for a price MEANING OF EARNEST MONEY.
fixed according to weight, number, or Earnest money is something of value given
measure, the risk shall not be imputed to the by the buyer to the seller to show that the buyer
vendee until they have been weighed, is really in earnest, and to bind the bargain. It is
counted, or measured, and delivered, unless actually a partial payment of the purchase price
the latter has incurred in delay. (1452a) and is considered as proof of the perfection of
the contract.
Art. 1481. In the contract of sale of goods
by description or by sample, the contract may Earnest money and option money
be rescinded if the bulk of the goods delivered distinguished.
do not correspond with the description or the They may be distinguished as follows:
sample, and if the contract be by sample as (1) Earnest money is part of the purchase price,
well as description, it is not sufficient that the while option money (see Art. 1479, par. 2.) is the
bulk of goods correspond with the sample if money given as distinct consideration for an option
they do not also correspond with the contract;
(2) Earnest money is given only where there is
already a sale, while option money applies to a sale
The buyer shall have a reasonable
not yet perfected; and
opportunity of comparing the bulk with the
description or the sample. (3) When earnest money is given, the buyer is
bound to pay the balance, while the would be buyer
Sale of goods by description and/or who gives option money is not required to buy.
(1) Sale by description. — Sale by ART. 1483. Subject to the provisions of the
description occurs where a seller sells things as Statute of Frauds and of any other applicable
being of a particular kind, the buyer not knowing statute, a contract of sale may be made in
whether the seller’s representations are true or writing, or by word of mouth, or partly in
false, but relying on them as true; or, as otherwise writing and partly by word of mouth, or may be
stated, where the purchaser has not seen the inferred from the conduct of the parties.

Form of contract of sale. been constituted, if the vendee shall have failed to
(1) General rule. — The form of a contract pay two or more installments.
refers to the manner in which it is executed or A chattel mortgage is a loan arrangement
manifested. As a general rule, a contract may be in which an item of movable personal property acts
entered into in any form provided all the essential as security for a loan. The movable property, or
requisites for its validity are present. chattel, guarantees the loan, and the lender holds an
(2) Where contract covered by Statute of interest in it.
Frauds. — In case the contract of sale should be
covered by the Statute of Frauds, the law requires ART. 1485. The preceding article shall
that the agreement (or some note or memorandum be applied to contracts purporting to be
thereof) be in writing subscribed by the party leases of personal property with option to buy,
charged, or by his agent; otherwise, the contract when the lessor has deprived the lessee of the
cannot be enforced by action. possession or enjoyment of the thing.
(3) Where form is required in order that a
contract may be valid. — Where the “applicable Lease of personal property with option to
statute” requires that the contract of sale be in a buy.
certain form for its validity, the required form must be Leases of personal property with option to buy on
observed in order that the contract may be both valid the part of the lessee who takes possession or
and enforceable. enjoyment of the property leased are really sales of
(4) Where form is required only for the personal thing payable in installments.
convenience of the parties. — In certain cases, a
certain form (e.g., public instrument) is required for Art. 1486. In the case referred to in two
the convenience of the parties in order that the sale preceding articles, a stipulation that the
may be registered in the Registry of Deeds to make installments or rents paid shall not be
effective as against third persons the right acquired returned to the vendee or lessee shall be valid
under such sale. insofar as the same may not be
unconscionable under the circumstances.
ART. 1484. In a contract of sale of personal
property the price of which is payable in Stipulation authorizing the forfeiture of
installments, the vendor may exercise any of installments or rents paid.
the following remedies: In sales of personal property by installments or
(1) Exact fulfillment of the obligation, leases of personal property with option to buy, the
should the vendee fail to pay; parties may stipulate that the installments or rents
(2) Cancel the sale, should the paid are not to be returned.
vendee’s failure to pay cover two or
more installments; Art. 1487. The expenses for the
(3) Foreclose the chattel mortgage on execution and registration of the sale shall
the thing sold; if one has been
be borne by the vendor, unless there is a
constituted, should the vendee’s failure
to pay cover two or more installments. stipulation to the contrary.
In this case, he shall have no further
action against the purchaser to recover Art. 1488. The expropriation of
any unpaid balance of the price. Any property for public use is governed by
agreement to the contrary shall be special laws.
void. (1454Aa)

Remedies of vendor in sale of personal property

payable in installments
The vendor of personal property payable in
installments may exercise any of the following
(1) Elect fulfillment upon the vendee’s failure to
pay; or
(2) Cancel the sale, if the vendee shall have
failed to pay two or more installments; or
(3) Foreclose the chattel mortgage, if one has CHAPTER 2 - CAPACITY TO BUY OR SELL

Art. 1489. All persons who are be permitted afterwards the excuse themselves from
authorized in this Code to obligate compliance with the obligations assumed by them or
to seek their annulment. The doctrine is entirely in
themselves, may enter into a contract of sale,
accord with the provisions of the Rules of Court (see
saving the modifications contained in the Rule 131, Sec. 1.) and the Civil Code (see Art.
following articles. 1431.) which determine cases of estoppel.

Where necessaries are those sold and Art. 1490. The husband and the wife
delivered to a minor or other person without cannot sell property to each other, except:
(1) When a separation of property was
capacity to act, he must pay a reasonable
agreed upon in the marriage settlements; or
price therefor. Necessaries are those referred (2) When there has been a judicial
to in Article 290. separation or property under Article 191.

Who may enter into a contract of sale. Relative incapacity of husband and wife.
As a general rule, all persons, whether The husband and the wife are prohibited by
natural or juridical, who can bind themselves have the above article from the selling property to each
also legal capacity to buy and sell. There are other. They are also prohibited from making
exceptions to this rule in those cases when the law donations to each other during the marriage except
determines that a party suffers from either absolute moderate gifts on the occasion of any family
or relative incapacity. rejoicing. (Art. 133.) However, if there has been a
separation of property decreed between them by the
KINDS OF INCAPACITY. court, the sales between husband and wife are
Such incapacity is absolute in the case of allowed. They have, therefore, in the two cases
person who cannot bind themselves; and relative mentioned, capacity to buy from or sell to each
where it exists only with reference to certain class of other.
property. Persons who are merely relatively Incidentally, a marriage settlement (also
incapacitated are mentioned in Articles 1490-1491. called ante-nuptial contract) is an agreement entered
There are no incapacities except those into by persons who are about to be united in
provided by law and such incapacities cannot be marriage, and in consideration thereof for the
extended to other cases by implication for the purpose of fixing the property relations that would be
reason that such construction would be in conflict followed by them for the duration of the marriage.
with the very nature of Article 1489. (ibid.)
Effect of sale in violation of prohibition.
Liability for necessaries of minor or other person A sale between husband and wife in
without capacity to act. violation of Article 1490 in inexistent and void from
Generally, the contracts entered into by a the beginning because such contract is expressly
minor and other incapacitated persons (e.g., insane prohibited by law.
or demented persons, deaf-mutes who do not know
how to write), are voidable. (Arts. 1327, 1390.) Persons permitted to question sale.
However, where necessaries are sold and delivered Although certain transfers between husband
to him (without the intervention of the parent or and wife are prohibited under Article 1490, such
guardian), he must pay a reasonable value paid by prohibition can be taken advantage of only by
him. persons who bear such relation to the parties
Necessaries are those things which are making transfer interferes with their right or interests.
needed for sustenance, dwelling, clothing and The government is always an interested party in all
medical attendance, according to the social position matters involving taxable transactions. It is
of the family of the incapacitated person. (Art. 290.) competent to question their validity or legitimacy
Whether the nature of the contract is such that it whenever necessary to block tax evasion. It can
can, under any circumstances, be regarded as a impugn sales between husband and wife. (Medina
contract for necessaries, is a question which vs. Collector of Internal Revenue, supra.)
depends upon the facts of the particular case.
Art. 1491. The following persons
Sale by minors. cannot acquire by purchase, even at a public
The courts have laid down the rule that the or judicial auction, either in person or through
sale of real estate effected by minors who have the mediation of another:
already passed the ages of puberty and (1) The guardian, the property of the
adolescence and are now in the adult age, when person or persons who may be under his
they pretend to have already reached their majority, guardianship;
while in fact they have not, is valid, and they cannot

(2) Agents, the property whose administrators at the time of the acquisition and does
administration or sale may have been not extend, therefore, to property not falling within
entrusted to them, unless the consent of the the class. Executors do not administer the hereditary
principal has been given; rights of any heir.
(3) Executors and administrators, the
property of the estate under administration; Prohibition with respect to public officials and
(4) Public officers and employees, the employees.
property of the State or of any subdivision The prohibition refers only to properties (1)
belonging to the State, or any subdivision thereof, or
thereof, or of any government-owned or
any government owned or controlled corporation or
controlled corporation, or institution, the
institution, (2) the administration of which has been
administration of which has been entrusted to entrusted to the public officials or employees. Note
them; this provision shall apply to judges and that the prohibition includes judges and government
government experts who, in any manner experts who in any manner take part in the sale.
whatsoever, take part in the sale;
(5) Justices, judges, prosecuting Other persons especially disqualified.
attorneys, clerks of superior and inferior Examples of persons especially disqualified by law:
courts, and other officers and employees Aliens who are disqualified to purchase
connected with the administration of justice, private agricultural lands (Art. XIV, Sec. 14,
the property and rights in litigation or levied Constitution);
upon an execution before the court within Unpaid seller having a right of lien or having
whose jurisdiction or territory they exercise stopped the goods in transitu, who is prohibited from
their respective functions; this prohibition buying the goods either directly or indirectly in the
includes the act of acquiring by assignment resale of the same at the public or private sale which
and shall apply to lawyers, with respect to the he may take (Art. 1533, par. 5; Art. 1476 [4].); and
property and rights which may be the object of The officer holding the execution or his
any litigation in which they may take part by deputy cannot become a purchaser, or be interested
virtue of their profession. directly in any purchase at an execution sale. (Sec.
21, Rule 39, Rules of Court.)
(6) Any others specially disqualified by
Effect of sale in violation of prohibition.
If the sale is made, would the transaction be
Reasons for prohibitions under Article 1491.
void or merely voidable?
The reason behind the article is to prevent
With respect to Nos. 1 to 3, the sale shall only be
frauds on the part of the person enumerated therein
voidable because in such cases only private
and minimize temptations to the exertion of undue
interests are affected.
and improper influence. The fear that greed might
With respect to Nos. 4 to 6, the sale shall be null and
get the better of the sentiments of loyalty and
void, public interests being involved therein.
disinterestedness is the reason underlying Article
In a case, the Supreme Court affirmed the decision
of a lower court declaring invalid the sale made by
the client in favor of his attorney.
Prohibition with respect to guardians.
The relationship between guardian and ward
Art. 1492. The prohibitions in the two
is so intimate, the dependence so complete and the
influence so great that any transaction between the preceding articles are applicable to sales in
two parties entered while the relationship exists, are legal redemption, compromises and
in the highest sense, suspicious and presumptively renunciations.
Prohibition extends to sales in legal redemption,
Prohibition with respect to agents. etc.
The agent’s incapacity to buy his principal’s The relative incapacity provided in Articles
property rests on the fact that the agent and the 1490 and 1491 applies also to sales by virtue of
principal form one juridical person. Like the legal redemption (Art. 1619.), compromises (Art.
guardian, the agent stands in a fiduciary relation with 2028.) and renunciations (see Art. 1270.) The
his principal. A sale made by an agent to himself, persons disqualified to buy referred to in Articles
directly or indirectly, without the permission of the 1490 and 1491 are also disqualified to become
principal is ineffectual. lessees of things mentioned therein. (Art. 16546.)
Prohibition with respect to executors and
The prohibition refers only to properties THING SOLD HAS BEEN LOST
under the administration of the executors or
Art. 1493. If at the time the contract of
sale is perfected, the thing which is the object any other manner signifying an agreement
of the contract has been entirely lost, the that the possession is transferred from the
contract shall be without any effect. vendor to the vendee.
But if the thing should have been lost
in part only, the vendee may choose between WAYS OF EFFECTING DELIVERY.
withdrawing from the contract and demanding The ownership of the thing sold shall be transferred
the remaining part, paying its price in to the vendee upon the delivery thereof (see Art.
proportion to the total sum agreed upon. 1477.) which may be effected in any of the following
ways or modes:
ART. 1494. Where the parties purport a (1) By actual or real delivery (Art. 1497.);
sale of specific goods and the goods without (2) By constructive or legal delivery (Arts.
1498, 1501.); or
the knowledge of the seller have perished in
(3) By delivery in any other manner
part or have wholly or in a material part so
signifying an agreement that the possession
deteriorated in quality as to be substantially is transferred to the vendee. (Arts.
changed in character, the buyer may at his 14961499.)
option treat the sale:
as valid in all of the existing goods or in DELIVERY.
so much thereof as have not deteriorated, and as (a) By the execution of a public
binding the buyer to pay the agreed price for the instrument (Art.1498, par. 1.);
goods in which the ownership will pass, if the (b) By symbolical tradition or traditio
sale was divisible. symbolica
(c) By traditio longa manu (Art. 1499.);
Effect of loss in case of specific goods. (d) By traditio brevi manu
Article 1493 applies to a sale of specific thing. Article (e) By traditio constitutum possessorium
1494, on the other hand, applies to sales of goods, (Art. 1500.); or
that is, the object of the sale consists of a mass of (f) By quasi-delivery or quasi-traditio.
“specific goods” which means “goods identified and (Art. 1501.)
agreed upon at the time a contract of sale is made.”
(Art. 1636.) SECTION 2. — Delivery of the Thing Sold
CHAPTER 4 - OBLIGATIONS OF THE VENDOR ART. 1497. The thing sold shall be
understood as delivered, when it is placed in
SECTION 1. — General Provisions
the control and possession of the vendee.
ART. 1495. The vendor is bound to Concept of tradition or delivery.
transfer the ownership of and deliver, as well Tradition is a derivative mode of acquiring
as warrant the thing which is the object of the ownership by virtue of which one who has the right
sale. and intention to alienate a corporeal thing, transmits
it by virtue of a just title to one who accepts the
The principal obligations of a vendor are:
(1) To transfer the ownership of the Importance of tradition.
determinate thing sold; Delivery of the thing, together with the
(2) To deliver the thing, with its accessions payment of the price, marks the consummation of
and accessories, if any, in the condition in which the contract of sale. Delivery is necessary to enable
they were upon the perfection of the contract (Art. the vendee to enjoy and make use of the property
1537.); purchased. It is only after the delivery, actual or
(3) To warrant against eviction and against constructive, that a vendee acquires a real right over
hidden defects (Arts. 1495, 1547.); it.
(4) To take care of the thing, pending
delivery, with proper diligence (see Art. 1163.); and Actual delivery of thing sold.
(5) To pay for the expenses of the deed of There is actual delivery when the thing sold
sale, unless there is a stipulation to the contrary. is placed in the control and possession of the
(Art. 1487.) vendee. This involves the physical delivery of the
thing and is usually done by the passing of a
ART. 1496. The ownership of the thing movable thing from hand to hand.
sold is acquired by the vendee from the
moment it is delivered to him in any of the ART. 1498. When the sale is made
ways specified in articles 1497 to 1501, or in through a public instrument, the execution
thereof shall be equivalent to the delivery of the ART. 1500. There may also be tradition
thing which is the object of the contract, if from constitutum possessorium.
the deed the contrary does not appear or cannot
With regard to movable property, its This mode of delivery is the opposite of
delivery may also be made by the delivery of the traditio brevi manu. It takes place when the vendor
keys of the place or depository where it is stored continues in possession of the property sold not as
or kept. owner but in some other capacity, as for example,
when the vendor stays as a tenant of the vendee. In
Execution of a public instrument or document. this case, instead of the vendor delivering the thing
A public instrument is one which is to the vendee so that the latter may, in turn, deliver it
acknowledged before a notary public or any official back to the vendor, the law considers that all these
authorized to administer oath, by the person who have taken place by mere consent or agreement of
executed the same. The party making the the parties.
acknowledgement formally declares that the
instrument is his free act and deed while the officer ART. 1501. With respect to incorporeal
taking the same attests and certifies that such party property, the provisions of the first paragraph of
is known to him and that he is the same person who article 1498 shall govern. In any other case
executed the instrument and acknowledged that the wherein said provisions are not applicable, the
instrument is his free act and deed. placing of the titles of ownership in the
possession of the vendee or the use by the
SYMBOLIC TRADITION vendee of his rights, with the vendor’s consent,
Constructive delivery is symbolic when to shall be understood as a delivery.
effect the delivery, the parties make use of a token
symbol to represent the thing delivered. The QUASI-TRADITIO.
delivery of the key where the thing sold is stored or Tradition can only be made with respect to corporeal
kept is equivalent to the delivery of the thing (par. 2.) things. In the case of incorporeal things, delivery is
because the key represents the thing. Similarly, affected:
there is symbolic delivery of goods to vendee upon (1) By the execution of a public instrument;
delivery to him of delivery orders which would or
authorize him to withdraw the goods from a (2) When that mode of delivery is not
warehouse. Upon withdrawal, there is actual delivery applicable, by the placing of the titles of ownership in
(supra.) which consummates the sale. the possession of the vendee; or
(3) By allowing the vendee to use his rights
ART. 1499. The delivery of movable as new owner with the consent of the vendor.
property may likewise be made by the mere
consent or agreement of the contracting ART. 1502. When goods are delivered
parties, if the thing sold cannot be transferred to the buyer “on sale or return” to give the
to the possession of the vendee at the time of buyer an option to return the goods instead of
the sale, or if the latter already had it in his paying the price, the ownership passes to the
possession for any other reason. buyer on delivery, but he may revest the
ownership in the seller by returning or
TRADITIO LONGA MANU. tendering the goods within the time fixed in
The first part of Article 1499 refers to traditio the contract, or, if no time has been fixed,
longa manu. This mode of delivery takes place by within a reasonable time.
the mere consent or agreement of the contracting
parties as when the vendor merely points to the When goods are delivered to the buyer on
thing sold which shall thereafter be at the control and approval or on trial or on satisfaction, or
disposal of the vendee. other similar terms, the ownership therein
passes to the buyer.
TRADITIO BREVI MANU. (1) When he signifies his approval or acceptance to
This mode of legal delivery happens when the seller or does any other act adopting the
the vendee has already the possession of the thing transaction;
sold by virtue of another title as when the lessor sells (2) If he does not signify his approval or acceptance
the thing leased to the lessee. Instead of turning to the seller, but retains the goods without giving
over the thing to the vendor so that the latter may, in notice of rejection, then if a time has been fixed for
turn, deliver it, all these are considered done by the return of the goods, on the expiration of such
action of law. time, and, if no time has been fixed, on the
expiration of a reasonable time. What is a
reasonable time is a question of fact.

exchange, the buyer is bound to return the bill
Contract of sale or return, and of sale on trial or of lading if he does not honor the bill of
approval or satisfaction. exchange, and if he wrongfully retains the bill
1. Sale or return. — It is a contract by of lading he acquires no added right thereby.
which property is sold but the buyer, who becomes If, however, the bill of lading provides that the
the owner of the property on delivery, has the option goods are deliverable to the buyer or to the
to return the same to the seller instead of paying the order of the buyer, or is indorsed in blank, or
price. to the buyer by the consignee named therein,
2. Sale on trial or approval. — It is a
on who purchases in good faith, for value, the
contract in the nature of an option to purchase if the
bill of lading, or goods from the buyer will
goods prove satisfactory, the approval of the buyer
being a condition precedent. obtain the ownership in the goods, although
the bill of exchange has not been honored,
“SALE OR RETURN” DISTINGUISHED FROM provided that such purchaser has received
SALE ON TRIAL. delivery of the bill of lading indorsed by the
(1) “Sale or return” is a sale subject to a consignee named therein, or of the goods,
resolutory condition, while sale on trial is subject to a without notice of the facts making the transfer
suspensive condition; wrongful.
(2) “Sale or return” depends entirely on the
will of the buyer, while sale on trial depends on the ART. 1507. A document of title in which
character or quality of the goods; it is stated that the goods referred to therein
(3) In “sale or return,” the risk of loss or will be delivered to the bearer, or to the order
injury rests upon the buyer, while in sale on trial, the of any person named in such document is a
risk still remains with the seller.
negotiable document of title.
ART. 1503. Where there is a contract of
sale of specific goods, the seller may, by the DEFINITION OF TERMS.
terms of the contract, reserve the right of (1) Document of title to goods. — Includes
possession or ownership in the goods until any bill of lading, dock warrant, “quedan,” or
certain conditions have been fulfilled. The warehouse receipt or order for the delivery of goods,
right of possession or ownership may be thus or any other document used in the ordinary course
reserved notwithstanding the delivery of the of business in the sale or transfer of goods, as proof
goods to the buyer or to a carrier or other of the possession or control of the goods, or
bailee for the purpose of transmission to the authorizing or purporting to authorize the possessor
buyer. of the document to transfer or receive, either by
indorsement or by delivery, goods represented by
Where goods are shipped, and by the bill of such document. (Art. 1636[1].)
lading the goods are deliverable to the seller (2) Goods. — Included all chattels personal but
or his agent, or to the order of the seller or of not things in action or money of legal tender in the
his agent, the seller thereby reserves the Philippines. The term includes growing fruits or
ownership in the goods. But if, except for the crops. (ibid.)
form of the bill of lading, the ownership would (3) Order. — Relating to documents of title
have passed to the buyer on shipment of the means an order by indorsement on the documents.
goods, the seller’s property in the goods shall (ibid.)
be deemed to be only for the purpose of
securing performance by the buyer of his CLASSES OF DOCUMENTS OF TITLES.
obligations under the contract.
Documents of title may be either:
Where goods are shipped, and by the bill of (1) Negotiable documents of title or those by
lading the goods are deliverable to the order the terms of which the bailee undertakes to deliver
of the buyer or of his agent, but possession of the goods to the bearer and those by the terms of
the bill of lading is retained by the seller or his which the bailee undertakes to deliver the goods to
agent, the seller thereby reserves a right to the the order of a specified person (Art. 1508.);
possession of the goods as against the buyer. (2) Non-negotiable documents of title or
those by the terms of which the goods covered are
Where the seller of goods draws on the buyer deliverable to a specified person. (Art. 1511.)
for the price and transmits the bill of exchange
and bill of lading together to the buyer to ART. 1508. A negotiable document
secure acceptance or payment of the bill of of title may be negotiated by delivery:
(1) Where by the terms of the
document the carrier, warehouseman or ART. 1510. If a document of title which
other bailee issuing the same undertakes contains an undertaking by a carrier,
to deliver the goods to the bearer; or warehouseman or other bailee to deliver the
(2) Where by the terms of the goods to bearer, to a specified person or order
document the carrier, warehouseman or of a specified person or which contains words
other bailee issuing the same undertakes of like import, has placed upon it the words
to deliver the goods to the order of a “not negotiable” “non-negotiable,” or the like,
specified person, and such person or a such document may nevertheless be
subsequent indorsee of the document has negotiated by the holder and is a negotiable
indorsed it in blank or to the bearer. document of title within the meaning of this
(3) Where by the terms of a Title. But nothing in this Title contained shall
negotiable document of title the goods are be construed as limiting or defining the effect
deliverable to bearer or where a negotiable upon the obligations of the carrier,
document of title has been indorsed in warehouseman, or other bailee issuing a
blank or to bearer, any holder may indorse document of title or placing thereon the words
the same to himself or to any specified “not negotiable,” “nonnegotiable,” or the like.
person, and in such case the document
shall thereafter be negotiated only by the Negotiable documents of title marked
indorsement of such indorsee. “nonnegotiable.”
Under Article 1510, the words “not negotiable,”
Negotiation of negotiable document by delivery. “non-negotiable” and the like when placed upon a
A negotiable document of title is negotiable by document of title in which the goods are to be
delivery if the goods are deliverable to the bearer, or delivered to “order” or to “bearer” have no effect and
when it is indorsed in blank or to the bearer by the the document continues to be negotiable.
person to whose order the goods are deliverable or When the document of title is to order, the bailee
by a subsequent indorsee. An indorsement is in is obliged to take it up before delivering the goods.
blank when the holder merely signs his name at the Accordingly, he is liable to the holder of an order
back of the receipt without specifying to whom the document if the goods are delivered to the
goods are to be delivered. consignee without surrender of the document even
though the latter was marked “not negotiable.”
ART. 1509. A negotiable document of
title may be negotiated by the indorsement of ART. 1511. A document of title which is
the person to whose order the goods are by not in such form that it can be negotiated by
the terms of the document deliverable. Such delivery may be transferred by the holder by
indorsement may be in blank, to bearer or to a
delivery to a purchaser or donee. A
specified person. If indorsed to a specified
nonnegotiable document cannot be negotiated
person, it may be again negotiated by the
and the indorsement of such a document
indorsement of such person in blank, to
gives the transferee no additional right.
bearer or to another specified person.
Subsequent negotiations may be made in like
manner. Transfer of nonnegotiable documents.
A nonnegotiable document of title cannot be
negotiated. Nevertheless, it can be transferred or
Negotiation of negotiable document by
assigned by delivery. In such a case, the transferee
indorsement. or assignee acquires only the rights stated in Article
A negotiable document of title by the terms of 1514. Even if the document is indorsed, the
which the goods are deliverable to a person transferee acquires no additional right.
specified therein may be negotiated only by the
indorsement of such person. ART. 1512. A negotiable document of
(1) If indorsed in blank or to bearer, the title may be negotiated:
document becomes negotiable by delivery. (Art. (1) By the owner thereof; or
(2) If indorsed to a specified person, it may be (2) By any person to whom the
again negotiated by the indorsement of such person possession or custody of the
in blank, to bearer, or to another specified person. document has been entrusted by the
Delivery alone is not sufficient. owner, if, by the terms of the document

the bailee issuing the document document of title has been transferred, but
undertakes to deliver the goods to the not negotiated, acquires thereby, as
order of the person to whom the against the transferor, the title to the
possession or custody of the goods, subject to the terms of any
document has been entrusted, or if at agreement with the transferor.
the time of such entrusting the If the document is nonnegotiable,
document is in such form that it may such person also acquires the right to
be negotiated by delivery. notify the bailee who issued the document
of the transfer thereof, and thereby to
Persons who may negotiate a document. acquire the direct obligation of such bailee
It will be noticed that the provision does not give to hold possession of the goods for him
a power to negotiate documents of title equal to that according to the terms of the document.
allowed under the Negotiable Instruments Law (Act Prior to the notification to such
No. 2031.) in the case of bills of exchange and bailee by the transferor or transferee of a
promissory notes inasmuch as neither a thief nor a nonnegotiable document of title, the title of
finder is within the terms of the article. the transferee to the goods and the right to
acquire the obligation of such bailee may
ART. 1513. A person to whom a negotiable be defeated by the levy of an attachment of
document of title has been duly negotiated execution upon the goods by a creditor of
acquires thereby: the transferor, or by a notification to such
(1) Such title to the goods bailee by the transferor or a subsequent
as the person negotiating the document to purchaser from the transferor of a
him had or had ability to convey to a subsequent sale of the goods by the
purchaser in good faith for value and also transferor.
such title to the goods as the person to
whose order the goods were to be ART. 1516. A person who for value
delivered by the terms of the document negotiates or transfers a document of title by
had or had ability to convey to a indorsement or delivery, including one who
purchaser in good faith for value; and assigns for value a claim secured by a
(2) The direct obligation of document of title unless contrary intention
the bailee issuing the document to hold appears, warrants:
possession of the goods for him (1) That the document is genuine;
according to the terms of the document as (2) That he has a legal right to negotiate
fully as if such bailee had contracted or transfer it;
directly with him.
(3) That he has knowledge of no fact
Rights of person to whom document has been which would impair the validity or worth
negotiated. of the document; and
This article specifies the rights of a person to (4) That he has a right to transfer the
whom a negotiable document of title has been duly title to the goods and that the goods are
negotiated, either by delivery, in the case of a merchantable or fit for a particular
document of title to bearer, or by indorsement and purpose, whenever such warranties
delivery, in the case of a document of title to order. would have been implied if the contract
Such person acquires: of the parties had been to transfer
(1) The title of the person negotiating the without a document of title the goods
document, over the goods covered by the document;
represented thereby.
(2) The title of the person (depositor or owner)
to whose order by the terms of the document the
goods were to be delivered, over such goods; and
(3) The direct obligation of the bailee Warranties on sale of documents.
(warehouseman or carrier) to hold possession of the This article treats of the warranties or liabilities
goods for him, as if the bailee had contracted directly of a person negotiating or transferring a document.
with him. They are similar to those of a person negotiating an
instrument by delivery or by a qualified indorsement
ART. 1514. A person to whom a under the Negotiable Instruments Law.
The liability is limited only to a violation of property which cannot readily be attached or
the four warranties set forth in Article 1516-1517. levied upon by ordinary legal process.

RIGHTS OF PERSON TO WHOM DOCUMENT Creditor’s remedies to reach negotiable

This article refers to the rights of a person to Inasmuch as the goods themselves cannot
whom a negotiable document of title (not duly readily be attached or levied upon by ordinary legal
negotiated) has been transferred or of the transferee process, as limited by the preceding article, this
of a nonnegotiable document. Such person acquires: article expressly gives the court full power to aid by
(1) The title to the goods as against the injunction and otherwise a creditor seeking to get a
transferor; negotiable document covering such goods.
(2) The right to notify the bailee of the transfer
thereof; and
ART. 1521. Whether it is for the buyer to
(3) The right, thereafter, to acquire the
obligation of the bailee to hold the goods for him. take possession of the goods or for the seller
to send them to the buyer is a question
ART. 1519. If goods are delivered to a depending in each case on the contract,
bailee by the owner or by a person whose act express or implied, between the parties. Apart
in conveying the title to them to a purchaser in from any such contract, express or implied, or
good faith for value would bind the owner and usage of trade to the contrary, the place of
a negotiable document of title is issued for delivery is the seller’s place of business if he
them they cannot thereafter, while in has one, and if not, his residence; but in case
possession of such bailee, be attached by of a contract of sale of specific goods, which
garnishment or otherwise or be levied under to the knowledge of the parties when the
an execution unless the document be first contract or the sale was made were in some
surrendered to the bailee or its negotiation other place, then that place is the place of
enjoined. The bailee shall in no case be delivery.
compelled to deliver up the actual possession
of the goods until the document is Where by a contract of sale the seller is
surrendered to him or impounded by the bound to send the goods to the buyer, but
court. no time for sending them is fixed, the
seller is bound to send them within a
Attachment or levy upon goods covered by a
reasonable time.
negotiable document.
The bailee has the direct obligation to hold Where the goods at the time of sale are
possession of the goods for the original owner or to in the possession of a third person, the
the person to whom the negotiable document of title seller has not fulfilled his obligation to
has been duly negotiated. While in the possession of deliver to the buyer unless and until such
such bailee, the goods cannot be attached or levied third person acknowledges to the buyer
under an execution unless the document be first that he holds the goods on the buyer’s
surrendered, or its negotiation prohibited by the behalf.
The bailee cannot be compelled to deliver up the Demand or tender of delivery may be
possession of the goods until the document is treated as ineffectual unless made at a
surrendered to him or impounded by the court. This reasonable hour. What is a reasonable
prohibition is for the protection of the bailee since he hour is a question of fact.
could be made liable to a subsequent purchaser for Unless otherwise agreed, the expenses
value in good faith. of and incidental to putting the goods into
a deliverable state must be borne by the
ART. 1520. A creditor whose debtor is the
owner of a negotiable document of title shall
be entitled to such aid from courts of PLACE OF DELIVERY OF GOODS SOLD.
appropriate jurisdiction by injunction and Should the buyer take possession of the goods
otherwise in attaching such document or in or should the seller send them? In other words,
satisfying the claim by means thereof as is where is the place of delivery?
allowed at law or in equity in regard to The following are the rules:
(1) Where there is an agreement, express or at the contract rate if he knew that no more were to
implied, the place of delivery is that agreed upon; be delivered or (2) the fair value to him of the goods,
(2) Where there is no agreement, the place of if he did not know that the seller is going to be guilty
delivery is that determined by usage of trade; of a breach of contract. (par. 1.)
(3) Where there is no agreement and there is
also no prevalent usage, the place of delivery is the ART. 1523. Where, in pursuance of a
seller’s place of business; contract of sale, the seller is authorized or
(4) In any other case, the place of delivery is the required to send the goods to the buyer,
seller’s residence; and delivery of the goods to a carrier, whether
(5) In case of specific goods, which to the named by the buyer or not, for the purpose of
knowledge of the parties at the time the contract was transmission to the buyer is deemed to be a
made were in some other place, that place is the delivery of the goods to the buyer, except in
place of delivery, in the absence of any agreement
the cases provided for in article 1503, first,
or usage of trade to the contrary.
second and third paragraphs, or unless a
contrary intent appears.
ART. 1522. Where the seller delivers to the
buyer a quantity of goods less than he Unless otherwise authorized by the
contracted to sell, the buyer may reject them, buyer, the seller must make such contract
but if the buyer accepts or retains the goods with the carrier on behalf of the buyer as
so delivered, knowing that the seller is not may be reasonable, having regard to the
going to perform the contract in full, he must nature of the goods and the other
pay for them at the contract rate. If, however, circumstances of the case. If the seller
the buyer has used or disposed of the goods omits so to do, and the goods are lost or
delivered before he knows that the seller is damaged in course of transit, the buyer
not going to perform his contract in full, the may decline to treat the delivery to the
buyer shall not be liable for more than the fair carrier as a delivery to himself, or may
value to him of the goods so received. hold the seller responsible in damages.
Where the seller delivers to the buyer a Unless otherwise agreed, where goods
quantity of goods larger than he are sent by the seller to the buyer under
contracted to sell, the buyer may accept circumstances in which the seller knows
the goods included in the contract and or ought to know that it is usual to insure,
reject the rest. If the buyer accepts the the seller must give such notice to the
whole of the goods so delivered he must buyer as may enable him to insure them
pay for them at the contract rate. during their transit, and, if the seller fails
Where the seller delivers to the buyer to do so, the goods shall be deemed to be
the goods he contracted to sell mixed with at his risk during such transit. (n)
goods of a different description not
included in the contract, the buyer may Delivery to carrier on behalf of buyer.
accept the goods which are in accordance Where the seller is authorized or required to
with the contract and reject the rest. send the goods to the buyer (Art. 1521, par. 1.), the
In the preceding two paragraphs, if the general rule is that delivery of such goods to the
subject matter is indivisible, the buyer may carrier6 constitutes delivery to the buyer, whether the
carrier is named by the buyer or not.
reject the whole of the goods.
The provisions of this article are SELLER’S DUTY AFTER DELIVERY TO
subject to any usage of trade, special CARRIER.
agreement, or course of dealing between The fact that the ownership in the goods
the parties. (n) may have passed to the buyer does not mean that
the seller has already fulfilled his duty to the buyer.
Delivery of goods less than quantity contracted. (1) To enter on behalf of buyer into such
Where the seller is under a contract to contract reasonable under the circumstances. —
deliver a specific quantity of goods and he delivers a The seller must make such contract with the carrier
smaller quantity as full performance of his obligation, on behalf of the buyer as may be reasonable under
the buyer may reject the goods so delivered. (see the circumstances.
Art. 1233.) The buyer may, however, accept the (2) To give notice to buyer regarding
goods in which case he must pay for their (1) price necessity to insure goods. —The seller must give
notice to the buyer as may enable him to insure the dishonor of the instrument.
goods during their transit if under the circumstances The term “unpaid seller” within the scope of
it is usual to insure them. Articles 1525 up to 1535 includes: (1) an agent of
the seller; (2) a consignor or agent who has
ART. 1524. The vendor shall not be himself paid or is directly responsible for the
bound to deliver the thing sold, if the vendee price; or (3) any other person in the position of
has not paid him the price, or if no period for the seller. A seller is unpaid within the definition
the payment has been fixed in the contract. whether title has or has not passed.

Delivery, simultaneous with payment of price. WHERE WHOLE OF PRICE HAS NOT BEEN
As a general rule, the obligation to deliver PAID.
the thing subject matter of a contract arises from the (1) Tender of payment by buyer. — Although
moment of its perfection and from that time the tender of payment is not the same as performance,
obligation may be enforced. But the contract of and a seller to whom the price of goods has been
purchase and sale is bilateral and from it arises not tendered is strictly unpaid, and can, therefore, bring
only the obligation to deliver the thing but also that of an action subsequently for the price, which he has
paying the price. The obligations are reciprocal. refused, yet tender destroys the seller’s lien.
Consequently, if the vendor is bound to deliver the (2) Payment of part of price. — Payment of a
thing sold, it is no less certain that the vendee must part only of the price does not destroy a seller’s lien.
pay the price. (2 Williston, op. cit., pp. 9697.) The seller remains an
unpaid seller even if title has passed to the buyer.
When delivery must be made before payment of (3) Payment by negotiable instrument. —
Price. According to paragraph 2 of Article 1249 (Civil
The provisions of Article 1524 contain a rule Code), “the delivery of promissory notes payable to
and an exception: order, or bills of exchange or other mercantile
The rule is that the thing shall not be delivered documents shall produce the effect of payment only
unless the price be paid; and The exception is that when they have been cashed or when through the
the thing must be delivered though the price be not fault of the creditor they have been impaired.”
first paid, if time for such payment has been fixed in
the contract. ART. 1526. Subject to the provisions of
ART. 1525. The seller of goods is deemed this Title, notwithstanding that the ownership
to be an unpaid seller within the meaning of in the goods may have passed to the buyer,
this Title: the unpaid seller of goods, as such, has:
(1) When the whole of the price has not (1) A lien on the goods or right to
been paid or tendered; retain them for the price while he is in
(2) When a bill of exchange or other possession of them;
negotiable instrument has been received (2) In case of the insolvency of the
as conditional payment, and the condition buyer, a right of stopping the goods in
on which it was received has been broken transitu after he has parted with the
by reason of the dishonor of the possession of them;
(3) A right of resale as limited by this
instrument, the insolvency of the buyer, or
(4) A right to rescind the sale as
In articles 1525 and 1535 the term likewise limited by this Title.
“seller” includes an agent of the seller to
whom the bill of lading has been indorsed, Where the ownership in the goods has
not passed to the buyer, the unpaid seller
or a consignor or agent who has himself
has, in addition to his other remedies, a
paid, or is directly responsible for the
right of withholding delivery similar to and
price, or any other person who is in the
coextensive with his rights of lien and
position of a seller. stoppage in transitu where the ownership
has passed to the buyer. (n)
An unpaid seller is one who has not been paid Basis of rights of unpaid seller.
or tendered the whole price or who has received a The ground upon which an unpaid seller is
bill of exchange or other negotiable instrument as allowed a lien and kindred remedies is the inherent
conditional payment and the condition on which it injustice of depriving him of goods with which he has
was received has been broken by reason of the
not finally parted where it is evident that he has not
been or will not be paid the price for them when it is When parts of the goods are delivered, the
due. The same principle of justice is applicable in unpaid seller has a lien upon the remainder for the
every case where a possessor of goods is entitled to proportion of the price which is due on account of
receive a price on the surrender of the goods. the goods so retained. However, if the delivery of the
Accordingly, the term “unpaid seller’’ has a wider part is intended as symbolical delivery of the whole,
meaning than the literal language would import. and, therefore, a waiver of any right of retention as
to the remainder, the lien is lost.
ART. 1527. Subject to the provisions of
this Title, the unpaid seller of goods who is in ART. 1529. The unpaid seller of goods
possession of them is entitled to retain loses his lien thereon:
possession of them until payment or tender of (1) When he delivers the goods
the price in the following cases, namely: to a carrier or other bailee for the
(1) Where the goods have been sold purpose of transmission to the buyer
without any stipulation as to credit; without reserving the ownership in the
(2) Where the goods have been sold on goods or the right to the possession
credit, but the term of credit has expired; thereof;
(2) When the buyer or his agent
(3) Where the buyer becomes
lawfully obtains possession of the
The seller may exercise his right of lien
(3) By waiver thereof.
notwithstanding that he is in possession of
The unpaid seller of goods, having a lien
the goods as agent or bailee for the buyer. (n)
thereon, does not lose his lien by reason
only that he has obtained judgment or
MAY BE EXERCISED. decree for the price of the goods.
(1) Sale without stipulation as to credit. — In WHEN UNPAID SELLER LOSES POSSESSORY
a credit sale, the seller binds himself to give the LIEN.
goods over to the buyer without receiving at that (1) Delivery to agent or bailee of buyer. — An
time payment for them. Where there is a unconditional delivery to an agent or bailee for the
“stipulation as to credit” (No. 1.), a period for buyer is, so far as the seller’s lien is concerned, the
payment of the price has been fixed in the contract. same as delivery to the buyer himself.
(2) Expiration of term of credit. — Even (2) Possession by buyer or his agent. — If the
where the parties agree upon a sale on credit, the goods are already in the possession of the buyer at
seller’s right of lien may be exercised. By the the time of the bargain, it is plain that when the
nature of a credit sale, the buyer is entitled to
ownership is transferred, the seller has no lien
possession of the goods without paying the price;
simply because he has no possession necessary for
but if he fails to exercise his right until the term of
a lien.
credit has expired and the price becomes due, he
(3) Waiver of the lien. — The seller may lose his
loses the right which he theretofore had.
lien either by express agreement to surrender it.
(3) Insolvency of the buyer. — The
Thus, it has been held that where the buyer was
insolvency of the buyer is another situation where
allowed to alter the character of the goods and make
the lien of the seller in possession is revived even
them much more valuable, the seller could no longer
though the time for payment of the price has not
assert a lien.
yet arrived. This doctrine is only an application of a
general principle in the law of contracts that when
one party to a bilateral contract is incapacitated ART. 1530. Subject to the provisions of
from performing his part of the agreement, the this Title, when the buyer of goods is or
other party also is excused from performing. becomes insolvent, the unpaid seller who has
parted with the possession of the goods has
the right of stopping them in transitu, that is to
ART. 1528. Where an unpaid seller has
made part delivery of the goods, he may say, he may resume possession of the goods
at any time while they are in transit, and he
exercise his right of lien on the remainder,
unless such part delivery has been made will then become entitled to the same rights in
regard to the goods as he would have had if
under such circumstances as to show intent
to waive the lien or right of retention. (n) he had never parted with the possession. (n)


Lien generally not lost by part delivery.
If the unpaid seller has already parted with the (3) If the carrier or other bailee
possession of the goods, he may still exercise the wrongfully refuses to deliver the goods to
second right of stoppage in transitu (Art. 1520[2].), the buyer or his agent in that behalf.
that is, he may resume possession of the goods If the goods are delivered to a ship,
while they are in transit, when the buyer is or freight train, truck, or airplane chartered by
becomes insolvent. The right is exercised either by the buyer, it is a question depending on
obtaining actual possession of the goods or by the circumstances of the particular case,
giving notice of his claim to the carrier or other bailee whether they are in the possession of the
in possession. carrier as such or as agent of the buyer.
If part delivery of the goods has been
REQUISITES FOR THE EXERCISE OF RIGHT OF made to the buyer, or his agent in that
STOPPAGE IN TRANSITU. behalf, the remainder of the goods may be
The following are the requisites for the existence stopped in transitu, unless such part
of the right: delivery has been under such
(1) The seller must be unpaid (Art. 1525.);
(2) The buyer must be insolvent; circumstances as to show an agreement
(3) The goods must be in transit (Art. 1531.); with the buyer to give up possession of
(4) The seller must either actually take the whole of the goods. (n)
possession of the goods sold or give notice of his
claim to the carrier or other person in possession WHEN GOODS CONSIDERED NO LONGER IN
(Art. 1532, par. 1.); TRANSIT.
(5) The seller must surrender the negotiable The right of stoppage in transitu arises solely
document of title, if any, issued by the carrier or when an unpaid seller has shipped goods to an
bailee (Ibid., par. 2.); and insolvent buyer. The right to retake continues only
(6) The seller must bear the expenses of while the goods are in transit. The goods are no
delivery of the goods after the exercise of the right. longer in transit in the following cases:
(Ibid.) (1) After delivery to the buyer or his agent in
that behalf;
ART. 1531. Goods are in transit within (2) If the buyer or his agent obtains possession
the meaning of the preceding article: of the goods at a point before the destination
(1) From the time when they are originally fixed;
delivered to a carrier by land, water, or air, (3) If the carrier or bailee acknowledges to hold
or other bailee for the purpose of the goods on behalf of the buyer; and
transmission to the buyer, until the buyer, (4) If the carrier or bailee wrongfully refuses to
or his agent in that behalf, takes delivery deliver the goods to the buyer. (par. 2.)
of them from such carrier or other bailee;
(2) If the goods are rejected by the Effect of refusal of carrier to attorn or deliver the
buyer, and the carrier or other bailee goods.
continues in possession of them, even if The carrier is not allowed to enlarge the seller’s
the seller has refused to receive them right by wrongfully refusing to deliver or attorn as the
back; buyer’s agent. (Art. 1531, par. 2[3].) But a rightful
refusal by the carrier, based for instance, on the
Goods are no longer in transit within refusal of the buyer or his agent to pay the freight
the meaning of the preceding article: will not terminate the right to stop.
(1) If the buyer, or his agent in that
behalf, obtains delivery of the goods
before their arrival at the appointed
(2) If, after the arrival of the goods at Delivery to a ship, etc., chartered or owned by
the appointed destination, the carrier or buyer.
other bailee acknowledges to the buyer or 1. Chartered by the buyer. — The mere fact
his agent that he holds the goods on his that the carrier is chartered by the buyer does not
behalf and continues in possession of make a delivery to the carrier a delivery to the buyer.
them as bailee for the buyer or his agent; Whether delivery to a carrier chartered by the buyer
and it is immaterial that further destination means possession by the carrier as such or
for the goods may have been indicated by possession by the carrier as agent of the buyer, in
the buyer; which case, the goods are no longer in transit, is a
question depending on the circumstances of the diligence, may communicate it to his agent to
particular case. prevent the delivery to the buyer.
2. Owned by the buyer. — As delivery to an
agent, other than one whose only duty is to forward ART. 1533. Where the goods are of
the goods, is a delivery to the principal, delivery to perishable nature, or where the seller
the buyer’s servant who is under a general duty to expressly reserves the right of resale in case
obey his master’s order, is necessarily a delivery to
the buyer should make default, or where the
the buyer.
buyer has been in default in the payment of
the price for an unreasonable time, an unpaid
Effect of partial delivery.
The mere fact that part of the goods has been
seller having a right of lien or having stopped
delivered does not deprive the seller of the right to the goods in transitu may resell the goods. He
stop with respect to the remainder (par. 4.) just as shall not thereafter be liable to the original
the seller may still exercise his right of lien on the buyer upon the contract of sale for any profit
remainder after part of the goods had been made by such resale, but may recover from
delivered. (Art. 1528.) However, it may be shown the buyer damages for any loss occasioned by
that the seller has an agreement with the buyer to the breach of the contract of sale.
give up possession of the whole of the goods. Where a resale is made, as authorized in
this article, the buyer acquires a good title as
ART. 1532. The unpaid seller may exercise against the original buyer.
his right of stoppage in transitu either by It is not essential to the validity of a
obtaining actual possession of the goods or resale that notice of an intention to resell the
by giving notice of his claim to the carrier or goods be given by the seller to the original
other bailee in whose possession the goods buyer. But where the right to resell is not
are. Such notice may be given either to the based on the perishable nature of the goods
person in actual possession of the goods or to or upon an express provision of the contract
his principal. In the latter case, the notice, to of sale, the giving or failure to give such
be effectual, must be given at such time and notice shall be relevant in any issue involving
under such circumstances that the principal, the question whether the buyer had been in
by the exercise of reasonable diligence, may default for an unreasonable time before the
resale was made.
prevent a delivery to the buyer.
It is not essential to the validity of a
When notice of stoppage in transitu is
resale that notice of the time and place of
given by the seller to the carrier, or other
such resale should be given by the seller to
bailee in possession of the goods, he must the original buyer.
redeliver the goods to, or according to the
directions of, the seller. The expenses of such The seller is bound to exercise
delivery must be borne by the seller. If, reasonable care and judgment in making a
resale, and subject to this requirement may
however, a negotiable document of title
make a resale either by public or private sale.
representing the goods has been issued by
He cannot, however, directly or indirectly buy
the carrier or other bailee, he shall not be the goods.
obliged to deliver or justified in delivering the
goods to the seller unless such document is Unpaid seller’s right of resale.
first surrendered for cancellation. (n) (1) When resale allowable. — The third right of
an unpaid seller is the right of resale. (Art. 1526[3].)
An unpaid seller can exercise the right to resell only
WAYS OF EXERCISING THE RIGHT TO STOP. when he has either a right of lien (Ibid., [1].) or a
The seller may exercise the right of stoppage in right to stop the goods in transitu (Ibid., [2].) and
transitu either: under any of the three following cases:
1. by taking actual possession of the goods. (a) where the goods are perishable in
2. by giving notice of his claim to the carrier nature;
or bailee. — To make a notice effective as a (b) where the right to resell is expressly
stoppage in transitu, it must be given at such reserved in case the buyer should make a
time, and under such circumstances that the default; and
principal, by the exercise of reasonable (c) where the buyer delays in the payment of

the price for an unreasonable time. (see damages for any loss occasioned by the breach of
Hanlon vs. Haussermann and Beam, 40 Phil. contract.
796 [1920].) ART. 1535. Subject to the provisions of
Article 1533 provides that the seller having the this Title, the unpaid seller’s right of lien or
right “may resell the goods.” The language is stoppage in transit is not affected by any sale,
permissive in nature rather than mandatory. or other disposition of the goods which the
(2) Effect of resale. — In case of resale, the buyer may have made, unless the seller has
seller is not liable for any profit made by such resale; assented thereto.
but if he sells for less than the price, he has a right to If, however, a negotiable document of title
sue for the balance. (par. 1.) As against the original has been issued for goods, no seller’s lien or
buyer, the new buyer acquires a good title to the right to stoppage in transitu shall defeat the
goods. (par. 2.) right of any purchaser for value in good faith
to whom such document has been negotiated,
ART. 1534. An unpaid seller having the whether such negotiation be prior or
right of lien or having stopped the goods in subsequent to the notification to the carrier, or
transitu, may rescind the transfer of title and other bailee who issued such document, of
resume the ownership in the goods, where he the seller’s claim to a lien or right of stoppage
in transitu.
expressly reserved the right to do so in case
the buyer should make default, or where the
ART. 1536. The vendor is not bound to
buyer has been in default in the payment of deliver the thing sold in case the vendee
the price for an unreasonable time. The seller should lose the right to make use of the term
shall not thereafter be liable to the buyer upon as provided in article 1198.
the contract of sale, but may recover from the
buyer damages for any loss occasioned by the ART. 1537. The vendor is bound to
breach of the contract. deliver the thing sold and its accessions and
The transfer of title shall not be held to accessories in the condition in which they
were upon the perfection of the contract
have been rescinded by an unpaid seller until
he has manifested by notice to the buyer or by
All the fruits shall pertain to the vendee
some other overt act an intention to rescind. It
is not necessary that such overt act should be from the day on which the contract was
communicated to the buyer, but the giving or
failure to give notice to the buyer of the
intention to rescind shall be relevant in any
issue involving the question whether the
“The debtor (vendee) shall lose every right to
buyer had been in default for an unreasonable make use of the period:
time before the right of rescission was 1. When after the obligation has been
asserted. (n) contracted, he becomes insolvent,
unless he gives a guaranty or security for
The fourth right of an unpaid seller is the right to 2. When he does not furnish to the creditor
rescind the sale. An unpaid seller has a right to the guaranties which he has promised
rescind only if he has either a right of lien or a right 3.
to stay the goods in transit and under either of two
situations: ART. 1538. In case of loss,
(a) Where the right to rescind is expressly deterioration or improvement of the thing
reserved in case the buyer should make a before its delivery, the rules in article 1189
default; or shall be observed, the vendor being
(b) Where the buyer delays in the payment of considered the debtor. (n)
the price for an unreasonable time.
In the case of rescission, the seller resumes Article 1189 of the Civil Code states:
ownership in the goods. While the seller shall not be
“When the conditions have been imposed with
liable to the buyer upon the contract of sale, the
the intention of suspending the efficacy of an
latter, however, may be made liable to the seller for
obligation to give, the following rules shall be SALE OF REAL PROPERTY BY UNIT OF
observed in case of the improvement, loss or MEASURE OR NUMBER.
deterioration of the thing during the pendency of 1. Entire area stated in contract must
the condition: be delivered. — If the sale of real estate
(1) If the thing is lost without the fault of the should be made with a statement of its area,
debtor, the obligation shall be extinguished; at the rate of a certain price per unit of
(2) If the thing is lost through the fault of the measure or number, the cause of the
debtor, he shall be obliged to pay damages; it is contract with respect to the vendee is the
understood that the thing is lost when it number of such units or, if you wish, the
perishes, or goes out of commerce, or thing purchased as determined by the
disappears in such a way that its existence is stipulated number of units.
unknown or it cannot be recovered; 2. Where entire area could not be
(3) When the thing deteriorates without the delivered. — If all that is included within the
fault of the debtor, the impairment is to be borne stipulated boundaries is not delivered, then
by the creditor; the object of the contract, its cause as far as
(4) If it deteriorates through the fault of the the vendee is concerned, is not delivered.
debtor, the creditor may choose between the
rescission of the obligation and its fulfillment, WHEN VENDEE ENTITLED TO RESCIND SALE
with indemnity for damages in either case; OF REAL PROPERTY.
(5) If the thing is improved by its nature, or Under the above article, the right of rescission is
by time, the improvement shall inure to the available to the vendee in the following cases:
benefit of the creditor;
(1) If the lack in area is at least 1/10th than
(6) If it is improved at the expense of the
that stated or stipulated. (par. 2.) The 1/10th
debtor, he shall have no other right than that
mentioned must be based on the area stipulated in
granted to the usufructuary.”
the contract, and not on the real area which the thing
may actually have;
ART. 1539. The obligation to deliver the
(2) If the deficiency in the quality specified in
thing sold includes that of placing in the
the contract exceeds 1/10th of the price agreed
control of the vendee all that is mentioned in
upon (par. 3.); and
the contract, in conformity with the following
(3) If the vendee would not have brought the
immovable had he known of its smaller area or
inferior quality irrespective of the extent of the
If the sale of real estate should be made lack in area or quality. (pars. 4 and 5.)
with a statement of its area, at the rate of a
certain price for a unit of measure or number, ART. 1540. If, in the case of the preceding
the vendor shall be obliged to deliver to the article, there is a greater area or number in the
vendee, if the latter should demand it, all that immovable than that stated in the contract, the
may have been stated in the contract; but, vendee may accept the area included in the
should this be not possible, the vendee may contract and reject the rest. If he accepts the
choose between a proportional reduction of whole area, he must pay for the same at the
the price and the rescission of the contract, contract rate. (1470a)
provided that, in the latter case, the lack in the
area be not less than onetenth of that stated. Where immovable of a greater area or number.
The same shall be done, even when the If the area or number in the immovable is
area is the same, if any part of the immovable greater than that stipulated in the contract, the
vendee may accept the area included in the contract
is not of the quality specified in the contract.
and reject the rest. If he accepts the whole, he
The rescission, in this case, shall only take makes himself liable for the price of the same at the
place at the will of the vendee, when the contract rate. (see comments under Article 1522,
inferior value of the thing sold exceeds par. 2.)
onetenth of the price agreed upon. The vendee may not withdraw from the contract.
Nevertheless, if the vendee would not have
bought the immovable had he known of its ART. 1541. The provisions of the two
smaller area or inferior quality, he may rescind preceding articles shall apply to judicial sales.
the sale. (n)

Application of Articles 1539 and 1540 to judicial other party has promised that the condition
sales. should happen or be performed, such first
The provisions of Articles 1539 and 1540 are mentioned party may also treat the
applicable to both private (voluntary) and judicial nonperformance of the condition as a breach
sales when the immovable sold is lacking in area or of warranty.
is of inferior quality or is greater in area than stated Where the ownership in the thing has
in the contract. (see Arts. 1552 and 1570.) not passed, the buyer may treat the fulfillment
by the seller of his obligation to deliver the
ART. 1542. In the sale of real estate, made same as described and as warranted
for a lump sum and not at the rate of a certain expressly or by implication in the contract of
sum for a unit of measure or number, there sale as a condition of the obligation of the
shall be no increase or decrease of the price, buyer to perform his promise to accept and
although there be a greater or less area or
pay for the thing.
number than that stated in the contract.
The same rule shall be applied when two
Meaning of condition.
or more immovables are sold for a single
A condition, as used in Article 1545, means an
price; but if, besides mentioning the uncertain event or contingency on the happening of
boundaries, which is indispensable in every which the obligation (or right) of the contract
conveyance of real estate, its area or number depends. In such a case, the obligation of the
should be designated in the contract, the contract does not attach until the condition is
vendor shall be bound to deliver all that is performed. (see Art. 1462)
included within said boundaries, even when it
exceeds the area or number specified in the EFFECT OF NONFULFILLMENT OF CONDITION.
contract; and should he not be able to do so, A contract of sale may be absolute or
he shall suffer a reduction in the price, in conditional. (Art. 1458.)
proportion to what is lacking in the area or (1) If the obligation of either party is subject to
number, unless the contract is rescinded any condition and such condition is not fulfilled, such
because the vendee does not accede to the party may either:
failure to deliver what has been stipulated. (a) Refuse to proceed with the contract;
(b) Proceed with the contract, waiving
the performance of the condition.
Sale of real estate made for a lump sum. (2) If the condition is in the nature of a promise
(1) Mistake in area stated in contract that it should happen, the nonperformance of such
immaterial. — If the sale is made for a lump sum, condition may be treated by the other party as a
and not so much per unit of measure or number, the breach of warranty. (see Art. 1546.)
cause of the contract is the thing sold independent
and irrespective of its number or measure. In this
ART. 1546. Any affirmation of fact or any
case, the law presumes that the purchaser had in
promise by the seller relating to the thing is an
mind a determinate price for the real estate and that
express warranty if the natural tendency of
he ascertained its area and quality before the
such affirmation or promise is to induce the
contract was perfected.
buyer to purchase the same, and if the buyer
(2) Where area or number stated together
purchases the thing relying thereon. No
with boundaries. — If the vendor cannot deliver to
the vendee all that is included within the boundaries
affirmation of the value of the thing, nor any
mentioned in the contract, the latter has the option to statement purporting to be a statement of the
reduce the price in proportion to the deficiency or to seller’s opinion only, shall be construed as a
set aside the contract. warranty, unless the seller made such
affirmation or statement as an expert and it
SECTION 3. — Conditions and Warranties was relied upon by the buyer. (n)

ART. 1545. Where the obligation of either Effect of express warranty.

party to a contract of sale is subject to any Warranties by the seller may be express, as in
the above article, or implied, as in Article 1547. An
condition which is not performed, such party
express warranty is any affirmation of fact or any
may refuse to proceed with the contract or he promise by the seller relating to the thing, the natural
may waive performance of the condition. If the tendency of which is to induce the buyer to purchase
the thing and the buyer thus induced, does purchase
the same. ART. 1548. Eviction shall take place
Effect of expression of opinion. whenever by a final judgment based on a right
A mere expression of opinion, no matter how
prior to the sale or an act imputable to the
positively asserted, does not import a warranty
unless the seller is an expert and his opinion was vendor, the vendee is deprived of the whole or
relied upon by the buyer. Thus, assertions that of a part of the thing purchased.
things are fine or valuable or better than products of The vendor shall answer for the eviction
rival manufacturers are in their nature so dependent even though nothing has been said in the
on individual opinion that no matter how positive the contract on the subject.
seller’s assertion may be, they are not held to create The contracting parties, however, may
a warranty. increase, diminish, or suppress this legal
obligation of the vendor.
ART. 1547. In a contract of a sale, unless a
contrary intention appears, there is: MEANING OF EVICTION.
(1) An implied warranty on the part of the Eviction may be defined as the judicial process,
seller that he has a right to sell the thing at the whereby the vendee is deprived of the whole or part
time when the ownership is to pass, and that of the thing purchased by virtue of a final judgment
the buyer shall from that time have and enjoy based on a right prior to the sale or an act imputable
the legal and peaceful possession of the to the vendor.
(2) An implied warranty that the thing shall ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF WARRANTY
be free from any hidden faults or defects, or AGAINST EVICTION.
any charge or encumbrance not declared or The essential elements are:
known to the buyer. (1) The vendee is deprived in whole or in part of
This article shall not, however, be held to the thing purchased;
render liable a sheriff, auctioneer, mortgagee, (2) He is so deprived by virtue of a final
pledgee, or other person professing to sell by judgment (Art. 1557.);
virtue of authority in fact or law, for the sale of (3) The judgment is based on a right prior to the
a thing in which a third person has a legal or sale or an act imputable to the vendor;
equitable interest. (n) (4) The vendor was summoned in the suit for
eviction at the instance of the vendee (Art. 1558.);
IMPLIED WARRANTIES IN SALE. (5) There is no waiver on the part of the
The term implied warranty is reserved for vendee.
cases where the law attaches an obligation to the
seller which is not expressed in any words. (1 Warranty against eviction refers to trespass in
Williston, op. cit., p. 498.) Implied warranties under law.
Articles 1547 and 1562 are: Mere trespass in fact does not give rise to the
(1) Implied warranty as to seller’s title. — application of the doctrine of eviction. (see Art.
That the seller guarantees that he has a right to sell 1590.) In such case, the vendee has a direct action
the thing sold and to transfer ownership to the buyer against the trespasser in the same way as the
who shall not be disturbed in his legal and peaceful lessee has such right. (Art. 1664.)
possession thereof (Art. 1548.); The disturbance referred to in the case of
(2) Implied warranty against hidden defects
eviction is a disturbance in law which requires that
or unknown encumbrance. — That the seller
a person go to the courts of justice claiming the thing
guarantees that the thing sold is free from any
sold, or part thereof, and invoking reasons. If final
hidden faults or defects or any charge or
judgment is rendered depriving the vendee of the
encumbrance not declared or known to the buyer
thing sold or any part thereof, the doctrine of eviction
(Art. 1561.);
becomes applicable.
(3) Implied warranty as to fitness or
merchantability. — That the seller guarantees that Vendor’s liability is waivable.
the thing sold is reasonably fit for the known Warranty is not an essential element of a
particular purpose for which it was acquired by the contract of sale and may, therefore, be increased,
buyer or, where it was bought by description, that it diminished, or suppressed by agreement of the
is of merchantable quality. (Art. 1562.) parties. (Art. 1548, par.3.)
Any stipulation, however, exempting the
SUBSECTION 1. — Warranty in Case of vendor from the obligation to answer for eviction
Eviction shall be void if he acted in bad faith. (Art. 1553.)
however, that at the time of the sale, the
ART. 1549. The vendee need not appeal nonpayment of taxes was not known to the vendee.
from the decision in order that the vendor
may become liable for eviction. ART. 1552. The judgment debtor is also
responsible for eviction in judicial sales,
Vendee has no duty to appeal from judgment. unless it is otherwise decreed in the
The vendee’s right against the vendor is not lost judgment. (n)
because he, the vendee, did not appeal. With a
judgment becoming final whatever be the cause of
finality, the requirement of the law is deemed Liability of judgment debtor.
satisfied. While the rule on implied warranty does not
Furthermore, the vendor, having been notified of apply to a sheriff who sells by virtue of authority in
the action, could have very well followed up the case law (Art. 1549, par. 2.), the judgment debtor is
and made use of all possible remedies. If he did not responsible for eviction (Art. 1552.) and hidden
do that, he should suffer for his omission. In reality, defects (Art. 1570.) even in judicial sales, unless
he does not have the right to demand of the vendee otherwise decreed in the judgment.
such diligence that he himself did not have and Article 1552 is based on the general principle
which he was more obliged to observe, especially if that a person may not enrich himself at the expense
the cause of eviction was anterior to the sale. of another.

ART. 1550. When adverse possession ART. 1553. Any stipulation exempting
had been commenced before the sale but the vendor from the obligation to answer for
the prescriptive period is completed after eviction shall be void, if he acted in bad
the transfer, the vendor shall not be liable faith.
for eviction.
Stipulation waiving warranty.
Effect of prescription. 1. Effect of vendor’s bad faith. — The vendor’s
By prescription, one acquires ownership and bad faith under Article 1553 consists in his knowing
other real rights through the lapse of time in the beforehand at the time of the sale, of the presence
manner and under the conditions prescribed by law. of the fact giving rise to eviction, and its possible
In the same way, rights and actions are lost by consequence.
prescription. (Art. 1106.) 2. Effect of vendee’s bad faith. — It is a requisite,
however, that the vendee is not himself guilty of bad
(1) Completed before sale. — The vendee may faith in the execution of the sale. If he knew the
lose the thing purchased to a third person who has defect of title at the time of sale, or had knowledge of
acquired title thereto by prescription. When the facts which should have put him upon inquiry
prescription has commenced to run against the and investigation as might be necessary to acquaint
vendor and was already complete before the sale, him with the defects of the title of the vendor, he
the vendee can enforce the warranty against cannot claim that the vendor has warranted his legal
eviction. and peaceful possession of the property sold on the
(2) Completed after sale. — Even if theory that he proceeded with the sale with the
prescription has started before the sale but has assumption of the danger of eviction.
reached the limit prescribed by law after the sale, the
vendor is not liable for eviction. The reason is that ART. 1554. If the vendee has renounced
the vendee could easily interrupt the running of the the right to warranty in case of eviction, and
prescriptive period by bringing the necessary action. eviction should take place, the vendor shall
only pay the value which the thing sold had at
ART. 1551. If the property is sold for the time of the eviction. Should the vendee
nonpayment of taxes due and not made have made the waiver with knowledge of the
known to the vendee before the sale, the risks of eviction and assumed its
vendor is liable for eviction. (n) consequences, the vendor shall not be liable.
Deprivation for nonpayment of taxes. KINDS OF WAIVER OF EVICTION.
If the vendee is deprived of the ownership of the Article 1554 treats of two kinds of waiver,
property because it is sold at public for nonpayment namely:
of taxes due from the vendor, the latter is liable for
eviction for an act imputable to him. It is required, (1) Consciente, that is, the waiver is voluntarily
made by the vendee without the knowledge and
assumption of the risks of eviction; and income or fruits received only if so decreed by the
(2) Intencionada, that is, the waiver is made by the court. The obvious inference from this provision is
vendee with knowledge of the risks of eviction and that to the vendee belongs the use, free of any
assumption of its consequences. liability, of the subject matter of the sale. And this
benefit is not by any means gratuitous. It is offset by
Effect of waiver by vendee. the use without interest of the money of the vendee
1. If the waiver was only conscious, the vendor shall by the vendor.
pay only the value which the thing sold had at the 3. Costs of the suit. — The vendee is also entitled
time of eviction. to recover the expense of litigation resulting in
2. In the second kind of waiver, the vendor is eviction, including the costs of the action brought
exempted from the obligation to answer for eviction, against the vendor to enforce his warranty. “Costs of
provided he did not act in bad faith. the suit” mentioned in No. (3) does not include
travelling expenses incurred by the vendee in
ART. 1555. When the warranty has been defending himself in the action. He is not entitled to
agreed upon or nothing has been stipulated recover damages unless the sale was made by the
on this point, in case eviction occurs, the vendor in bad faith. (No. 5.)
vendee shall have the right to demand of the 4. Expenses of the contract. — In the absence of
vendor: any stipulation to the contrary, the expenses in the
(1) The return of the value which the thing execution and registration of the sale are borne by
sold had at the time of the eviction, be it the vendor. However, if the vendee should have paid
greater or less than the price of the sale; for such expenses, he shall have the right to
(2) The income or fruits, if he has been demand the same from the vendor.
ordered to deliver them to the party who won 5. Damages and interests. — The right of the
the suit against him; vendee to demand “damages and interests and
(3) The costs of the suit which caused the ornamental expenses” is qualified by the condition
eviction and, in a proper case, those of the that the sale was made in bad faith. If good faith is
suit brought against the vendor for the presumed, the vendee is not entitled to recover
warranty; damages unless bad faith on the part of the vendor
is shown in making the sale.
(4) The expenses of the contract, if the ART. 1556. Should the vendee lose, by
vendee has paid them; reason of the eviction, a part of thing sold of
(5) The damages and interests and such importance, in relation to the whole, that
ornamental expenses, if the sale was made in he would not have bought it without said part,
bad faith. (1478) he may demand the rescission of the contract;
but with the obligation to return the thing
without other encumbrances than those which
it had when he acquired it.
The provisions of the above article specify in He may exercise this right of action,
detail the rights and liabilities of the vendor and the instead of enforcing the vendor’s liability for
vendee in the event eviction takes place “when the eviction.
warranty has been agreed upon or nothing has been The same rule shall be observed when two
stipulated on this point,” that is, in the absence of or more things have been jointly sold for a
waiver of eviction by the vendee. (Art. 1554.) lump sum or for a separate price for each of
1. Return of value of thing. — If at the time of the them, if it should clearly appear that the
eviction the value of the property is really more or vendee would not have purchased one without
less than its value at the time of the sale, by reason the other.
of improvements or deterioration, it is but just that
the vendor should pay the excess or not suffer the Alternative rights of vendee in case of partial
damage. All kinds of improvements whether useful eviction.
or necessary or even recreational expense This article contemplates of partial eviction, while
voluntarily incurred by the vendee (Arts. 546548.) or Article 1554 treats of total eviction. It states the rule
that if there is partial eviction, the vendee has the
caused by nature or time (Art. 551, ibid.) insofar as
option either to enforce the vendor’s liability for
they may affect the value of property, are taken into
eviction (Art. 1555.) or to demand rescission of the
account in determining the increase in value.
contract. The above rule is applicable —
2. Income or fruits of thing. — The vendee is liable (1) When the vendee is deprived of a part of
to the party who won the suit against him for the the thing sold if such part is of such importance
to the whole that he would not have bought the
thing without said part (par. 1.); or Art. 1561. The vendor shall be
(2) When two or more things are jointly sold responsible for warranty against the hidden
whether for a lump sum or for a separate price defects which the thing sold may have, should
for each, and the vendee would not have they render it unfit for the use for which it is
purchased one without the other. (par. 2.) intended, or should they diminish its fitness
for such use to such an extent that, had the
ART. 1557. The warranty cannot be vendee been aware thereof, he would not have
enforced until a final judgment has been acquired it or would have given a lower price
rendered, whereby the vendee loses the thing for it; but said vendor shall not be answerable
acquired or a part thereof. for patent defects or those which may be
visible, or for those which are not visible if the
ART. 1558. The vendor shall not be obliged vendee is an expert who, by reason of his
to make good the proper warranty, unless he trade or profession, should have known them.
is summoned in the suit for eviction at the
instance of the vendee. Art. 1562. In a sale of goods, there is an
implied warranty or condition as to the quality
Formal summons to vendor essential. or fitness of the goods, as follows:
Another essential requisite before a vendor
may be legally liable for eviction is that he should be (1) Where the buyer, expressly or by
summoned in the suit for eviction at the instance of implication, makes known to the seller the
the vendee, to give the vendor an opportunity to particular purpose for which the goods are
intervene and defend the title that he has acquired, and it appears that the buyer relies
transferred. on the seller's skill or judgment (whether he
be the grower or manufacturer or not), there is
ART. 1559. The defendant vendee shall an implied warranty that the goods shall be
ask, within the time fixed in the Rules of reasonably fit for such purpose;
Court for answering the complaint, that the
vendor be made a codefendant. (2) Where the goods are brought by
description from a seller who deals in goods
ART. 1560. If the immovable sold should of that description (whether he be the grower
or manufacturer or not), there is an implied
be encumbered with any non-apparent burden
warranty that the goods shall be of
or servitude, not mentioned in the agreement,
merchantable quality. (n)
of such a nature that it must be presumed that
the vendee would not have acquired it had he
been aware thereof, he may ask for the Quality of goods includes their state or
rescission of the contract, unless he should condition. (art. 1636) The purpose of holding the
prefer the appropriate indemnity. Neither right seller on his implied warranties is to promote high
can be exercised if the non-apparent burden standard in business and to discourage sharp
or servitude is recorded in the Registry of dealings.
Property, unless there is an express warranty (1) Implied warranty of fitness. – There is
that the thing is free from all burdens and no implied warranty as to the quality or fitness for
encumbrances. any particular purpose of goods under a contract of
sale, except as follows: where (a) the buyer,
Within one year, to be computed from the expressly or by implication, manifests to the
execution of the deed, the vendee may bring seller the particular purpose for which the goods
the action for rescission, or sue for damages. are required, and (b) the buyer relies upon the
seller’s skill or judgment. Then, whether he be the
One year having elapsed, he may only
grower or manufacturer or not – there is an implied
bring an action for damages within an equal
warranty that the goods are reasonably fit for such
period, to be counted from the date on which purpose.
he discovered the burden or servitude. (2) Implied warranty of merchantability. –
Where goods are brought by description, the seller
SUBSECTION 2. - Warranty against Hidden impliedly warrants that the goods are of
Defects of or Encumbrances upon the Thing merchantable quality. Merchantability is not a
Sold warranty of quality in the sense of requiring a
particular grade, but it does require identity between

what is described in the contract and what is Art. 1564. An implied warranty or
tendered, in the sense that the latter is such of condition as to the quality or fitness for a
quality to have some value. Judicial synonyms for particular purpose may be annexed by the
“merchantability” include “salable,” “standard,” or usage of trade.
“average quality” (of goods sold under a particular
description.) Effect of usage of trade.
A warranty as to the quality or fitness for a
Warranty of fitness and warranty of particular purpose may be attached by usage to a
merchantability distinguished. contract containing no express provision in regard to
A warranty of merchantability is a warranty would be implied. The usage is relied on for
warranty that the goods are reasonably fit for the the purpose of showing the intention of the parties. If
general purpose for which they are sold, while there is no usage the parties would naturally express
warranty of fitness is a warranty that the goods are their intention. But a usage in order to bind both
suitable for the special purpose of the buyer which other must be justified in assuming knowledge on
will not be satisfied by mere fitness for general the part of the person with whom he is dealing.
purposes. (Dunfor Bros. Co. vs. Consolidated Iron-
Steel Mfg. Co., C.C.A. Comm. 1928, 23 F. 2nd. 461.)
Art. 1565. In the case of a contract of
Art. 1563. In the case of contract of sale sale by sample, if the seller is a dealer in
of a specified article under its patent or other goods of that kind, there is an implied
trade name, there is no warranty as to its warranty that the goods shall be free from any
fitness for any particular purpose, unless defect rendering them unmerchantable which
there is a stipulation to the contrary. would not be apparent on reasonable
examination of the sample. (n)
Sale under a patent or trade name.
Under Article 1562 (No. 1.), the buyer Merchantability of goods sold by sample
makes known to the seller the particular purpose for As a general rule, all buyers is entitled to, in
which the goods are desired. Article 1563 is naturally case of a sale or contract to sell by sample, is that
a provision limiting the application of Article 1562. the goods be like the sample. So he has no right to
(1) By exactly defining what he wants, the have the goods merchantable if the sample which he
buyer has exercised his own judgment instead of has inspected is not. The reason upon which this
relying upon that of the seller. This definition may be rule is based is identical with that which denies an
given by means of a trade-name or in any other way. implied warranty generally a buyer who has
The description must be the buyer’s choice, inspected the goods which he buys. (see PMC vs.
however, or the goods must not only be described or Go Juco, 48 Phil. 621; Chang Yong Tek vs. Santos,
definite but known, in order to preclude warranty of 31 Phil. 152.)
fitness. (ibid., Sec. 236, p. 612.)
Article 1563 provides an exception in case Where sample subject to latent defect.
of “a stipulation to the contrary.” Thus, there is still Where the defect in the goods is such a
an implied warranty of fitness for particular purpose character that inspection will not reveal it, so in the
where the buyer relied upon the seller’s judgment case of a sale by sample, if the sample is subject to
rather than the patent or trade name. a latent defect and the buyer reasonably relies on
“Particular purpose” as used in Article the seller’s skill or judgment, the buyer is entitled not
1563 means a usage different from the ordinary simply to goods like the sample, but the goods like
uses the article was made to meet. (Grant Mfg. Co. those which the sample seems to represent, that is,
V. Yates American Machine Co., 111 F. 2d. 360.) merchantable goods of that kind and character.
(2) The provision does not preclude an Under Article 1481, the contract may be
implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a rescinded where the bulk of the goods delivered do
purpose for which such specified article is ordinarily not correspond with the sample.
or generally sold. Thus, if the seller is a dealer in
food, and the buyer is buying for immediate Art. 1566. The vendor is responsible to
consumption and relies on the seller’s skill or the vendee for any hidden faults or defects in
judgment, there is an implied warranty that the the thing sold, even though he was not aware
article sold is fit for human consumption. thereof.
It must be made clear that the warranty that This provision shall not apply if the
the goods are of merchantable quality (Art. 1562 [2].) contrary has been stipulated, and the vendor
applies to all goods bought from a seller who deals was not aware of the hidden faults or defects
in goods in that description, whether they are sold in the thing sold. (1485)
under a patent or trade name or otherwise.
Effect of ignorance of vendor of hidden defects.
The ignorance of the vendor does not Art. 1570. The preceding articles of
relieve him from liability to the vendee for any hidden this subsection shall be applicable to
faults or defects in the thing sold. (see Bryan vs. judicial sales, except that the judgment
Hankins and Bialogouski, 44 Phil. 87.) In other debtor shall not be liable for damages.
words, good faith cannot be availed of as a defense
by the vendor.
Art. 1571. Actions arising from the
If the vendee is aware of the defect in the
thing he buys or lack of title in the vendor, he cannot provisions of the preceding ten articles shall
later complain thereof. He is deemed to have willfully be barred after six months, from the delivery
and voluntarily assumed the risk attendant to the of the thing sold.
sale. (Martinez vs. Court of Appeals, L-31271, April
29, 1974.) Limitation of action.
The action for recession of the contract or
Doctrines of “caveat venditor” and “caveat reduction of the purchase price (Art. 1567)
emptor.” prescribes six (6) months from the date of delivery of
At early common law, the implied warranty the thing sold.
of quality was not recognized and the rule was then
caveat emptor (let the buyer beware). (see Art. Art. 1572. If two or more animals are sold
1544, 1st par.) The seller’s liability for defects of the together, whether for a lump sum or for a
goods sold was then confined to cases of express separate price for each of them, the redhibitory
promise to warrant the quality of such goods and to defect of one shall only give rise to its
those in which the seller had knowledge of the redhibition, and not that of the others; unless it
hidden defects and the sale made without the seller should appear that the vendee would not have
revealing them, but in the later cases, the basis of purchased the sound animal or animals without
the seller’s liability was for fraud. the defective one.
(1) The doctrine of caveat venditor (let
the seller beware) was adopted in accordance with The latter case shall be presumed when a
which “the vendor is liable to the vendee for any team, yoke, pair, or set is bought, even if a
hidden faults or defects in the thing sold, even separate price has been fixed for each one of the
though he was not aware. (Art. 1566 of our new Civil animals composing the same.
Code.) The doctrine is based on the principle that a
sound price warrants a sound article. Art. 1573. The provisions of the
preceding article with respect to the sale of
Art. 1567. In the cases of Articles 1561, animals shall in like manner be applicable to the
1562, 1564, 1565 and 1566, the vendee may sale of other things.
elect between withdrawing from the contract
Art. 1574. There is no warranty against
and demanding a proportionate reduction of
hidden defects of animals sold at fairs or at
the price, with damages in either case. public auctions, or of livestock as condemned.

Art. 1568. If the thing sold should be Art. 1575. The sale of animals suffering
lost in consequence of the hidden faults, and from contagious diseases shall be void.
the vendor was aware of them, he shall bear
the loss, and shall be obliged to return the A contract of sale of animals shall also
price and refund the expenses of the contract, be void if the use or service for which they are
with damages. If he was not aware of them, he acquired has been stated in the contract, and
shall only return the price and interest they are found to unfit therefor.
thereon, and reimburse the expenses of the
contract which the vendee might have paid. Art. 1576. If the hidden defect of animals,
even in case a professional inspection has been
made, should be of such a nature that expert
Art. 1569. If the thing sold had any
knowledge is not sufficient to discover it, the
hidden fault at the time of the sale, and should
defect shall be considered as redhibitory.
thereafter be lost by a fortuitous event or
through the fault of the vendee, the latter may
But if the veterinarian, through ignorance
demand of the vendor the price which he paid,
or bad faith, should fail to discover or disclose it,
less the value which the thing had when it was
he shall be liable for damages.
If the vendor acted in bad faith, he shall
What constitute redhibitory defect of animals.
pay damages to the vendee.

Redhibitory vice or defect is a defect in the article in case where hidden defects existed. In other
sold against which defect the seller is bound to words, under Article 1569, the vendor is still made
warrant. liable on his warranty. The difference between the
price paid for the thing and the value at the time of
Art. 1577. The redhibitory action, based the loss, represents the damage suffered by the
on the faults or defects of animals, must be vendee and is at the same time the amount with
brought within forty days from the date of their which the vendor enriched himself at the expense of
delivery to the vendee. the vendee. If the vendor acted in bad faith, he shall
also be liable for damages.
This action can only be exercised with
respect to faults and defects which are CHAPTER 5 - OBLIGATIONS OF THE VENDEE
determined by law or by local customs.
Art. 1582. The vendee is bound to
Art. 1578. If the animal should die within accept delivery and to pay the price of the
three days after its purchase, the vendor shall be thing sold at the time and place stipulated in
liable if the disease which caused the death the contract.
existed at the time of the contract.
If the time and place should not have
Responsibility of vendor where animal dies.
been stipulated, the payment must be made at
If the animal sold is suffering from any
disease at the time of the sale, the vendor is liable the time and place of the delivery of the thing
should it die of said disease within three (3) days sold.
from the date of the sale (not date of delivery). If the
death occurs after three (3) days, he is not liable. Art. 1583. Unless otherwise agreed, the
buyer of goods is not bound to accept delivery
If the loss is caused by a fortunate event or thereof by installments.
by the fault of the vendee, and the animal has vices,
Article 1567 should be applied. Where there is a contract of sale of
goods to be delivered by stated installments,
Art. 1579. If the sale be rescinded, the which are to be separately paid for, and the
animal shall be returned in the condition in seller makes defective deliveries in respect of
which it was sold and delivered, the vendee
one or more installments, or the buyer
being answerable for any injury due to his
neglects or refuses without just cause to take
negligence, and not arising from redhibitory fault
or defect. delivery of or pay for one more installments, it
depends in each case on the terms of the
Art. 1580. In the sale of animals with contract and the circumstances of the case,
redhibitory defects, the vendee shall also enjoy whether the breach of contract is so material
the right mentioned in article 1167; but he must as to justify the injured party in refusing to
make use thereof within the same period which proceed further and suing for damages for
has been fixed for the exercise of the redhibitory breach of the entire contract, or whether the
action. breach is severable, giving rise to a claim for
compensation but not to a right to treat the
Alternative remedies of vendee in sale of whole contract as broken. (n)
The vendee has the same right to bring at RULES GOVERNING DELIVERY IN
his option, either a redhibitory action or an action INSTALLMENT.
quanti minoris. The action must be brought within 40 (1) In an ordinary contract for the sale of
days from the date of the delivery of the animals to goods, the buyer is not bound to receive delivery of
the vendee. the goods in installment. He is entitled to delivery of
all the goods at the same time and, it may be added,
Art. 1581. The form of sale of large cattle is bound to receive delivery of all at the same time.
shall be governed by special laws. Similarly, a buyer has no right to pay the price
installments. Neither can he be required to make
Effect of loss of defective thing sold by partial payments. By agreement, however, the goods
fortuitous event or through fault of vendee may be deliverable by installment or the price
If the thing sold had no hidden defects, its payable in installment. (see Art. 1248.)
loss through a fortuitous event or through the fault of (2) Where the contract provides for the
the vendee is, of course, to be borne by the vendee. delivery of goods by installments and a separate
However, the vendor is obliged to return the price price has been agreed upon each installment, it
paid less the value of the thing at the time of its loss depends in each case on the terms of the contract
and the circumstances of the case whether the
breach thereof is severable or not. Waiver of right to examine before payment.
(3) If the seller makes defective deliveries or The right of inspection may, of course, be
the buyer wrongfully neglects or refuses to accept given up by the buyer by stipulation.(ibid.)
delivery or fails to pay any installment, the injured
party may sue for damages for breach of the entire Art. 1585. The buyer is deemed to have
contract if the breach is so material (e.g.; breach of accepted the goods when he intimates to the
one installment prevents the further performance of
seller that he has accepted them, or when the
the contract) as to affect the contract as a whole.
goods have been delivered to him, and he
Where the breach is severable, it will merely give
rise to a claim for compensation for the particular does any act in relation to them which is
breach but not a right to treat the whole contract as a inconsistent with the ownership of the seller,
broken. or when, after the lapse of a reasonable time,
he retains the goods without intimating to the
seller that he has rejected them.
Art. 1584. Where goods are delivered to
the buyer, which he has not previously
examined, he is not deemed to have accepted MODES OF MANIFESTING ACCEPTANCE.
them unless and until he has had a reasonable Article 1585 expresses a definition of
opportunity of examining them for the purpose acceptance. It may be manifested either expressly or
of ascertaining whether they are in conformity impliedly.
with the contract if there is no stipulation to (1) Express acceptance takes place when the
the contrary. buyer, after delivery of the goods, intimates to the
seller, verbally or in writing, that he has accepted
Unless otherwise agreed, when the seller them.
tenders delivery of goods to the buyer, he is (2) Implied acceptance takes place:
bound, on request, to afford the buyer a (a) When the buyer, after delivery of goods,
reasonable opportunity of examining the does any act inconsistent with the seller’s
goods for the purpose of ascertaining whether ownership, as when he sells or attempts to sell
they are in conformity with the contract. the goods, or he uses (see Smith Bell & Co.
[Phils.], Inc. vs. Gimenez, 8 SCRA 407 [1963];
Where goods are delivered to a carrier by the Pan Pacific Company [Phils.] vs. Advertising
seller, in accordance with an order from or Corporation, 23 SCRA 977 [1968].) or makes
agreement with the buyer, upon the terms that alteration in them in a manner proper only for an
the goods shall not be delivered by the carrier owner; or
to the buyer until he has paid the price, (b) When the buyer, after the lapse of a
whether such terms are indicated by marking reasonable time, retains the goods without intimating
the goods with the words "collect on his rejection.
delivery," or otherwise, the buyer is not
entitled to examine the goods before the ART. 1586. In the absence of express
payment of the price, in the absence of or implied agreement of the parties,
agreement or usage of trade permitting such acceptance of the goods by the buyer shall
examination. (n) not discharge the seller from liability in
damages or other legal remedy for breach of
Buyer’s right to examine the goods. any promise or warranty in the contract of
Acceptance, as used in Article 1584, is assent to sale. But, if, after acceptance of the goods, the
become owner of the specific goods when delivery buyer fails to give notice to the seller of the
of them is offered to the buyer. (3 Williston, op. cit., breach in any promise of warranty within a
Sec. 482, p. 31.) reasonable time after the buyer knows, or
(1) It is to be noted that the delivery referred ought to know of such breach, the seller shall
to in said article, as can be gathered from its context, not be liable therefor. (n)
is actual delivery. In other words, the ownership of
the goods shall be transferred only upon actual
Acceptance, not a bar to action for damages.
delivery subject to a reasonable opportunity of
Acceptance, as used in this article, has the
examining them to determine if they are in
meaning explained previously — assents to receive
conformity with the contract. (par.1; see Arts. 1481,
1501, par.2.) The right of examination or inspection delivery as transferring possession and ownership in
under paragraph 1 is thus a condition precedent to the goods; but it does not carry with it the additional
the transfer of ownership unless there is a stipulation agreement that the property in the goods shall be
to the contrary, taken in full satisfaction of all obligations. (3
Williston, op. cit., p. 37.) fails to do so, the buyer may resell the goods. The
Therefore, unless otherwise agreed, acceptance provisions governing resale by the seller when the
of the goods by the buyer (Art. 1585.) does not buyer is in default, it seems, will generally apply.
discharge the seller from liability in damages or other (see Art. 1533.)
legal remedy (like rescission) for breach of any
promise ART. 1588. If there is no stipulation as
specified in the first paragraph of article 1523,
Notice to seller of breach of promise or warranty. when the buyer’s refusal to accept the goods
(1) Necessity. — Article 1586 requires the is without just cause, the title thereto passes
buyer, in order to hold the seller liable for breach of to him from the moment they are placed at his
promise or warranty, to give notice to the seller of disposal. (n)
any such breach within a reasonable time. (2nd
sentence.) Time is counted not simply from the
Where buyer’s refusal to accept wrongful.
moment the buyer knows of the defect, but from the
Under this article, the buyer’s refusal to accept
time when he ought to have known it. Prompt
the goods is without just cause while under Article
exercise of opportunity for discovering defects is,
1587, the refusal is with a right to do so.
therefore, essential.
(2) Purpose. — The purpose is to protect the As a general rule, the delivery of the goods to a
seller against belated claims which prevent him from carrier is deemed to be a delivery of the goods to the
making prompt investigation to determine the cause buyer. This is true even if the buyer refuses to
and extent of his liability and also to enable him to accept the goods in case his refusal is without just
take any other immediate steps that his interest may cause. The title passes to the buyer and, therefore,
require. the risk of loss is borne by him (Art. 1504.) from the
moment they are placed at his disposal.
ART. 1587. Unless otherwise agreed,
where goods are delivered to the buyer, and ART. 1589. The vendee shall owe interest
he refuses to accept them, having the right so for the period between the delivery of the
to do, he is not bound to return them to the thing and the payment of the price, in the
seller, but it is sufficient if he notifies the following three cases:
seller that he refuses to accept them. If he
(1) Should it have been so stipulated;
voluntarily constitutes himself a depositary
thereof, he shall be liable as such. (n) (2) Should the thing sold and delivered
produce fruits or income;
Where buyer’s refusal to accept justified. (3) Should he be in default, from the time
(1) Duty of buyer to take care of goods
of judicial or extrajudicial demand for
without obligation to return.
— If the goods have been sent to the buyer and he
the payment of the price.
rightfully refuses to accept them, as in the case
where the goods are of not the kind and quality Art. 1590. Should the vendee be
disturbed in the possession or ownership of
agreed upon, he is in the position of a bailee who
the thing acquired, or should he have
has had goods thrust upon him without his assent.
reasonable grounds to fear such disturbance,
Doubtless, he has the obligation to take reasonable
by a vindicatory action or a foreclosure of
care of the goods, but nothing more can be
mortgage, he may suspend the payment of the
demanded of him. Accordingly, he is under no price until the vendor has caused the
obligation to return the goods to the seller. disturbance or danger to cease, unless the
(2) Duty of seller to take delivery of goods. latter gives security for the return of the price
— After notice that the goods have not been and will in a proper case, or it has been stipulated that,
not be accepted, the seller must have the burden of notwithstanding any such contingency, the
taking delivery of said goods. vendee shall be bound to make the payment.
(3) Seller’s risk of loss of goods. — While the A mere act of trespass shall not authorize the
goods remain in the buyer’s possession under these suspension of the payment of the price.
circumstances, they are, of course, at the seller’s
risk. But the buyer is not deemed and is not liable as WHEN VENDEE CAN SUSPEND PAYMENT OF
a depositary, unless he voluntarily constitutes PRICE.
himself as such. The vendee, under this article, may suspend the
(4) Right of buyer to resell goods. — Should payment of the price in two cases only:
the seller, when notified to take delivery of the goods (a) if he is disturbed in the possession or

ownership of the thing bought; or has been stipulated for its payment.
(b) if he has a well-grounded fear that his
possession or ownership would be disturbed by ACTIONS FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT OF
a vindicatory action or foreclosure of mortgage. SALE OF GOODS
Under the circumstances provided for by Article
1590, the vendee is only entitled to retain the price ART. 1594. Actions for breach of the
that has not been paid to the vendor. He is not contract of sale of goods shall be governed
entitled to recover what has already been paid. particularly by the provisions of this Chapter,
Under the second case, it is not necessary that an and as to matters not specifically provided for
action be brought against the vendee. herein, by other applicable provisions of this
Title. (n)
OF PRICE. Provisions governing breach of contract of sale
In the following cases, the vendee cannot of goods.
suspend the payment of the price even if there is “Goods” include all chattels personal but not
disturbance in his possession or ownership of the things in action or money of legal tender in the
thing sold: Philippines. The term includes growing fruits or
(a) If the vendor gives security for the return crops. (Art. 1636[1].)
of the price in a proper case; Actions for breach of the contract of sale of
(b) If it has been stipulated that goods are governed primarily by the provisions of
notwithstanding any such contingency, the Chapter 6 (Arts. 15951599.) and secondarily, by the
vendee must make payment other provisions of the Title on sales so far as said
(c) if the vendor has caused the disturbance provisions can apply. However, provisions
concerning the sale of immovable property have no
or danger to cease
application to the sale of goods.
(d) If the disturbance is a mere act of
trespass; and ACTIONS AVAILABLE.
(e) If the vendee has fully paid the price. In general, the actions available for breach of
the contract of sale of goods are the following:
ART. 1591. Should the vendor have (1) Action by the seller for payment of the price
reasonable grounds to fear the loss of (Art. 1595.);
immovable property sold and its price, he may (2) Action by the seller for damages for non-
immediately sue for the rescission of the sale. acceptance of the goods (Art. 1596.);
(3) Action by the seller for rescission of the
Should such ground not exist, the contract for breach thereof (Art. 1597.);
provisions of article 1191 shall be observed. (4) Action by the buyer for specific performance
(Art. 1598.);
(5) Action by the buyer for rescission or
ART. 1592. In the sale of immovable damages for breach of warranty. (Art. 1599.)
property, even though it may have been
stipulated that upon failure to pay the price at ART. 1595. Where, under a contract of
the time agreed upon the rescission of the sale, the ownership of the goods has passed
contract shall of right take place, the vendee to the buyer, and he wrongfully neglects or
may pay, even after the expiration of the refuses to pay for the goods according to the
period, as long as no demand for rescission of terms of the contract of sale, the seller may
the contract has been made upon him either maintain an action against him for the price of
judicially or by a notarial act. After the the goods.
demand, the court may not grant him a new
term. Where, under a contract of sale, the price
is payable on a certain day, irrespective of
ART. 1593. With respect to movable delivery or of transfer of title, and the buyer
property, the rescission of the sale shall of wrongfully neglects or refuses to pay such
right take place in the interest of the vendor, if price, the seller may maintain an action for the
the vendee, upon the expiration of the period price, although the ownership in the goods
fixed for the delivery of the thing, should not has not passed. But it shall be a defense to
have appeared to receive it, or, having such an action that the seller at any time
appeared, he should not have tendered the before the judgment in such action has
price at the same time unless a longer period manifested an inability to perform the contract
of sale on his part or an intention not to goods in question, the measure of damages
perform it. is, in the absence of special circumstances
Although the ownership in the goods has showing proximate damage of a different
amount, the difference between the contract
not passed, if they cannot readily be resold for
price and the market or current price at the
a reasonable price, and if the provisions of
time or times when the goods ought to have
Article 1596, fourth paragraph, are not been accepted, or, if no time was fixed for
applicable, the seller may offer to deliver the acceptance, then at time of the refusal to
goods to the buyer, and, if the buyer refuses accept.
to receive them, may notify the buyer that the
If, while labor or expense of material
goods are thereafter held by the seller as
amount is necessary on the part of the seller
bailee for the buyer. Thereafter the seller may
to enable him to fulfill his obligations under
treat the goods as the buyer’s and may
the contract of sale, the buyer repudiates the
maintain an action for the price.
contract or notifies the seller to proceed no
further therewith, the buyer shall be liable to
the seller for labor performed or expenses
The above article provides the three cases when
made before receiving notice of the buyer’s
an action for the price of the goods under a contract
of sale can be maintained by the seller:
repudiation or countermand. The profit the
(1) When the ownership of the goods has seller would have made if the contract or the
passed to the buyer and he wrongfully neglects or sale had been fully performed shall be
refuses to pay for the price (par. 1.); considered in awarding the damages. (n)
(2) When the price is payable on a certain day
and the buyer wrongfully neglects or refuses to pay
(1) If the buyer without lawful cause neglects or
such price, irrespective of delivery or of transfer of refuses to accept and pay for the goods he agreed
the title (par. 2.); and to buy, the seller may maintain an action against him
(3) When the goods cannot readily be resold for for damages for nonacceptance. (par. 1.)
a reasonable price and the buyer wrongfully refuses (2) In an executory contract, where the
to accept them even before the ownership in the ownership in the goods has not passed, and the
goods has passed, if the provisions of Article 1596, seller cannot maintain an action to recover the price
4th paragraph (infra.) are not applicable. (par. 3.) (see Art. 1595.), the seller’s remedy will be also an
action for damages.
Where ownership in goods has not passed (3) If the goods are not yet identified at the time
From the above, it can be deduced that the of the contract or subsequently, the seller’s right is
seller cannot maintain an action for the price if the necessarily confined to an action for damages.
ownership in the goods has not passed to the buyer,
(1) unless the price is payable on a certain day or MEASURE OF DAMAGES FOR NON-
(2) unless the goods cannot readily be resold for ACCEPTANCE.
a certain price and the provisions of Article 1596, (1) Difference between contract price and
4th paragraph are not applicable. market price. — The measure of damage is the
It must be noted that under Article 1588, the title estimated loss directly and naturally resulting from
to the goods passes to the buyer from the moment the buyer’s breach of contract. It is conveniently
they are placed at his disposal when his refusal to expressed by the formula — the difference between
accept them is without just cause. The seller may, the contract price, that is, the amount of the
therefore, bring an action for the price upon wrongful obligation which the buyer failed to fulfill, and the
refusal of the buyer to accept. market or current price, that is, the value of the
goods which the seller has left upon his hands.
(2) Full amount of damage. — If there is no
ART. 1596. Where the buyer wrongfully
available market in which the goods can be sold at
neglects or refuses to accept and pay for the
the time, the seller is “entitled to the full amount of
goods, the seller may maintain an action
damage which he has really sustained by a breach
against him for damages for non-acceptance.
of the contract.”
The measure of damages is the estimated
(3) Proximate damages. — Article 1596 (par.
loss directly and naturally resulting in the
3.) allows the seller under “special circumstances”
ordinary course of events, from the buyer’s
proximate damages of a greater amount than the
breach of contract. difference between the contract price and market
Where there is an available market for the price when such damages “may be reasonably

attributed to the nonperformance of the obligation.” (4) Rescind the contract of sale and refuse
to receive the goods or if the goods have
ART. 1597. Where the goods have not already been received, return them or offer to
been delivered to the buyer, and the buyer has return them to the seller and recover the price
repudiated the contract of sale, or has or any part thereof which has been paid.
manifested his inability to perform his
obligations thereunder, or has committed a When the buyer has claimed and been granted
breach thereof, the seller may totally rescind a remedy in any one of these ways, no other
the contract of sale by giving notice of his remedy can thereafter be granted, without
election so to do to the buyer. prejudice to the provisions of the second
paragraph of article 1191.
SELLER’S RIGHT OF RESCISSION BEFORE Where the goods have been delivered to
DELIVERY. the buyer, he cannot rescind the sale if he
The above article specifies the cases when the
knew of the breach of warranty when he
seller may rescind a contract of sale of goods which
accepted the goods without protest, or if he
have not yet been delivered to the buyer. They are:
fails to notify the seller within a reasonable
(1) When the buyer has repudiated the contract
of sale; time of the election to rescind, or if he fails to
(2) When the buyer has manifested his inability return or to offer to return the goods to the
to perform his obligations thereunder; and seller in substantially as good condition as
(3) When the buyer has committed a breach of they were in at the time the ownership was
the contract of sale. transferred to the buyer. But if deterioration or
The right granted to the seller follows the injury of the goods is due to the breach of
general rule in reciprocal obligations that a party to a warranty, such deterioration or injury shall not
contract injured by nonfulfillment may rescind the prevent the buyer from returning or offering to
contract and at the same time ask for damages. (Art. return the goods to the seller and rescinding
1191.) It should be noted that the seller is required to the sale.
give notice of his election to seek rescission.
Where the buyer is entitled to rescind
the sale and elects to do so, he shall cease to
ART. 1598. Where the seller has broken
be liable for the price upon returning or
a contract to deliver specific or ascertained
goods, a court may, on the application of the offering to return the goods. If the price or any
buyer, direct that the contract shall be part thereof has already been paid, the seller
performed specifically, without giving the shall be liable to repay so much thereof as has
seller the option of retaining the goods on been paid, concurrently with the return of the
payment of damages. The judgment or decree goods, or immediately after an offer to return
may be unconditional, or upon such terms and the goods in exchange for repayment of the
conditions as to damages, payment of the price.
price and otherwise, as the court may deem Where the buyer is entitled to rescind the
just. sale and elects to do so, if the seller refuses to
accept an offer of the buyer to return the
goods, the buyer shall thereafter be deemed to
hold the goods as bailee for the seller, but
ART. 1599. Where there is a breach subject to a lien to secure the payment of any
of warranty by the seller, the buyer may, at
portion of the price which has been paid, and
his election:
with the remedies for the enforcement of such
(1) Accept or keep the goods and set up lien allowed to an unpaid seller by Article
against the seller, the breach of warranty by 1526.
way of recoupment in diminution or extinction
of the price; (5) In the case of breach of
(2) Accept or keep the goods and maintain warranty of quality, such loss, in the absence
an action against the seller for damages for of special circumstances showing proximate
the breach of warranty; damage of a greater amount, is the difference
(3) Refuse to accept the goods, and between the value of the goods at the time of
maintain an action against the seller for delivery to the buyer and the value they would
damages for the breach of warranty; have had if they had answered to the warranty.
Article 1616 and other stipulations which may
REMEDIES OF BUYER FOR BREACH OF have been agreed upon.
This article applies both to implied warranties and to Art. 1602. The contract shall be
express warranties, whether of quality or of title. presumed to be an equitable mortgage, in any
The remedies allowed to the buyer when the of the following cases:
seller has been guilty of a breach of promise or
warranty are: (1) When the price of a sale with right
(1) accept the goods and set up the seller’s to repurchase is unusually inadequate;
breach to reduce or extinguish the price; (2) When the vendor remains in
possession as lessee or otherwise;
(2) accept the goods and maintain an action for (3) When upon or after the expiration of
damages for the breach of the warranty; the right to repurchase another instrument
(3) refuse to accept the goods and maintain an extending the period of redemption or
action for damages for the breach of the warranty; granting a new period is executed;
(4) rescind the contract of sale by returning or (4) When the purchaser retains for
offering the return of the goods, and recover the himself a part of the purchase price;
price or any part thereof which has been paid. (Nos. (5) When the vendor binds himself to
14.) pay the taxes on the thing sold;
(6) In any other case where it may be
Nature of remedies fairly inferred that the real intention of the
The above remedies are alternative. Once a parties is that the transaction shall secure the
remedy has been granted to the buyer, no other payment of a debt or the performance of any
remedy can thereafter be exercised or granted. other obligation.
The only exception is when after the buyer has
chosen fulfillment, it should become impossible, in In any of the foregoing cases, any
which case he may also sue for rescission. (Art. money, fruits, or other benefit to be received
1191, par. 2.) by the vendee as rent or otherwise shall be
considered as interest which shall be subject
to the usury laws.

ART. 1600. Sales are extinguished by the EQUITABLE MORTGAGE

same causes as all other obligations, by those Concept - An equitable mortgage is one which,
stated in the preceding articles of this Title, although lacking in some formality, or form or words,
and by conventional or legal redemption. or other requisites demanded by statute,
nevertheless reveals the intention of the parties to
CAUSES FOR EXTINGUISHMENT OF SALE. charge real property as security for a debt, and
The modes or causes of extinguishing the contains nothing impossible or contrary to law.
contract of sale may be classified into:
(1) Common or those causes which are also
the means of extinguishing all other contracts like
payment, loss of the thing, condonation, etc.
(2) Special or those causes which are EQUITABLE MORTGAGE - ESSENTIAL
recognized by the law on sales (such as those ELEMENTS ARE:
covered by Articles 1484, 1532, 1539, 1540, 1542,
1556, 1560, 1567, and 1591.); and a. The parties enter into that appears to be a
(3) Extra-special or those causes which are contract of sale.
given special discussion by the Civil Code and these b. Their intention is to secure an existing debt by
are conventional redemption and legal redemption. way of mortgage

SECTION 1. - Conventional Redemption Price in Pacto de retro sales

In a contract of sale with pacto de retro, the
Art. 1601. Conventional redemption price usually is less than in absolute sales for the
shall take place when the vendor reserves the reason that in pacto de retro sales, the vendor
right to repurchase the thing sold, with the expects to reacquire or redeem the property sold, or
else he may sell his right to redeem and thus
obligation to comply with the provisions of

recover the loss he claims suffered by reason of the be four (4) years from the date of the
inadequacy of the price. contract.
3. Definite period of redemption agreed
Art. 1603. In case of doubt, a contract upon. – If the parties agree on a definite
purporting to be a sale with right to period of redemption, then the right to
repurchase shall be construed as an equitable redeem must be exercised within the period
mortgage. fixed provided it does not exceed ten (10)
Art. 1604. The provisions of article 1602 4. Period of redemption agreed upon not
specified. – If the parties agree that the
shall also apply to a contract purporting to be
vendor shall have a right to redeem and they
an absolute sale. intend a period which, however, is not
specified, then the redemption is ten (10)
Art. 1605. In cases referred to in articles years.
1602 and 1604, the apparent vendor may ask 5. Period agreed upon exceeds ten years. –
for the reformation of the instrument. Where the agreed period exceeds ten (10)
years, the vendor a retro has ten (10) years
RIGHT TO REFORMATION. from the execution of the contract to
Reformation is that remedy in equity by exercise his right of redemption.
means of which a written instrument is made or 6. Final judgment rendered the contract
construed so as to express or conform to the real pacto de retro. – “From the time final
intention of the parties when such intention is not judgment was rendered in a civil action on
expressed in the instrument. the basis that the contract was a true sale
The apparent vendor may ask for the with right to repurchase,” the vendor a retro
reformation of the instrument in the contracts has thirty (30) days within which to exercise
presumed to be an equitable mortgage. In the right to repurchase.
reformation, there has been a meeting of minds
between the parties. Where there has been no Art. 1607. In case of real property, the
meeting of minds, the remedy is annulment. consolidation of ownership in the vendee by
virtue of the failure of the vendor to comply
Art. 1606. The right referred to in with the provisions of article 1616 shall not be
Article 1601, in the absence of an express recorded in the Registry of Property without a
agreement, shall last four years from the date judicial order, after the vendor has been duly
of the contract. heard.
Should there be an agreement; the
period cannot exceed ten years.
Art. 1608. The vendor may bring his
However, the vendor may still exercise
action against every possessor whose right is
the right to repurchase within thirty days from
derived from the vendee, even if in the second
the time final judgment was rendered in a civil
contract no mention should have been made
action on the basis that the contract was a
of the right to repurchase, without prejudice to
true sale with right to repurchase.
the provisions of the Mortgage Law and the
Land Registration Law with respect to third
persons. (1510)


By virtue of the provision of this article, it can
PERIOD FOR EXERCISE OF RIGHT OF be concluded that the right to repurchase is of a real
REDEMPTION: character and should be not considered personal.
However, exception is to be made to the provisions
1. No agreement/granting right. – If there is of the Mortgage Law and the Land Registration Law
no agreement granting the vendor the right with respect to third persons. (10 Manresa 314.) This
to redeem, there is no right of redemption means that the vendor a retro cannot exercise his
since the sale should be considered an right of redemption against a subsequent transferee
absolute sale. for value and in good faith if his right is not properly
2. Agreement merely grants right. – If the registered or annotated.
parties agree only on the right to redeem on
the part of the vendor but there is total AVAILABILITY OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION
absence of express stipulation as to the time a. Against a buyer a retro
within which the repurchase should be b. Against every possessor who derived his right
made, then the period of redemption shall from the vendee a retro, subject however, to the
provisions of Mortgage Law and Land Registration ownership again between A and X. It is therefore the
Law. intention of the law to discourage co-ownership
because it suspends the right to enjoy one’s
Art. 1609. The vendee is subrogated to property. The law comes to aid of the buyer, by
the vendor's rights and actions. giving him a right not stipulated in the contract to
compel the vendor to redeem the whole property
VENDEE IS SUBROGATED TO VENDOR’S should he desire to make use of his right of
RIGHTS. redemption.
Subrogation transfers to the person
subrogated the credit with all the rights thereto Art. 1612. If several persons, jointly and
appertaining. (Art. 1303.) in the same contract, should sell an undivided
The above article is logical because a pacto immovable with a right of repurchase, none of
de retro sale transfers ownership to the vendee them may exercise this right for more than his
although subject to the condition of repurchase. As respective share.
owner, the vendee, for may transfer or alienate his The same rule shall apply if the person
right to a third person, mortgage the property, enjoy who sold an immovable alone has left several
the fruit thereof, recover the property against every heirs, in which case each of the latter may
possessor, and perform all other acts of ownership only redeem the part which he may have
subject only to the right of redemption of the vendor.
Art. 1610. The creditors of the vendor 1. Redemption in joint sale of undivided
cannot make use of the right of redemption immovable.
against the vendee, until after they have If an immovable owned in common is sold
exhausted the property of the vendor. by the co-owners jointly and in one contract, none of
the co-owners may exercise the right of redemption
Redemption by creditors of the vendor for more than his share in the co-ownership. The
Redemption is a right pertaining to the vendee a retro cannot be compelled to grant partial
vendor as well as to his creditors. However, this redemption of the whole property, and if they cannot
right could only be availed of after the creditors redeem the entire property. There will be no more
exhausted the property of the vendor. redemption.

Example: Ana sold to Marie a specific piece of land Art. 1613. In the case of the preceding
for P500,000/00 with a right to repurchase. BPI is an article, the vendee may demand of all the
unpaid creditor of Ana for P400,000.00. BPI can
vendors or co-heirs that they come to an
make use of Ana’s right to redeem, only after BPI
has exhausted the properties of Ana to pay off her agreement upon the purchase of the whole
loan to BPI. thing sold; and should they fail to do so, the
vendee cannot be compelled to consent to a
Art. 1611. In a sale with a right to partial redemption. Buyer cannot be compelled
repurchase, the vendee of a part of an to accept partial redemption.
undivided immovable who acquires the whole
thereof in the case of article 498, may compel Redemption in joint sale by co-owners of
the vendor to redeem the whole property, if undivided immovable.
the latter wishes to make use of the right of The co-owners of an undivided immovable
redemption. sold by them jointly or collectively and in the same
contract with the right to repurchase, can exercise
THE LAW AGAINST CO-OWNERSHIP. such right only as regards their respective shares.
Article 198 of the Civil Code provides that (Art. 1612, par. 1.) Similarly, the co-heirs of the
“whenever the thing is essentially indivisible and the vendor of an undivided immovable can exercise the
co-owners cannot agree that it be allowed to one of right of redemption only for the respective portions
them who shall indemnify the others, is shall be sold they have inherited. (ibid., par. 2.) But the vendee a
and its proceed distributed.” retro can refuse partial redemption; he may require
all the vendors or all the heirs to redeem the entire
Example: A and B are co-owners of a property or to agree to its redemption by any one of
house and lot. A sold his interest to X with a right to them. (Art. 1613.) This right is given to the vendee in
repurchase, while B sold his interest to X absolutely. line with the object of the law (see Art. 1620.) to put
If A wish to exercise his right, X can compel him to an end to co-ownerships whenever possible.
redeem the entire property, for if only a partial
redemption is granted the result will be a co-

Art. 1614. Each one of the co-owners of possessed the land in the last year, counted
an undivided immovable who may have sold his from the anniversary of the date of the sale.
share separately may independently exercise the
right of repurchase as regards his own share, Rights of parties as to fruits of land
and the vendee cannot compel him to redeem
the whole property. (1) If there were fruits at the time of the sale and
the vendee paid for them, he must be
Redemption in separate sales by co-owners of
undivided immovable. reimbursed at the time of redemption as the
Although it is the policy of the law to avoid payment forms part of the purchase price.
indivision, it would be unjust, if the sale was made (2) If no indemnity was paid by the vendee for
separately and independently, to require the co- the fruits, there shall be no reimbursement
owners to come an agreement with regard to the for those existing at the time of redemption.
repurchase of the thing sold, and certainly, it would (3) If the property had no fruits at the time of the
be worse to deprive them of their right in case they
sale and some exist at the time of
fail to agree. The very purpose of the article is to
prevent such injustice. (10 Manresa 332.) redemption, they shall be proportioned
proportionately between the redemptioner
and the vendee, giving the latter a share in
Art. 1615. If the vendee should leave proportion to the time he possessed the
several heirs, the action for redemption property during the last year counted from
cannot be brought against each of them the anniversary of the date of the sale to
except for his own share, whether the thing be compensate the vendee for his expenses.
undivided, or it has been partitioned among
The same rule, it is believed, is also applicable if
there were fruits at the time of the sale and the
vendee paid for them.
But if the inheritance has been divided,
and the thing sold has been awarded to one of Art. 1618. The vendor who recovers the
the heirs, the action for redemption may be thing sold shall receive it free from all charges
instituted against him for the whole. or mortgages constituted by the vendee, but
shall respect the leases which the latter may
Art. 1616. The vendor cannot avail
have executed in good faith, and in
himself of the right of repurchase without
accordance with the customs of the place
returning to the vendee the price of the sale,
where the land is situated.
and in addition:
SECTION 2 - Legal Redemption
(1) The expenses of the contract, and
any other legitimate payments
Art.1619. Legal redemption is the right
made by reason of the sale; to be subrogated, upon the same terms and
(2) The necessary and useful expenses conditions stipulated in the contract, in the
made on the thing sold. place of one who acquires a thing by purchase
or dation in payment, or by any other
Art. 1617. If at the time of the execution transaction whereby ownership is transmitted
of the sale there should be on the land, visible by onerous title.
or growing fruits, there shall be no
reimbursement for or prorating of those 1) Contract where legal redemption is
existing at the time of redemption, if no available
a) Purchase or sale
indemnity was paid by the purchaser when the b) Dation in payment
sale was executed. c) Other transactions whereby
ownership is transferred by onerous
Should there have been no fruits at the title
time of the sale, and some exist at the time of 2) Purpose of legal redemption
redemption, they shall be prorated between Legal redemption is intended to minimize
co-ownership, and its applicability covers both
the redemptioner and the vendee giving the
movable and immovable property.
latter the part corresponding to the time he
3) Basis and nature of right of legal (2) Co-owners have no right of legal
redemption redemption against each other to whom the law
While conventional redemption arises from grants the same privilege, but only against a third
the voluntary agreement of the parties, legal person. A third person, within the meaning of Article
redemption proceeds from law. 1620, is anyone who is not a co-owner. Article 1620
Legal redemption is in the nature of a is intended to minimize co-ownership.
privilege created partly for reason of public policy (3) Should any of the heirs sell his hereditary
and partly for the benefit and convenience of the right to a stranger before partition, any or all of the
redemptioner to afford him a way out of what might co-heirs may be subrogated to the rights of the
be disagreeable or inconvenient association onto purchaser by reimbursing him for the purchase price,
which he has been thrust. provided it be done within the period of one (1)
4) Conversion of legal redemption to a month to be counted from the time they were notified
conventional redemption – happens when parties in writing of the sale by the vendor. Once the portion
agreed to extend the redemption period. corresponding to each heir is fixed, the co-heirs turn
into co-owners and their right of legal redemption
Art. 1620. A co-owner of a thing may should be governed by Articles 1620 and 1623.
exercise the right of redemption in case the (4) The right of legal redemption is not
granted solely and exclusively to the original co-
shares of all the other co-owners or of any of
owners but applies to those who subsequently
them, are sold to a third person. If the price of
acquire their respective shares while the community
the alienation is grossly excessive, the subsists.
redemptioner shall pay only a reasonable one.
Should two or more co-owners desire
to exercise the right of redemption, they may PRICE OF REDEMPTION
(1) In general. — The redemption price is
only do so in proportion to the share they may
generally the purchase price paid by the owner
respectively have in the thing owned in
to the selling co-owner. There is no legal
common.  redemption in case of a mere lease.
(2) Reasonable price. — The law requires the
Right of legal redemption of co-owner. redemptioner to pay only a reasonable price if
The right of legal redemption among co- the price of the alienation is grossly excessive.
owners presupposed of course, the existence of a This is to prevent collusion between the buyer
co-ownership. The following are the requisites for and the selling co-owner.
the right to exist:
(1) There must be co-ownership of a thing; The right of the redemptioner to pay a
(2) There must be alienation of all or of any reasonable price under Article 1620 does not excuse
of the shares of the other co-owners; him from the duty to make proper tender of the price
(3) The sale must be to a third person or that can be honestly deemed reasonable under the
stranger, i.e., a non-co-owner; circumstances, without prejudice to final arbitration
(4) The sale must be before partition. by the courts, nor does it authorize said
(5) The right must be exercised within the redemptioner to demand that the vendee accept
period provided in Article 1623; payment by installments.
(6) The vendee must be reimbursed for the
price of the sale. (3) Price understated in the deed of sale.
— The practice of understating the consideration of
Legal redemption can no longer be invoked transactions for the purpose of evading taxes and
where there has been an actual partition of the fees due the government is violate of public policy
property so that co-ownership no longer exists. and injurious to public interest and must be
Co-owners have no right of legal redemption condemned and the parties guilty thereof must be
against each other. The right of legal redemption is made to suffer the consequences of their ill-advised
not granted solely and exclusively to the original co- agreements to defraud the State. In a case where
owner but applies to those who subsequently only P30,000 was the price stated in the deed of
acquire their respective shares while the co- sale of the interest of a co-owner in a piece of land
ownership subsists. “to minimize the payment of the registration fees,
By whom and against whom right may be stamps and sales tax,” the court ruled that the co-
exercised. owner exercising the right of legal redemption should
(1) A co-owner has the legal right to sell, pay only P30,000, although much more had been
assign, or mortgage his ideal share in the property paid by the buyer.
held in common. By the very nature of the right of
legal redemption, a co-owner’s right to redeem is (4) Amount actually paid by the buyer. —
invoked only after the shares of the other co-owners On the other hand, if by false representations the
are sold to a third party or stranger. buyer obtains from the redemptioner an amount
greater than the price which he actually paid, the co- ART. 1622. Whenever a piece of urban
owner who made the repurchase can recover from land which is so small and so situated that a
the buyer the difference in an appropriate action. major portion thereof cannot be used for any
practical purpose within a reasonable time,
ART. 1621. The owners of adjoining lands having been bought merely for speculation, is
shall also have the right of redemption when a about to be re-sold, the owner of any adjoining
piece of rural land, the area of which does not land has a right of pre-emption at a reasonable
exceed one hectare, is alienated, unless the price.
grantee does not own any rural land. If the re-sale has been perfected, the
This right is not applicable to adjacent owner of the adjoining land shall have a right of
lands which are separated by brooks, drains, redemption, also at a reasonable price.
ravines, roads and other apparent servitudes for When two or more owners of adjoining
the benefit of other estates. lands wish to exercise the right of pre-emption
If two or more adjoining owners desire to or redemption, the owner whose intended use of
exercise the right of redemption at the same the land in question appears best justified shall
time, the owner of the adjoining land of smaller be preferred.
area shall be preferred; and should both lands
have the same area, the one who first requested Rights of pre-emption and legal redemption of
the redemption. adjacent owners of urban lands.
(1) Meaning — Article 1622 recognizes two rights;
Right of legal redemption of adjacent owners of namely:
rural lands. (a) Pre-emption, which has been defined as
The following are the requisites for the exercise of the act or right of purchasing before others.
the right under this article: It is exercised before the sale or resale
(1) Both the land of the one exercising the against the would-be vendor; and
right of redemption and the land sought to be (b) Redemption, which is exercised after
redeemed must be rural; the sale has been perfected against the
(2) The lands must be adjacent; vendee.
(3) There must be an alienation; (2) Requisites — The conditions or requisites for
(4) The piece of rural land alienated must the exercise of the right of pre-emption or
not exceed one (1) hectare; redemption, as the case may be, are the following
(5) The grantee or vendee must already own (a) The piece of land is urban land;
any other rural land; and (b) The one exercising the right must be an
(6) The rural land sold must not be adjacent owner;
separated by brooks, drains, ravines, roads and (c) The piece of land sold must be so small
other apparent servitudes from the adjoining lands. and so situated that a major portion thereof cannot
be used for any practical purpose within a
In case two (2) or more adjacent owners reasonable time;
desire to exercise the right of redemption, the law (d) Such urban land was brought by its
gives preference to the owner of the adjoining land owner merely for speculation;
of smaller area but if both lands have the same area, (e) It is about to be resold, or that its resale
to the one who first requested the redemption. Under has been perfected.
Article 1620, the co-owners exercise their right of (3) Price. — The price to be paid is a reasonable
redemption pro rata. price.
(4) Preference as between two or more adjacent
Purpose of the grant of right to owners of owners. — In case two or more adjoining owners
adjoining rural lands. desire to exercise the right of legal redemption, the
The object of the lawmaker in allowing the law prefers him whose intended use of the land
redemption by adjacent owner is to prevent an appears best justified.
adjoining real estate belonging to another owner or
owners, the area of which does not exceed one (1)
hectare, from passing into the hands of a person Purpose of the grant of right to owners of
other than someone of the adjacent owners who are adjoining urban lands.
interested in making use of the alienated property for The evident purpose is to discourage
the improvement and development of their own land. speculation in real estate and the consequent
In short, the purpose is to encourage the aggravation of the housing problems in centers of
maximum development and utilization of agricultural population. In the case of rural lands, the right of
lands. redemption is to encourage the development and
utilization of agricultural lands.

ART. 1623. The right of legal pre-
emption or redemption shall not be exercised PERFECTION OF CONTRACT FOR ASSIGNMENT
except within thirty days from the notice in OF CREDIT.
writing by the prospective vendor, or by the The contract for the assignment or transfer
vendor, as the case may be. The deed of sale of credit and other incorporeal rights is perfected
shall not be recorded in the Registry of from the moment the parties agree upon the credit or
Property, unless accompanied by an affidavit right assigned and upon the price even if neither has
of the vendor that he has given written notice been delivered. (see Art. 1475.) However, the
thereof to all possible redemptioners. assignee will acquire ownership only upon delivery.
The right of redemption of co-owners (see Arts. 1498, par. 2 and 1501.)
excludes that of adjoining owners.
Assignment distinguished from other terms.
Renunciation is the abandonment of a right
Period for exercise of right of pre-emption or without a transfer to another. (see Art. 1270.)
redemption. Agency involves representation, not
The period provided in the above article is transmission, wherein the agent acts for the
absolute and non-extendible. The fundamental principal.
policy of the law is to discourage the keeping for a Substitution is the change of a new debtor
long time of property in a state of uncertainty a for the previous debtor with the credit remaining in
situation which obviously is unjust to the purchases the same creditor. (see 10 Manresa 377.)
and prejudicial to public interest. Subrogation is the change in the person of
The period of 30 days is counted from the the creditor with the credit being extinguished (see 8
notice in writing given by the vendor. Note that the Manresa 400.)
right of redemption of co-owners is preferred over
that of adjoining owners.
Art. 1625. An assignment of a credit,
ASSIGNMENT OF CREDITS AND OTHER right or action shall produce no effect as
against third person, unless it appears in a
INCORPOREAL RIGHTS public instrument, or the instrument is
recorded in the Registry of Property in case
Art. 1624. An assignment of creditors
the assignment involves real property.
and other incorporeal rights shall be perfected
in accordance with the provisions of Article BINDING EFFECT OF ASSIGNMENT.
1475. (n)
(1) As between the parties, the
ASSIGNMENT OF CREDIT DEFINED. assignment is valid although it appears only in
Assignment of credit is a contract by which private document so long as the law does not
one person transfers to another his rights and
require a specific form of its validity. (see Art.
actions against a third person in consideration of a
price certain money or its equivalent. (see Art.
(2) To affect third persons, the
1485.) It is a consensual, bilateral, onerous, and
commutative or aleatory contract. assignment must appear in a public instrument, and
in case it involves real property, it is indispensable
NATURE OF ASSIGNMENT OF CREDIT. that it be recorded in the Registry of Property. (see
Assignment of credits and other incorporeal Lopez vs. Alvarez, et al., 9 Phil. 28)
rights is a consensual, bilateral, onerous, and (3) The assignee merely steps into the
commutative or aleatory contract. It is really a sale. shoes of the assignor, the former acquiring the
credit subject to defenses (e.g., fraud, prescription,
Thus, the subject matter is the credit or right etc.) available to the debtor against the assignor.
assigned; the consideration is the price paid for the
credit or right; and the consent is the agreement of
the parties to the assignment of the credit or right at
the agreed price. Hence, Article 1475 is made Art. 1626. The debtor who, before
having knowledge of the assignment, pays his
There is, however, one important difference
creditor shall be released from the obligation.
and, that is, after the transfer, a definite third person
is obliged; whereas, in sale, the subject obliged is (1527)
the whole world which must respect the title to the
buyer. (10 Manresa 376.) As a general rule, all In as assignment of credit, the consent of
principles governing sales also apply to this the debtor is not essential. The law speaks not of
transaction. consent but of notice to the debtor. The purpose of
the notice by the assignee is to inform the debtor WARRANTIES OF THE ASSIGNOR OF CREDIT.
that from the date of the assignment he should make
payment to the assignee and not to the original When a creditor assigns his credit, he
creditor. warrants only the (1) existence and (2) legality of the
credit at the perfection of the contract. He is not
Effect of payment by debtor after assignment of even liable for the warranty if the credit had been
credit. sold as doubtful. There is no warranty as to the
solvency of the debtor unless it is expressly
(1) The notice is thus for the protection of the stipulated or unless the insolvency was already
assignee because before the said notice, payment existing and of public knowledge at the time of the
to the original creditor is valid. ()Elizalde & Co., Inc. assignment.
vs. Binan Transporation Co., [C.A.] 56 O.G. 5886.)
In such case, the assignee has a right of action LIABILITIES OF THE ASSIGNOR OF CREDIT.
against the assignor, the original creditor. In the
absence of notice, the burden of proving that the (1) For violation of the above warranties, the
debtor had knowledge of the assignment is on the liability of the vendor (assignor) in good faith is
interested party which is the assignee. (see 10 limited only to the price received and to the
Manresa 377.) It has been held that since the law expenses of the contract, and any other legitimate
does not require the registration of an assignment payments by reason of the assignment.(Art. 1616,
of a chattel mortgage, its registration does not ipso par. 1.)
facto operate as constructive notice to the (2) But the assignor in bad faith is liable not only
mortgagor. (Sison vs. Yap Tico, 37 Phil. 584.) for the payment of the price and all expenses, but
(2) Even without notice, the debtor will not be also for damages. As assignor in bad faith is one
related from his obligation should he pay the who has knowledge of any of the circumstances
creditor after having had knowledge of the mentioned above while an assignor in good faith
assignment. He thereby acts in bad faith. He can be is one who is ignorant of them. (10 Manresa 394.)
made to pay again by the assignee.
Art. 1629. In case the assignor in good
Art. 1627. The assignment of a credit faith should have made himself responsible
includes all the accessory rights, such as a for the solvency of the debtor, and the
guaranty, mortgage, pledge or preference. contracting parties should not have agreed
(1528) upon the duration of the liability, it shall last
for one year only, from the time of the
Extent of assignment of credit. assignment if the period had already expired.

The assignment of credit includes not only If the credit should be payable within a
the credit itself but also all rights accessory thereto. term or period which has not yet expired, the
(see Art. 1537.) This follows the familiar rule that the liability shall cease one year after the maturity.
accessory follows the principal. But the parties may (1530a).
stipulate that the accessory rights shall not be
included in the assignment. Duration of assignor’s liability where debtor’s
solvency guaranteed.
Art. 1628. The vendor in good faith
shall be responsible for the existence and This provision does not apply if the assignor
legality of the credit at the time of the sale, acted in bad faith. (see Art. 1628.)
unless it should have been sold as doubtful;
but not for the solvency of the debtor, unless
In case the assignor has expressly
it has been so expressly stipulated or unless warranted the solvency of the debtor, the duration of
the insolvency was prior to the sale and of the assignor’s liability shall be as follows:
common knowledge.
(1) If there is a stipulation, then for the term or
Even in these cases he shall only be period fixed;
liable for the price received and for the (2) If there is no stipulation:
expenses specified in No. 1 of Article 1616.
The vendor in bad faith shall always be
a. For one year from the assignment of
answerable for the payment of all expenses,
the credit when the period for payment of
and for damages. (1529)
the credit has expired; or
b. For one year after its maturity, when legitimacy of the whole in general; but he shall
such period for payment has not yet not be obliged to warrant each of the various
expired. parts of which it may be composed, except in
the case of eviction from the whole or the part
Reasons for the rule. of greater value. (1532a)
There are two reasons for the rule contained
First, to prevent fraud which may be OR PRODUCTS.
committed by feigning the solvency of the debtor at In the sale of the whole of certain rights,
the time of the assignment when in fact he is rents, or products for a lump sum, the subject matter
insolvent; and is the totality of such rights, rents, or products. As a
Second, to oblige the assignee to exert consequence, the vendor warrants only the
effort in the recovery of the credit and thereby avoid legitimacy of the whole and not the various parts of
that by his oversight the assignor may suffer. (10 which it may be composed. The vendor is not liable
Manresa 400-401.) for eviction of each of the various parts unless the
eviction involves the whole or the part of greater
Art. 1630. One who sells an inheritance value.
without enumerating the things, of which it is
composed, shall only be answerable for his Art. 1632. Should the vendor have
character as an heir. (1531) profited by some of the fruits or received
anything from the inheritance sold, he shall
SALE OF SUCCESSIONAL RIGHTS. pay the vendee thereof, if the contrary has not
This article refers to the sale of successional been stipulated. (1533)
right or the right to an inheritance before partition.
Liability of vendor of inheritance for fruits
(1) Subject of sale is hereditary right received.
not objects which make up inheritance. – An Unless otherwise stipulated, the fruits of an
inheritance may sold either with specification of the inheritance are included in the sale thereof. (see
properties to be alienated or without enumerating Article 1537.) If the vendor merely received the
the things comprising it, that is to say, the fruits, he must deliver them to the vendee; if they
hereditary rights only. (Arts. 1630, 1632.) What the have been consumed, he must reimburse the
law prohibits is the sale of a future inheritance, vendee; if they have been sold, he must deliver the
upon which no contract can be made other than price of the sale. (see 10 Manresa 406.)
those making a division inter vivos of an estate in
The liability of the vendor for anything
accordance with Article 1347 of the Civil Code.
received from the inheritance sold is subject to any
(Abella vs. Cinco, [C.A.] 37) O.G. 924.)
agreement to the contrary.
(2) Warranties of seller. –The seller of
an inheritance warrants only the objects of his
heirship but he does not warrant the objects which Art. 1633. The vendee shall, on his part,
make up his inheritance. The sale is therefore, a reimburse the vendor for all that the latter may
sort of an aleatory contract because the assignee have paid for the debts of and charges on the
bears the risk that the estate may not be sufficient estate and satisfy the credits he may have
to pay the obligations of the deceased. (10 against the same, unless there is an
Manresa 404; see Art. 2010.) agreement to the contrary. (1534)
(3) Limitation – there is no law which
prohibits an heir from selling his interests in an
inheritance before partition (see Art. 1088.) except
that any such sale must be proceedings and any Liability of vendee for debts of and charges on
pending litigation. (Beltran vs. Soriano, 32 Phil.66.). estate.
Pursuant to Article 774 (Civil Code), “the rights to the Since under Article 1632 the vendor is
succession are transmitted from the person obliged to pay the vendee the fruits or anything
concerned is an heir and may exercise his rights as received from the inheritance, it is also just that the
such, from the very moment of the death of the vendee be required to reimburse the vendor for
decedent. (Saturnino vs. Paulino, 97 Phil. 50.) whatever the latter has paid for the debts of and
charges on the estate.
Art. 1631. One who sells for a lump
The liability of the vendee for the debts and
sum the whole of certain rights, rents, or charges is likewise subject to any contrary
products, shall comply by answering for the agreement.
use of his right to do so within the prescribed
Art. 1634. When a credit or other period.
incorporeal right in litigation is sold, the
debtor shall have a right to extinguish it by Purpose of grant of right to debtor.
reimbursing the assignee for the price the The above provision gives an advantage to
latter paid therefor, the judicial costs incurred the debtor because he will pay less than the value of
by him, and the interest on the price from the the credit assigned if he exercises his right to
day on which the same was paid. redeem the same.

A credit or other incorporeal right shall The object of the law in allowing the
be considered in litigation from the time the redemption by the debtor is to avoid the purchase by
complaint concerning the same is answered. the third person of credits in litigation merely for
The debtor may exercise his right
within thirty days from the date the assignee Art. 1635. From the provisions of the
demands payment from him. (1535) preceding article shall be excepted the
assignments or sales made:
Legal redemption in sale of credit or other (1) To a co-heir or co-owner of the right
incorporeal right in litigation assigned;
THIS ARTICLE IS AN INSTANCE OF LEGAL (2) To a creditor in payment of his credit;
REDEMPTION. (3) To the possessor of a tenement or piece of
The following are the requisites before the land which is subject to the right in litigation
right of legal redemption can be exercised: assigned. (1536)

(1) There must be a sale or EXCEPTIONS TO DEBTOR’S RIGHT TO LEGAL

assignment of a credit. The concept of sale must REDEMPTION.
be understood in its restricted sense. The right This article enumerates three instances of
cannot be exercised if the transaction is exchange or assignments or sales as exceptions to the provisions
donation (see 10 Manresa 416.); of Article 1634. (see Art. 1491 [5].)
(2) There must be a pending It must be emphasized that both under
Articles 1634 and 1635 the debtor cannot redeem if
litigation at the time of the assignment. The
the credit or other incorporeal right is not in litigation
complaint by the assignor must have been filed, and
when the same is sold.
answered by the creditor before the sale of the
credit. Article 1634 applies only to claim in litigation
the meaning of which is not claim open to litigation, (1) Sale to co-heir or co-owner. –
but one which is actually litigated; that is to say, This exception is based on the desire to do
disputed or contested, which happens only after an away with co-ownership or pro-indivision.
answer interposed in a suit. (Robinson vs. Garry, 8 Moreover, if the right of redemption is granted
Phil. 275.) to the debtor, it would not terminate litigation
(3) The debtor must pay the which is the purpose of this article because the
assignee: co-owner or co-heir may still sue the debtor for
the share that corresponds to the former in the
a) the price paid by him; credit. (10 Manresa 4169.)
b) the judicial costs incurred by him; (2) Sale to creditor. – There is a
and lawful basis for the assignment as the
c) the interest on the price from the assignee cannot be considered as a vendee of
date of payment; and a right in litigation and as speculator. It really
refers to a dation in payment. (see Art. 1245;
(4) The right must be exercised by 10 Manresa 419.)
the debtor within thirty days from the date the (3) Sale to possessor. – The
assigned demands (judicially or extra-judicially) reason for this exception is that the assignee is
payment from him. A debtor who has paid the full moved by a desire to preserve the property
amount of a litigated credit to one who has and not to speculate at the expense of the
purchased such litigated credit cannot counterclaim debtor.
the difference between the amount paid by such
debtor and the amount paid by the purchaser of
such litigated credit unless such debtor shall make

Art. 1636. In the preceding articles in This article defines or explains the various
this Title governing the sale of goods, terms used in the preceding articles governing the
unless the context or subject matter sale of goods. They hardly require comment. The
otherwise requires: definitions in this article do not apply if the context
or subject matter of any particular portion of the law
otherwise requires.
(1) "Document of title to goods" includes
any bill of lading, dock warrant, "quedan,"
or warehouse receipt or order for the (1) “Goods” does not include things or
chooses in action or negotiable instruments. A
delivery of goods, or any other document
chose in action is any claim or right which may be
used in the ordinary course of business in
pleaded in a suit at law, such as a claim of
the sale or transfer of goods, as proof of
reparation for a tort or quasi-delict, or a right
the possession or control of the goods, or acquired under a contract. Stock certificates,
authorizing or purporting to authorize the however, have been held to be goods within the
possessor of the document to transfer or meaning of the U.S. Uniform Sales Act. (Babb &
receive, either by endorsement or by Martin, op. cit., p. 86.) Real property is not the
delivery, goods represented by such proper subject of a transaction involving a sale of
document. goods within the definition of the term. However,
growing crops or fruits which are agreed to be
"Goods" includes all chattels personal but severed under the contract of sale are treated as
not things in action or money of legal goods and not as interest in reality.
tender in the Philippines. The term includes
growing fruits or crops. The (U.S.) Uniform Commercial Code excludes
money from the term “goods” but only where money
"Order" relating to documents of title is the medium of payment. Said another way,
means an order by endorsement on the money in which the price is to be paid for the goods
documents. involved, is not to be considered part of the goods
which are the subject matter of the transaction.
Said Code (Sec. 2-105 thereof) specifically
"Quality of goods" includes their state or provides that money, when treated as a commodity,
condition. is a good and the contract formed out of the
transaction is one for the sale of goods. (1 Williston,
"Specific goods" means goods identified 4th ed., p. 152.)
and agreed upon at the time a contract of
sale is made. Any transaction between the parties, even if in the
form of an unconditional contract to sell or when if
An antecedent or pre-existing claim, in the form of present sale, is excluded from the
whether for money or not, constitutes sale of goods if the parties to the transaction
"value" where goods or documents of title intended that the transaction operate only as a
are taken either in satisfaction thereof or as security transaction but the provision on sales will
security therefor. govern the general sales aspects of such
transaction.(Ibid., p.176.)
(2) A person is insolvent within the
meaning of this Title who either has ceased (2) Ascertained goods means goods that are
identified and agreed upon as forming the subject
to pay his debts in the ordinary course of
matter of the bargain. They are “specific” if they are
business or cannot pay his debts as they
identified and agreed upon at the time the contract
become due, whether insolvency of sale is made. If identification takes place
proceedings have been commenced or not. afterward, the goods are specified but not specific.
Existing goods (owned or possessed by the seller)
(3) Goods are in a "deliverable state" within may or not be specific. Future goods (to be
the meaning of this Title when they are in manufactured or acquired by the seller after the
such a state that the buyer would, under making of the contract to sell) cannot be specific.
the contract, be bound to take delivery of (Ibid., pp. 101-102.)
them. (n)
Art. 1637. The provisions of this Title are
DEFINITION OF TERMS. subject to the rules laid down by the Mortgage

Law and the Land Registration Law with regard that differentiates the agent from the employee, the
to immovable property. servant, and the independent contractor.

Sale of immovable subject to registration law. EXAMPLES:

P, owner of a land, wants to construct a
Under the Spanish Mortgage Law and the building on it. He may do any of the ff:
Land Registration Law, the registration of (1) He may hire C, a building contractor, to
documents or titles pertaining to immovable construct the building with the materials
property is the operative act that binds the property
and labor to be furnished by C; or
and serves as constructive notice to the public. This
(2) He himself may construct the building,
means that the rights of third persons are not
buying the necessary materials and
adversely affected by the sale of immovable
employing W, etc. (workers) who shall
property until after its registration.
construct the building under his direction
and supervision; or
The Spanish Mortgage Law has been
(3) He may secure the services of A to
discontinued by Presidential Decree No. 892. This
supervise and to act for him in all
discontinuance was reiterated in Presidential
matters connected with the construction
Decree No. 1529, the Property Registration Decree,
which superseded Act No. 496, as amended, the
Land Registration Law. Under the decree, “no “Agency” is sometimes used in a sense other than
deed, mortgage, lease or other voluntary to denote the relationship of principal and agent.
instrument, except the will purporting to convey or
affect registered land shall take effect as a (1) Thus, it may be used to denote the
conveyance or bind the land, but shall operate only place at which the business is
as a contract between the parties and as evidence transacted. When used in the sense of
of authority to the Register of Deeds to make place of business, the relationship of
registration. The act of registration shall be the principal and agent is not necessarily
operative act to convey or affect the land insofar as implied.
third persons are concerned.” (Sec. 51 (2) Likewise, the term may be used in the
thereof.)”The registration shall be made in the office sense of instrumentality by which a thing
of the Register of Deeds for the province or city is done.
where the land lies.” (Sec. 51 thereof.) (3) It is also used to refer to the exclusive
right of a person to sell a product of
another in a specific territory.
Art. 1868. By the contract of agency a
person binds himself to render some service (1) Consensual because it is perfected by mere
or to do something in representation or on consent
behalf of another, with the consent or (2) Principal because it can stand alone without
authority of the latter. the need of another contract;
(3) Nominate because it has its own name;
CONCEPT OF CONTRACT OF AGENCY. (4) Unilateral if it is gratuitous because it
Article 1868 defines the contract of agency. creates obligations for only one of the
The definition, which is very broad enough to include parties, i.e., the agent; or bilateral if it is for
all situations in which one person is employed to compensation because it gives rise
render service for another, excludes, however, from reciprocal rights and obligations; and
its concept the relationship of employer and
(5) Preparatory because it is entered into as a
employee (Art. 1700), of master and servant (Art.
1680), and of employer and independent contractor means to an end, i.e., the creation of other
(Art. 1713). contracts.
Agency is a relationship which implies a
power in an agent to contract with a third person on
behalf of a principal. It is this power to affect the
principal’s contractual relations with third persons

(1) There is consent, express or implied, of the or authorization. The principal or agent may be
parties to establish the relationship; either a natural person or a judicial entity.
(2) The object is the execution of a juridical act
in relation to this persons, CAPACITY OF THE PARTIES.
(3) The agent acts as a representative and not (1) Any person who is capacitated under the law
for himself; and (see Art. 11327, 1329) to act in his own right
(4) The agent acts within the scope of his may be a principal.
authority, (2) In this case of the agent, since he assumes no
In addition, the parties must be competent under personal liability, he does not have to process
the law to act as principal and agent. full capacity to act insofar as third persons are
concerned. But persons, who are absolutely
incapacitated, such as insane persons, cannot
be agents. Insofar as his obligations to his
The word “agency” when used in its principal are concerned, the agent must be
broadest meaning is both a contract and a competent to bind himself.
representative relation.

(1) Since agency is a contract, the following Acts that may/may not be delegated to agents.
requisites must concur: (a) consent of the
(1) In general. – The general rule is that what a
contracting parties; (b) object which is the
man may do in person, he may do through another.
subject matter of the contract; and (c)
cause which is established. (Art. 1318.)
(2) Exemption. – Some acts, however, cannot
Article 1868 defines agency from the
be done through an agent.
viewpoint of a contract.
(a) Personal acts. - if personal performance is
(2) Agency is also a representative relation. The
required by law or public policy or the
agent renders some service or does
agreement of the parties, the doing of the act by
something “in representation or on behalf of
a person on behalf of another does not
another.” (Art. 1868) Representation
constitute performance by the latter.
constitutes the basis of agency.
1.) The right to vote during election cannot be
(3) The purpose of agency is to extend the
delegated because voting is considered a
personality of the principal through the acts of
purely personal act under the law. A member of
the agent. It enables the activity of man which
the board of directors of a corporation cannot
is naturally limited in its exercise by his
validly act by proxy because his right to attend
physiological conditions to be extended,
the board meetings is personal to him. (Sec. 25,
permitting him to perform or carry on many
last par., Corporation Code.)
different activities through another, when his
2.) The making of a will is a strictly personal act;
physical presence is impossible or
it cannot be accomplished through the
inadvisable, at the same time in different
instrumentality of an agent or an attorney. (Art.
places. (see 11Manresa 434)
3.) Obviously, statements which are required to
PARTIES TO THE CONTRACT. be made under oath should be made
The two (2) parties to the contract are the: 4.) Under the Corporation Code, a member of
(1) Principal. – one whom the agent represents the board of directors or trustees of a
and from whom he derives his authority; he is corporation cannot validly act by proxy because
the person represented; and his right to attend board meetings is personal to
(2) Agent. – One who acts for and represents him. (see Sec. 25, last par., B.P. Blg. 68.)
another; he is the person acting in a 5.) An agent cannot delegate to a sub-agent the
representative capacity. The agent may be performance of acts which he has been
performing his tasks as attorney, proxy, appointed to perform in person. (see Art. 1892-
delegate, or representative. 1893.)

Agency implies the contemporaneous (b) Criminal acts or acts not allowed by law.
existence of both the principal and agent and there – An attempt to delegate to another authority to
is no agency unless one is acting for and in behalf of do an act which, if done by the principal would
another with the latter’s express or implied consent be illegal, is void. (2 C.J. 1039.)
In the agency, the agent is subject to control
and direction of the principal whom he
Nature of relations between principal and agent. presents. In a contract for a piece of work,
(1) Relations fiduciary in character. – The the independent contractor exercises his
relations of an agent to his principal are employment independently, and not in
fiduciary in character since they are based on representation of the employer.
trust and confidence, on a degree which varies (4) Partnership. –While an agent acts only for
considerably from situation to situation. his principal, a partner acts not only for his
(2) Agent estopped from asserting interest co-partners and the partnership but also as
adverse to his principal. – In regard to principal of himself. (Arts. 1767, 1803.)
property forming the subject matter of the (5) Negotiorium gestio. –In both agency and
agency, the agent is estopped form asserting or negotiorium gestio and the management of
acquiring a title adverse to that principal. His the business or affairs of an absentee (Art.
position is analogous to that of a trustee and he 2144.), there is representation. The
cannot, consistently with the principles of good distinction lies in the fact that in the first, the
faith, be allowed to create in himself an interest presentation is expressly conferred, while in
in opposition to that of his principal. the second, it is not only without the
(3) Agent must not act for an adverse party.- authority of the owner of the business but is
An agent cannot serve two (2) masters, unless without his knowledge. While the agent acts
both (e.g., real estate broker) with no according to the express will of the principal,
independent initiative. the gestor acts according to the presumed
(4) Agent must not use or disclose secret will of the owner by exercising ‘all the
information. –Requirements of good faith and diligence of a good father of a family.’ (Art.
loyalty demand of the agent the duty not to use 2145.)
divulge confidential information obtained in the
course of his agency for his own benefit to the Agency is a contract, while negotiorum gestio is
principal’s injury and expense. a quasi-contract. Hence, their juridicial relations
are different.

AGENCY DISTINGUISHED FROM SIMILAR (6) Brokerage. – A commission agent

CONTRACTS. is one engaged in the purchase or sale for
another of personal property which, for this
(1) Loan. – An agent may be given funds by the purpose is placed in his possession and at
principal to advance the latter’s business, his disposal. A broker has no relation with
while a borrower is given money for the thing he buys or sells. He is merely an
purposes of his own and he must generally intermediary between the purchaser and the
return it whether or not his own business is vendor.
successful. A lot, however, depends on the (7) Sale. –An agency to sell is different
intent of the parties. (2 C.J. 1030.) from sale. (Art. 1458, Civil Code.) For the
(2) Lease of service. –In agency, the basis is distinctions between the two and example,
representation, while in lease of service see Article 1466, Sales. (par. 1.)
(Arts. 1644, 1689.) it is employment. In
agency, the agent exercises discretionary
powers, while in lease of service; the lessor
(like a servant) ordinarily performs only Art. 1869. Agency may be express, or
ministerial functions. implied from the acts of the principals, from
(3) Independent contact. –Where one party to his silence or lack of action, or his failure to
a contract undertakes to accomplish a repudiate the agency, knowing that another
certain result (as the construction of a person is acting on his behalf without
house) according to his own methods and authority.
without being subject to the other party’s
control except as to the result of the work, Agency may be oral, unless the law
the contract is one for a piece of work requires a specific form.
(Art.1713.) and not agency. (Fressel vs.
Mariano Uy Chaco Sons & Co., 34 Phil.
122.) KINDS OF AGENCY. Agency may be classified as
(1) As to manner of its creation: silence or inaction according to the
(a) Express. – One where the agent has circumstances.
been actually authorized by the principal
either orally or in writing (Art. 1869.); or Form of acceptance by agent.
(b) Implied. - One which is implied from the
acts of the principal, from his silence or Since agency is a contract, there must be
consent by both parties. An agency is either
lack of action or his failure to repudiate
express or implied, and this is true on the part
the agency, knowing that another of the principal (Art. 1869.) as well as on that of
person is acting on his behalf without the agent. (Art. 1870.)
authority (Ibid.) or from the acts of the
agent which carry out the agency, or
from his silence or inaction according to CHAPTER 2- OBLIGATIONS OF THE AGENT
the circumstances. (Art. 1870)
Art. 1884. The agent is bound by his
The enumeration of cases of implied agency in
Articles 1869 and 1870 is not exclusive. An acceptance to carry out the agency, and is
implied agency is an actual agency as much as liable for the damages which, through his non-
an express agency. performance, the principal may suffer.

(2) As to its character: He must also finish the business

(a) Gratuitous. –One where the agent already begun on the death of the principal,
receives no compensation for his
should delay entail any danger.
services. (Lbid.)
(b) Compensated or Onerous. – One Art. 1885. In case a person declines an
where the agent receives compensation
agency, he is bound to observe the diligence
for his services. (lbid.)
(3) As to extent of business cobered: of a good father of a family in the custody and
(a) General. –One which comprises all the preservation of the goods forwarded to him by
business of the principal (Art. 1876.); or the owner until the latter should appoint an
(b) Special. –One which comprises one or agent or take charge of the goods.
more specific transactions. (Ibid)
(4) As authority conferred: The moment the agent accepts the agency,
(a) Couched in general terms. –One expressly or impliedly, said acceptance gives birth to
which is created in general terms and is contractual relations between the principal and the
agent. If after acceptance, the agents fail to perform
deemed to comprise only acts of
his duties as such, the principal may sue him for
administration (Art. 1877.); or
damages for breach of contract.
(b) Couched in specific terms. –One However, the agent cannot be compelled to
authorizing only the performance of a accept an agency. He is free to refuse the trust and
specific act or acts. (see Art. 1878.) confidence reposed in him. This he may do so by
(5) As to its nature and effects: informing the principal of his rejection. But if goods
(a) Ostensible or Representative. –One are forwarded to him, and decline the agency, he is
where the agent acts in the name and duty bound to observe the diligence of a good father
representation of the principal; or of a family in the custody or preservation of the
(b) Simple or Commission. –One where goods until the principal has appointed a new agent
the agent acts for the account of the or he himself takes charge of the goods.
principal but in his own name. (see Art.
Death of the principal terminates the
FORM OF AGENCY. agency. However, should delay entail any danger,
In general, there are no formal requirements the agent must finish the business already begun on
governing the appointment of an agent. The agent’s the death of the principal, and otherwise the agent
authority may be oral or written. An instance when will answer for damages.
the law requires a specific form for the agency is
Art. 1870. Acceptance by the agent may THE AGENCY.
also be express, or implied from his acts
which carry out the agency, or from his a. To carry out the agency.

b. To act within the scope of his authority. In agency, the agent is an extension of that of
c. To act in behalf of the principal. the principal. Such being the case, the agent is
forbidden to do an act which the principal would not
4. OBLIGATION OF THE AGENT WHO DECLINES to do. If an act would manifestly result in loss or
THE AGENCY. damage to him, it is obvious that the principal will not
execute the act. Therefore, being an agent, he must
a. To notify the principal that he is declining the not carry out the agency if he knew that it would
manifestly result in loss or damage to him, it is
obvious that the principal will not execute the act.
b. To preserve the goods forwarded to him Therefore, being an agent, he must not carry out the
until the principal appoints another agent. agency if he knew that it would manifestly result in
loss or damage to the principal.
Art. 1886. Should there be a stipulation
that the agent shall advance the necessary Art. 1889. The agent shall be liable for
funds, he shall be bound to do so except when damages if, there being a conflict between his
the principal is insolvent. interests and those of the principal, he should
prefer his own.
Art. 1887. In the execution of the agency,
the agent shall act in accordance with the 1. Agent must not compete with the principal
instructions of the principal. under the principle of loyalty
It is a well settled rule that an agent is a
In default thereof, he shall do all that a fiduciary with respect to matters within the scope of
agency. It is based on utmost trust and confidence.
good father of a family would do, as required
Therefore, the agent is bound to execute the agency
by the nature of the business. in good faith and loyalty to his principal. Short of this
expectation is considered a betrayal. In any event,
1. Instructions explained. whenever there is a conflict of interest, the agent is
These are orders given by the principal to called upon to sacrifice his interest and give it to the
his agent in relation to the business of his agency. If principal.
the agent acts within his authority but fails to follow
the instructions of the principal, the contract with the Art. 1890. If the agent has been
third person binds the principal, but the agent may
empowered to borrow money, he may himself
be held answerable for damages to the principal.
Conversely, if the agent followed the instructions of be the lender at the current rate of interest. If
the principal and has not exceeded his authority, the he has been authorized to lend money at
principal cannot successfully invoke the failure in the interest, he cannot borrow it without the
accomplishment of the object for which the agency is consent of the principal.
constituted (Gutierrez Hermanas vs. Oria Hermanas,
30 Philo. 491). 1. Agent’s authority to lend money to the
2. How the agent will execute the agency.
a. If with instruction from the principal: The
If the agent has been empowered to borrow money,
agent shall act in accordance with the
instruction of the principal. The act must be he may himself be the lender at the current rate of
for the benefit and not to the detriment of the interest and this rule cannot cause prejudice to the
principal. principal because the interest is at the current rate.

b. If without instruction from the principal: The 2. Agent’s authority to borrow money to the
agent must act with the diligence of the good principal.
father of family, as required by the nature of
the business. If the agent is authorized to lend money, he cannot
be the borrower, except with the consent of the
Art. 1888. An agent shall not carry out an
agency if its execution would manifestly result Art. 1891. Every agent is bound to
in loss or damage to the principal. render an account of his transactions and to
deliver to the principal whatever he may have
Agent is an extension of the personality of the
received by virtue of the agency, even though
it may not be owing to the principal.
Every stipulation exempting the agent from The appointed sub-agent falling under Article 1890,
the obligation to render an account shall be paragraphs 1 and 2, is liable to the principal with
void. respect to the obligations which the latter has
contracted under the substitutions.
Art. 1892. The agent may appoint a
substitute if the principal has not prohibited Art. 1894. The responsibility of two or more
him from doing so; but he shall be responsible agents, even though they have been
for the acts of the substitute: appointed simultaneously, is not solidary, if
solidarity has not been expressly stipulated.
(1) When he was not given the power to
appoint one; Art. 1895. If solidarity has been agreed upon,
each of the agents is responsible for the non-
(2) When he was given such power, but fulfilment of agency, and for the fault or
without designating the person, and negligence of his fellow agents, except in the
the person appointed was notoriously latter case when the fellow agents acted
incompetent or insolvent. beyond the scope of their authority.

All acts of the substitute appointed against 1. Nature of the liability of two or more agents to
the prohibition of the principal shall be void. the principal.

Art. 1893. In the cases mentioned in As a rule, each agent is liable only for his
Nos. 1 and 2 of the preceding article, the own acts, or omission, even though they have been
principal may furthermore bring an action appointed at the same time or simultaneously.
against the substitute with respect to the However, the parties may agree that their obligation
obligations which the latter has contracted is solidary. If agreed, each of the agents is liable for
under the substitution. the non-performance of the agency, except when the
other agents acted beyond the scope of their
1. Delegation of authority. authority.

As a rule, the agent may appoint a sub-agent or a 2. Extent of liability in case solidary
substitute unless prohibited by the principal. responsibility is agreed upon.

2. Appointment of a substitute. Each of the agents shall be responsible for:

a. The agent who appoints a substitute or sub- a. Non-fulfilment of the agency, because there is
agent without authority from the principal, a breach of contract.
but not prohibited is liable for the acts of the b. Damages bought about by the fault or
sub-agent if the principal suffers damages. negligence of one of the agents while acting
b. If the agent is given power to appoint a sub- for the agency.
agent without designating the person, the Be noted that if the act of an agent is not
agent is liable if the sub-agent is notoriously related to the agency or is beyond the limits of
incompetent or insolvent. the agency, he alone shall be responsible.
c. If the agent is given power to appoint a sub-
agent, and the principal designated the Art. 1896. The agent owes interest on the
person appointed as a sub-agent, the agent sums he has applied to his own use from the
is not liable for the acts of the sub-agent. day on which he did so, and on those which
d. If the agent appoints a substitute against the he still owes after the extinguishment of the
expressed will of the principal, the acts of agency.
said substitute or sub-agent is without legal
effect, hence, they are void or inexistent. 1. Agent’s liability for failure to deliver funds or
(Manresa, 419-420) property after the termination of agency.

3. Liability of a sub-agent or substitute. The agent is duty bound to deliver agency

funds or property to his principal upon the
termination of agency, and if he should fail, he
should account for its value or the amount he failed Art. 1901. A third person cannot set up the
to return plus interest. fact that the agent has exceeded his powers, if
the principal has ratified, or has signified his
Art. 1897. The agent who acts as such
willingness to ratify the agent's acts.
is not personally liable to the party with whom
he contracts, unless he expressly binds Ratification by the principal of unauthorized
himself or exceeds the limits of his authority contract entered by the agent.
without giving such party sufficient notice of
his powers. Ratification cleanses the contract from all its
defect from the moment it was constituted. If the
1. Agent exceeds his authority without giving contract entered by the agent is unauthorized or
notice to third person. disauthorized but later ratified by the principal, or
has signified his willingness to ratify the agent’s act,
As a rule, the moment the agent executes they become enforceable. Third persons can no
the agency, he must do so within the scope of his longer set the defense that the agent exceeded his
authority, and in the name of his principal. And if he power.
does so, he will escape personal liability, and it is the
principal who is liable, except: Art. 1902. A third person with whom the
agent wishes to contract on behalf of the
a. If the agent binds himself either as a principal principal may require the presentation of the
or surety in which case he shall be liable to power of attorney, or the instructions as
third person with whom he contracted.
regards the agency. Private or secret orders
b. If the agent exceeded the limit of his authority
and instructions of the principal do not
without giving notice to such excess of
prejudice third persons who have relied upon
authority to third person. But if the agent gave
the power of attorney or instructions shown
notice to the third person, and despite the
them. (n)
notice, the third person still contracted with
him, the agent is not liable.
Art. 1903. The commission agent shall
Art. 1898. If the agent contracts in the be responsible for the goods received by him
name of the principal, exceeding the scope of in the terms and conditions and as described
his authority, and the principal does not ratify in the consignment, unless upon receiving
the contract, it shall be void if the party with them he should make a written statement of
whom the agent contracted is aware of the the damage and deterioration suffered by the
limits of the powers granted by the principal. same. (n)
In this case, however, the agent is liable if he 1. Commission agent and broker defined.
undertook to secure the principal's
ratification. a. Commission agent is one who receives
goods, chattels, or merchandise, for sale,
Art. 1899. If a duly authorized agent acts exchange for a compensation or commission,
in accordance with the orders of the principal, to be paid by the owner from the sale of
the latter cannot set up the ignorance of the goods.
agent as to circumstances whereof he himself b. Broker is a middleman or intermediary who, in
was, or ought to have been, aware. behalf of others, and for commission or fee,
negotiates contracts or transactions relative to
Art. 1900. So far as third persons are real or personal properties.
concerned, an act is deemed to have been
performed within the scope of the agent's Art. 1904. The commission agent who
authority, if such act is within the terms of the handles goods of the same kind and mark,
power of attorney, as written, even if the agent which belong to different owners, shall
has in fact exceeded the limits of his authority distinguish them by countermarks, and
according to an understanding between the designate the merchandise respectively
principal and the agent. belonging to each principal. (n)

Art. 1905. The commission agent cannot,
without the express or implied consent of the As for any obligation wherein the agent
principal, sell on credit. Should he do so, the has exceeded his power, the principal is not
bound except when he ratifies it expressly or
principal may demand from him payment in
tacitly. (1727)
cash, but the commission agent shall be
entitled to any interest or benefit, which may 1. When principal is bound.
result from such sale. The principal is duty bound to comply with all the
obligations contracted by his agent provided the
Art. 1906. Should the commission agent, agent contracted:
with authority of the principal, sell on credit, a. In the name of the principal; and
he shall so inform the principal, with a b. Within the scope of his authority.
statement of the names of the buyers. Should
2. When principal is not bound.
he fail to do so, the sale shall be deemed to a. If the agent acts in his own name, except
have been made for cash insofar as the when the contract involves things belonging
principal is concerned. to the principal; or
b. If the agent exceeds his power, except when
Art. 1907. Should the commission agent the principal ratifies it expressly or impliedly.
receive on a sale, in addition to the ordinary
3. Principal is bound by the agent’s dishonesty
commission, another called a guarantee As long as the agent acts within his
commission; he shall bear the risk of authority, the principal is bound even by his
collection and shall pay the principal the dishonesty. Thus, it was ruled that errors of a
proceeds of the sale on the same terms business agent in the payment of taxes shall bind
the principal who shall be held liable for a fraudulent
agreed upon with the purchaser.
tax return without prejudice to going after the erring
agent. (Dy Peb. Vs. Collector of Internal Revenue, L
Meaning and purpose of guarantee commission.
– 19375, cited in J. Nolledo; Sales, Agency and
Guarantee commission (also called del
credere commission) is one where in consideration
of an increased commission the factor or ART 1911. Even when the agent has
commission agent guarantees to the principal the exceeded his authority, the principal is
payment of debts arising through his agency. An solidarily liable with the agent if the former
agent who receives a guarantee commission is allowed the later to acts as though he had full
called a del credere agent. powers.

Art. 1908. The commission agent who 1. Liability of the principal to third persons.
does not collect the credits of his principal at a. If the agent acted within the scope of his
the time when they become due and authority and in the name of the principal, the
latter is bound by, and liable for, the acts of
demandable shall be liable for damages,
the agent.
unless he proves that he exercised due b. If the agent acts in the name of the principal
diligence for that purpose. but in excess of his authority, the principal is
not liable, except:
Art. 1909. The agent is responsible not
only for fraud, but also for negligence, which 1. If the principal allowed the agent to act as
though he had full powers. In which case,
shall be judged with more or less rigor by the
the principal and the agent are liable
courts, according to whether agency was or solidarily.
was not for compensation.

CHAPTER 3 – OBLIGATIONS OF THE 2. Where estoppel lies.

PRINCIPAL When the principal allows the agent to act
as if he had full powers, he will be guilty of estoppel.
ART. 1910. The principal must comply Both the agent and the principal are guilty; the agent
with all the obligations which the agent may because he knows that he has no authority to act;
have contracted within the scope of his the principal, because he permits him to act with
authority. knowledge that he did not give him the authority to
the scope of his authority and that he is not guilty of
ART 1912. The principal must advance fault or negligence.
to the agent, should the latter so request, the
sums necessary for the execution of the Example:
agency. P appointed A as his agent to sell P’s car for
P10,000. While A was the driving the car, going to a
prospective buyer, a 6 x 6 truck sideswiped the car
Should the agent have advanced them,
causing damage to the same and to A because he
the principal must reimburse him therefor, was bodily injured. In this case, A may demand from
even if the business or undertaking was not P indemnity for all the damage caused.
successful, provided the agent is free from all
faults. ART. 1914. The agent may retain in
pledge the things which are the objects of the
The reimbursement shall include agency until the principal effects the
interest on the sums advanced, from the day reimbursement and pays the indemnity set
on which the advance was made. (1728) forth in the two preceding articles.

1. Expenses of Agency. This rule is a protection to the rights for

Expenses incurred in carrying out the reimbursement as stated in the preceding article. It
agency must be for the account of the principal. The is a pledge by operation of law. This is the same as
principal is obliged therefore to advance, upon the rule of retention until the price of the sale is fully
request, the necessary funds for the execution of the paid.
agency. However, the parties may agree that the This lien or right of retention is in the nature
agent shall advance the funds, in such a case; the of legal pledge. Hence, the agent may cause the
agent is obliged, except if the principal is insolvent. sale of the things retained in order to recover his
claim. Should the proceed of such sale is more than
the amount due, the excess must be given to the
2. Advances made by the agent. principal.
If the agent used his own money for the ART. 1915. If two or more persons have
furtherance of agency, he shall be entitled to be appointed an agent for a common transaction
reimbursed of the expenses incurred, plus the
or undertaking, they shall be solidarily liable
interest from the day on which the advances was
to the agent for all the consequences of the
made. This right is given to the agent even if the
undertaking was not successful, provided that: agency. (1731).
a. The agent is free from all faults.
b. There is no agreement that the expenses Liability of two principals to a common agent.
shall be borne by the agent. The liability of two or more principals who appoints
an agent for a common transaction is solidary. Be it
3. When interest will begin to run. noted that that the transaction is a community of
The law provides that the reimbursement interest to all of them. Such that the if these two
shall include interest on the amount advanced from principals appointed an agent with an undertaking
the date of such advance or may begin from the distinct from one another, or the powers were
commencement of the agency itself, if the latter is of conferred at various times by each of the principals,
such a nature that it required the agent to set aside or the things or services as object of agency be
funds for its performance. The reason: the agent in different, there is lacking the community of interest
such case is deprived of the use of his money. (11 required for solidarity. (`11 Manresa 551)
Manresa 542)
Illustrative Case:
a. P1 and P2 appointed A to sell their specific
ART. 1913. The principal must also car for P10,000, with 10% commission. A
indemnify the agent for all the damages which executed the contract of agency satisfactorily
the execution of the agency may have caused and therefore he is entitled 10% commission,
the latter, without fault or negligence on his that is, P1,000. Can A hold P1 or P2 liable for
part. (1729) this amount?

1. Agent is entitled to indemnity for damages Answer:

caused by the execution of agency. Yes, because the transaction is common,
Damages suffered by the agent in the the principal’s obligation is solidary.
execution of the agency must be paid for by the
principal. This assumes that the agent acted within ART. 1916. When two persons contract
with regard to the same thing, one of them
with the agent and the other with the principal, a. When the agent breached his obligation by
and the two contracts are incompatible with acting against the principal’s instruction.
each other, that of prior date shall be b. If the agent is guilty of fault or negligence in
preferred, without prejudice to the provisions the performance of agency.
of Article 1544. c. Expenses in the execution of the agency,
knowing that an unfavourable result will
ART. 1917. In the case referred in the ensue.
preceding article, if the agent has acted in d. When it is stipulated that in any event the
agent is liable.
good faith, the principal shall be liable in
damages to third person whose contract must
be rejected. If the agent acted in bad faith, he
alone shall be responsible.
ART. 1919. Agency is extinguished
1. By its revocation;
When the same thing is sold by the principal and the
2. By the withdrawal of the agent;
agent to two different persons, the following rules is
observed; 3. By the death, civil interdiction, insanity or
a. If movable insolvency of the principal or of the agent;
1.The first one who took actual possession in 4. By the dissolution of the firm or corporation
good faith. which entrusted or accepted the agency;
2.If none of the two took actual possession, 5. By the accomplishment of the object or
the contract with a prior date shall be purpose of the agency;
preferred. 6. By the expiration of the period for which the
b. If immovable: agency was constituted. (1732a)
1. The first to register the sale in good faith.
2. If none registered the sale, the first one 1. MODES OF EXTINGUISHING AN AGENCY.
who took actual possession in good faith. (EDWARD)
3. In the absence of both, the oldest title in a. Expiration.
good faith. Where the time for the continuance of the
agency is fixed by its terms, the agency is
2. Right of the aggrieved party. extinguished after the expiration of that
a. Against the agent if he acted in bad faith. period.
b. Against the principal if the agent acted in
good faith. b. Death, civil interdiction, insanity or
insolvency of the principal or agent.
ART. 1918. The principal is not liable 1. Death of the principal – no one is to be
for the expense incurred by the agent in the represented after his death, subject to the
following cases: exceptions laid down in Article 1930 of
the Civil Code.
1. If the agent acted in contravention of the 2. Death of the agent – there is no one to
principal’s instructions, unless the latter represent the principal after the death of
should wish to avail himself of the benefits the agent.
3. Civil interdiction – accessory penalty
derived from the contract;
depriving the offender during the time of
2. When the expenses were due to the fault of
its sentence of the right to manage his
the agent; property by any act or any conveyance
3. When the agent incurred them with intervivos. Therefore, if the principal of
knowledge that an unfavourable result would the agent are civilly interdicted, the
ensure, if the principal was not aware thereof; agency is extinguished.
4. When it was stipulated that the expenses 4. Insanity – agency is extinguished
would be borne by the agent, or that the latter because the principal or the agent are
would be allowed only a certain sum. deprived the capacity to act.
5. Insolvency – agency is extinguished if
REIMBURSEMENT OF THE AGENT. the principal or the agent becomes
As a rule, where an agent is employed by insolvent.
a principal and such agent incurred expenses in the
execution of the agency, the principal is bound to c. Withdrawal of the agent.
reimburse the agent of all legitimate and necessary The withdrawal of the agent terminating the
expenses that may be incurred, except: agency may be express or implied. It was
held that a suit by the agent against his
principal for recovery of what is due the agent compel the agent to return the document evidencing
after liquidation of accounts is equivalent to the agency.
renunciation of the agency by the agent, and
this is called implied revocation. 2. EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE THAT AN
d. Accomplishment of the objective. a. When there is stipulation to the contrary.
When the object of the agency is already b. When a bilateral contract depends upon the
accomplished the agency is extinguished. agency.
c. When the agency is a means of fulfilling the
e. Revocation. obligation already contracted.
A contract of agency is revocable at will d. When the agency has been constituted for
because agency is fiduciary in nature. Such the benefits of the principal and the agent.
that when the principal loses confidence in e. When the agency carries a stipulation in
the agent, he has right to revoke the agency favour of a third person who has accepted
even if a period or term has been stipulated the stipulation in his favour.
within the agency is to last. f. Partner appointed as a manager in the
Articles of Partnership, and removal is
As cited by American and Spanish unjustifiable. (Article 1927, 1930, Civil Code.)
jurisprudence, it is even the right of the principal to
revoke the agency at anytime he pleases, and for ART. 1921. If the agency has been entrusted
the agent, he cannot ask damages of any kind for the purpose of contracting with specified
because the exercise of a legal right cannot give rise persons. Its revocation shall not prejudice the
to any liability for damages to the agent. However, latter if they were not given notice thereof.
the principal is liable for damages on exceptional
cases, to wit:

a. Revocation is done in bad faith, as

ART. 1922. If the agent had general
cited in the case of Danon vs. Rimo powers, revocation of the agency does not
& Co., 42 Phil, 133, wherein the prejudice third persons who acted in good
principal revoked the agency to avoid faith and without knowledge of the revocation.
payment of compensation to the Notice of the revocation in a newspaper of
agent. general circulation is a sufficient warning to
b. When it is agreed that the principal third persons.
will answer for losses suffered, due
to the principal’s action of terminating 1. Notice of revocation to third persons.
an agency at will. a. Authority of the agent is to deal with
specific person.
2. OTHER CAUSES OF EXTINGUISHING AN If the principal has given third persons
AGENCY. special invitation, or if the notification to
a. By agreement of the parties. them is by special information, the principal
b. Transfer or sale of the object of the agency. upon termination must also inform this third
c. Loss or destruction of the object of agency. person by special information. Otherwise, he
d. Continuation becomes illegal. will be held liable to the third person acting
e. War, when allegiance of either partly in good faith relying upon such agency. This
becomes in conflict. notice required by the revocation may be
(2 Am. Jur. 37, 50, 59, 60, 61) written or oral.
b. Authority of the agent is to deal with the
ART. 1920. The principal may revoke public or any person.
the agency at will, and compel the agent to If the principal informs the public of the
return the document evidencing the agency. agency by public information, its revocation
must also be made publicly. If no notice is
Such revocation may be express or implied.
given he will not be relieved of his obligation
to third person acting in good faith. Notice of
the revocation in a newspaper of general
1. REVOCATION OF AGENCY. circulation is a sufficient warning to third
The agent’s authority to act for the principal remains persons. Be it noted that notice need not be
as long as the confidence reposed in him by the given to persons with knowledge of the
principal exists. But as soon as this confidence revocation.
disappears, the principal may revoke the power so
conferred. In conjunction with this, the principal may
ART. 1923. The appointed of a new
agent for the same business or transaction
revokes the previous agency from the day on
which notice thereof was given to the former Implied revocation of the agent’s authority
agent, without prejudice to the provisions of This is another implied revocation. The
the two preceding articles. (1735a) appointment of a new agent for the same business
or transaction revokes a previous agency. Our
1. Revocation by appointing a new agent. Supreme Court held that if a new appointment is
The appointed of a new agent revokes the first made, whether it enlarges or limits the authority of
agency only in case of incompatibility between the the agent, the same is held to revoke the former
first and the second agency, and only from the day power of attorney in case of inconsistency.
on which notice thereof is given to the former agent.
If no notice is sent to the first agent, it is understood This article contemplates only a partial revocation of
that the first agency still exists. the agency.

EXAMPLE: Example: P appoints A, as his general agent (with

P appointed A, as his agent, to sell a specific car on general powers), to administer his properties
Jan. 1. On Jan. 5, P appointed X, to sell the same situated in Malolos, Bulacan, and a ten (10) hectares
car as covered by the first agency. In this case, P’s of agricultural land situated in Capas, Tarlac.
obligation is to notify A about the appointment of X Subsequently, P appointed X to administer and sell
as the new agent, implying that he is revoking the that land situated in Capas, Tarlac. In this case, the
first agency executed between him and A. hence, if authority of A to administer the property in Bulacan
A is not notified, it is understood that the first agency will continue, but the one in Capas is impliedly
till exists. (Garcia vs. De Manzano, 39 Phil. 577) revoked because the general power given to A is
considered revoked by the special power granted to
ART. 1924. The agency is revoked if the the other agent.
principal directly manages the business
entrusted to the agent, dealing directly with ART. 1927. An agency cannot be
third persons. revoked if a bilateral contract depends upon it,
or if it is the means of fulfilling an obligation
Direct management by the principal. already contracted, or if a partner is appointed
This is another implied revocation. The manager of a partnership in the contract of
agency is impliedly revoked if the principal directly partnership and his removal from the
manages the business entrusted to the agent. But management is unjustifiable.
when the principal motive is only to help the agent in
the management of the business, agency is not 1. Instances where the principal cannot revoke
revoked. the agency without being liable for damages.
As a rule, the agency can be revoked at any
ART. 1925. When two or more time because it is revocable “at will”. In the following
principals have granted a power of attorney cases revocation is forbidden; otherwise, he will
for a common transaction, any one of them answer for damages, to wit:
may revoke the same without the consent of
the others. a. A bilateral contract depends upon the
Revocation by one or two or more principals. Example: P appointed A as his agent to sell
According to Article 1915, when two or more sliced ham to the public. P and A agreed that
persons appoint an agent for a common transaction the latter will lease the ice storage of X to
or undertaking, they shall be solidarity liable to the freeze the sliced ham for one year, the
agent for all the consequences of the agency. Since expected time when the ham will last. In here,
their obligation is solidary, that is, one of the P cannot revoke the agency at will because a
principals can be made answerable to the agent for bilateral contract (Lease Contract) depends
all the consequences of agency, it is but proper that upon the agency. If he will revoke the
any one of the principals can also revoke the agency contract, he will answer for damages.
even without the consent of the others. Be it noted
that the non-revoking principals may let the agent b. If the agency is a means of fulfilling an
continue the contract of agency with respect to his obligation already contracted.
interest. Example: D is indebted to C for P10,000. D
meantime has no money. So, D appoints C
ART. 1926. A general power of attorney as his agent to sell a parcel of land belonging
is revoked by a special one granted to another to D for P10,000 and apply the proceeds of
the sale to the obligation of D to C. D cannot
agent, as regards the special matter involved
revoke the contract of agency because there
in the latter.
was already an obligation before the agency. 2. Continuation of agency even after withdrawal.
In short, the agency is the means of fulfilling The agent even after a valid and reasonable
an obligation already contracted. withdrawal, shall continue the agency until the
principal has had opportunity to take the necessary
c. If a partner is appointed manager of a steps to meet the situation.
partnership and his removal is
unjustifiable. Art. 1930. The agency shall remain in
full force and effect even after the death of the
2. Revocation could still be made for a just principal, if it has been constituted in the
cause. common interest of the latter and of the agent,
In the case of Vicente Coleoneo vs. Eduardo or in the interest of a third person who has
Claparals (L-18616,10 SCRA 577), THE Supreme
accepted the stipulation in his favour.
Court, speaking through Mr. Justice J. B. L. Reyes,
said: “It is not open to serious, doubt that the
irrevocability of the power of attorney may not be 1. Death of the principal.
used to shield the perpetration of acts in bad faith, As a rule, the death of the principal extinguishes the
breach of confidence, or betrayal of trust, by the agency, except:
agent for that would amount to holding that a power a. When the agency is constituted in the
coupled with an interest authorizes the agent to common interest of the principal and the
commit frauds against the principal.” agent.

The conclusion therefore, is that an agency coupled Example:

with an interest may still be revoked in cases of D borrowed from C P10,000, and a security
fraud , bad faith, breach of confidence, or betrayal of he gave a specific ring to C which the latter
trust, committed by the agent, (Citation, J. Nobello, can sell if D cannot pay his debt at the time of
Sales, Agency, and Bailments) (A. Padilla: Agency, maturity. In this case, if D dies, agency of C is
text and Case) not terminated but will continue until the sale
of the ring because it is for the benefit of both
the principal and the agent.
Art. 1928. The agent may withdraw
from the agency by giving due notice to the b. When the agency is constituted in the
principal. If the latter should suffer any common interest of a third person who has
damage by reason of the withdrawal, the agent accepted the stipulation in his favour.
must indemnify him therefor, unless the agent
should base his withdrawal upon the Example:
impossibility of continuing the performance of D owes C P10,000 payable as soon as
the agency without grave detriment to himself. possible. After the obligation is contracted, D
(1736a) sells his land to A and appoints the latter as
his agent in paying with the purchase price
Art. 1929. The agent, even if he should what D owes C. In this case, even if D dies,
withdraw from the agency for a valid reason, the agency of A shall continue to exist
must continue to act until the principal has because this is for the benefit of C, a third
had reasonable opportunity to take the person.
necessary steps to meet the situation. (1737a)
2. The principle “coupled with interest” must be
1. Withdrawal by the agent. appointed and be proven
If the principal can revoke the agency at will, the Even of the power of attorney should state
agent can also put to an end the agency at his will that the agency is one coupled with an interest, the
and pleasure, by giving notice to the principal, court shall disregard said statement if in fact, the
renouncing the power conferred upon him by the agency is not really coupled with an interest. The
principal. But if the principal suffered damages by Court held: A mere statement in the power of
reason of the withdrawal, the agent must indemnify attorney that he agency created is one coupled with
him, except: an interest is insufficient. It must be stated in what
a. If the agency cannot be continued without such interest consists. The fact that P (owner)
grave detriment to the agent. mortgaged the improvements of his land to A (agent)
b. When the duration of the agency is indefinite is not enough interest that would render the power of
and the agent gives reasonable notice to his attorney irrevocable. In fact no mention of the
principal. mortgage was made in the power of attorney. The
c. For causes attributable to the principal. (2 C. death of P terminated the agency of A and therefore,
J.S. 1169, 1170) the sale made after the death was null and void. (Del

Rosario vs. Abad, L-1881, cited in Agency, Text and
Cases by A. Padilla) The best opinion is that advance by the
Supreme Court of Spain which has declared
Art. 1931. Anything done by the agent, repeatedly before and after the promulgation
without knowledge of the death of the of our Civil Code that the contract of agency
principal or of any other cause which is very personal and the same is extinguished
extinguishes the agency, is valid and shall be from the moment either party ceases to exist
fully effective with respect to third persons (11 Manresa, 588 – 589, cited in A, Padilla;
who may have contracted with him in good Agency, Text and Cases)
faith. (1738)
1. Acts done by the agent after the death of the CONTRACTS
Acts done by the agent in good faith after
the principal’s death are valid and binding upon the GENERAL PROVISIONS
representative heirs, or estate of the principal.
2. When estate of the principal not bound. Art. 1933. By the contract of loan, one
a. When the third person is aware of the death of the parties delivers to another, either
of the principal. something not consumable so that the latter
b. When the agent is aware of the death of the may use the same for a certain time and return
principal. it, in which case the contract is called a
3. Effect of the contract and their status if commodatum; or money or other consumable
entered into after the death of the principal. thing, upon the condition that the same
If the cause for revocation unknown to the amount of the same kind and quality shall be
agent is the death of the principal, the estate of the paid, in which case the contract is simply
principal (and his heirs) must respect and honour the called a loan or mutuum.
contracts entered by the agent. Thus, it was held by
the Supreme Court that the death of the principal
Commodatum is essentially gratuitous.
does not render the act of an agent unenforceable,
where the latter had no knowledge of such death.
Simple loan may be gratuitous or with a stipulation
(Navidad Herrera vs. Lucy Kim Guan, L-17043)
to pay interest.
In this regard, explaining Article 1931, the Supreme
In commodatum the bailor retains the ownership of
Court, speaking through Justice Cecillia Muñoz-
the thing loaned, while in simple loan, ownership
Palma said:
passes to the borrower. (1740a)
“An act done by the agent after the death of the
Definition and characteristics of contract of loan.
principal is valid and effective only under two
conditions: 1) That the agent acted without
(1) A real contract because the delivery of the
knowledge of the death of the principal, and 2) That
thing is necessary for the perfection of the
the third person who contracted with the agent
himself acted in good faith. Good faith here means
(2) A unilateral contract because once the
that the third person was not aware of the death of
subject matter has been delivered, it creates
the principal at the time he contracted with said
obligations on the part of only one of the
agent. These two requisites must concur. The
parties, i.e., the borrower.
absence of one will render the act of the agent
invalid and unenforceable”. (Rallos vs. Felix Go
Chan and Sons really Corporation, 74 O.G. 2823)
Art. 1932. If the agent dies, his heirs
must notify the principal thereof, and in the (1) Commodatum- Where the bailor (lender)
meantime adopt such measures as the delivers to the bailee (borrower) a non-
circumstances may demand in the interest of consumable thing so that the latter use it for
the latter. certain time and return the identical thing;
AGENCY BY OPERATION OF LAW. (2) Simple loan or mutuum- Where the lender
This obligation conferred to the heirs of the delivers to the borrower money or other
agent or his legal representative is called consumable thing upon the condition that
presumed agency, or tacit agency, or an the latter shall pay the same amount of the
agency by operation of law. same kind and quality.
in commodatum acquires the used of the thing
A thing is consumable when it is consumed when loaned but not its fruits; if any compensation
used in a manner appropriate to its purpose or is to be paid by him who acquires the use, the
nature, like rice, gasoline, money, fruit, firewood, etc. contract ceases to be a commodatum. (1941a)
Commodatum and mutuum (simple loan) Commodatum essentially gratuitous.
distinguish. Commodatum is essentially gratuitous.
Hence, the contract ceases to be a commodatum if
(1) Commodatum ordinarily involves something any compensation is to be paid by the borrower who
not consumable, while in mutuum, the acquires the use. In such a case, there arises a
subject matter is money or other lease contract.
consumable things; If the consideration is the rendering of some
(2) In commodatum, ownership of the thing service, an innominate contract will result.
loaned is retained by the lender, while in
mutuum, the ownership is transferred to the Extent of bailee’s right of use
borrower; The right to use is limited to the thing loaned
(3) Commodatum is essentially gratuitous, while but not to its fruits unless there is a stipulation to the
mutuum may be gratuitous or it may be contrary.
onerous, that is, with stipulation to pay
interest; Purpose of the contract.
(4) In commodatum, the borrower must return The purpose of the contract of commodatum
the same thing loaned, while in mutuum, the must be the use of the thing loaned “for a certain
borrower need only pay the same amount of time”. If the bailee is not entitled to the use of the
the same kind and quality; thing, the contract may be a deposit not a
(5) Commodatum may involve real or personal commodatum.
property, while mutuum refers only to
personal property;
Art. 1936. Consumable goods may be
(6) Commodatum is a loan for use, while
mutuum is a loan for consumption; the subject of commodatum if the purpose of
(7) In commodatum, the bailor may demand the the contract is not the consumption of the
return of the thing loaned before the object, as when it is merely for exhibition. (n)
expiration of the term in case of urgent
need, while in mutuum, the lender may not Art. 1937. Movable or immovable
demand its return before the lapse of the property may be the object of commodatum.
term agreed upon; and (n)
(8) In commodatum, the loss is suffered by the
bailor since he is the owner, while in Subject matter of the contract.
mutuum, the borrower suffer the loss. In commodatum, the subject matter is
generally non-consumable things whether real or
It may also be said that while commodatum is purely personal.
personal in character, mutuum is not so. If the purpose of the contract is not the
consumption of the object as when it is merely for
KINDS OF COMMODATUM the exhibition, consumable goods may be the
subject of commodatum.
(1) Ordinary commodatum -(Art. 1933); and If no time for use of the object was specified,
(2) Precarium- One whereby the bailor may the contract would be that specie of commodatum
demand the thing loaned at will. called “precarium”.
If rental is paid, the contract would be one of
Art. 1934. An accepted promise to
deliver something by way of commodatum or Art. 1938. The bailor
simple loan is binding upon parties, but in commodatum need not be the owner of the
the commodatum or simple loan itself shall thing loaned. (n)
not be perfected until the delivery of the object
of the contract. Art. 1939. Commodatum is purely
personal in character. Consequently:
SECTION 1 - Nature of Commodatum (1) The death of either the bailor or the
bailee extinguishes the contract;
Art. 1935. The bailee
(2) The bailee can neither lend nor the commodatum has been
lease the object of the contract to a third constituted;
person. However, the members of the bailee's
household may make use of the thing loaned, (3) If the thing loaned has been
unless there is a stipulation to the contrary, or delivered with appraisal of its value,
unless the nature of the thing forbids such unless there is a stipulation exemption
use. (n) the bailee from responsibility in case of
a fortuitous event;
Commodatum purely personal in character.
(4) If he lends or leases the thing to a
Hence, the death of either party terminates third person, who is not a member of
the contract unless by stipulation, the commodatum his household;
is transmitted to the heirs of either or both parties.
Generally, the bailee can neither lend nor
lease the object of the contract to a third person. (5) If, being able to save either the thing
However, the use of the thing loaned may extend to borrowed or his own thing, he chose to
the members of the bailee’s household. save the latter. (1744a and 1745)

Exceptions in two (2) cases:

(1) There is a stipulation to the contrary; and Liability for loss of the thing loaned.
(2) The nature of the thing forbids such use. As a general rule, the bailee is not liable for
loss or damage due to a fortuitous event.
Article 1939 constitutes an exception to the general Article 1942 specifies the instances when
rule that all rights acquired in virtue of an obligation the bailee is liable even for loss due to a fortuitous
are transmissible. event.
The reason under No.1 is that the bailee
Art. 1940. A stipulation that the bailee acts in bad faith; under No. 2, he incurs in delay;
may make use of the fruits of the thing loaned under No. 3, the law presumes that the parties
is valid. (n) intended that the borrower shall be liable for the loss
  of the thing, even if it is due to a fortuitous event for
SECTION 2. - Obligations of the Bailee otherwise they would not have appraised the thing;
under No. 4, commodatum is purely personal; and
under No. 5, the bailee shows his ingratitude after
Art. 1941. The bailee is obliged to pay
the thing is gratuitously loaned to him.
for the ordinary expenses for the use and
preservation of the thing loaned. (1743a)
Art. 1943. The bailee does not answer
for the deterioration of the thing loaned due
Liability for ordinary expenses
only to the use thereof and without his fault.
It is logical that the borrower should defray
the expenses for the use and preservation of the
thing loaned for after all he acquires the use of the
same, and he is supposed to return the identical Art. 1944. The bailee cannot retain the
thing. thing loaned on the ground that the bailor
As a rule, the borrower must take good care owes him something, even though it may be
if the thing with the diligence of a good father of a by reason of expenses. However, the bailee
family. has a right of retention for damages
mentioned in Article 1951. (1747a)

Art. 1942. The bailee is liable for the Art. 1945. When there are two or more
loss of the thing, even if it should be through a bailees to whom a thing is loaned in the same
fortuitous event: contract, they are liable solidarily. (1748a)

(1) If he devotes the thing to any Liability of two or more bailees.

purpose different from that for which it The law presumes that the bailor takes into
has been loaned; account the personal integrity and responsibility of
all the bailee and that, therefore, he would not have
(2) If he keeps it longer than the period constitutes the commodatum if there were only one
stipulated, or after the accomplishment (1) bailee.
of the use for which
SECTION 3. - Obligations of the Bailor
Art. 1946. The bailor cannot demand Art. 1949. The bailor shall refund the
the return of the thing loaned till after the extraordinary expenses during the contract for
expiration of the period stipulated, or after the the preservation of the thing loaned, provided
accomplishment of the use for which the bailee brings the same to the knowledge of
the commodatum has been constituted. the bailor before incurring them, except when
However, if in the meantime, he should have they are so urgent that the reply to the
urgent need of the thing, he may demand its notification cannot be awaited without danger.
return or temporary use.
If the extraordinary expenses arise on the
In case of temporary use by the bailor, the occasion of the actual use of the thing by the
contract of commodatum is suspended while bailee, even though he acted without fault,
the thing is in the possession of the bailor. they shall be borne equally by both the bailor
(1749a) and the bailee, unless there is a stipulation to
the contrary. (1751a)
Art. 1947. The bailor may demand the
thing at will, and the contractual relation is Obligation to refund extraordinary expenses.
called a precarium, in the following cases: 1. Extraordinary expenses for the preservation
of the thing loaned- shall be borne by the bailor. If
(1) If neither the duration of the they are incurred by the bailee, the bailor must
contract nor the use to which the thing refund them provided the bailee brings the same to
the knowledge of the bailor before incurring them.
loaned should be devoted, has been
stipulated; or
2. Extraordinary expenses (caused by fortuitous
event) arising on the occasion of the actual use
(2) If the use of the thing is merely of the thing loaned- shall be borne by the bailor
tolerated by the owner. (1750a) and the bailee on a 50-50 basis. The parties, by
stipulation may provide otherwise.
Precarium defined.
Precarium is a kind of commodatum where Art. 1950. If, for the purpose of making
the bailor may demand the thing at will. It has been use of the thing, the bailee incurs expenses
defined as a “contract by which the owner of a thing, other than those referred to in Articles 1941
at the request of another person, gives the latter the and 1949, he is not entitled to reimbursement.
thing for use as long as the owner shall please”. (n)
Art. 1948. The bailor may demand the
No obligation to assume all other expenses
immediate return of the thing if the bailee
All expenses other than those referred to in
commits any act of ingratitude specified in
Article 1941 and 1949 “for the purpose of making
Article 765. (n) use of the thing” must be shouldered by the
Right of bailor to demand return of the thing for Expenses for ostentation are to be borne
acts of ingratitude. by the bailee because they are not necessary for the
Based on Article 765 of the Civil Code, any of the preservation of the thing.
following constitute acts of ingratitude. Ordinary expenses incurred for the
preservation of the thing are also for the account of
(1) If the bailee should commit some offenses the bailee.
against the person, the honor or the property
of the bailor, or his wife or children under hid
parental authority; Art. 1951. The bailor who, knowing the
(2) If the bailee imputes to the bailor any flaws of the thing loaned, does not advise the
criminal offense, or any act involving moral bailee of the same, shall be liable to the latter
turpitude, even though he should prove it, for the damages which he may suffer by
unless the crime of the act has been reason thereof.
committed against the bailee himself, his
wife or children under his authority; and Liability to pay damages for known hidden flaws.
(3) If the bailee unduly refuses the bailor The following are the requisites which must concur
support when the bailee is legally or morally for the application of the above article:
bound to give support to the bailor.
(1) There is flaw or defect in the thing loaned;
(2) The flaw or defect is hidden;

(3) The bailor is aware thereof; By the contract of barter or exchange one of the
(4) He does not advise the bailee of the same; parties binds himself to give one thing in
and consideration of the other’s promise to give
(5) The bailee suffers damages by reason of another thing. ( Art. 1638)
said flaw or defect. (1) The distinction between mutuum and
The same responsibility of the bailor in commodatum barter lies in the subject matter. In the
is imposed on a pledgor. former, it is money or any other fungible
things; in the latter, non-fungible things.
Art. 1952. The bailor cannot exempt (2) In commodatum, the bailee id bound to
himself from the payment of expenses or return the identical thing borrowed when
damages by abandoning the thing to the the time has expired or the purpose has
bailee. been served. In barter, the equivalent
thing is given in return for what has been
(3) Mutuum may be gratuitous and
Art. 1953. A person who receives a loan commodatum is always gratuitous. Barter,
of money or any other fungible thing acquires on the other hand, is an onerous contract.
the ownership thereof, and is bound to pay to It is really a mutual sale.
the creditor an equal amount of the same kind
and quality. (1753a) Art. 1955. The obligation of a person
who borrows money shall be governed by the
MUTUUM OR SIMPLE LOAN DEFINED. provisions of Articles 1249 and 1250 of this
Mutuum is a contract whereby one of the Code.
parties delivers to another money or other
consumable thing with the understanding that the If what was loaned is a fungible thing other
same amount of the same kind and quality shall than money, the debtor owes another thing of
be paid. the same kind, quantity and quality, even if it
should change in value. In case it is
impossible to deliver the same kind, its value
Obligation of borrower is to “pay” at the time of the perfection of the loan shall
Note that the law uses the word “pay” and
be paid. (1754a)
not the word “return” because the consumption of
the thing loaned is the distinguishing character of the
contract of mutuum from that of commodatum. FORM OF PAYMENT.
The promise of the borrower to pay is the The object of simple loan may be either money or
consideration for the obligation of the lender to consumable or fungible things
furnish the loan. A loan is thus a bilateral contract.
(1) Loan of money- If the thing loaned is
money, payment must be made in the
currency which is legal tender in the
Philippines and in case of extraordinary
inflation or deflation; the basis of payment
Meaning of fungible things. shall be the value of the currency at the time
of the creation of the obligation.
Fungible things are those which are (2) Loan of fungible things- The borrower is
usually dealt with by number, weight or measure under obligation to pay the lender another
such as grain, oil, sugar, etc., so that any given unit thing of the same kind, quality and quantity.
or potion is treated as the equivalent of any other In case it is impossible to do so, the
unit or portion. borrower shall pay its value at the time of
the perfection of the loan.
Art. 1954. A contract whereby one
person transfers the ownership of non- Art. 1956. No interest shall be due
fungible things to another with the obligation unless it has been expressly stipulated in
on the part of the latter to give things of the writing. (1755a)
same kind, quantity, and quality shall be
considered a barter. (n) Requisites for recovery or monetary interest.
In order that interest may be chargeable, the
following are the requisites:
Mutuum and commodatum distinguished from
(1) The payment must be expressly stipulated;
(2) The agreement must be in writing; and to require of the debtor payment of an
(3) The interest must be lawful. existing debt then due and payable.
If the exact rate of interest is not mentioned, the
legal rate (6%) shall be imposed. KINDS OF INTEREST.
(1) Simple interest- Is paid for the principal at a
Exceptions to the rule. certain rate fixed or stipulated by the parties.
Article 1956 is subject to two (2) exceptions; (2) Compound interest- Is imposed upon
(1) Indemnity for damages- The debtor in interest due and unpaid. The accrued
delay is liable to pay legal interest (6%) as interest is added to the principal sum and
indemnity for damages in case of delay even the whole (principal and accrued interest) is
in the absence of stipulation for the payment treated as a new principal upon which the
of interest. interest for the next period is calculated.
(2) Interest accruing from unpaid interest- (3) Legal interest- That which the law directs to
Interest due shall earn legal interest from the be charged in the absence of any
time it is judicially demanded although the agreement as to the rate between the
obligation may be silent upon this point. parties.
(4) Lawful interest- That which the laws allow
Interest payable in case of breach of obligation or do not prohibit, that is, the rate of interest
(1) Loan or forbearance of money; is within the maximum prescribed by law;
(a) The borrower shall pay the rate of and
interest expressly stipulated; otherwise, 6% per (5) Unlawful or usurious interest- That which
anuum computed from judicial or extrajudicial id paid or stipulated to be paid beyond the
demand. maximum fixed by law.
(b) In addition, compound interest, i.e.,
interest on interest due and unpaid, shall earn 6%
legal interest from the time it is judicially demanded. Art. 1958. In the determination of the
interest, if it is payable in kind, its value shall
(2) Other than loan or forbearance of money be appraised at the current price of the
(a) The interest shall be 6% as indemnity at products or goods at the time and place of
the discretion of the court
payment. (n)
(b) When the amount of the obligation is
reasonably established, the interest shall run from
judicial or extrajudicial demand; otherwise, from the Art. 1959. Without prejudice to the
time the amount is finally decided by the court provisions of Article 2212, interest due and
unpaid shall not earn interest. However, the
(3)Judgment (under No. 1 & 2) of court has contracting parties may by stipulation
become and executor- capitalize the interest due and unpaid, which
The rate of interest shall be 6% from as added principal shall earn new interest. (n)
finality based on the adjudged principal and
unpaid interest, until full satisfaction. When unpaid interest earns interest.
As a general rule, accrued interest due and unpaid)
shall not earn interest except only in two (2)
Art. 1957. Contracts and stipulations, instances:
under any cloak or device whatever, intended (1) When judicially demanded as provided for in
Article 2212; and
to circumvent the laws against usury shall be
(2) When there is an express stipulation made
void. The borrower may recover in accordance
by the parties, to wit; that the interest due
with the laws on usury. (n) and unpaid shall be added to the principal
obligation and the resulting total amount
USURY DEFINED. shall earn interest. This practice is called
Usury may be defined as contracting for or compounding interest and it is allowed if
receiving something in excess of the amount allowed there is an express stipulation
by law for the loan or forbearance of money, goods
or chattels.
Art. 1960. If the borrower pays interest
(1) A loan within the purview of the Usury Law
when there has been no stipulation therefor,
would be the loan called “mutuum” we have
just studied. Commodatum is not included the provisions of this Code concerning solutio
because it is essentially gratuitous. indebiti, or natural obligations, shall be
(2) The term forbearance, as used in the Usury applied, as the case may be.
Law, signifies the contractual obligation of
the creditor to forbear during a given period Payment of interest without stipulation
(1) Where unstipulated interest is paid by agent who issues it, a statement of the fact
mistake, the debtor may recover as this that advances have been made or liabilities
would be a case of solutio indebiti or undue incurred and the purpose thereof is sufficient.
(2) Where the unstipulated interest is paid A warehouseman shall be liable to any
voluntarily because the debtor feels morally person injured thereby for all damages caused by
obliged to do so, there can be no recovery the omission from a negotiable receipt of any of the
as in case of natural obligations. terms herein required.

Art. 1961. Usurious contracts shall be SECTION 3: Form of receipts- What

governed by the Usury Law and other special terms may be inserted: A warehouseman may
laws, so far as they are not inconsistent with insert in a receipt issued by him any other terms
this Code. and conditions provided that such terms and
conditions shall not:
LAW (a) Be contrary to the provisions of this
SECTION 1: Persons who may issue (b) In any way impair his obligation to
receipts - Warehouse receipts may be issued by exercise that degree of care in the safe-keeping of
any warehouseman. the goods entrusted to him which is reasonably
careful man would exercise in regard to similar
SECTION 2: Form of receipts; essential goods of his own.
terms- Warehouse receipts need not be in any
particular form but every such receipt must SECTION 4: Definition of non-
embody within its written or printed terms: negotiable receipt- A receipt in which it is stated
that the goods received will be delivered to the
(a) The location of the warehouse where the depositor or to any other specified person is a
goods are stored, non-negotiable receipt.

(b) The date of the issue of the receipt, SECTION 5: Definition of negotiable
receipt- A receipt in which it is stated that the
(c) The consecutive number of the receipt, goods received will be delivered to the bearer or
to the order of any person named in such receipt
is a negotiable receipt. No provision shall be
(d) A statement whether the goods received
inserted in a negotiable receipt that it is non-
will be delivered to the bearer, to a specified
negotiable. Such provision, if inserted shall be
person or to a specified person or his order,
(e) The rate of storage charges, SECTION 6: Duplicate receipts must be
so marked- When more than one negotiable
(f) A description of the goods or of the receipt is issued for the same goods, the word
packages containing them, "duplicate" shall be plainly placed upon the face of
every such receipt, except the first one issued. A
(g) The signature of the warehouseman which warehouseman shall be liable for all damages
may be made by his authorized agent, caused by his failure so to do to anyone who
purchased the subsequent receipt for value
(h) If the receipt is issued for goods of which supposing it to be an original, even though the
the warehouseman is owner, either solely or purchase be after the delivery of the goods by the
jointly or in common with others, the fact of warehouseman to the holder of the original receipt
such ownership, and
(i) A statement of the amount of advances
made and of liabilities incurred for which the WHO MAY ISSUE WAREHOUSE RECEIPT?
warehouseman claims a lien. If the precise A warehouseman is a person lawfully
amount of such advances made or of such engaged in the business of storing goods for
liabilities incurred is, at the time of the issue profit.
of, unknown to the warehouseman or to his Only a warehouseman may issue
warehouse receipts.
Receipt in which it is stated that the goods
WHAT SHOULD BE DONE TO PUT THE received will be delivered to the depositor or to
RECEIPT WITHIN THE PURVIEW OF any specified person
The warehouse receipt should be NEGOTIABLE WAREHOUSE RECEIPT
issued by the warehouseman. Receipt in which it is stated that the goods
received will be delivered to the bearer or to
FORM OF RECEIPTS; ESSENTIAL TERMS the order of any person named in such receipt
a. The location of the warehouse where the No provision shall be inserted in a
goods are stored. negotiable receipt that it is non-negotiable. Such
b. The date of issue of the receipt. provision if inserted shall be void.
c. Consecutive number of the receipt.
d. A statement whether the goods received will DUPLICATE RECEIPTS MUST BE MARKED
be delivered to the bearer, to a specified When more than one is issued for the
person or to a specified person or his order. same goods, the word “duplicate” shall be
e. The rate of storage charges. plainly placed upon the face of every such
f. A description of the goods or of the receipt, except the first one issued
packages containing them. A warehouseman shall be held liable
g. The signature of the warehouseman which for damages for failure to do so to anyone who
may be made by his authorized agent. purchased the subsequent receipt for value
h. If the receipt is issued for goods of supposing it to be original, even though the
which the warehouseman is owner, either purchaser be after the delivery of the goods
solely or jointly or in common with others, by the warehouseman to the holder of the original
the fact of such ownership. receipt
i. A statement of the amount of advances
made and of liabilities incurred for which OBLIGATIONS AND RIGHTS OF
the warehouseman claims as lien. If the WAREHOUSEMAN UPON THEIR RECEIPTS
precise amount for such advances made or
of such liabilities incurred is, at the same time PRINCIPAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE
of the issue of the receipt, unknown to the WAREHOUSEMAN
warehouseman or to his agent who issues it, 1. To take care of the goods entrusted to his
a statement of the fact that advances have safekeeping.
been made or liabilities incurred and the 2. To deliver them to the holder of the receipt
purpose thereof is sufficient. or the depositor provided the following conditions
are fulfilled—there is demand by the depositor
CONTENTS a. An offer to satisfy the warehouseman’s
A warehouseman shall be liable to any lien
person injured thereby all damages caused b. An offer to surrender the receipt, if
by the omission from a negotiable receipt of negotiable with such indorsements as would be
any of the terms herein required necessary for the negotiation of the receipts
Validity of the receipt not affected c. A readiness and willingness to sign,
Negotiability of the receipt not affected when the goods are delivered, an
acknowledgement that they have been delivered,
if such signature is requested by the
1. Those contrary to any provision of the law
2. In any wise impair the warehouseman’s WHAT SHOULD ACCOMPANY THE DEMAND
obligation to exercise that degree of care in FOR THE RETURN OF THE GOODS?
the safekeeping of the goods entrusted to him 1. An offer to satisfy the warehouseman’s lien
which a reasonably careful man would exercise 2. An offer to surrender the receipt, if negotiable
with regard to similar goods of his own with such indorsements as would be necessary
for the negotiation of the receipts
NON-NEGOTIABLE WAREHOUSE RECEIPT 3. A readiness and willingness to sign, when
the goods are delivered, an acknowledgement

that they have been delivered, if such b) Customs, primarily those embodied in the
signature is requested by the warehouseman Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary
Credits (UCP for short) which was adopted by the
A WAREHOUSEMAN IS JUSTIFIED IN International Chamber of Commerce (Bank of
DELIVERING THE GOODS TO ONE WHO IS— America, NT & SA v. CA, 228 SCRA 357 [1993]).
1. Person lawfully entitled to the possession of the
goods, or his agent. 3. PARTIES
2. Person who either himself entitled to delivery There are at least three (3) parties in a Letter of
by the terms of the non-negotiable receipt issued Credit Transaction:
for the goods, or who has written authority from a). The buyer, who procures the letter of credit
the person so entitled either endorsed upon the and obliges himself to reimburse the issuing bank
receipt or written on another paper. upon receipt of the documents of title;
3. Person in possession of a negotiable receipt
by the terms of which the goods are b). The bank issuing, the letter of credit known as
deliverable to him or order, or to bearer, or “issuing bank,” which undertakes to pay the
which has been indorsed to him or in blank by seller upon receipt of the draft and proper
the person to whom delivery was promised by the documents of titles and to surrender the
terms of the receipt or by his mediate or documents to the buyer upon reimbursement; and
immediate indorser.
c). The seller, who in compliance with the
WAREHOUSEMAN’S LIABILITY FOR contract of sale ships the goods to the buyer and
MISDELIVERY delivers the documents of title and draft to the
Where a warehouseman delivers the issuing bank to recover payment (Ibid.).
goods to one who is not in fact lawfully entitled to
the possession of them, the warehouseman shall The number of the parties may be increased and
be liable for malversation/estafa to all having a may include:
right of property or possession in the goods if he i. An advising (notifying) bank which may
delivered the goods otherwise than as authorized be utilized to convey to the seller the
And though he delivered the goods as existence of the credit;
authorized he shall be so liable if prior to such ii. A confirming bank which will lend
delivery he had either— credence to the letter of credit issued by a
a. Been requested, by or on behalf of the lesser known issuing bank; the confirming
person lawfully entitled to a right of bank is directly liable to pay the seller-
property or possession in the goods, not to beneficiary;
make such delivery. iii. A paying bank which undertakes to
encash the drafts drawn by the
Source: Internet. No author exporter/seller;

LETTERS OF CREDIT Further, instead of going to the place of the

issuing bank to claim payment, the buyer may
1. LETTERS OF CREDIT approach another bank, termed the negotiating
A letter of credit is an engagement by a bank to have the draft discounted Ibid..; see also
bank or other person made at the request of a Charles lee v. CA, G.R.. NO. 117913, Feb. 1,
customer that the issuer will honor drafts or other 2002).
demands for payment upon compliance with the
conditions specified in the credit (Prudential Bank Note: Unless the contrary is expressly provided
v. IAC, 216 SCRA 257 [1992]). for, the liability of the issuing bank is solidary with
the buyer-applicant (MWSS v. Daway, G.R. No.
160732, June 21, 2004).
a) Code of Commerce on Letters of Credit. 4. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTS
1) Issued in favour of a definite person There are at least three (3) distinct and
and not to order; and independent contracts involved in a letter of credit
2) Limited to a fixed and specified amount namely:
or to one or more undetermined amount (1) The contract of sale between the
but with maximum limit stated exactly. buyer and seller,
(2) The contract of the buyer with the
issuing bank, and
(3) The letter of credit proper. 4.04. DOCTRINE OF STRICT COMPLIANCE
The Issuing Bank or the Confirming Bank,
In the second contract – between the as the case may be, must examine the Tender
buyer and the issuing bank – the bank agrees to Documents (including shipping documents) and
issue the letter of credit in favour of the seller must make sure that the terms and conditions of
subject to reimbursement or payment by the the Letter of Credit are strictly complied with.
buyer of whatever is paid to the seller plus proper There is no discretion on the part of the bank to
consideration agreed upon by the parties. In the waive any requirement. The tender documents
third contract which is the letter of credit proper, must not only be complete but they must on their
the bank obligates itself to pay the seller or to the faces be in compliance with the terms of the
order of the seller (that is, it will honour the bills or Credit. Documents that are not stipulated as
drafts drawn by the seller) after presentation to tender documents will not examined (Art. 13, UCP
the bank of tender documents stipulated upon, 500; Feati Bank & Trust Co. v. CA, G.R. No.
which normally includes the document of title 94209, April 30, 1991).
(Keng Hua Paper Products v CA, 286 SCRA 257
a) Confirmed LC – whenever the
4.01. INDEPENDENCE PRINCIPLE beneficiary stipulates that the obligation of the
It is important to emphasize in this opening bank shall also be made the obligation of
connection that few things are more clearly settled another bank (also bank that notifies) to himself.
in law than that the contracts involved in a letter of b) Irrevocable – is a definite
credit arrangement are to be maintained in a undertaking on the part of the issuing bank and
state of perpetual separation. The undertaking of constitutes the engagement of that bank to the
the bank to pay, accept, and pay drafts or beneficiary and bona fide holders of drafts drawn
negotiate and/or fulfil any obligation under the and or documents presented thereunder, that the
Credit is not subject to claims or defences by the provisions for payment, acceptance, or
Applicant resulting from his relationship with the negotiation contained in the credit will be duly
issuing bank or the beneficiary. In the same fulfilled, provided that all the terms and conditions
manner, the beneficiary can, in no case, avail of the credit are complied with.
himself of the contractual relationships existing c) Revolving Letter of Credit – one
between the banks or between the applicant and that provides for renewed credit to become
the issuing bank (Keng Hua Paper Products v. available as soon as the opening bank has
CA, ibid.). advised that the negotiating or paying bank that
the drafts already drawn by the beneficiary have
4.02. A direct consequence of the “independence been reimbursed to the opening bank by the
principle” is the rule that banks only deal with buyer.
documents and not with goods, services or d) Back-to-Back Letter of Credit –
obligations to which they relate (BPI v. De Remy a credit with identical documentary requirements
Fabric, 35 SCRA 256). Example: The bank has no and covering the same merchandise another
duty to verify whether what has been described in letter of credit, except for a difference in the price
the letters of credit or drafts or shipping of the merchandise as shown by the invoice and
documents actually tallies with what was loaded the draft. The second letter of credit can be
aboard the ship (See Transfield Phils. v. Luzon negotiated only after the first is negotiated.
Hydro Corp., 443 SCRA 307 [2004]; Land Bank v. e) Standby Letter of Credit – a
Monset’s Export Mfg. Corp., G.R.No. 161865, security arrangement for the performance of
March 10,2005). certain obligations. It can be drawn against only if
another business transaction is not performed. It
4.03. FRAUD EXCEPTION may be issued in lieu of a performance bond.
Under the “independence principle,” the 1) Thus, this should be distinguished
applicant cannot enjoin the payment of the from an ordinary commercial credit where the
obligation of the issuing bank under the letter of beneficiary will recover if he can show that he
Credit based on any irregularity or non- performed his obligation (delivery of the
performance of an obligation. The exception is purchased goods). In a Standby LC, the
when there is fraud or forgery in the underlying beneficiary will prove that the obligor failed to
transaction or the tender documents (See perform the second obligation.
Transfield Phils. v. Luzon Hydro Corp., 443 SCRA
307 [2004]). Example: The contractor failed to construct the
building on time.
(2) All or substantially all, of the business or
(3) All or substantially all, of the fixtures and
An act to regulate the sale, transfer, equipment used in the business of the
mortgage or assignment of goods, wares, vendor, mortgagor, transferor, or assignor.
merchandise, provisions or materials, in bulk,
and prescribing penalties for the violation of When sale or transfer in bulk not covered by the
Bulk Sales Law.
the provisions thereof
The Bulk Sales Law does not apply to the following:
(1) If the sale or transfer is in the ordinary
Section 1: This Act shall be known as course of trade and the regular prosecution
"The Bulk Sales Law." of the business of the vendor;
(2) If it is made by one who produces and
Purpose of the law. delivers a written waiver of the provision of
The “Bulk Sales Law” is designated to the Bulk Sales Act from his creditors;
prevent the defrauding of creditors by the secret sale (3) If it is made by an executor, administrator,
in bulk of all or substantially all of a merchant’s stock receiver, assignee in insolvency, or public
of goods. officer, acting under judicial process; and
(4) If it refers to properties exempt from
Scheme of the law. attachment or execution.
The general scheme of the law is to declare
such bulk sale fraudulent and void as to creditors of Meaning of Stock.
the vendee, or presumptively so, unless specified The common use of the term stock when
formalities are observes, such as the demanding applied to goods in a mercantile house refers to that
and the giving of a list of creditors, the giving of which are kept for sale.
actual or constructive notice to such creditors, by
record or otherwise, and the making of an inventory. Meaning of Merchandise.
Merchandise must be concerned to mean
Section 2: Sale and transfer in bulk. — such things as are usually bought and sold in trade
Any sale, transfer, mortgage or assignment of by merchants. It means something that is sold every
a stock of goods, wares, merchandise, day, and is constantly going out of the store and
provisions, or materials otherwise than in the being replaced by other goods
ordinary course of trade and the regular
prosecution of the business of the vendor, Meaning of Fixtures
mortgagor, transferor, or assignor, or sale, The term Fixtures refers to such article or
transfer, mortgage or assignment of all, or merchandise usually possessed and annexed to the
substantially all, of the business or trade premises occupied by merchants to enable them
theretofore conducted by the vendor, better to store, handle, and display their wares and
mortgagor, transferor, or assignor, or of all, or which are commonly known as trade fixtures,
substantially all, of the fixtures and equipment although removable without material injury to the
used in and about the business of the vendor, premises at or before the end of tenancy.
mortgagor, transferor, or assignor, shall be
deemed to be a sale and transfer in bulk, in Section 3: Statement of creditors. — It
contemplation of this Act: Provided, however, shall be the duty of every person who shall
That if such vendor, mortgagor, transferor or sell, mortgage, transfer, or assign any stock of
assignor, produces and delivers a written goods, wares, merchandise, provisions or
waiver of the provisions of this Act from his materials in bulk, for cash or on credit, before
creditors as shown by verified statements, receiving from the vendee, mortgagee, or his,
then, and in that case, the provisions of this or its agent or representative any part of the
section shall not apply. purchase price thereof, or any promissory
note, memorandum, or other evidence
therefor, to deliver to such vendee,
When sale or transfer in bulk. mortgagee, or agent, or if the vendee,
A sale and transfer in bulk under the Bulk Sales Law mortgagee, or agent be a corporation, then to
is any sale, transfer, mortgage or assignment of: the president, vice-president, treasurer,
(1) A stock of goods, wares, merchandise, secretary or manager of said corporation, or, if
provisions or materials otherwise than in the such vendee or mortgagee be a partnership
ordinary course of trade and the regular firm, then to a member thereof, a written
prosecution of the business. statement, sworn to substantially as
hereinafter provided, of the names and
addresses of all creditors to whom said transfer or execution of a mortgage upon any
vendor or mortgagor may be indebted, stock of goods, wares, merchandise,
together with the amount of indebtedness due provisions or materials, in bulk, to make a full
or owing, or to become due or owing by said detailed inventory thereof and to preserve the
vendor or mortgagor to each of said creditors, same showing the quantity and, so far as is
which statement shall be verified by an oath to possible with the exercise of reasonable
the following effect: diligence, the cost price to the vendor,
transferor, mortgagor or assignor of each
PHILIPPINE ISLANDS article to be included in the sale, transfer or
PROVINCE OR CITY OF mortgage, and notify every creditor whose
_________________} name and address is set forth in the verified
Before me, the undersigned authority, statement of the vendor, transferor,
personally appeared __________________ (vendor, mortgagor, or assignor, at least ten days
mortgagor, agent or representative, as the case may before transferring possession thereof,
be), bearing cedula No. ____________ issued at personally or by registered mail, of the price,
___________ on the day of _____________ who, by
terms conditions of the sale, transfer,
me being first duly sworn, upon his oath, deposes
mortgage, or assignment.
and states that the foregoing statement contains the
names of all of the creditors of ________________
(vendor, or mortgagor) together with their addresses, Protection accorded to creditors by the law.
and that the amount set opposite each of said The law protect or benefits the creditors as follows:
respective names, is the amount now due and (1) It requires the vendor, etc. to deliver to the
owing, and which shall become due and owing by vendee, etc. a sworn written statement of
_____________ (vendor or mortgagor) to such the names and addresses of all creditors to
creditors, and that there are no creditors holding whom said vendor, etc. may be indebted
claims due or which shall become due, for or on together with the amount of indebtedness
account of goods, wares, merchandise, provisions or due or to become due.
materials purchased upon credit or on account of (2) It requires the vendor, etc., at least ten (10)
money borrowed, to carry on the business of which days before the sale, etc., to make full
said goods, wares, merchandise, provisions or detailed inventory showing the quantity and
materials are a part, other than as set forth in said the cost price of the goods and to notify
statement. every creditor of the price, terms and
Subscribed and sworn to before me this conditions of the sale, etc.
_______ day of ______, 19___, at ________
Effect of false statement in the schedule of
Section 4: Fraudulent and void sale, transfer
(1) Without knowledge of buyer- It would be
or mortgage— Whenever any person shall
unreasonable to make the purchaser
sell, mortgage, transfer, or assign any stock of responsible for any incorrectness in the list.
goods, wares, merchandise, provisions or (2) With knowledge of buyer- The sale is valid
materials, in bulk, for cash or on credit, and inly as between the vendor and the vendee
shall receive any part of the purchase price, or but void as against the creditors.
any promissory note, or other evidence of (3) With names of certain creditors without
indebtedness for said purchase price or notice omitted- If the list omits to name
advance upon mortgage, without having first certain creditors who are not notified,
delivered to the vendee or mortgagee or to his fraudulent or not.
or its agent or representative, the sworn
statement provided for in section three hereof, Effect of violation of law on transfer.
and without applying the purchase or (1) As between the parties- A sale not in
mortgage money of the said property to the compliance with the bulk sales statue is
pro rata payment of the bona fide claim or valid against all persons other than
claims of the creditors of the vendor or creditors
mortgagor, as shown upon such sworn (2) As against creditors- A purchaser in
statement, he shall be deemed to have violation of the law acquires no right In the
violated this Act, and any such sale, transfer property purchased as against the
or mortgage shall be fraudulent and void. creditors of the seller.

Section 5: Inventory — It shall be the Section 6: Any vendor, transferor, mortgagor

duty of every vendor, transferor, mortgagor, or or assignor of any stock of goods, wares,
assignor, at least ten days before the sale, merchandise, provisions or materials, in bulk,

or any person acting for, or on behalf of any thereof, be punished by imprisonment not less
such vendor, transferor, mortgagor, or than six months, nor more than five years, or
assignor, who shall knowingly or wilfully fined in sum not exceeding five thousand
make, or deliver or cause to be made or pesos, or both such imprisonment and fine, in
delivered, a statement, as provided for in the discretion of the court.
section three hereof, which shall not include
the names of all such creditors, with the Section 12: This Act shall take effect on its
correct amount due and to become due to approval.
each of them, or shall contain any false or
untrue statement, shall be deemed to have What is Bulk Sales Law?
violated the provisions of this Act. "Bulk sales" laws are intended to prevent
business owners from defrauding or evading
Section 7: It shall be unlawful for any person, creditors by transferring all (or a substantial portion)
firm or corporation, as owner of any stock of of the assets of the business to another individual or
goods, wares, merchandise, provisions or entity.
materials, in bulk, to transfer title to the same
without consideration or for a nominal The Bulk Sales Law does not apply to all bulk
consideration only.
Whenever one sells all or substantially all of
his assets, both the lawyer of the buyer and of the
Acts punished by law
seller often require the seller to comply with the
(1) Knowingly or wilfully making or delivering a
requirements of the Bulk Sales Law before the sale
statement as required by the Act which does
actually takes place. The Law requires certain
not include the names of all the creditors of
inconvenient formalities to be complied with before a
the vendor, etc. with the correct amount due
sale of transfer in bulk of items specified in the Law
and to become due or which contains any
may take place, other than in the ordinary course of
false or untrue statement; and
business. Under the Law, if the seller is unable to
(2) Transferring title to any stock of goods, obtain a written waiver from all his creditors of the
wares, merchandise, provisions or materials provisions of the Law, the sale will be void as
sold in bulk without consideration or for a against the seller's creditors, unless the seller
normal consideration only. delivers to the purchaser a list of his creditors with
the amount owing to each, conducts an inventory of
Section 8: Nothing in this Act contained the assets and gives prior notice of at least 10 days
shall apply to executors, administrators, to his creditors of the proposed sale and the terms of
receivers, assignees in insolvency, or public the proposed sale. However, in most cases, the sale
officers, acting under judicial process. of all or substantially all of one assets is not covered
by the Law, for the Law covers only the bulk sales
Section 9: The sworn statement containing contemplated in Section 2.
the names and addresses of all creditors of
the vendor or mortgagor provided for in Law Applies to Merchants. Bulk sales laws
section three of this Act, shall be registered in generally apply to retail merchants, traders and
the Bureau of Commerce. For the registration dealers and generally only to persons of that class .
of each such sworn statement a fee of five On the basis of Section 2, the Bulk Sales Law does
pesos shall be charged to the vendor or not apply to a bulk sale by a manufacturer because
mortgagor of the stock of goods, wares, of the nature of the latter’s business, i.e., it is
merchandise, provisions or materials, in bulk. not engaged in the business of selling stocks in
trade . The sale of an entire automobile repair shop,
together with its goodwill, credit, machineries, tools
Section 10: The provisions of this Act shall
and because this would involve the sale of a
be administered by the Director of the Bureau business engaged in rendering services and not the
of Commerce and Industry, who is hereby sale of goods. In addition, the sale of a barber shop
empowered, with the approval of the would not be covered by the Law, since no stocks in
Department Head, to prescribe and adopt from trade are really involved in the operation of a barber
time to time such rules and regulations as shop.
may be deemed necessary for the proper and OBLIGATIONS OF THE VENDOR UNDER
efficient enforcement of the provisions of this THE BULK SALES LAW
The vendor, mortgagor, transferor or assignor must:
Section 11: Any person violating any
provision of this Act shall, upon conviction

1. Deliver to the vendee, mortgagee, transferee, only get the balance of the proceeds of the sale
or assignee a written statement of: after making such application.
a) “Entrustee” shall refer to the
A. names and addresses of all creditors to person having or taking possession of goods,
whom said vendor or mortgagor may be
documents, or instruments under a trust receipt
B. amount of indebtedness due or owing to transaction, and any successor-in-interest of
each of said creditors such person for the purpose or purposes
specified in the trust receipt agreement.
2. Apply the purchase money to the pro-rata b) “Entruster” shall refer to the
payment of bona fide claims of the creditors as person holding title over the goods, documents,
shown in the verified statement. or instruments subject of a trust receipt
transaction, and any successor-in-interest of
3. At least 10 days before the sale, shall: such successor.
A. makes a full detailed inventory of the c) “Goods” shall include chattels
goods, merchandise cost price of each
and personal property other than money, things
article to be included in the sale
B. notify every creditor at least 10 days in action, or things so affixed to land as to
before transferring possession of the goods, become a part thereof.
of the price, terms and conditions of the sale d) “Security Interest” means a
property interest in goods, documents, or
Effect of Waiver and estoppel of creditors instruments to secure performance of some
Creditors may waive the right to the benefit obligations of the entrustee or of some third
of the statue or estop themselves to claim that the persons to the entruster and includes titles,
sale was invalid because the requirement of statue whether or not expressed to be absolute,
were not complied. whenever such title is in substance taken or
retained for security only.
Effect of Violation
As between parties- A sale is not in 2. WHAT IS A TRUST RECIEPT?
compliance in bulk sales statue is valid against all A trust receipt is a security transaction
persons other than creditors intended to aid in financing importers or dealers
in merchandise by allowing them to obtain
As against creditors- Purchaser In delivery of goods under certain covenants.
violation of law acquires no right in the property
purchased against the creditors of the seller. 2.01. The sale of goods, documents or
instruments by a person in the business of
selling goods, documents or instruments for
Something that is sold every day and
constantly going out and being replaced by other profit who, at the outset of the transaction, has,
goods. as against the buyer, general property rights in
such goods, documents or instruments, or who
TRUST RECEIPTS LAW sells the same to the buyer on credit, retaining
(P.D. No. 115) title or other interest as security for the payment
of the purchase price, does not constitute a
1. BACKGROUND trust receipt transaction and is outside the
A bank that issues a letter of credit has purview and coverage of the Trust Receipt Law
the right to ask for reimbursement from the (Sec. 4, Trust Receipts Law or TRL for short).
applicant-buyer. This obligation to pay the
issuing bank may also be secured by trust 2.02. Usually the entruster releases the
receipts. Under the law, the bank becomes the goods to the entrustee so that the latter may
entruster of the goods while the buyer-importer sell the goods. However, the purpose is not
is the entrustee. The goods will in effect be limited to sale the goods. However, the purpose
released by the bank to the buyer by the is not limited to sale the goods. However, the
delivery of the document of title/bill of lading purpose is not limited to sale (DBP v. Prudential
covering the goods. The buyer as entrustee is Bank, 475 SCRA 623 [2005]; Ching v.
obligated to sell the goods and to apply the Secretary of Justice, 481 SCRA 623 [2005];
proceeds thereof to the payment of the loan Ching v. Secretary of Justice, 481 SCRA 601
extended by the entruster-bank. The buyer will [2006]). Hence, the goods may also be

released for other purposes substantially taking possession and sale, the entruster can
equivalent to the following: file a case to collect the indebtedness secured
by the trust receipt.
1) Their sale or the procurement of their
sale; Note: The obligation of the entrustee is
2) Their manufacture or processing with not extinguished in case of repossession and
the purpose of ultimate sale, in which case the sale of the goods, the entrustee is entitled to
entruster retains his title over the said goods any surplus while the entruster can still recover
whether in their original or processed form until the balance of the indebtedness in case there is
the entrustee has complied fully with his a deficiency.
obligation under the trust receipt; or
3) The loading unloading, shipment or NO AGENCY IS ESTABLISHED
transhipment or otherwise dealing with them in No agency relationship is established
a manner preliminary or necessary to their sale. when the entrustee executes the trust receipt.
However, an entrustee’s breach will make him
Note: The entrustee may still be liable for estafa. As held by the Supreme Court
criminally liable under the TRL even if the in People v. Cuervo (104 SCRA 312), the
goods that were released by virtue of the trust enactment of Presidential Decree No. 115
receipt were not resold but were used as spare within its penal sanction is in reality, merely
parts for machineries. confirmatory of existing jurisprudence on
situation covered by Article 315(1)(b) of the
3. OBLIGATIONS OF: (A) ENTRUSTER AND Revised Penal Code. The entrustee in a trust
(B) ENTRUSTEE receipt who failed to account for the proceeds
a) Entruster – releases the possession of of the goods sold or to return the goods, as the
the goods to the entrustee upon the latter’s case may be, is guilty of estafa even where the
execution of the trust receipt. offense was committed before the promulgation
of Presidential Decree No. 115 now expresses
b) Entrustee – a criminal liability on the part of responsible
1) Binds himself to hold the goods in officers of corporations and juridical entities.
trust for the entrustor;
2) Sell or otherwise dispose of the 5. NATURE OF ENTRUSTER’S TITLE
goods and to turn over to the entrustor the a) The entruster-bank acquires
amount still owing; and “security interest” in the goods as holder of
3) To return the goods if unsold. a security title for the advances it had made to
the entrustee (Melvin Colinares v. CA, G.R. No.
Note: The entrustee is still liable to pay 90828, Sept. 5, 2000). By fiction of law, the
the entruster (bank) even if the goods were ownershipofthe merchandise continues to be
returned to the latter (Landl & Co. [phil.] v. vested in the person who had advanced
Metrobank, G.R. No. 159622, July 30, 2004). payment until he has been paid in full or if the
merchandise has been already sold, the
3.01. Remedies of the Entruster proceeds of the sale should be turned over to
a) If the goods are sold or disposed by him by the importer or by his representative or
the entrustee and the latter did not remit the successor-in-interest. To secure that the bank
proceeds: (1) file estafa case against the shall be paid, it takes full title to the goods are
entrustee; or (2) file a separate case to collect sold and the vendee is called upon o pay for
the proceeds or the money obligation secured them; hence, the importer has never owned the
by the trust receipt. goods and is not able to deliver possession
b) If the goods are unsold and are still (Ibid.).
with the entrustee: (1) cancel the trust and take
possession of the goods, documents or b) However, since the interest of the
instruments subject of the trust; (2) after taking entruster is a mere security interest:
possession, sell the goods and apply the 1) The entruster shall not, merely by
proceeds of the sale to the expenses of sale virtue of such interest, be responsible as
and retaking of the goods and the principal or as vendor under any sale or
indebtedness; and (30 as an alternative to

contract to sell made by entrustee (Sec. 8, P.D. their property, and in the absence thereof, that
No. 115). they be legally authorized for the purpose.
2) The entrustee bears the loss of the
goods after delivery to him (sec. 11, P.D. No. Third persons who are not parties to the
115). principal obligation may secure the latter by
pledging or mortgaging their own property.
c) Note, however that in Development
Bank of the Philippines v. Prudential Bank (G.R. Article 2086. The provisions of article
No. 14377, Nov. 22, 2005), the Supreme Court 2052 are applicable to a pledge or mortgage.
sustained the view that the entrustee is not the
owner of the property in question. Hence, the Article 2087. It is also of the essence of
these contracts that when the principal
entrustee cannot mortgage the property.
obligation becomes due, the things in which
However, it is believed that the entrustee is still
the pledge or mortgage consists may be
the owner and the entruster acquires only
alienated for the payment to the creditor.
security interest. The entrustee cannot
mortgage the property not because he is not Definition and characteristics of pledge
the owner but because he does not have free Pledge is a contract by virtue of which the
disposal of the property to be mortgaged. debtor delivers to the creditor or to a third person a
movable, or instrument evidencing incorporeal rights
5.01. Security Interest for the purpose of securing the fulfilment of a
Security interest means a property principal obligation with the understanding that when
interest in goods, documents or instruments the obligation if fulfilled, the thing delivered shall be
to secure performance of some obligations returned with all its fruits and accessions.
of the entrustee or of some third persons to
(1) It is a real contract because it is perfected
the entruster and includes title, whether or not by the delivery of the thing pledged, by the
expressed to be absolute, whenever such title debtor who is called the pledgor, to the
in substance taken or retained for security only creditor who is called the pledgee.
(Sec. 3[h], P.D. No. 115). (2) It is an accessory contract because it
creates an obligation solely on the part of
a) A purchaser in good faith and for value the creditor to return the thing subject
(from an entrustee with a right to sell) thereof upon the fulfilment of the principal
acquires the goods, documents or obligation.
instrument free from the entruster’s (3) It is a unilateral contract because it creates
an obligation solely on the part of the
security interest (Sec. 11, P.D. No. 115).
creditor to return the thing subject thereof
upon the fulfilment of the principal obligation.
b) The security interest of the entruster (4) It may also be said that pledge is a
prevails as against all creditors of the subsidiary contract because the obligation
entrustee for the duration of the Trust incurred does not arise until the fulfilment of
Receipt Agreement (Sec. 12, P.D. No, the principal obligation which is secured.
Cause or consideration in pledge.
Pledge is an accessory contract. Its cause
CHAPTER 1 - PROVISIONS COMMON TO as the pledgor is concerned is the principal
obligation. But if he is not the debtor, the cause is
PLEDGE AND MORTGAGE the compensation stipulated for the pledge or the
mere liberality.
Article 2085. The following requisites
are essential to the contracts of pledge and Kinds of Pledge
mortgage: (1) Voluntary or conventional or one which is
created by agreement of the parties; or
(1) That they be constituted to secure (2) Legal or one which is created by operation
the fulfilment of a principal obligation; of law.
(2) That the pledgor or mortgagor be Essential requisites of pledge and mortgage
the absolute owner of the thing pledged or (1) Constituted to secure fulfilment of a
mortgaged; principal obligation- Pledge and mortgage
(3) That the persons constituting the are purely accessory contracts like
pledge or mortgage have the free disposal of guarantee. It cannot exist without a valid
obligation. However, they may guarantee a move for the sale of the thing pledged with
voidable, unenforceable, or natural the formalities required by law, in order to
obligation. collect the amount of his claim from the
(2) Pledgor or mortgagor is absolute owner- proceeds.
It is essential that the contract be constituted (2) Prohibition against appropriation of
only by the absolute owner of the thing property- The reason for the prohibition is
pledged or mortgaged otherwise the pledge that the amount of the loan is ordinarily
or mortgage is void. much less than the real value of the thing
(3) Pledgor or mortgagor has free disposal pledges or mortgaged.
or property or has legal authority- The act
of pledging or mortgaging is an act of strict Article 2089. A pledge or mortgage is
ownership involving as is does an alienation indivisible, even though the debt may be
or transmission o real rights in property. divided among the successors in interest of
Hence, the pledgor or mortgagor must have the debtor or of the creditor.
the capacity or at least authority or consent
of the owner to pledge or mortgage the Therefore, the debtor's heir who has paid a
property. part of the debt cannot ask for the
(4) Thing pledged or mortgaged may be
proportionate extinguishment of the pledge or
alienated- This is also the essence of
mortgage as long as the debt is not
pledge and mortgage because they are
constituted to secure the fulfilment of a completely satisfied.
principal obligation. So, the creditor does not
automatically become the owner if at the Neither can the creditor's heir who
time stipulated the obligation is still received his share of the debt return the
unfulfilled. pledge or cancel the mortgage, to the
prejudice of the other heirs who have not been
In addition to the above requisites, the thing pledge paid.
must be delivered to the creditor or a third person by
common agreement. Without delivery, there is no From these provisions is excepted the
pledge. case in which, there being several things
given in mortgage or pledge, each one of them
Pledge and mortgage distinguished. guarantees only a determinate portion of the
The following are the distinctions: credit.
(1) Pledge is constituted on movables, while
mortgage, on immovable. The debtor, in this case, shall have a right
(2) In pledge, the property is delivered to the to the extinguishment of the pledge or
pledgee, or by common consent to a third mortgage as the portion of the debt for which
person, while in mortgage, delivery is not
each thing is specially answerable is satisfied.
(3) Pledge is not valid against third person
Pledge of mortgage is indivisible.
unless a description of the thing pledged
(1) Single thing- Any portion of the property
and the date of the pledge appear on a
pledged or mortgage is answerable for the
public instrument, while mortgage is not
whole obligation as soon as it falls due.
valid against third person if not registered.
(2) Several thing- When several things are
(4) The pledgor can sell the thing pledged with
pledge or mortgage to secure the same debt
the consent of the pledgee, while the
in its entirety, all of them are liable for the
mortgagor can sell the property mortgaged
entire debt.
even without the consent of the mortgagee.
The exception is where each one of
several things given in pledge or mortgage
Article 2088. The creditor cannot
guarantees only a determinate portion of the
appropriate the things given by way of pledge credit.
or mortgage, or dispose of them. Any (3) Debtor’s heir/ creditor’s heir- The debtor’s
stipulation to the contrary is null and void. heir who has paid part of the debt cannot
ask for the proportionate extinction of the
pledge or mortgage nor can the creditor’s
heir who has received his share of the debt
Right of creditor to appropriate thing pledged or return the pledge or cancel the mortgage if
mortgaged. the debt is not completely satisfied.
(1) Sale of subject property- If the debtor fails
to comply with the obligation at the time it
falls due; the creditor is merely entitled to
Article 2090. The indivisibility of a pledge (3) Symbolic or constructive delivery- Such
or mortgage is not affected by the fact that the delivery of the thing pledged may be
debtors are not solidarily liable. sufficient to validate a pledge depending
upon the peculiar nature of the thing.
Article 2091. The contract of pledge or
mortgage may secure all kinds of obligations, Article 2094. All movables which are within
be they pure or subject to a suspensive or commerce may be pledged, provided they are
resolutory condition. susceptible of possession.

Article 2092. A promise to constitute a Article 2095. Incorporeal rights, evidenced

pledge or mortgage gives rise only to a by negotiable instruments, bills of lading,
personal action between the contracting shares of stock, bonds, warehouse receipts
parties, without prejudice to the criminal and similar documents may also be pledged.
responsibility incurred by him who defrauds The instrument proving the right pledged shall
another, by offering in pledge or mortgage as be delivered to the creditor, and if negotiable,
unencumbered, things which he knew were must be indorsed.
subject to some burden, or by
misrepresenting himself to be the owner of the Subject matter of pledge.
same. (1) A pledge is confined and limited to personal
property and it cannot be extended or made
Promise to constitute pledge or mortgage to apply to real property. The movable must
be within the commerce of men and capable
does not create real right.
of possession.
A promise to constitute a pledge or
(2) Incorporeal right evidenced by documents
mortgage, if accepted gives rise only to a whether negotiable or not may also be
personal right binding upon the parties and pledged.
creates no real right in the property.
Article 2096. A pledge shall not take effect
Criminal responsibility of pledgor or mortgagor. against third persons if a description of the
Estafa is committed by a person who, thing pledged and the date of the pledge do
pretending to be the owner of any real property, shall
not appear in a public instrument.
convey, sell, encumber or mortgage the same or
knowing that the real property is encumbered shall
dispose of the same as unencumbered. Public instrument necessary to bind third
It is essential that fraud or deceit be person.
practiced upon the vendee at the time of the sale. (1) Contents of public instrument- It must
embodied in a public instrument wherein
CHAPTER 2 – PROVISIONS APPLICABLE shall appear: (1) the description of the
ONLY TO PLEDGE thing pledge; and (2) the date of the
Article 2093. In addition to the (2) Object of the requirement- The object of
requisites prescribed in article 2085, it is the requirement is to forestall fraud,
necessary, in order to constitute the contract because a debtor may attempt to conceal
of pledge, that the thing pledged be placed in his property from his creditors when he
the possession of the creditor, or of a third sees it in danger of execution by
person by common agreement. simulating a pledge thereof with an
Transfer of possession essential in pledge.
A pledge is a real contract which requires Article 2097. With the consent of the
delivery for its perfection. An agreement to constitute pledgee, the thing pledged may be alienated
a pledge only gives rise to a personal action by the pledgor or owner, subject to the pledge.
between the contracting parties. The ownership of the thing pledged is
transmitted to the vendee or transferee as
(1) Validity of pledge- Transfer of possession soon as the pledgee consents to the
is essential to the validity of the pledge. alienation, but the latter shall continue in
(2) Transfer of actual possession. The possession.
delivery of possession referred to in Article
2093 means actual possession of the Article 2098. The contract of pledge gives a
property pledged and a mere symbolic right to the creditor to retain the thing in his
delivery may not be sufficient. possession or in that of a third person to
whom it has been delivered, until the debt is Right of pledgee to compensate earnings of
paid. pledge with debt.
The pledgee has no right to use the thing
Article 2099. The creditor shall take care of pledge or to appropriate the fruits thereof without the
the thing pledged with the diligence of a good authority of the owner. But the pledgee can apply the
father of a family; he has a right to the fruits, income, dividends. Or interest earned or
reimbursement of the expenses made for its produced by the thing pledged to the payment of
preservation, and is liable for its loss or interest, if owing, and thereafter to the principal of
his credit.
deterioration, in conformity with the
provisions of this Code.
Article 2103. Unless the thing pledged
Obligation of pledgee to take due care of the is expropriated, the debtor continues to be the
thing pledge. owner thereof.
Nevertheless, the creditor may bring
The pledgee is entitled to reimbursement of the actions which pertain to the owner of the
the expenses incurred by him for the preservation of thing pledged in order to recover it from, or
the thing pledge. defend it against a third person.
In case loss or deterioration of the thing
pledges due to fortuitous event, the pledgee cannot Right of pledgee against third persons.
be held responsible but he is liable for loss or Hence, he is authorized to bring such
deterioration by reason of fraud, negligence, delay or actions as pertain to the owner in order to recover it
violation of the terms of the contract. of defend it against claims of third persons.
Furthermore, unless given the right, the creditor
Article 2100. The pledgee cannot might be prejudiced by the negligence of the owner.
deposit the thing pledged with a third person, The right of a pledgee is a real right
unless there is a stipulation authorizing him to enforceable against third persons but it is necessary
do so. that the contract of pledge be embodied in a public
The pledgee is responsible for the acts instrument which shall contain a description of the
thing pledge and the date of the pledge.
of his agents or employees with respect to the
thing pledged.
Article 2104. The creditor cannot use
Responsibility of pledgee for acts of his the thing pledged, without the authority of the
employees or agents. owner, and if he should do so, or should
The pledgee is responsible for the acts of misuse the thing in any other way, the owner
his agents or employees with respect to the thing may ask that it be judicially or extra judicially
pledged because their acts are, in legal effect, deposited. When the preservation of the thing
deemed his. pledged requires its use, it must be used by
the creditor but only for that purpose.
Article 2101. The pledgor has the same
responsibility as a bailor in commodatum in Obligation of pledge not to use thing pledge.
the case under article 1951 The pledgee who is in possession of the
thing pledge has no right to make use of it without
Article 2102. If the pledge earns or permission from the owner.
produces fruits, income, dividends, or This is the same rule in deposit. It is in
interests, the creditor shall compensate what consequence of the fact that the pledgor, in parting
with his property, transmits only the possession but
he receives with those which are owing him;
not ownership.
but if none are owing him, or insofar as the
amount may exceed that which is due, he shall
apply it to the principal. Unless there is a
stipulation to the contrary, the pledge shall
extend to the interest and earnings of the right
Right of pledgor to ask that thing pledged be
In case of a pledge of animals, their deposited
offspring shall pertain to the pledgor or owner (1) If the creditor use the thing without authority;
of animals pledged, but shall be subject to the (2) If he misuse the thing in any other way; or
pledge, if there is no stipulation to the (3) If the thing is in danger of being lost or
contrary. impaired because of the negligence or wilful
act of the pledge.
(4) The pledgee does not choose to exercise
Article 2105. The debtor cannot ask for the his right to cause the thing pledged to be
return of the thing pledged against the will of sold at public auction.
the creditor, unless and until he has paid the
debt and its interest, with expenses in a Article 2108. If, without the fault of the
proper case. pledgee, there is danger of destruction,
impairment, or diminution in value of the thing
Right of debtor to demand return of thing pledged, he may cause the same to be sold at
pledged. a public sale. The proceeds of the auction
As an exception to the rule, the pledgor is shall be a security for the principal obligation
allowed, to substitute the thing pledge which is in in the same manner as the thing originally
danger of destruction or impairment with another pledged. (n)
thing of the same kind and quality.
Right of pledgee to cause sale of the thing
Article 2106. If through the negligence pledged.
or wilful act of the pledgee, the thing pledged The pledgee’s right to have the thing
is in danger of being lost or impaired, the pledged sold at public sale granted under the above
pledgor may require that it be deposited with a article is superior to that given to the pledgor to
third person. substitute the thing pledge under Article 2107.
Note that the sale must be a “public sale”.
Right of pledgor to ask for deposit of thing The pledgee shall keep the proceeds of the
pledged. sale as security for the fulfilment of the principal
If the thing should be exposed to loss or obligation.
impairment through the negligence or willful act of
the pledge, the pledgor may demand that it be Right of pledgee to demand substitute or
deposited with a third person. The pledgor may also immediate payment.
require such deposit should be the pledgee use the This article grants two (2) remedies to the
thing without authority or misuse it in any other way. pledgee, in case he is deceived as to the substance
or quality of the thing pledged;
Article 2107. If there are reasonable (1) To claim another thing in pledge; and
(2) To demand immediate payment of the
grounds to fear the destruction or impairment
principal obligation.
of the thing pledged, without the fault of the
The remedies are alternative.
pledgee, the pledgor may demand the return
of the thing, upon offering another thing in Article 2110. If the thing pledged is
pledge, provided the latter is of the same kind returned by the pledgee to the pledgor or
as the former and not of inferior quality, and owner, the pledge is extinguished. Any
without prejudice to the right of the pledgee stipulation to the contrary shall be void.
under the provisions of the following article. If subsequent to the perfection of the
The pledgee is bound to advise the pledge, the thing is in the possession of the
pledgor, without delay, of any danger to the pledgor or owner, there is a prima facie
thing pledged. presumption that the same has been returned
by the pledgee. This same presumption exists
Right of pledgor to substitute thing pledge.
if the thing pledged is in the possession of a
Two (2) remedied are actually granted by
third person who has received it from the
Article 2107, to wit: to the pledgor, the right to
demand the return of the thing pledged upon offering pledgor or owner after the constitution of the
another thing in pledge; and to the pledgee, the right pledge. (n)
to cause the same to be sold at a public auction.
Extinguishment of the pledge by return of the
Requisites for the application of Article 2107: thing pledged.
(1) The pledgor has reasonable rounds to fear The pledge is extinguished if the object id
the destruction or impairment of thing returned by the pledgee, and this is true
pledged; notwithstanding any stipulation that the pledge would
(2) There is no fault on the part of the pledgee; continue although the pledgee is no longer in
(3) The pledgor is offering in place of the thing possession.
another thing in pledge which is of the
same kind and quality as the former; and Presumption where thing pledged in possession
of pledgor or owner.
The possession of the thing pledged by the
debtor or owner subsequent to the perfection of the
pledge gives rise to a prima facie presumption that (1) Preference given to pledgor- Both the
the thing has been returned and, therefore, the pledgor and pledgee may bid. The pledgor
pledge has been extinguished. shall be preferred is he offers the same
terms as the highest bidder, for after all, the
Article 2111. A statement in writing by thing belongs to him.
the pledgee that he renounces or abandons (2) Bids must be for cash- All bids, including
the pledge is sufficient to extinguish the that of the pledgor must, must be for cash.
pledge. For this purpose, neither the
acceptance by the pledgor or owner, nor the Article 2115. The sale of the thing
return of the thing pledged is necessary, the pledged shall extinguish the principal
pledgee becoming a depositary. (n) obligation, whether or not the proceeds of the
sale are equal to the amount of the principal
Article 2112. The creditor to whom the obligation, interest and expenses in a proper
credit has not been satisfied in due time, may case. If the price of the sale is more than said
proceed before a Notary Public to the sale of amount, the debtor shall not be entitled to the
the thing pledged. This sale shall be made at a excess, unless it is otherwise agreed. If the
public auction, and with notification to the price of the sale is less, neither shall the
debtor and the owner of the thing pledged in a creditor be entitled to recover the deficiency,
proper case, stating the amount for which the notwithstanding any stipulation to the
public sale is to be held. If at the first auction contrary. (n)
the thing is not sold, a second one with the
same formalities shall be held; and if at the Effect of sale of the thing pledge.
second auction there is no sale either, the The sale of the thing pledges extinguishes
the principal obligation whether the price of the sale
creditor may appropriate the thing pledged. In
is more or less than the amount due.
this case he shall be obliged to give an
(1) If the price of the sale is more than the
acquittance for his entire claim. (1872a) amount due, the debtor, is not entitled to the
excess unless the contrary is provided.
Right of pledge to cause sale of thing pledged. (2) In the same way, if the price of the sale Is
less, neither is the creditor entitled to recover the
(1) The debt is due and unpaid; deficiency. A contrary stipulation is void.
(2) The sale must be at a public auction (a) The reason is to compel the creditor to
(3) There must be notice to the pledgor and hold an honest public sale.
owner, stating the amount due; and (b) The creditor should see to it, which he
(4) The sale must be made with the intervention usually does, that he loans only as much
of a notary public. as he is likely to realize at a public sale.
Right of pledgee to appropriate thing pledge.
Article 2116. After the public auction, the
The pledgee may appropriate the thing
pledgee shall promptly advise the pledgor or
pledge if after the first and second auctions, the
thing is not sold. Note that of the creditor owner of the result thereof. (n)
appropriated the thing, it shall be considered as full
payment for his entire claim. Article 2117. Any third person who has
any right in or to the thing pledged may satisfy
Article 2113. At the public auction, the the principal obligation as soon as the latter
pledgor or owner may bid. He shall, moreover, becomes due and demandable.
have a better right if he should offer the same
terms as the highest bidder. Right of third person to satisfy obligation.
The pledgee may also bid, but his offer A third person who has any right in or to the
thing pledged may pay the debt as soon as it
shall not be valid if he is the only bidder. (n)
becomes due and demandable and the creditor
cannot refuse to accept the payment.
Article 2114. All bids at the public
auction shall offer to pay the purchase price at
once. If any other bid is accepted, the pledgee
is deemed to have been received the purchase Article 2118. If a credit which has been
price, as far as the pledgor or owner is pledged becomes due before it is redeemed,
concerned. (n) the pledgee may collect and receive the
amount due. He shall apply the same to the
Right of pledgor and pledgee to bid at public
payment of his claim, and deliver the surplus, (2) In legal pledge, there is no definite period for
should there be any, to the pledgor. (n) the payment of the principal obligation. The
pledgee must, therefore, make a demand for
Article 2119. If two or more things are the payment of the amount due him.
pledged, the pledgee may choose which he
will cause to be sold, unless there is a Article 2123. With regard to pawnshops
stipulation to the contrary. He may demand and other establishments, which are engaged
the sale of only as many of the things as are in making loans secured by pledges, the
necessary for the payment of the debt. (n) special laws and regulations concerning them
shall be observed, and subsidiarity, the
Right of pledgee to choose which one of several provisions of this Title.
things pledged shall be sold.
The right of choice given to the pledgee as CHAPTER 3: REAL MORTGAGE
to which of the thing pledged he shall cause to the
sold is limited only by stipulation. Article 2124. Only the following property
may be the object of a contract of mortgage:
Article 2120. If a third party secures an (1) Immovables;
obligation by pledging his own movable (2) Alienable real rights in accordance with
property under the provisions of article 2085 the laws, imposed upon immovables.
he shall have the same rights as a guarantor
under articles 2066 to 2070, and articles 2077 Nevertheless, movables may be the object
to 2081. He is not prejudiced by any waiver of of a chattel mortgage.
defense by the principal obligor. (n)
Definition and characteristics of mortgage.
Right of their person who pledged his own Mortgage “real estate mortgage” is a
property. contract whereby the debtor secures to the creditor
The law grants him the same rights as a the fulfilment of a principal obligation, especially
guarantor and he cannot be prejudiced by any subjecting to such security, immovable property or
waiver of defense by the principal debtor. real rights over immovable property in case the
principal obligation is not complied with at the time
Article 2121. Pledges created by stipulated.
operation of law, such as those referred to in
articles 546, 1731, and 1994, are governed by It is a real, accessory, and subsidiary
the foregoing articles on the possession, care contract. It is also unilateral because it creates an
and sale of the thing as well as on the obligation only on the part of the creditor who must
termination of the pledge. However, after free the property from the encumbrance once the
payment of the debt and expenses, the obligation is fulfilled.
remainder of the price of the sale shall be
delivered to the obligor. (n) Cause or consideration in mortgage.
Its consideration is that of the principal
contract from which it receives its life, and without
Article 2122. A thing under a pledge by
which it cannot exist as an independent contract.
operation of law may be sold only after
demand of the amount for which the thing is Kinds of mortgage
retained. The public auction shall take place (1) Voluntary– One which is agreed to between
within one month after such demand. If, the parties or constituted by the will of the
without just grounds, the creditor does not owner of the property on which it is created.
cause the public sale to be held within such (2) Legal- One required by law to be executed
period, the debtor may require the return of in favour or certain persons
the thing. (n) (3) Equitable- One which, although it lacks the
proper formalities of a mortgage, shows the
Instances of legal pledges intention of the parties to make the property
Articles 546, 1731, and 1994 referred to in as a security for a debt.
Article 2121 are instances of legal pledges or
pledges which are created by operation of law.

Rules in case of pledge by operation of law Subject matter of mortgage

(1) In legal pledge, the remainder of the price of The objects of a contract of mortgage are
the sale after payment of the debt and immovables and alienable real rights imposed upon
expenses shall be delivered to the debtor. immovable.
Even if the mortgage is not registered, the
Characteristics of Real Mortgages: mortgage is nevertheless binding between
1. Nominate- it has a special designation or the parties.
name under the civil code. 2. Against third person
2. Consensual- perfected my mere consent. a. Without knowledge
3. Accessory- its validity depends upon the An unregistered mortgage does not affect innocent
validity of the principal contract. third persons.
4. Unilateral- only the mortgagor has an b. With knowledge
obligation in favour of the mortgages. Third persons with knowledge of the existence of the
5. Real right- It binds ad creates a lien on mortgage are bound because as to them, knowledge
the real property of a prior unregistered mortgage is the equivalent of
6. Real property- a mortgage on real registration.
property is by itself real property also.
7. Indivisible – as long as the principal Article 2126. The mortgage directly and
obligation remains unpaid; the real estate immediately subjects the property upon which
mortgage will continue to subsist. it is imposed, whoever the possessor may be,
8. Inseparable- the mortgage on real to the fulfilment of the obligation for whose
property, regardless of who its owner may security it was constituted.
subsequently be.
Effect of Mortgage
Article 2125. In addition to the (1) Creates a real right- A mortgage creates
requisites stated in article 2085, it is what is called a real right which is
indispensable, in order that a mortgage may enforceable against the whole world. It
be validly constituted, that the document in follows the property wherever it goes.
which it appears be recorded in the Registry (2) Creates merely an encumbrance- The
of Property. If the instrument is not recorded, mortgage, however, is merely an
the mortgage is nevertheless binding between encumbrance upon the property and does
the parties. not extinguish the title of the debtor who
The persons in whose favour the law does not lose his principal attribute as
establishes a mortgage have no other right owner, that is, the right to dispose.
than to demand the execution and the
recording of the document in which the Article 2127. The mortgage extends to the
mortgage is formalized. natural accessions, to the improvements,
growing fruits, and the rents or income not yet
Right in case of legal mortgage received when the obligation becomes due,
“Form of contracts” which gives to the and to the amount of the indemnity granted or
contracting parties the right to compel each other to owing to the proprietor from the insurers of
observe the form required by law like the execution the property mortgaged, or in virtue of
of a document or other special forms provided the expropriation for public use, with the
contract between them is valid and enforceable. declarations, amplifications and limitations
established by law, whether the estate
Requisites of real mortgage remains in the possession of the mortgagor,
1. That it be constituted to secure the fulfilment of a or it passes into the hands of a third person.
principal obligation.
2. That the mortgagor be the absolute owner of the Extent of mortgage
thing mortgaged. Therefore, all objects permanently attached
3. That the person constituting the mortgage have to a mortgage land or building, although they may
the free disposal of his property, and in the absence have been placed there after the execution of the
thereof, that he be legally, authorized for the mortgage are also included. To exclude them, it is
purpose. necessary that there be an express stipulation to
4. That the document in which it appears be that effect.
recorded in the Registry of Property.
A contract of real mortgage shall cover the following:
 The property mortgaged
 Natural accessions
Effect of unregistered mortgage  Improvements
1. Between the parties  Growing fruits
 Rents and income not yet received when the
obligation becomes due.

 Indemnity granted or owing to the proprietor
from the insurers of the property mortgaged, Foreclosure of mortgage.
or in virtue of expropriations for public use. Foreclosure is the remedy available to the
mortgagee by which he subjects the mortgaged
Article 2128. The mortgage credit may property to the satisfaction of the obligation to
be alienated or assigned to a third person, in secure which the mortgage was given through the
whole or in part, with the formalities required sale of the property at public auction and the
by law application of the proceeds thereof to the payment of
his claim.
Validity to third persons
1. Public document and registration in the Kinds of foreclosure.
Registry of Property (1) Judicial foreclosure- A mortgage may be
2. Notice of the assignment to the debtor. Thus, foreclosed judicially by bringing an action
if the debtor is not given notice of the for that purpose in the Regional Trial
assignment, the debtor who before having Court of the province or city where the real
knowledge of the assignment, pays his creditor property or any part thereof lies.
shall be released from the obligation. The proceed of the sale shall be applied to the
payment of the (a) cost of the sale, (b) the
Article 2129. The creditor may claim amount due the mortgage, (c) claims or
from a third person in possession of the persons holding subsequent mortgages in the
mortgaged property, the payment of the part order of their priority, and (d) the balance, if
of the credit secured by the property which any, shall be paid to the mortgagor.
said third person possesses, in the terms and (2) Extrajudicial foreclosure- A
with the formalities which the law establishes. mortgage may be foreclosed extra
judicially where there is inserted in the
Right of creditor against transferee of mortgaged contract, a clause giving the mortgagee
property. the power, upon default of the debtor, to
The fact that the mortgagor has transferred foreclose the mortgage by an
the mortgaged property to a third person does not extrajudicial sale of the mortgaged
relive him from his obligation to pay the debt to the property.
mortgage-creditor in the absence of novation.
Grounds for Foreclosure
Article 2130. A stipulation forbidding a. Non-payment of the principal obligation on
the owner from alienating the immovable maturity.
mortgaged shall be void. b. Violation of any condition, stipulation or warranty
by the mortgagor.
Stipulation prohibiting alienation and second
1. Alienation 1. Concept
A stipulation forbidding the owner from alienating the Redemption – a transaction through which
immovable mortgaged shall be void. the mortgagor or one claiming in his right, by means
of a payment or the performance of a condition, re-
2. Second mortgage acquires or buys back the value of the title which
The mortgagor, being the owner of the property may have passed under the mortgage, or divests the
mortgaged, may execute a second mortgage mortgaged premises of the lien which the mortgage
thereon, even without the consent of the mortgagee. may have created.
This is an incident of ownership.
However, the mortgagor and mortgagee may validly 2. Kinds of Redemption
enter into a stipulation prohibiting a second
mortgage with respect to property registered under 1. Equity of Redemption – Right of mortgagor
the Torrens System. to redeem the mortgaged property after his
default in the performance of the conditions
Article 2131. The form, extent and of the mortgage within the 90-day period
consequences of a mortgage, both as to its from the date of the service of the order of
constitution, modification and extinguishment, foreclosure or even thereafter but before the
and as to other matters not included in this confirmation of the sale. Applies to judicial
Chapter, shall be governed by the provisions foreclosure of real mortgage and chattel
of the Mortgage Law and of the Land mortgage foreclosure.
Registration Law.

2. Right of Redemption – right of mortgagor Article 2134. The amount of the
to redeem the mortgaged property within principal and of the interest shall be specified
one year from the date of registration of the in writing; otherwise, the contract of
certificate of sale. Applies only to antichresis shall be void. (n)
extrajudicial foreclosure of real mortgage.
Article 2135. The creditor, unless there
is a stipulation to the contrary, is obliged to
CHAPTER 4 – ANTICHRESIS pay the taxes and charges upon the estate.
He is also bound to bear the expenses
Article 2132. By the contract of necessary for its preservation and repair.
antichresis the creditor acquires the right to The sums spent for the purposes
receive the fruits of an immovable of his stated in this article shall be deducted from
debtor, with the obligation to apply them to the the fruits.
payment of the interest, if owing, and
thereafter to the principal of his credit. Obligations of antichretic creditor.
This right carries two (2) obligations which are the
Definition and characteristics of antichresis. necessary consequences of the contract because
(1) Antichresis is an accessory contract they arise from its very nature.
because it secures the performance of a
principal obligation. (1) Payment all taxes and charges upon the
(2) It is a formal contract because it must be in estate- If the creditor does not pay the
a specified form to be valid. taxes, he is by law required to pay indemnity
for damages to the debtor.
Antichresis requires the delivery by the debtor of (2) Application of the fruits of the estate-
the real property given as security in order that Note that the sums spent by the creditor in
the creditor may receive the fruits. fulfilment of the obligations under the article
shall be charged against the fruits of the
Antichresis and pledged compared. property.
(1) Antichresis refers to real property, while
pledge, to personal property; and Article 2136. The debtor cannot
(2) Antichresis, being consensual contract, reacquire the enjoyment of the immovable
perfected by mare consent, while pledge, without first having totally paid what he owes
being a real contract, is perfected by the the creditor.
delivery of the thing pledge. But the latter, in order to exempt
Both are similar in that the debtor loses control of the himself from the obligations imposed upon
subject matter of the contract. him by the preceding article, may always
compel the debtor to enter again upon the
Antichresis and real mortgage compared. enjoyment of the property, except when there
(1) In antichresis, the property is delivered to is a stipulation to the contrary. (1883)
the creditor, while in mortgage, the debtor
usually retains possession of the property;
Right of antichretic debtor to reacquire
(2) In antichresis, the creditor acquires the right
enjoyment of property.
to receive the fruits of the property, while in
If the creditor does not want to pay the taxes
mortgage, the creditor does not have any
and incur the expenses necessary for the
right to receive the fruits; and
preservation and repair of the property, he may
(3) In antichresis, the creditor, unless there is a
compel the debtor to reacquire the enjoyment of the
stipulation to the contrary, is obliged to pay
same except when there is a contrary stipulation.
the taxes and charges upon the estate,
while in mortgage, the creditor has no such
obligation. Article 2137. The creditor does not
Both are similar in that the subject is real property. acquire the ownership of the real estate for
non-payment of the debt within the period
agreed upon.
Every stipulation to the contrary shall
Article 2133. The actual market value of be void. But the creditor may petition the court
the fruits at the time of the application thereof to for the payment of the debt or the sale of the
the interest and principal shall be the measure real property. In this case, the Rules of Court
of such application. (n) on the foreclosure of mortgages shall apply.

Remedy of creditor in case of non-payment of necessary, while in pledge, such delivery is
debt. necessary.
The remedy of the creditor is: (1) to bring an action (2) In chattel mortgage, the registration of the
for specific performance; or (2) to petition for the same in the Chattel Mortgage Register is
sale of the real property as in a foreclosure of required by law, while in pledge, registration
mortgage under Rule 68 of the Rules of Court. The in the registry of property is not necessary;
parties, however, may agree on an extrajudicial (3) In chattel mortgage, the procedure is found
foreclosure. in Section 14 of Act. No. 1508, as amended,
while in pledge, it is found in Article 2112 of
Article 2138. The contracting parties the Civil Code.
may stipulate that the interest upon the debt (4) In chattel mortgage, if the property is
be compensated with the fruits of the property foreclosed, the excess over the amount due
which is the object of the antichresis, goes to the debtor, while in pledge, if the
provided that if the value of the fruits should property is sold, the debtor is not entitled to
exceed the amount of interest allowed by the the excess unless it is otherwise agreed.
laws against usury, the excess shall be (5) In chattel mortgage, if the property is
foreclosed and there is a deficiency, the
applied to the principal.
creditor is entitled to recover the deficiency
from the debtor. In pledge, if the property is
Interest in antichresis subject to Usury Law.
sold, and there is a deficiency, the creditor is
The fruits must be appraised on the basis of
not entitled to recover the deficiency not
their actual market value at the time of the
withstanding any stipulation to the contrary.
application. If their value should exceed the amount
of the interest allowed by the Usury Law, the excess
Similarities between chattel mortgage and
shall be applied to the principal.
(1) Both are executed to secure performance of
Article 2139. The last paragraph of a principal obligation;
article 2085, and articles 2089 to 2091 are (2) Both are constituted only on personal
applicable to this contract. property;
(3) Both are indivisible;
CHAPTER 5: CHATTEL MORTGAGE (4) Both constitute a lien on the property;
(5) In both cases, the creditor cannot appropriate
Article 2140. By a chattel mortgage, the property to himself in payment of the
personal property is recorded in the Chattel debt;
Mortgage Register as a security for the (6) In both cases, when the debtor defaults, the
performance of an obligation. If the movable, property must be sold for the payment of the
instead of being recorded, is delivered to the creditor.; and
creditor or a third person, the contract is a (7) Both are extinguish by the fulfilment of the
pledge and not a chattel mortgage. p[principal obligation or the destruction of the
property pledged or mortgaged.
Definition and characteristics of chattel
mortgage. Article 2141. The provisions of this
Chattel Mortgage refers to a contract by Code on pledge, insofar as they are not in
virtue, which involves recording the personal conflict with the Chattel Mortgage Law shall
property in the Chattel Mortgage Register as security be applicable to chattel mortgages.
for the performance of an obligation.
(1) A chattel mortgage is an accessory contract Laws governing chattel mortgages.
because it is for the purpose of securing the (1) The Chattel Mortgage Law
performance of a principal obligation. (2) The Civil Code;
(2) It is a formal contract because for its validity, (3) The Revised Administrative Code
registration in the Chattel Mortgage Register (4) The Revised Penal Code; and
is indispensable. (5) The Ship Mortgage Decree.
(3) It is a unilateral contract because it produces
only an obligation on the part of the creditor
to free the thing from the encumbrance on
fulfilment of the obligation.

Chattel mortgage and pledge distinguished.

(1) In chattel mortgage, the delivery of the
personal property to the mortgage is not

TITLE XII movables, money or securities obtained by
CREDITS (3) Claims for the unpaid price of
movables sold, on said movables, so long as
CHAPTER 1 they are in the possession of the debtor, up to
General Provisions the value of the same; and if the movable has
been resold by the debtor and the price is still
Article 2236. The debtor is liable with unpaid, the lien may be enforced on the price;
all his property, present and future, for the this right is not lost by the immobilization of
fulfilment of his obligations, subject to the the thing by destination, provided it has not
exemptions provided by law. (1911a) lost its form, substance and identity; neither is
the right lost by the sale of the thing together
Article 2237. Insolvency shall be with other property for a lump sum, when the
governed by special laws insofar as they are price thereof can be determined
not inconsistent with this Code. (n) proportionally;
(4) Credits guaranteed with a pledge so
Article 2238. So long as the conjugal long as the things pledged are in the hands of
partnership or absolute community subsists, the creditor, or those guaranteed by a chattel
its property shall not be among the assets to mortgage, upon the things pledged or
be taken possession of by the assignee for the mortgaged, up to the value thereof;
payment of the insolvent debtor’s obligations, (5) Credits for the making, repair,
except insofar as the latter has redounded to safekeeping or preservation of personal
the benefit of the family. If it is the husband property, on the movable thus made, repaired,
who is insolvent, the administration of the kept or possessed;
conjugal partnership or absolute community (6) Claims for labourers’ wages, on the
may, by order of the court, be transferred to goods manufactured or the work done;
the wife or to a third person other than the (7) For expenses of salvage, upon the
assignee. (n) goods salvaged;
(8) Credits between the landlord and
Article 2239. If there is property, other the tenant, arising from the contract of
than that mentioned in the preceding article, tenancy on shares, on the share of each in the
owned by two or more persons, one of whom fruits or harvest;
is the insolvent debtor, his undivided share or (9) Credits for transportation, upon the
interest therein shall be among the assets to goods carried, for the price of the contract and
be taken possession of by the assignee for the incidental expenses, until their delivery and
payment of the insolvent debtor's obligations. for thirty days thereafter;
(n) (10) Credits for lodging and supplies
usually furnished to travellers by hotel
Article 2240. Property held by the keepers, on the movables belonging to the
insolvent debtor as a trustee of an express or guest as long as such movables are in the
implied trust, shall be excluded from the hotel, but not for money loaned to the guests;
insolvency proceedings. (n) (11) Credits for seeds and expenses for
cultivation and harvest advanced to the
CHAPTER 2 debtor, upon the fruits harvested;
CLASSIFICATION OF CREDITS (12) Credits for rent for one year, upon
the personal property of the lessee existing on
the immovable leased and on the fruits of the
Article 2241. With reference to specific
same, but not on money or instruments of
movable property of the debtor, the following
claims or liens shall be preferred:
(13) Claims in favour of the depositor if
the depositary has wrongfully sold the thing
(1) Duties, taxes and fees due thereon
deposited, upon the price of the sale.
to the State or any subdivision thereof;
In the foregoing cases, if the movables to
(2) Claims arising from
which the lien or preference attaches have
misappropriation breach of trust, or
been wrongfully taken, the creditor may
malfeasance by public officials committed in
demand them from any possessor, within
the performance of their duties, on the
thirty days from the unlawful seizure. (1922a)

authority who have no property of their own,
Article 2242. With reference to specific when approved by the court;
immovable property and real rights of the (2) Credits for services rendered the
debtor, the following claims, mortgages and insolvent by employees, labourers, or
liens shall be preferred, and shall constitute household helpers for one year preceding the
an encumbrance on the immovable or real commencement of the proceedings in
right: insolvency;
(1) Taxes due upon the land or (3) Expenses during the last illness of
building; the debtor or of his or her spouse and children
(2) For the unpaid price of real property under his or her parental authority, if they
sold, upon the immovable sold; have no property of their own;
(3) Claims of labourers, masons, (4) Compensation due the labourers or
mechanics and other workmen, as well as of their dependents under laws providing for
architects, engineers and contractors, indemnity for damages in cases of labour
engaged in the construction, reconstruction or accident, or illness resulting from the nature
repair of buildings, canals or other works, of the employment;
upon said buildings, canals or other works; (5) Credits and advancements made to
(4) Claims of furnishers of materials the debtor for support of himself or herself,
used in the construction, reconstruction, or and family, during the last year preceding the
repair of buildings, canals or other works, insolvency;
upon said buildings, canals or other works; (6) Support during the insolvency
(5) Mortgage credits recorded in the proceedings, and for three months thereafter;
Registry of Property, upon the real estate (7) Fines and civil indemnification
mortgaged; arising from a criminal offense;
(6) Expenses for the preservation or (8) Legal expenses, and expenses
improvement of real property when the law incurred in the administration of the
authorizes reimbursement, upon the insolvent's estate for the common interest of
immovable preserved or improved; the creditors, when properly authorized and
(7) Credits annotated in the Registry of approved by the court;
Property, in virtue of a judicial order, by (9) Taxes and assessments due the
attachments or executions, upon the property national government, other than those
affected, and only as to later credits; mentioned in articles 2241, No. 1, and 2242,
(8) Claims of co-heirs for warranty in No. 1;
the partition of an immovable among them, (10) Taxes and assessments due any
upon the real property thus divided; province, other than those referred to in
(9) Claims of donors or real property articles 2241, No. 1, and 2242, No. 1;
for pecuniary charges or other conditions (11) Taxes and assessments due any
imposed upon the donee, upon the immovable city or municipality, other than those indicated
donated; in articles 2241, No. 1, and 2242, No. 1;
(10) Credits of insurers, upon the (12) Damages for death or personal
property insured, for the insurance premium injuries caused by a quasi-delict;
for two years. (1923a) (13) Gifts due to public and private institutions
of charity or beneficence;
Article 2243. The claims or credits (14) Credits which, without special
enumerated in the two preceding articles shall privilege, appear in (a) a public instrument; or
be considered as mortgages or pledges of real (b) in a final judgment, if they have been the
or personal property, or liens within the subject of litigation. These credits shall have
purview of legal provisions governing preference among themselves in the order of
insolvency. Taxes mentioned in No. 1, article priority of the dates of the instruments and of
2241, and No. 1, article 2242, shall first be the judgments, respectively.
satisfied. (n)
Article 2245. Credits of any other kind
Article 2244. With reference to other or class, or by any other right or title not
property, real and personal, of the debtor, the comprised in the four preceding articles, shall
following claims or credits shall be preferred enjoy no preference.
in the order named:
(1) Proper funeral expenses for the
debtor, or children under his or her parental
CHAPTER 3 claims, and ensure equitable treatment
ORDER OF PREFERENCE OF CREDITS of creditors who are similarly situated.
4. When rehabilitation is not feasible, to
Article 2246. Those credits which enjoy facilitate a speedy and orderly
preference with respect to specific movables, liquidation of these debtor’s assets and
exclude all others to the extent of the value of the settlement of their obligations.
the personal property to which the preference
Article 2247. If there are two or more 1. In Rem
credits with respect to the same specific 2. Non- Adversarial
movable property, they shall be satisfied pro
rata, after the payment of duties, taxes and DEFINITION OF TERMS
fees due the State or any subdivision thereof.
(1926a) Affiliate – shall refer to a corporation that
Article 2248. Those credits which enjoy directly or indirectly, through one or more
preference in relation to specific real property intermediaries, is controlled by, or is under the
or real rights, exclude all others to the extent common control of another corporation.
of the value of the immovable or real right to
which the preference refers. Claim- It shall refer to all claims or demands of
whatever nature or character against the debtor or
Article 2249. If there are two or more
its property, whether for money or otherwise,
credits with respect to the same specific real
liquidated or unliquidated, fixed or contingent,
property or real rights, they shall be satisfied matured or unmatured, disputed or undisputed,
pro rata, after the payment of the taxes and including, but not limited to:
assessments upon the immovable property or (1) All claims of the government, whether
real right. (1927a) national or local, including taxes, tariffs and customs
Article 2250. The excess, if any, after duties; and
the payment of the credits which enjoy (2) Claims against directors and officers of the
preference with respect to specific property, debtor arising from acts done in the discharge of
real or personal, shall be added to the free their functions falling within the scope of their
property which the debtor may have, for the authority
payment of the other credits. (1928a)
Article 2251. Those credits which do Control- It shall refer to the power of a parent
not enjoy any preference with respect to corporation to direct or govern the financial and
specific property, and those which enjoy operating policies of an enterprise so as to obtain
preference, as to the amount not paid, shall be benefits from its activities. Control is presumed to
satisfied according to the following rules: exist when the parent owns, directly or indirectly
(1) In the order established in article through subsidiaries or affiliates, more than one-half
2244; (1/2) of the voting power of an enterprise unless, in
exceptional circumstances, it can clearly be
(2) Common credits referred to in
demonstrated that such ownership does not
article 2245 shall be paid pro rata
constitute control.
regardless of dates.
Control also exists even when the parent owns
FINANCIAL REHABILITATION AND one-half (1/2) or less of the voting power of an
INSOLVENCY ACT (FRIA) 2010 enterprise when there is power:
Republic Act No. 10142 (1) Over more than one-half (1/2) of the voting rights
by virtue of an agreement with investors;
DECLARATION OF POLICY (2) To direct or govern the financial and operating
1. To encourage debtors, both juridical policies of the enterprise under a statute or an
and natural persons, and their agreement;
creditors to collectively. (3) To appoint or remove the majority of the
2. To ensure a timely, fair, transparent, members of the board of directors or equivalent
effective and efficient rehabilitation or governing body; or
(4) To cast the majority votes at meetings of the
liquidation of debtors.
board of directors or equivalent governing body.
3. To ensure or maintain certainly and
predictability in commercial affairs,
preserve and maximize the value of the
assets of these debtors, recognize
creditor rights and respect priority
Insolvent- It shall refer to the financial Possessory Lien- It shall refer to a lien on
condition of a debtor that is generally unable to pay property, the possession of which has been
its or his liabilities as they fall due in the ordinary transferred to a creditor or a representative or agent
course of business or has liabilities that are greater thereof.
than its or his assets.
Rehabilitation- It shall refer to the
Insolvent Debtor’s Estate- It shall refer to
restoration of the debtor to a condition of successful
the estate of the insolvent debtor, which includes all
the property and assets of the debtor as of operation and solvency, if it is shown that its
commencement date, plus the property and assets continuance of operation is economically feasible
acquired by the rehabilitation receiver or liquidator and its creditors can recover by way of the present
after that date, as well as all other property and value of payments projected in the plan, more if the
assets in which the debtor has an ownership debtor continues as a going concern than if it is
interest, whether or not these property and assets immediately liquidated.
are in the debtor’s possession as of commencement
date: Rehabilitation Receiver- It shall refer to the
Provided, That trust assets and bailment,
person or persons, natural or juridical, appointed as
and other property and assets of a third party that
are in the possession of the debtor as of such by the court pursuant to this Act and which
commencement date, are excluded therefrom. shall be entrusted with such powers and duties as
set forth herein.
Involuntary proceedings- It shall refer to
proceedings initiated by creditors. Rehabilitation Plan- It shall refer to a plan
by which the financial well-being and viability of an
Liabilities- It shall refer to monetary claims insolvent debtor can be restored using various
against the debtor, including stockholder’s advances means including, but not limited to, debt forgiveness,
that have been recorded in the debtor’s audited debt rescheduling, reorganization or quasi-
financial statements as advances for future reorganization, dacion en pago, debt-equity
subscriptions. conversion and sale of the business (or parts of it)
as a going concern, or setting-up of new business
Lien- It shall refer to a statutory or entity as prescribed in Section 62 hereof, or other
contractual claim or judicial charge on real or similar arrangements as may be approved by the
personal property that legally entitles a creditor to court or creditors.
resort to said property for payment of the claim or
debt secured by such lien. Subsidiary- It shall refer to a corporation
more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting stock of
Liquidator- It shall refer to the natural which is owned or controlled directly or indirectly
person or juridical entity appointed as such by the through one or more intermediaries by another
court and entrusted with such powers and duties as corporation, which thereby becomes its parent
set forth in this Act:  corporation.

Provided, that, if the liquidator is a juridical Exclusions: The term debtor does not
entity, it must designate a natural person who include banks, insurance companies, pre-need
possesses all the qualifications and none of the companies, and national and local government
disqualifications as its representative, it being agencies or units.
understood that the juridical entity and the Provided, that government financial
representative are solidarily liable for all obligations institutions other than banks and government-owned
and responsibilities of the liquidator. or -controlled corporations shall be covered by this
Act, unless their specific charter provides otherwise.
Ownership Interest- It shall refer to the
ownership interest of third parties in property held by For purposes of this section:
the debtor, including those covered by trust receipts (a) Bank shall refer to any duly licensed
bank or quasi-bank that is potentially or actually
or assignments of receivables.
subject to conservatorship, receivership or
liquidation proceedings under the New Central Bank
Parent- It shall refer to a corporation which
Act (Republic Act No. 7653) or successor
has control over another corporation either directly legislation;
or indirectly through one or more intermediaries. (b) Insurance company shall refer to those
companies that are potentially or actually subject to
insolvency proceedings under the Insurance Code

(Presidential Decree No. 1460) or successor  at least One Million Pesos
legislation; and (Php1,000,000.00) or
(c) Pre-need company shall refer to any  at least twenty-five percent (25%) of
corporation authorized/licensed to sell or offer to sell the subscribed capital stock or
pre-need plans. partners' contributions, whichever is
higher, may initiate involuntary
CHAPTER II COURT- SUPERVISED proceedings against the debtor
R.A.10142  SECTION 14: Petition to Initiate
"Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act Involuntary Proceedings
(FRIA) of 2010" The creditor/s' petition for
rehabilitation shall be verified to establish the
1. VOLUNTARY PROCEEDINGS substantial likelihood that the debtor may be
SECTION 12: Petition to Initiate rehabilitated
Voluntary Proceedings by Debtor. When
approved: SECTION 15: Action on the Petition
 By the owner in case of a sole If the court finds the petition for
proprietorship, or by a majority of the rehabilitation to be sufficient in form and
partners in case of a partnership, substance, it shall, within five (5) working
 Or in case of a corporation, by a days from the filing of the petition, issue a
majority vote of the board of directors Commencement Order.
or trustees and authorized by the vote
of the stockholders representing at COMMENCE ORDER
least two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding a) Declare that the debtor is under
capital stock, rehabilitation;
 Or in case of non-stock corporation, by b) Direct the publication of the Commencement
the vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of Order in a newspaper of general circulation
the members in the Philippines once a week for at least
two (2) consecutive weeks
c) Appoint a rehabilitation receiver who may or
The petition shall be verified to establish the
not be from among the nominees of the
insolvency of the debtor and the viability of its
rehabilitation, and include, whether as an attachment
d) Includes Stay or Suspension Order
or as part of the body of the petition, which should
include, among others:
a) Suspend all actions or proceedings, in court
a) Identification of the debtor, its principal
or otherwise, for the enforcement of claims
activities and its addresses
against the debtor;
b) Statement of the fact of and the cause of the
b) Suspend all actions to enforce any
debtor's insolvency or inability to pay its
judgment, attachment or other provisional
obligations as they become due;
remedies against the debtor;
c) The specific relief sought pursuant to this
c) Prohibit the debtor from selling,
encumbering, transferring or disposing in
d) The grounds upon which the petition is
any manner any of its properties except in
the ordinary course of business; and
e) An inventory of all its assets including
d) Prohibit the debtor from making any
receivables and claims against third parties;
payment of its liabilities outstanding as of
f) A rehabilitation plan
the commencement date except as may be
provided herein.
A group of debtors may jointly file a petition
for rehabilitation
SECTION 21: Effectivity and Duration of
Under this Act when one or more of its
members foresee the impossibility of meeting debts Commencement Order
when they respectively fall due Unless lifted by the court:

2. INVOLUNTARY PROCEEDINGS “Commencement Order shall be for the

SECTION 13: Circumstances effective for the duration of the rehabilitation
Necessary to Initiate Involuntary Proceedings proceedings for as long as there is a
Any creditor or group of creditors with a claim substantial likelihood that the debtor will be
of, or the aggregate of whose claims is: successfully rehabilitated.”
(b) Of good moral character and with
acknowledged integrity, impartiality and
BE SUCCESSFULLY (c) Has the requisite knowledge of
REHABILITATED: insolvency and other relevant commercial
If the petitioner is the debtor, that the debtor laws, rules and procedures, as well as the
has met with its creditor/s representing at least relevant training and/or experience
three-fourths (3/4) of its total obligations to the extent (d) Has no conflict of interest: Provided
reasonably possible and made a good faith effort to that such conflict of interest may be waived,
reach a consensus on the proposed Rehabilitation expressly or impliedly, by a party who may be
prejudiced thereby
Section 23: Effect of Failure to File
If a qualified natural person or entity is
Notice of Claim nominated by more than fifty percent (50%) of the
A creditor whose claim is not listed in secured creditors and the general unsecured
the schedule of debts and liabilities and who creditors, and satisfactory evidence is submitted, the
fails to file a notice of claim in accordance court shall appoint the creditors' nominee as
with the Commencement Order but rehabilitation receiver
subsequently files a belated claim shall not be
entitled to participate in the rehabilitation Section 31: Powers, Duties and
proceedings but shall be entitled to receive Responsibilities of the Rehabilitation Receiver
distributions arising therefrom. The rehabilitation receiver shall be
deemed an officer of the court with the
SECTION 25: Giving Due Course to or principal duty of preserving and maximizing
Dismissal of Petition, or Conversion of the value of the assets of the debtor during
Proceedings the rehabilitation proceedings, determining
Within ten (10) days from receipt of the the viability of the rehabilitation of the debtor,
report of the rehabilitation receiver mentioned preparing and recommending a Rehabilitation
in Section 24 hereof the court may: Plan to the court, and implementing the
a) Give due course to the petition approved Rehabilitation Plan.
b) Dismiss the petition
c) Convert the proceedings into one for Section 32: Removal of the
the liquidation of the debtor Rehabilitation Receiver
The rehabilitation receiver may be
Requisites in converting proceeding into one for removed at any time by the court either motu
liquidation of the debtor proprio or upon motion by any creditor/s
(1) The debtor is insolvent; and holding more than fifty percent (50%) of the
(2) There is no substantial likelihood for the total obligations of the debtor, on such
debtor to be successfully rehabilitated as determined
grounds as the rules of procedure may
in accordance with the rules
provide which shall include, but are not limited
to, the following:
Section 28: Who May Serve as a
a) Incompetence, gross negligence,
Rehabilitation Receiver
failure to perform the proper degree of
Any qualified natural or juridical
care in the performance of his duties
person may serve as a rehabilitation receiver:
and powers;
Provided that if the rehabilitation receiver is a
b) Lack of a particular or specialized
juridical entity, it must designate a natural
competency required
person/s who possess /es all the
c) Illegal acts or conduct in the
qualifications and none of the disqualification
performance of his duties and powers;
as its representative.
d) Lack of qualification or presence of any
Section 29: Qualifications of a
e) Conflict of interest that arises after his
Rehabilitation Receiver
appointment; and
The rehabilitation receiver shall have the
f) Manifest lack of independence that is
following minimum qualifications:
detrimental to the general body of the
(a) A citizen of the Philippines or a
resident of the Philippines in the six (6)
months immediately preceding his
Section 33: Compensation and Terms of of the outstanding securities of the
Service debtor;
The rehabilitation receiver and his e) He is related by consanguinity or
direct employees or independent contractors affinity within the fourth civil degree to
shall be entitled to compensation for any individual creditor, owners of a
reasonable fees and expenses from the debtor sale proprietorship-debtor, partners of
according to the terms approved by the court a partnership- debtor or to any
after notice and hearing. stockholder, director, officer, employee
or underwriter of a corporation-debtor;
Section 36: Displacement of Existing or
Management by the Rehabilitation Receiver or f) He has any other direct or indirect
Management Committee material interest in the debtor or any of
Upon motion of any interested party, the the creditors.
court may appoint and direct the rehabilitation
receiver to assume the powers of Section 42: Creditors' Committee
management of the debtor, or appoint a The creditors belonging to a class:
management committee that will undertake a) Secured creditors
the management of the debtor. Upon clear and b) Unsecured creditors
convincing evidence of any of the following c) Trade creditors and suppliers; and
circumstances: d) Employees of the debtor

a) Actual or imminent danger of May formally organize a committee among

dissipation, loss, wastage or themselves. In addition, the creditors may, as
destruction of the debtor’s assets or a body, agree to form a creditors' committee
other properties; composed of a representative from each class
b) Paralyzation of the business of creditors.
operations of the debtor; or
c) Gross mismanagement of the debtor; Section 43: Role of Creditors'
or fraud or other wrongful conduct on Committee
the part of, or gross or wilful violation The creditors' committee shall assist
of this Act by existing management of the rehabilitation receiver in communicating
the debtor or the owner, partner, with the creditors and shall be the primary
director, officer or representative/s in liaison between the rehabilitation receiver and
management of the debtor the creditors.

Section 37: Role of the Management CHAPTER 2: TREATMENT OF SECURED

When appointed pursuant to the
foregoing section, the management committee Section 60: No Diminution of Secured
shall take the place of the management and Creditor Rights
the governing body of the debtor and assume The issuance of the Commencement
their rights and responsibilities. Order and the Suspension or Stay Order, and
any other provision of this Act, shall not be
Section 40: Conflict of Interest deemed in any way to diminish or impair the
An individual shall be deemed to have security or lien of a secured creditor, or the
a conflict of interest if: value of his lien or security, except that his
a) He is a creditor, owner, partner or right to enforce said security or lien may be
stockholder of the debtor; suspended during the term of the Stay Order.
b) He is engaged in a line of business The court, upon motion or
which competes with that of the recommendation of the rehabilitation receiver,
debtor; may allow a secured creditor to enforce his
c) He is, or was, within five (5) years from security or lien, or foreclose upon property of
the filing of the petition, a director, the debtor securing his/its claim, if the said
officer, owner, partner or employee of property is not necessary for the rehabilitation
the debtor or any of the creditors, or of the debtor. The secured creditor and/or the
the auditor or accountant of the debtor; other lien holders shall be admitted to the
d) He is, or was, within two (2) years from rehabilitation proceedings only for the balance
the filing of the petition, an underwriter of his claim, if any.
Section 61: Lack of Adequate interest when compared to the immediate
Protection liquidation of the debtor, including any
The court, on motion or motu reduction of principal interest and penalties
proprio, may terminate, modify or set payable to the creditors;
conditions for the continuance of suspension (d) Establish classes of voting
of payment, or relieve a claim from the creditors;
coverage thereof, upon showing that: (e) Establish subclasses of voting
(a) A creditor does not have adequate creditors if prior approval has been granted by
protection over property securing its claim; or the court
(b) The value of a claim secured by a lien on (f) Indicate how the insolvent debtor
property which is not necessary for will be rehabilitated including, but not limited
rehabilitation of the debtor exceeds the fair to, debt forgiveness, debt rescheduling,
market value of the said property. reorganization or quasi-reorganization. dacion
en pago, debt-equity conversion and sale of
For purposes of this section, a creditor the business (or parts of it) as a going
shall be deemed to lack adequate protection if concern, or setting-up of a new business
it can be shown that: entity or other similar arrangements as may be
(a) The debtor fails or refuses to honor necessary to restore the financial well-being
a pre-existing agreement with the creditor to and visibility of the insolvent debtor;
keep the property insured; (g) Specify the treatment of each class
(b) The debtor fails or refuses to take or subclass described in subsections (d) and
commercially reasonable steps to maintain the (e);
property; or (h) Provide for equal treatment of all
(c) The property has depreciated to an claims within the same class or subclass,
extent that the creditor is under secured. unless a particular creditor voluntarily agrees
to less favorable treatment;
Upon showing of a lack of protection, the (i) Ensure that the payments made
court shall order the debtor or the rehabilitation under the plan follow the priority established
receiver to make arrangements to provide for the under the provisions of the Civil Code on
insurance or maintenance of the property; or to concurrence and preference of credits and
make payments or otherwise provide additional or other applicable laws;
replacement security such that the obligation is fully (j) Maintain the security interest of
secured. If such arrangements are not feasible, the secured creditors and preserve the liquidation
court may modify the Stay Order to allow the
value of the security unless such has been
secured creditor lacking adequate protection to
waived or modified voluntarily;
enforce its security claim against the
debtor: Provided, however, that the court may deny (k) Disclose all payments to creditors
the creditor the remedies in this paragraph if the for pre-commencement debts made during the
property subject of the enforcement is required for proceedings and the justifications thereof;
the rehabilitation of the debtor. (l) Describe the disputed claims and
the provisioning of funds to account for
ADMINISTRATION OF PROCEEDINGS appropriate payments should the claim be
ruled valid or its amount adjusted;
Section 62:Contents of a Rehabilitation (m) Identify the debtor's role in the
Plan: The Rehabilitation Plan shall, as a implementation of the Plan;
minimum: (n) State any rehabilitation covenants
(a) Specify the underlying of the debtor, the breach of which shall be
assumptions, the financial goals and the considered a material breach of the Plan;
procedures proposed to accomplish such (o) Identify those responsible for the
goals; future management of the debtor and the
(b) Compare the amounts expected to supervision and implementation of the Plan,
be received by the creditors under the their affiliation with the debtor and their
Rehabilitation Plan with those that they will remuneration;
receive if liquidation ensues within the next (p) Address the treatment of claims
one hundred twenty (120) days; arising after the confirmation of the
(c) Contain information sufficient to Rehabilitation Plan;
give the various classes of creditors a (q) Require the debtor and its counter-
reasonable basis for determining whether parties to adhere to the terms of all contracts
supporting the Plan is in their financial that the debtor has chosen to confirm;
(r) Arrange for the payment of all (50%) of the total claims of the said class vote
outstanding administrative expenses as a in favor of the Plan.
condition to the Plan's approval unless such
condition has been waived in writing by the Section 70: Liability of General
creditors concerned; Partners of a Partnership for Unpaid Balances
(s) Arrange for the payment" of all under an Approved Plan
outstanding taxes and assessments, or an The approval of the Plan shall not
adjusted amount pursuant to a compromise affect the rights of creditors to pursue actions
settlement with the BlR or other applicable tax against the general partners of a partnership
authorities; to the extent they are liable under relevant
(t) Include a certified copy of a legislation for the debts thereof.
certificate of tax clearance or evidence of a
compromise settlement with the BIR; Section 71: Treatment of Amounts of
(u) Include a valid and binding or Indebtedness or Obligations Forgiven or
(,solution of a meeting of the debtor's Reduced
stockholders to increase the shares by the Amounts of any indebtedness or
required amount in cases where the Plan obligations reduced or forgiven in connection
contemplates an additional issuance of shares with a Plan's approval shall not be subject to
by the debtor;
(v) State the compensation and status, any tax in furtherance of the purposes of this
if any, of the rehabilitation receiver after the Act.
approval of the Plan; and
(w) Contain provisions for conciliation Section 72: Period for Confirmation of
and/or mediation as a prerequisite to court the Rehabilitation Plan
assistance or intervention in the event of any The court shall have a maximum period
disagreement in the interpretation or of one (1) year from the date of the filing of the
implementation of the Rehabilitation Plan petition to confirm a Rehabilitation Plan.
Section 63: Consultation with Debtor If no Rehabilitation Plan is confirmed
and Creditors within the said period, the proceedings may
If the court gives due course to the upon motion or motu propio, be converted
into one for the liquidation of the debtor
petition, the rehabilitation receiver shall confer
with the debtor and all the classes of Section 73: Accounting Discharge of
creditors, and may consider their views and Rehabilitation Receiver
proposals ill the review, revision or Upon the confirmation of the
preparation of a new Rehabilitation Plan. Rehabilitation Plan, the rehabilitation receiver
shall provide a final report and accounting to
the court. Unless the Rehabilitation Plan
Section 64: Creditor Approval of
Rehabilitation Plan specifically requires and describes the role of
The rehabilitation receiver shall notify the rehabilitation receiver after the approval of
the creditors and stakeholders that the Plan is the Rehabilitation Plan, the court shall
ready for their examination. Within twenty (20) discharge the rehabilitation receiver of his
days from the said notification, the duties.
rehabilitation receiver shall convene the
creditors, either as a whole or per class, for
purposes of voting on the approval of the
Plan. The Plan shall be deemed rejected
unless approved by all classes of creditors
whose rights are adversely modified or
affected by the Plan. For purposes of this
section, the Plan is deemed to have been
approved by a class of creditors if members of
the said class holding more than fifty percent

any of its political subdivisions, or any agency of
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 3765 the foregoing.
Section 4: Any creditor shall furnish to
AN ACT TO REQUIRE THE DISCLOSURE OF each person to whom credit is extended, prior
FINANCE CHARGES IN CONNECTION WITH to the consummation of the transaction, a
EXTENSIONS OF CREDIT. clear statement in writing setting forth, to the
extent applicable and in accordance with rules
Section 1: This Act shall be known as and regulations prescribed by the Board, the
the "Truth in Lending Act." following information:
(1) The cash price or delivered price of
Section 2: Declaration of Policy- It is the property or service to be acquired;
hereby declared to be the policy of the State to (2) The amounts, if any, to be credited
protect its citizens from a lack of awareness of as down payment and/or trade-in;
the true cost of credit to the user by assuring (3) The difference between the amounts
a full disclosure of such cost with a view of set forth under clauses (1) and (2);
preventing the uninformed use of credit to the (4) The charges, individually itemized,
detriment of the national economy. which are paid or to be paid by such person in
connection with the transaction but which are
Section 3: As used in this Act, the term not incident to the extension of credit;
(1) "Board" means the Monetary Board of (5) The total amount to be financed;
the Central Bank of the Philippines. (6) The finance charge expressed in
(2) "Credit" means any loan, mortgage, terms of pesos and centavos; and
deed of trust, advance, or discount; any (7) The percentage that the finance
conditional sales contract; any contract to sell, or bears to the total amount to be financed
sale or contract of sale of property or services, expressed as a simple annual rate on the
either for present or future delivery, under which outstanding unpaid balance of the obligation.
part or all of the price is payable subsequent to
the making of such sale or contract; any rental- Section 5: The Board shall prescribe
purchase contract; any contract or arrangement such rules and regulations as may be
for the hire, bailment, or leasing of property; any necessary or proper in carrying out the
option, demand, lien, pledge, or other claim provisions of this Act. Any rule or regulation
against, or for the delivery of, property or money; prescribed hereunder may contain such
any purchase, or other acquisition of, or any credit classifications and differentiations as in the
upon the security of, any obligation of claim judgment of the Board are necessary or
arising out of any of the foregoing; and any proper to effectuate the purposes of this Act
transaction or series of transactions having a or to prevent circumvention or evasion, or to
similar purpose or effect. facilitate the enforcement of this Act, or any
(3) "Finance charge" includes interest, rule or regulation issued thereunder.
fees, service charges, discounts, and such other
charges incident to the extension of credit as the Section 6: (a) Any creditor who in
Board may be regulation prescribe. connection with any credit transaction fails to
(4) "Creditor" means any person engaged disclose to any person any information in
in the business of extending credit (including any violation of this Act or any regulation issued
person who as a regular business practice make thereunder shall be liable to such person in
loans or sells or rents property or services on a the amount of P100 or in an amount equal to
time, credit, or installment basis, either as twice the finance charged required by such
principal or as agent) who requires as an incident creditor in connection with such transaction,
to the extension of credit, the payment of a whichever is the greater, except that such
finance charge. liability shall not exceed P2,000 on any credit
(5) "Person" means any individual, transaction. Action to recover such penalty
corporation, partnership, association, or other may be brought by such person within one
organized group of persons, or the legal year from the date of the occurrence of the
successor or representative of the foregoing, and violation, in any court of competent
includes the Philippine Government or any jurisdiction. In any action under this
agency thereof, or any other government, or of subsection in which any person is entitled to a
recovery, the creditor shall be liable for

reasonable attorney's fees and court costs as not more than double the amount of the check
determined by the court. which fine shall in no case exceed Two
(b) Except as specified in subsection Hundred Thousand Pesos, or both such fine
(a) of this section, nothing contained in this and imprisonment at the discretion of the
Act or any regulation contained in this Act or court.
any regulation thereunder shall affect the The same penalty shall be imposed upon
validity or enforceability of any contract or any person who, having sufficient funds in or
transactions. credit with the drawee bank when he makes or
(c) Any person who willfully violates draws and issues a check, shall fail to keep
any provision of this Act or any regulation sufficient funds or to maintain a credit to cover the
issued thereunder shall be fined by not less full amount of the check if presented within a
than P1,000 or more than P5,000 or period of ninety (90) days from the date appearing
imprisonment for not less than 6 months, nor thereon, for which reason it is dishonored by the
more than one year or both. drawee bank.
(d) No punishment or penalty provided Where the check is drawn by a
by this Act shall apply to the Philippine corporation, company or entity, the person or
Government or any agency or any political persons who actually signed the check in behalf
subdivision thereof. of such drawer shall be liable under this Act.
(e) A final judgment hereafter rendered
in any criminal proceeding under this Act to Section 2: Evidence of knowledge of
the effect that a defendant has willfully insufficient funds- The making, drawing and
violated this Act shall be prima facie evidence issuance of a check payment of which is
against such defendant in an action or refused by the drawee because of insufficient
proceeding brought by any other party against funds in or credit with such bank, when
such defendant under this Act as to all presented within ninety (90) days from the
matters respecting which said judgment date of the check, shall be prima facie
would be an estoppel as between the parties evidence of knowledge of such insufficiency
thereto. of funds or credit unless such maker or
drawer pays the holder thereof the amount
Section 7: This Act shall become due thereon, or makes arrangements for
effective upon approval. Approved: June 22, payment in full by the drawee of such check
1963 within (5) banking days after receiving notice
that such check has not been paid by the
BOUNCING CHECK LAW Section 3: Duty of drawee; rules of
evidence- It shall be the duty of the drawee of
AN ACT PENALIZING THE MAKING OR any check, when refusing to pay the same to
DRAWING AND ISSUANCE OF A CHECK the holder thereof upon presentment, to cause
WITHOUT SUFFICIENT FUNDS OR CREDIT to be written, printed, or stamped in plain
AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. language thereon, or attached thereto, the
reason for drawee's dishonor or refusal to pay
Section 1: Checks without sufficient the same: Provided, That where there are no
funds - Any person who makes or draws and sufficient funds in or credit with such drawee
issues any check to apply on account or for bank, such fact shall always be explicitly
value, knowing at the time of issue that he stated in the notice of dishonor or refusal. In
does not have sufficient funds in or credit with all prosecutions under this Act, the
the drawee bank for the payment of such introduction in evidence of any unpaid and
check in full upon its presentment, which dishonored check, having the drawee's refusal
check is subsequently dishonored by the to pay stamped or written thereon or attached
drawee bank for insufficiency of funds or thereto, with the reason therefor as aforesaid,
credit or would have been dishonored for the shall be prima facie evidence of the making or
same reason had not the drawer, without any issuance of said check, and the due
valid reason, ordered the bank to stop presentment to the drawee for payment and
payment, shall be punished by imprisonment the dishonor thereof, and that the same was
of not less than thirty days but not more than properly dishonored for the reason written,
one (1) year or by a fine of not less than but stamped or attached by the drawee on such
dishonored check.
Not with standing receipt of an order to h) A specific price advantage of a
stop payment, the drawee shall state in the consumer product exists when in fact it does
notice that there were no sufficient funds in or not;
credit with such bank for the payment in full of i) The sales act or practice involves or
such check, if such be the fact. does not involve a warranty, a disclaimer of
Section 4: Credit construed - The word warranties, particular warranty terms or other
"credit" as used herein shall be construed to rights, remedies or obligations if the indication
mean an arrangement or understanding with is false; and
the bank for the payment of such check. j) The seller or supplier has a
sponsorship, approval, or affiliation he does
Section 5: Liability under the Revised not have.
Penal Code- Prosecution under this Act shall
be without prejudice to any liability for ARTICLE 51: Deceptive Sales Act or
violation of any provision of the Revised Penal Practices by Regulation-
Code. Approved: April 3, 1979. The Department shall, after due notice
and hearing, promulgate regulations declaring
RA 7394 CONSUMER ACT as deceptive any sales act, practice or
REGULATION OF SALES ACTS AND technique which is a misrepresentation of
PRACTICES facts other than this enumerated in Article 50.

ARTICLE 50: Prohibition against ARTICLE 52: Unfair or Unconscionable

Deceptive Sales Acts or Practices- Sales Act or Practice-
A deceptive act or practice by a seller An unfair or unconscionable sales act
or supplier in connection with a consumer or practice by a seller or supplier in
transaction violates this Act whether it occurs connection with a consumer transaction
before, during or after the transaction. An act violates this Chapter whether it occurs before,
or practice shall be deemed deceptive during or after the consumer transaction. An
whenever the producer, manufacturer, act or practice shall be deemed unfair or
supplier or seller, through concealment, false unconscionable whenever the producer,
representation or fraudulent manipulation, manufacturer, distributor, supplier or seller,
induces a consumer to enter into a sale or by taking advantage of the consumer’s
lease transaction of any consumer product or physical or mental infirmity, ignorance,
service. illiteracy, lack of time or the general
Without limiting the scope of the above conditions of the environment or
paragraph, the act or practice of a seller or surroundings, induces the consumer to enter
supplier is deceptive when it represents that: into a sales or lease transaction grossly
a) A consumer product or service has inimical to the interests of the consumer or
the sponsorship, approval, performance, grossly one-sided in favor of the producer,
characteristics, ingredients, accessories, manufacturer, distributor, supplier or seller.
uses, or benefits it does not have; In determining whether an act or
b) A consumer product or service is of practice is unfair and unconscionable, the
a particular standard, quality, grade, style, or following circumstances shall be considered:
model when in fact it is not;
c) A consumer product is new, original a) That the producer, manufacturer,
or unused, when in fact; it is in a deteriorated, distributor, supplier or seller took advantage
altered, reconditioned, reclaimed or second- of the inability of the consumer to reasonably
hand state; protect his interest because of his inability to
d) A consumer product or service is understand the language of an agreement, or
available to the consumer for a reason that is similar factors;
different from the fact; b) That when the consumer transaction
e) A consumer product or service has was entered into, the price grossly exceeded
been supplied in accordance with the previous the price at which similar products or services
representation when in fact it is not; were readily obtainable in similar transaction
f) A consumer product or service can by like consumers;
be supplied in a quantity greater than the c) That when the consumer transaction
supplier intends; was entered into, the consumer was unable to
g) A service, or repair of a consumer receive a substantial benefit from the subject
product is needed when in fact it is not; of the transaction;
d) That when the consumer transaction c) The seller is making a special offer
was entered into, the seller or supplier was to a few persons only for a limited period of
aware that there was no reasonable time.
probability or payment of the obligation in full
by the consumer; and
e) That the transaction that the seller or ARTICLE 59: Referral Sales
supplier induced the consumer to enter into Referral selling plans shall not be used
was excessively one-sided in favor of the in the sale of consumer products unless the
seller or supplier. seller executes in favor of the buyer a written
undertaking that will grant a specified
ARTICLE 53: Chain Distribution Plans compensation or other benefit to said buyer in
or Pyramid Sales Schemes- return for each and every transaction
Chain distribution plans or pyramid consummated by said seller with the persons
sales schemes shall not be employed in the referred by said buyer or for subsequent sales
sale of consumer products. that said buyers has helped the seller enter
ARTICLE 54: Home Solicitation Sales-
No business entity shall conduct any home ARTICLE 60: Penalties-
solicitation sale of any consumer product or a) Any person who shall violate the
service without first obtaining a permit from provisions of Title III, Chapter I, shall upon
the Department. Such permit may be denied conviction, be subject to a fine of not less
suspended or revoked upon cause as than Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00) but not
provided in the rules and regulations more than Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00)
promulgated by the Department, after due or imprisonment of not less than five (5)
notice and hearing. months but not more than one (1) year or both,
upon the discretion of the court.
ARTICLE 55: Home Solicitation Sales; b) In addition to the penalty provided
When Conducted- for in paragraph (1), the court may grant an
Home solicitation sales may be injunction restraining the conduct constituting
conducted only between the hours of nine the contravention of the provisions of Articles
o’clock in the morning and seven o’clock in 50 and 51 and/or actual damages and such
the evening of each working day: Provided, other orders as it thinks fit to redress injury to
that solicitation sales may be made at a time the person caused by such conduct.
other than the prescribed hours where the
person solicited has previously agreed to the ARTICLE 81: Price Tag Requirement
same. It shall be unlawful to offer any
consumer product for retail sale to the public
ARTICLE 56: Home Solicitation Sales; without an appropriate price tag, label or
by Whom Conducted- marking publicly displayed to indicate the
Home solicitation sales shall only be price of each article and said products shall
conducted by a person who has the proper not be sold at a price higher than that stated
identification and authority from his principal therein and without discrimination to all
to make such solicitations. buyers: Provided, that lumber sold, displayed
or offered for sale to the public shall be
ARTICLE 57: Receipts for Home Solicitation tagged or labeled by indicating thereon the
Sales- price and the corresponding official name of
Sales generated from home solicitation the wood: Provided, further, that if consumer
sales shall be properly receipted as per products for sale are too small or the nature of
existing laws, rules and regulations on sale which makes it impractical to place a price tag
transactions. thereon price list placed at the nearest point
where the products are displayed indicating
ARTICLE 58: Prohibited Representations the retail price of the same may suffice.
A home solicitation sale shall not
represent that: ARTICLE 82: Manner of Placing Price
a) The buyer has been specially Tags
selected; Price tags, labels or markings must be
b) A survey, test or research is being written clearly, indicating the price of the
conducted; or
consumer product per unit in pesos and conspicuousness as compared with other
centavos. words, statements, designs or devices in the
labeling and in such terms as to render it
likely to be read and understood by the
ordinary individual under customary
ARTICLE 83: Regulations for Price Tag conditions of purchase and use;
Placement g) If it purports to be or is represented
The concerned department shall as a food for which a definition or standard of
prescribe rules and regulations for the visible identity has been prescribed unless:
placement of price tags for specific consumer 1) It conforms to such definition and
products and services. There shall be no standard; and
erasures or alterations of any sort of price 2) Its labels bears the name of the food
tags, labels or markings. specified in the definition or standards,
and insofar as may be required by such
ARTICLE 84 Additional Labeling regulations, the common names of
Requirements for Food optional ingredients other than spices,
The following additional labeling flavoring and colouring, present in such
requirements shall be imposed by the food;
concerned department for food: h) If it purports to be or is represented as:
a) Expiry or expiration date, where 1) A food for which a standard of
applicable; quality has been prescribed by regulations
b) Whether the consumer product is as provided in this Act and its quality fall
semi-processed, fully processed, ready-to- below such standard, unless its label
cook, ready-to-eat, prepared food or just plain bears in such manner and form as such
mixture; regulations specify, a statement that it falls
c) Nutritive value, if any; below such standard; or
d) Whether the ingredients use are 2) A food for which a standard or
natural or synthetic, as the case may be; standards or fill of container have been
e) Such other labeling requirements as prescribed by regulations as provided by
the concerned department may deem this Act and it falls below the standard of
necessary and reasonable. fill of container applicable thereto, unless
its label bears, in such manner and form
ARTICLE 85: Mislabeled Food as such regulations specify, a statement
A food shall also be deemed that it falls below such standard;
mislabelled: 3) If it is not subject to the provisions of
a) If its labeling or advertising is false paragraph (g) of this Article unless its
or misleading in any way; label bears:
b) If it is offered for sale under the
name of another food; 1) The common or usual name of the food, if there
c) If it is an imitation of another food, be any; and
unless its label bears in type of uniform size 2) In case it is manufactured or processed from
and prominence, the word “imitation” and, two or more ingredients, the common or usual
immediately thereafter, the name of the food name of such ingredient; except the spices,
imitated; flavorings and colorings other than those sold as
d) Its containers is so made, formed, or such, may be designated as spices, flavorings
filled as to be misleading; and colorings without naming each: Provided,
e) If in package form unless it bears a That to the extent that compliance with the
label conforming to the requirements of this requirement of clause (2) of this paragraph is
Act: Provided, that reasonable variation on the impracticable or results in deception or unfair
requirements of labeling shall be permitted competition, exemptions shall be established by
and exemptions as to small packages shall be regulations promulgated by the concerned
established by the regulations prescribed by department of health;
the concerned department of health;
f) If any word, statement or other j) If it purports to be or is represented
information required by or under authority of for special dietary uses, unless its label bears
this Act to appear on the principal display such information concerning its vitamin or
panel of the label or labeling is not mineral or other dietary properties as the
prominently placed thereon with such concerned department determines to be, or by
regulations prescribed as necessary in order payment, remittance, and transfer companies
fully to inform purchasers as its value for such and other similar entities, and (iv) other
uses; entities administering or otherwise dealing in
k) If it bears or contains any artificial currency, commodities or financial derivatives
flavoring, artificial coloring, or chemical based thereon, valuable objects, cash
preservative, unless it bears labeling, stating substitutes and other similar monetary
that fact: Provided, That to the extent that instruments or property supervised or
compliance with the requirements of this regulated by Securities and Exchange
paragraph is impracticable, exemptions shall Commission.
be established by regulations promulgated by
the concerned department. The provisions of (b) “Covered transaction” is a single,
this paragraph or paragraphs (g) and (i) with series, or combination of transactions
respect to the artificial coloring shall not apply involving a total amount in excess of Four
in the case of butter, cheese or ice cream. million Philippine pesos (Php4,000,000.00) or
an equivalent amount in foreign currency
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9160 based on the prevailing exchange rate within
“ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING ACT OF 2001” five (5) consecutive banking days except
those between a covered institution and a
AN ACT DEFINING THE CRIME OF MONEY person who, at the time of the transaction was
LAUNDERING, PROVIDING PENALTIES a properly identified client and the amount is
THEREFOR AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES commensurate with the business or financial
capacity of the client; or those with an
SECTION 1: Short Title- “Anti-Money underlying legal or trade obligation, purpose,
Laundering Act of 2001.” origin or economic justification.
It likewise refers to a single, series or
SECTION 2: Declaration of Policy- It is combination or pattern of unusually large and
hereby declared the policy of the State to complex transactions in excess of Four
protect and preserve the integrity and million Philippine pesos (Php4,000,000.00)
confidentiality of bank accounts and to ensure especially cash deposits and investments
that the Philippines shall not be used as a having no credible purpose or origin,
money laundering site for the proceeds of any underlying trade obligation or contract.
unlawful activity. Consistent with its foreign
policy, the State shall extend cooperation in (c) “Monetary instrument” refers to:
transnational investigations and prosecutions (1) Coins or currency of legal tender of
of persons involved in money laundering the Philippines, or of any other country;
activities wherever committed. (2) Drafts, checks and notes;
(3)Securities or negotiable instruments,
SECTION 3: Definitions- For purposes bonds, commercial papers, deposit
of this Act, the following terms are hereby certificates, trust certificates, custodial
defined as follows: receipts or deposit substitute instruments,
(a) “Covered institution” refers to: trading orders, transaction tickets and
(1) Banks, non-banks, quasi-banks, confirmations of sale or investments and
trust entities, and all other institutions and money market instruments; and
their subsidiaries and affiliates supervised or (4) Other similar instruments where
regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas title thereto passes to another by
(BSP); endorsement, assignment or delivery.
(2) Insurance companies and all other
institutions supervised or regulated by the (d) “Offender” refers to any person
Insurance Commission; and who commits a money laundering offense.
(3) (i) securities dealers, brokers,
salesmen, investment houses and other (e) “Person” refers to any natural or
similar entities managing securities or juridical person.
rendering services as investment agent,
advisor, or consultant, (ii) mutual funds, (f) “Proceeds” refers to an amount
closed-end investment companies, common derived or realized from an unlawful activity.
trust funds, pre-need companies and other
similar entities, (iii) foreign exchange (g) “Supervising Authority” refers to
corporations, money changers, money the appropriate supervisory or regulatory
agency, department or office supervising or
regulating the covered institutions
enumerated in Section 3(a).
(h) “Transaction” refers to any act SECTION 4: Money Laundering Offense
establishing any right or obligation or giving Money laundering is a crime whereby
rise to any contractual or legal relationship the proceeds of an unlawful activity are
between the parties thereto. It also includes transacted; thereby making them appear to
any movement of funds by any means with a have originated from legitimate sources. It is
covered institution. committed by the following:
(a) Any person knowing that any
(i) “Unlawful activity” refers to any act monetary instrument or property represents,
or omission or series or combination thereof involves, or relates to, the proceeds of any
involving or having relation to the following: unlawful activity, transacts or attempts to
(1) Kidnapping for ransom under transact said monetary instrument or
Article 267 of Act No. 3815, otherwise known property.
as the Revised Penal Code, as amended; (b) Any person knowing that any
(2) Sections 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9 of Article monetary instrument or property involves the
Two of Republic Act No. 6425, as amended, proceeds of any unlawful activity, performs or
otherwise known as the Dangerous Drugs Act fails to perform any act as a result of which he
of 1972; facilitates the offense of money laundering
(3) Section 3 paragraphs B, C, E, G, H referred to in paragraph (a) above.
and I of Republic Act No. 3019, as amended; (c) Any person knowing that any
otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt monetary instrument or property is required
Practices Act; under this Act to be disclosed and filed with
(4) Plunder under Republic Act No. the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC),
7080, as amended; fails to do so.
(5) Robbery and extortion under
Articles 294, 295, 296, 299, 300, 301 and 302 of SECTION 5: Jurisdiction of Money
the Revised Penal Code, as amended; Laundering Cases
(6) Jueteng and Masiao punished as The regional trial courts shall have
illegal gambling under Pres. Decree No. 1602; jurisdiction to try all cases on money
(7) Piracy on the high seas under the laundering. Those committed by public
Revised Penal Code, as amended and officers and private persons who are in
Presidential Decree No. 532; conspiracy with such public officers shall be
(8) Qualified theft under Article 310 of under the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan.
the Revised Penal Code, as amended;
(9) Swindling under Article 315 of the
Revised Penal Code, as amended; SECTION 6 Prosecution of Money
(10) Smuggling under Republic Act Laundering
Nos. 455 and 1937; (a) Any person may be charged with
(11) Violations under Republic Act No. and convicted of both the offense of money
8792, otherwise known as the Electronic laundering and the unlawful activity as herein
Commerce Act of 2000; defined.
(12) Hijacking and other violations (b) Any proceeding relating to the
under Republic Act No. 6235; destructive unlawful activity shall be given precedence
arson and murder, as defined under the over the prosecution of any offense or
Revised Penal Code, as amended, including violation under this Act without prejudice to
those perpetrated by terrorists against non- the freezing and other remedies provided.
combatant persons and similar targets;
(13) Fraudulent practices and other SECTION 7: Creation of Anti-Money
violations under Republic Act No. 8799, Laundering Council (AMLC)
otherwise known as the Securities Regulation The Anti-Money Laundering Council is
Code of 2000; hereby created and shall be composed of the
(14) Felonies or offenses of a similar Governor of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
nature that is punishable under the penal laws as chairman, the Commissioner of the
of other countries. Insurance Commission and the Chairman of
the Securities and Exchange Commission as
members. The AMLC shall act unanimously in
the discharge of its functions as defined Executive Director who shall be appointed by
hereunder: the Council for a term of five (5) years. He
(1) To require and receive covered must be a member of the Philippine Bar, at
transaction reports from covered institutions; least thirty-five (35) years of age and of good
(2) To issue orders addressed to the moral character, unquestionable integrity and
appropriate Supervising Authority or the known probity. All members of the Secretariat
covered institution to determine the true must have served for at least five (5) years
identity of the owner of any monetary either in the Insurance Commission, the
instrument or property subject of a covered Securities and Exchange Commission or the
transaction report or request for assistance Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and shall
from a foreign State, or believed by the hold full-time permanent positions within the
Council, on the basis of substantial evidence, BSP.
to be, in whole or in part, wherever located,
representing, involving, or related to, directly SECTION 9 Prevention of Money
or indirectly, in any manner or by any means, Laundering; Customer Identification
the proceeds of an unlawful activity; Requirements and Record Keeping
(3) To institute civil forfeiture (a) Customer Identification. — Covered
proceedings and all other remedial institutions shall establish and record the true
proceedings through the Office of the Solicitor identity of its clients based on official
General; documents. They shall maintain a system of
(4) To cause the filing of complaints verifying the true identity of their clients and,
with the Department of Justice or the in case of corporate clients, require a system
Ombudsman for the prosecution of money of verifying their legal existence and
laundering offenses; organizational structure, as well as the
(5) To initiate investigations of covered authority and identification of all persons
transactions, money laundering activities and purporting to act on their behalf.
other violations of this Act;
(6) To freeze any monetary instrument The provisions of existing laws to the
or property alleged to be proceeds of any contrary notwithstanding, anonymous accounts,
unlawful activity; accounts under fictitious names, and all other
(7) To implement such measures as similar accounts shall be absolutely prohibited.
may be necessary and justified under this Act Peso and foreign currency non-checking
to counteract money laundering; numbered accounts shall be allowed. The BSP
(8) To receive and take action in may conduct annual testing solely limited to the
respect of, any request from foreign states for determination of the existence and true identity of
assistance in their own anti-money laundering the owners of such accounts.
operations provided in this Act;
(9) To develop educational programs (b) Record Keeping. — All records of
on the pernicious effects of money laundering, all transactions of covered institutions shall
the methods and techniques used in money be maintained and safely stored for five (5)
laundering, the viable means of preventing years from the dates of transactions. With
money laundering and the effective ways of respect to closed accounts, the records on
prosecuting and punishing offenders; and customer identification, account files and
(10) To enlist the assistance of any business correspondence, shall be preserved
branch, department, bureau, office, agency or and safely stored for at least five (5) years
instrumentality of the government, including from the dates when they were closed.
government-owned and -controlled
corporations, in undertaking any and all anti- (c) Reporting of Covered Transactions.
money laundering operations, which may — Covered institutions shall report to the
include the use of its personnel, facilities and AMLC all covered transactions within five (5)
resources for the more resolute prevention, working days from occurrence thereof, unless
detection and investigation of money the Supervising Authority concerned
laundering offenses and prosecution of prescribes a longer period not exceeding ten
offenders. (10) working days.

SECTION 8 Creation of a Secretariat When reporting covered transactions to

The AMLC is hereby authorized to the AMLC, covered institutions and their officers,
establish a secretariat to be headed by an employees, representatives, agents, advisors,
consultants or associates shall not be deemed to be tolled pending the court’s decision to
have violated Republic Act No. 1405, as extend the period.
amended; Republic Act No. 6426, as amended; No court shall issue a temporary
Republic Act No. 8791 and other similar laws, but restraining order or writ of injunction against
are prohibited from communicating, directly or any freeze order issued by the AMLC except
indirectly, in any manner or by any means, to any the Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court.
person the fact that a covered transaction report
was made, the contents thereof, or any other SECTION 11: Authority to Inquire into
information in relation thereto. In case of violation Bank Deposits
thereof, the concerned officer, employee, Notwithstanding the provisions of
representative, agent, advisor, consultant or Republic Act No. 1405, as amended; Republic
associate of the covered institution, shall be Act No. 6426, as amended; Republic Act No.
criminally liable. However, no administrative, 8791, and other laws, the AMLC may inquire
criminal or civil proceedings, shall lie against any into or examine any particular deposit or
person for having made a covered transaction investment with any banking institution or
report in the regular performance of his duties and non-bank financial institution upon order of
in good faith, whether or not such reporting results any competent court in cases of violation of
in any criminal prosecution under this Act or any this Act when it has been established that
other Philippine law. there is probable cause that the deposits or
investments involved are in any way related to
When reporting covered transactions to a money laundering offense: Provided, That
the AMLC, covered institutions and their officers, this provision shall not apply to deposits and
employees, representatives, agents, advisors, investments made prior to the effectivity of
consultants or associates are prohibited from this Act.
communicating, directly or indirectly, in any
manner or by any means, to any person, entity, SECTION12. Forfeiture Provisions
the media, the fact that a covered transaction (a) Civil Forfeiture. — When there is a
report was made, the contents thereof, or any covered transaction report made, and the
other information in relation thereto. Neither may court has, in a petition filed for the purpose
such reporting be published or aired in any ordered seizure of any monetary instrument or
manner or form by the mass media, electronic property, in whole or in part, directly or
mail, or other similar devices. In case of violation indirectly, related to said report, the Revised
thereof, the concerned officer, employee, Rules of Court on civil forfeiture shall apply.
representative, agent, advisor, consultant or (b) Claim on Forfeiture Assets. —
associate of the covered institution, or media shall Where the court has issued an order of
be held criminally liable forfeiture of the monetary instrument or
property in a criminal prosecution for any
SECTION 10: Authority to Freeze money laundering offense defined under
Upon determination that probable Section 4 of this Act, the offender or any other
cause exists that any deposit or similar person claiming an interest therein may apply,
account is in any way related to an unlawful by verified petition, for a declaration that the
activity, the AMLC may issue a freeze order, same legitimately belongs to him and for
which shall be effective immediately, on the segregation or exclusion of the monetary
account for a period not exceeding fifteen (15) instrument or property corresponding thereto.
days. Notice to the depositor that his account The verified petition shall be filed with the
has been frozen shall be issued court which rendered the judgment of
simultaneously with the issuance of the freeze conviction and order of forfeiture, within
order. The depositor shall have seventy-two fifteen (15) days from the date of the order of
(72) hours upon receipt of the notice to forfeiture, in default of which the said order
explain why the freeze order should be lifted. shall become final and executory. This
The AMLC has seventy-two (72) hours to provision shall apply in both civil and criminal
dispose of the depositor’s explanation. If it forfeiture.
fails to act within seventy-two (72) hours from (c) Payment in Lieu of Forfeiture. —
receipt of the depositor’s explanation, the Where the court has issued an order of
freeze order shall automatically be dissolved. forfeiture of the monetary instrument or
The fifteen (15)-day freeze order of the AMLC property subject of a money laundering
may be extended upon order of the court, offense defined under Section 4, and said
provided that the fifteen (15)-day period shall order cannot be enforced because any
particular monetary instrument or property in the requesting State, and a certification or
cannot, with due diligence, be located, or it an affidavit of a competent officer of the
has been substantially altered, destroyed, requesting State stating that the conviction
diminished in value or otherwise rendered and the order of forfeiture are final and that no
worthless by any act or omission, directly or further appeal lies in respect of either.
indirectly, attributable to the offender, or it has
been concealed, removed, converted or (c) Obtaining Assistance from Foreign
otherwise transferred to prevent the same States. — The AMLC may make a request to
from being found or to avoid forfeiture thereof, any foreign State for assistance in (1) tracking
or it is located outside the Philippines or has down, freezing, restraining and seizing assets
been placed or brought outside the alleged to be proceeds of any unlawful
jurisdiction of the court, or it has been activity; (2) obtaining information that it needs
commingled with other monetary instruments relating to any covered transaction, money
or property belonging to either the offender laundering offense or any other matter directly
himself or a third person or entity, thereby or indirectly related thereto; (3) to the extent
rendering the same difficult to identify or be allowed by the law of the foreign State,
segregated for purposes of forfeiture, the applying with the proper court therein for an
court may, instead of enforcing the order of order to enter any premises belonging to or in
forfeiture of the monetary instrument or the possession or control of, any or all of the
property or part thereof or interest therein, persons named in said request, and/or search
accordingly order the convicted offender to any or all such persons named therein and/or
pay an amount equal to the value of said remove any document, material or object
monetary instrument or property. This named in said request: Provided, That the
provision shall apply in both civil and criminal documents accompanying the request in
forfeiture. support of the application have been duly
authenticated in accordance with the
SECTION 13: Mutual Assistance among applicable law or regulation of the foreign
States. State; and (4) applying for an order of
(a) Request for Assistance from a forfeiture of any monetary instrument or
Foreign State. — Where a foreign State makes property in the proper court in the foreign
a request for assistance in the investigation or State: Provided, That the request is
prosecution of a money laundering offense, accompanied by an authenticated copy of the
the AMLC may execute the request or refuse order of the regional trial court ordering the
to execute the same and inform the foreign forfeiture of said monetary instrument or
State of any valid reason for not executing the property of a convicted offender and an
request or for delaying the execution thereof. affidavit of the clerk of court stating that the
The principles of mutuality and reciprocity conviction and the order of forfeiture are final
shall, for this purpose, be at all times and that no further appeal lies in respect of
recognized. either.
(b) Powers of the AMLC to Act on a (d) Limitations on Request for Mutual
Request for Assistance from a Foreign State. Assistance. — The AMLC may refuse to
— The AMLC may execute a request for comply with any request for assistance where
assistance from a foreign State by: (1) the action sought by the request contravenes
tracking down, freezing, restraining and any provision of the Constitution or the
seizing assets alleged to be proceeds of any execution of a request is likely to prejudice the
unlawful activity under the procedures laid national interest of the Philippines unless
down in this Act; (2) giving information there is a treaty between the Philippines and
needed by the foreign State within the the requesting State relating to the provision
procedures laid down in this Act; and (3) of assistance in relation to money laundering
applying for an order of forfeiture of any offenses.
monetary instrument or property in the court: (e) Requirements for Requests for
Provided, That the court shall not issue such Mutual Assistance from Foreign States. — A
an order unless the application is request for mutual assistance from a foreign
accompanied by an authenticated copy of the State must (1) confirm that an investigation or
order of a court in the requesting State prosecution is being conducted in respect of a
ordering the forfeiture of said monetary money launderer named therein or that he has
instrument or property of a person who has been convicted of any money laundering
been convicted of a money laundering offense offense; (2) state the grounds on which any
person is being investigated or prosecuted for Philippine pesos (Php1,500,000.00) but not
money laundering or the details of his more than Three million Philippine pesos
conviction; (3) give sufficient particulars as to (Php3,000,000.00), shall be imposed upon a
the identity of said person; (4) give particulars person convicted under Section 4(b) of this
sufficient to identify any covered institution Act.
believed to have any information, document, The penalty of imprisonment from six
material or object which may be of assistance (6) months to four (4) years or a fine of not
to the investigation or prosecution; (5) ask less than One hundred thousand Philippine
from the covered institution concerned any pesos (Php100,000.00) but not more than Five
information, document, material or object hundred thousand Philippine pesos
which may be of assistance to the (Php500,000.00), or both, shall be imposed on
investigation or prosecution; (6) specify the a person convicted under Section 4(c) of this
manner in which and to whom said Act.
information, document, material or object (b) Penalties for Failure to Keep
obtained pursuant to said request, is to be Records- The penalty of imprisonment from
produced; (7) give all the particulars six (6) months to one (1) year or a fine of not
necessary for the issuance by the court in the less than One hundred thousand Philippine
requested State of the writs, orders or pesos (Php100,000.00) but not more than Five
processes needed by the requesting State; hundred thousand Philippine pesos
and (8) contain such other information as may (Php500,000.00), or both, shall be imposed on
assist in the execution of the request. a person convicted under Section 9(b) of this
— For purposes of this Section, a Act.
document is authenticated if the same is
signed or certified by a judge, magistrate or (c) Malicious Reporting- Any person
equivalent officer in or of, the requesting who, with malice, or in bad faith, report or files
State, and authenticated by the oath or a completely unwarranted or false information
affirmation of a witness or sealed with an relative to money laundering transaction
official or public seal of a minister, secretary against any person shall be subject to a
of State, or officer in or of, the government of penalty of six (6) months to four (4) years
the requesting State, or of the person imprisonment and a fine of not less than One
administering the government or a department hundred thousand Philippine pesos
of the requesting territory, protectorate or (Php100,000.00) but not more than Five
colony. The certificate of authentication may hundred thousand Philippine pesos
also be made by a secretary of the embassy or (Php500,000.00), at the discretion of the court:
legation, consul general, consul, vice consul, Provided, That the offender is not entitled to
consular agent or any officer in the foreign avail the benefits of the Probation Law.
service of the Philippines stationed in the
foreign State in which the record is kept, and If the offender is a corporation,
authenticated by the seal of his office. association, partnership or any juridical
(g) Extradition. — The Philippines shall person, the penalty shall be imposed upon the
negotiate for the inclusion of money responsible officers, as the case may be, who
laundering offenses as herein defined among participated in the commission of the crime or
extraditable offenses in all future treaties. who shall have knowingly permitted or failed
to prevent its commission. If the offender is a
SECTION 14. Penal Provisions. juridical person, the court may suspend or
revoke its license. If the offender is an alien,
(a) Penalties for the Crime of Money he shall, in addition to the penalties herein
Laundering. The penalty of imprisonment prescribed, be deported without further
ranging from seven (7) to fourteen (14) years proceedings after serving the penalties herein
and a fine of not less than Three million prescribed. If the offender is a public official
Philippine pesos (Php3,000,000.00) but not or employee, he shall, in addition to the
more than twice the value of the monetary penalties prescribed herein, suffer perpetual
instrument or property involved in the offense, or temporary absolute disqualification from
shall be imposed upon a person convicted office, as the case may be.
under Section 4(a) of this Act.
The penalty of imprisonment from four Any public official or employee who is
(4) to seven (7) years and a fine of not less called upon to testify and refuses to do the
than One million five hundred thousand
same or purposely fails to testify shall suffer
the same penalties prescribed herein. SECTION 19: Congressional Oversight
(d) Breach of Confidentiality- The Here is hereby created a Congressional
punishment of imprisonment ranging from Oversight Committee composed of seven (7)
three (3) to eight (8) years and a fine of not members from the Senate and seven (7)
less than Five hundred thousand Philippine members from the House of Representatives.
pesos (Php500,000.00) but not more than One The members from the Senate shall be
million Philippine pesos (Php1,000,000.00), appointed by the Senate President based on
shall be imposed on a person convicted for a the proportional representation of the parties
violation under Section 9(c). or coalitions therein with at least two (2)
Senators representing the minority. The
SECTION 15: System of Incentives and members from the House of Representatives
Rewards. shall be appointed by the Speaker also based
A system of special incentives and on proportional representation of the parties
rewards is hereby established to be given to or coalitions therein with at least two (2)
the appropriate government agency and its members representing the minority.
personnel that led and initiated an The Oversight Committee shall have
investigation, prosecution and conviction of the power to promulgate its own rules, to
persons involved in the offense penalized in oversee the implementation of this Act, and to
Section 4 of this Act. review or revise the implementing rules issued
by the Anti-Money Laundering Council within
SECTION 16. Prohibitions Against thirty (30) days from the promulgation of the
Political Harassment said rules.
This Act shall not be used for political
persecution or harassment or as an SECTION 20: Appropriations Clause
instrument to hamper competition in trade and The AMLC shall be provided with an
commerce. initial appropriation of Twenty-five million
No case for money laundering may be Philippine pesos (Php25,000,000.00) to be
filed against and no assets shall be frozen, drawn from the national government.
attached or forfeited to the prejudice of a Appropriations for the succeeding years shall
candidate for an electoral office during an be included in the General Appropriations Act.
election period.
SECTION 21: Separability Clause
SECTION 17. Restitution If any provision or section of this Act
Restitution for any aggrieved party or the application thereof to any person or
shall be governed by the provisions of the circumstance is held to be invalid, the other
New Civil Code. provisions or sections of this Act, and the
application of such provision or section to
SECTION 18: Implementing Rules and other persons or circumstances, shall not be
Regulations affected thereby.
Within thirty (30) days from the
effectivity of this Act, the Bangko Sentral ng SECTION 22: Repealing Clause
Pilipinas, the Insurance Commission and the All laws, decrees, executive orders,
Securities and Exchange Commission shall rules and regulations or parts thereof,
promulgate the rules and regulations to including the relevant provisions of Republic
implement effectively the provisions of this Act No. 1405, as amended; Republic Act No.
Act. Said rules and regulations shall be 6426, as amended; Republic Act No. 8791, as
submitted to the Congressional Oversight amended and other similar laws, as are
Committee for approval. inconsistent with this Act, are hereby
Covered institutions shall formulate repealed, amended or modified accordingly.
their respective money laundering prevention
programs in accordance with this Act
including, but not limited to, information
dissemination on money laundering activities
and its prevention, detection and reporting,
and the training of responsible officers and
personnel of covered institutions.
whether located in the Philippines or abroad,
that provide services covering business and
non-business related transactions as defined
in this Act."


Section 4: Section 4 of the same Act is
AN ACT PROMOTING EASE OF DOING hereby amended to read as follows:
"Section 4: Definition of Terms. – As used in
this Act, the following terms are defined as
"(a) Action refers to the written
OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE ANTI-RED approval or disapproval made by a
TAPE ACT OF 2007, AND FOR OTHER government office or agency on the
PURPOSES application or request submitted by an
applicant or requesting party for processing;
"(b) Business One Stop Shop (BOSS) –
Section 1: Section 1 of Republic Act a single common site or location, or a single
No. 9485, otherwise known as the "Anti-Red online website or portal designated for the
Tape Act of 2007", is hereby amended to read Business Permit and Licensing System
as follows: (BPLS) of an LGU to receive and process
applications, receive payments, and issue
"Section 1: Short Title. – This Act shall be approved licenses, clearances, permits, or
known as the Ease of Doing Business and authorizations;
Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of "(c) Business-related transactions – a
2018" set of regulatory requirements that a business
entity must comply with to engage, operate or
Section 2: Section 2 of the same Act is continue to operate a business, such as, but
hereby amended to read as follows: not limited to, collection or preparation of a
number of documents, submission to national
"Section 2: Declaration of Policy. – It is and local government authorities, approval of
hereby declared the policy of the State to application submitted, and receipt of a formal
promote integrity, accountability, proper certificate or certificates, permits, licenses
management of public affairs and public which include primary and secondary,
property as well as to establish effective clearances and such similar authorization or
practices, aimed at efficient turnaround of the documents which confer eligibility to operate
delivery of government services and the or continue to operate as a legitimate
prevention of graft and corruption in business;
government. Towards this end, the State shall "(d) Complex transactions –
maintain honesty and responsibility among its applications or requests submitted by
public officials and employees, and shall take applicants or requesting parties of a
appropriate measures to promote government office which necessitate
transparency in each agency with regard to evaluation in the resolution of complicated
the manner of transacting with the public, issues by an officer or employee of said
which shall encompass a program for the government office, such transactions to be
adoption of simplified requirements and determined by the office concerned;
procedures that will reduce red tape and "(e) Fixer – any individual whether or
expedite business and non-business related not officially involved in the operation of a
transactions in government." government office or agency who has access
to people working therein, and whether or not
Section 3: Section 3 of the same Act is in collusion with them, facilitates speedy
hereby amended to read as follows: completion of transactions for pecuniary gain
"Section 3: Coverage – This Act shall or any other advantage or consideration;
apply to all government offices and agencies "(f) Government service – the process
including local government units (LGUs), or transaction between applicants or
government-owned or controlled corporations requesting parties and government offices or
and other government instrumentalities, agencies involving applications for any
privilege, right, reward, license, clearance, compliance analysis, time and motion studies,
permit or authorization, concession, of for any undergo evaluation and improvement of their
modification, renewal or extension of the transaction systems and procedures and
enumerated applications or requests which reengineer the same if deemed necessary to
are acted upon in the ordinary course of reduce bureaucratic red tape and processing
business of the agency or office concerned; time.
"(g) Highly technical application – an "The Anti-Red Tape Authority, created
application which requires the use of technical in this Act, shall coordinate with all
knowledge, specialized skills and/or training government offices covered under Section 3
in the processing and/or evaluation thereof; of this Act in the review of existing laws,
"(h) Non-business transactions – all executive issuances and local ordinances, and
other government transactions not falling recommend the repeal of the same if deemed
under Section 4 (c) of this Act; out dated, redundant, and adds undue
"(i) Officer or employee – a person regulatory burden to the transacting public.
employed in a government office or agency
required to perform specific duties and "All proposed regulations of government
responsibilities related to the application or agencies under Section 3 of this Act shall
request submitted by an applicant or undergo regulatory impact assessment to
requesting party for processing; establish if the proposed regulation does not
"(j) Processing time – the time add undue regulatory burden and cost to
consumed by an LGU or national government these agencies and the applicants or
agency (NGA) from the receipt of an requesting parties: Provided, That when
application or request with complete necessary, any proposed regulation may
requirements, accompanying documents and undergo pilot implementation to assess
payment of fees to the issuance of regulatory impact.
certification or such similar documents
approving or disapproving an application or "Upon effectivity of this Act, all LGUs and
request; NGAs are directed to initiate review of existing
"(k) Red tape – any regulation, rule, or policies and operations and commence with
administrative procedure or system that is the reengineering of their systems and
ineffective or detrimental in achieving its procedures in compliance with the provisions
intended objectives and, as a result, produces of this Act, pending the approval of the
slow, suboptimal, and undesirable social implementing rules and regulations (IRR)
outcomes; thereof."
"(l) Regulation – any legal instrument
that gives effect to a government policy Section 6: Section 6 of the same Act is
intervention and includes licensing, imposing hereby amended to read as follows:
information obligation, compliance to "Section 6: Citizen’s Charter– All
standards or payment of any form of fee, levy, government agencies including departments,
charge or any other statutory and regulatory bureaus, offices, instrumentalities, or
requirements necessary to carry out activity; government-owned and/or –controlled
and corporations, or LGUs shall set up their
"(m) Simple transactions – applications respective most current and updated service
or requests submitted by applicants or standards to be known as the Citizen’s
requesting parties of a government office or Charter in the form of information billboards
agency which only require ministerial actions which shall be posted at the main entrance of
on the part of the public officer or employee, offices or at the most conspicuous place, in
or that which present only inconsequential their respective websites and in the form of
issues for the resolution by an officer or published materials written either in English,
employee of said government." Filipino, or in the local dialect, that detail:
"(a) A comprehensive and uniform
Section 5: Section 5 of the same Act is checklist of requirements for each type
hereby amended to read as follows: of application or request;
"(b) The procedure to obtain a
"Sec. 5. Reengineering of Systems and particular service;
Procedures. – All offices and agencies which "(c) The person/s responsible for each
provide government services are hereby step;
mandated to regularly undertake cost
"(d) The maximum time to conclude the "(2) The receiving officer or employee
process; shall perform a preliminary assessment of the
"(e) The document/s to be presented by application or request submitted with its
the applicant or requesting party, if supporting documents to ensure a more
necessary; expeditious action on the application or
"(f) The amount of fees, if necessary; request. The receiving officer or employee
and shall immediately inform the applicant or
"(g) The procedure for filing requesting party of any deficiency in the
complaints." accompanying requirements, which shall be
limited to those enumerated in the Citizen’s
Section 7: A new Section 7 is hereby Charter.
inserted after Section 6 of the same Act to "(3) The receiving officer or employee
read as follows: shall assign a unique identification number to
"Section 7: Zero-Contact Policy. – an application or request, which shall be the
Except during the preliminary assessment of identifying number for all subsequent
the request and evaluation of sufficiency of transactions between the government and the
submitted requirements, no government applicant or requesting party regarding such
officer or employee shall have any contact, in specific application or request.
any manner, unless strictly necessary with "(4) The receiving officer or employee
any applicant or requesting party concerning shall issue an acknowledgement receipt
an application or request. Once the containing the seal of the agency, the name of
Department of Information and the responsible officer or employee, his/her
Communications Technology (DICT) has unit and designation, and the date and time of
completed a web-based software enabled receipt of such application or request.
business registration system that is (B) Action of Offices.
acceptable to the public as mandated under "(1) All applications or requests
Section 26 of this Act, all transactions shall be submitted shall be acted upon by the assigned
coursed through such system. All government officer or employee within the prescribed
agencies including LGUs shall adopt a zero- processing time stated in the Citizen’s Charter
contact policy." which shall not be longer than three (3)
working days in the case of simple
Section 8: Section 7 of the same Act is transactions and seven (7) working days in the
hereby renumbered as Section 8 to read as case of complex transactions from the date
follows: the request and/or complete application or
"Section 8: Accountability of Heads of request was received.
Offices and Agencies- The head of the office "For applications or requests involving
or agency shall be primarily responsible for activities which pose danger to public health,
the implementation of this Act and shall be public safety, public morals, public policy, and
held accountable to the public in rendering highly technical application, the prescribed
fast, efficient, convenient and reliable service. processing time shall in no case be longer
All transactions and processes are deemed to than twenty (20) working days or as
have been made with the permission or determined by the government agency or
clearance from the highest authority having instrumentality concerned, whichever is
jurisdiction over the government office or shorter.
agency concerned."
"The maximum time prescribed above may be
Section 9: Section 8 of the same Act is extended only once for the same number of
hereby amended and renumbered as Section 9 days, which shall be indicated in the Citizen’s
to read as follows: Charter. Prior to the lapse of the processing
"Section 9: Accessing Government time, the office or agency concerned shall
Services. – The following shall adopted by all notify the applicant or requesting party in
government offices and agencies: writing of the reason for the extension and
(A) Acceptance of Applications or final date of release of the government
Requests. service/s requested. Such written notification
"(1) All officers or employees shall shall be signed by the applicant or requesting
accept written applications, requests, and/or party to serve as proof of notice.
documents being submitted by applicants or
requesting parties of the offices or agencies.
"If the application or request for license, as signatory. Electronic signatures or pre-
clearance permit, certification or authorization signed license, clearance, permit, certification
shall require the approval of the local or authorization with adequate security and
Sangguniang Bayan, Sangguniang control mechanism may be used.
Panlungsod, or the Sangguniang Panlalawigan (E) Electronic Versions of Licenses,
as the case may be, the Sanggunian Clearances, Permits, Certifications or
concerned shall be given a period of forty-five Authorizations- All government agencies
(45) working days to act on the application or covered under Section 3 of this Act shall,
request, which can be extended for another when applicable, develop electronic versions
twenty (20) working days. If the local of licenses, clearances, permits, certifications
Sanggunian concerned has denied the or authorizations with the same level of
application or request, the reason for the authority as that of the signed hard copy,
denial, as well as the remedial measures that which may be printed by the applicants or
may be taken by the applicant shall be cited requesting parties in the convenience of their
by the concerned Sanggunian. offices.
(F) Adoption of Working Schedules to
"In cases where the cause of delay is due to Serve Applicants or Requesting Parties-
force majeure or natural or man-made Heads of offices and agencies which render
disasters, which result to damage or government services shall adopt appropriate
destruction of documents, and/or system working schedules to ensure that all
failure of the computerized or automatic applicants or requesting parties who are
processing, the prescribed processing times within their premises prior to the end of
mandated in this Act shall be suspended and official working hours are attended to and
appropriate adjustments shall be made. served even during lunch break and after
"(2) No application or request shall be regular working hours.
returned to the applicant or requesting party (G) Identification Card- All employees
without appropriate action. In case an transacting with the public shall be provided
application or request is disapproved, the with an official identification card which shall
officer or employee who rendered the decision be visibly worn during office hours.
shall send a formal notice to the applicant or (H) Establishment of Public
requesting party within the prescribed Assistance/Complaints Desk- Each office or
processing time, stating therein the reason for agency shall establish a public
the disapproval. A finding by a competent assistance/complaints desk in all their offices.
authority of a violation of any or other laws by
the applicant or requesting party shall Section 10: Section 9 of the same Act
constitute a valid ground for the disapproval is hereby amended and renumbered as
of the application or request, without prejudice Section 10 to read as follows:
to other grounds provided in this Act or other "Section 10: Automatic Approval or
pertinent laws. Automatic Extension of License, Clearance,
(C) Denial of Application or Request for Permit, Certification or Authorization- If a
Access to Government Service. – Any denial government office or agency fails to approve
of application or request for access to or disapprove an original application or
government service shall be fully explained in request for issuance of license, clearance,
writing, stating the name of the person making permit, certification or authorization within the
the denial and the grounds upon which such prescribed processing time, said application
denial is based. Any denial of application or or request shall be deemed approved:
request is deemed to have been made with the Provided, That all required documents have
permission or clearance from the highest been submitted and all required fees and
authority having jurisdiction over the charges have been paid. The acknowledgment
government office or agency concerned. receipt together with the official receipt for
(D) Limitation of Signatories – The payment of all required fees issued to the
number of signatories in any document shall applicant or requesting party shall be enough
be limited to a maximum of three (3) proof or has the same force and effect of a
signatures which shall represent officers license, clearance, permit, certification or
directly supervising the office or agency authorization under this automatic approval
concerned: Provided that in case the mechanism.
authorized signatory is on official business or
official leave, an alternate shall be designated
"if a government office or agency fails to act established within the cities/municipalities’
on an application or request for renewal of a Negosyo Center as provided for under
license, clearance, permit, certification or Republic Act No. 10644, otherwise known as
authorization subject for renewal within the the "Go Negosyo Act." There shall be a
prescribed processing time, said license, queuing mechanism in the BOSS to better
clearance, permit, certification or manage the flow of applications among the
authorization shall automatically be extended: LGUs’ departments receiving and processing
Provided, That the Authority, in coordination applications. LGUs shall implement
with the Civil Service Commission (CSC), collocation of the offices of the treasury,
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), business permits and licensing office, zoning
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), office, including the BFP, and other relevant
Department of the Interior and Local city/municipality offices/departments, among
Government (DILG) and other agencies which others, engaged in starting a business,
shall formulate the IRR of this Act, shall dealing with construction permits.
provide a listing of simple, complex, highly (c) Cities/Municipalities are mandated
technical applications, and activities which to automate their business permitting and
pose danger to public health, public safety, licensing system or set up an electronic BOSS
public morals or to public policy." within a period of three (3) years upon the
effectivity of this Act for a more efficient
Section 11: New sections to be business registration processes.
numbered as Sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, Cities/Municipalities with electronic BOSS
17, 18 and 19 are hereby inserted after Section shall develop electronic versions of licenses,
9 of the same Act, to read as follows: clearances, permits, certifications or
"Section 11: Streamlined Procedures authorizations with the same level of
for the Issuance of Local Business Licenses, authority, which may be printed by businesses
Clearances, Permits, Certifications or in the convenience of their offices. The DICT
Authorizations- The LGUs are mandated to shall make available to LGUs the software for
implement the following revised guidelines in the computerization of the business permit
the issuance of business licenses, clearances, and licensing system. The DICT, DTI, and
permits, certifications or authorizations: DILG, shall provide technical assistance in the
(a) A single or unified business planning and implementation of a
application form shall be used in processing computerized or software-enabled business
new applications for business permits and permitting and licensing system.
business renewals which consolidates all the (d) To lessen the transaction
information of the applicant or requesting requirements, other local clearances such as,
party by various local government but not limited to, sanitary permits,
departments, such as, but not limited to, the environmental and agricultural clearances
local taxes and clearances, building clearance, shall be issued together with the business
sanitary permit, zoning clearance, and other permit.
specific LGU requirements, as the case may (e) Business permits shall be valid for a
be, including the fire clearance from the period of one (1) year. The city/municipality
Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP). The unified may have the option to renew business
form shall be made available online using permits within the first month of the year or on
technology-neutral platforms such as, but not the anniversary date of the issuance of the
limited to, the central business portal or the business permit.
city/municipality’s website and various (f) Barangay clearances and permits
channels for dissemination. Hard copies of the related to doing business shall be applied,
unified forms shall likewise be made available issued, and collected at the city/municipality
at all times in designated areas of the in accordance with the prescribed processing
concerned office and/or agency. time of this Act: Provided, that the share in the
(b) A one-stop business facilitation collections shall be remitted to the respective
service, hereinafter referred to as the business barangays.
one stop shop, (BOSS) for the
city/municipality’s business permitting and "The pertinent provisions of Republic Act No.
licensing system to receive and process 7160, otherwise known as "The Local
manual and/or electronic submission of Government Code of 1991", specifically Article
application for license, clearance, permit, IV, Section 152(c) is hereby amended
certification or authorization shall be accordingly."
assess and collect the fire safety inspection
"Section 12: Streamlined Procedures fees;
for Securing Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance (H) The BFP may enter into agreements
(FSEC), Fire Safety Inspection Certificate with cities/municipalities, allowing the latter to
(FSIC), and Certification of Fire Incidents for be deputized as assessors and/or collecting
Fire Insurance- For the issuance of FSEC, agents for the fire safety inspection fees; and
FSIC, and certification of fire incidents, the (I) The BFP shall develop and adopt an
following shall be adopted to make business online or electronic mechanism in assessing
permitting more efficient: fees, collecting/accepting payments and
(A) Issuance of FSEC and FSIC shall in sharing/exchange of other relevant data on
no case be longer than seven (7) working business permit processing.
(B) For new business permit "The pertinent provisions of Republic Act No.
application, the FSIC already issued during 9514, otherwise known as the "Revised Fire
the occupancy permit stage shall be sufficient Code of the Philippines of 2008", are hereby
as basis for the issuance of the FSIC for a amended accordingly."
business entity as a requirement for the
business permit; "Section 13: Central Business Portal
(C) For renewal of business permit, the (CBP)- To eliminate bureaucratic red tape,
BFP shall, within three (3) working days from avert graft and corrupt practices and to
application, present the FSIC to the promote transparency and sustain ease of
city/municipality, either thru the copy of the doing business, the DICT shall be primarily
FSIC or the negative/positive list: Provided, responsible in establishing, operating and
That the business entity shall inform the BFP maintaining a CBP or other similar technology,
and submit the necessary documentary as the DICT may prescribe.
requirements if renovations, modifications or
any form of alterations are made to the "The CBP shall serve as a central system to
original building structure thirty (30) working receive applications and capture application
days before the expiration of the business data involving business-related transactions,
permit; including primary and secondary licenses,
(D) If the BFP fails to furnish the and business clearances, permits,
city/municipality with an FSIC or to inform the certifications, or authorizations issued by the
same through the negative/positive list within LGUs: Provided that the CBP may also
three (3) working days from the application of provide links to the online registration or
business renewal, the business entity shall be application systems established by NGAs.
deemed to have a temporary valid FSIC and,
therefore, shall serve as the basis for the "The DICT, upon consultation with the
automatic renewal of the business permit; National Privacy Commission (NPC), NGAs
(E) Issuance of the certification of fire and LGUs shall issue rules and guidelines on
incident for fire insurance purposes shall in the following: (a) the establishment, operation
no case be longer than twenty (20) working and maintenance of the CBP; and (b) the use
days, and may be extended only once for of electronic signatures.
another twenty (20) working days;
(F) The BFP or any of its officials or "The DICT is hereby mandated to implement
employees shall not sell, offer to sell, or an Interconnectivity Infrastructure
recommend specific brands of fire Development Program for interconnectivity
extinguishers and other fire safety equipment between and among NGAs and LGUs.
to any applicant or requesting party or
business entity. Any violation thereof shall be "The DICT, in coordination with other
punishable by imprisonment of one (1) year to concerned NGAs and LGUs shall also conduct
six (6) years and a penalty of not less than information dissemination campaigns aimed
Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00), towards raising public awareness on the
but not more than Two million pesos existence of the CBP and the improved access
(P2,000,000.00); to and effective utilization of the program."
(G) The BFP shall collocate with the
BOSS or in an appropriate area designated by "Section 14: Philippine Business
the city/municipality within its premises to Databank (PBD)- Within a period of one (1)
year from the effectivity of this Act, the DICT,
in coordination with the concerned agencies, "(c) Seven (7) working days for those
shall established, manage and maintain a PBD issued by NGAs.
which shall provide the concerned NGAs and
LGUs access to data and information of "If the granting authority fails to approve or
registered business entities for purposes of disapprove an application for a license,
verifying the validity, existence of and other clearance, permit, certification or
relevant information pertaining to business authorization within the prescribed processing
entities. All concerned NGAs and LGUs shall time, said application shall be deemed
either link their own database with the system approved: Provided, that when the approval of
or periodically submit to the system updates the appropriate local legislative body is
relevant to the information registered with necessary, a non-expendable period of twenty
them. (20) working days is hereby prescribed.

"The DICT, in consultation with the DTI, SEC, "For homeowners and other community
Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), clearances, the officers of the homeowners
NPC, DILG, LGUs, and other concerned association shall be given ten (10) working
agencies, shall issue the IRR on the days to refer the application to the members
development management, operation and of the association pursuant to Section 10(k) of
maintenance of the PBD within three (3) Republic Act No. 9904, otherwise known as
months from the effectivity of this Act. the "Magna Carta for Homeowners and
Homeowners Associations": Provided, That a
"Documents already submitted by an non-extendible period of thirty (30) working
applicant or requesting party to an agency days is granted the homeowners association
which has access to the PBD shall no longer to give its consent or disapproval: Provided,
be required by other NGAs and LGUs having further, That in case of disapproval, the
the same access. Documents or information granting authority shall notify the applicant or
shall be crosschecked and retrieved in the requesting party within the prescribed period
PBD. of the reason/s for disapproval as well as
remedial measures that may be taken by the
"At the local government level, the city or applicant or requesting party.
municipal business process and licensing
office shall not require the same documents "Within three (3) months upon the approval of
already provided by an applicant or requesting the IRR of this Act, the Authority, in
party to the local government departments in coordination with the DICT, shall review and
connection with other business-related recommend the repeal of outdated, redundant
licenses, clearances, permits, certifications or and unnecessary licenses, clearances,
authorizations such as, but not limited to, tax permits, certifications or authorizations being
clearance, occupancy permit and barangay required by NGAs, LGUs, and private entities."
"Section 16: Anti-Red Tape Unit in the
"Section 15: Interconnectivity Civil Service Commission (CSC). The CSC
Infrastructure Development- In order to shall maintain an anti-red tape unit in its
expedite the processing of licenses, central and all its regional offices, utilize
clearances, permits, certifications or Report Card Survey findings for purposive and
authorizations, the Authority, together with the integrated government-wide human resource
DICT, shall develop a fast and reliable systems and programs toward efficient
interconnectivity infrastructure. In relation to delivery of government service as
this, the processing and approval or licenses, contemplated in this Act; and receive, review,
clearances, permits, certifications or hear, and decide on complaints on erring
authorizations for the installation and government employees and officials and
operation of telecommunication, broadcast noncompliance with the provisions of this
towers, facilities, equipment and service shall Act."
"(a) A total of seven (7) working days "Section 17: Anti-Red Tape Authority-
for those issued by the barangay; To ensure the attainment of the objectives of
"(b) A total of seven (7) working days this Act, there is hereby created the Anti-Red
for those issued by LGUs; and Tape Authority, herein referred to as the
Authority, which shall be organized within six
(6) months after the effectivity of this Act. The (m) Perform such acts as may be
authority shall be attached to the Office of the necessary to attain the objectives of this Act."
"The Authority shall have the following "Section 18: Composition of the
powers and functions: Authority- The Authority shall be headed by a
(a) Implement and oversee a national Director General to be appointed by the
policy on anti-red tape and ease of doing President of the Philippines upon effectivity of
business; this Act, and such appointment shall be
(b) Implement various ease of doing coterminous with the tenure of the President
business and anti-red tape reform initiatives of the Philippines. The Director General shall
aimed at improving the ranking of the enjoy the benefits, privileges, and emoluments
Philippines; equivalent to the rank of Secretary.
(c) Monitor and evaluate the
compliance of agencies covered under "The Director General shall oversee the day-
Section 3 of this Act, and issue notice of to-day operations of the Authority. He/She
warning to erring and/or noncomplying shall be assisted by three (3) Deputy Directors
government employees or officials; General each for legal, operations, and
(d) Initiate investigation, motu proprio administration and finance: Provided, that
or upon receipt of a complaint, refer the same they are career officials as defined in existing
to the appropriate agency, or file cases for laws, rules and regulations. The Deputy
violations of this Act; Directors General shall enjoy the benefits,
(e) Assist complainants in filing privileges, and emoluments equivalent to the
necessary cases with the CSC, the rank of Undersecretary and shall likewise be
Ombudsman and other appropriate courts, as appointed by the President of the Philippines.
the case may be
(f) Recommend policies, processes and "The Director General of the Authority, in
systems to improve regulatory management to consultation with the CSC, DTI and the
increase the productivity, efficiency, and Department of Budget and Management
effectiveness of business permitting and (DBM), shall determine the organizational
licensing agencies; structures including regional or field offices,
(g) Review proposed major regulations qualification standards, staffing pattern and
of government agencies, using submitted compensation of the newly created Authority
regulatory impact assessments, subject to in accordance with existing laws, rules and
proportionality rules to be determined by the regulations: Provided, That in the absence of
Authority; regional or field offices, the Authority may
(h) Conduct regulatory management deputize the regional personnel of the DTI to
training programs to capacitate NGAs and perform its powers and functions."
LGUs to comply with sound regulatory
management practices; "Section 19: Ease of Doing Business
(i) Prepare, in consultation with the and Anti-Red Tape Advisory Council- There is
appropriate agencies, regulatory management hereby created an Ease of Doing Business
manuals for all government agencies and/or and Anti-Red Tape Advisory Council, herein
instrumentalities and LGUs; referred to as the Council. It shall be
(j) Provide technical assistance and composed of the Secretary of the DTI as
advisory opinions in the review of proposed Chairperson, the Director General of the
national or local legislation, regulations or Authority as Vice-Chairperson, the Secretaries
procedures; of the DICT, DILG and Department of Finance
(k) Ensure the dissemination of and (DOF), and two (2) representatives from the
public access to information on regulatory private sector as the members. The
management system and changes in laws and department secretaries may designate their
regulations relevant to the public by representatives, who shall sit in a permanent
establishing the Philippine Business capacity, with no less than Undersecretary in
Regulations Information System; rank, and their acts shall be considered the
(l) Enlist the assistance of the CSC, DTI acts of their principals. The private sector
and other government agencies in the representatives shall be appointed by the
implementation of its powers and functions President of the Philippines for a term of three
provided for in this Act; and (3) years, and may be reappointed only once,

from the nominees submitted by reputable
business groups or associations. Section 12: Section 10 of the same Act
is hereby amended and renumbered as
"The Council shall be the policy and advisory Section 20 to read as follows:
body to the Authority. The Council shall "Section 20: Report Card Survey- All
formulate policies and programs that will offices and agencies providing government
continuously enhance and improve the services shall be subjected to a Report Card
country’s competitiveness and ease of doing Survey to be initiated by the Authority, in
business. Towards this end, the Council shall coordination with the CSC, and the Philippine
have the following powers and functions: Statistics Authority (PSA), which shall be used
(a) Plan, draft and propose a national to obtain feedback on how provisions of this
policy on ease of doing business and anti-red Act are being followed and how the agency is
tape; performing.
(b) Recommend policies, processes
and systems to improve regulatory "The Report Card Survey shall also be used to
management to increase the productivity, obtain information and/or estimates of hidden
efficiency, and effectiveness of permitting and costs incurred by applicants or requesting
licensing agencies; parties to access governments services which
(c) Design and identify systems that may include, but is not limited to, bribes and
will continuously enhance and improve the payment to fixers. The result of the survey
delivery of services in government and ease of shall also become basis for the grant of
doing business in the country; awards, recognition and/or incentives for
(d) Authorize the creation or excellent delivery of services in all
appointment of specific working groups or government agencies.
task forces in aid of the implementation of this
Act; "A feedback mechanism shall be established
(e) Propose legislation, amendments or in all agencies covered by this Act and the
modifications to Philippine laws related to results thereof shall be incorporated in their
anti-red tape and ease of doing business; annual report."
(f) Periodically review and assess the
country’s competitiveness performance, Section 13. Sections 11 and 12 of the
challenges, and issues; same Act are hereby deleted, and replaced
(g) Provide technical assistance and with new sections to be numbered as Sections
advisory opinions in the review of proposed 21 and 22, to read as follows:
national or local legislation, regulations, or "Section 21. Violations and Persons
procedures; Liable- Any person who performs or cause the
(h) Recommend to the Authority the performance of the following acts shall be
issuance of the appropriate measures to liable:
promote transparency and efficiency in (a) Refusal to accept application or
business practices and delivery of services in request with complete requirements being
government; and submitted by an applicant or requesting party
(i) Perform such other functions as without due cause;
may be necessary or as may be directed by (b) Imposition of additional
the President of the Philippines for the requirements other than those listed in the
successful implementation to attain the Citizen’s Charter;
objectives of this Act. (c) Imposition of additional costs not
reflected in the Citizen’s Charter;
"The Authority shall serve as Secretariat to the (d) Failure to give the applicant or
Council to be headed by its Deputy Director requesting party a written notice on the
General for operations. disapproval of an application or request;
"The National Competitiveness Council (NCC), (e) Failure to render government
created under Executive Order No. 44, Series services within the prescribed processing
of 2011, shall be renamed and reorganized as time on any application or request without due
the Council. The pertinent provisions under cause;
the following presidential orders: Executive (f) Failure to attend to applicants or
Order No. 571, Executive Order No. 44, and requesting parties who are within the
Administrative Order No. 38 are hereby premises of the office or agency concerned
repealed accordingly."
prior to the end of official working hours and Section 16: Section 15 of the same Act
during lunch break; is hereby renumbered as Section 25, and all
(g) Failure or refusal to issue official succeeding sections of the same Act are
receipts; and hereby deleted.
(h) Fixing and/or collusion with fixers "Section 25: Immunity, Discharge of
in consideration of economic and/or other Co-Respondent/Accused to be a Witness- Any
gain or advantage." public official or employee or any person
having been charged with another offense
under this Act and who voluntarily gives
information pertaining to an investigation or
"Section 22: Penalties and Liabilities- who willingly testifies therefore, shall be
Any violations of the preceding actions will exempt from prosecution in the case/s where
warrant the following penalties and liabilities. his/her information and testimony are given.
(a) First Offense: Administrative The discharge may be granted and directed by
liability with six (6) months suspension: the investigating body or court upon the
Provided, however, That in the case of fixing application or petition of any of the
and/or collusion with fixers under Section respondent/accused-informant and before the
21(h), the penalty and liability under Section termination of the investigation: Provided,
22(b) of this Act shall apply. That:
(b) Second Offense: Administrative (a) There is absolute necessity for the
liability and criminal liability of dismissal from testimony of the respondent/accused-
the service, perpetual disqualification from informant whose discharge is requested;
holding public office and forfeiture of (b) There is no other direct evidence
retirement benefits and imprisonment of one available for the proper prosecution of the
(1) year to six (6) years with a fine of not less offense committed, except the testimony of
than Five hundred thousand pesos said respondent/accused-informant;
(P500,000.00), but not more than Two million (c) The testimony of said respondent
pesos (P2,000,000.00). can be substantially corroborated in its
material points;
"Criminal liability shall also be incurred (d) The respondent/accused-informant
through the commission of bribery, extortion, has not been previously convicted of a crime
or when the violation was done deliberately involving moral turpitude; and
and maliciously to solicit favor in cash or in (e) Said respondent/accused-informant
kind. In such cases, the pertinent provisions does not appear to be the most guilty.
of the Revised Penal Code and other special
laws shall apply." "Evidence adduced in support of the
discharge shall automatically form part of the
Section 14: Section 13 of the same Act records of the investigation. Should the
is hereby renumbered as Section 23 to read as investigating body or court deny the motion or
follows: request for discharge as a witness, his/her
"Section 23: Civil and Criminal sworn statement shall be inadmissible as
Liability, Not Barred- The finding of evidence."
administrative liability under this Act shall not
be a bar to the filing of criminal, civil or other Section 17: New sections to be
related charges under existing laws arising numbered as Sections 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
from the same act or omission as herein and 33 are hereby inserted after Section 15 of
enumerated." the same Act to read as follows:
"Section 26: Transition from Manual to
Section 15: Section 14 of the same Act Software-Enabled Business-Related
is hereby amended and renumbered as Transactions- The DICT, in coordination with
Section 24 to read as follows: other concerned agencies, shall within three
"Section 24: Administrative (3) years after the effectivity of this Act,
Jurisdiction- The administrative jurisdiction automate business-related transactions by
on any violation of the provisions of this Act developing the necessary software and
shall be vested in either the CSC, or the Office technology-neutral platforms and secure
of the Ombudsman as determined by infrastructure that is web-based and
appropriate laws and issuances." accessible to the public. The DICT shall
ensure that all municipalities and provinces
classified as third (3rd), fourth (4th), fifth (5th) Chairpersons of the House Committees on
and sixth (6th) class are provided with Trade and Industry, Civil Service and
appropriate equipment and connectivity, Professional Regulation, Government
information and communications technology Reorganization, and Economic Affairs. The
platform, training and capability building to COC-EODB shall be jointly chaired by the
ensure the LGUs compliance with this Act." Chairpersons of the Senate Committee on
Trade and Commerce and Entrepreneurship
"Section 27: Transitory Provisions- and the House of Representatives Committee
(a) The Director General of the on Trade and Industry: Provided, that the
Authority, in consultation with the DTI, shall oversight committee shall cease to exist after
determine the organizational structure and five (5) years upon the effectivity of this Act.
personnel complement of the Authority. To
ensure continued implementation of ease of "The Secretariat of the COC-EODB shall be
doing business and anti-red tape reforms, the drawn from the existing personnel of the
teams or units involved in regulatory Senate and House of Representatives
improvement and/or ease of doing business- committees comprising the COC-EODB."
related programs of the DTI-Competitiveness
Bureau shall serve as temporary secretariat of "Section 29. Appropriations- The
the Authority until such time that its amount necessary to carry out the provisions
organizational structure and personnel of this Act shall be charged against the
complement have been determined and filled current year’s appropriations of the concerned
up: Provided, That the staff of the DTI- agencies. In addition, the amount of Three
Competitiveness Bureau shall have the option hundred million pesos (P300,000,000.00) as
to be absorbed or transferred laterally to the initial funding for the Authority to be charged
Authority without diminution of their rank, against the unexpended Contingency Fund of
position, salaries and other emoluments once the Office of the President is hereby
the staffing pattern and plantilla position of appropriated. Thereafter, the amount needed
the Authority has been approved. for the implementation of this Act shall be
(b) All regulatory management included in the annual General Appropriations
programs and anti-red tape initiatives across Act."
government agencies shall be gathered by the
Authority. The DTI, CDA, NCC, DOF, "Section 30: Implementing Rules and
Development Academy of the Philippines Regulations- The Authority with the CSC and
(DAP), and National Economic and DTI, and in coordination with the DICT, DOF,
Development Authority (NEDA) shall submit to DILG, NEDA, PSA, CDA, SEC, the Office of the
the Authority a report on the status of their Ombudsman, Housing and Land Use
respective projects related to regulatory Regulatory Board (HLURB) and the Union of
management. Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP),
(c) The Authority, in coordination with shall promulgate the necessary rules and
CSC and the Council, shall conduct an regulations within ninety (90) working days
information dissemination campaign in all from the effectivity of this Act."
NGAs and LGUs to inform them of this Act
amending Republic Act No. 9485, otherwise "Section 31: Separability Clause- If any
known as the Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007." provision of this Act shall be declared invalid
or unconstitutional, such declaration shall not
"Section 28: Congressional Oversight affect the validity of the remaining provisions
Committee: To monitor the implementation of of this Act."
this Act, there shall be created a
Congressional Oversight Committee on Ease "Section 32: Repealing Clause- All
of Doing Business (COC-EODB), to be provisions of laws, presidential decrees,
composed of five (5) members from the letters of instruction and other presidential
Senate, which shall include the Chairpersons issuances which are incompatible or
of the Senate Committees on Trade and inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are
Commerce and Entrepreneurship, Civil hereby deemed amended or repealed
Service, Government Reorganization and accordingly."
Professional Regulation, and Economic
Affairs; and five (5) members from the House "Section 33: Effectivity- This Act shall
of Representatives which shall include the take effect within fifteen (15) days following its
publication in the Official Gazette or in two (2) shall be an offsetting from this value for
national newspapers of general circulation." reasonable allowance for its use;
(d) Consumer refers to any person,
Section 18: Effectivity- This Act shall natural or juridical, who purchases a brand
take effect fifteen (15) days after its new motor vehicle either by cash or credit
publication in the Official Gazette or in two (2) from an authorized distributor, dealer or
newspapers of general circulation. retailer in the Philippines;
(e) Dealer or retailer refers to any
person, natural or juridical, authorized by the
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10642 manufacturer or distributor to sell brand new
PHILIPPINE LEMON LAW motor vehicles directly to the retail buyers and
the public;
AN ACT STRENGTHENING CONSUMER (f) Distributor refers to any person,
PROTECTION IN THE PURCHASE OF natural or juridical, authorized by the
BRAND NEW MOTOR VEHICLES manufacturer to sell brand new motor vehicles
to duly authorized dealers or retailers;
Section 1: Short Title- "Philippine (g) Implementing agency refers to the
Lemon Law". Department of Trade and Industry (DTI),
reorganized under Title X, Book IV of
Section 2: Declaration of Policy- It is Executive Order No. 292, series of 1987,
hereby declared the policy of the State to otherwise known as the "Administrative Code
promote full protection to the rights of of 1987";
consumers in the sale of motor vehicles (h) Lemon Law rights period refers to
against business and trade practices which the period ending twelve (12) months after the
are deceptive, unfair or otherwise inimical to date of the original delivery of a brand new
consumers and the public interest. motor vehicle to a consumer or the first
The State recognizes that a motor twenty thousand (20,000) kilometers of
vehicle is a major consumer purchase or operation after such delivery, whichever
investment. Hence, the rights of consumers comes first. This shall be the period during
should be clearly defined, including the means which the consumer can report any
for redress for violations thereof. nonconformity, as defined in paragraph (k)
herein, to the standards and specifications of
Section 3: Definition of Terms- As used the manufacturer, authorized distributor,
in this Act: authorized dealer or retailer, and pursue any
(a) Brand new motor vehicle refers to a right as provided for under this Act;
vehicle constructed entirely from new parts (i) Manufacturer refers to any person,
and covered by a manufacturer’s express natural or juridical, engaged in the business of
warranty at the time of purchase that it has manufacturing or assembling motor vehicles;
never been sold or registered with the (j) Motor vehicle refers to any self-
Department of Transportation and propelled, four (4) wheeled road vehicle
Communications (DOTC) or an appropriate designed to carry passengers including, but
agency or authority, and has never been not limited to, sedans, coupes, station
operated on any highway of the Philippines, or wagons, convertibles, pick-ups, vans, sports
in any foreign state or country; utility vehicles (SUVs) and Asian Utility
(b) Collateral charges refer to the fees Vehicles (AUVs) but excluding motorcycles,
paid to the Land Transportation Office (LTO) delivery trucks, dump trucks, buses, road
for the registration of a brand new motor rollers, trolley cars, street sweepers,
vehicle and other incidental expenses such sprinklers, lawn mowers and heavy equipment
as, but not limited to, the cost of insurance such as, but not limited to, bulldozers,
pertaining to the vehicle, chattel mortgage payloaders, graders, forklifts, amphibian
fees and interest expenses if applicable; trucks, cranes, and vehicles which run only on
(c) Comparable motor vehicle refers to rails or tracks, and tractors, trailers and
a motor vehicle that is identical or reasonably traction engines of all kinds used exclusively
equivalent to the motor vehicle to be replaced, for agricultural purposes. Trailers having any
in terms of specifications and values, subject number of wheels, when propelled or intended
to availability, as the motor vehicle existed at by attachment to a motor vehicle, shall be
the time of purchase: Provided, That there classified as separate motor vehicle with no
power rating;
(k) Nonconformity refers to any defect retailer for the same complaint, and the
or condition that substantially impairs the use, nonconformity issue remains unresolved, the
value or safety of a brand new motor vehicle consumer may invoke his or her rights under
which prevents it from conforming to the this Act.
manufacturer’s or distributor’s standards or The repair may include replacement of
specifications, which cannot be repaired, but parts components, or assemblies.
excluding conditions resulting from
noncompliance by the consumer of his or her Section 6: Notice of Availment of
obligations under the warranty, modifications Lemon Law Rights- Before availing of any
not authorized by the manufacturer or remedy under this Act and subject to
distributor, abuse or neglect, and damage due compliance with the provisions of Section 5
to accident or force majeure; hereof, the consumer shall, in writing, notify
(l) Purchase price refers to the invoice the manufacturer, distributor, authorized
price or the amount of money which the dealer dealer or retailer of the unresolved complaint,
or retailer actually received for the brand new and the consumer’s intention to invoke his or
motor vehicle, in consideration of the sale of her rights under this Act within the Lemon
such brand new motor vehicle; Law rights period.
(m) Warranty refers to the written The warranty booklet issued by the
assurance, so labeled, of the manufacturer of manufacturer, distributor, authorized dealer or
a brand new motor vehicle including any term retailer shall clearly state the manner and form
or condition precedent to the enforcement of of such notice to constitute a valid and legal
obligations under the warranty; and notice to the manufacturer, distributor,
(n) Warranty rights period refers to the authorized dealer or retailer. It shall also
period provided for under the contract of sale clearly state the responsibility of the
when the manufacturer would guarantee the consumer under this section.
materials used, the workmanship and the
roadworthiness of a brand new motor vehicle Section 7: Availment of Lemon Law
for ordinary use or reasonable intended Rights- Subsequent to filing the notice of
purposes. availment referred to in the preceding section,
the consumer shall bring the vehicle to the
Section 4: Coverage- This Act shall manufacturer, distributor, authorized dealer or
cover brand new motor vehicles purchased in retailer from where the vehicle was purchased
the Philippines reported by a consumer to be for a final attempt to address the complaint of
in nonconformity with the vehicle’s the consumer to his or her satisfaction.
manufacturer or distributor’s standards or It shall be the duty of the manufacturer,
specifications within twelve (12) months from distributor, authorized dealer or retailer, upon
the date of original delivery to the consumer, receipt of the motor vehicle and the notice of
or up to twenty thousand (20,000) kilometers nonconformity required under Section 6
of operation after such delivery, whichever hereof, to attend to the complaints of the
comes first. consumer including, as may be necessary,
making the repairs and undertaking such
The following causes of nonconformity shall actions to make the vehicle conform to the
be excluded: standards or specifications of the
(a) Noncompliance by the consumer of manufacturer, distributor, authorized dealer or
the obligations under the warranty; retailer for such vehicle.
(b) Modifications not authorized by the In case the nonconformity issue
manufacturer, distributor, authorized remains unresolved despite the manufacturer,
dealer or retailer; distributor, authorized dealer or retailer’s
(c) Abuse or neglect of the brand new efforts to repair the vehicle, pursuant to the
motor vehicle; and consumer’s availment of his or her Lemon
(d) Damage to the vehicle due to Law rights, the consumer may file a complaint
accident or force majeure. before the DTI as provided for under this Act:
Provided, however, That if the vehicle is not
Section 5: Repair Attempts- returned for repair, based on the same
At any time within the Lemon Law complaint, within thirty (30) calendar days
rights period, and after at least four (4) from the date of notice of release of the motor
separate repair attempts by the same vehicle to the consumer following this repair
manufacturer, distributor, authorized dealer or attempt within the Lemon Law rights period,
the repair is deemed successful: Provided, (4) Upon failure of the negotiation or
finally, That, in the event that the mediation between the manufacturer,
nonconformity issue still exists or persists distributor, authorized, dealer or retailer and
after the thirty (30)-day period but still within the consumer, the parties shall execute a
the Lemon Law rights period, the consumer certificate attesting to such failure; and
may be allowed to avail of the same remedies (5) At any time during the dispute
under Sections 5 and 6 hereof. resolution period, the manufacturer,
To compensate for the non-usage of distributor, authorized dealer or retailer and
the vehicle while under repair and during the the consumer shall be encouraged to settle
period of availment of the Lemon Law rights, amicably. All disputes that have been
the consumer shall be provided a reasonable submitted for mediation shall be settled not
daily transportation allowance, an amount later than ten (10) working days from the date
which covers the transportation of the of filing of the complaint with the DTI.
consumer from his or her residence to his or
her regular workplace or destination and vice (B) Arbitration
versa, equivalent to air-conditioned taxi fare, In the event there is a failure to settle the
as evidenced by official receipt, or in such complaint during the mediation proceedings,
amount to be agreed upon by the parties, or a both parties may voluntarily decide to
service vehicle at the option of the undertake arbitration proceedings.
manufacturer, distributor, authorized dealer or
retailer. Any disagreement on this matter shall (C) Adjudication
be resolved by the DTI. (1) In the event that both parties do not
Nothing herein shall be construed to undertake arbitration proceedings, at least
limit or impair the rights and remedies of a one of the parties may commence
consumer under any other law. adjudication proceedings, administered by the
DTI. The DTI shall rely on the qualified
Section 8: Remedies for Dispute independent findings as to conformity to
Resolution- The DTI shall exercise exclusive standards and specifications established
and original jurisdiction over disputes arising herein. In no case shall adjudication
from the provisions of this Act. All disputes proceedings exceed twenty (20) working days;
arising from the provisions of this Act shall be (2) In case a finding of nonconformity
settled by the DTI in accordance with the is arrived at, the DTI shall rule in favor of the
following dispute resolution mechanisms: consumer and direct the manufacturer,
(A) Mediation distributor, authorized dealer or retailer to
(1) The principles of negotiation, grant either of the following remedies to the
conciliation and mediation towards amicable consumer:
settlement between the manufacturer, (i) Replace the motor vehicle with a
distributor, authorized dealer or retailer and similar or comparable motor vehicle in
the consumer shall be strictly observed; terms of specifications and values,
(2) In the course of its dispute subject to availability; or
resolution efforts, the DTI shall endeavor to (ii) Accept the return of the motor
independently establish the validity of the vehicle and pay the consumer the
consumer’s outstanding complaint. The DTI purchase price plus the collateral
shall likewise retain the services of other charges.
government agencies or qualified independent In case the consumer decides to
private entities in the ascertainment of the purchase another vehicle with a higher
validity of the consumer’s complaint. Any cost value and specifications from the same
incurred in establishing the validity of the manufacturer, distributor, authorized
consumer’s complaint shall be borne jointly dealer or retailer, the consumer shall
by the consumer and the manufacturer, pay the difference in cost.
distributor, authorized dealer or retailer; In both cases of replacement and
(3) The complaint shall be deemed repurchase, the reasonable allowance
valid if it is independently established that the for use, as defined in this Act, shall be
motor vehicle does not conform to the deducted in determining the value of
standards or specifications set by the the nonconforming motor vehicle; and
manufacturer, distributor, authorized dealer or (3) In case a nonconformity of the
retailer; motor vehicle is not found by the DTI, it shall
rule in favor of the manufacturer, distributor,
authorized dealer or retailer, and direct the The responsibility of the manufacturer,
consumer to reimburse the manufacturer, distributor, authorized dealer or retailer under
distributor, authorized dealer or retailer the this section shall cease upon the sale of the
costs incurred by the latter in validating the affected motor vehicle to the first purchaser.
consumer’s complaints.
Section 11: Penalty- The
An appeal may be taken from a final manufacturer, distributor, authorized dealer or
judgment or order of the Adjudication Officer retailer adjudged to have violated the
which completely disposes of the case within provisions requiring disclosure as mentioned
fifteen (15) days from receipt thereof. The in the preceding section shall be liable to pay
appeal shall be taken by filing a Memorandum a minimum amount of One hundred thousand
of Appeal with the Secretary of the DTI, with pesos (P100,000.00) as damages to the
Notice of Appeal to the Adjudication Officer, aggrieved party without prejudice to any civil
and with a copy duly furnished the adverse or criminal liability they and/or the responsible
party or parties on any of the following officer may incur under existing laws.
(i) Grave abuse of discretion; Section 12: Assistance by Other
(ii) The decision/order is in excess of Agencies- The DOTC and other agencies,
jurisdiction or authority of the political subdivisions, local government units,
Adjudication Officer; and including government-owned and/or
(iii) The decision/order is not supported controlled corporations, shall render such
by the evidence or there is serious assistance as required by the DTI in order to
error in the findings of facts. effectively implement the provisions of this
The Secretary of the DTI shall decide
on the appeal within thirty (30) days from Section 13: Implementing Rules and
receipt thereof. A party seeking further appeal Regulations- The DTI shall promulgate the
from the decision of the Secretary of the DTI necessary implementing rules and regulations
may file a case for certiorari to the Court of within, ninety (90) days from the effectivity of
Appeals under Section 4, Rule 65 of the this Act.
Revised Rules of Court.
Section 14: Reparability Clause- If, for
Section 9: Determination of any reason, any part or provision of this Act is
Reasonable Allowance for Use: For purposes declared invalid, such declaration shall not
of this Act, "reasonable allowance for use" affect the other provisions of this Act.
shall mean twenty percent (20%) per annum
deduction from the purchase price, or the Section 15: Repealing Clause.- All laws,
product of the distance travelled in kilometres decrees, executive orders, issuances, rules
and the purchase price divided by one and regulations or parts thereof which are
hundred thousand (100,000) kilometres, inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are
whichever is lower. hereby deemed repealed, amended or
modified accordingly.
Section 10: Disclosure on Resale-
Should the returned motor vehicle be made Section 16: Effectivity- This Act shall
available for resale, the manufacturer, take effect fifteen (15) days after its
distributor, authorized dealer or retailer shall, publication in the Official Gazette or in any
prior to sale or transfer, disclose in writing to newspaper of general circulation.
the next purchaser of the same vehicle the
following information: Approved, July 2014.
(a) The motor vehicle was returned to
the manufacturer, distributor, authorized
dealer or retailer;
(b) The nature of the nonconformity
which caused the return; and
(c) The condition of the motor vehicle
at the time of the transfer to the manufacturer,
distributor, authorized dealer or retailer.


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