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Module 4 Marriage and Courting: Then vs.

Catherine Raeff expressed that culture influences how people perceive Relationships which is
evident with the difference for each culture and the changes that occurred to it over time. Make
a Table Comparing the difference for Marriage and Courting from then and now


1.Philippines is one known complex form This time there are some
of courtship. Man must show guys that do what the
sincerity by sending live traditional courtship until
letters/poems, singing now but majority they just
romantic songs (harana), need to impressed girls in
doing household chores to social medias. Chats and
get parents’ permission, and video calls are more likely to
buying gifts for the woman. do when courting. Now you
There are many kinds of can file an announcement
marriage in Philippines whenever the married
because of different religion couple wants to as long as
cultures and traditions. they are financially capable.
Generally, marriage before is
more sacred and bounded.
2.China As is the case with most Chinese society and a lot of
societies, in primitive times people still rely on the
the concept of marriage did matchmaker’s wisdom to
not exist. People of a single find the perfect match. Tea
tribe did not have fixed and the tea ceremonies still
spouses and they could have play a vital role in the
multiple sexual partners. modern Chinese weddings, it
Marriage in ancient Chinese is still a source of paying
culture went through a lot of respect to the elders and an
changes. Initially, people integral part of the formal
bearing the same surnames introduction of the couple’s
were allowed to get married, families. Confucian wedding
marriage between siblings rituals have become more
was allowed too. popular among couples
 Matchmaking recently. In such innovative
 Chinese Zodiac Love ceremonies, the bride and
Compatibility the groom pay respects to a
 The Three Letters large portrait of Confucius in
and Six etiquettes the banquet hall at the start
 Foot Binding of the ceremony. Before
 the Wedding Tea entering the bridal
Ceremony chambers, the bride and
 Joining of Hair groom exchange nuptial cups
 Post-Wedding Rituals and perform the following
 Marriage Related ceremonial bows.
Taboos and Customs
3.America Prior to the late early 1900s, Entering relationships now
courtship was a much more became faster and lot easier
private, unemotional affair. to deal. It may be because of
Marriage before was entertainment/pleasure and
characterized as more casual can also be true/serious. Like
and serious. other countries Americans
also used some media
platforms to court and
others still do the traditional
courtship. When it comes to
marriage, they also do the
proposal before marriage.
4.India There is an article about flute Indians are commonly known
courting if Philippines do about arranged marriage
(harana) use a guitar, Dakota even now. This is what they
uses flute. say “first comes marriage
In India the majority of all then comes love”. In India,
the marriages are arranged marriage is thought to be for
by the parents after the birth life, and the divorce rate is
of their child and the extremely low.
children do have a say if the Eventually, it became a
men do not grow up to be a precursor to marriage the
suitable mate for the bride. If giving dowries became an
they end up getting married infamous ideal.
then they would get married
after the women turns 18
and the men turns 22.
Women traditionally would
live the life
of a mother and a wife
following the footsteps of
their ancestors
Leaving one's home after
wedding or for some other
important task is a significant
occasion. Thus, Indians often
consult astrological charts to
fix an auspicious time for
this. Giving Dowries (love
gifts) after marriage.

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