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Dec 31 at 11:00pm Unlocked

Getting back to normal

If you're in the MG Patreon group on

facebook, I explained the delay in publishing.
I'm not going to repeat myself here, but for
the facts-

The posts that I had saved and scheduled

were gone. I've been rewriting them. I
assume I was hacked because as I was testing
out the page, I was saving test articles and
they were disappearing before the scheduling
came up to post. I changed my password and
it appears to have resolved itself.

In the future, if there is a question about a

delay or missing post, LET ME KNOW
DIRECTLY. I'm often targeted on Facebook,
my page is banned or put on probation for any
length of time- I sometimes can't comment,
post, send pm's... it just depends on what I'm
reported for at that time.

You can reach me at I'm the only
person with access to that address, and if
there are issues with posts, I'll need to know.
I wasn't aware of anything being an issue
until mid-month and couldn't address it until
after the holidays.
I had (anticipating the holidays and some
personal things coming up) scheduled posts
one per week through December. I am now
publishing the re-writes of December and will
add January's schedules. When I have them
set up, I will share the publishing schedule.

Thanks for sticking it out- here comes more


2 Likes 2

Ariel Feinstein 2h
Amy I don't think it was directed at anybody in
particular - a bunch of people on facebook
(myself included, multiple times) asked what
was going on.

Amy Warner 1h
Exactly. I’ve been messaged many
times. See my new comment. I
deleted my original one and
condensed it to one .

Amy Warner 1h
In other words.. we are not to
question her publicly. Got it.

Ariel Feinstein 1h
Amy, messaged by who? Christina?
I just read your new comment but
it's not really clear

Amy Warner 55min

No. Messaged by other
Patreon’s. People are bitching
she wasn’t posting. Then
everyone is asking if what she
is writing is true. People feel
she takes advantage of their
kindness—there aren’t that
many Patreon’s just ask the
person who started the
message. As far as my
comment above that isn’t
clear? What’s not clear? It
reads like “don’t question me
on here on where I’ve been”
then the rest contradicts its
self. I took offense to the
comment bc I am the only one
who publicly asked on this
platform what was going no on.
She says she discussd this on
Facebook (assuming her
absence), suggests her Patreon
was hacked then says her
Facebook pages are taken
down—but all the updates are
supposed to be there. Are you
keeping up? She then turns
around and says to email her —
on the very public email
address that is plastered all
over the web.. so we can get
hacked too? LOL. I don’t
believe she was hacked. I am
calling bullshit. I think she
either didn’t save the posts
properly or didn’t write them.
Also, it’s inappropriate to
expect people to email her and
go to all these other platforms
(Facebook / email ) to get
updates or discuss questions
there may be when the paid
Skip navigation content is posted here. I am
not going to touch the other
stuff about the content. I took
a hit for the group.

Amy Warner 1h
One last thing: I think you don’t like to be
questioned publicly. It’s ok for you to
question people publicly but god for bid. I am
done. I paid in advance and there is no
refunds. So you are stuck with me Christina.
You can’t remove Patreon’s for calling you out
on lying.

Ariel Feinstein 58min

You know what, Amy, you're being a little
ridiculous at this point. Claiming to be
messaged many times, going back and
editing and deleting your messages so
many times that I can't keep track, and
accusing her of lying about not being
active all month. Where is your proof?
What if she IS telling the truth, who are
you to say otherwise? Was it annoying
that she went MIA? Sure. But you know
how many posts we got so far every
month? No less than 4. You know how
many she promised us every month? No
less than 4. So whether they are all
posted on the last day of the month or
posted every week, the outcome is the
same. Not everything is this huge
conspiracy theory, get over it or move on.
You can cancel your account at any time,
you're not stuck here.

Ariel Feinstein 44min

Another note - her EMAIL was not hacked.
Her Patreon was. And her facebook
account was suspended. Therefore, she
thought her content was posting here, and
was not alerted to any activity on
facebook. THAT is why she suggested
that we should EMAIL her in the future to
make sure that she receives it. We won't
get hacked by emailing her. SMH. And I
am assuming that the messages you're
talking about are on the patreon facebook
page, which is not private messenger. It's
where a bunch of people were asking what
was going on in December. I'm giving her
the benefit of the doubt, she posted
normally as scheduled through November,
which was the first month of scheduled
posts. I got my 4 posts for December. I'm
looking forward to January.

Amy Warner 37min

I am editing because I am on
my phone and using speak to
text. Secondly, she claims to
be hacked everywhere else—
why would she want us to email
her then, get it? If someone is
“hacking” her Patreon like she
suggested that is hooked up to
her Patreon then why would
she want us to email her there.

Amy Warner 34min

I am not claiming to be
messaged many times — I am
stating I was tagged in a
message thread. I assume I
was tagged because I am in one
of her MANY groups she has.
Call me ridiculous—I don’t care.
I am saying HERE what so
many people are saying behind
her back. I am the type of
person who would rather say it
to the person (like I am ) vs say
it in a message thread.

Ariel Feinstein 31min

Right, so let's just assume she's
lying. Proof that she doesn't
care about being asked publicly
what's going on, look at the
patreon facebook page. She
hasn't deleted a single
comment. IF her facebook was
suspended AND her patreon
was hacked, email would be the
LOGICAL way to get a hold of
her. Her explanation is
plausible. You certainly don't
have any proof to show that
she's lying, right? If you're
THAT mad about it, we haven't
been charged for January, you
could simply cancel and not
have to worry about it any more.

Amy Warner 29min

If her email is being “hacked”
like she claims her website,
email, Patreon and whatever
else is—then the “hacker”
could get our email. FYI; I
don’t believe all these
platforms of hers are being
hacked I think they are excuses
like many others do. I broke
my responses up so I could see
before posting. I am going
back to work.

Ariel Feinstein 28min

Your very first comment literally
states "I've been messaged
many times" btw.

Amy Warner 25min

Yes. I was. But you make it
seem like I am claiming and it
didn’t happen. It did. And to
be honest, I am pissed that no
one else has the f’ing balls to
not say it here instead of saying
everything I just said behind
her back.

Ariel Feinstein 25min

She never claims that her email
was hacked, which is why she
said we could email her at that
email address with any issues.
She says two things - her
Patreon (THIS site) was hacked,
and that her account was
suspended on facebook, which
happens ALL the time to a lot
of people. Two separate issues
which could have very plausibly
happened within the same 6
week period.

Amy Warner 22min

If her Facebook is always
compromised like she claims
then why make an account on
other Platforms using the
Facebook? You know how it
gives you an option to create
accounts online like with
Patreon using Facebook? Too
much shit don’t add up.

Ariel Feinstein 21min

You said you were messaged
many times, then that you
weren't messaged many times,
just tagged in a message thread.
And you're pissed that people
are saying stuff behind her
back instead of here. You
understand that the message
thread that you were a part of
on facebook, the one you're
complaining about being
involved in, is a post made to
her page that everybody can
see, right? And that if you
commented on a post on
facebook, you get notifications
automatically when anybody
else posts on that same post
unless you turn notifications
off. It doesn't mean people are
messaging you specifically.

Ariel Feinstein 20min

Then cancel the subscription.
To stay here and call her a liar
without any proof is just ...
insanity. We haven't been
charged for January yet, just
cancel the subscription then!

Amy Warner 21min

Have a good night I am really going back to
work. Won’t be able to reply.

Amy Warner 12min

I am going to get fired. I can’t help myself.
Obviously you were not tagged in the
message thread. I paid in advance first of
all. I am not mad content is not posted.
People are mad about the excuses. I
can’t.. i’m sorry you don’t understand
what I’m trying to say.

Write a comment ...


Dec 31, 2018 at 2:20am

Extra coming tomorrow

Another episode will be released tomorrow
(Monday) to make up for the wait time.

I will then release the dates for January's

episodes. <3

2 Likes 2

Write a comment ...


Dec 31, 2018 at 2:08am

The Way The Cop Tells It

After the owner gave me the search warrant, I

was incensed. If he was committing a crime
or not, I felt it was VERY wrong to racially
profile someone as a means to enter their
business to reading
perform a search.

2 Likes 2
It would be the equivalent of:

You're Russian.
Amy Warner There are Russian mobsters,4h
so... we're going to search your house for drug
because we saw you holding money in
the food
So court.
you were there that day?

Amy Warner 4h
Not that day I mean there.. never mind. But is
You're Italian. The Italian Mafia used shovels
this the store?
to bury their victims. We drove past and
based on your appearance and last name,
decidedAmy Warner
that you are Italian. There was a 4h
I live right by here.
shovel with dirt on it in plain sight- so
therefore we have probable cause to search
your property for victims of mob crimes.
Write a comment ...

This was literally- you have fish and are

Chinese. You must be trafficking illegal snake
head fish.

It was- pardon my bluntness- the most
bullshit excuse to search anyone I had ever
Dec 31, So,
2018because this wasn't a jo-jo podunk
at 12:49am
town operation enough- where racial profiling
His Story
goes unchecked in law enforcement, the
police station was ALSO in the nearly empty
I went to the owner the next morning and
asked him calmly about the allegations the
My thought was voiced out loud- "Are you
director had made the night before. The way I
fucking KIDDING ME?"
worded it was disarming to him. I told him
Warrant in hand, I marched the two hundred
that I didn't believe what she had told me.
feet to the entrance to the police station.
That certainly it couldn't be THAT bad.
As I expected, he began to talk- maybe a little
I banged on the steel door to the station
too much.
outpost. This was really some 1900-era Red,
Dead Redemption type sheriff shit if I had
You see, this company, this MLM wasn't his
ever seen it in my life. An officer opened the
only endeavor. The clothing, the dog bowls
and beds, the accessories- he owned over a
He was taken aback by my presence- and I
dozen companies- all of which were little tiny
could tell immediately that he thought I was
flashes in the pan. Little brainstorms of really
attractive. It was all over his face. I
cool ideas that- if given any amount of true
introduced myself and I read his nametag. I
effort, I have no doubt- would have become
shit you not- his name was "Bartolicious" or a
amazing entities all of their own. Yet- none of
variation of it. I thought it was a joke. In my
those companies actually grew. This man is
hometown, there is a very butch female
the king of startups, and the grim reaper of
sheriff's deputy and her name tag says
his own creations. All except for ONE
"Chainsaw". I had asked her about it.
company. The big one.
Chainsaw wasn't her name. But they all
called her that because she was a tough
In the mess of the web he weaved for
chick. She said- "I can cut through anything,
everyone to see, the cash cow and the
so I got the nickname and it stuck."
company that sealed the deals for anyone
who saw it was, in fact- a manufacturing
Mkay... I mean, I'd have a hard time reporting
company. I was scheduled to go see the
conduct from a Deputy Chainsaw... wouldn't
company offices and warehouses later that
you? Lucky for me she was really nice.
day. Would it be a stretch of the imagination
Bartolicious was also very nice to me. One
to think that maybe the manufacturing
foot on his desk, leaned back in his chair with
company was making licensed merchandise
a spit cup and a lip full of dip... he eyed me up
without a license? Then he was selling it in
and down as I ripped him a new asshole about
his shop, on Ebay, Amazon, wherever he
racial profiling.
could? No, it wouldn't be a stretch at all.

He (and this is a going joke now with everyone

While he explained the parts of the story he
in my personal life) asked me if I was an
wanted me to know, I looked around the shop
attorney. "No, but at some point, I'm going to
with a more scrutinous eye. The licensed
have to hire him one and I can guarantee you,
merchandise was in the front. NONE of the
I will find THE biggest civil rights attorney that
shoes and clothing was in the front of the
will write a check on this town and bounce
shop. The "front"... if you get my drift. Why
your ass right into a traffic crossing for the
have all of this merchandise and NOT sell it in
racial shit you put in this warrant!"
a storefront? Even the non MLM items- the
dog bowls- those would sell in a mall
I point blank asked him- racial profiling aside-
environment. Why not put those in front? It
what did they find and how much weight the
was like the front was meant to be sparse and
case had. According to him, they had
seedy on purpose.
removed a full U-Haul truck of unlicensed
merchandise from the store and offices from
At the cash wrap, blocking the front of the
the manufacturing company. Interesting.
store from the rest of the operations, there
"According to the owner, he holds over 100
was the equivalent of a baby monitor camera.
licenses. Any truth to that?"
A motion sensing doorbell chime went off if
someone crossed from the mall into the front,
"Some," he said- "however there is no license
and the owner- who was usually in the far
for Steelers merchandise and off the top of
back, could look from his computer or his
my head, a few others."
phone to see who was entering. He wouldn't
bother to get up if a customer was coming in.
I had to ask- "Pusheen?"
It made no sense. "Let them steal that shit."
He would say.
"Pusheen was purchased from the
manufacturer. He did not make those items as
He told me that the police had raided him
far as we can tell."
because of an attempted break-in.

So I knew there were items he ordered directly

According to his version, there was a
from the manufacturer or their distributor. I
disgruntled employee that had been fired. He
knew he claimed to own factories in China
claimed he was owed money (this would
that could "make anything you wanted".
become a common theme) and tried to break
But then Officer-licious (tee hee) mentioned
into the storefront for some unknown reason.
something about counterfeit coupons and gift
The police were alerted to the break-in, and
the owner arrived to meet the police.

Have you ever had a moment of clarity hit you

Upon entering the back of the store, the
so hard, you have reverse tunnel motion? Like
officer noticed that there were multiple tanks
in the movies where the main protagonist
of tropical fish in one of the rear rooms. The
suddenly realizes what they have to do to save
owner is a fish hobbyist, and it was an interest
the day, and the camera zooms superfast up
we share. I saw the fish and immediately
and into their wide, disbelieving eyes...? Yep.
identified all of them. I've had tropical fish my
That. That was me.
whole life and learned much from a book
given to my by my grandmother when I was 7
All those coupons all over the store... they
years old. the book was published in the 60's,
and I believe I have every page memorized-
THAT's how much I read it as a child. So, he
The "assistant" claimed to be an extreme
was taken by my love for fish and my ability to
couponer. The storage rooms in the back of
rattle off the names of species, color
the shop were loaded to the hilt with name
variations, where they were from, and what
brand merchandise- shoes that retail for up to
water conditions were best for them. I LOVE
$700, and diapers. Diapers by the truckload.
fish. But the officer that responded to the
I could buy the extreme couponing bit, the
break-in call didn't know a thing about them.
savvy shopper buying up designer shoes to
And here is where the trouble starts.
resell on Ebay... they were deal shopping to
resell online. I remember asking about all the
The owner was breeding the fish in many
phones I saw. The owner and his assistant
tanks in a huge back room area of the former
referred to them as burners, but later would
H+M store. They were kept properly, well fed
explain that Ebay's algorithm didn't recognize
and healthy. That much, I could see myself.
a banned seller if they provided a different
He was also Asian. He claimed to be Chinese,
bank account and phone number. At one
I heard him speak Chinese, (Mandarin) as I
point, he had showed me a list of over 30
can say several phrases, and I recognize the
bank account numbers he claimed were there
dialect. However, documents I would later
to dupe Ebay.
discover indicate he is actually a Taiwanese
He told me at that time that the extreme
immigrant. He represented to me that he and
couponing assistant was collecting coupons
his brother were born in the US. It's a trivial
en masse and they were being bundled and
factoid, but it's a fact I haven't yet sorted
sold on Ebay along with the various diapers,
through to find the truth. Just another
shoes, and mixed goods.
inconsistency in his story, perhaps.
There is no doubt he was of some Asian origin
Could the coupons and gift cards I saw
for anyone that didn't recognize the nuances
everywhere be counterfeit? The officer
of the language he spoke. And the officer
thought yes.
also made note in his report of the "Asian-
ness" of the owner.
Completely reeling from what I had just
learned, I excused myself. Before I went, I
I was handed a copy of the search warrant. I
asked the cop what it was they needed from
would later verify with the officer in question
my client to make this go away. Jail time? Pay
that this was the document in entirety, and
a fine? What's the outcome to avoid a civil
wasn't altered.
rights storm? He told me he'd ask the D.A.
and get back to me.
There is a large organization of illegal fish
smuggling in the area, according to the
I walked back to the store. I was already in
warrant- namely the trafficking of a regulated
disbelief of everything. I didn't trust the
and invasive species known as "snake head".
owner, and I trusted the officer even less. But
Another species I'm familiar with, and one I
I trusted my own eyes. My logic.
owned as a child before they became illegal.
I sat down and asked the owner about the gift
Snake heads were a popular (albeit ugly) fish
cards and coupons.
that were such voracious eaters with almost
He stuck to the story he told me earlier about
comically oversized mouths that grew rapidly.
the assistant being a crazy couponer. Except-
And... that's how they became illegal.
he told me that he never said they sold them
Unsuspecting parents would let their kids get
on Ebay. I KNOW he said it because I had
these non native fish for their tanks and
been taking notes when he did and I had it
bowls- and the things would outgrow anything
written down right there in my book.
they were put in. They'd eat other smaller fish
(including their own babies) and horrified
Caught. Lying right to my face. Not a huge lie
parents would take them to the toilet and
on the surface, but look deeper. Why would
flush them. More sensitive parents would
he need to lie to me if the assistant was
release them in nearby streams and lakes-
simply selling coupons she collected? Why
flash forward 20 years, and they are seriously
would so many Ebay accounts need to be
disrupting the ecosystem of lakes and rivers
made? Why would he be kicked off Ebay if he
all across the US. I'm keenly aware of them
wasn't doing anything wrong? I gave him a
because they are a known problem here- in
little leeway on the Ebay issue at first. I had
the midwest- off the Mississippi and Fox
been kicked off Ebay once- because I had
rivers. The things are incredibly hardy and
about 10 orders go out at the post office and I
can take the beating of harsh winters and cold
forgot to update shipping information. Most
water. If you've lived here for any length of
made it to the destination, two did not. Ebay
time, you know all about snakeheads.
read it all as none shipped on time and
flagged me. I've since had another Ebay
According to the search warrant, (and brace
account, but never stopped to think about
your sensitive selves- I'm going to write it for
how to beat their system- because I never
you like it was written) the probable cause for
really needed to before.
searching the owner's property was- the fact
Now I was reeling the bone I threw him right
that the man was Asian, and had multiple
back in. At LEAST 30 bank accounts. At
species of tropical fish. Essentially, they
least 15 sim cards on the desk, five phones.
thought there MAY be snake head fish in the
There was definitely something going on.
shop, and because he was an Asian man- that
was enough to enact a legal toss and grab in
My cell rang. It was officer-licious again.
his store.
"Can you come back to the station?"

During the search, the police took truckloads

I walked back. He had spoken to the D.A. and
of merchandise that the owner represented
they were prepared to offer a deal. A small
was properly licensed either by himself and
fine and probation and the owner would be
his manufacturing company, or HAD a license
free and clear. I was perplexed. Is this the
and he bought it from someone that had it
right thing? Should he be charged? There's
more here. I know it- and I have to prove it.

Now, a crude person would make the

I resolved to let the owner know that the
connection between Chinese and knockoff
police wished to work a deal. I told him what I
merchandise... and in a normal situation, I
said to the police, and as I predicted, the
might chastise you for making a stereotype-
owner asked me to meet with attorneys to
based assumption. However- in this case, the
help handle the direction the defense would
stereotype assumption would be a correct
go. Clearly, I had thought of something his
own attorneys did not (ie: the civil rights
issue- and what attorney worth his salt
The owner's defense was that he was racially
wouldn't jump all over that??? I questioned
profiled (which I still agree with) and
the talent of his attorneys immediately.)
unlawfully searched. He was able to produce
licenses for everything in the store.
Within minutes, I had one of his however
Or so he said. I'd speak with the officer that
many cell phones shoved into my ear- "It's one
served the warrant and arrested the owner
of the attorneys- tell him what you just told

2 Likes 2
Huh? Ok... So I did. I explained that the
officer asked for the representative counsel
for the Amy
and me to attend a
negotiation of the
Shop off theHangar?
terms of the of
In 2018 deal.
March The
attorneystore was closed
laughed down"Deal???
at me. briefly for selling
We aren't
unlicensed merch. Is that who you are
about?What kind of deal?"

"They said probation and a small fine."

Amy Warner 23h
i mean Hanger
"What's a SMALL FINE?" He asked me.

"I don'tAmy
fucking know, I'm not his attorney, and
Warner 4h
I have no idea what the value of the
Is it?

merchandise that was taken is estimated at.

Why don't YOU pick up the phone and find
Write a comment ...
out yourself?"

His response to me made me angry. "Why

don't you march back over there and ask him?
Clearly he likes your pretty face better than
any of ours as you got farther with him than
we have over the last month."

Dec 31, 2018 at 12:01am

"Because, you asshole- I'm NOT his attorney.
And ifPlot Thickens
I represent his best interest there, and
I do something wrong, he has recourse against
me. Ifdinner, I had a moment
I say ANYTHING wrongalone withand
to them, the
they getI aasked
hair outif he'd be taking
of place me back
up their to
ass, I'm
my hotel
going or ifhit
to get I should find another
with practicing way. Hea
law without
told me that
license. the an
I'm not director wasI'm
idiot and also staying
not sure why
there, andjustreading
driveI me. He that
also you
you can't started
a comment that raised more than one hair on2
2 Likes didn't think of first and FIX IT for
YOURneck. He said- "What would it look like if I
drove you to your hotel alone?"
He hung up. My phone rang. Police again.
had you never
Write come crossed
a comment mind- but the fact
that it crossed his bothered me to say the
"No. I Ican wasnot. already He needsnoticing an the
attorney"tension" to
negotiatehim this.and his "assistant".
I can't do it." I was
already getting a feeling that she was quietly
"I just want more to than
MommyGyver talk to she you.claimed
Pleasetocome be. I back.
I'm trying to who help would
you."think anything but
professional courtesy for dropping your
Dec I tell
30, 2018 guestyou
at what
11:24pm at herhe said,
hotel? I need to
reiterate that myI'veONLY problem with themale
How many trips been on, how many
colleagues and I've arrest been was the racial
alone in a car profiling
with and
never I feel theaswarrant was improper and
While so much
in Pittsburgh, a thought
I was to of thatwith
meet crossedthe
my on
mind. Ifand that, the
were thinking should be tossed.
it, theyof the
employees the source
They did weren't
certainly not havesaying sufficient probable
anything- so who cause-
company's issues.
woulddefined by anthe law, It not aslike theyunnecessary
perceive the
Issues have as defined issue?by the felt owner: Drama, lack
drama You can't
waitingreading search someone because they
of sales, lack oftorecruits,
manifest- theand it indicated
company's to
me thereto be amuch
was certain more race,
going andon happen tothe
inability to breach the "sweet spot"behind of MLM- 2
2 Likespets that happen to be well cared for and
500 reps.A professional person doesn't go
there- You yetajust can't.
wordsAnd wereif said
this by man were
At 500and reps, the
company begins to growthe
person every single activist in the country
quickly.inIfcontrol. it hits 500 ground level reps, the
would have been at the doorstep of the police
likelihood Write(statistically)
a comment ... of an MLM reaching at
So, into calling forcar
the director's theI revocation
went. Bothofofhis us
least a small level of success through
uncomfortable, Guaranteed. I could tell she was having a
exponential growth is extremely good.
It is not time readingfor
unusual me anatMLM dinner. expert Sheordidn't
know absolutely
if sheto could rubbed inme. every direction
consultant starttrustthe very first She hurdle an500
ally wrong- I went back and banged on the
reps.but she thought I was there to fire her.
The truth He answered, and smiled.
Those 500is, willI didn't
determine know I was there
things to fire
like- strength
her until the moment
of compensation plan,I saw if thethe compowner's plan face is "too at
dinner. place stunk
It had been of weed. about Freshly picked,
Nov (pays2018 out more joked
at 12:01pm money than but the MLM until that
moment, ofI thought
weed. I fucking it was a hate
decision the smellI would of
The pay),
Front not warm enough (could it entice
have Itmake
just irritated onme evenand more.
more to enrollees based
if it were facts
hotter) growth
performance.I went I said
inNOT to
to the him.
storefront, past the
projection (too hot aon plandramawill andmake enrollees
flock to past
manipulation. join-the which pop-upis good checkout
immediately, counter, but
"I like
there you. I mean, I really like you. You're
bad inwas the along desk runwith three monitors.
because at some point,
Adjacent as shit.
to that I looked
desk you up- IA know who
the immediately
comp plan will havewas
began to a second
to vent.
be dialed few deskglasses
with are.
a purse You and know he's
sweater got you
strewn here
on to keep
of wine
Continue would
is reading
a good open us both
recent up more
example of top.
comp I
think off his ass,
either right?
us washot, That's gottotoopen.
prepared be theShe
plan that was then dialed back to
only reason
Like to speak. you're
the triple here.
monitor He's afraid
desk was of you. 1
lukewarm just last year) desirability of an
industrial smarterprinter- than the hekindis. He's
that goingcan to go to
product, sell through projections, production
"He's Christina.
going to He'sChristina."
jail, going for one
a smallwayto ormedium
forecasting, etc...
sizedthis or something
business. Warner
Next that, He'sa 3D a criminal.
printer and 3w
Christina, I know it’s the holidays - but we
Excuse get mixed
me, what? up in it." copy/fax/printer.
Those 500 pay can
every have
month a very
to support VERYyou. important
I just think it
is wrong to notformed
The in
role determining even
arrangement update
the direction or anything.
an upside of an down MLM "u".
"You think
needmight I don't
to get know
out that now?
of here. Find
and they 3 not even knowRun. it. Do NOT
trustthe him. desk ELSE
He's with to
going arrest
three him
to bring for. in
you Thislay adrag
Amy Warner 2d
you down is
of shit
with and
him. youHe Onknowthe
doesn't it.
desk Youwith
want won't
you thehere
So, when I was asked to pay special attention
Ok then
to FIX a peep
anything. severalme if
He's you
trying serve
to throw a There
goodyou were
the "National Sales Director" who, admitted
his a over
scent. Not
If that
by my voice
various really
you here, matters
you feel in
to me a few glasses of wine that she was
brands butI don't
if playing
you recall,
likeame so much, you'll get my
a comment ...Victoria's
(in theinsense
fixing Secret,
of you andWILL the
NOT greenhim
expose card-like
on your coupons
How or giftmany cards.
plan to enrollees- not selling She
times time,commented
content itwith
didn't mean
selling about much justtomaking
a product me. fine),
just They
were inGoddamned
a mall, if hethesedidn't dosurely
what he
did not with
want toperhaps
you to shut
sell, you
but moreover were
up... coupons
wanted you to
from me.
train the
must know
and remaining
he's not
coach those stores
thethat in
first the near-ghost
signed toup have that
they got of athere-
building. I knew I had who notheidea ownerhow blamed
(at least openly) those for coupons and gift cards
the shortcomings of would
No. In
not stupid.I should I've learned have taken very early a photo on

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