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Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan have a challenging and rough exploration whereas he
commanded the lead ship Trinidad and was accompanied by four other ships named: San
Antonio, Conception, Victoria, and Santiago. Unfortunately, only Victoria did return after 3 years
loaded a mere 18 out of 270 original fleet’s crew. Ferdinand Magellan started his Expedition
September 20, 1519 until they sailed on the Cebu, Philippines and spread the Christianity and
lost his fortune to reach spice island when Magellan died in the hands of the Mactanese lead by
Lapu-Lapu on April 27,1521. Magellan didn’t make it to reach the spice island but Victoria
completed the voyage and arrived back in Spain in September 1522. Magellan expedition
provided the Europeans with far more than just spices and his ambitious
expedition proved that the globe could be circled by sea and that the world was much larger
than had previously been imagined.
2. From what I’ve observed, some informati on is mismatched with other sources while
others were not actually proven or sti ll a questi on with them just like if Magellan
really know the about the passage that will fl eet through the spice island or its just a
supreme gamble to him. BBC also state that San Antonio lost not because of a bad
weather but because of act of rebellion back to Spain. Also, according to them there
are only 241 fl eets but if you search in other sources there are 270 of them. Lastly,
there is a confusion about where the batt le takes place. If it is in Mactan or Camotes
3. According to what I’ve watched to the documentary of Jay Taruc, I must say yes.
Lapu-Lapu is initi ally known as our fi rst hero in the Philippine history. He is known by
his bravery and greatness that resist imperial Spanish colonization. Cebuanos all of us rather
signifies Lapu-Lapu as the symbol of their pride aside of Rizal who used his skills in writing. And
stated by Mr.Peter Uckung a senior history researcher, the important is Lapu-Lapu has a great
mores that everyone must do when they are oppressed.

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