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Published by Concealed Carry Academy,

LLC 646 S. Main Street #275

Cedar City, UT 84720

Copyright © Jason R. Hanson, Concealed Carry Academy, LLC, 2014 All rights reserved.

Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced,
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prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of this book.

Important Publishers Note

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the
subject matter covered. If legal advice or any type of assistance is needed, please seek the services of
a competent professional.

Firearms are potentially dangerous and should be handled responsibly by all individuals. This book,
produced by the Concealed Carry Academy, LLC, is for informational purposes only. All technical
information, instruction, and advice, reflect the beliefs of the Concealed Carry Academy, LLC and are
intended as informational only. This book is not intended to serve as a replacement for professional
instruction. By reading this book you understand firearms are potentially dangerous and you assume
all risks if you choose to handle a firearm. You agree to indemnify, and hold harmless the Concealed
Carry Academy, LLC and Jason R. Hanson from any and all such claims and damages as a result of
reading this book, which is for informational purposes only.

Welcome to 30 Day Sharp Shooter… quick things about trigger control. Trigger control
is the most important fundamental when it
Following this guide will help you to see massive
comes to becoming a highly accurate shooter.
improvement in your handgun accuracy over the
next month. The thing is, most people don’t even know where

Monday-Friday are dry fire drills you can do at to begin when it comes to developing a smooth

home. Dry firing means practicing with a safe trigger pull. And the reason for that is that there

and empty weapon. When you dry fire there is no answer that is 100% correct all of the time.
should be absolutely no ammunition in the room.
Here’s what I mean: Each of us has different size
Also, triple-check that your gun is unloaded
and length of fingers, which is why there is no
before you begin your dry fire session.
perfect way to pull the trigger for everyone.
Since Monday-Friday is dry firing, Saturday’s
Personally, I pull the trigger using the pad of my
drills are live-fire at the shooting range. I’ve
index finger. However, there are a few shooters,
included the targets you need for the live-fire
such as instructor Massad Ayoob, who pull the
drills and all you have to do is print them off
from your home computer. trigger using the first joint (or crease) of their
index finger.
I promise you that if you follow all of the drills in
this 30-day guide you’ll be amazed at how your What you need to do as you go through this guide
accuracy improves. If, heaven forbid, you ever is to take turns practicing pulling the trigger with
have to defend your family from a home intruder both your pad and with the first crease. You need
(or other dangerous event) you’ll have the to find out what you’re comfortable with and
confidence to know you can accurately hit your what works best for you.
target and stop the threat.
I imagine you’ll end up pulling the trigger with
And remember, these are the same drills your pad, like most people.
I personally do every day to give me the
proficiency I need to protect my own family. But if you’re more accurate with your crease that
is obviously something you want to find out as
But before we get to Day 1, I want to say a few

30 Day Sharp Shooter 1 Survival Life © 2014

soon as possible. control is the key to precision accuracy. So take
your time figuring out where you’re going to place
When you’re pulling the trigger, you want to pull
your finger on the trigger. Also, whether you use
it straight back towards yourself. For instance,
the pad of your finger or the crease, make sure
most shooters do not pull the trigger straight
and pull the trigger straight back.
back, which is why a right-handed shooter often
has their shots go to the left.

But here’s what I do, and recommend, to help

you pull the trigger straight back:

In short, if you’re using the pad of your finger to

pull the trigger, be sure to keep the pad of your
finger parallel to your body at all times while
pulling the trigger back.

In other words, when you pull the trigger, your

Keep your finger straight and parallel to your
finger wants to naturally curve towards you, body as you pull the trigger
but keep your finger parallel so it’s completely
straight. I realize this may sound confusing
which is why I have included pictures on the
next page. The picture on the bottom shows what
NOT to do… you can see that my trigger finger
is curved and pointing towards me. The picture
on the top of the page shows my finger perfectly
straight and parallel to my body.

At first, keeping your finger straight may not feel

natural, but after just a bit of practice you won’t
Do not curve your finger and have it point towards your body
think twice about it. if you’re using the pad of your finger to pull the trigger

One last thing I like to do when practicing the

perfect trigger pull is to pretend I am pulling the
Please remember to triple check that
trigger straight back into my chest. So when I’m
your gun is unloaded before you do any
pulling the trigger (and keeping the tip of my
finger straight) I envision that the trigger is going dry firing, and know your backstop.

to hit me dead center in the chest. Please be safe! Unless I mention it’s a
“Range Day” all drills are dry fire drills
I realize all of this trigger control information may
performed using a safe and empty gun.
be completely new to you, but remember, trigger

30 Day Sharp Shooter 2 Survival Life © 2014


ou’re going to be doing the Blank Panel
drill. I call this the Blank Panel drill
because I use a bulletproof panel for this
drill and for all of my dry fire drills.

The bulletproof panel is size 10 x 14 and stops up

to a .44 Magnum. I am a big believer in using the
bulletproof panel for practice, in case, heaven
forbid, you ever have an accidental discharge. If
you want to get the full details on the bulletproof
panel I use (including how I use this in my laptop to Concealed Carry to better explain this perfect
bag to create a bulletproof laptop bag), visit sight alignment:
“Your handgun has a front sight and rear
If you don’t have a bulletproof panel, you will sight, which you need to properly align to get
simply use a blank wall for this drill. You will accurate hits on target. Your rear sight is likely
stand about one-inch away from the panel or the flat bottomed with a square notch in the middle
wall and practice your perfect trigger pull. You and your front sight is a small, perpendicular
will practice your trigger pull a total of 25 times. blade. When you’re ready to shoot you need to
bring the gun up to eye level and look through
The reason you’re doing this drill facing a blank
the square notch in the rear sight and focus on
panel or blank wall is because you are focusing
the front sight. You cannot focus on both the
on your front sight to make sure you are pulling
rear sight and the front sight at the same time.
the trigger straight back.
It’s impossible to do, so make sure and focus
In other words, I don’t want you distracted by a 100% of your attention on your front sight. Pick
target. I want you to be able to easily see if your the smallest indent, or scratch on your front
front sight dips to the left (or right) when you are sight and focus on it like your life depends on
pulling the trigger. it. Seeing your front sight crystal clear and
focusing on the smallest scratch or mark is one
Remember, you want perfect sight alignment as
of the secrets to becoming an accurate shooter.
you pull the trigger and your front sight should
not move throughout the entire trigger pull. If you’re focusing hard on your front sight then
the rear sight and the target should both be
Here’s what I wrote in my book, The Covert Guide

30 Day Sharp Shooter 3 Survival Life © 2014

blurry. Also, your front sight needs to be aligned
in the center of your rear sight with equal
amounts of light on either side, and your front
sight and rear sight should be level across the You are again going to do the Blank Panel (or
top. See below for an example of a level front blank wall) drill. But this time you will do 25
and rear sight, and equal amounts of light on perfect trigger pulls.
each side.”
In other words, if your front sight dips it doesn’t
count as one of the 25.

What I recommend is that you do five trigger

pulls and then let the gun rest at your side and
take a short break.

Then then do another five trigger pulls and take

Don’t forget, as you’re doing this drill you can a break, etc.
practice placing your finger on the trigger in
Remember to pay attention to how your finger is
different positions. For instance, you may realize
positioned and what it feels like when you make
the front sight never moves when using the pad
the perfect trigger pull that doesn’t disturb the
of your finger, but always dips when you use the
sights. You want to ingrain this feeling into your
first joint of the finger to pull the trigger.
Quick Recap: Blank Panel drill, one-inch
Quick Recap: Blank Panel drill, one-inch
away from the panel or wall, 25 trigger pulls,
away from the wall, 25 trigger pulls, must be 25
try to not to disturb your front sight by doing a
perfect trigger pulls or it doesn’t count.
perfect trigger pull.

About one-inch away from the wall doing the The Blank Panel drill with 25 perfect trigger pulls
Blank Panel drill

30 Day Sharp Shooter 4 Survival Life © 2014

Today you are going to do the Blank Panel drill Today, you’re going to practice your trigger reset.
but you are going to practice holding the trigger For instance, if you shoot a Glock (like I do)
to the rear after the “shot breaks” (after you have here’s how you will do this drill: You will again
pulled the trigger and heard the click.) be one-inch away from the bulletproof panel or
wall. You will pull the trigger without disturbing
You see, one of the fundamentals of shooting is
your front sight.
follow-through. This means you need to pull the trig-
ger to the rear and hold it for a split-second instead Once you pull the trigger you will hold the trigger
of immediately taking your finger off the trigger. to the rear and you will rack the slide of your gun
(with the trigger still held to the rear.) This will
In other words, you need to be like the basketball
reset the trigger. You will then let out just enough
player who holds his hand out for a split-second after
slack until you hear the trigger reset and you will
taking a jump shot or like the quarterback in football
again pull the trigger and try and have a perfect
who follows through after he releases a pass.
trigger pull.
If you instantly release your finger from the
You want to become familiar with how far you
trigger after firing a shot it will hurt your
have to release the trigger before it resets. As
accuracy. This is a mistake I see often in my
soon as you hit that reset point you want to pull
defensive pistol courses.
the trigger again. You will do this drill for a total
You will do this for a total of 25 trigger pulls and of 25 trigger pulls.
you will hold the trigger to the rear after each
Quick Recap: Blank Panel drill, one-inch away
trigger pull.
from the wall, 25 trigger pulls, you will hold the
Quick Recap: Blank Panel drill, one-inch trigger to the rear each time, cycle the slide so the
away from the wall, 25 trigger pulls, you are trigger resets, then let out just enough slack until
going to focus on holding the trigger to the rear the trigger resets, and pull it again.
after each trigger pull.

Hold the trigger to the rear after each trigger pull Let out enough slack until the trigger resets
and pull it again

30 Day Sharp Shooter 5 Survival Life © 2014


oday you’re going to (slightly) speed

up your trigger pull. You’ll be doing

the Blank Panel drill again. Yes, I know

we’ve done this multiple days in a row, but I

hope that shows you how important this drill

is and why I’ve personally been doing this drill

for years.

You’re going to be one-inch away from the panel

or wall and you’re going to pull the trigger 25

times. However, you’re going to do it in batches

of five.

I want you to develop a cadence or rhythm and

pull the trigger five times in a row. For instance,

you may do five trigger pulls in 10 seconds,

Pull the trigger five times in a row then take a break
or in other words, a pull of the trigger every

2 seconds. The purpose of this drill is not to

go lightning fast, but to slightly speed up your

trigger pull while maintaining the perfect sight

alignment. Do five trigger pulls then take a short

break and then do another five, until you do

your 25 trigger pulls.

Quick Recap: Blank Panel drill, one-inch

away from the wall, 25 trigger pulls, you will

pull the trigger in batches five each, and will

develop a cadence to do your five pulls in 10 to

15 seconds.

30 Day Sharp Shooter 6 Survival Life © 2014


t’s range day. On page 18 is the 6-Dot drill
target, which you’ll be using today. Simply
print as many copies off your computer as
you want. (You’ll only need one copy, but it’s
always a good idea to bring a spare or two.)

You’ll need at least 36 rounds of ammunition, but

bring 50-100 rounds to the range with you.

From the 3-yard line shoot all six dots on the

target going in order from one to six (firing one
round in each dot). Practice the perfect trigger
pull you’ve been working on all week, and take
as much time as you need to make all six shots.

Once you’ve hit all six shots from the 3-yard line
then move back to the 5-yard line and repeat the
drill again. Once you’ve hit all six shots from the
5-yard line, move back to the 7-yard line and do
the drill again.

After you’ve completed this drill from the 7-yard

line then go forward to the 3-yard line and do the
entire drill again, but with more speed. A 6-Dot drill done by the author

This time have no more than a two-second pause

between each shot and do this out to the 7-yard
line again.

If you miss the dot at any time throughout

this drill it does not count and you need to
take that shot again.

Also, don’t forget to slow down and take your

time if you’re missing any of the dots.

Quick Recap: 6-Dot drill shot from 3, 5, and 7

yards. The second time you shoot this drill have
no more than two seconds between each shot.

30 Day Sharp Shooter 7 Survival Life © 2014

grip on the gun
while it’s still in
the holster. When
Today is Sunday. This is the one day of the week you have your firm
where I take a break and don’t shoot or dry fire. grip on the gun pull
So, you have a choice: You can take a break too or straight up, rotate
you can do the Blank Panel drill. (You can never the gun towards
do this drill enough.) the target, and
drive the gun out
Quick Recap: Blank Panel drill, one-inch
towards the target.
away from the wall, 25 trigger pulls, try and keep
your sights perfectly aligned. Slow down if your Practice your draw
Drawing the gun from the
front sight dips to the left or right while doing and finish with a four o’clock position on the hip
this drill. smooth trigger pull.
Do this for a total of 25 times. In other words,
make sure and re-holster the gun after each pull
of the trigger.

Quick Recap: Draw to the Wall drill, one-

inch away from the wall, 25 trigger pulls, full
presentation of the gun from the holster each time.

Notice how the front sight is perfectly aligned

Today we’re going to work on presentation from
the holster and we’ll do the Draw to the Wall
drill. When I carry my gun it’s typically in one of
two places: Either on my hip at the four o’clock
position or in my front right pocket.

Wherever you choose to carry your gun it’s

important that you’re able to get a firm firing

30 Day Sharp Shooter 9 Survival Life © 2014


ou’re going to use the 5-Square target on
page 23 for todays dry fire drills. When I
use this target I simply tape my target to
my bulletproof panel (see picture on next page).

You’re only going to be focusing on the center

square for today. Standing 3 yards away from
the target, I want you to draw your gun from the
holster and pull the trigger as soon as you have a
good sight picture on the center black square.

What I mean is, draw the gun and as soon as

your sights are aligned on the square, pull the
trigger, even if your arms aren’t fully extended.

The purpose of this drill is to train you to

quickly pick up your front sight, and to have a
smooth trigger pull as soon as you’re on target.
Do this 25 times.

Quick Recap: 5-Square target, pulling the The 5-Square target taped to the bulletproof panel

trigger as soon as you have a good sight picture

on the center square, 25 trigger pulls.

30 Day Sharp Shooter 10 Survival Life © 2014

DAY 10 DAY 11
Today you’ll need the 5-Square target and a You’re doing the same drill from yesterday,
timer. I use the Pocket Pro Timer by Competition except you’ll be putting your finger on the
Electronics, but there are several apps out there
trigger, but you will not be pulling the trigger.
you can also use as timer.
Get the 5-Square target, stand 3 yards away, and
Depending on how comfortable you are with
set your timer for 2-3 seconds depending on your
your draw, you’ll want to set the timer for either
experience level.
two or three seconds. (The goal is to eventually
get down to two seconds or less.)
When the timer beeps, draw your gun and get

Stand 3 yards away from the 5-Square target. it on target (on the center black square) and put
When the timer beeps, you will draw your gun your finger on the trigger but do not pull it.
and get a good sight picture with your finger
I want you to practice feeling the trigger before
along the frame of the gun, off the trigger.
you pull it. This will help you avoid slapping the
For this drill, you are only working on your draw
trigger in the future. Do this a total of 25 times.
and trying to get the gun out and on target in two
seconds or less. Do 25 draws, and remember, you Quick Recap: 5-Square target, drawing the
are not putting your finger on the trigger.
gun and getting it on target in two seconds or

Quick Recap: 5-Square target, drawing the less, while putting your finger on the trigger,
gun and getting it on target in two seconds 25 times.
or less.

The competition timer the author uses along When your sights are aligned put your finger on the trigger
with the 5-Square target

30 Day Sharp Shooter 12 Survival Life © 2014

DAY 12 DAY 13
Today you’ll be drawing the gun, getting a good It’s range day again. Today you’ll be doing live-
sight picture, and pulling the trigger in two sec- fire drills with the 5-Square target you’ve been
onds or less.
using this past week.

Get the 5-Square target, stand 3 yards away, and

You’ll need at least 20 rounds, but bring 50-100
set your timer for 2 seconds. When the timer
with you. You’ll also need to bring a timer with you.
beeps, draw your gun and get it on target (on the
center black square) and pull the trigger. From 3-yards, fire one round in each of the

Keep an eye on your front sight. five squares. Take as much time as you need.

Remember to pull the trigger straight back and

Are you slapping the trigger, is it dipping to the
keep your trigger finger parallel to your body.
left or right? If your front sight is constantly
moving, then slow down and go back to basics. Start with the center square and go around in a

Practice your smooth trigger pull without the circle. Then move back to 5-yards and shoot all
timer and remember to keep your finger parallel five squares again.
to your body and pull it straight back.
Then get out the timer and from the 3-yard line
Quick Recap: 5-Square target, drawing the
try and hit each square in 2 seconds or less. If
gun and getting it on target in two seconds or
your local shooting range allows you to draw from
less, while having a smooth trigger pull, 25 times.
the holster, then do this drill from the holster.

If not, then do this drill from the high ready

position (both hands on the gun with the

gun pulled close to your chest.) Once you’ve

completed this drill from the 3-yard line using

the timer, do it again from the 5-yard line.

I realize this is a very difficult drill, but here’s the

good news about why you’re doing it: The goal

of this guide is to make you a combat accurate

Watch your front sight, it shouldn’t move
shooter. I don’t know about you, but I’m not

30 Day Sharp Shooter 13 Survival Life © 2014

trying to qualify for the Olympics.

In other words, if the black square was the center

DAY 14
mass of a human and you slightly missed, you
would still hit your target—as the often repeated
It’s Sunday, so you know I take a break today and
line goes, “aim small, miss small.”
you can do the same. Or, if you wish to practice,
Quick Recap: 5-Square target, live-fire from 3 take the 5- Square target, stand 3-yards away and
and 5 yards, using the timer. practice your full draw while pulling the trigger

when your sights are aligned on the target.

Remember to pull the trigger as soon as you have

a good sight picture, don’t wait until your arms

are fully extended. Slow down if you see your

front sight dipping when you pull the trigger.

Quick Recap: 5-Square target, 3-yards away,

full presentation from the holster, pull the trigger

Author’s 5-Square Target
when you have a good sight picture on the center

square, do this 25 times.

Pull the trigger once you have a good sight picture

Slight misses when doing the drill in two seconds or less

30 Day Sharp Shooter 14 Survival Life © 2014

DAY 15

ow we’re going to increase the distance
you’ve been dry firing and shooting
from. The fact is, even if your front
sight dips at 3 and 5 yards, you’re still (likely)
going to hit your target. But when you move out
to 7, 10, 15, and 25 yards, trigger control becomes
much more important and any errors you make
are magnified even more.

So today, when you’re dry firing try and be 7 to 10

yards away from your target. I know you may not
Make sure and do a full presentation from the
have this much room in your house but try and holster each time
use a basement or a hallway. (If you don’t have a
basement or hallway, just use whatever distance sight and see if it moves. If you’re going too fast
you can even if it’s 3 or 5 yards.) Remember to be then slow down. Do this full presentation from
safe and know your backstop and use a bullet- the holster for a total of 25 times.
proof panel (
Quick Recap: Circle target, 7 to 10 yards
Using the 8-inch Circle target on page 35, stand 7 away, full presentation from the holster, pull the
to 10 yards away. Draw your gun from the holster trigger when you have a good sight picture, do
and pull the trigger as soon as your sights are on this 25 times.
target. Make sure and pay attention to your front

30 Day Sharp Shooter 15 Survival Life © 2014

DAY 16 DAY 17
We’re going to throw in some lateral movement today. You’re going to do the lateral movement drill

Use the Circle target, stand about 7-yards away again today because it’s important that you
from the target and do a full presentation from move if you’re ever in a gunfight. Obviously, if
the holster.
someone pulls a gun on you, you don’t want to
However, when you draw, take a step to the
just stand there, you want to move out of the line
left or to the right and then complete your dry
fire trigger pull. Do this a total of 25 times and of fire.
remember to switch it up so that you’re not
stepping to the same side all of the time. So although

Since there’s more going on in this drill, don’t you’re only

forget to watch your front sight. If you’re not doing this drill
getting a perfect trigger pull then slow things
two days in a
down. There is no point in doing a lightning
quick lateral movement if you can’t hit the target. row, I would

Do this 25 times. encourage you

to practice this
Quick Recap: Circle target, 7-yards away, full
presentation from the holster, lateral movement drill often.
to the left or right, pull the trigger when you have
a good sight picture, do this 25 times. Quick

Recap: Circle

target, 7 yards

away, full


from the

holster, lateral Make sure and vary which

way you move
movement to the

left or right, pull the trigger when you have a

good sight picture, do this 25 times.

Take a step to the left or right during this drill

30 Day Sharp Shooter 17 Survival Life © 2014

DAY 18 DAY 19
Instead of moving laterally, today you’re going Since you practiced moving forwards yesterday,

to practice taking two steps forward. Using the you’re going to practice moving backwards today.

Circle target, stand 7 yards away. Draw your gun Using the Circle target, stand 7-yards away. Draw

and take two steps forward while achieving a your gun and take two steps backwards while

smooth trigger pull. achieving a smooth trigger pull.

I know I’ve said this many times already, but Take your time and go as slowly as you need

take your time. Take slow steps and make sure to. Watch your front sight and if it moves, go

you don’t disturb your front sight when you pull even slower.

the trigger. Even if you have to move forward at

Quick Recap: Circle target, 7 yards away, full
snails pace, that is fine with me as long as you’re
presentation from the holster, moving backwards
getting a smooth trigger pull.
two steps and pulling the trigger when you have

Quick Recap: Circle target, 7 yards away, full a good sight picture, do this 25 times.

presentation from the holster, moving forward

two steps and pulling the trigger when you have

a good sight picture, do this 25 times.

Focus on your front sight during the trigger pull, it

Slowly move forward to ensure perfect trigger pulls shouldn’t move

30 Day Sharp Shooter 18 Survival Life © 2014

DAY 5 Once you’ve fired the one shot at the various
distances then move the target to the 7-yard line.

From the 7-yard line practice taking a step to the

oday you’re going to the range to left or right and then fire one shot in the circle.
practice the many drills you did this Even if you’re using an indoor range you can
past week. You’ll need the Circle target still take a lateral step even if it’s a small one.
(bring at least three) and bring 100 rounds of Practice taking a step to the left for a total of 10
ammunition. times and practice taking a step to the right a
total of 10 times.
First, set the Circle target at 7 yards. Using
everything you’ve learned so far, fire one shot Once you’ve moved laterally, then practice
inside the circle. If you miss, continue shooting moving
until you get one shot inside the circle. However, forwards and
if you hit the circle on your first try, then move backwards. This
the target back to 10 yards. is going to be
tougher to do
From 10 yards, fire until you get one shot inside
in an indoor
the circle. Then move it back to 15 yards, 20
range, but try
yards, and 25 yards. As the distances increase,
and take a step
this drill obviously becomes more difficult. If
even if it’s tiny.
you’re not able to hit the target at 15, 20, or 25
yards, just remember where you left off and try Move forward
again later. taking a shot
for a total of 10
In other words, if you’re having trouble hitting
times and move Author’s target after a few drills
the target at 20 yards, just go back and practice
backwards for a
more of the earlier drills in this guide to improve
total of 10 times. Fire one shot each time inside
your trigger control. Once you feel you practiced
the circle and take as much time as you need.
enough then go back and try this drill again from
20 yards. But please don’t get discouraged. Quick Recap: Circle target, live fire drills,
shooting from various distances and shooting
Remember, anyone can learn how to become a
while moving laterally and forwards and
good shooter, which is why we see people from
all walks of life that are excellent marksman—all
it takes is practice.

30 Day Sharp Shooter 19 Survival Life © 2014

DAY 21 DAY 22
It’s Sunday. You can take a break or do the Blank Today you’re going to practice multiple shots.

Panel drill—the drill you can never do enough. After all, if you’re ever in a gunfight you’re likely
going to have to fire multiple rounds to stop your
Have the gun about one-inch away from the
threat. However, never forget that the first shot is
panel and practice your smooth trigger pull.
the most important, and the person who gets the

Remember, the reason we are using a blank first accurate shot usually wins a gunfight.

panel is so there are no distractions and so you Depending on the type of gun you have, you may

can see if your front sight moves when pulling have to simulate the second shot. For instance, if
you’re using a Glock you will only be able to pull
the trigger. Do this a total of 25 times and only
the trigger once during these dry fire drills, but
perfect trigger pulls count.
still pull it a second time even though the trigger

Quick Recap: Blank Panel drill, one-inch will not have reset.

away from the wall, 25 trigger pulls, must be 25 Use the Circle target and stand 3-yards away from

perfect trigger pulls or it doesn’t count. the target. Draw your gun from the holster and
do two trigger pulls. Draw your gun for a total of
25 times, which equals 50 trigger pulls.

Quick Recap: Circle target, 3-yards, draw

the gun and do two trigger pulls for a total of 50
trigger pulls.

Do the Blank Panel drill as often as you can Try and do 50 perfect trigger pulls

30 Day Sharp Shooter 20 Survival Life © 2014

DAY 23 DAY 24
You’ll need your timer for today. Remember, I use Since you’ve been doing two pulls of the trigger
the Pocket Pro II timer, but you can use whatever the past two days, it’s important to make sure
timer you wish. Set the timer so it will beep in that accuracy hasn’t slipped. Today you’ll need
two seconds. the 5-Square target.

You are going to do the same drill as yesterday, Stand 3-yards away from the target and dry
but with the timer. Use the Circle target and fire on the center black square. When you pull
stand 3-yards from the target. You will dry fire the trigger on the center square your front
two trigger pulls on the circle. sight shouldn’t move at all. If your front sight
is dipping to the left or right, slow down and
Make sure you can get your first trigger pull in
remember to pull the trigger straight back as if
less than two seconds and eventually you’ll want
it’s going to hit you in the chest.
to try and get both trigger pulls in less than two
seconds from this close of a distance. Do 25 perfect trigger pulls on the center square.
If your front sight moves, it doesn’t count as one
Quick Recap: Circle target, 3-yards, set your
of the 25.
timer for two seconds, draw the gun and do two
trigger pulls for a total of 50 trigger pulls. Quick Recap: 5-Square target, 3-yards, 25
perfect trigger pulls on the center square.

Try and get your first trigger pull in 2 seconds or less If your front sight moves, it doesn’t count as
one of your 25 trigger pulls

30 Day Sharp Shooter 21 Survival Life © 2014

DAY 25

oday you’re going to be using a new
target (on page 23) called the 3 X 5

Stand 5 to 7 yards away from this target or

whatever distance you have in your dry fire
location. You’re going to start from the high
ready position and as soon as you pick up your
front sight and have a good sight picture you
will pull the trigger. Even if your arms aren’t
fully extended, pull the trigger as soon as you’re
on target.

Do this a total of 25 times and keep an eye on

your front sight to make sure it isn’t moving.

Quick Recap: 3 X 5 target, 5 to 7 yards, pull

the trigger as soon as you’re on target, total of 25
trigger pulls. Pull the trigger as soon as you have a solid sight picture

30 Day Sharp Shooter 22 Survival Life © 2014

DAY 26 DAY 27
You’ll need the 3 X 5 target and your timer today. It’s your final range day as part of this 30-day

Set your timer to beep in two seconds. You’ll guide. You’ll need to bring the Circle target and
the 3 X 5 target with you to the range. Also, bring
stand 5 to 7 yards away from the target and draw
100 rounds of ammunition and a timer.
from the holster when the timer sounds.
First, do a quick warm up drill using the Circle
You will not pull the trigger today. You will target. Fire one round at 3 yards, then fire one
simply place your finger on the trigger, but do round at 5 yards, and then one round at 7 yards.

not pull it. This will help you break the habit of Keep firing until your hits are in the circle at all
of these distances.
slapping the trigger and will train you to have a

smooth trigger pull. Next, set the target at 3 yards. Fire two shots into
the Circle target as quickly as you can. Do this
Do this a total of 25 times, but remember, you are a total of five times from the 3-yard line. If you
only placing your finger on the trigger. miss the circle from 3 yards, slow down and find
the right balance between speed and accuracy.
Quick Recap: 3 X 5 target, 5 to 7 yards, set the
Move the target to 5 yards and again fire two shots
timer for two seconds, only place your finger on
as quickly as you can. Do this a total of five times.
the trigger, do this a total of 25 times.
Move the target to 7 yards and fire two shots as
quickly as you can. You’re going to have to slow
down at the 7-yard line to make sure your shots
hit inside the circle.

Now get out your timer and set it for two seconds.
Start from the high ready position or from the
holster depending on what your local range
allows. From the 3-yard line fire two shots. You
want to be able to get your first shot off in less
than two seconds. Do this a total of five times.

Move the target to 5 yards and again fire two shots

as quickly as you can. Get your first shot off in less
Place your finger on the trigger, but do not
pull it during this drill than two seconds. Do this a total of five times.

30 Day Sharp Shooter 24 Survival Life © 2014

DAY 28
Move the target to 7 yards and again fire two

shots as quickly as you can. Try and get your first

shot off in less than two seconds. Do this a total

Today is Sunday. By now, you know that means
of five times.
you can take a break or do the Blank Panel drill.
Now we’re going to make things even harder.
Have the gun about one-inch away from the
Get out the 3 X 5 target. You’re going to practice
panel and practice your smooth trigger pull.
firing one round on the target in two seconds or

less. This is not easy, but your goal should be to Remember, the reason we are using a blank

eventually get to the point where you can hit this panel is so there are no distractions and so you

target from 7 yards in two seconds or less. (Don’t can see if your front sight moves when pulling

forget the aim small, miss small theory. If you’re the trigger. Do this a total of 25 times and only

hitting the target or are close from 7 yards then perfect trigger pulls count.

you’re well within combat accuracy, which is the

Quick Recap: Blank Panel drill, one-inch
ultimate goal of this guide.)
away from the wall, 25 trigger pulls, must be 25
Practice firing one round from 7 yards for as perfect trigger pulls or it doesn’t count.
long as you wish or until you run out of your 100

rounds of ammunition.


Firing two

shots on

the circle

drill, firing

one shot on

the 3 X 5

target from

7-yards in two

seconds or Focus on your front sight like your life depends on it

3 X 5 drill in under 2 seconds

30 Day Sharp Shooter 25 Survival Life © 2014

DAY 29 DAY 30
For your second to last day, you’re going to dry For your final day, you’ll need the Circle target
and the 3 X 5 target. Put the targets on top of one
fire on the 5-Square target. Standing 3 yards
another as shown in the picture on the next page.
away, I want you to dry fire on all 5 squares as
Stand 5 to 7 yards from the target or whatever
quickly as you can. distance you have in your dry fire location.

For example, if you’re using a Glock, you’ll dry Drawing from the holster do one trigger pull on
the Circle target and then do another trigger pull
fire on one square, quickly rack the slide to reset
on the 3 X 5 target. Remember, if you’re using a
the trigger and then dry fire on the next square gun such as the Glock you will have to reset your
trigger in between targets.
and so on. Do this a total of 25 times so you’re

dry firing on each square five times. This drill simulates firing one shot to the body
of a threat and then one shot to the head of a
If you notice your front sight starting to move, threat. In other words, if you fire at the body
and the threat keeps coming after you, you need
slow down.
to transition and fire at the head (such as if the
threat was wearing body armor.)
Quick Recap: 5-Square target, dry fire as
Do a total of 30 trigger pulls, 15 on the Circle
quickly as you can on each square for a total of
target and 15 on the 3 X 5 target. This is also a
25 trigger pulls. great drill to do at the range where you fire one
to the body and then fire one to the head.

Quick Recap: Put the 3 X 5 target on top of

the Circle target. Do one trigger pull to the Circle
target and another trigger pull to the 3 X 5 target
for a total of 30 trigger pulls.

Go as quickly as you can while still maintaining One trigger pull to the body and one to the head
a perfect trigger pull

30 Day Sharp Shooter 26 Survival Life © 2014


You’ve completed 30 Day Sharp Shooter!

You’ve pulled the trigger hundreds of times over the

past month and have seen a huge improvement in

your accuracy.

But even though you’ve finished your 30 days, I highly

recommend you continue to practice these drills often.

Many people start right over and continue to do these

drills over and over again (including myself.)

The good news is, by continuing to practice these

drills, you’ll have the combat accurate skills to defend

yourself if you ever have to use your gun in a deadly

force situation.

Also, see the next page for some bonus drills you can

do at the shooting range using the targets in this guide.

30 Day Sharp Shooter 27 Survival Life © 2014

Bonus Live
Fire Drills
1. The Bill Drill – The Bill Drill was created years, I’ve heard numerous instructors
by Bill Wilson or Bill Jordan. (Nobody seems recommend this drill so I’m not sure who
to know which Bill.) Typically, the Bill Drill deserves the credit. But get a blank sheet of
involves firing six shots as quickly as you can regular size paper. From 3 yards, fire a shot in
into the “A” zone of an IPSC target. the center of the paper. Then try and fire the
next 10 rounds in the exact same hole so you
However, we instead use the Circle target on
create one ragged hole. When you can do this
page 35.
from 3 yards, then move back to 5 yards, then
Stand at the 7-yard line with your hands in 7 yards, and so on. Go as slow as you need to
the surrender position. When the timer beeps, for this drill.
draw your gun and fire six shots as quickly as
4. The Night Stand Drill – You can do this
you can. Only hits inside the circle count. Keep
drill both dry fire and live fire. Have your gun
doing this drill until your time gets down to 5
sitting on a table or sitting on a night stand.
seconds, 4, seconds, 3 seconds, etc.
When the timer beeps, pick up your gun and
2. 5-Second Reload Drill - Load one fire one round in the center of the Circle target
magazine with one round, load a second as quickly as you can. (Remember, if you do
magazine full. this dry fire, triple-check that you have a safe
and empty weapon.)
Using the Circle target, stand at the 7-yard line
with your hands by your side. Set your timer for 5. The New FBI Qualification Course
five seconds. When the timer beeps, draw and
• Target used is the QIT-99
fire one round, reload, and fire as many rounds
as you can within the five-second time limit. • Course consists of a total of 60 rounds Each
round counts as one point
The first time you do this drill you may only
get two shots off, but practice this over and • Any hits inside the target area count
over until you can get three shots, and four
shots, etc.
• You must draw from concealment for every
string of shots Passing score for Agents is
3. One Ragged Hole Drill – Over the 48 out of 60

30 Day Sharp Shooter 28 Survival Life © 2014

Stage 1: 3 yard line Stage 3: 7 yard line
ff 4 rounds in 4 seconds
ff 3 rounds in 3 seconds using your strong
ff 4 rounds in 4 seconds
hand only
ff Have two magazines loaded with four
ff 3 rounds in 3 seconds using your strong rounds each. Fire four rounds, reload, fire

hand only another four rounds in 8 seconds.

Total of 16 rounds for Stage 3

ff 3 rounds using strong hand only, switch
hands, 3 rounds using support hand only
Stage 4: 15 yard line
all in 8 seconds
ff 3 rounds in 6 seconds
Total of 12 rounds for Stage 1 ff 3 rounds in 6 seconds

ff 4 rounds in 8 seconds
Stage 2: 5 yard line
Total of 10 rounds for Stage 4
(From here on out, all shooting is done with two
Stage 5: 25-yard line
ff 3 rounds in 3 seconds
(This stage involves the use of a barricade/cover)

ff 3 rounds in 3 seconds ff Move to cover and fire 2 rounds standing,

then 3 rounds kneeling all in 15 seconds
ff 3 rounds in 3 seconds
ff Move to cover and fire 2 rounds standing,
ff 3 rounds in 3 seconds
then 3 rounds kneeling all in 15 seconds
Total of 12 rounds for Stage 2
Total of 10 rounds for Stage 5

30 Day Sharp Shooter 29 Survival Life © 2014

Copyright © 2013 by Survival life, llC

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including

photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system.

Published by:

Survival life, llC

4330 gaines Ranch loop, Suite 120

Austin, TX 78735



30 Day Sharp Shooter 30 Survival Life © 2014

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