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February 2010

Important Notification about the Modnet Driver

We would like to draw your attention to an issue which has been reported to SCADA Global
Support regarding the Modnet communication driver.

The issue was reported on Modnet Driver version (release), but is likely to exist on all
versions of the driver. The issue is independent of the version of SCADA.

The issue has so far only been noted when communicating with Unity Quantum PLCs.


The Modnet driver allows users to write to individual bits in a word using a process known as
"read modify write". Under certain circumstances other bits in the word being written to can be
affected in a random manner.


The issue only occurs when using the write to bit in a word as described above; other write
operations are not affected.

For example, writing to addresses such as 400007.3 or %MW500.5

The issue can only occur when the following parameters are used in the CITECT.INI file:

[Modnet] MaxPending greater than 1

[Modnet] MaxOutstanding greater than 1

Please note: the default installed values of these parameters in the current version of the
driver are:

[Modnet] MaxPending = 2
[Modnet] MaxOutstanding = 1

Older versions have higher values for both parameters.

Only devices capable of processing requests out of order can demonstrate this issue.

The issue only occurs under increased load conditions when multiple requests are likely to be
processed out of order.


Install the new release of the Modnet driver included in this zip file.

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For more information on this issue:

• Vijeo Citect customers, contact your local Schneider office.

• CitectSCADA and CitectFacilities customers, contact the SCADA Global Support
Centre on the appropriate number for your country listed below.

SCADA Global Support Centre contact details:

Australia: 1300 131 631 Belgium 0800 40 710
New Zealand: 0800 880 026 Czech Republic 0800 134 466
AFRICA Denmark 808 87 453
South Africa: 0800 998 887 Finland 0800 913 065
LATIN AMERICA France 0825 012 999
Brazil: 800 891 2162 Germany: +49 8931901445
Mexico: 001 866 522 0285 Hungary: 06 800 18490
MIDDLE EAST Italy: 800 986 902
Israel: 1 809 216 065 Norway: 800 11979
NORTH AMERICA Spain: 800 098 944
USA/Canada: 866 589 6855 Sweden: 0200 882 612
GREATER CHINA Switzerland: 0800 001 241
China: 10 800 712 1587 Netherlands: 0800 020 0498
NORTH ASIA UK: 0800 376 2869
Japan: 00531 121 985 ALL OTHER COUNTRIES
South Korea: 00798 14 800 7112 Reverse call charges: +61 2 9496 7400
Singapore: 0800 120 4562

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