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1. Choose the right options

a) Which of the following can trap the energy of the sun and convert it into
food on its own

i) Grass ii) Grasshopper iii) Sparrow iv) Vulture

b) Which of the following is not obtained from plants?

i) Tea ii) Coffee iii) Butter iv) Cocoa

c) The people of a village use lots of fish, crabs and prawns in their diet.
The village is most probably located :

i) on a mountain ii) near the sea iii) inside forest iv) in desert

d) Vultures and hyenas feed on

i) fresh vegetable ii) tiny insects

iii) animals blood iv) dead animals

e) The herbivores get energy from the sun indirectly by

i) eating plants ii) being eaten by carnivores

iii) being eaten by omnivores iv) standing in the sun

f) Why do plants need food?

i) To move from place to place ii) To survive and grow

iii) To trap sunlight iv) To pass it on to other organism

2. Fill in the blanks.

(a) The animals that give us milk are called_______________ animals.

(b) The chemicals in food that our body needs are called ________.

(c) Three oil producing seeds are __________ and _________.

(d) The rearing of honey bees on a large scale is known as _________

(e) The rearing of silkworms to produce silk is called __________.

3. Mention whether the statements are true or false.

(a) Carnivores eat producers.

(b) Crow is an omnivore.

(c) Food is necessary for our survival.

(d) Green plants are called producers.

(e) Different living organisms require different types of food.

4. Find and circle the odd one giving reasons:

a) Eggs, meat, sprouts, milk
b) Brinjal, tomato, cucumber, spinach
c) Cow, lion, rabbit, squirrel
d) Man, crow, cow, rat
e) Wheat, rice, maize, sugarcane
5. Fill in the correct word:
i) Turnip : root :: Spinach : _____________
ii) Hen : egg :: __________: milk
iii) ___________ : sugar :: mustard : oil
iv) Bees : _____________ :: goat : meat
v) Coffee : Seeds :: Tea : _____________

Note: Write the answers in science notebook. Note the question too.

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