Computers and Geotechnics: David K.E. Green, Kurt Douglas, Garry Mostyn

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Computers and Geotechnics 68 (2015) 91–108

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Research Paper

The simulation and discretisation of random fields for probabilistic finite

element analysis of soils using meshes of arbitrary triangular elements
David K.E. Green a,⇑, Kurt Douglas a, Garry Mostyn b
School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
Pells Sullivan Meynink, Sydney, NSW 2113, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents a new methodology to discretise random fields for reliability assessment by the
Received 23 October 2014 Random Finite Element Method. The methodology maps a random field to an arbitrary triangular finite
Received in revised form 1 April 2015 element mesh by local averaging. Derivations for the variance reduction and covariance between local
Accepted 7 April 2015
averages of triangular areas using numeric integration are presented. The new methodology is compared
Available online 20 April 2015
against a published reliability assessment of a drained slope. The results matched expectations that not
accounting for spatial variability will, in the case analysed, significantly underestimate reliability. A
method to generate random fields using a form of Cholesky decomposition appropriate even for singular
Monte Carlo Simulation
Random fields
covariance matrices is presented and analysed. Finally, the derivations for the discretisation of random
Local averaging fields onto triangular meshes are presented for three dimensional tetrahedral elements.
Gaussian quadrature Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cholesky decomposition
Slope stability

1. Introduction numerical analysis models, the fundamental issue is the manner

in which a model quantifies risk. Simple analysis methods, such
Soils exhibit significant variations in their measured material as deterministic limit equilibrium analyses, rely almost entirely
property parameters even within apparently homogeneous layers on practitioner judgement and qualitative assessment in order to
[14]. The typical approach to the modelling of soil property vari- assess risk. Probabilistic methods provide a means to assess the
ability in geotechnical engineering involves either the assumption reliability of a given design in terms of acceptable risk. This paper
of homogeneity or the application of simple probabilistic models. focusses specifically on modelling the variability of soils.
These models do not adequately quantify the risks of a given Soil property variability can be modelled as being composed of
design [32]. In this paper, a new development in advanced proba- two components, point and spatial variability. Point variability
bilistic modelling of soils using random fields is presented. describes the variations in a measured property recorded indepen-
Reliability of a design can be defined in a probabilistic sense as dent of position (e.g. direct shear tests carried out on multiple sam-
the chance that a structure is able to withstand the loads to which ples taken from across a site) typically modelled with a probability
it will be subjected. The majority of simple numerical modelling density function. Spatial variability describes how the value of
techniques underestimate the reliability of geotechnical designs some parameter varies with distance between points and can be
provided the factor of safety is greater than one [33]. Excessive defined by a correlation function. The mathematical construct that
conservatism may lead to decisions where either safe designs are combines point and spatial variability is termed a random field.
considered to have unacceptable levels of risk or, alternatively, Random field models of soil parameters have become increasingly
over time the perception of what constitutes acceptable risk may common as the reliability of a design is known to be sensitive to
become distorted in practice. The cost of overdone conservatism, the effects of spatial variability [13,28].
particularly in long design life civil projects, is economically waste- Several methods exist for the computation of the reliability of a
ful and may even render an otherwise sound design financially given design. One of the most promising techniques available is the
unviable [32,27]. Of course, a lack of conservatism could result in Random Finite Element Method (RFEM) [14]. In this methodology,
disaster. When comparing strengths and weaknesses of different a Monte Carlo Simulation is undertaken in which a random field is
repeatedly simulated, mapped onto a finite element mesh and then
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 2 9385 5033. solved deterministically by finite elements for failure/non-failure.
E-mail address: (D.K.E. Green). The key advantage of this approach is that the full system
0266-352X/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
92 D.K.E. Green et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 68 (2015) 91–108

reliability is computed, as opposed to methods which only analyse Input soil

a single failure mechanism. Assuming enough simulation runs are Start statistical
completed, the stresses within the finite element model are able to
seek out the probabilistic critical failure mechanism.
Generate a random
RFEM makes use of local averaging theory in order to map a
field sample account-
random field over an infinite set of points to a discrete finite ele- ing for local averaging
ment mesh [14]. The use of local averaging for random field dis-
cretisation is well supported [14,43,44]. A disadvantage with Map random
RFEM, as it has been implemented in previous studies, is that only field onto finite
rectangular finite element meshes have been used. The local aver- element mesh

age subdivision (LAS) algorithm, used heavily in [14], would be dif-

ficult to carry out over arbitrarily oriented elements. Regular, Solve deterministic
problem with the
rectangular meshes can be impractical. Arbitrarily oriented simulations
finite element method
triangular elements may be required to mesh a problem domain
when complicated geometry is present. In this paper, a methodol-
Record whether or
ogy for the simulation and discretisation of random fields, includ-
not failure occurs
ing the effects of local averaging, for finite element meshes of
triangular elements is presented. This methodology was imple-
Compute probability
mented in a computer program, NIRFS, developed by the authors. of failure by number
In order to test the validity of the random field simulation of failures divided by
total number of analyses
methodology presented, results from NIRFS were compared
against a published reliability assessment of a slope stability prob-
lem. Many studies have focussed on probabilistic slope stability
analysis, [14] presents a list of 21 significant references. Ji et al. Has
in [27] present the results of a reliability assessment of a simple yes of failure
drained slope based on a limit equilibrium approach where the converged?
material properties along the critical failure surface are modelled
using random fields. A comparison between NIRFS and the analysis
in [27] is presented in Section 4 of this paper.
2. Computing the correlation structure of locally averaged
random fields Fig. 1. Flowchart of RFEM simulation methodology.

2.1. Monte Carlo Simulation by the Random Finite Element Method

The covariance function need not be isotropic. C i;j can be found
The Random Finite Element Method [14,20] can be used to com- using the directional components of si;j if this quantity is computed
pute the system reliability of design. RFEM is a Monte Carlo as a vector with magnitude equal to the distance between i and j. A
Simulation process. For each discrete simulation, a random field random field can be considered weakly homogeneous if the mean
is simulated, mapped onto a finite element mesh using local and standard deviation are invariant across the field [34]. In this
averaging and then solved deterministically by finite elements paper, only fields of this type are considered.
for failure/non-failure. The probability of failure can then be com-
puted as the proportion of failed simulations to the total number of 2.3. Local averaging of random fields for field discretisation
simulations. A flowchart of this procedure is presented in Fig. 1.
To simulate random fields, it is necessary to discretise the infi-
2.2. Random field representation nite set of points that the field represents mathematically into a
representation suitable for use with computers. Several methods
Extensive formal definitions of random fields can be found in exist for the discretisation of a random field, Sudret and Der
[14,43,1]. Gaussian random fields are commonly used as they are Kiureghian [40] contains an extensive review. In this paper, a local
completely specified by their first two moments, the mean and averaging, see [44], approach is adopted in order to discretise a
covariance of the random field. A Gaussian random field is repre- random field onto a triangular finite element mesh. The modelling
sented by an infinite multivariate Gaussian distribution between of engineering property parameters by local averages is discussed
all points, ðx1 ; x2 ; . . . ; xk Þ, in some spatial domain. Mathematically, at length in Fenton and Griffiths [14]. The argument for this can
this is given as: be summarised by considering that most engineering property
! parameters used for modelling macro-scale problems are poorly
1 ðx  lÞT C1 ðx  lÞ defined for an infinitesimally small domain. Modulus and porosity
f x1 ;x2 ;...;xk ðx1 ; x2 ; . . . ; xk Þ ¼ k 1
ð2pÞ2 jCj2 2 are examples of this.
ð1Þ In order to discretise a random field by local averaging two for-
mulations must be known, namely the variance reduction function
where l is the mean vector of the random field, and C is the covari- and the covariance between local averages. Locally averaging over
ance matrix with entries given by the covariance between points i some finite element reduces the variance of a discretised random
and j equal to C i;j ðsi;j Þ where si;j is either the separation distance field when compared to the original infinite joint distribution. If
or a lag-vector between points i and j. If si;j is the distance between this filtering process is not applied, the correlation structure of
points i and j, the field is isotropic. The covariance function C i;j ðsi;j Þ the random field will not be correctly modelled on the discretised
can be expressed in terms of an underlying correlation function, field. Analogous to techniques common in digital signal processing,
qi;j ðsi;j Þ, and the standard deviations of the Gaussian distributions small scale fluctuations much smaller than the scale of the dis-
at each point, ri and rj , such that C i;j ðsi;j Þ ¼ ri rj qi;j ðsi;j Þ. cretisation must be filtered out. This ensures that, when sampling
D.K.E. Green et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 68 (2015) 91–108 93

from a random field, the probability of obtaining a particular sam- Then:

ple is the same in both the infinite Gaussian distribution and the
Var ½X X 
discretised approximation. In particular, without recourse to local c¼
averaging, it can be impossible to gain accurate probability of fail-
ure estimates. Demonstrations of these effects are shown for analy- c¼ qX ðp2  p1 ÞdXdX ð5Þ
sis of sheet pile walls in walls [7] and shallow foundations in [36]. A2X X X

The variance reduction function is used to calculate this effect. For a random field with expectation l:
If the covariance between local averages is able to be computed, a ZZ ZZ
locally averaged representation of a random field can be simulated 1 l2
c¼ qX ðp2  p1 ÞdXdX 
such that the effect of the size of the finite elements in the mesh is
AX X X r2
incorporated accurately [44]. Using this approach, the entries of
The derivation of variance reduction for a general two-dimen-
the covariance matrix C i;j are given by the covariance between
sional area can be found in [14,43]. The closed form solution of
the local averages of elements i and j. This is in contrast to the mid-
the integral in Eq. (5) is highly dependent on the limits of the area
point method in which values for the random field are found only
integrals and the form of the correlation function qX . Closed form
at the midpoint of each finite element. The midpoint method is
solutions are known for various classes of covariance functions
known to overestimate the variance of the discretised random field
for rectangular areas [43].
The following operators are used in this paper: E½x: Expectation
2.5. Derivation of variance reduction for triangular areas by Gaussian
of x; Var½x: Variance of x; Cov ½x; y: Covariance of x and y.
2.4. Derivation of variance reduction function for two-dimensional
Given the forms of common covariance functions, it is simple to
generate integrals using Eq. (5) that cannot be solved. To simplify
the matter, it is far easier and more general to perform numerical
For a two-dimensional random field, X ðx; yÞ, the locally aver-
integration via Gaussian quadrature. Using this method, an integral
aged random field, X X ðx; yÞ, over some area, X, can be given as:
is approximated by determining the value of the function at pre-
1 determined points then adding the weighted sum of the function
X X ðx; yÞ ¼ Xðx; yÞdydx ð2Þ
X X at these points. This particular method of numerical integration
has the advantage of being simple to implement in computer code.
The following property of variance from Theorem 2.4 in [29] is
The form of Gaussian quadrature adopted here is that given in
[10] which gives the integration of a function over a triangular
Var½x ¼ E½x  E½x region, X of area AX as:
Var½x ¼ E x2  E½x2 X
f ðpÞdX  AX wi f ðk1i ; k2i ; k3i Þ ð6Þ
Also, the expectation of the local average, E½X X , is equal to the mean X i¼1
of the random field (for a stationary random field) as: where p is a coordinate vector in ðx; yÞ; N is the adopted degree of
1 precision of the solution, ðk1i ; k2i ; k3i Þ are the i-th sampling points
E½X X  ¼ E Xðx; yÞdydx (expressed in homogeneous barycentric coordinates) and wi is the
ZZ quadrature weight associated with the i-th sampling point.
E½X X  ¼ E½Xðx; yÞdydx Homogeneous barycentric coordinates (Fig. 2) are expressed in
terms of the weighted sum of the distances from the vertex coordi-
E½X X  ¼ E½Xðx; yÞ
nates such that given a triangle with vertices r:
Let l be the mean of the random field so E½Xðx; yÞ ¼ l. Then 0 1 0 1
r1 x1 ; y1
variance reduction c over a two-dimensional region, X of area B C B C
r ¼ @ r 2 A ¼ @ x2 ; y2 A
AX , can be derived by finding the variance of the locally averaged
area in terms of the variance of the original random field. Then, r3 x3 ; y3
for a non-zero mean random field: Any point within this triangle can be represented as the
" ZZ ZZ #
1 weighted sum of these vertices: r ¼ k1 r1 þ k2 r 2 þ k3 r3 subject to
Var ½X X  ¼ E Xðp1 ÞdX Xðp2 ÞdX  l2 ð3Þ the constraint that k1 þ k2 þ k3 ¼ 1. From [47], barycentric coordi-
nates can then be converted back to triangular coordinates by:
From this point, the term l2 can be removed and, to simplify xðk1 ; k2 Þ ¼ k1 ðx1  x3 Þ þ k2 ðx2  x3 Þ þ x3 ð7Þ
the algebra, the variance reduction found in terms of a zero mean
yðk1 ; k2 Þ ¼ k1 ðy1  y3 Þ þ k2 ðy2  y3 Þ þ y3 ð8Þ
random field:
h RR RR i Combining Eqs. (5) and (6) the integration of the covariance
Var ½X X  ¼ E 2
AX X Xðp1 ÞdX X Xðp2 ÞdX function over an arbitrary triangle, for a zero mean random field,
RR RR can be simplified to:
Var ½X X  ¼ A12 X X E½Xðp1 ÞXðp2 ÞdXdX

Var ½X X  ¼ 1
Cov ½Xðp1 Þ; Xðp2 ÞdXdX r2
A2X X X Var ½X X   2
A2X wi wj qX k1j  k1i ; k2j  k2i ; k3j  k3i
RR RR AX i¼1 j¼1
Var ½X X  ¼ A12 X X C X ðp2  p1 ÞdXdX

Var ½X X  ¼ Ar2
X X qX ðp2  p1 ÞdXdX Var ½X X   r2 wi wj qX k1j  k1i ; k2j  k2i ; k3j  k3i
i¼1 j¼1

This derivation yields, for a zero mean random field:

For notational convenience, define:
Var ½X X  ¼ r2 c ð4Þ km;ji :¼ kmj  kmi ð9Þ
94 D.K.E. Green et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 68 (2015) 91–108

1 1
 1 1

λ = (1, 0, 0) λ= 2, 2, 0 λ = (0, 1, 0) λ = (1, 0, 0) λ= 2, 2, 0 λ = (0, 1, 0)

1 1 1
 1 1 1

λ= 3, 3, 3 λ= 3, 3, 3

1 1
λ= 2 , 0, 2 λ = 0, 12 , 12 λ= 1 1
2 , 0, 2 λ = 0, 12 , 12

λ = (0, 0, 1) λ = (0, 0, 1)

Fig. 2. Homogeneous barycentric coordinates ðk1 ; k2 ; k3 Þ on equilateral and right angle triangles.

where m; i and j are indexing integers so that the computation for where rX and rW are the reduced standard deviations for the local
variance above can be written as: averages X X ðx; yÞ and X W ðx; yÞ computed using Eqs. (4) and (11). The
above general derivation can be found in [14]. For a non-zero ran-

Var ½X X   r2 wi wj qX k1;ji ; k2;ji ; k3;ji ð10Þ dom field, Eq. (12) becomes:
i¼1 j¼1 ZZ ZZ
rX rW
Cov ½X X ; X W  ¼ qX ðpW  pX ÞdWdX  l2
Given Eq. (4), the formula for the variance reduction over a AX AW X W
triangular area can be computed by:
Given the form of numerical integration over triangular areas
 given in Eq. (6) and the formulation for the covariance between
c wi wj qX k1;ji ; k2;ji ; k3;ji ð11Þ two-dimensional areas in Eq. (12) the covariance between two
i¼1 j¼1
triangular areas can then be expressed as:
If the mean is non-zero, the constant term (for a stationary ran-

dom field) l2 =r2 can be subtracted so: Cov ½X X ; X W   rX rW wi wj qX k1;ji ; k2;ji ; k3;ji  l2 ð13Þ
i¼1 j¼1
 l 2
c wi wj qX k1;ji ; k2;ji ; k3;ji  2 Note that this form is similar to that derived for variance reduc-
i¼1 j¼1
tion over triangular areas. The difference is that the sampling
points ki and kj are taken from the local averages X X ðx; yÞ and
2.6. Covariance between local averages of triangular elements by X W ðx; yÞ respectively, rather than all sampling points being taken
Gaussian quadrature within the same triangular area. The similarity is to be expected
as the variance is simply equal to the covariance of a region with
In order to simulate a locally averaged random field, it is neces- itself.
sary to compute the covariance between local averages rather than
the covariance between points within the field. This ensures that 2.7. Variance and covariance for tetrahedral elements by Gaussian
the effect of element size is captured. Given a pair of two dimen- quadrature
sional regions, X and W of area AX and AW , the value of the random
field is given by X X ðx; yÞ and X W ðx; yÞ respectively. Recall from The equations derived for triangular elements can be
Section 2.4 that, for a stationary random field, E½X X  ¼ l where l generalised to three dimensional (tetrahedral) and higher
is the mean of the random field. dimensional analogues of triangles (simplicial elements) as these
With local averages expressed as in Eq. (2) the covariance shapes also permit a simple description in terms of barycentric
between the local averages of X X ðx; yÞ and X W ðx; yÞ can be found by: coordinates. While not used for the analyses presented

ZZ ZZ  within, the three-dimensional equations for variance reduction
1 1
Cov ½X X ; X W  ¼ Cov XðpX ÞdX  l; XðpW ÞdW  l and covariance are presented for completeness. As the algebra is
 ZZX ZZ  simpler for a zero-mean random field, all results in this section
1 1
Cov ½X X ; X W  ¼ Cov XðpX ÞdX; XðpW ÞdW  l2 assume l ¼ 0. The inclusion of l – 0 terms in the following
AX X AW W equations is analogous to the two-dimensional case and is a simple
Then, for a zero mean random field the l2 term can be ignored exercise.
for convenience and: The form of Gaussian quadrature adopted here is modified,
 ZZ ZZ  notationally only, from that given in [46], in which the quadrature
1 1 weights can also be found. The integration of a function over a tet-
Cov ½X X ; X W  ¼ Cov XðpX ÞdX; XðpW ÞdW;
AX X AW W rahedral volume, V, can be approximated as:
Cov ½X X ; X W  ¼ Cov ½XðpX Þ; XðpW ÞdWdX X
AX AW X W f ðpÞdV  V wi f ðk1i ; k2i ; k3i ; k4i Þ ð14Þ
1 V
Cov ½X X ; X W  ¼ C X ðpW  pX ÞdWdX i¼1
ZZ ZZ The variance reduction within a tetrahedral volume, X, of vol-
rX rW
Cov ½X X ; X W  ¼ qX ðpW  pX ÞdWdX ð12Þ ume V X can be derived in the same manner as that for Eq. (4).
AX AW X W The variance reduction is:
D.K.E. Green et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 68 (2015) 91–108 95

Var ½X X  arbitrarily oriented lines and building the desired two or three

ZZZ dimensional random field sample from these line processes. At
1 each point in the discrete output field, a weighted contribution
c¼ qX ðp2  p1 ÞdXdX ð15Þ
V 2X X X from each one dimensional random field is added based on the per-
pendicular distance of the point to the line. However, when the
The variance reduction across X can be approximated using the correlation function is anisotropic, TBM can be difficult to use as
quadrature relationship in Eq. (14). Using the same notational con- discussed in [13]. The precision of the method is dependent on
vention as that shown in Eq. (9): both the one dimensional random field generator and the number
 of individual lines used. If an insufficient number of lines are used,
c wi wj qX k1;ji ; k2;ji ; k3;ji ; k4;ji streaked patterns emerge that may cause unrealistic preferential
i¼1 j¼1 stress or flow paths during finite element analysis [13,14].
The covariance between two tetrahedral volumes, X and W of Finally, difficulties also arise in deciding how to discretise the
volume V X and V W respectively, can be found using their local one dimensional line processes and the interaction of this dis-
averages, X X and X W by the same procedure as that shown to derive cretisation with a triangular mesh. If a very dense discretisation
Eq. (12). Following this derivation for tetrahedral volumes instead is used to minimise errors caused by the generation of the line pro-
of triangular areas yields: cess, any potential efficiency gains from using a graded mesh will
ZZZ ZZZ be lost. Alternatively, some discretisation that is calculated based
rX rW on the relative orientation and size of triangular elements to the
Cov ½X X ; X W  ¼ qX ðpW  pX ÞdWdX ð16Þ
V XV W X W current line process could be calculated although this calculation
would be, again, necessarily constrained by the smallest elements
This can, again, be approximated by quadrature:
in the mesh and difficult to calculate. Once the discretisation of the
 line processes becomes fine enough, then essentially one is
Cov ½X X ; X W   rX rW wi wj qX k1;ji ; k2;ji ; k3;ji ; k4;ji ð17Þ generating a random field over a fine grid and then mapping this
i¼1 j¼1
to a triangular finite element mesh. The problems with this are dis-
cussed above.
3. Random fields simulation discretised by arbitrarily oriented Methods based on decomposition of the covariance matrix are
triangular finite element meshes able to generate random fields with an accurate correlation struc-
ture over a triangular mesh. The structure of the mesh is directly
3.1. Random field simulation and triangular mesh discretisation incorporated into the simulation, without any need for remapping
the random field to the mesh. Matrix decomposition methods
To carry out a RFEM analysis, samples from the random field include the Cholesky, LDL and Modal decompositions [18,29,14].
used to describe the input parameters must be generated. For the Very roughly, these methods extract a set of basis vectors from the
simulations presented in Section 4, a random field generator based covariance matrix, such that a set of uncorrelated random samples
on decomposition of the covariance matrix was used. Covariance can be transformed into a correctly correlated sample from the ran-
matrix decomposition was found to be the most appropriate dom field. Pairs of basis vectors can be considered as representing an
method to generate random fields discretised by arbitrary meshes ellipse. The correlation between a pair of basis vectors is effectively
of triangular elements. In this section, a justification for the use of represented by the orientation of this ellipse. Techniques for ran-
such a method is presented in terms of computational complexity, dom field generation by covariance matrix decomposition and
numerical precision and issues specific to arbitrary triangular potential pitfalls are discussed in the remainder of this section.
meshes. Methods for resolving numerical stability problems that
may arise with matrix decomposition random field generators
3.2. Random field simulation by matrix decomposition
are also discussed.
While several methods exist for the simulation of random fields,
Although not popular in random field simulation for geotech-
as detailed in [14], the majority of these methods are only appro-
nics [13], the matrix decomposition, in particular the Cholesky
priate for generating random field samples discretised by
decomposition, is widely used in other fields to generate samples
rectangular, or almost rectangular, grids. For example, LAS and
from multivariate normal distributions [29]. The theoretical prop-
the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms generate random fields
erties of matrix decomposition techniques in terms of infinite pre-
over regular grids. Complicated mesh geometry can destroy the
cision arithmetic are first addressed. Any practical implementation
required form of the random field correlation structure that make
will be limited to some finite precision approximate calculation.
LAS and FFT generators efficient and would be difficult to apply to
The implications of finite precision floating point arithmetic on
arbitrary triangular meshes. One possible technique to do so would
the decomposition of the covariance matrix are discussion in
be to generate a random field over a sufficiently fine regular grid
Section 3.4.
and then map this using local averaging to the triangular mesh.
All matrix decomposition random field generators first start by
Such a method would prevent the correlation structure from being
forming the covariance matrix C. For a locally averaged random
discretised accurately unless a very fine grid was used. It may also
field, the entries of C are the covariances between local averages.
be possible to use some curvilinear mapping of the triangular mesh
For n elements in a finite element mesh, C is of size n  n. The
to some regular rectangular grid. FFT or LAS could then be applied  
entries of C are given by C i;j equal to Cov X i ; X j which is computed
to this rectangular grid and then an inverse transform applied.
as in Eq. (13). The covariance matrix is always symmetric [14] and
Such a transformation from the triangular space to the rectangular
positive semi-definite [24]. These properties will be relevant for
space and its inverse is likely complicated and is clearly not bijec-
the rest of this section.
tive. Using the results derived in Section 2, it should be possible to
derive a triangular version of LAS. As such a method does not yet
exist, it has not been used for the results in this paper. 3.2.1. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the covariance matrix
Alternatively, the turning bands method (TBM), detailed in [14], To facilitate discussion of random field sampling by covariance
is suitable for handling arbitrary geometry. TBM involves generat- matrix decomposition, it is useful to first explore the eigenvalues
ing a series of one dimensional random field samples along and eigenvectors of the covariance matrix. By Theorem 8.1.1 in
96 D.K.E. Green et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 68 (2015) 91–108

[18], given a symmetric matrix C of size n  n, there exists an the eigenvalue decomposition of C gives eigenvalues proportional
orthogonal matrix Q (that is, all column vectors are orthogonal) to r2 . Then the eigenvalues of R are proportional to unity. From
such that: this the largest eigenvalue, kmax ðCÞ, for a stationary random field is:

Q T CQ ¼ K ¼ diagðk1 ; . . . ; kn Þ ð18Þ kmax ðCÞ K r2 ð26Þ

where T denotes the matrix transpose. Also, diagðk1 ; . . . ; kn Þ refers to

3.2.2. Random field simulation by eigenvalue decomposition for
a diagonal matrix, a matrix with zero in all entries except along the
positive definite covariance matrices
main diagonal which instead has k1 in the first row, k2 in the second
Although not used directly for the analysis in Section 4, it is
row and so on. Eq. (18) can be reorganised to the form:
instructive to examine the generation of random fields first by
CQ ¼ Q K ð19Þ eigenvalue decomposition. This decomposition is one of several
possible decompositions of the covariance matrix that can be used
Presented in this way, Q is more clearly the matrix whose columns to generate random fields. First, the simpler case of a positive defi-
are the eigenvectors of C and K stores the corresponding eigenval- nite matrix is considered.
ues along the main diagonal. As the eigenvalues can always be reor- In infinite precision arithmetic, a positive definite covariance
dered into any permutation, let ki denote the i-th largest eigenvalue matrix may occur, for example, when the covariance function is
of C. As C is positive semi-definite, all of the eigenvalues, k1 ; . . . ; kn monotonically decreasing. By Definition 6.1.9 in [24], a matrix is
are greater than or equal to zero (Theorem 4.1.10 in [24]). Then, if strictly diagonally dominant if the diagonal entries are strictly
there are k non-zero eigenvalues: greater than all other entries in the matrix. By Theorem 6.1.10,
Conditions a and b of [24], a strictly diagonally dominant matrix
0 ¼ kn ¼    ¼ kkþ1 < kk 6    6 k1 ð20Þ
is non-singular and has positive real eigenvalues. If the covariance
By Theorem 4.1.10 of [24], if all of the eigenvalues are strictly function is monotonically decreasing, as is the case in the analysis
greater than zero, that is k ¼ n in Eq. (20), then C is positive definite in Section 4, the diagonal entries in the covariance matrix are
(rather than semi-definite). By Observation 1.1.7 in [24], a matrix is always greater than the diagonals as the largest correlation occurs
singular if and only if 0 is in the set of eigenvalues. By Conditions between an element and itself.
3.7.5 and 3.7.6 (and the proof of their equivalence) in [31], if an Even in the case of a monotonically decreasing correlation func-
n  n matrix is non-singular then the rank (number of linearly tion, finite precision arithmetic may result in the covariance matrix
independent columns) of the matrix is n. So then a symmetric posi- becoming diagonally dominant, rather than strictly diagonally
tive definite matrix of size n  n is non-singular and has full rank dominant. Then the diagonal entries are greater than or equal to
(all columns are linearly independent). the rest of the entries in the matrix. Indeed, if care is not taken with
Conversely, the rank-nullity theorem states that for an n  n algorithms, diagonal dominance can be lost completely. Numerical
matrix C: stability issues are addressed in Section 3.4.
n ¼ rankðCÞ þ dimðnullspaceðCÞÞ ð21Þ Given an n  n positive definite covariance matrix decomposed
into eigenvectors and eigenvalues as C ¼ Q K, a sample from
where nullspaceðCÞ is defined by Cx ¼ 0 where x is a vector of Gaussian random field, Zðx; yÞ, can be generated:
length n. But if zero is in the set of eigenvalues, the matrix is singu-
lar and so rankðCÞ < n and the columns of C have linear dependen-
Zðx; yÞ ¼ Q Kð1=2Þ a þ l ð27Þ
cies. From [16]: where a is a vector of size n whose entries are given by random
samples of a standard normal distribution and l is the mean of
dimðnullspaceðCÞÞ ¼ k ð22Þ the random field [45,14].
Eq. (27) can be understood as generating a random field in three
where k is the number of zero eigenvalues as in Eq. (20).
steps. First a set of n uncorrelated, unit length random degrees of
Combining Eqs. (21) and (22) the results concerning singularity
freedom are scaled relative to each other by b ¼ Ka. This can be
and positive definiteness can be summarised. Let k be the number
thought of as generating a series of ellipses with principal axes
of eigenvalues equal to 0 of C. If k is greater than zero, then C is sin-
aligned with the canonical basis vectors. Then each b represents
gular and positive semi-definite. If k ¼ 0, then C is positive definite.
a set of uncorrelated samples from Gaussian distributions such
Additionally, the number of linearly dependent columns of C is pffiffiffiffi
that bi has standard deviation ki . In the case that the matrix is
equal to k so: pffiffiffiffi
positive definite, ki is always strictly greater than zero. The impli-
rankðCÞ ¼ n  k ð23Þ cation of this is that each random degree of freedom, in this repre-
sentation, is linearly independent.
It is useful to provide a bound on the eigenvalues of C to facili-
Multiplication by orthogonal matrices rotates a set of vectors
tate the rounding error analysis in Section 3.4. As the effect of vari-
while preserving the lengths and angles between the vectors
ance reduction on r only reduces the order of magnitude of r, the
[18]. The second step in generating a random field sample by this
effect of c on r can be excluded to simplify the eigenvalue bound
method is then multiplication of b by Q to rotate the scaled, uncor-
estimate without changing the rounding error analysis. For a sta-
related vectors b to the correct correlation required for Zðx; yÞ. The
tionary random field, r is constant across the field. Then a scalar
rotation of the principal axes of the ellipses mentioned previously,
factor of r2 can be taken from C so:
relative to the canonical basis vectors, describes the correlation
C ¼ r2 R ð24Þ between the random variables of Zðx; yÞ. The shape of the ellipse
also changes, becoming more eccentric as the rotation increases
where R is the correlation matrix with entries bounded between 1 [30]. The third and final step is the addition of the scalar valued
and 1. mean function, l to each point within the random field.
From Eq. (19), CQ ¼ Q K ¼ r2 RQ so:
3.2.3. Random field simulation by Cholesky decomposition for positive
RQ ¼ r2 Q K ð25Þ
definite covariance matrices
Then, with reference to Eq. (19), the eigenvalues of R are pro- The Cholesky decomposition can be computed more quickly
portional to r2 K. From the discussion in Section 3.2.2, taking than an eigenvalue decomposition and thus can be used to improve
D.K.E. Green et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 68 (2015) 91–108 97

the run time of a covariance matrix decomposition based random may become singular, or will be in the case of linear dependence.
field generator. This is discussed in more detail in Section 3.3. In this section a method to generate random fields in the event that
Given a symmetric, positive definite matrix C, the Cholesky the covariance matrix is singular is presented. An analysis of the
decomposition algorithm can be used to decompose C into a lower errors of this method is presented in Section 3.4.
triangular matrix L such that: Methods exist to ensure that the covariance matrix is positive
semi-definite. Naive modifications to the Cholesky decomposition
C ¼ LLT ð28Þ matrix can remove negative eigenvalues by adding a small error
where T denotes the matrix transpose. Various algorithms imple- term to the main diagonal. This ensures diagonal dominance.
menting the Cholesky decomposition can be found in [18]. More sophisticated variations on such a technique and the asso-
A random field can be generated using L. After calculating L ciated error bounds are detailed in [11,5].
given Eq. (28), the random field Zðx; yÞ can be obtained by: With negative eigenvalues removed, the n  n covariance
matrix, C, may be positive semi-definite and therefore singular. A
Zðx; yÞ ¼ La þ l ð29Þ method for resolving this problem is given in [2], which is dis-
where a is a vector of size n whose entries are given by random cussed here. A modification of the results in [2] to allow generating
samples of a standard normal distribution. Eq. (29) gives a single random field samples when the covariance matrix is singular is
value of a random field per finite element. To generate additional presented. First, recall that by Eq. (23), the number of linearly
random field realisations for Monte Carlo Simulation it is necessary independent columns of C is equal to n  k where k is the
to retain L between simulations. For each realisation, a new vector multiplicity of zero eigenvalues, as in Eq. (20). To find a useful
of random samples a is generated and multiplied with L as per decomposition of C, it is possible to split the singular and non-sin-
Eq. (29). gular parts of C. The following procedure is from [2]. First reorder
In a rough sense, the Cholesky decomposition takes the ‘square the columns of C such that the first p ¼ n  k columns are linearly
root’ of a matrix (although the square root of a matrix is not independent. Then it is possible to write:
necessarily equal to L [18]). Recall from the previous section that
C ¼ ½ CI CD 
the eigenvectors of C can be thought of as representing the princi-
pal axes, with magnitude r, of a set of ellipses. In contrast, L where CI is an n  p matrix and CD is n  ðn  pÞ ¼ n  k so:
describes the same ellipses in a different form. The column and
row vectors of L are the direction of the linear regression lines of CD ¼ CI B
one column vector over all others [37,30,16]. Let ZðiÞ denote the
where B is size p  k. Also, CI can be split into an upper p  p part,
value of the random field associated with the element in the dis-
CIU , and a lower k  p part, CIL . Then:
cretisation mesh with index i. Also, let Li denote the i-th row vector
of L. Then, more simply, each Li describes the random variable  
associated with ZðiÞ. If the correlation between some ZðiÞ and ZðjÞ C¼
is q, then correlation between these degrees of freedom is equal to:

qx;y ¼ cos h ð30Þ Then, as C is symmetric, CTIL ¼ CIU B and then finally:
p h  
/¼ þ C¼ ð31Þ
4 2 B T
where h is the angle between the two possible regression lines
In this form, C can be made from just two parts. CIU is a non-singular
describing the ellipses for ZðiÞ and ZðjÞ and / is the angle between
p  p matrix and B contains the coefficients describing the linear
vectors Li and Lj [8,16].
dependencies between the columns of CIU . A numerical example is
To see how a random field is constructed by Eq. (29), consider
given in [2]. To find CIU and B, the first step is to find the linearly
the following. L is a lower triangular matrix and so for a row j,
dependent columns of C. From Lemma 12.2 of [19], two column
all entries in columns greater than j are zero. Consider the result
vectors, x and y are linearly dependent if:
of Zðx; yÞ ¼ La. The first two entries will be:

xx xy
Zðx; yÞ1 ¼ L1;1  a1 þ 0
y  x y  y ¼ 0 ð32Þ
Zðx; yÞ2 ¼ L2;1  a1 þ L2;2  a2 þ 0
As the ordering of elements in the random field is arbitrary, the where jAj is the determinant of A and x  y is the scalar product of x
row ordering of C should not impact on the final result. The first and y.
degree of freedom in the random field is taken up by a1 , the choice The linear dependencies in C can be found by comparing col-
of which element is represented by a1 is arbitrary. The second umns from left to right. Let the column vectors of C be C 1 ; . . . C n .
degree of freedom also represents an arbitrary element. Ignoring Start by comparing C 1 with all columns C i for 1 < i 6 n. Then com-
other elements in the random field, a2 only needs to be correlated pare C 2 with all C i for 2 < i 6 n. Once a C i has been found to be lin-
to itself and the first degree of freedom. Proceeding in this manner, early dependent, it can be excluded from subsequent checks.
the uncorrelated a values are assigned the correct correlation Continuing in this fashion, the linear dependence of all columns
structure. can be checked. If two columns, say C j and C k with j < k are found
to be dependent, a new row is made in B to represent column C j
3.2.4. Random field simulation by Cholesky decomposition for positive and a new column to represent C k . The corresponding entry into
semi-definite (singular) covariance matrices B is the factor xjk , from:
The eigenvalues of the covariance matrix, C may become zero,
C k ¼ xjk C j ð33Þ
or even negative, as a result of finite precision arithmetic and asso-
ciated rounding errors. Additionally, even in theoretical infinite After the entries of B are filled in, CIU is formed by deleting k
precision mathematics, if the covariance function is constant then dependent rows and columns from C. Specifically, for each column
linear dependencies between the columns of C may occur and C C k that is linearly dependent on a C j with j < k, delete both row and
will be positive semi-definite. As a result, the covariance matrix column k from C.
98 D.K.E. Green et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 68 (2015) 91–108

A random field sample can now be generated using CIU and B. field sample can be generated rapidly. For example, with Cholesky
For the non-singular part CIU , the procedure in Section 3.2.3 can decomposition, as in Eq. (29), the vector a and multiplication with
be applied. Let LIU be the lower triangular matrix produced by the lower triangular matrix L is required. a can be generated in
applying the Cholesky decomposition to CIU . Then, as in Eq. (29), OðnÞ flops. Multiplication of a vector with a lower triangular matrix
Zðx; yÞ ¼ LIU aI þ l where aI is of size p ¼ n  k. This gives part of is also fast, taking just Oðn2 Þ flops [18].
the random field sample. If the covariance matrix is singular, then the procedure in
To complete the sample, the linear dependencies described by B Section 3.2.4 can be applied to find and delete linear dependencies.
must be included. From the discussion in Section 3.2.3, the degree Calculating a scalar product of two vectors takes OðnÞ flops [18].
of correlation between two random degrees of freedom is repre- Then computing Eq. (32) takes 4OðnÞ þ 5  OðnÞ flops. To find all
sented in the covariance matrix by the angle between the two linear dependencies, each column must be iterated over from left
representative basis vectors. When the basis vectors are linearly to right, taking OðnÞ work. Then from column C i , columns C j for
dependent they are, by definition, collinear. Then linear depen- i < j 6 n must be iterated over, also taking OðnÞ. Then the total
dence between basis vectors also indicates perfect correlation complexity of the column elimination algorithm is Oðn3 Þ and is
between these degrees of freedom. As in Eq. (33), let each C k be lin- therefore not asymptotically any worse than the decomposition
early dependent on some C j . Then BT LIU aI þ l gives the value of the itself. If a parallel and block matrix approach was taken for very
random field for each of the k linearly dependant elements. large n, then care would need to be taken to minimise the overhead
Let ZðiÞ be the value of the random field over the discrete element associated with moving data, such as reordering columns.
with index i. Then a random field can be generated from a singular The total computational complexity of random field generation
covariance matrix by a modified Cholesky decomposition by: by covariance matrix decomposition is then:

ZðiÞ ¼ LIU aI þ l ð34Þ Oðn3 Þ þ m  OðFEMÞ  Oðn2 Þ ð36Þ

ZðkÞ ¼ B LIU aI þ l ð35Þ where m is the number of MCS iterations used for RFEM and
OðFEMÞ is the complexity of each finite element analysis. These
where the ZðiÞ entries come from the non-singular degrees of free-
components are discussed in the following sections.
dom contained in CIU and the ZðkÞ are linearly dependant on the ZðiÞ
parts of the random field sample.
3.3.2. Computational complexity of finite element analysis
In practice, it is preferable to first run a rank-revealing Cholesky
The computational complexity of finite element analysis is dis-
decomposition as in [18,23]. Such a decomposition fills in the
cussed in [39] and summarised in [12]. Linear elastic FEM takes
entries of LIU , reordering the columns C as necessary, until the
diagonals of LIU become sufficiently small. Once this cut off, , is approximately Oðnw2 Þ where n is the number of input elements
and w is the stiffness matrix bandwidth. The bandwidth term
reached after rankðLIU Þ  p, the remaining k columns can be
reflects the fact that stiffness matrices are often sparse, that is,
scanned for linear dependencies to fill in the entries of the B
mostly filled with zeroes. If plastic, non-linear FEM is used, then
matrix. If B is filled in first, then there may be no linear dependen-
a number of load steps, l must be carried out. Then:
cies and therefore computer time is wasted for no gain. By comput-
ing a rank-revealing Cholesky decomposition first, if C is non- OðFEMÞ ¼ Oðnw2 lÞ ð37Þ
singular so rankðLIU Þ ¼ n, then there is no need to expend com-
putation effort searching for linear dependencies. where l is low for a convergent problem and higher for an unstable
3.3. Computational complexity of RFEM combined with covariance
matrix decomposition 3.3.3. Computational complexity of RFEM
Combining Eqs. (36) and (37), the following total complexity of
RFEM relies on the generation of both a very large number of RFEM is obtained:
both random field samples and the solution of finite element prob- OðRFEMÞ ¼ Oðn3 Þ þ m  Oðnw2 lÞ  Oðn2 Þ
lems. Assessing the computational requirements is a useful tool to
check that a procedure is feasible. This can be simplified to:
Before discussing this, the following brief note on some OðRFEMÞ ¼ Oðmn3 w2 lÞ ð38Þ
required notation is necessary. To estimate the computational
complexity of algorithms, it is useful to adopt big-O notation as Then the following point can be made, the computational com-
in [9]. To count the time to complete an algorithm, each floating plexity of RFEM by covariance matrix decomposition is not limited
point operation (flop) is summed. An algorithm may take, for by the decomposition itself. It is the MCS finite element iterations
example, Oðn5 Þ  7n5 þ 6n2 flops to complete where n is the num- which are the bottle neck. Consider, for example an FFT based ran-
ber of inputs. In big-O notation, coefficients are dropped and only dom field generator. In two dimensions, this takes Oðn2 log nÞ work
the dominating terms as n approaches infinity are retained. [14,9]. This work must be carried out for each of the k MCS itera-
tions. In this case, OðRFEMÞ ¼ k  Oðn3 w2 l log nÞ. LAS has a similar
3.3.1. Computational complexity of covariance matrix decomposition run time complexity to FFT, taking 1.5 to 2 times longer per realisa-
For the analysis in Section 4, a Cholesky decomposition was pre- tion in two dimensions [15]. Thus LAS has a similar asymptotic run
ferred over an eigenvalue decomposition. Both the Cholesky and time to FFT. As such, the choice of random field generator is not the
eigenvalue decompositions take roughly Oðn3 Þ flops [18]. computationally limiting factor for RFEM. Rather, the Monte Carlo
However, Cholesky decomposition can be completed in approxi- FEM iterations are the most significant computational cost, espe-
mately n3 =3 flops versus 4n3 =3 for a typical tridiagonal QR based cially for large m.
eigenvalue decomposition [18]. While asymptotically the runtime
of the two algorithms is the same, the speed of the Cholesky 3.4. Precision of RFEM with covariance matrix decomposition
decomposition is beneficial.
To generate a set of random fields for RFEM analysis using 3.4.1. Preliminaries
covariance matrix decomposition, the decomposition need only Finite precision arithmetic carries round off errors. The numeri-
be completed once. After the initial Oðn3 Þ decomposition, a random cal precision of covariance matrix decomposition random field
D.K.E. Green et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 68 (2015) 91–108 99

sampling for use with RFEM is addressed. Specifically, an estimate For a stationary random field, if the decomposition is done
of the roundoff errors associated with the generation of stationary using R ¼ LR LTR , then:
random fields by Cholesky decomposition for RFEM is given.
The error analysis presented requires the concept of backward
kLR k2 K 1 ð47Þ
and forward errors. First, consider a simple calculation y ¼ f ðxÞ. The backward error in C can be estimated from the above equa-
Let y ^ denote the finite precision approximation to y. Then tions. Additionally, the result below holds for all (not just positive
^ ¼ f ðx þ DxÞ and Dx is termed the backward error. Let x þ  be
y definite) C if the algorithms in [11] are adopted. The backward
some measured quantity, where  is the error in x. If Dx   then error in C and R is then:
^ on the basis of finite precision
it is difficult to reject the computed y
^ ¼ Dy. kDCk2 K Oðn2 uÞr2 ð48Þ
rounding errors. Similarly, the forward error is given by y  y
Modern computers use the IEEE standard 754 for binary floating kDRk2 K Oðn2 uÞ ð49Þ
point arithmetic. The 64 bit double precision type is used for this
Combining Eqs. (43), (48) and (49):
paper. From [23], the unit roundoff, u, for a double is defined to be:
kDCkF K Oðnð3=2Þ Þur2
u ¼ 253  1:11  1016 ð39Þ
kDRkF K Oðnð3=2Þ Þu
The vector two norm and the matrix two and Frobenius norms This gives the following useful result:
are required. From [18], the vector two norm is defined, for some
vector x of length n, as: kDCkF
K Oðnð3=2Þ Þu ð50Þ
!ð1=2Þ kCk2
kxk2 ¼ jxi j2 ð40Þ The forward error of the Cholesky decomposition is given by
i¼1 ^ From Theorem 10.8 of [23,4]:
DL ¼ L  L.
Also from [18], the matrix two and Frobenius norms are, for kDLkF kDCkF
some n  n matrix A, defined as: 6 Oðj2 ðCÞÞ ð51Þ
kLk2 kCk2
kAk2 ¼ kmax ðAÞ ð41Þ where j2 ðCÞ is the condition number of C. A large condition number
n X
n represents an ill-conditioned system. Let kmax ðCÞ and kmin ðCÞ be the
kAkF ¼ jAi;j j2 ð42Þ maximum and minimum eigenvalues of C respectively.
i¼1 j¼1
From Section 4.2.6 of [18], as C is symmetric positive definite:
The following inequalities from [23] are also useful: kmax ðCÞ
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi j2 ðCÞ ¼ ð53Þ
kmin ðCÞ
kAkF 6 rankðAÞkAk2 ð43Þ
Bounds for j2 ðCÞ can be derived if a rank-revealing decomposition,
kAk2 6 kAkF ð44Þ
as discussed in Section 3.2.4, is used. Then, from Section 10.1.1 of
To generate a random field as in Eq. (29), a Cholesky decomposi- [23], the decomposition will succeed if 20nð3=2Þ j2 ðCÞu 6 1. Then,
tion followed by a matrix–vector multiplication is required. Let for the linearly independent part CIU :
^ ¼ La
Z ^ þ l be the computed random field sample in finite precision 1
arithmetic. The roundoff error for the addition of l is of size u and
j2 ðCIU Þ 6 ð54Þ
20nð3=2Þ u
negligible and will be ignored for the remainder of the error
This gives a lower bound estimate for kmin ðCIU Þ:
kmin ðCIU Þ J Oðnð3=2Þ uÞr2 ð55Þ
3.4.2. Random field sample error bounds covariance matrix
or for a stationary random field:
The error associated with the Cholesky decomposition is con- kmin ðRIU Þ J Oðnð3=2Þ uÞ ð56Þ
sidered. First, the case of a positive definite C is analysed. The back-
The error bound in Eq. (51) is affected by the size of j2 ðCÞ and
ward error is given by DC where:
may be as bad as Oðj2 ðCÞuÞ for a general symmetric positive defi-
L^L^T ¼ C þ DC nite matrix [23].
An improved error bound estimate can be made investigating
From Section 10.1.1 of [23]:
the structure of covariance matrices. From Eq. (30), the correlation
kDCk2 6 Oðn2 uÞkCk2 þ Oðu2 Þ ð45Þ between two random degrees of freedom, represented by vectors x
and y, in a random field is given by the relative angle between
By Eq. (26), an estimate for kCk2 is: them. The angle between two independent degrees of freedom is
kCk2 K r2 at most p=2  Oð1Þ. As the x and y become collinear, the angle
between them approaches zero. Additionally, as x and y become
For a stationary random field, r2 R ¼ C. The Cholesky collinear C approaches singularity and one of the eigenvalues of
decomposition can be calculated for R and then each of the the system approaches 0.
independent degrees of freedom scaled by r. By ordering the cal- From [30], the equation of the ellipse described by two column
culations this way, the forward error estimates can be reduced. vectors Li and Lj of LRIU , with correlation q ¼ cos h as in Eq. (30) is:
To demonstrate this, calculations of bounds for both R and C are 
included. An estimate for kRk2 is: x21  2qx1 x2 þ x22 ¼ 1  q2
kRk2 K 1 x21  2 cos hx1 x2 þ x22 ¼ sin h ð57Þ

From Section 4.2.6 of [18], kLk22 ¼ kCk2 so: where x1 and x2 are canonical basis vectors. Let A be the area of the
ellipse given by Eq. (57). For the implicit equation of an ellipse in
kLk2 K r ð46Þ the form a1 x21 þ a2 x1 x2 þ a3 x22 ¼ 1, the area of the ellipse is:
100 D.K.E. Green et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 68 (2015) 91–108

2p jai j K Oð10Þ ð66Þ

A ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
4a1 a3  a22 Note that the result of the multiplication LR a must be increased
2p by a factor of r to scale the random field to the correct standard
A ¼ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2 2 deviation. By Section 2.7.8 of [18], the error associated with scalar
4 sin12 h  2 cos h
multiplication is approximately OðurkLR kÞ  OðurÞ. Then, for a
sin h
stationary random field, decomposing R and multiplying LRIU a by
2p r only scales up the error in LRIU a by approximately r. Then the
A ¼ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

4 ^ for entry, ZðiÞ, in the random field sam-
roundoff error, DZ ¼ Z  Z,
sin4 h
ð1  cos2 hÞ
ple is approximately:
A ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ^ K 10rnOðnð3=2Þ uÞ
sin2 h ^ K rOð10nð5=2Þ uÞ
DZðiÞ ð67Þ
A ¼ p sin h ð58Þ
For a singular correlation matrix, if the procedure in
The area of an ellipse is also, however, given by A ¼ pa  b Section 3.2.4 is adopted, all random degrees of freedom separated
where a and b are the lengths of the semi-major axes of the ellipse. by less than wmin are considered collinear. Then, by a similar argu-
From [16] and the discussion in Section 3.2.2, for RIU , the length of ment above, the maximum angular error between two degrees of
pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi
semi-major axes of the ellipse are equal to k1 and k2 where k1 freedom, r and s, is wmin . If the angular error were more than this,
and k2 are the eigenvalues corresponding to the random degrees then the k2 for the ellipse representing r and s would be larger than
of freedom that represent elements i and j. Then: kmin LRIU and r and s would not be numerically collinear. Then if the
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi angular error for assumed collinear degrees of freedom is at most
sin h ¼ k1 k2 ð59Þ
wmin , then the same error given by Eq. (67) holds.
The eccentricity of an ellipse with semi-major axis lengths a and Finally, the magnitude of the variance reduction c needs to be
2 considered. The actual magnitude of the minimum eigenvalue of
b with b 6 a is defined as e ¼ 1  b =a2 . By definition, e ¼ 0 for a
R is:
circle and e < 1 for an ellipse. So when k1 ¼ k2 ; sin h ¼ 0. Then as h
increases, k1 k2 must also increase. As h approaches the maximum Oðnð3=2Þu Þ
kmin ðRIU Þ  ð68Þ
of p=2; sin h approaches 1. Then increasing k1 must decrease k2 and cmin
vice versa. From Eqs. (24)–(26), kmax ðRIU Þ and kmin ðRIU Þ are bounded
If the magnitude of cmin is greater than approximately 0.5, the
between kmin ðRIU Þ and 1. Fixing k1 ¼ kmax ðRIU Þ:
magnitude of the error in kmin ðRIU Þ is unchanged. So then to main-
p tain the precision estimates given in this section, the following
h! ; k2 ! kmin ðRIU Þ ð60Þ
2 bound on the minimum variance reduction should be adopted as:
Let wmin be the minimum angle, as in Eq. (30), between two cor- cmin P 0:5 ð69Þ
related degrees of freedom represented by vectors x and y. Then
the maximum error, d, in the distance of y from x is: From Eq. (67) and u as in Eq. (39), the rounding error can be
estimated for different n:
d  a sin wmin
d  aOðwmin Þ ð61Þ For n  103 ; ^ K 108 r
For n  104 ; ^ K 105 r
where a is the distance moved along y. So:
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi For n  105 ; ^ K 103 r
sin wmin  kmax ðRIU Þkmin ðRIU Þ ð62Þ
Note that these error estimates are very rough and represent a
In standard IEEE 754 floating point arithmetic, there is no loss of worst case scenario without any attempt to alleviate rounding
precision for the square root operation [26]. Then, if the lower errors by, say, iterative refinement as in [23,18].
bound in Eq. (56) is satisfied, the precision of kmin is roughly
the same as that of kmin : 3.4.3. Rounding errors in FEM
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi To complete the error analysis of the covariance matrix
kmin  Oðnð3=2Þ uÞ ð63Þ
decomposition random field generator, the rounding errors of
Combining Eqs. (62) and (63): FEM are discussed. Aside from measurement errors in the inputs,
there are several sources of error in FEM. These sources of error
Oðwmin Þ  aOðnð3=2Þ uÞ ð64Þ include the fineness of the mesh (h-refinement), degree of the
From Eq. (34), random field is generated by multiplying LRIU by approximating polynomials (p-refinement) and the machine preci-
a vector, a, of n samples from a standard normal distribution. Each sion unit round off u.
value in the final random field is then generated by moving a dis- Error estimates for the maximum theoretical precision of FEM,
tance ai along at most n of the random degrees of freedom sufficient for the approximate bounds in this paper, are given in
described by the row vectors of LRIU . From Eq. (64), the error in Section 6.8.3 of [42]. Although increasing h improves the accuracy
each of these n multiplications is: of the computed FEM solution as Oðh Þ, eventually rounding
errors prevent finer mesh elements from improving accuracy. Let
ai Oðnð3=2Þ uÞ ð65Þ q be the order of the finite element approximating polynomial.
To make use of Eq. (65), an estimate for the magnitude of each ai Then the maximum theoretical precision of FEM, d is
is needed. Technically each ai is unbounded as it is a sample from a approximately:
standard normal distribution, and therefore the theoretical upper
d  Oðuðqþ1Þ=ðqþ3Þ Þ ð70Þ
bound of jai j is infinite. However, it would be exceedingly unlikely
for each of the n entries in a to be much more than 3 and certainly Then, from [42], the estimates for the best case precision for
less than say 100. Then, a practical estimate for jai j is: FEM are:
D.K.E. Green et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 68 (2015) 91–108 101

For q ¼ 1; d  108 In both methods presented by Ji et al. [27], random field tech-
10 niques are used to model the parameters c and / along the base
For q ¼ 2; d  10
of each slice of the slip surface considered. In order to compare
For q ¼ 3; d  1011 the reliability computed by NIRFS (a finite element based method)
to the results published by Ji et al. [27] (limit equilibrium), the
Further, for implicit plastic finite element analysis, some form
finite element mesh was first refined using the shear strength
of residual convergence tolerance must be specified. The rounding
reduction (SSR) technique in order to find the strength reduction
errors in plastic FEM are at least as large as the specified tolerance
factor (SRF) that most closely matched the factor of safety as com-
puted by limit equilibrium techniques. By adjusting the finite ele-
ment mesh used by NIRFS so that the deterministic SRF matched
3.5. Discussion and conclusions the deterministic factor of safety presented by Ji et al. [27], the
methods could be compared. This is discussed in more detail in this
The error and computational complexity characteristics of section. It is also noted that to carry out Monte Carlo Simulations
RFEM using covariance matrix decomposition as a random field as per RFEM, NIRFS was coupled with a two-dimensional finite ele-
generator were discussed. The computational complexity of the ment program, Phase2 by Rocscience, for the deterministic solu-
repeated FEM iterations were found to be the computationally lim- tion of each discrete Monte Carlo Simulation problem.
iting factor for RFEM, not the random field generator. Also, bounds
on the rounding errors for FEM and Cholesky decomposition were 4.2. Problem geometry and material property parameters
discussed. The rounding errors for Cholesky decomposition, with-
out error reducing techniques, may become problematic for 104 The geometry of the slope analysed in [27] is shown in Fig. 3.
or 105 elements. However, for this many elements, an RFEM analy- The material property parameters and their statistical properties
sis, particularly for a high probability of failure, will be very time are presented in Table 1. The autocorrelation properties are dis-
consuming. For a specific problem, the bounds presented in this cussed later in Section 4.6. These are roughly the default variations
paper may help to estimate the approximate size of a feasible solu- adopted for most limit equilibrium analyses [25].
tion compared to the rounding errors. It is also worth noting that The following exponentially decaying autocorrelation function,
the measurement accuracy for a geotechnical problem is likely to as per [27], is adopted for all analyses:
be worse than any rounding errors for a reasonable problem.    
jx1  x2 j jy1  y2 j sx sy
Additionally, improving the p order of the finite element approx- qðx1 ; y1 ; x2 ; y2 Þ ¼ exp   ¼ exp  
hx hy hx hy
imation allows for the number of elements to be reduced, which
would lessen errors in the random field sample.
To match the parameters used in [27], a cross-correlation factor
Without significant modifications, the methods presented are
between c and / of 0.5 was adopted for all analyses. Cross-cor-
limited to Gaussian random fields and those derived from simple
relation was simulated by the same method presented in [27]. As
transformations of Gaussian random fields, for example, log-nor-
per [27], four sets of correlation lengths were tested and are pre-
mal random fields. The same is true of most random field sim-
sented in Table 2.
ulation techniques [38] and the simulation of non-Gaussian
random fields remains an active area of research. As such, this lim-
4.3. Deterministic analysis by limit equilibrium
itation of matrix decomposition is not considered to be major.
Covariance matrix decomposition could also be used to gener-
Using Slide by Rocscience, the deterministic factor of safety was
ate random field samples for meshes of mixed elements.
determined by Spencers Method to be 1.214. [27] found the
Rectangular local average and variance reduction formulas are
deterministic factor of safety to be 1.226. While the source of the
known [14] and triangular formulas are provided in this paper. It
difference is unclear, the two values were considered to be similar
would be a simple task, given the results of this paper to generate
enough to proceed.
a mixed mesh quadrature approximation for local averaging vari-
The limit equilibrium analysis demonstrates the location of the
ance reduction.
deterministic critical slip surface (Fig. 4).

4. Analysis of a drained slope 4.4. Mesh refinement using Shear Strength Reduction

4.1. Introduction To compare the results of NIRFS to the results presented by [27],
the finite element mesh was refined until both the finite element
The validity of the methodology presented for random field solution and the limit equilibrium approaches were as equivalent
simulation and discretisation for meshes of arbitrary triangular as possible. Without this refinement, the differences in probability
finite elements was implemented by the authors in the computer of failure as computed by NIRFS compared to the results published
program NIRFS. The validity of the program was tested by compar- by [27] would be obfuscated by severe model differences. The aim
ing the results of a reliability assessment computed by NIRFS to of the work presented in this section was to refine the finite ele-
published results. Ji et al. [27] present the results of a reliability ment mesh so as to minimise these model differences.
assessment of a soil slope whereby failure is detected by means The comparison between the finite element model and the limit
of a limit equilibrium analysis based on the probabilistic critical equilibrium model was made by determining the critical SRF via
slip surface. Ji et al. [27] adopt two techniques for random field the SSR method for varying levels of mesh refinement and different
simulation; the method of autocorrelated slices and the method numbers of convergence iterations of the Newton–Raphson finite
of interpolated autocorrelations. Both of these methods make use element solution. The results of these analyses were used to deter-
of a Mohr–Coulomb failure criteria, in which the shear strength, s mine the finite element mesh to be used when computing the
of a soil is given by two parameters, c (the soil cohesion, a stress) probability of failure of the slope using NIRFS.
and / (the angle of internal friction). The soil yields at the point Deterministic finite element analysis, using the mean parame-
when the shear stress at a point exceeds s ¼ c þ r tan /, where r ters as presented in Table 1, was used to compute the SRF for each
is the normal stress to the plane of shear. mesh. The SRF was computed using Phase2 by Rocscience. For each
102 D.K.E. Green et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 68 (2015) 91–108

14 m


10 m 10 m 10 m

Fig. 3. Problem geometry: a homogeneous c–/ slope (from [27]).

The results in Fig. 5 indicate that the finite element mesh with
Table 1
Statistical properties of soil parameters. 7112 elements, shown in Fig. 6, with a maximum of 5000 Newton–
Raphson iterations would be the most appropriate for use with the
Parameter Distribution Mean Standard deviation
NIRFS analysis. The SRF calculated (1.22) most closely matches the
Cohesion, c Gaussian 15 kPa 4.5 kPa factor of safety computed by the limit equilibrium approach (1.21).
Friction angle, / Gaussian 23° 2.3°
Fig. 7 shows the contours of maximum shear strain at the critical
Unit weight, c Constant 19 kN/m3 N/A
SRF for the finite element mesh in Fig. 6 with 5000 iterations.
Fig. 5 also indicates that the computed SRF changes with both
the level of mesh refinement as well as number of iterations (this
Table 2 effect was also observed in [41]). The figure indicates that for the
Results of drained slope stability reliability analysis by NIRFS and [27]. Correlation mesh shown in Fig. 6, there is no benefit in increasing the number
lengths taken from [27].
of iterations past 5000. The intent of this analysis was to determine
Correlation Probability of failure (%) the finite element mesh that gives the minimum difference
length (m) between the limit equilibrium factor of safety and the SRF so as
hx hy Auto-correlated Interpolated auto- NIRFS (20  103 to enable a comparison between the probabilities of failure com-
slices from [27] correlations from [27] simulations) puted by NIRFS and the probabilities of failure found by [27]. By
30 3 1.24 1.28 2.91 refining the finite element model, differences between the NIRFS
1000 3 1.54 1.71 3.67 and the approaches in [27] should be independent of the finite ele-
30 1000 6.26 6.35 7.50 ment mesh and convergence criteria. The tolerance of the similar-
1000 1000 17.58 7.26 7.92
ity between the NIRFS model and the limit equilibrium models was
found to within two decimal places. From the discussion in
Section 3.4, any numerical precision errors in either FEM of the
mesh refinement level considered, a study of the number of itera-
Cholesky decomposition will be much smaller than this error. As
tions to be used for the finite element solution was undertaken.
such, rounding errors are not sufficient to invalidate the analysis.
For this type of finite element problem, the SRF is equivalent to
The probability of failure, however, will only be precise to at most
the factor of safety computed by limit equilibrium methods but is
three significant figures.
subject to fewer assumptions (e.g. interslice force issues) than limit
equilibrium and is considered by practitioners to be the ‘‘best’’ esti-
mate of factor of safety. The SSR method proceeds by iteratively 4.5. Finite element variance reduction
altering the shear strength, s ¼ c þ r tan / as:
Using the finite element mesh in Fig. 6, the variance reduction
sr ¼ for each finite element can be computed using Eq. (11). This was
SRF carried out to determine if the variance reduction could be
The critical SRF value, SRF c , is defined as the value at which the expected to have a large effect on the computed probabilities of
factor of safety of the slope is equal to one, that is, that the resisting failure for each set of correlation lengths given in Table 2. The
and driving forces within the slope are in balance. To find SRF c , trial intent was to reduce the variance reduction to minimise precision
values of SRF are used to calculate sr . The slope is analysed for sta- errors in the generated random fields, as discussed in Section 3.4.2
bility with the new value of sr . If the slope fails, then SRF is too to allow comparison with the results by [27]. The effect of error
large. If the slope does not fail, SRF is too small. SRF c can then be due to excessive variance reduction was determined to be negligi-
bounded to a value within some desired tolerance by repeated ble for this particular mesh.
bifurcations of the current and previous values of SRF. For a more A twelve point Gaussian quadrature, using the weights given in
details see [22]. [10] was adopted for each element. The variance reduction for each
Five levels of mesh refinement were considered. The finite ele- element in the finite element mesh in Fig. 6 for each correlation
ment meshes described above were analysed to determine the length set in Table 2 is presented in Fig. 8.
effect of the number of iterations undertaken by the finite element Fig. 8 indicates that as element area increases, the variance
plastic solver on the critical SRF. Fig. 5 presents the results of these reduction increases over this area. Fig. 8 also indicates that as
analyses. correlation length increases, element variance reduction
D.K.E. Green et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 68 (2015) 91–108 103

Safety Factor

Fig. 4. Deterministic factor of safety by Spencers Method for a homogeneous c–/ slope from [27] using Slide by Rocscience.


Factor of Safety

469 Elements
558 Elements
1894 Elements
7112 Elements
27464 Elements
Limit equilibrium FoS







Number of Iterations
Fig. 5. Number of finite element iterations versus strength reduction factor (SRF) for different mesh refinement levels. SRF tolerance 0.01. Limit equilibrium FoS refers to the
deterministic factor of safety (FoS) calculated in Section 4.3 that is to be matched to the finite element SRF.

approaches unity [14]. At high correlation lengths (hx ¼ hy = From Eq. (69), this variance reduction can be considered small
1000 m and hx = 30 m, hy = 1000 m) the element variance reduction enough to cause only negligible errors in the resulting analysis.
is approximately 1 for each element. The larger elements with higher variance reduction values are,
As such at these correlation lengths the error due to excessive from Fig. 6, positioned around the border of the mesh. These are
variance reduction can be considered negligible. A histogram of expected to have little impact on the convergence of the finite ele-
the areas of each element is presented in Fig. 9. ment calculations. By using larger elements in these low impact
Fig. 9 indicates that 87.6% of elements have an area less than areas, the total number of elements in the finite element mesh
0:06 m2 and 81.1% of elements have an area less than 0:05 m2 . can be reduced, improving the time taken to carry out the proba-
For hx = 30 m, hy = 3 m, the effect of variance reduction is greatest. bility of failure computations.
The majority of elements will, however, have their variance
reduced by less than 4%. From the material property parameters 4.6. Reliability assessment
given in Table 1, a 4% reduction in standard deviation will result
in a 0.18 kPa in the standard deviation of cohesion and a The probability of failure for the slope described in Section 4.2
0.092° change in the friction angle standard deviation. The was analysed with NIRFS using the finite element mesh in Fig. 6
bimodality of the distribution in Fig. 9 is a result of the two levels and each of the four correlation length sets presented in Table 2.
of refinement used to grade the mesh shown in Fig. 6. These correlation lengths were used to match those used in [27].
104 D.K.E. Green et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 68 (2015) 91–108

Fig. 6. Finite element mesh tested for SRF versus number of iterations with 7112 elements.

Shear Strain

Fig. 7. Contours of maximum shear strain at critical SRF of 1.22 for finite element mesh in Fig. 6 using 5000 iterations.

Variance Reduction

(θx , θy ) = (30 m, 3 m)
(θx , θy ) = (30 m, 1000 m)
(θx , θy ) = (1000 m, 3 m)
(θx , θy ) = (1000 m, 1000 m)






Element Area m2 

Fig. 8. Computed element variance reduction versus area for each finite element in the mesh shown in Fig. 6.

The effects of variance reduction were included in these analyses. Example outputs from NIRFS have been included to demon-
The convergence of the probability of failure versus number of sim- strate random field sampling and discretisation. Fig. 11 presents
ulations is presented in Fig. 10. the contours of maximum shear strain from one sample
After 20,000 simulations for each correlation length set, the generated by NIRFS at the maximal correlation lengths tested.
simulation was halted. The probability of failure computed by Fig. 12 presents an example of a failure mechanism for a discrete
NIRFS after 20,000 simulations is presented in Table 2. simulation generated by NIRFS with hy = 30 m and hy = 3 m, where
D.K.E. Green et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 68 (2015) 91–108 105

4.7. Discussion
The analyses demonstrate that the results computed by NIRFS
are valid and conform to the trend predicted by theory presented
Frequency (%)

30 in Mostyn and Li [32]. For a given factor of safety, changing the cor-
relation length changes the probability of failure (as also predicted
in [14]). Specifically, for slopes with factor of safety greater than
20 one it is predicted that probability of failure increases as cor-
relation length increases. This makes factor of safety an inconsis-
tent measure of reliability. This discussion will consider why the
10 computed probability of failure changes with correlation length
and how this is affected by field discretisation. Additionally, the
differences between the results presented in Table 2 from the
authors and those computed by Ji et al. [27] are examined.
Practical aspects of field discretisation for simulation were con-
sidered. The use of local averaging allows for a random field to be
discretised across an arbitrary mesh. Particularly, a graded finite
Element Area Range m2 element mesh can be used to reduce the total number of elements,
reducing the time taken for each deterministic solution. The effect
Fig. 9. Distribution of element areas for each finite element in the mesh shown in of excessive variance reduction caused by local averaging would
Fig. 6.
have only a small effect on the computed probabilities of failure
for the analyses presented. This was discussed in Section 4.5. The
order of the variance reduction relative to the scale of the material
the failure mechanism is demonstrated by the contours of parameters was very low even for the fairly coarse mesh used. It is
maximum shear strain. The friction angle and cohesion random noted that the mesh was constrained by the need to approximate
fields used to generate Fig. 12 are shown in Figs. 13 and 14 the results in Ji et al. [27]. If the choice of mesh was less restricted
respectively. standard mesh refinement techniques could be used. The effects of

Probability of Failure (%)

(θx , θy ) = (30 m, 3 m)
(θx , θy ) = (30 m, 1000 m)
(θx , θy ) = (1000 m, 3 m)
5 (θx , θy ) = (1000 m, 1000 m)

0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000
Number of Simulations
Fig. 10. Convergence of probability of failure versus number of simulations by NIRFS for the drained slope stability problem presented in Ji et al. [27].

Shear Strain

Fig. 11. Sample probabilistic failure mechanism generated by NIRFS with hx = 1000 m and hy = 1000 m. Contours show maximum shear strain.
106 D.K.E. Green et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 68 (2015) 91–108

Shear Strain

Fig. 12. Probabilistic failure mechanism generated by NIRFS with hx = 30 m and hy = 3 m. Contours show maximum shear strain.

User Data
Friction Angle Peak

Fig. 13. Probabilistic failure mechanism generated by NIRFS with hx = 30 m and hy = 3 m. Contours show / random field.

User Data
Cohesion Peak

Fig. 14. Probabilistic failure mechanism generated by NIRFS with hx = 30 m and hy = 3 m. Contours show c random field.

variance reduction could then be minimised even further. Further, analysed, if correlation length is infinite then each discrete RFEM
it is noted that the choice of correlation lengths used for the analy- simulation will be carried out with homogeneous soil shear
sis are, particularly for hx = 30 m and hy = 1000 m, quite unrealistic. strength. This is because c and / will be constant over the soil
These lengths were used to match the analysis in [27] and were domain. For homogeneous soil only log-spiral failure surfaces will
likely selected by [27] to bound the range of values for hx and hy . be generated as this is the path along which the ratio of available
Measurement of correlation lengths and more realistic values are shear resistance to failure driving forces will be lowest [17,35].
discussed in [6,21,14]. Any longer, non-logarithmic spiral failure path through the slope
Table 2 shows that the probability of failure was observed to will be able to mobilise greater shear resistance against failure
increase with increasing correlation length by both [27] and the than the critical, log-spiral surface. For cases where correlation
authors. For the size of the problem considered, an isotropic cor- length is less than infinity, non-logarithmic spiral failure surfaces
relation length of 1000 m is effectively infinite. In this case the can become critical. RFEM is capable of identifying these situations
variance between samples from the random field will reduce to as a standard part of the analysis. Also, if the correlation length is
the point variability distribution. For the slope stability problem decreased from infinity the probability of sampling a homogeneous
D.K.E. Green et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 68 (2015) 91–108 107

set of soil shear strengths (low or otherwise) from the random field methodology, it is compared to the results of a published reliability
decreases. The probability of generating a failure in a particular assessment. The results show that the methodology agrees well
discrete simulation then also decreases. with theory. The method of computing the effects of local averag-
NIRFS consistently gave similar but higher probabilities than ing over triangular elements is a special case of Gaussian quadra-
[27] except in one case. The probabilistic methods adopted by ture over simplicial (for example tetrahedral) elements [46]. The
[27] analysed only the critical circular failure surface predicted equations for variance reduction over and covariance between tet-
by deterministic limit equilibrium. RFEM is able to investigate all rahedral volumes are presented in Section 2.7. Using these equa-
possible probabilistic failure surfaces of any shape. This is the most tions and the quadrature weights in [46], the methodology
likely cause of the different probabilities of failure computed by presented could be extended to mapping random field samples
[27] and NIRFS shown in Table 2. As NIRFS is able to generate a onto three dimensional meshes of unstructured tetrahedral ele-
more varied number of possible failure types, it can be expected ments for RFEM analysis.
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