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Jabay, Jessa M.


Activity 5 1a.

Instructions: Make your caricature depicting any present political, economic,

or cultural situation in the Philippines. Provide a short explanation for the

symbolism that you used. In not more than five sentences. (5 points)

Today, as there were many issues in the Philippines—most people like to

express their thought by talking or declaring their beliefs vocally, on social medias,
etc. However, this right might be robbed from us since by the passing of the new
law which is the Anti Terrorism law it seeks to stop people from telling their views
since they may be guilty for being a terrorist. So in my opinion, just like this
caricature the ordinary Filipino or citizen is the man while the big hand is the
government or the organization and as much as the man wanted to get back his
free speech it may lead him to fall into a trap.
Jabay, Jessa M.
Activity 5. 1b

Instructions: In not more than seven sentences. Identify three (3) points

highlighted by President Corazon Aquino in her speech before the U.S. Congress on

September 18, 1986. Explain their significance. (5 points)

 Finally, may I turn to that other slavery: our $26 billion foreign debt.
I have said that we shall honor it. However, how shall we be able to
do so be kept from us? Many conditions imposed on the previous
government that stole this debt continue to be imposed on us who
never benefited from it.”
- This helps address the rising problems Filipinos had on that time as they
try to find ways to solve and to pay our foreign debts.

 Has there been a greater test of national commitment to the ideals

you hold dear than that my people have gone through? You have
spent many lives and much treasure to bring freedom to many lands
that were reluctant to receive it. Moreover, here you have a people
who won it by themselves and need only the help to preserve it.”
- It is a good sign that despite of these problems Filipinos still can do
something for their country.

 Cory ended her speech by thanking America for serving as home to

her family for what she referred to as the "three happiest years of
our lives together." She enjoined America in building the Philippines
as a new home for democracy and in turning the country into a
"shining testament of our two nations' commitment.”
- This leads to a good relationship between the United States and the
Philippines as they share empathy on us and we regained their culture
even up to this day

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