Module 6 Activity: Jabay, Jessa M. BSA 2-13

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Jabay, Jessa M.

BSA 2-13




In not more than 5 sentences, compare and contrast the historical

accounts of Antonio Pigafetta and Francisco Albo in identifying the

site of the first Mass in the Philippines.

Antoni Pigafetta’s historical accounts were much detailed than Francisco

Albo’s. However, it must be pointed out that both Albo and Pigafetta’s

testimonies coincide and corroborate with each other. As to the day to day

expedition Pigafettas’s historical accounts provide their every stop and their

activities each day. Pigafetta believe that the location of the first mass is in

Butuan while Albo’s location of the first mass was in Limasawa. Their

testimonies were both useful as to primary sources that our Historians used

up until today.
Jabay, Jessa M.
BSA 2-13


In not more than 5 sentences. Where did the First Catholic Mass take

place in the Philippines? Justify your answer.

The location of the first catholic mass was really an issue since there are

people who believe that it was first located in Limasawa while others believe

it was in Butuan. However, it was held at Limasawa, Leyte by Fray Pedro de

Valderama on March 31, 1521. Also because according to the Reexamination

of Evidence (1981) it lays down the argument that in the Pigafetta account,

a crucial aspect of Butuan—the river was not mentioned even though the

delta of said river makes a distinct characteristic of Butuan’s geography that

seemed too important to be missed. It must also be pointed out that later

on, after Magellan’s death, the survivors of his expedition went to Mindanao,

and seemingly went to Butuan. In this instance, Pigafetta vividly describes a

trip to a river. However, note that this account already happened after

Magellan's death. Later on, the NHCP or the National Historical Commission

of the Philippines points out that Ferdinand Magellan held the first mass in

Limasawa not in Butuan.

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