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Zaman BB17063 Morning A

Lecture Map:
Group Formation:
Lecture View:
Types of Group Formation
Stages of Group Formation
Properties of Group Formation
When two or more people join each other for interaction.
Types of Groups:
which based on direction of organisations.for example bba 7th semester.Cross department also formal
Informal: Which become for fulfilment of hunger. Dinner on table of 5 to 6 people randomly.
For what reason a person feels a member of a group:

The answer of the question is hidden in social identity theory. It identifies it.
High self esteem

Potentially strong

Positive and negative emotion attachment

Group Favoritism

Factors that easily identify a person for feeling a member of the group

1. Similarity (Like some people Work in the USA When they emotionally attach.
2. Distinctiveness (Something Being popular)
3. Status (Performance and resources wise)
4. Uncertainty reduction (Identify yourself after becoming member. After passing the test and
fulfillment of criteria. For Example, Admission in Punjab University as compare to Gift
5 Stages Process:

1. Forming Stages: No one know what happened next there is uncertainty in the group.
2. Storming Stage: Conflicts are raising in this stage.
3. Norming Stage: Rule, owner and direction of the group.
4. Performing Stage: Perform the rules and meet performance standards.
5. Adjourning Stage: Some groups are terminating in this group.
Punctuated Equilibrium Model:

Set the direction of the group within few seconds. Does not change the direction until complete the
half time of group. 3 phases are discussed in this model. 1st at the start 2nd in the mid and 3rd change
after some hours.

Date: 01-02-2021
Atif Zaman BB17063 Morning A

Properties of Group:

1. Role
1. Role (Any duty or any particular task performed by group member which has to
complete during stay in group. Multiples roles in the group. For example, Different
task in the company).
2. Multiples Roles
3. Role Perception (What you think about your roles)
4. Role expectations (What others people thinks about you that what you do in the
5. Role Conflicts
2. Norms
3. Group Size
4. Group Status
5. Cohesiveness
6. Diversity

Date: 01-02-2021

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