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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 3


Using of Adjectives 45 minutes Jaspher T. Laorino

I. Objectives
Within the allotted time, pupils are expected to:
a. Identify adjectives in the sentence;
b. Answer comprehension questions correctly;
c. Use adjectives to describe a noun;
d. Participate to the discussion attentively;
e. Show kindness to other people.

II. Contents

Using Adjectives Visual aids, charts, flash

cards, pictures, puzzled letters
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities

Teacher`s Activity Student`s Activity

1. Drill
“Good Morning class…” “Good Morning Ma`am!”

How are you today? “It was great Ma`am!”

“That`s good to know.

Today, we have another tongue twister to

practice on...
2. Review
What did we discuss previously?

B. Developmental Activities

a. Motivation
Great! Well, let`s begin this with a short Yes, we are ready!
story, are you ready to listen?

But before that, I have here a picture

What do you see? Ma`am, there is a boy helping the old
What did the boy do in the picture? The boy helped the old woman.

What are things should the good boy do? Help, respect..etc.
b. Unlocking of Difficulties
Give the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.
1. I`m begging from you. The underlined word means;
a. extreme povery
b. old woman
c. to ask in charity
2. A kind-heart man always receices a reward.
a. cruel b. good c. violent
Setting of Standards
Class, what will you do when a Sit properly, behave and listen
teacher is talking here in front? carefully.

Very good! Can I expect that from Yes, ma`am!

you, class?
b. Presentation

“The Boy With A Kind Heart”

Author: Unknown

Once upon a time, there were two friends John and Roy who went to a farm to plant
sugarcane. Each of them carried food for their lunch and a bottle of water. Roy went
ahead, afterward he met a old woman, “ Please give me food for I am hungry”, the
old woman begged. “Go away old woman, I have no food for you!” Roy shouted.

Meanwhile, his friend John was washing his face in the stream when he saw the old
woman. “Please give me food for I am hungry,” the old woman begged. Immediately,
John opened his bag where he kept his food and shared it to the old woman. Then he
gave her water to drink too. The old woman thanked John for the food. “You have a
kind heart, because of that I will give you a reward,” said the old woman. “Go to the
tree with a large stone under it. Remove the stone and you can find a bag filled with
money. Take it as my reward for your kindness to me. John was surprised but then he
thanked the old woman and went to the tree after she described.

He found the tree with a large stone under it, he removed the stone and found the bag
filled with money! John was very happy and went running back to the old woman to
thank her but she was already gone. “Thank you old woman, thank you Lord! John
shouted to the wind. So he went back home and happily bought delicious food and
nice clothes for himself and his family.

Comprehenson Check-up

Teacher`s Activity Student`s Activity

1. what is the title of the story? The Boy With A Kind Heart
2. Who are the characters of the story? -John, Roy and the old woman
3. How would you describe John in the -He has a kind heart.
4. What did the old woman ask for? -She was asking for food.
5. Is John a good boy? Why? Yes, because he shared his food to the old
c. Values Infusion
What have you learned from the story? Be kind to other people...
Do not be greedy
If you see someone begging food, what will Give them food and help them.
you do to them?

c. Discussion
I have here sentences, let us read and study
1. The old woman begged for food.
2. You have a kind heart, so I will give
you a reward.
3. Go to the tree with a large stone under
4. He bought delicious food in the market.
5. He wears a nice clothes.
Class, the underlined word in each sentence is called an adjective.
Adjective- is a word that describes a noun and its pronoun.
Here are some examples:
(The teacher will present a video about adjectives.)
d. Enrichment Activities
Group Activity
I have here four pictures which will serve us your guide to do your group activity.

Group 1. Arrange the scrambled letters that best describe the given pictures.
picture word
Clown Fnnuy
Fish Fsreh(fresh)
Girl Lveoyl
Group 2. Use ff. adjectives in a sentence.
Group 3. Read the short poem and find all the adjectives in it, then color them with red.
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.
Group 4. Describe the picture using adjectives. You can write as many adjectives as you
e. Generalization
What do we call the word that describes a Adjective, ma`am.
What is an adjective again? It is a word that describe a noun.

f. Application
(Board work) The teacher will let the pupils underline the adjectives in the sentence.
Direction: Underline the adjectives in each sentence.
1. They live in a beautiful house.
2. Lisa is wearing a blue ribbon today.
3. My friend Rico is a smart kid.
4. He has a small bagpack.
5. The cake is so sweet.

g. Evaluation
Get one whole sheet of paper and answer this one.
Encircle the adjective/s that you can find in the sentence.
1. We watched a long movie.
2. My teacher is kind to me.
3. The young girl dances gracefully.
4. Everyone was happy to see the show.
5. The sad student went home immediately.

h. Assignment
Describe yourself! Write 3 sentences that best describe yourself.

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