Reflection On The Video - 1

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A Review on
The Video Lecture for the Week (1)

Submitted by Anish Philip

Submitted to Rev Michael Kumar Chatterjee
Submitted on 10 March 2021


World history of church is the subject we are learning. It involves the beginning of Christianity.

Different events in the church history and how it unfolded?, In the fullness of time Jesus was send.
We all know about our individual churches but the focus here is to understand the universal church,
were it began and were the journey of faith started.

• Papacy: The power of pope (in roman catholic). Pope’s policy is Petrine.
• Islamic power took over many centers of Christianity (like Syria, Damascus)
• The Great schism in 1054: Division between eastern and western church. Greek (orthodox)
and Latin(catholic) churches
• Three important reformers of Christian Church: Martin Luther, John Calvin and Ulrich

• Renaissance period in Europe and degeneration of papacy.

• Morning stars of reformation: John Wycliffe, John Huss, and Savonarola.
• Council of Trent: It permanently divided into Roman Catholic and protestant
• Holy Inquisition: Inquisition of protestants in the open court.
• Ecumenical Movement: All for one and one for all.

Unit-1: World History-Outline:

History: It is a Greek word which means an enquiry, research, exploration or information, has been
defined by various scholars in various ways. History is not just ‘HIS’ ‘STORY’ but it is also the history
of church.
According to Aristotle the philosopher: ‘History is an account of the unchanging past’
E.H. Carr defines "History is a link between the past and the present, it is an unending dialogue
between the past and the present".
The American historian Allen Navin's defines "History is actually a bridge connecting the past with
the present and pointing the road to the future".
In simple words, history is the record of past event or incident. A retelling, information, inquiry or
interpretation of these events in a sustained account can also be called history. History may be
defined as the interpreted record of the socially significant human past, based on organized data
collected by the scientific method from archaeological, literary, or living sources. The church
historian must be just as impartial in his collection of the data of history as the secular historian is,
even though the church historian recognizes the fact that neither of them will be neutral to the data
but each will approach the material with a framework of interpretation. Church history, then, is the
interpreted record of the origin, process, and impact of Christianity on human society, based on
organised data gained by scientific method from archaeological, documentary, or living sources. It
is interpreted, organised story of the redemption of mankind and the earth. The work of the Holy
spirit in and through the church imparts a supernatural element to church history. God is
transcendent in creation but immanent in history and in redemption.

In scientific approach there is archaeological evidence and is based on oral tradition, literate
tradition, tombs, coins, and all plays a lot. The travel from the Universal church to the individual
church reveals the history of Christianity. By roots we can tell the fruit. Scientific ordered study of
Christianity began in 19th century called Historiography.
Before 19th century the study was limited;
1. Non-critical approach
2. Study of limited area
3. Religious and moral interpretations.

Purpose of the study of History:

1. Enable people to understand and assess the present reality.
2. Equip people to shape a bright future.
3. To take a positive step forward and to build up the human family (community) making use of
the rich treasures earned by experience and enshrined in their heritage.

Significance of the study of History:

1. To study the lives and works of church fathers and great people that inspires, creates
enthusiasm and zeal for Christian mission.
2. Knowledge of the mission history of the past serves as a basis for understanding the present.
3. Knowledge of history leads to better understanding of culture, places, and events. It helps to
make an impact upon one’s society.
Persecution started with Stephen it happened because of the misinterpretation of the practice of

The Value of Church History:

1. Church history as a synthesis (putting it together)
2. Church history is an aid to understanding the present
3. Church history as a guide
4. Church history as a motivational force
5. Church history as a practical tool
6. Church history as a liberalizing force.

Periods of Church History:

1. Ancient Church History: 5 BCE to 590 CE
• The Spread of Christianity in the Empire to 100
• The Struggle of the Old Catholic Imperial Church for Survival, 100 -313
• The Supremacy of the Old Catholic Imperial Church, 313 - 590
2. Medieval Church History: 590 to 1517
• The rise of the Empire and Latin-Teutonic Christianity, 590 - 800
• Ebb and Flow in relationships between church and state, 800 -1054
• The Supremacy of the Papacy, 1054 - 1305
• Medieval Sunset and Modern Sunrise, 1305 1517
3. Modern Church History: 1517 – till date
• Reformation and Counter-Reformation, 1517-1648
• Rationalism, Revivalism, and Denominationalism, 1648 – 1789
• Revivalism, Mission, and modernism, 1789-1914
• Church and society in Tensions since 1914-


It is the art of writing History. Whatever we are reading is subjective but how we narrate it in the
present time is the objective.
So, History is the Gods plan for His people.

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